#reapers fall
wonderswritings · 1 year
Reapers Fall
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Summary: It was just one moment, one moment that changed everything.  Warnings: Angst, Character Death, Pre-Established Relationship Pairings: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem!Reader AN: This could be considered an AU for my COD OC series, but at the same time not really. The only thing I’ve taken from my series is the codename Reaper and the mask she wears.  OOC Ghost maybe? More than likely- oh well. No use of ‘yn’ POV changes from yours to Ghosts. And I'm sorry if the ending seems rushed. I tried rewriting it but I wasn't able to change much.
How did you end up here? How did it come to this? Gasping for air, blood pouring under your fingers, causing your fingers to slip. There was no point really, but you still had to try. Because it wasn’t supposed to be like this. So how, how did it end like this? Alone, hot and dying.
It wasn’t supposed to happen. They’d always been paired together, from the moment she’d been assigned to the task force, they’d been joined at the hip, a shadow to the other. So why was he just standing there, frozen in place, watching as the building she was in erupted into flames? Why wasn’t he moving? Why wasn’t he calling for her through the comms?
“Reaper will be the one to get the intel while the rest of you provide cover.”
Sparing her a glance, he could see the way she was tense, her mask hiding her face but even then, he could picture the look she’d wear. 
“Sir, Reaper will need backup. Someone should-”
“Reaper is more than capable. If we send someone else with her, the element of surprise will no longer be ours. We’re all going to be her backup from the outside, drawing their attention from her and the building.”
“Someone needs to be with her-”
“The plan is final Ghost. Reaper will go in alone and the others will provide cover. You will provide cover. Am I clear?”
Clenching his jaw, he glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, seeing her mask pointed in his direction. It was small, such a small movement that anyone else would’ve missed it, but he was attuned to her, and he caught the twitch of her finger causing him to look back at Price, nodding.
“Yes sir.”
Price nodded once, leaning back
“Good. We leave at 0900. Dismissed.”
Without waiting he turned, leaving the room. He was angry, huffing as he made his way to his room. The door slammed shut behind him as he walked towards his desk, his hands on the edge as he leaned forward, taking a few deep breaths before he yelled, swiping his hands at the things on the desk, knocking everything over. He didn’t bother to turn when the door opened, keeping his back to the door as it shut.
He huffed, hearing her walk towards him.
He took a deep breath, turning towards her. She had taken her mask off, her head tilted to the side as she glanced down at the mess he’d made before she looked up at him.
She held her hand out towards him, causing him to sigh softly as he walked towards her, placing his hand in hers. Together they walked towards his bed, Reaper sitting on his bed first, leaning against the wall, making space for him between her legs. He moved to lay down on top of her, wrapping his arms around her middle as he placed his head on her stomach. Her fingers tickled the edge of his mask, and with a quick motion he pulled it off, dropping it onto the bed beside them. He hummed as she ran her fingers through his hair, leaning closer into her.
“Everything will be okay.”
“You can’t say that. Don’t say that.”
“We’re always paired together. Every mission, it’s you and me.”
“It’ll still be you and me, we just won’t be side by side. But you’ll still have my back.”
He turned his head, looking up at her.
She smiled, her right hand moving down to cup his jaw, her thumb smoothing along his cheek.
“And I will always come back to you.”
He huffed, laying back down against her.
“I don’t like it.”
She sighed, running her fingers through his hair.
“Me either. But I’ll be fine. Should anything go wrong, I know you’ll be there. We can do this.”
He tightened his grip on her, huffling slightly.
“We could stay, right here.”
She laughed, causing him to move with her. He leaned back, looking up at her.
“M’serious. We could.”
“But you won’t. And neither will I. That’s not who we are.”
He huffed, nuzzling back into her.
“But, we do have roughly two hours before we have to leave. So until then, we can just stay here.”
He nodded, tightening his grip on her as she leaned her head back against the wall, slightly scooching down some so she could be more comfortable as she resumed running her fingers through his hair. In hindsight, they should’ve stayed in bed.
“Everyone clear on the plan?”
“Yes sir.”
Turning towards Ghost, you looked up at him, cocking your head over your shoulder. He nodded, following you out of the room and into one of the bedrooms in the safehouse, closing the door behind you. You unclipped the top portion of your mask as you stepped closer to Ghost, standing on your tippy toes as he leaned down, pressing your foreheads together.
“I’ll see you soon.”
He placed his hand below your tac vest, gently squeezing.
“I’ll see you soon.”
There was a knock at the door, causing you to sigh.
“Sorry guys, but it’s time.”
You both separated, Ghost watching you as you moved to clip your mask back, when he reached out, pulling you back to him as he took the bottom half of your mask off, reaching up and pushing his own mask up, leaning down and kissing you. He was already pulling his mask down before you could respond, helping you with your own. You walked towards the door, about to open it when Ghost reached out, taking your hand in his, causing you to turn back towards him. He squeezed your hand, causing you to smile behind your mask as you squeezed back. Opening the door, you saw Johnny leaning against the wall across from the room, a grin on his face as he looked between your hand and Ghost’s. Letting his hand go, you held a finger up in front of you, shaking your head.
Johnny grinned, holding his hands out in front of him.
“Didnae say anything.”
You huffed, shaking your head.
“You didn’t have to. Your face said it all.”
He just grinned, shrugging his shoulders as he turned his gaze towards Ghost.
“Lt was just-”
You grinned, shaking your head as you started to walk down the hall.
“Come on boys, times wasting. And I have plans.”
Johnny pushed off the wall, hitting his arm against Ghost’s, shooting him a grin when he turned to look at him.
“Those plan’s being you, right Lt?”
Ghost just stared at him before he turned, leaving him to stand in the middle of the hallway before he followed.
Making your way into the town, you snuck through the shadows towards the main building. Reaching up, you pressed the button on your mic.
“In position.”
“Rog. Blast in three, two, one.”
You could hear the bomb going off, Johnny’s “hell yea” sounding through the comms causing you to grin as you watched the people in the building run out, armed as they yelled orders.
“They’re coming to you. Looks to be about twenty, twenty-five.”
“Rog. Intel is on the tenth floor, third room from the stairs. We’ll keep 'em busy while you get the intel.”
You gave it an extra five minutes after the last person ran out before you started to make your way to the building. You kept your gun close to you as you made your way to the stairs, slightly huffing when you saw just how many stairs you’d have to climb.
“Making my way to the tenth floor now.”
“Rog. We’re taking fire but nothing we can’t handle. Just get the intel and get out.”
“You know, I don’t think it’s fair that Reaper gets the easy part while the rest of us are getting shot at.”
You scoffed, shaking your head as you climbed the last flight of stairs.
“We can always switch places Gaz. I’d much rather be out there than here.”
“Negative. No one’s switching places with anyone.”
You grinned as you slowly pushed the door to the tenth floor open, checking that the hall was clear before you entered.
“Aw come on Price.”
You walked down the hall, clearing each room before you found the server room. You walked towards the computer, grabbing the flashdrive from your pocket. You plugged it in, starting the file transfer.
“Downloading intel now.”
“Rog. How long?”
“Five minutes? Could be longer depending on how much there is.”
“Rog. Stay on comms.”
“Where else would I go?”
Price huffed, turning to look over at Ghost.
“Does she have to have a response for everything?”
“Is that a question you really need answered?”
Ghost grinned, slightly shaking his head as he reloaded his gun, glancing over at Price.
“You’re the one who wanted her to open up more.”
“Now she’s a pain in my ass.”
“Let’s be fair here, we all know she’s your favorite.”
“Don’t have favorites.”
“Aw, cmon Price. Everyone knows that Gaz is your favorite and then I-”
A gunshot sounded through the comms, her gasp ringing in his ears.
“Reaper, status report?”
Ghost tightened his grip on his gun, his breath catching as he waited for a response.
“Reaper, status report?”
Ghost’s shoulders dropped as he breathed, closing his eyes for a second.
“Hostile down.”
Ghost jerked, his eyes slightly widening.
You took a deep breath as you leaned back against the wall, huffing slightly.
“Hostile attacked, killed em’.”
“You injured?”
You looked down, glaring at your fingers that were coated in blood.
You looked over at the computer when it dinged, seeing the drive was done downloading the files. With a grunt, you used the wall for support as you pulled yourself up, walking towards the computer.
“Files are done.”
You ejected the drive, placing it in your pocket as you turned.
“Heading out now.”
There was a loud sound, a heat burning at your back before everything went dark.
“Files are done. Heading out now.”
Ghost breathed a sigh of relief, forcing the sound of her gasp to the back of his mind as he focused on the fact that she wasn’t injured. She was alive and she was making her way back to him. Just like she promised. But that smudge of relief, the happiness was diminished as quickly as it appeared when the building she was in exploded. They’d all ducked, and for a moment everything was silent before the comms erupted, everyone yelling for her to respond. But to him it was just white noise as he stared at the building, watching the flames grow in size. The flames illuminating everything in the dark.
“Reaper! Reaper come in!”
“Answer dammit!”
The longer they went without a response, the more tense they all became. But Ghost was frozen, his gaze unmoving from the building. He jerked when he was tackled, moving to throw them off of him when he saw who it was.
“Come on Lt, snap out of it!”
He shoved Johnny off of him, ducking behind the wall they were using for cover. He could still see the building, and as the flames grew brighter, he was snapped out of it as he reached up, pressing the button for his mic.
He clenched his jaw, his glare hardening on the building.
“Reaper, come in.”
“Come back to me Grim, right now. Come back to me.”
You groaned as you came to, coughing as you slowly looked around.
“Come back to me!”
Your hand shook as you reached up, pressing the button for your mic.
“He-here. M’here.”
You could practically feel his relief through the comms as you let your hand fall back to your side.
“Status report Reaper.”
“Injured. My- I got shot. S’below my vest.”
“Through and through?”
You groaned as you pushed yourself up, reaching underneath you.
“Where are you?”
You fell back down to the floor, squinting as you looked around.
“Tenth floor still, I think. The blast threw me.”
“I'm coming.” 
“Negative Ghost."
You groaned as you turned onto your side, slowly pushing yourself onto your front, taking a couple of deep breaths before you attempted to sit up, kneeling as you placed your hand over your wound, trying to apply pressure as you prepared to stand.
"We've got incoming."
Shakingly you stood, your vision swimming as you shook your head.
"Don't Ghost, m'good. Making my way out now."
“Be careful Reaper. Hostiles are swarming the town. We’ll keep 'em busy until you can get out.”
“Copy. Heading down now.”
“Grim, go to channel 2, now.”
You switched channels as you held onto the wall for support, slowly starting to make your way down the hall.
“Something wrong?”
“Just- you have-”
You smiled slightly as you pushed the door to the stairs open, grabbing onto the railing.
“I’ll see you soon, remember? I prom-”
You cut off with a scream when another explosion rocked the building, the stairs you were on falling apart beneath you, causing you to fall. You gasped when you landed on the floor, pain shooting throughout your body. Slowly, you tried to push yourself up, only to fall back down. You huffed as you looked around, seeing a metal beam pinning you down. There was just enough space for you to slip your hand between the beam and your body, finding the bullet wound and applying pressure. You tried calling out to the others, but there was no response. Black spots started to fill your vision as your hands slipped, the puddle of blood growing. The building started to shake, debris falling around you when there was another explosion that rocked the building. Using what little strength you had left, you reached for your comm, attempting to reach the others one last time.
“Gh- Ghost please, come in.”
Tears welled in your eyes when there was no response. You were all alone, trapped and injured with no way out. 
“I- I’m sorry. I love you.” 
“I’ll see you soon, remember? I prom-”
Ghost froze when Reaper screamed, looking around from the wall he was hidden behind, watching as a missile hit the building. The others were screaming in his ear, but there was no response from Reaper. He barely registered Price calling for them to retreat, his body frozen in place. He jerked when he was pushed to the ground, seeing Soap next to him.
“We’ve got to go Lt!”
Ghost shook his head as she shoved Soap away from him, turning back towards the building, watching as parts of it began to fall. 
“-ost. Sorry. Lo- ou.”
There was a sharp pain in the back of his head, black spots taking over his vision.
Soap looked up when the heart monitor Ghost was attached to started to beep erratically, jumping up when Ghost started to fight the restraints.
“Ghost! Calm down, you’re okay.”
Ghost continued to fight, trying to break the straps when Price rushed in, grabbing him by the shoulders, raising his voice.
“Simon, calm down!”
He stopped, his breathing heavy as he stared up at Price.
Ghost nodded once, causing Price and Soap to let him go.
“Where is she? Where’s Reaper?
“What happened?”
Price sighed, sharing a look with Soap, trying to decide the best way to tell Ghost.
“Where is she Price.”
“We don’t know. The building she was in was blown up, there was no way she could’ve survived. We were outgunned and outnumbered. We had to retreat.”
“Why am I here?”
“You wouldn’t leave. You weren’t even listening. You just- you kept calling for her. So-”
Soap stepped forward, looking down at Ghost.
“So I knocked you out.”
“We’d sedated you on the plane after you came to and attacked Soap.”
Ghost glanced at Soap, causing him to shrug.
“M’fine. Busted lip s’all the damage you did.”
“Can I leave?”
Price nodded as he and Soap started to undo the straps holding Ghost down, watching as he sat up before he stood, making his way to the door.
Ghost stopped, slightly turning his head, looking over his shoulder as Price.
“For whatever it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
Ghost huffed as he turned, walking out of the room. He made his way back to his room, the door slamming shut behind him. He stared at his bed, glaring at it. The sheets were still wrinkled from where they’d laid only hours ago, Reaper in his arms and her heartbeat in his ear, every soothing. With a growl he turned, balling his hand into a fist, punching the wall. His chest heaved as he yanked his mask off, leaning his forehead against the wall, tears forming in his eyes.
“You promised.”
It took the team two days to see Ghost again, and when he’d finally emerged from his room, they chose not to comment on the new mask he wore. It was an older version of Reapers, one she had worn when she and Ghost first met, the day she’d cracked both hers and his own mask when she’d headbutted him. From that day forward, Ghost was only ever present, Simon buried the day he lost her- lost his light. He never spoke of Reaper again, but he wore her mask every day, a reminder of what he had lost, and what he was fighting for. But miles away, in the town where both Reaper and Simon had died, Reaper’s body was pulled from the wreckage. And days later, her eyes opened.
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Reaper’s Fall Tags:
Everything Tags:
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halloween-sweets · 1 year
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lyricthecat-12 · 15 days
A little tribute to some of my favorite RWBY fight scenes
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spiderliliez · 11 months
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Verna, orchestrating Leo’s demise. A creepy good reveal from this cat shelter scene! 🐀 [+] CARLA GUGINO 🥀 [+] ..more on “The Fall of the House of Usher” [+] ..more CAT GIFs 🐈
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concretesweetner · 2 months
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this is canon now according to the book of bill
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ex0skeletal-undead · 11 months
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Autumn Requiem by Derek-Castro
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kikithecoconut · 5 months
Not in a million years will I recover from the chaos of the family dinner scene in the first episode of usher. It is so funny. Everything is so unserious regardless of how serious the topic is.
Breaking it down per person at the table.
Roderick trying so hard to be supportive of Mori’s cakes, really hyping her up more than he’s ever hyped up any of his actual kids. Then proceeding to place a 50 million dollar bounty on the head of one of his kids - he doesn’t know who it is but hey if one of the others work it out they can have his millions!!
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Madeline, perhaps the only fully serious person at the table trying to explain that these NDA’s are in fact consequential and that she will literally kill the mole and will not care as she does it.
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Juno who spends the whole scene drinking wine, her only line of dialogue being in response to Camille who is MOCKING HER MARRIAGE
“Speaking of prenups, how are things Juno?”
“Going great,”
SPOKEN WITH GREAT EXHAUSTION please give this girl a break
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Arthur Pym who spends the entire scene in silence but while handing out NDA forms bashes Tamerlane in the head and doesn’t even apologise
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Freddie being Freddie…..so oblivious and silly
“By neutralised do you mean sued into oblivion, taken out of the board, on the streets?”
“Neutralised. Like dead.”
Please Frederick it’s almost as if you’ve never met your aunt.
But then towards the middle of the scene when Vic is like “if any of us really were collecting or uttering of family secrets, I think we all know who that is.”
AND HE JUST ASSUMES ITS HIM AND HES LIKE “fine!!!! Watch me sign it then!!!!”
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Tamerlane (and Bill) taking her one opportunity to mock Frederick, “how DO you spell Fraudrick?”
Bill trying so hard to be polite and make conversation with Ali, “have you gotten to sign an original Pym yet? It’s a rite of passage, just wait until you see the prenup.” He is trying his best go bill go!!
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Vic remains shockingly tame throughout this scene
Ali asking to let her guys look at the NDA and immediately regretting it
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“I bet it’s cake.”
“Waaait. Is this also cake?”
“Debutant balls, is that what you think I do?”
I hope he knows how funny he is because he was truly the star of this scene although Camille is genuinely hilarious
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“Oh! Paperwork from the Pym Reaper, always a blast.”
“You guys, we really should get together more often, it’s just a balm for the soul.”
“Speaking of prenups, how are things Juno?”
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Perry doesn’t have any lines either 💔
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But all of this being backed by dramatic violin music that sounds like it should be playing at the start of the apprentice takes it
This scene is so good. The chemistry between all of them is hilarious I truly wish they’d all been in more scenes together before kids started dying left right and centre
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panthermouthh · 1 year
The death character with the shroud and halo is INCREDIBLE!!! I cannot overstate how much i love their design and how you drew them. Truly beautiful work!! Also, excellent song choice in the caption
Thank you! I may have given myself brain worms about it last night. Here’s a little more art and lore I’ve done today :)
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wronghands1 · 5 days
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flipjack · 11 days
My people!
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wonderswritings · 1 year
Reapers Fall 3: Memories of a Promise
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Summary: One moment, it only takes one moment. Pairings: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Fem!Reader Reapers Fall  Ready to Comply
Time. Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back. Time is endless when you are in pain. Two years ago, you died, and Simon died with you. For a year, he lived with the knowledge that he had failed you, and you had died in pain and alone. He blamed himself, and threw himself into missions, not caring about his own safety as he went from one mission to next without break. And then, a year later, his world was tilted off its axis once more. You were alive. You were alive and standing in front of him. And then, as quickly as you returned, you’d disappeared. For a year, him and the rest of 141 searched for you. But while their leads came up empty, you were completing missions. In the span of a year, you had created a new name for yourself, a new identity that caused fear in those who heard even a whisper of your name. The Phantom who appeared and disappeared, leaving behind dead bodies. No one knew anything about you, except that anyone who faced you would die. There’d be no witnesses, no cameras catching you in the act, just bodies. Bodies upon bodies. You were the Phantom, but he was the Ghost and he would do whatever it takes to bring you back.
The day of your funeral, it rained. From sunup to sun down, it rained. And at the time of your funeral, it poured. A storm rolling in as the casket was lowered into the ground. 141 sat in the front, the other seats filled with people you’d worked with, others there for support. But Ghost? No one saw him. They didn’t even believe he’d showed up. But he was there, hidden in the shadows in the back. When everyone had left, he was still there, unmoving as he stared at the uneven ground. The flowers that laid on top and around mocked him, and as he turned to leave, a flash of lightning hit in the distance, illuminating the area before he left. For three months, he avoided the cemetery, when one night, as the rain started to pick up, reminding him of that day, he made his way to the cemetery. Even though he’d only been there once before, he had the path memorized. His chest became heavy as he came to the tree that stood over your grave, his eyes widening slightly when he saw the gravestone. He had no idea who had picked it, but looking at it it didn’t feel as though it did enough justice for you. With a huff he sat down, the rain seeping into his clothes as he held a blank stare with the gravestone. 
“Yo- I- I hate you. You lied. You made a promise and you broke it. You left me. You were the person who loved me when I was unlovable and you left me.”
Tears welled in his eyes as he shook his head, huffing slightly. 
“But I- I love you. I will always love you. I’ll see you again, on the other side of the stars.”
That day, when he left your grave for the second time, it solidified that you were gone and you were never coming back. That was the first and last time he’d visited your grave.
Now, Ghost was forced to leave the base, orders given to take the day, relax. As if he’d ever relax. He wouldn’t relax until you were back, back where you belonged. The car that’d brought him into the city left him, with explicit instructions that they wouldn’t return until he’d spent twenty-four hours off of base property. With no particular destination in mind, he began to walk. He walked for hours before he stopped, frozen. The sign on the gate glared back at him, and as he turned his gaze, he was able to see the tree that haunted him. Huffing slightly he walked through the gate, following the familiar path before he came to a stop, glaring at the headstone. It’d been a year and a half since he’d last come to the grave, and he had no intentions of ever stepping foot here again. His eyes followed the lettering that spelled your name, the gold letters shining in the light. He glared at the numbers that symbolize your death, scoffing. For two years, he’d mourned. He’d mourned you, the life you both could’ve had together. And it was all a lie. A lie because you weren’t dead, you were alive. He should’ve fought harder. He should’ve fought to go back to that stupid town, he should’ve fought for them to keep your status as MIA and not KIA, he should’ve refused to let them bury an empty casket. He should’ve, he should’ve. 
“You- you kept your promise. You came back. You came back, to me. You kept your promise, but I didn’t. I didn’t and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. But I’m going to keep it now. I will find you. I’ll find you and bring you back. I’ll bring you back home. I promise.”
The last time he left the cemetery, his shoulders were tense, his steps heavy and his heart buried in the ground next to you. Now, his steps were light, and his heart was beating with something he’d lost some time ago, hope.
Sitting in the chair, you said nothing as your handler spoke with the doctors. Your mind was still hazy, trying to piece together what happened on the mission. Your orders were clear, find the enemy combatants and neutralize them. After you’d blown up the building two of them were in, you moved to take out the one who was in the building, picking the team assigned as your backup one by one. When you found him, a fight broke out between you both, going from the building to the square, and after he’d kicked you in the face, your mask that you were forced to wear every time you left the base had fallen off, you slowly turned back towards him, looking up at him. You both stared at each other, when he yelled.
“No! Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!”
You slightly glared as you glanced over at the burning building, huffing. The two inside must’ve survived.
“It’s- it’s Grim.”
His voice broke as he said a name, causing you to make a face as you tilted your head to the side.
“Who the hell is that?”
You looked down when you saw something from the corner of your eye, watching as the small smoke grenade came to a stop between you both, going off. As the smoke filled the area, hands grabbed you, and you turned, seeing your head guard glaring at you as he dragged you away, the man screaming the unfamiliar name before you were shoved into the van, a needle being pressed to your neck, the last thing you heard was the man’s voice breaking as he screamed. Now, your handler was yelling, screaming in the faces of the doctors. Making a face you looked up, looking over at your handler, repeating the name that you’d heard, causing everyone to stop and turn towards you.
“Who is that?”
Your handler walked towards you, shaking his head.
“No one.”
“The man, he- he knew me.”
“Yes. You’ve met him before, on the mission that led you to be transferred into our care. He’s the one who hurt you, who killed you. He’s your mission. Him and his team.”
You slightly made a face as you turned, looking up at your handler.
“But I- I know him.”
Your handler glared as he turned towards the doctors.
“She shouldn’t remember anything. The memory wipes worked, those were your words.”
You watched as he lifted his gun, shooting the lead doctor in the head, causing the other two doctors to jump as the lead doctor fell to the floor.
“Fix her, or you’ll be the next dead body.”
They nodded, rushing towards you. In a flurry of movements, the chair began to move, and a mouth guard was placed in you mouth once the chair was laying flat. The machine began to whirl, the buzzing growing louder as it moved over your head. The doctors moved the correct pieces into place, and once they stepped back, your body convulsed as the shocks pulsed through your head. 
“I promise, I will always come back to you. I’ll see you soon.”
The mouth guard muffled your screams as your eyes welled with tears. 
“I’ll see you soon.”
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Reaper’s Fall Tags:
Everything Tags:
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halloween-sweets · 2 years
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geriaunelysk · 3 months
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"Falling for you" cover
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 • Part 5 • Part 6
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darkurgetrash · 6 days
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I love my dnd boyfriend, but the fact that, canonically, she is as tall as his thigh is… 😆 (we pretend we do not see)
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leona-florianova · 1 year
There are many great guides n charts on in which order to read Discworld, my personal favorite way to do it, besides the classical "whichever book of the series you find in the library", is picking the one that corresponds the best to the current season/holiday/weather/general vibe in our own world.
I highly recommend that..at least to second time readers.
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emyartblog · 25 days
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