#really really hoping it’ll all go smoothly. and it probably will
seraphinitegames · 11 months
The Wayhaven Chronicles - Update 03/Nov/2023
A different and exciting update this week!!
So, a little while ago, I had this idea pop into my head, and I just couldn’t let it go. It built and built until it formed into a full-fledged plan in my head and then on paper. But I didn’t really do much about it because time-constraints, etc.
But with Book Four being quite intense in different ways, the idea I was imagining was much more…fluffy, hehe! Not that Book Four doesn’t have some awesome fun, downtime moments, but this other thought was more of that.
Then one day I mentioned it to Nai, and she absolutely loved it, so then it started to become even more of a plan with her excitement fueling it!
And this week, I began making a real start on it…
I don’t really want to promise anything quite yet—as you can probably guess considering the theme of this project that it’s a bit of a tight schedule if I want to get it out on time—and I would hate to disappoint anyone, but I really am slamming through it already and am ahead of the very strict schedule I have for it!
If it comes together as smoothly as hoped, then it’ll be available for purchase via itch.io for Windows, PC, as we haven’t managed to find anyone who could port it for us yet, but hopefully that might still happen! It’ll also be avaliable for $5+ patrons on Patreon as a free download on Windows, PC!
Next week I will be squeezing in social media days before hammering back through this again!
I realise I’m being super vague about this, but I will be sharing much more as the weeks go on, and it begins coming more to life, but I can give a small hint…
Waiting at The Square, on a Very Chilly Evening.
Christmas in Wayhaven.
It's sparkling, frosted, and magical…quite literally.
Which means the spirit of the season takes on a whole new perspective when you know magic is actually real.
Prepare for something light, fluffy, cosy, and full of festive fun with those Unit Bravo romances… ;D
(This ‘novella/side-story’-type game won’t be considered canon or anything, so you don’t need to play it to enjoy the main series if it’s not something you’re interested in. It’s more just a nice moment between the books to simply indulge much more in the actual romance-side of things, hehe!)
I hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update again next Friday with more hints about what’s to come…hehehe! ;D
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badaseyebags · 7 months
private lessons ⋆。°✩ chapter 2 ⟢
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fluffy, suggestive, smut in upcoming chapters
word count: 3k+ (phew)
warnings: very obvious power dynamics, just some making out, a bit of begging, lots of praise, lots of pet names, BADA CALLS HERSELF MOMMY!!!! aaaa
author’s note: i’m back 😳 i’m sorry that this took much longer then i expected, pls don’t block me 😞 i hope this is readable and not too disappointing @-@ i promise there’s actual smut coming soon! feel free to leave some feedback/suggestions! thank you so much for reading ♡ -booger 🍞
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with one last glance in the mirror you gathered the remainder of your courage and slipped on your shoes, grabbing your purse with shaky hands. why were you so nervous? it’s not like you’re going over to her house to get bent over. you’re simply going to get tutored. unfortunately you remind yourself why you’re in this position in the first place, due to your lack of concentration during her classes. you sigh shaking your head, applying a second coat your favourite lipgloss nonetheless, just for good measures! was it too much? was it obvious you put in a little more effort than you usually do? would she notice? why would she? and why do you even care so much in the first place? she’s just a teacher after all..
she had texted you the address and you realised she actually lived a bit further, which is probably why she offered to come pick you up in the first place, not wanting to inconvenience her any further you politely refused. maybe you were starting to regret it knowing it’ll take a long time to get there by bus, and you’ll most likely be late.. late to your first ever tutoring class, what a great way to start. woohoo!
you put your headphones on, making your way into the bus and finding an empty seat all the way in the back. that way you could have some privacy to collect yourself before you meet her. actually.. that wasn’t really working and you began getting more nervous so you decided to pull out your notebook to mindlessly doodle for the time being. it turned out quite cute you thought to yourself, staring at the sketch, imagining those two figures kissing were you and her. oh no, you’re doing it again. you and your stupid imagination! and that’s not even the first time you caught yourself doing something so silly. you close your notebook shoving it back into your bag, just a few stops away from your destination. phew. time to actually collect yourself!
with wobbly knees you make your way to her apartment, palms sweaty as you smooth them over your skirt. 10 minutes, you’re 10 minutes late.. would she notice? she’s having a day off that she sacrificed specifically to help you, and you dare come late? oh no, you’re definitely screwed. you start panicking as guilt washes over you, practicing your apology in your head, accidentally ringing her doorbell in the process. fuck. you didn’t mean to do that just yet, you weren’t ready. if you’re fast enough you can just ru-
you heard the door nob turning, soon revealing a tall slim figure in front of you. “oh miss y/n! you decided to show up after all, and here i thought you didn’t need my help anymore” she teases giving you a half smile making your heart jump, not only due to you being late, but because of how effortlessly attractive she looked with her two toned hair tied back into a messy loose braid, complimenting her light blue button up paired with some slacks. not to mention the sound of her half groggy voice calling out your name and the way it slid past her lips so smoothly.
“h-hello mrs. lee i am so sorry for being late! i didn’t”before you could finish your apology she chuckled, shaking her head. “no need to apologise sweetie, i was just teasing a little. come on in, make yourself at home.” you blink up at her, cheeks heating up in embarrassment. you just greeted her and messed up? damn already? was it because she called you sweetie?! god, you’re hopeless.
“i won’t bite.” she chuckled again, walking into her apartment leaving you with no choice but to follow behind her, timidly shutting the door as you entered. you swore you could hear her quietly mumble something under her breath, but you decided it was your twisted mind playing tricks on you once again. for the sake of your sanity. “here here, have a seat. care for some tea? coffee perhaps?” she pulls out a chair for you and this small gesture alone has your heart fluttering for no reason. you look down shyly, taking a seat and avoiding her gaze. “i..uh.. anything is fine, thank you.” you mumble trying not to keep yourself composed. she smiles nodding as she reaches for the jar of instant coffee. “i haven’t had my coffee yet, since i wasn’t sure if you’d like to drink some with me. do you like yours with milk, sugar?” was she calling you sugar or was she asking you whether or not you wanted sugar in your coffee? …and she waited for you to have coffee? yeah, as if. you need to stop being delusional. “miss y/n?” she glanced back at you knocking you of out your prolonged silence. “i-i would like both please.. i like my coffee s-sweet” you close your eyes in embarrassment as another stutter leaves your clumsy lips. you swear you never stutter. she chuckles in response as she prepares your drink. “we are quite the opposite, i prefer mine black.” she gives you a soft smile, sitting down across from you, setting your drink in front of you. you mutter a shy thank you as your hands reach for the spoon, mixing some sugar into the warm beverage. “oh that’s nothing, i usually make really good coffee but my coffee machine broke recently so.. instant coffee will have to do for now.” you nod quickly, fingers gripping the handle and side of the cup. “that’s fine! any coffee is good! i actually prefer instant it’s not like i know much about coffee anyways-” your lips are faster then your brain causing you to blurt out such a fact about you, which only made her smile wider. “oh we really are opposites, maybe i could change your mind once i make you a proper cup, hm?” you blush nodding fast in agreement, did that mean you’d be seeing her more then just this one time? you try to calm your nerves by bringing the cup to your lips, taking a little sip. maybe it’s better to keep your mouth busy so you don’t end up embarrassing yourself even more.
“so y/n… just how much experience do you really have?” she also brings her own cup to her lips, eyes fixated on yours. your eyes widen, the coffee you tried swallowing getting stuck in the back of your throat at her question, resulting you in coughing out loud making her put her cup down and lean towards you in worry. “are you alright sweetie? was it too hot? did it burn you?” you cover your mouth, calming yourself down as you shake your head noticing bada is very professional and calm despite asking such a personal question.
maybe you are too shy after all and you should be more open when it comes to talking about your sex life. people do it all the time, it’s totally natural. you hear others talk about it all the time. but then again why would she ask you such a private question out of nowhere? maybe she’s just a very social person, this is how adults talk and there shouldn’t be shame. it’s not like you ever talked about sexual things with anyone, but you know others do. like with their friends, parents, therapists, lovers.. you just need to get over the embarrassment and step out of your shell, you could learn a lot from her, be as mature as she is, even when it comes to such topics. she sure wouldn’t judge you no matter what, she’s a teacher after all. “i’m fine! i’m just.. not too good at talking about such topics.. but i… well…i don’t have much experience… none at all actually. that’s really embarrassing to admit. others my age have already done so.. many times.. maybe i am really slow or something..” you chew on your bottom lip, struggling to keep your head up to look at her, choosing to look into your cup instead. if you could see your own reflection in the coffee you’re sure your face would be beet red by now. that’s when bada herself chokes a little as your unexpected response.
you totally misinterpreted what she was asking. she was asking about your experience on the subject she was supposed to tutor you on, not your sexual experience. did she give you the wrong impression? was she being too obvious with her interest in you? were her flirting attempts not as subtle as she attempted? no way, with how empty headed you are they probably flew right past you, she thought. well.. it’s not like she wasn’t curious about that in the first place, but she wouldn’t have asked so suddenly. however, she didn’t have the heart to embarrass you like that by correcting you and telling you that you misunderstood her question.
she just cleared her throat and went along with it. was she willing to risk it all? this made her want to corrupt you even more, but she can’t. not yet. you made her lose her composure. she needed to fix that and get back in charge. she won’t let it, let you, fluster her. “sweetie..there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. that’s exactly what i’m here for.” she decided to test out the waters, see if you were as submissive and truly empty minded around her as she painted you to be. her hand was itching to get a feel of your skin, she was struggling to fight it. she needs to take this slow she reminds herself, she doesn’t want to scare you away. but it seems like you’re already falling into her trap. your eyes instantly snap up to meet hers, to make sure weather you heard her correctly.
“it would be such a pity if you left without learning anything.. wouldn’t that make me a bad teacher, hm?” she furrows her brows in faux sympathy as her hand finally reaches out, gently cupping your cheek making you look up at her. you gasp at the sudden contact and your current situation. “oh y-yeah… i’m here to be tutored-“ you try to avoid her gaze, once again looking down in embarrassment. your nervousness made you think of studying again, which is the reason she invited you over. right? you must be totally misunderstanding this. you’re just being delusional, you tell yourself.
despite you both sitting down she visibly towered over you, not just in her height, but in her presence alone. you could feel her knees ever so gently pressing against your own if you weren’t trying so hard to distract yourself.
was she sitting so close to you from the start?
she scoffs in amusement, her lips forming a fake frown. “oh you poor little thing.. you really thought i wouldn’t notice the way you look at me during class? that i can’t see right through that pretty little head of yours? you’re a smart girl y/n, we both know you don’t actually have a issue with learning..” your cheeks heat up as you’re forced to meet her gaze that looks more intimidating then ever. she just exposed you. she knew it this whole time. you didn’t think your crush on her was that visible. your lips part to speak but no words come out making her grin. her thumb slides past your bottom lip ever so gently, almost knocking the air out your lungs. “i think.. you could do so much better, all you need is just a little motivation.” she hovers over you, her thumb now reaching the corner of your lips, collecting the remainder of coffee and bringing it up to her own lips. her eyes flutter shut momentarily, licking her thumb clean and savouring the flavour with a hum. “so sweet indeed..” she hooks her pointer finger under your chin, making you look up at her. chuckling softly she leans in further, her thumb stroking just below your bottom lip as her eyes trail from your eyes to your lips and back. “are you gonna let me have a taste, doll?”
you gulp, your own eyes focused on her lips, slowly nodding as you look up at her. “now now, wouldn’t that be too easy?” she leans in closer, lips near your ear. “you’ll have to be a good girl and ask for it.” your mouth goes completely dry as you gulp. your hands clutch a fist full of your skirt, tension so thick it could cut air separating you two. you mutter under your breath, scared your voice will betray you. “mrs. lee.. could you.. umm.. can you kiss me?” you shut your eyes tight, hoping she would kiss you then and there. instead you only hear a dry chuckle.
you open your eyes, attention on her as she tucks a stray hair behind your ear, confusion painted on your face. “thats not how a good girl asks. not even a please? now that’s not very polite, is it? i’m starting to think you don’t deserve it.” you whine shaking your head. “no no i’m sorry! please… please kiss me?” you look up at her desperately. “aww you want a kiss that bad?” she coos cupping your cheek, smirking at the heat of it against her hand. you nod fast, leaning into her touch, totally submitting to her.
“use your words, tell mommy what you want.” she raises her brow, waiting for you to finally say it. your cheeks feel like they’re on fire now, heart beating faster then before as you stumble over your own words. “m-mommy?” you shyly repeat after her, eyes widening, cheeks painted red. you could see the shift in her eyes, and the way it affected her.
she closes her eyes for a little, biting her lip almost as if she’s savouring the sound of your voice calling her that. “how fucking cute.” she rests her thumb against your bottom lip, softly pulling it down. “doing such a good job begging mommy for a kiss…” you close your eyes tightly at her praise, almost whining from such a small action. she leans in, her lips just a few millimetres away from your own. you could feel her breath against your lips, covering your skin in goosebumps. she keeps one of her hands against your cheek, while the other rests against the top of the chair you’re sitting on. she gives your cheek a soft stroke before finally connecting both of your lips.
her soft plump lips smashing against yours felt like a reward. it felt like they were on fire, the way your lips burnt when she pressed her own against them. her fingers against your skin were so gentle, tracing the outline of your cheek, barely touching your skin as if you were made of glass. her lips were telling a different story as her kisses only deepened. you didn’t know what to do with your hands so you loosely griped the fabric of her blouse. she felt you fidgeting and decided to slide one of her hands down to reach for your hand, giving them a soft squeeze before wrapping them around her neck. this gave her the opportunity to drag her hands down your body as she scooped you up in her arms. without breaking the kiss she lifted you and placed you on the table next to her, making you wrap your arms around her tighter. she experimentally dragged her tongue against your bottom lip so gently, your lips parted in surprise. she smirked sneaking her tongue inside your parted lips that granted her access. you let out a little whimper at the feeling of your tongues gliding against each other. you could almost taste the bitterness of the coffee aftertaste mixing with your sweet one and for once, it was delicious. you were everything she wanted and she wanted.. needed more. eager to be closer to you, one of her hands slid down your thigh, slightly parting them as she pushed herself in between, she just couldn’t get enough. with one of her large hands hand stroking the outer side of your thigh, and other one playing with your hair you couldn’t help but shiver in her touch. it was like she was devouring you whole. your body feeling so soft and tiny pressed up against hers. it was driving her insane. she pulled away breathing heavy, admiring your flushed face and slightly messed up hair, remainders of your lipstick smeared all over your lips as you look at her with what she could only describe as hearts in your eyes.
fuck, she’s so screwed. she knows it’s over for her. you wrapped her around your pretty little finger and you didn’t even know about it. heck, you didn’t even have to do anything. you submit to her so easily and that was more then she needed. there’s no way she could just return to just being your teacher, she had to make you hers. you pout slightly as she pulls away, already reaching for her, wanting to feel her lips against yours again. you got her heart beating as hard as she made yours. subconsciously shivering in her arms. as she leans in placing gentle pecks on your lips followed by your cheeks, so much more gentle and affectionate then she was just moments ago. “mommy has to stop before she gets too greedy..” she breathes out as she cleans your messed up lips with her thumb, knowing what she meant you nod, still leaning into her touch. she pressed a final kiss to your lips before pulling you into her embrace, your head in her chest, hands soothing your back.
“let me drive you home precious, it’s way too late for you to be going out on your own.” she gently pats your head, before she realises. “you didn’t bring any jacket with you?” you shake your head at her question, once again fidgeting with your skirt, slightly swinging your feet back and forth as they dangled off the table. “i’m not letting you leave like this.” you blush looking up at her as she brings you her sweater that is much bigger on you then it is on her. she taps your arms signalling you to raise them which you do, making her smile as she dresses you up. “how cute..” she admires you for a moment, fighting back the urge to squeeze you in her arms before offering you her hand which you accept as she helps you off the table. unable to keep her hands off you, she’s smoothing her hands over your clothes in attempt to fix them. “are you ready to go, pretty girl?” she pecks your nose, grabbing her keys as she grabs your hand. you giggle nodding as your heart flutters at her treatment, clinging onto her arm, letting you guide you to her car.
of course she opened the door for you and closed it after you sat down before she got in herself. of course she told you to keep the sweater because she wants to see you in it more often. of course she told you to keep this a secret as she pecked your forehead goodbye. of course your head was filled with nothing but her as you laid in your bed, wearing nothing but her sweater as you drifted into slumber, hoping you could see her even in your dreams, the scenes from earlier on repeat. you were starting to really look forward to these private lessons..
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ivorydragoness44 · 9 days
“Blush” Part Two Morgie le Fay x Merlin’s Kid! Reader
(A/N: A collaborative piece between @where-dreamers-go and @ivorydragoness44 for a continuation of two magic users who are crushing on each other: Reader who is headmaster Merlin’s kid attending Merlin Academy and Morgie, son of Morgana le Fay. Warnings: Awkward teenage-hood, mention of snakes, and use of (Y/N) for your name. Also Lain translations: facti sunt inanimati (become inanimate) / Ego amo te multum (I like you a lot) / acceptus (welcome/pleasing) Word Count: 4,740 words)
An outdoor common area wasn’t crowded during your lunch time. Various seating and tables welcomed anyone outside of class time. The open area distributed voices into an easily ignorable murmur.
Your usual go-to reading spot in a comfy armchair was exactly what you needed after you had finished eating. Some time to yourself. Time to get a head start on assignments or study. You did neither.
A large volume on momentum spells sat upon your lap. There it laid open to the same two pages for the past ten minutes.
How did I not notice before?
You had been searching through any reliable memory for nearly twenty-four hours since Bridget had cleverly hinted of Morgie’s crush on you. In turn, you realized your own stirring feelings for him in such an odd fashion.
How could I not know my own feelings? You wondered. I know when I’m happy or anxious, impatient, sad, or surprised. Definitely surprised. These feelings were obvious.
Blinking, you retained nothing from the pages before you.
How could you?
You had such a confounding and unanticipated revelation. It was as if you were questioning everything around you as it looked fresh and altered in a way.
Am I in the beginning or all ready in the middle of these feelings? You sighed. I just want it to make sense.
Not that there was much reason for your scurrying between classes the day before. All wrapped in your own mind and hardly making so much as a glance at anyone around you.
That anxious feeling and fluctuating levels of anticipation followed you into a new day. Always on the look out for a specific magically inclined student.
Two more classes and then he’ll be in that one. It’ll be fine. It was fine yesterday.
A sway of greens and black caught your eye from further away. Passing chairs and laughing fairies.
Recognizing the figure only made your heartbeat pick up into a rhythm that made your fingers twitch.
Thoughts whirled in your mind and the large room felt too warm.
I can’t.
Picking up your belongings you dashed around the armchair and sped out into the closer hallway.
I need a quieter place to study anyway, you reasoned with yourself. Your feet took you down a familiar path and soon you had your sights set on a corner seating area. It’s totally normal to sit here, you thought, I’ve done it before. No one really comes here unless they need to. It’s a big school.
Indeed, it was a large academy.
But, who else would sit outside the Headmaster’s office to study other than his offspring? Probably no one.
You sat a bit too upright against the cushions.
I just need to focus. That’s a skill.
Yet shame rose to your cheeks and chest as you considered your escape. A move quite cowardice.
The truth was simple: You were unprepared for the new situation. Having near romantic feelings, more than friendly, towards Morgie was not something you foresaw. The weather, sure, but not a crush. Not int the least.
All you could do was hope to get through the rest of the school day as smoothly as possible…and maybe see Morgie. Maybe.
⭐︎ ⭐︎ ⭐︎
Many questions could be asked within the halls of Merlin Academy. None were deemed silly, mostly.
Why is it called ‘butterflies’ when my stomach flips from seeing (Y/N)? Morgie thought while he strolled to class. They’re nice flips.
Hopping over someone’s school bag, Morgie chuckled and quickly surveyed the common area with its tall windows. He saw the same students chatting animatedly, practicing magic, and keeping close to those they knew.
At the sight of a familiar shade of blue, Morgie felt those butterflies.
(Y/N)! Morgie came to a halt as he watched you speed walk through a threshold with a large volume tucked against you. I wonder what spell book they’re reading now. Or history book.
Being gifted with magic himself, Morgie knew almost exactly how knowledgeable and skilled you were. Magic ran in both of your families. Strong and well-known.
A mental image of your eyes shining in magic filled him with a tickling warmth.
Very magical, he thought dreamily.
⭐︎ ⭐︎ ⭐︎
Mathematics class; intimidating to some, aggravating for others, and a welcomed challenge by few students.
Sitting in the front row of desks made it easier for you to take diligent notes. Goodness knew how important it was for you, child of the knowledge-seeking Merlin. Especially when you continuously fought the urge to check windows’ reflection.
It was just the right lighting. The perfect cloud cover outside. A subtle way to have a look at the classroom.
So what if you were curious?
I’m just checking. That’s all, you thought as you glanced over to Morgie’s reflection.
After twenty minutes of repeating the action every so often it could no longer be considered ‘checking’. No, you were studying Morgie. Observing how he presented himself in class, a learning environment. He didn’t interrupt. Expressive, but not loud.
By the end of class, your notes could had been neater. An easy task for later.
You took your time leaving class. Slowly packing your belongings where they ought to be in your bag. Yet your eyes had began a habit.
You wanted to see him more. To see what might happen.
Is that a side effect of having a crush on someone?
Could you truly call it studying, something you were confident in doing?
Morgie squeezed passed a taller student while heading for the door. It was when he reached it that he looked over his shoulder and caught your gaze.
In the time it took you to hold back your gasp, Morgie had a flush rise up his neck.
In a flash, Morgie left the classroom.
You blinked.
What does this even mean?
⭐︎ ⭐︎ ⭐︎
Too much thumping. Too warm and flighty.
Morgie had never shoved and bounded down a hall so fast. Not for avoidance anyway. He had no idea what came over himself.
Eventually stopping underneath a tree, Morgie breathed in the fresh air.
Why does my face have to get so warm? He thought while fighting the urge to hit his forehead on the tree trunk.
Uliana’s words from the day before rung in through his head: “A villain shouldn’t be blushing; not over an honors student.” She had seemed so bewildered then by Morgie’s reaction to you.
It wasn’t as if it was his fault. He didn’t make himself blush on cue, nor did you. If Morgie had it his way, no one would had been able to tell how he liked you. He didn’t want them to.
But (Y/N) probably knows, Morgie thought. They’re too smart not to know I like them. His heartbeat increased steadily.
Seeing your figure ascending a set of stairs took a short gasp out of Morgie.
I could say something.
The youth leapt from out of the foliage, took a few steps, and stopped. His chest felt like it was shaking with the rapid thumps of his heart.
Morgie swallowed. Hazel eyes watching nervously as you walked out of sight.
Maybe another time.
⭐︎ ⭐︎ ⭐︎
A whole week passed with just as many assignments and suggested readings. Knowledge was gained and some sleep was lost. Studying for a text was involved.
Maybe I’m getting better at this, you thought.
Leaving your final class of the day, you held your head a little higher and had a slight bounce to your step. Days were looking up, more positive. Magical, one might say.
You had good news to share with your father, Merlin, and Bridget had given you a copy of a cookie recipe. All good things.
And I’m pretty sure Morgie had looked at me in class today, you thought with a giddy smile.
Oh, that crush of yours? You one hundred percent knew you liked him.
Did you figure out when those feelings started? No, and that bit irritated you. You really wanted to know in order to figure out the details. But your mind liked to keep some secrets it seemed.
On route to your dorm, you avoided the sea of students. Each gathered in various sized groups to socialize after a long day.
You wanted to put your books and all away in your room first. It was a wonder how much you could fit into one bag.
Walking into a near deserted hall with mid-afternoon lighting gave you an odd sense of awareness. No distractions moving about or unpolished enchantments to dodge. It was you, your surroundings, and your senses.
Through those senses, it was easy to notice someone trotting up behind you. Not too fast, but also with intent.
Your eyes widened a fraction at the sight of Morgie slowing to match your pace.
“Hi.” You greeted lightly and did a quick glance behind him.
He came alone.
This is a bit new.
“How’d you do on the exam?” Morgie asked and gingerly bit his bottom lip.
“Better than I thought. Thankfully. I spent enough time studying for it.”
“I know.”
You looked forward briefly and asked, “How about you? How’d you do?”
“Near perfect.” He nearly smiled from ear to ear. His chest stuck out just enough.
A swell of pride unmistakably grew within you.
“That’s great.” You said, grateful to have an easy conversation. “I’m not surprised.”
Was that too much?
Walking alongside Morgie was quite new. Welcomed and almost peaceful. What blasted all that into the stratosphere was the delighted grin brightening Morgie’s face.
Oh. You could feel your heart squeezing and your own smile widening.
All major smiles dropped once the pair of you reached a staircase.
“I’ll…see you later,” Morgie took a step away.
“See you.” You gave one last smile and started the ascent. Even with eyes focused on the steps ahead of you, you were aware of Morgie’s gaze following your movements.
Definitely a more positive day.
⭐︎ ⭐︎ ⭐︎
Time and one’s innermost desires didn’t always line up as one hoped. Not even with magic.
Morgie had thought his time was perfect, but there were other factors he forgot to take into account.
This could be better, Morgie thought, or worse.
Morgie had followed his band of fellow villains in line for lunch. Stomachs hungry and eyes trained ahead was the usual standing for the students.
For Morgie, however, his fingers twitched and he was much too aware of every movement he made. He could hardly help it. Making an impression and standing out to you kept him on his toes.
You were standing behind him talking with someone. A fairy who was asking for wand advice, apparently.
They’re a really good listener, Morgie thought as he kept waiting to hear your voice. They might be smiling. He managed not to turn around. Even teenagers with magic had some self control. More so, gaining the attention of the other villains wasn’t something he wanted at that moment.
Suddenly, inhaled sharply as he felt the slightest movement of air behind him. You had almost touched him.
Standing so close together in line felt like the best and the worst thing all at once. Morgie could hardly breathe in a normal manner.
“Hey,” Hook tapped Morgie on the shoulder.
His eyes glanced over to the pirate captain. Soon he met the others’ gazes.
“Are you sick?”
Morgie shook his head.
“The line shouldn’t take that long,” said Hades.
“It could be faster.” Uliana pointedly looked ahead.
After quiet observations of Morgie le Fay, the villains turned back around as the line moved up. He was thankful for the lack of questions. Perhas they had thoughts on the weekend ahead. Morgie sort of did.
Hearing your cheerful laughter practically roll through his nervous system reenergized him like a potent potion. He pulled at his thin scarf.
I need to do something.
⭐︎ ⭐︎ ⭐︎
After a rainstorm everything felt alive and…wet.
Nearing the end of your lunch period you had dried off a part of the seating at a table in a courtyard and got to work fixing your notes. Earlier in the day, one of your teachers had spoke faster than you would had preferred. At least the cramp in your hand ebbed.
If they weren’t in a rush to finish the lesson today, you thought, my notes wouldn’t look like a total lopsided disaster trying to keep up. Picking your pen up, you had an idea. Why can’t I let my pen write for me? A mixture of a locomotive spell and personification. It could work. Worth a shot, you thought and set down the pen.
A quick shake of your arms to stay loose, and you straightened your posture.
Any spell started with an intention. With yours set, you spoke clearly and allowed your gift to charge. You had done spells since you were little. This one could be considered a light exercise.
One you completely goofed up when the sight of Morgie le Fay walking by with his hazel eyes already gazing at you threw off your concentration.
“Oh, goodness.”
The pen in front of you didn’t move.
 A startled scream drew your attention to your real mistake. Across the courtyard, a stone bench scampered by a group of students.
“Blast it.” You hit the table and leapt from your seat.
“(Y/N)!” Jasmine and Aladdin shouted, both rushing away from the animated furniture.
“Sorry!” You ran after the bench as it fled form you in a gallop. “Stop!”
⭐︎ ⭐︎ ⭐︎
Merlin Academy allowed magic in the curriculum. No question about it, with a wizard as its headmaster. It was then, expected by most, to see magic nearly everyday, given the various students’ skillsets.
“That looks like fun,” Hades commented on the running bench, Maleficent nudging his arm in disapproval.
“Maybe they like mischief after all.” Hook said to Morgie and peered to his friend. “Morgie?”
No one was beside him. Not anymore.
Moving as fast as his legs could take him, heart pounding, Morgie ran through an alcove. He had a simple plan: cut off the animated bench’s path and stop it before it caused you any harm.
If (Y/N) wanted it to be running amok, they wouldn’t be panicking. A logical thought for the teenager keeping an ear for any sign of the likely misbehaving bench.
Sunlight poured into an opening of a walkway intersection, and Morgie skidded to a halt when he heard your aggravated shouting in Latin. The corner of his lips curved up.
“Come on,” Morgie murmured in a ready stance.
Rhythmic thuds came closer and closer.
Gray stone tumbled around the corner.
“You,” he kept his hands raised, “facti sunt inanimati.”
 A jolt and stiffness hit the bench, stopping altogether. Echoes of its last movements faded into the building.
“Ha.” Morgie gave the bench a good look-over. “Nice try.”
In the next moment, you rounded the corner with determination. Your objective had been completed without you. It stood to reason why your surprise built as you slowed to a stop by the bench.
Backlit from the afternoon’s warm sun and your gaze on Morgie, he found himself speechless.
“Morgie,” you inquired between intakes of air, “did you… Did you stop it?”
He nodded, heartbeat increasing.
A grin brightened your face. “Thank you.”
Morgie stuck out his chest proudly. He could feel himself grinning.
“You, uh, you didn’t have to.” You gave the stone bench a light tap with your shoe.
“I wanted to.”
An expression and emotion came over you, one Morgie couldn’t quite read. You weren’t angry or disappointed. It was neither sadness, irritation, or disgust.
The longer he studied you the more you stood there in wonder.
Should I walk closer? He thought, glad to not be blushing.
“(Y/N),” Fay had scurried into the covered walkway. “Are you all right? Oh! You got it.”
You had turned around to face the fairy, “Actually…”
“It’s all right. I messed up with my wand again yesterday. But, perhaps, we can move the bench back. Somehow.”
“Levitation could work,” you suggested with a cute tilt of your head.
“Yeah. Excellent, (Y/N).”
Standing quietly, Morgie’s heart had a small leap of warmth whenever your name was spoken. A spark of excitement.
“Morgie,” you said looking over your shoulder, “I’m glad the bench didn’t cause you too much trouble.”
“It would’ve ran away if it knew what I can do.” He replied feeling more confident.
“I’m sure.” You smirked playfully.
Not so deep down, Morgie really wanted to keep the conversation going despite the new task ahead, Fay standing right there, and an upcoming class. He could probably come up with something.
Both you and Morgie looked to Fay as she stood waiting with her wand at the ready. Patient as she was, Fay appeared confused at your interaction.
Good. She doesn’t need to know.
“I have to run.” Morgie leaned forward and allowed his magic to alter his eyes. “You can catch me later.”
After witnessing surprise on your lovely face, Morgie took his leave. Blushing was the last thing on his mind this time.
⭐︎ ⭐︎ ⭐︎
Warm afternoon sunlight made the headmaster’s office cozy and nowhere near intimating. It could also be the familiarity and the sheer number of books in your father’s office. Not particularly a surprise for you.
The actual surprise came earlier when you decided to talk to your father about what had been nagging at the back of your mind.
If only you could get yourself to that topic.
“You heard about that?” You cringed, slouching into your seat.
“I did.” Merlin said calmly as he sipped his tea. “It’s not often a stone bench runs around the academy. Oh, don’t take it to heart. Mistakes happen. We can learn from them.” Ever the understanding and intelligent man. Anything could be a lesson in his view.
Now’s as good a time as ever, you thought apprehensively.
“I…was distracted.” You admitted quietly, nervously.
Setting down the teacup, he looked at you pointedly.
“Well now, you know better than that.” He cleared his throat, “especially with others around.”
“I know. I know. It’s just… It doesn’t make sense,” you rambled on, “it’s like one day everything’s normal and then… Oh, goodness.” You sunk further into the furniture a little embarrassed. “I have…feelings for someone.”
Merlin chuckled, “I see!”
“But I don’t know when it started so that I can know fully why.”
“Very illogical and confusing. You might never know.”
He continued to chuckle happily. “There’s no logical explanation for this.”
You grumbled, thought half-heartedly with how your father was in such a good spirits.
“A most befuddling thing.”
⭐︎ ⭐︎ ⭐︎
Late in the evening when crickets started chirping and owls were starting their day, villains mingled in an enormous rotting eel. An excellent place as any to hang out after school at the black lagoon.
Moods were high and shared as the motley crew recalled the chaos you enchanted bench caused. A real highlight of the day.
“I’ve never seen a fairy fall into bushes before,” Maleficent snickered with a swirl of her hair.
“Or a wave of students diving out of the way.” Hook laughed along with the others.
“Who knew (Y/N) could cause such glorious chaos.” Uliana added gleefully.
“Speaking of fleeing,” Hades turned to Morgie. “Where’d you run off to? You missed the fun.”
“I caught up with (Y/N).” Morgie replied as all attention fell to him.
“Oh, you spent time with Merlin’s goodie goodie?” Uliana teased playfully. She wasn’t oblivious to how Morgie acted around you.
Feeling more confident and a tad bashful, Morgie added, “I think (Y/N) and I could cause some mischief together.”
“Now that I’d like to see.” Uliana said positively.
“Merlin’s child without a book? How shocking,” Maleficent said and patted Hades’ arm.
“They mustn’t be afraid of the dark,” Hades said casually.
“Aye, but how much do they like it?” Hook questioned and looked to the young sorcerer.
Morgie breathed in slowly. “I’ll have to find out.”
⭐︎ ⭐︎ ⭐︎
Sounds of water and chirping of birds ground you after what felt like the longest class of the semester. An exaggeration of course. But being by a water feature with friends between classes helped ease your mind.
“Is there a world where you’d consider not being in honors classes? It would give you some freedom.” Jasmine smiled encouragingly. “Or do you like a challenge?”
You shook your head, laughing. “I like learning. Is that so bad?”
“You’re not trapped in expectations are you?”
“Trapped? No. Trying to ignore them? Definitely.”
“I have some experience with—No!” Her words broke into a yelp as she looked down to where you both stood.
A cream colored snake slithered over your shoe. Not a large one, and it hardly had any weight to it at all.
Odd, you thought and bent down to inspect the creature.
“Be careful.” Jasmine said from a couple of steps away.
“I will,” you squinted and almost laughed once you made a discovery. “Oh? It’s paper.”
You chuckled and held out your hand. The parchment, very much enchanted, coiled upon the palm of your hand.
“Will it bite?” She inquired.
“What bites?” Aladdin showed up, almost out of nowhere. His gaze went from Jasmine to where hers was locked. “Are you planning to trick someone?”
“No.” You Brough your hand closer to you and added, “I’ll check it out. No worrying, all right?”
“All right.” Jasmine relented. “I’ll see you in class.”
Giving a wave to the happy pair, you departed for some seclusion. It was truly a good thing that the academy was large and not a simple rectangular building.
This is not a trick, you thought as your mind quickly narrowed down who would enchant paper to be a snake. Those thoughts only made your heart rate quicken.
As inconspicuously as you could manage while not fast-walking, you ducked behind a tree full of branches to obscure yourself from view. The last thing you wanted was a nosy student popping up behind you.
“Alright,” you exhaled and held the ‘snake’ up. “Do you have a message for me?”
With a shiver and nod, the paper snake unrolled before its serpentine enchantment subsided.
Heat rose to your chest and neck.
It is form Morgie.
Your eyes had looked to the signature first before reading his message in its entirety.
(Y/N), Ego amo te multum. In my chest there is a hum every time I see you and hear your name it’s fluttering and warm and all the same. It’s new and acceptus and I wish you and I were an “us”. Please reply yay or nay. If negative, destroy this letter today. Morgie
Hardly knowing if you were breathing properly or what time it was, you read the letter two more times. You had to be certain you weren’t mistaken. Your heart threatened to burst! metaphorically, of course.
Morgie le Fay did like you! It wasn’t just a misreading of situations. He liked you a lot.
Him writing in Latin may had got you a little flustered, but you’d manage.
Quickly with shaking hands, you folded the letter and stashed it into your bag.
Yup. This is new. Befuddling maybe. You thought as you attempted a few calm breaths. He likes me! A wide smile curved your lips. Oh, wait, wait. I need to reply. Reply…and say what?
⭐︎ ⭐︎ ⭐︎
As with each weekday, the rest of the school day went by. Each spare moment gave you a chance to breathe more consciously and time to contemplate what to write back to Morgie. Obviously, you would. It needed to be written just right.
Morgie liked you and you liked him. For once in your life, you needed to fully express that in words. No more avoidance. Time had come to admit your emotions.
A little intimidating, but he took a big step—a chance. I can do the same, you thought as you walked into your dorm room. Your safe place. No more hiding. It took me long enough to figure out how I feel. I can do this.
So your writing began. Many scratched out marks and revisions later, the reply to Morgie’s confession was complete.
Morgie, How could I reply with a simple Yay? My dear Morgie le Fay Ego amo te multum. I have found where the hum comes from. It’s from oneself being incredibly happy. I have it too. You may have my reply, YAY And I’m keeping your letter. Affectionately, (Y/N)
Thankful to have finally written with a steady hand, you folded the letter and enchanted it to fly as a bird. Speedy delivery for the sorcerer who would without a doubt be hoping for a reply.
Poor Morgie had to wait hours all ready. I hope he doesn’t think I burned his letter, you thought anxiously. But if he didn’t have hope or bravery that I might feel similarly, then he wouldn’t have sent the letter in the first place. Oh, goodness, how do people deal with this?
All you could do was pace the floor of your room.
What else could you do?
Your thoughts were no where settled to do anything academic. So you waited.
Waited for what exactly? You were not certain.
Anything and everything could happen. Even nothing.
Just breathe. You did your part. You leaned against your bed. Then again, there are no instructions for these sort of…illogical things.
About ten minutes since you had sent out the letter, there came an unfamiliar knock on your door. It spooked you as if you had been sitting in the dark alone.
Apprehension to disappointment of another person and nerves overcame you then. There was only one way to find out who knocked.
Be brave.
You walked up to the door.
Unless it’s Ella returning my book…
Upon opening the door, you were doubly happily surprised to see a beaming Morgie with very tidy hair, holding a single flower. The sort of flora that grew around the school grounds.
“Hi.” Morgie stood almost completely still.
“Hi. What are you doing here?” You asked with a grin.
“I wanted to see you.”
Your chest swelled with warmth and all you could do was stare at him, the body who liked you back.
Hazel eyes peered passed you and Morgie tilted his head.
“Why do you have crumbled paper all over your desk?”
Looking over your shoulder briefly, you laughed. “The first few drafts of my reply.”
“Oh,” Morgie raised his free hand to reveal a piece of paper. “Like this?”
“More rambling and messy because I was nervous, but yes.”
“Affectionately nervous?” A smirk upturned his lips slowly.
“Happily so.”
Beaming, Morgie took a step forward, but stopped as he was unsure of your reaction or preference of closeness. He looked ever so adorable. A letter from you in one hand a flower held in the other.
A hug I can handle.
Taking a step back into your room, you held out your arms and beckoned him in for a hug.
Morgie didn’t waste a second of your invitation. The two of your embraced. All nervous jitters forgotten. Enjoying the affection from the other with all the giddiness, warmth, and comfort that came with it.
“I really, really like you,” Morgie whispered onto your shoulder. His arms embraced you a little tighter, emotions shown freely.
I could hear that on repeat.
“I really, really like you,” you said, happy your voice didn’t crack. “Maybe we could do something this weekend?” Your bravery had come out full force.
Was there anything to be nervous about anymore in regards to your feelings?
Morgie leaned back to look at you with bright eyes.
“Yeah! Anything.” His excitement level escalated.
“Anything,” he insisted. “A walk, a prank, trying a new spell, causing mischief, or dinner.”
“You’ve had time to think about this.”
“All day and when I ran here.”
“You ran?”
“I wanted to see you,” he repeated and finally offered you the flower.
You accepted the flower without hesitation.
Perhaps your time and future with Morgie would be something like that. Beautiful and unexpected. More than anything, you knew it would be magical.
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful. coffee
Best wishes and happy reading.)
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gunilslaugh · 9 months
I had an idea that I think could be a cute fic! So basically the reader gets very nervous on airplanes but they randomly end up sitting next to Gunil and he distracts them by babbling about random things. Like a strangers to something vibe. PS: I absolutely adore your work and I always reread your fics when I have a bad day. I hope you have an absolutely amazing 2024❤️
This idea was cute! Thank you that means so much. I hope you don't have too many bad days 2024 💕
Goo Gunil
Summary: Flying always made you nervous, however the guy sitting next to you was pretty good at keeping you distracted. (idol/non-idol au)
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Your nerves increased the closer it got to your flight time. You woke up anxious in the morning and it only got worse when you arrived at the airport. Leg bouncing up and down in the uncomfortable plastic chair. Your flight was called to board and heart rate picked up as you picked up your bags. Taking deep breaths as you walk. Reminding yourself that you’ve only been on safe flights in the past and this one wouldn’t be any different. 
Once you boarded the plane you made your way to your seat, wiping your palms on your knees as you sat down. You took a couple more deep breaths to help ground yourself. 
“Hi, excuse me. That’s my seat.” A somewhat buff looking guy giving you a kind smile pointed to the seat beside yours.
“Oh uh- you know what it’ll probably be easier if I just,” you murmured about standing up and stepping into the aisle. Then you gestured for him to walk to his seat without having to worry about awkwardly bumping legs. He gave you a small nod still wearing a smile and walked to his seat with you following right behind him. You took a glance over to the guy to find him already looking at you. 
“I’m Gunil,” he introduced himself. 
“I’m y/n,” you took your turn introducing yourself. 
“Nice to meet you,” he commented. 
“You too,” you returned. You leaned back in your seat, starting to feel your nerves setting in even more. 
Soon enough it was time for your plane to take off resulting in your nerves becoming the highest they have been all day. Hands shaking as you try to fasten your seat belt. Your shaking hands catch Gunil’s attention. 
“Are you ok?” he asked you. You look over at him, 
“Yeah, flying just makes me nervous.” you look back down at the buckle trying to click your seat belt together. 
“Here.” Gunil places his calm, warm hands over yours, taking the seat belt from your shaking hands and does it for you. 
“Thank you,” you tell him sheepishly trying to fight off the blush that’s creeping up your neck. 
“No problem. You know I used to attend Berklee,” Gunil shares. 
“Really? So you do music then?” you questioned. 
“I’m pretty good at playing the drums,” he pronounced and drummed his finger against the armrest of his seat. 
“That’s cool,” you said. 
“Do you have any musical talents?” he prompts. You shook your head. 
“I’m only good at listening to music,” you half laugh. 
“That’s still good. Musicians need people like you to support them,” he says. You hardly even noticed the plane beginning to lift off due to Gunil proving to be a solid distraction. “Do you have a favorite artist?” You told him your favorite artist and surprisingly Gunil was a fan of them too. Which leads to you two having an excited conversation about what songs are your favorite. The plane is now fully up in the air and the flight is going smoothly, yet Gunil keeps talking to you. He was definitely good at talking. Being able to seamlessly tell one story right after another and jump from topic to topic with ease. 
You couldn’t keep from laughing after Gunil told a joke, but the joke itself wasn’t really that funny. It was his laugh that made you laugh. You found out that Gunil is a person whose laugh is funnier than the joke. It worked to your benefit though since it kept your mind from being able to think about being miles high in the sky. That was until your plane hit a bit of turbulence causing your heart to drop and anxiety to fill your stomach. However Gunil’s hand easily slipped into your own. His thumb stroking the back of your hand soothingly. Your anxiety seemed to melt away with each stroke that you were focusing on more than whatever story he was telling you now. Even after you had calmed down Gunil’s hand stayed in yours and you were glad about it. Finding that you were quickly growing fond of the man you’ve known for about two hours now. Gunil seemed to be growing just as fond of you as he brushed some stray strands of hair from your face with his free hand. 
When your flight was landing Gunil squeezed your hand extra tight while telling you a funny story about his dog. The two of you exited the plane together and waited by the baggage claim.
“Thank you,” you thanked him. 
“It’s no problem. This was probably one of my favorite flights actually,” he states. 
“Mine too,” you smiled at him. You picked up your bag when you saw it come around. Gunil’s came around shortly after and he grabbed his too. “I guess this is it,” you voiced. 
“Could I get your number actually? I would like to get to know you more,” he asked. He sounds a bit awkward for the first time since he started talking to you. 
“Sure, I wanna get to know you more too,” you told him, taking out your phone. The two of you exchanged numbers. 
“Great, I’ll text you,” he says. 
“I’ll be waiting,” you replied. With a wave goodbye the pair of you split. You had just settled your things into the car when your phone went off. 
“Didn’t want you to wait too long :)” it was a text from Gunil and it made your heart flutter.
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ethereange · 10 months
I remember seeing a Bakugo x reader prompt post from you- idk if you’re still doing them, if not then you can ignore this ask lmao
Bakugo cheering on a figure skater reader at a competition?? I can just imagine that he has no idea what in the world is going on but his s/o is looking so pretty and elegant so he’s cheering the loudest when it’s over 🥺
ya im still doing them! thanks for responding 💗
bear with me since i also know like close to nothing abt figure skating LOL but ill try my best!! i will say it'll be x f!reader since i dont rly know how to write for anything else, but it’ll prob just be short and sweet x
after writing: ok this was like not that short.. but this was so fun to write lol i hope you like it!
katsuki bakugo x figure skater! f!reader
bakugo has no ideas about figure skating. and you have no idea that he’s here.
he’s never been able to show up to your competitions before, but he’s always tried until a rushed call is met with a grumble, a whispered “good luck”, and a kiss goodbye.
so you can only imagine how he feels when he stumbles through the doors after getting off his patrols early. he was met with the chill of ice in the air, the slightly squishy floors and the chatter of the crowd.
it was packed- more so than he thought it would be; not to say he was dismissive of you in any way, but rather he was proud to know first-hand that you were being successful.
he was scanning the edges of the rink in search of his girlfriend. one lady was currently sliding skate guards on, surrounded by friends and coaches. what if he had missed you? he wondered and his brows creased at the idea.
the speakers began to ring: "now introducing, the-"
but then a finger tapped at his leg, soft and gentle, pulling him from his thoughts and the announcer. he looked down and met the eyes of a little girl, probably no older than 7.
"you're- you're mr. dynamite, right? could you- could you sign my skates please?" she gazed up longingly at him. she held up a pair of them- these tiny things- dangling and showing off its dynamite decal.
he pulled down his cap a little more. "sure thing," he smiled, taking her red marker to scribble away. how did she even recognize me? after a plentiful of thanks, the lights began to dim.
he squinted to see, but the spotlight flicked on, illuminating the skater in the middle.
you. of course it was you.
the music started, a tune he's heard you hum before, and you began to move. but were you really moving? moving now just sounded like any word that could be used for anyone.
because you were flowing. so smoothly, legs supple and in-time with the rhythm. your hair was done all pretty, he wondered how long it took to do it. you hadn't even done anything particularly impressive, yet if the fangirl were to come back and ask for a picture he would not be able to speak.
the music began to swell, and you hit your first jump, your skirt dancing around you, glittering with jewels a reflection in his eyes.
he wished the world would stop, if only for this moment. and it would be your luminescence switching foot to foot, turn to turn, while everything is still, skating to the beat of his heart.
and when your graceful gestures are said and done, the music decrescendos, he doesn't think he's seen you smile so brightly before.
after your several bows and some small strides, you find your way to the gate, a light sheen of sweat on your face. and your jaw drops.
"b-babe??" you squeak.
and he suddenly engulfs you in his hug, and you can't stop your tears.
"holy shit baby!!!" he exclaimed, holding you at arms length. "that was- that was so fuckin'- you're so-"
you laugh, cutting him off with a quick kiss to the lips. "i love you too," you beam, and he mirrors your grin. "oh, they're going to announce my scores now!" and you drag him to the cushioned seats positioned in front of the camera. "wait," you pause, "do you wanna wait off the screen so people don't see you-"
"'s fine," now he gives you a peck on your lips. "i wanna be with you when you win."
and when they reveal your first place score, you're excited, but your boyfriend...
"LET'S GO BABYY!!!!" he cheers as he spins you around, careless of the snapping of surrounding camera lenses.
"my star," he smiles, quieter this time, so only you could hear. and you giggle, noses pressed together.
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After playing around with the idea of a best friends to lovers story in my head for a while, I woke up with this thought yesterday morning. It is 100% @unlikelywrestlingfan fault. So I wrote it down for her.
Summary: Trying to get ready for his next show, Alex asks his long time friend if she wouldn't mind helping him out with a move he's been thinking about.
Warnings: Language, Usage of real name due to one line I really fell in love with and had to write.
“Hey Ellie,” Patrick began as he entered his living room. “If you’re not busy today would you mind helping me out with something?”
“What did you need help with?” She asked as she turned her attention from the t.v. to her friend.
“I need to do a spot at the next show with a girl, but I don’t want it to be the same things I’ve done before. I want it to be different. I was hoping you’d try some things out with me.”
“Or you could just stop beating up women,” She joked.
“Nah. Easy way to get cheap heat.”
“Since when does Patrick Martin take the easy way out?” She asked as she leaned more forward on the couch.
“Never. Alex Shelley on the other hand…here and there,” He laughed. “So are you gonna help me or not?”
“Sure. Just take it easy on me. Remember I’m not trained for this shit.”
Ellie put the remote down on the couch and stood up. This wasn’t the first time she helped him work through some idea he had in mind for his wrestling career, probably wouldn’t be the last either. He took off his hat and tossed it onto the sofa as he met her in the middle of the room. She stood in front of him with her hands resting on her hips waiting. She could see the wheels turning in his head as his eyes were glancing up at the ceiling, temporarily lost in thought.
“So what are we doing?” Ellie finally asked.
“Okay. I was thinking instead of attacking her directly like I usually do, we could do a thing where she runs in trying to help him, but then I grab her and make her watch him getting destroyed by the crew. I just need to figure out the logistics to make it run smoothly. Alright, I think I got it. Slap me.”
“What?” Ellie asked caught off guard by his request.
“Just act like you’re going to slap me. It’ll be fine,” He assured.
“Okay,” She said, still unsure about it.
Ellis brought her arm back then swung forward, hoping the little force she planned on using would be good enough. She was surprised when he caught her wrist midair. Before she could ask him what his next move was, he spun her around calculating the movements so that the arm of the wrist he was holding was across her chest and pinning her other arm down by her side when he pulled her against him before tightening his grip slightly. She gasped when her back met her chest. His other hand went to her hair, being gentle on his friend as he moved it to the side.
“So from here I can grab onto the hair to move her head in any direction. I can fuck around with his head while he’s getting the shit beat out of him by holding his girl and making comments. I could even lick her face, or along here,” He explained as he gentle traced his fingers along the side of her neck. “They love that sick shit there.”
“Do not lick me,” Ellie warned sternly.
“I won’t. Not unless you ask nicely.” He laughed with a wink.
He let go of her wrist and the two quickly made some space between them. Ellie gently rubbed her wrist as she turned back towards him. Not that it was hurting in any way, she just felt like she had to.
“So, what do you think?” Patrick asked as he stuck his hands into his cargo short pockets.
“I think maybe you should leave that company before they corrupt you completely.” She joked as she sat back sown on the couch, pulling her legs up. “Are you sure she’ll be okay with that?”
“Pretty sure based off our history. But I’ll go over all of it with them first and adjust it however I have to.”
She nodded at him. “Sounds good to me then. Different than before, but still along the same lines. I think it’s definitely going to get the reaction you want.
“Thanks,” He smiled shyly, somewhat proud she approved of his idea. “Hey, lunch should be ready by now. Do you want to come with me to pick it up or hang out here?”
“No thanks. I’ll stay here and pic the movie. I don’t trust you to do it after the last one you made me sit through,” She answered as she grabbed the remote.
“Hey! I have great taste!”
“In food yes. In movies, no. Go pick up lunch,” Ellie said dismissing him as she began to scroll through movies on the television screen.
Patrick smiled slyly on his way out the door. Once she heard him get into his car and the engine turn on, Ellie wasn’t able to concentrate on the screen. She could only focus on the butterflies that were still fluttering around her stomach from when he had pulled her against him. And the way her skin tingled from where his fingers touched. She had kept this growing crush for her friend buried down deep inside. Not wanting to ruin what they had based on the lust filled ideas that filled her mind whenever he had his shirt off. But she didn’t know how much longer she could kid herself. This was no longer the “he’s kind of cute” thoughts she began developing long ago. They were growing stronger with each day they hung out together. The way her heart jumped when she’d see his name pop up on her phone went way past the feeling of friendship. And right now all she could focus on was how jealous she was of the girl he would be working with next weekend.
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dokidokitsuna · 2 years
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Birth of a Nightmare
I decided to try a different approach to creating illustrations for Dream Machine, and it actually worked! 8O
Unfortunately, kinda like the previous illustration I posted, they don’t really work on a technical level-- for instance, they’re portrait-oriented even though they’re meant for a (landscape) video. And they’re more abstract than visually informative, which isn’t the best choice to go with heavily summarized narration...
...But honestly screw all of that; I don’t care anymore. ^^; They exist, they’re FINISHED, and they were fun to do, which gives me some hope for finally releasing Act 1 sometime in the near future. Because this is the main thing that’s holding it up; the script is pretty much done; as tedious as it’ll be to edit and record, I could probably finish it all in a day and a half, but it feels pointless to even start on that when I still have weeks’ worth of illustrations hanging over my head...
But if the rest of them go as smoothly as these two did, I could probably finish them all in...one week. :T We’ll see~
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aajjks · 3 months
“not to steal crystals, silly. to keep the city safe. my apologies for offending you about” mj replies and after that the conversation is finished. but it doesn’t leave mj wondering one thing: why is it whenever anything negative is brought up about spider-man jungkook takes it personal? almost like they’re talking about him. could it be?
“Are you okay?”
“um, yes. i’m okay. just thinking about maybe our next outing. we should go bowling next” says mj before taking another bite of the stir-fry noodles. the rest of the night goes by smoothly as conversation seems to flow easily between both mj and jungkook, however, the finish line has been pushed back further than before.
“uh, no thanks. i don’t mind walking. um, i had fun as well. see you later, jungkook” mj says before heading in the opposite direction of jungkook who reaches for his helmet.
“it needs more….still not strong enough….”
it’s 11 at night and after a drink or two, you’ve finally loosened up and had some fun with your friend jisoo who insisted that everything would work out fine. you’re still a little tipsy but you can still make out your surroundings and with jisoo passed out on living room floor, you’re stuck walking all the way back home alone.
maybe you should call jungkook but then you’re reminded of his date with that girl mj and he probably doesn’t want to be bothered by something so minor. not too long ago you told jungkook you’d kick young-jae’s ass if he ever put his hands on him and that goes for any person that is smart enough to put their hands on you.
you wait awhile to sober up some more before leaving jisoo’s apartment but only after making sure she’s comfortable in bed and safe. your apartment complex is only a 10 maybe 15 minute walk away so it’ll be quick. hopefully…
“hey pretty lady” says a man against a concrete wall but you continue onwards not paying attention to his obvious advances. once the man sees that you’re ignoring him, he takes it upon himself to follow after you. you speed your pace up with hopes to get out of his reach but it’s too late. the man grabs hold of you and pulls you close.
“you don’t hear me talking to you? it’s always stuck up bitches like you that think their pussy’s too tight to acknowledge someone”
“you got in money on you, eh? or do you wanna offer me that pretty mouth of yours?”
you struggle against the man but when you see an opening, you take it. you take a huge chunk of his finger in your mouth and clench your mouth tightly which causes him to let you go but not without pissing you off.
“YOU BITCH!!!” he punches you in the face which sends you onto the floor. “oh you’re really gonna get it now!!”
Jungkook is now riding on his bike as he thinks about his dinner with mj. Why did he fuck up an opportunity he probably would’ve died for some time ago?
He’s still focusing on the road, tightening his hands around the handles. It’s almost about to rain, “ugh fuck.” He exclaims while driving.
It’s so lonely as he drives back home, the streets are almost empty, maybe due to the weather, but.. he shouldn’t be too stressed out about this.
Just as he drives through the roads, Jungkook notices some commotion. “What the fuck is going on?” Some man beating up a woman- holy fuck.
He needs to help her.
Jungkook stops his bike to the side way and quickly puts the keys in his pockets before running into an alleyway with his bag.
Jungkook immediately puts on his Spider-Man disguise and doesn’t waste a single moment before running to the man attacking the woman.
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” He gets near the man before kicking him harshly, the raindrops start to drop from the sky. And that’s when it gives him some time to look at the assaulted woman.
“OH ITS YOU!” The man exclaims as he tries to defend himself against the great vigilante.
Jungkook can’t believe it at all. It’s you. His best friend who was being harassed by this creep. “YOU FUCKER IM GOING TO KILL YOU!” Jungkook uses all of his strength to hurt the creep.
He kicks him, punches him, repeatedly. Doesn’t even remember to use his webs or any power to hurt the man.
It’s not Spider-Man fighting but it’s jungkook fighting for you.
It’s raining, completely soaking the roads as he beats the man to a pulp without even thinking of his reputation as a hero.
“YOU ARE GOING TO DIE.” Jungkook delivers one last kick to the man as he falls to the ground unconscious and bloody.
And it finally gives him some sense of satisfaction and he helps you. “A-Are you okay?” He looks at your face and his anger finally dissolves.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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Advice to Work on Yourself ⚽️ in July 2023: Cancer
2 Wands - 3 Wands - Ace of Cups rev
Regarding: 4 Cups
You’re not happy with any of your options in love, because you’re still stuck on a particular ex that you haven’t healed from yet. You had a whole plan to get them back, and it hasn’t worked out. You’re still waiting, possibly with someone whose time you’ve been wasting because you’re not as into them as they are you, and you know this. There are two Queens being shown, and Swords could be an air sign but they just feel more like “the ex”. Wands is “the lover”. Doesn’t matter what sign.
In your mind, it’s only a matter of time before you can heal your connection with the past person, with the full intention of leaving your current person. You just wait, and wait, and wait. But the reality is you’re not being conscious about what you do - thus the advice - and you’re not aware of how much you’re hurting your person. Or would. If you don’t like them, leave them. They probably already get a sense that what is between you isn’t as mutual as they hoped. I don’t see the ex coming back, which is making you bitter, but you’re still holding on. Ace of Cups rev, along with advice cards, are the advice in this reading. Just as you and this person have an imbalanced and unrequited love, so do you and your ex. Except now you’re the one doing it, which you may not even realize, showing a need to be aware of your choices and how they affect others. Besides that, Ladybug is a very good omen, there are positive people and situations surrounding you that need more attention, let the past stay in the past. If you love this person you’re with, or don’t, tell them, be authentic ❤️
Animal Oracle: Ladybug 🐞
“This is a time of good fortune and abundance, so be willing to receive all good things in your life.”
This is an auspicious time for you, one that is extraordinarily powerful. You’ll find that everything goes very smoothly with little effort on your part. Your thoughts will be manifesting much more quickly, so be observant and careful about what you’re thinking. If you lapse into thinking about what you lack or what’s missing, remind yourself of all the things you do have for which you’re grateful. Gratitude is the key to continually receiving good fortune, joy, and abundance. Be willing to ask for and graciously receive all that comes your way. If you ask for something and then negate it with insurmountable disbelief, it’ll be like you never asked. Control any habitual negative thought patterns. Ask...and then be open to receive.
- Forward march. Looking backward ensures a broken neck.
- Your art should wage war.
- The only constant will always be contradiction.
- Greet Your Friends With Enthusiasm
- Make Conscious Choices
Moon & Star 🌙⭐️ on 2 Cups shows illusions, wishes, daydreams, etc., about what could be, not what actually is. It’s playing out destructively when you’re not actually single, dreaming up characteristics of people that aren’t your person, and guarding it or holding it possessively to your chest. Why? It just makes you feel disconnected & confused when you have to wake up.
Owl 🦉 on Ace of Cups rev is wisdom, placing the correct blame in the correct areas, especially regarding your ex, but also including your own. If they were going to come back, wouldn’t they have done this already? What was so great in the first place? Would you really even want them, do you really even know them at all, and why didn’t it work last time? Are either of you the same?
Key 🔑 on Make Conscious Choices shows there is something to learn from psychoanalyzing yourself in this situation, it’s like it’s right there in front of your face and you just haven’t picked up on it yet. It could be…say you did get your ex back…would you just hope that they’re more like this person you have now? 🤔 Is it just what you don’t have? Be honest with yourself.
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i-am-beckyu · 1 year
I am still struggling with ratatouille au being turned into worse even tho I've finally figured out what I want to be in it—
...I can probably force it if I really try...
I'm gonna do another poll now tho bc I have almost an entire chapter on something else written and it's going smoothly
Assist me plzzzzz
I'm struggling to make up my miiiiiiiind
Aight I read the poll and clearly, you want to work on the mystery Au. As much as you want to finish the ratatouille au, if you keep trying to force it I doubt you’ll make much progress.
So if I were you I’d step back from it and focus on the one you’re passionate about.
If you feel bad for not working on it, write just a few lines and then work on the mystery au again. It’s currently what I’m doing between 3 fics atm because I want to work on them all but I can’t seem to get anything cohesive going so I write a few lines and move on. When I come back to them, I reread it, edit it a little and repeat.
Because at some point it sparks an idea and then I splurge on words making heaps of progress. This way I’m making progress but I’m not making myself hate it. You might end up deleting some of those first initial lines but it at least helps to get you started.
Great example of this is an oc romance story I’m writing where I just have random scenes I write and am just joining together into a puzzle. Stuff changed a little to fit the overall storyline better, but I’ve made progress and it keeps me motivated to keep writing it bit by bit.
Anyways to sum up, don’t force it. It’s a waste of energy and takes the fun out of it. It’ll come in time. Hope that helps ❤️
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ringtrappedinamber · 11 months
Vignette 4 -  What the hell was that?
Leiden Side.
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[][][][][][][][][][] 3% Remaining..
Leiden actually felt better after chatting with Mio a bit. Usually any conversation left him more and more drained. But something about Mio’s boisterous personality managed to drag Leiden along in her flow. As such he was actually not completely dreading dealing with Aaliyah. Leiden knocked on the door to the office behind the stage of the main theater. A young girl with dark hair opened the door. 
Abigail: “Huh? Leiden? Can’t say I expected to see you…”
Abigail looked over her shoulder. She was obviously making sure that Aaliyah wasn’t around to overhear. Leiden motioned between Abigail and Mio.
Leiden: “Mio, this is Abigail Martin. Abigail, this is Mio. She’s a new member for the film studies club.”
Mio: “It’s nice to meet you! I’m Mio Nogami! It’s my hope to save the film studies club from closing! We wanted to talk about the club room.”
Abigail massaged the bridge of her nose.
Abigail: “Oh she’s going to hate that…”
Abigail motioned for the two to enter. She turned and walked across the room knocking on a door to a side room. A taller older student with long wavy hair stepped out. 
Aaliyah: “What is it? I’m working on an adaptation for the fall play-”
She locked eyes with Leiden. Leiden felt a chill run down his spine. She grinned a big cocky grin and marched over to Leiden. 
Aaliyah: “And to what do I owe this little surprise..?”
Leiden: “Ah, we-”
Mio: “Oh! Uh! Hi! I’m Mio Nogami! I joined the film studies club!”
Aaliyah: “That club is disbanding at the end of the year, kiddo. A cutie like you would do much better in the drama club.”
Mio blushed a bit. 
‘Mio… don’t fall into her sway so easily..’
Leiden: “L-Listen. We’re going to try and keep the club going. But it’d help us if you released your claim on the clubroom.”
Aaliyah scoffed and tossed her hair over her shoulder.
Aaliyah: “That’s the room where I shared my precious first kiss with Austin. We formed… so many memories in that room.. I simply can’t let it fall to the braying mules of any other club. And you’ve already completely failed to recruit enough members to keep the doors open, right?”
Mio: “How many people did Austin kiss…?”
Leiden ignored that. 
Leiden: “L-Listen. This room is already bigger than our clubroom anyhow. And Mio’s a first year. If she takes over the club then it’ll run smoothly for 4 years… Besides, Austin was the one who was supposed to handle recruiting enough members to keep the club active..”
Aaliyah scowled.
Aaliyah: “She was a visionary! A leader! She was making art! You should have picked up the slack instead of sleeping through every club meeting.”
Mio: “D-Didn’t he edit the film?”
Aaliyah: “What? How long could that possibly have taken..? Like two days?”
Abigail snorted out a laugh.
Abigail: “A.. A bit longer than that.. Probably..”
Mio grinned broadly.
Mio: “But you see… I admired the movie that Austin made so much that I was inspired to follow in her footsteps! That’s why I came to join the club! I want it to be a place where people can… er… become just like Austin!”
Leiden and Abigail stared blankly at Mio. 
‘Do you really think… Aaliyah is swayed that easily…?”
Aaliyah: “Hurm… Yes.. She did love making film. It WOULD be a shame to let her legacy die out here..”
‘Th-that worked!?’
Leiden: “How about this. If you rescind your claim to the club… I’ll agree that the film studies club will record your plays going forward. It’s good camera operator practice for us. And it’ll be good for you all to have a properly done recording of your shows, right?”
Abigail’s eyes sparkled with obvious greed. She was the sort who could sense a good deal.
Aaliyah: “Tch, as if-”
Abigail: “And you’ll have Sy help us out with sound design and the audio recording..?”
Leiden: “... Yeah. He’ll do it.”
‘Sorry Sy…’
Aaliyah: “.... It would be good to fill out my portfolio with more videos. And the recordings from last year were…”
Abigail: “Bad.”
Aaliyah: “... Fine. But only on the condition you get enough members to ACTUALLY keep the club. If I learn it’s going to be abandoned we’re taking the room.”
Leiden flashed a warm smile. Mio’s visible shock at this smile caused it to go away immediately.
‘Tch.. even I smile! Every now and then!’
Leiden: “Aaliyah… Thank you. Sincerely.”
Aaliyah scoffed and tossed her hair dramatically.
Aaliyah: “Don’t think I’ve forgiven you for buzzing around Austin’s heels like an annoying gnat. But I can be pragmatic. And besides. That kid has some spirit! And I will always support a beautiful woman in need.”
Leiden tried hard not to roll his eyes. He glanced at Abigail who flashed him a thumbs up. He gave her a look, as if to say ‘sorry you have to deal with this’. She just shrugged in response. 
Mo and Leiden dismissed themselves and turned to leave. As they walked away Mio grinned, glancing at Leiden. 
Mio: “That negotiating was pretty good! You ARE surprisingly reliable!”
‘You could leave out the ‘surprisingly’...’
However, the only words that came out were:
Leiden: “.... mrghgh.”
[][][][][][][][][][] 0% Remaining..
After returning to the club room Leiden practically melted into the windowsill, leaning against the warm glass..  He hadn’t spoken at all after leaving their meeting with the drama club. He’d barely recharged at all prior to talking and any interaction with Aaliyah would completely drain him in no time..
Mio was nearby looking over social media on her phone and taking notes.
He dozed off for a bit as he rested. What felt like moments later he heard the last bell ring. That was the final warning for students to head home. He blinked and glanced around. He accidentally locked eyes with Mio, glancing over his way. 
He held her gaze for an extended moment. Somehow he got the instinctual feeling that he shouldn’t look away. However the strange intimacy of the moment made him feel somehow nervous, like he was doing something wrong. After a moment Mio simply smirked and looked down to her bag as she prepared to head home. Leiden slid off the windowsill and grabbed his bag wordlessly. 
‘... What the hell was that..?’
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rinnelovebot · 2 years
This might be a bit of a messy thing, n’ people have probably already said a lot of these things, but here I go anyway, hope it helps.
SHAAPES shapes shapes shapes, everything comes down to shapes, break down bigger more difficult things into shapes and suddenly everything makes sense.
Also longer strokes makes your lines not only cleaner, but also generally easier to mold and deal with. Uhh, use a lot of references, they are your best friend, you dont have to go 1:1 on them though, you can simplify them into something easier for you, or something inspired by a show you like, something thats less detailed, whatever! thats how art styles start to form!! A lot of anime art styles retain what looks like a human, but, would probably not really work if it was put into actual real life, yknow, its a very Simplified Person. Do what feels right for you.
People dont really say this, and it goes against a lot of things you’ve probably heard, but, It’s okay to trace things sometimes, whether its to learn how to draw it, get the outline shape down, practice, or just because its too difficult, as long as its not someone else’s art, like. Tracing a guitar from a stock photo or something is good! Or a horse, because god knows I cannot draw a horse for the life of me, and neither can a lot of people, but thats what Google Stock Images are there to help with.
(This gets a little wobbly but some artists are fine with tracing, if its to learn how to do things or for practice, as well, as long as you dont pass it off as your own work/share it. But this depends on the artist and I wouldnt really recommend it unless youre 100% sure the artist is fine with it.)
Generally, art is a process that takes a looong time, and a looot of practice. A lot of it is muscle memory, your hand getting used to moving smoothly and putting what you envision into lines, it gets frustrating, but it also gets easier over time as you figure it out and things start to make sense. Sometimes it’ll feel like youre not improving much at all, and its okay to take breaks when this happens, but progress is a slow thing, and surely, if you look back a week from now n’ compare it to when you started, you’ll notice you’ve gotten better.
Good luck! I hope this messy nonsensical collection of things that popped into my mind helped, sorry its long n’ not very coherent, it would be much easier to do with visual examples, but i’ll leave that for someone else LMAOOO
Dw I don’t think this is messy or nonsensical at all!! It’s actually very organized and easy to understand <3 I appreciate the advice a lot. When I , in the words of Soren, “ascend to artist godhood”, I’ll be thanking you all profusely !! I would’ve missed a lot of these tips if not for your message, so thanks a mil 🫶
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afleetingsoul · 2 years
it's been 8 weeks, I'm not so late, am I?
I wrote this around 6 weeks ago:
can one truly process everything that's happened in the last year? it'll probably take me a year or a few moths, as long as I'm in the shower but I only take around 15 to 30 mins to bathe so, how long would the processing take? Right? So, I can only talk about what I can remember now.
it's been hard. and I'm saying this with a heavy heart. it's been really, really hard. but it is through these hardships that make things more meaningful..
we learn to wish, to pray, to hope..
it is with pain that we learn to seek happiness. we wish for a brighter tomorrow and then we do the same nasty old habits but we wish it still. it took so much just to "try" as you carry the world on your shoulders..
you did so well just getting by.
this 2023, i wish we could dream more...
last year, all i've thought about was
to recover from my weak body to comfort myself from the failures of my career to heal myself from my traumas to fight my irrational fears to recover my dying self-esteem to pity myself and to stop myself from saying I'm dumb at the same time to accept my political defeat to fight myself from admitting I was lonely to understand what I have been underestimating - that I can handle the overwhelming freedom I was granted with the day I moved in a strange, new place to feel comfortable in my own skin, my (god awful) problematic skin to make myself useful enough to the people I hold most dear to get out of my head to make ends meet to get by
and then, i think some more
how time flies how my future will be how I'm going to die how I'm going to die alone how I'll never get a step closer to my academic pursuits how I'll always be poor and sad and..
how I'll change the way I think about everything that I've thought about so far how my life will be meaningful and have no regrets when my time comes...
everyone has been talking about how their year has been like a rollercoaster - mine never went as smoothly as up and down. it had a lot of stagnation and rumination. and I'm no good at making analogies but it's been a trip where my vehicle, which missed parts, broke down a lot, and I've lost my ways, I've lost my map, and then found myself at the starting line again.. and at the end of it all, I had to look put together ‘cause I hate showing my true feelings to people; I can only be vulnerable to a few precious friends.
yet with all these "darkness", it was then easy for me to see the light. and I am grateful. I was able to survive the year 2022 because of my people. I know no one’s going to see this but I know, I haven't expressed my gratitude enough so, here is my affection: you have a special place in my heart. thank you for helping me pick up the pieces. you probably weren't aware, I may not have told you about the things that kept me awake at night, but I want you to know that because you reached out, you've made the world a little less hellish for me. life is still worth living - thanks to you.
I love you.
everything is going to be okay. maybe a part of you is saying "bullshit" right now. I might sound insensitive.. ‘cause you're probably in a bad place too. that's fine. I understand how you feel. I want you to know that you're special but you're not that special that you think you are alone in this. so, go. grieve. feel the pain as much as you want. and then, believe it will get better. because it will. if not then, this is just how life is. we're only here for a moment.
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jackrrabbit · 3 years
open season thirsts [9/?] /// Iwaizumi x f!Reader x Oikawa (18+)
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Request: This is cringe so i understand if u ignore this lmao. Mafia!iwakawa found out that reader is kidnapped by their enemies
A/N: Dude I write anime character reader insert fanfiction, I’ve transcended cringe at this point. BUT I hope it’s cool I angled it a bit darker bc I’m nasty and awful :.)
Setup: reader is the daughter of the former family head, Oikawa’s the current boss, and Iwa’s his right hand man. You’re all childhood friends (Oikawa was your father’s protege before his retirement).
Tags/warnings: um…mafia, kidnapping, genre-appropriate violence/blood/death/murder (not reader), yandere/possessive tendencies, patronizing treatment, restraints/gag/blindfold, mentions of crying, “princess”, ‘family’ just refers to the organization (no one is related other than reader and her father), all characters are adults
“Do you think she’ll be crying?”
There’s blood on the floor. Iwaizumi shifts where he’s crouching so that the edge of his shoe doesn’t touch it—bloodstains are such a pain to get out of leather. “What?”
“I mean, when we find her.” Oikawa nudges the body over with one hand and inspects the blank, glassy look pasted over the man’s face. “This one’s done. I think we’re good here.”
Iwaizumi straightens, throwing a cold glance down to confirm before turning back to his partner. “We should be thorough. This wouldn’t’ve happened if there weren’t rats running around in the first place—and what the hell does that mean? Why would she be crying?”
“Don’t you think she might be scared? She’s such a crybaby.”
Oikawa’s running fingers through his hair now to slick back the strands that fell out of place during the struggle, smoothing his hands down the pressed fabric of his suit to flatten out any stray wrinkles, and Iwaizumi recognizes the gestures against his will. Oikawa’s preening—freshening himself up so he looks good when they find you. God forbid the moron look anything less than his best in front of you, even though you’ve probably been tied to a chair for the better part of a week and you won’t give a fuck what they look like as long as they’re cutting the ropes off.
Not that Iwaizumi can really blame him. Yes, Oikawa’s a vain bastard, but Iwaizumi feels it too—the nervousness, this excitement at the thought of seeing you again. It’s been four months since you insisted on leaving the compound to live independently—and didn’t they tell you it was going to end badly? Iwaizumi spent weeks trying to convince you that it was stupid to play pretend at a normal life (“come on princess, you know your father wants you to stay here, you know it’s not safe”), but you just had to pack your bags in the middle of the night and leave the family behind. You’ve always been headstrong. Neither of them want you to go through any hardship, but at least this time maybe you’ll have learned your lesson. Maybe this was for the best.
Well…it’s a lot easier for him to see it that way when he’s standing ankle deep in the bodies of the people who stole you. As much as Iwaizumi wants to have you back now, it’ll have to wait until he’s sure that every single one of your kidnappers is dead.
“She’s not a crybaby. Not anymore,” he says. It’s true that you used to cry whenever you were scared as a kid, and it didn’t help that as the former boss’s daughter you had plenty to be scared of. Iwaizumi has fond memories of wiping your tears away and telling you it was going to be alright after your father reprimanded you for something you did wrong, and it doesn’t surprise him that Oikawa feels the same way. You’ve always been so hard to pin down—always slipping up, always talking back—except when you’re crying. Back then, it was the closest you ever came to relying on the two of them.
But that was a long time ago. You’ve toughened up since you were little. It’s been years since Iwaizumi’s seen you cry.
“I guess,” Oikawa whines, stepping smoothly over another man lying prone on the floor as he makes his way to the backroom where you’re being kept. “But don’t you miss it? She was so cute back then.”
“She’s still…” Iwaizumi trails off, wondering if you can hear them through the locked door between you. If your eardrums are undamaged from the gunshots (Iwaizumi made sure to use a silencer, but you’re sensitive), you’ll be pissed if you hear him call you cute. “…She’ll be happy to see us either way. She’s been here for days.”
“Don’t remind me.”
“Then let’s hurry up and get it over with.”
One of the men on the ground is making a kind of…gurgling sound, and Oikawa kneels halfway down to make sure he’s not going to get back up, peeling back the edge of the bomber jacket the man is wearing and revealing a red stain spreading out from behind his ribs. “This is the last one. Still holding on, but he’ll bleed out by the time we take her out of here.”
“Stand back,” Iwaizumi says flatly, and as soon as Oikawa is out of range, a final gunshot cracks through the room to finish the dying man off.
“Oh—putting him out of his misery, are we? How generous.”
“Not generous. Impatient.”
Iwaizumi scans the room again, counting the bodies, checking for any last subtle breaths. There’s none. The door to the backroom is locked from the outside only—clearly your kidnappers were more concerned about you escaping than the possibility of anyone getting through the small army of guards outside the door. He only has to flip the lock and then the handle is yielding under his grip.
And it’s just like he pictured it. You’re tied to a chair, black cords looping around your ankles and your waist and your wrists and binding you to the wood. You look, predictably, like you’ve been wearing the same clothes for a week, but still—even with the greasy hair, even with the mussed clothing, even with your face obscured by a wad of fabric gagged into your mouth and a blindfold—Iwaizumi can’t help the rush of relief that comes from seeing you alive. And you’re safe, too. Now that they’re here for you.
Oikawa goes to you first, and Iwaizumi lets him. Oikawa’s the family head so he’s the first one who gets to touch you. Iwaizumi knows that’s how it is. Oikawa bends down next to you and when his hands go to undo the gag first instead of the ropes or the blindfold, Iwaizumi rolls his eyes privately. Fuck, how badly does the idiot want to see her cry?
The fabric is soaked with spit when Oikawa pulls it out of your mouth—you must have been trying to talk with it in. Maybe you were screaming. Iwaizumi wishes idly that he’d left some of the men outside alive—it could have been slower, he could have really made it hurt—but the wave of fury passes. It’s done. You’re fine. You’re safe now.
You open and close your jaw a bit, stretching out the sore muscles, and when you finally speak your voice is hoarse from a combination of neglect and likely dehydration. “Hajime? T—Tooru? It’s…you, right?”
“How did you know?” Oikawa pouts.
“I, um, heard the shots…I know what your gun sounds like—” Oikawa’s thumb rubs lightly over your cheek as you’re talking (probably subconscious, Iwaizumi doubts he even knows he’s doing it) and you jerk away from his hand. “Don’t touch me like that! You smell like blood.”
“Oh…I’m sorry,” Oikawa laughs softly, not moving his hand from your face. You’re still blindfolded, but he’s staring at you anyway in pure rapture. The wriggly movements of your body against the rope tell Iwaizumi that you’re waiting for them to untie you, but he holds back—considering the way Oikawa’s drinking in this image of you, it seems like he wants to savor this moment a little longer. Iwaizumi can’t say he doesn’t understand.
Really, it’s just that you’re usually so hard to pin down.
“Are you—aren’t you going to untie me?” Your voice sounds a little nervous now. Iwaizumi’s getting tired of waiting for his turn to touch—he kneels next to you, across from Oikawa, and laces his fingers into yours, pulling your hand awkwardly away from the place where it’s still tied to the arm of the chair. “—Hajime? Is that you?”
“Just give us a minute, princess,” he breathes, folding each finger down until your smaller hand is swallowed up in his grip.
“Were you scared?” Oikawa asks, and Iwaizumi wonders if it’s as obvious to you as it is to him that part of Oikawa wants the answer to be yes.
“No, um…” You’re turning your head blindly between the two of them, obviously trying to sort out whose hand is whose—who’s touching you, and where—but does it really matter? As long as it’s one of them? “I wasn’t. Not really. I…I knew you would come.”
“Good girl, good girl.” Oikawa’s hand tilts your chin up. “Are you ready to come home then? If you can admit it, I’ll untie you.”
“Come on…” It doesn’t feel quite right to hold you hostage like this, but then again Iwaizumi’s lost his sense of what right is when it comes to you. Maybe love isn’t supposed to be this obsessive, but by now it’s been so long that neither of them can tell the difference. Can you really fault them for that?
“It’s okay, Hajime, um—I’m ready.” You swallow roughly, turning back to where you think Oikawa is stroking your face. “Tooru…can I go back to the compound? I want to…go back…”
“You want us to take you back,” Oikawa corrects, cupping your cheek, careful all the time not to let the streak of blood on his hand meet your skin. “You want to come home.”
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babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 19
Pairing: CEO!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: You are left to make a decision after Bucky’s confession.
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: sexual tension, SMUT, oral (f receiving), unprotected p in v penetration, some typa feels or idk KSKSKKSKSKKSKSKKSKSKS
A/N: Hmmm enjoy 😏😏😏
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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“I’m in love with you and it drives me crazy.”
You weren’t going to lie, you had expected Bucky’s confession. But even so, it still rendered you speechless and unable to comprehend that fuck, he was in love with you. James Buchanan Barnes, CEO of Barnes Group of Companies had fallen in love with you.
Bucky’s eyes remained on yours after his confession, they were bluer than they used to and they held a hopeful glint in them. His hands on your waist were still tight as ever, as if he was afraid that you’d vanish if he didn’t hold onto you tight.
“I...is that the reason why you had an RFID made for me?”
Oh my god.
Out of all the things you could’ve asked, it just had to be so fucking random. You made a face at your response but Bucky found it amusing, given that he laughed at your question. It somehow lightened the atmosphere and reduced the tension.
“You could say that…” Bucky said, still chuckling. “When I told you that I wanted to make things official, I really meant it. I wanted our relationship to be just...honest and full of trust. God, I wanted us to go home together after a long day at work, maybe buy some fast food on our way home. I wanted to learn what kind of shows you watch, are you more into Netflix? Hulu? Maybe we could spend Friday night on my couch, watching anything and everything. I wanted to come home and wake up to you.”
Bucky was smiling the entire time he was talking, as if he had imagined all those things with you. And it made your heart and stomach flutter like never before. His eyes glistened with happiness as he went on and on about the things he had planned out.
Only if things went smoothly in the past.
“I know you probably thought how creepy I was for doing that, but...I wanted all those with you. I still do. And the thought of you doing those things with someone else? Drives me nuts.” he admitted.
You nodded, “That’s why you reacted like that with Mark.” you stated, finally understanding his outburst.
Bucky sighed and glanced up at you, as if he was ashamed. “Seeing you so carefree around him, laughing and just talking...I’m really sorry.” he apologized again.
You squeezed his shoulders, “Thank you for being honest with me.” you softly said.
“I’m not asking you to say it back or to even feel the same way. I’m not asking for forgiveness either, I know it’ll take a lot of time for you to do that. But when I said that you deserve so much better than me, I was being honest.” Bucky said, meeting your eyes once more.
“That’s why I want to become a better person, for you. It won’t happen overnight and there will be times when I would struggle in changing my ways but I promise you, if you give me a chance to prove to you how much I want to be with you...I’ll do whatever it takes. If I have to give up this goddamn company, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Because I love you.”
Twice. Bucky said that he loves you twice and it made your heart do somersaults. However, love was a very strong word and it wasn’t easy for you to figure out whether you felt the same. Without a doubt, you liked Bucky as well because if you didn’t, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt beforehand.
It somehow left you feeling conflicted, Bucky’s confession. Sure, you’d resigned already so technically, it wouldn’t be an issue anymore if you and Bucky continued where things were left prior to the argument.
But your lives were so different, would you be able to keep up with Bucky’s world?
“I...thank you?”
Fuck. Fuckity fuck. You wanted to mentally slap yourself for your response. Even more so when you saw the look in Bucky’s face when you just thanked him for being in love with you.
“I’m sorry. I mean…” you took a deep breath and laughed awkwardly, “I need some time to think about it.” you explained.
Bucky pursed his lips and gave you a tight-lipped smile as he nodded, “Of course.”
The song ended and as soon as Bucky took a step back, you excused yourself and rushed to the restroom. You locked the main door and paced back and forth, panicking because you didn’t know what to do. You never thought about what you’d do in such a situation, you were absolutely clueless.
You started fanning yourself as you tried to calm yourself until a series of knocks surprised you. Opening the door, you were relieved to find Beverly with a sullen expression on her face.
“Finally got you to myself!” she whined, “Are you really leaving? The event is obviously a huge success, isn’t that enough to make you stay?” she asked.
You smiled at her apologetically, “It’s really complicated, Bev. A lot of factors are involved in my decision to leave.”
Beverly sighed, “Is it because of your thing with Sir James?” she asked.
You blushed, eyes wide because how the hell did Beverly know about it?! “What— I don’t know what you’re talking about, Bev. Geez, way to stir the rumor mill. Bucky and I don’t have a thing.” you snorted, avoiding her gaze.
Beverly rolled her eyes, “Aside from you being so defensive right now, it’s so obvious, bestie.”
“What?!” you almost shrieked.
“I mean, well, not you. But Sir James is so obvious, he’s got heart eyes for you every single time you’re in the same room as him. And let me tell you, as someone who’s read plenty of top-10-signs-to-know-that-he’s-into-you type of articles, sir James is so into you.” She explained as if she was spitting facts.
“I figured it out way before the coffee thingy.” She added proudly.
Realizing that there was no use denying it, you told Beverly everything. Well, except the details of your hot, sex escapades with Bucky. You had to cover Beverly’s mouth to stop her from squealing after you told her about Bucky’s confession earlier.
“I can’t believe I’m going to ask you this, but got any advice?” You asked with a defeated sigh.
Beverly shrugged, “Well, do you love him?”
“Love is a strong word.” You said, narrowing your eyes at her.
“Okay, fine. Do you like him?” Beverly asked again.
You pondered for a while, “He’s our boss, so it’s—“
“Bestie, do you like him? That’s all I’m asking.” Beverly said.
“But considering the circumstances and—“
“Ugh, yes or no. Do you like Bucky Barnes?!”
“Even if I left the company, he’s still a CEO and that makes us so different. I don’t know if—”
“Oh my god just don’t think about anything else and focus on my question. Do you like Bucky Barnes?!”
“Yes, okay! I like him! Happy?!” You said.
Well, fuck.
Beverly grinned at you, fluttering her lashes as she hummed. “Then tell him, that’s my advice. He likes...no, he loves you and you like him. I don’t see anything wrong with giving it a chance. See where it takes the both of you, if it doesn’t work then bummer, but at least you tried.”
You deadpanned at Bev, “I cannot believe you just lectured me like that.”
Beverly shrugged, “You’re very smart, bestie. And I honestly look up to you, career-wise. But in love and relationships, you kinda suck.” she said with a grimace.
You rolled your eyes but chuckled, “You know what? You’re actually right.”
She sighed, “You’re still leaving?” she asked again.
You nodded, “You don’t have to worry because I know you can manage without me. You’ve grown a lot and seeing you handle stuff by yourself, it makes me proud. I’m proud of you...bestie.” you teased.
Beverly whined as she held back her tears, “I can’t ruin my make-up, I hate you! But also, I love you and I hope you work things out with Sir James.”
“Thanks, Bev.”
“This concludes the event and I’m proud of everyone’s work. Sam needed to go but he’s also extending his thanks to everyone. I know you’re all tired and it’s only Wednesday so I’ll see everyone on Friday. Take the day off tomorrow and get some rest. Have a great night, everyone.” Bucky announced.
Everyone else erupted in cheers, thanking and congratulating Bucky. You immediately approached some of the suppliers and thanked them for their hardwork. You even apologized to the stylist for snapping at her earlier.
“So will I still be seeing you on Friday?” Bucky’s voice made your heart skip a beat.
You turned around and nodded, “I’m staying until next week, just to sort things out.” You said.
There was complete silence between the two of you for a couple of seconds. The air was definitely lighter but you knew that Bucky was waiting for an answer from you.
“Okay.” you mumbled as you smoothed out your dress with your palms.
Bucky looked at you, confusion etched all over his face. “What?”
You bit your lip as you avoided his gaze, “I know you’re waiting for me to say something about what you said earlier. So...okay.” you nodded.
Bucky’s eyes widened at you, his lips twitched as if he was holding himself back from smiling. “Okay as in…?” he confirmed.
You nodded your head again, “We can...take things slow first? Get to know each other and see where that takes us, I guess?” you explained shyly.
“Yes, of course. I can do slow.” he said with enthusiasm.
Warmth crept up from your neck to your face when Bucky smiled widely. He looked around and observed his surroundings, checking whether there were people around. Sadly, the other employees left were either mingling or waiting for their rides. He rubbed his stubbled chin with his hand to hide his smile.
“Drive me home?” you asked, returning the smile.
Only a few employees were left by the time you and Bucky walked out of the venue. They were all waiting for their rides and chatting with each other. You and Bucky kept a safe distance from each other, just to make sure that there wouldn’t be anyone suspecting.
Martha called you and congratulated you for the success of the event, “Congratulations to us! Thanks so much for all your help.” you told her, squeezing her arm.
“Do you have a ride home? Do you want me to drop you off?” she asked with concern.
You quickly stole a glance from Bucky who cleared his throat and pretended to be texting someone on his phone. “Oh, my friend will be picking me up. I’m just waiting for her.” you reassured Martha.
Martha smiled and bid goodbye before acknowledging Bucky with a polite nod. As soon as everyone had left, Bucky was quick to call for the valet to fetch his car. He stood a bit closer to you now, but not near enough for your arms to touch.
Tension enveloped the both of you, the good and familiar kind of tension. You actually missed feeling this way, your stomach bubbling with anticipation. You were feeling both excited and nervous and worried, you felt everything all at once and you wondered whether Bucky felt the same.
You were trying to compose yourself mentally when you felt a gentle tap against your knuckles. Looking down at your hand, you realized that Bucky’s fingers were playfully tapping yours. You bit the insides of your cheeks as you looked forward, avoiding his gaze and pretending to be just waiting for your ride.
You quickly returned the gesture, using your index finger touch Bucky’s. It was silly for two adults to be acting like teenagers flirting at the back of the classroom quietly. But you had to admit, you’d missed this— the playfulness and thrill of it all.
Bucky’s car arrived and he was quick to open the door for you, giving you a smile that made you giddy. This was probably going to be a long ride home.
It was quiet as Bucky drove; he had gotten rid of his suit and bowtie, leaving him in his black dress shirt with the top two buttons undone. There was still a little bit of tension and it was obvious that the both of you were controlling yourselves. At least, you were controlling yourself because Bucky looked so fucking good tonight.
He was a bit restless too, especially his right hand that was either on his steering wheel or on his chin. You’d caught him stealing glances at you a couple of times and you saw his eyes lingered on your exposed thigh longer than he should. He must’ve chosen the dress for a reason since the slit was making it hard for you to keep your leg covered.
“Shit, sorry.” Bucky muttered under his breath when he made a wrong turn at an alley and ended up reaching a dead end.
The alley was narrow and a bit dark so he struggled with maneuvering the car. He grunted in frustration and rolled his sleeves up to his elbow before slightly turning to you as he wrapped an arm on the back of your seat.
You felt a familiar throb deep within as you watched Bucky back up his car expertly, flattening his palm on the steering wheel as he looked back while backing out of the alley. Feeling your breathing accelerate, you straightened up on the seat and swallowed hard as you fought the urge to just hop on over to Bucky’s side and straddle him.
God, it’s been far too long.
As soon as Bucky was on the main road, he apologized again and focused on driving. Meanwhile, you were internally struggling because you could feel the throb grow stronger and stronger until you could no longer ignore it.
The car reached the red light at the same time you made a decision.
“I don’t want to go home yet, Bucky.”
This was probably the umpteenth time you were going to ask, but what is it with you, Bucky and elevators? You stood next to him inside and the trip to his floor seemed to be taking forever! He had both of his hands inside the pockets of his pants, his eyes fixed on the floor numbers being displayed on the monitor.
“Are you hungry?” he asked, licking his lips.
You stared at his mouth and shrugged, “Maybe. Are you?” you asked back.
Bucky nodded before clearing his throat, “A little.” His eyes darkened as he scanned you from head to toe.
Your toes curled at the gesture, you suddenly felt a little conscious. Thank fuck because the elevator finally reached Bucky’s floor and the two of you hurried out.
Bucky moved slowly as he unlocked the door to his unit, pushing it open for you to step inside. The place was so familiar to you and although you had pretty bad memories inside, you felt differently now. You could hear Bucky’s footsteps follow behind you as you walked into the living room, placing your purse down on the couch.
It was so quiet inside that you could literally hear your heart pounding in your ear. Each of Bucky’s footstep only accelerated your heartbeat until you almost felt lightheaded from how overwhelming you felt being inside Bucky’s place again.
“Do you want anything to—”
Bucky didn’t even get to finish his question because you were quick to turn around and pull him by the collar of his dress shirt for a desperate kiss. The first time your lips touched his made you whimper because good god, it’s been fucking months and you were just dying to have Bucky make you feel good again.
Much to your disappointment, Bucky grabbed you by the arms and pulled you away as he laughed, “Whatever happened to taking things slow?” he panted.
You groaned, “Yeah, yeah, we can do that. Just not tonight.” you breathed out before kissing him again, locking him in place with a hand on his nape.
Once again, Bucky pulled away and flashed you an amused yet uncertain grin, “Don’t you think we should talk about...us...before we…” he asked.
Rolling your eyes, you took his face in your hands, “For the love of god, Bucky. We haven’t fucked in months. We can talk about it afterwards. Just fuck me already.” you said right before jumping at his bones again.
Although your kiss was fast and needy, Bucky tried to slow it down by pulling away ever so slightly to gently cup your face in his hands. He brushed his nose against yours before kissing you again, this time leading you into a slower pace. The way he kissed you was literally breathtaking, it was like he was taking his time exploring your mouth, swiping his tongue against your own.
“Baby, I don’t want to fuck you…” Bucky softly said, the term of endearment making your legs feel like jelly.
Bucky pressed a sweet kiss on your cheek before turning you around, pressing your back against his chest as he swept your hair to reveal your neck.
“You said you wanted to take things slow, yeah, I’ll do that. But let me take it slow tonight too…” he whispered against your neck, licking your skin before kissing it.
His hands landed on your waist as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear, sealing his promises with kisses on your ear, the side of your neck and shoulder.
“Missed you so much, you have no idea how crazy you make me. Missed your lips, your skin...your taste. Wanna hear you moan my name again, wanna make you feel so good and I’m going to take my sweet time doing so. I just wanna worship you and make love to you.” he whispered roughly into your ear.
Despite the whimper you elicited, you still managed to tease Bucky. “You’re too cheesy, I hate it.” you said breathlessly.
Bucky laughed, his warm breath tickling your neck. “Yeah? You hate it?” he asked, sliding his hand inside your slit to feel your lace-clad pussy.
“Then why are you so wet already if you hate it?” Bucky asked, pressing his fingers against your clit, making you moan out his name.
You didn’t even bother to respond anymore because Bucky took a step back to unzip your dress from behind. He pressed a kiss on each of your shoulders before sliding the straps off and helping you out of it. When he turned you around, he groaned at the sight of your bare breasts again. He licked his lips and grabbed you by the neck, kissing you fervently this time around.
You began to unbutton Bucky’s top, pulling it out from his pants before sliding it off of his wide shoulders without breaking the kiss. Bucky panted against your mouth when you palmed his crotch, feeling how hard his cock was already. Without warning, he grabbed the back of your thighs and hoisted you up.
“Can feel your wetness soaking my pants, baby.” he said as he brought you into his bedroom.
“Yeah, probably ‘cause the last time I was here you left me high and dry.” you said when Bucky placed you down on the edge of his bed.
He groaned as he knelt right in front of you, “I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you then.” he said, flattening his hand on your abdomen to push you down on his bed.
Bucky spread your legs and planted kisses on the insides of your thighs. His hands were massaging your legs, sliding his palm up and down making you sigh. You sat up just enough to rest your weight on your shoulders and the sight of Bucky looking up at you as he knelt down in between your legs almost made you explode.
He was looking up at you lovingly as he kissed his way up from your knees to your bikini line; he didn’t even break eye contact when he pushed your underwear aside. Bucky lifted one leg up and rested it on his shoulder before he dove in, licking a fat stripe against your folds that made you keen with pleasure.
“God, baby. I missed your taste.” he hummed and continued licking your pussy at a steady pace.
“Fuck, Bucky…” you moaned out loud, throwing your head back in pleasure while arching your back, allowing Bucky to easily slip off your underwear.
Bucky slurped on your juices, licking every drop gushing out of you before moving upwards to give your clit some much needed attention. He placed your other leg onto his shoulder before pulling you further to the edge of his bed, making you squeal.
Locking his arms over your waist, he ate you out hungrily. You fell back onto the bed and gripped Bucky’s forearms, scratching his skin as you moved your hips. Bucky grunted at the feeling of your heels digging into his back, loving how your nails were leaving crescent-shaped marks into his arms.
“Bucky, ‘m not gonna last…” you whimpered when you felt your abdomen begin to tighten.
“It’s okay, baby. You can let go anytime.” he practically growled against your folders as he was lapping you up.
You moaned in response, tangling your fingers into Bucky’s short locks as he sucked and nibbled on your clit. Your eyes fluttered shut when you felt Bucky begin to fuck you with his tongue, his large hands splayed on your abdomen pushing down until your legs trembled around his head.
You came hard, moaning Bucky’s name over and over again as he didn’t stop with his assault. He continued to lick you, even using his fingers to rub at your clit as he coaxed another orgasm out of you.
It didn’t take long for you to soak Bucky’s face with your juices again. You’d been deprived for such a long time that no matter what he’d do to you, you were guaranteed to fall apart.
After your second climax, Bucky thankfully allowed you to recover. He stood up and lifted your leg up, kissing your ankle as he carefully removed your heels. After he was done, you moved upwards on the bed and laid your head on his pillow to catch your breath. By the time you lifted your head up, Bucky had already gotten rid of his pants and boxers.
Your mouth watered upon seeing his cock, hard and glistening with his pre-cum. Wanting to taste him again, you crawled towards the edge of the bed and looked up at Bucky through your lashes.
You were about to take him into your mouth when he stopped you, taking your chin in his hand to tilt your head up. He leaned down and kissed you, allowing you to taste yourself on him. You hummed into the kiss and wrapped a hand around Bucky’s dick, moaning at its warmth and weight on your palm.
“As much as I miss your mouth on my cock, I want to focus on you tonight.” he said, caressing your cheek before crawling on top of you, bringing you with him to the head of his bed.
Bucky took your features in as he caressed your face, “God, you’re so beautiful.” he breathed out.
You took his wrist in your hand and pulled it to your mouth, sucking on his thumb making him hiss. Bucky growled and captured your lips in a bruising kiss at the same time he aligned his cock to your weeping entrance.
“Oh, fuck…” you gasped in chorus with Bucky when he first pushed in.
Your eyes remained on his as he slowly pushed in, inch by inch until he was completely sheathed in your warmth. It felt so intimate, just gazing up at Bucky as he thrusted into you at a slow, steady pace. You realized that you never had sex with him like this— in a private place such as Bucky’s room, in bed with all your clothes off.
It was the opposite of your escapades in the office where things were always rushed, as if the only goal was to reach your climax. But this time, it was so much more than that. True to his words, Bucky took his sweet time with you.
Bucky’s hands held your neck in place as he sped up his thrusts, moaning as he watched your breasts bounce each time he pounded into you. You clawed at his back as you felt the coil build up in your stomach yet again, you wanted release but at the same time, you wanted to prolong the feeling.
Bucky pulled out and flipped you over onto your stomach before sliding back in, his body completely on top of yours as he fucked you deeply. His breath on your neck was sending shivers down your spine and the way his sheets were rubbing against your clit was elevating your pleasure.
The position allowed you to feel all of Bucky inside you; you could feel every drag of his cock against your walls.
“Bucky, fuck...so good…” you moaned, tipping your head back when Bucky held onto your neck.
Bucky pressed soft kisses on your forehead as he moaned your name, “Feel me inside of you, baby?”
You whined and nodded, your hands gripping his sheets so tight your knuckles were almost white. Bucky started placing open-mouthed kisses on your spine as he continued pounding into you, faster and harder each time.
“So close, Bucky!” you whimpered when Bucky hit a particular spot that had your toes curling.
He groaned and grabbed your face, kissing you sloppily as he fucked you into the mattress. “Cum, baby. Let go, I got you.” he encouraged.
A few more thrusts and you turned into a moaning mess, biting onto the corner of Bucky’s pillow as you came hard. Bucky’s hips started to stutter as he chased his own orgasm and as soon as he reached his high, he bit down onto your shoulder and pulled out just in time for his release.
Bucky quickly cleaned you up, wiping his cum on your ass with a napkin before throwing it in the bathroom. When he walked out with a wet washcloth, he found you still on your stomach and dozing off already.
He smiled and kissed your cheek before he cleaned you up, careful not to stir you awake. You were too exhausted from the event and the sex that you fell asleep almost immediately. Bucky sighed and laid down next to you, pulling you to his chest before pulling on the covers.
He pressed his lips against your forehead, murmuring something before he too, began to doze off.
“I love you.”
When you woke up the next day, the first thing you noticed was how tightly Bucky was hugging you from behind. You smiled at last night’s memories, finally feeling relaxed and no longer worried. You and Bucky still needed to talk about how things should go moving forward, but for once, you actually felt...happy.
Carefully, you removed Bucky’s arm from your waist and tiptoed to the bathroom to get cleaned up. On your way out of his bedroom, you picked up his black dress shirt from last night and put it on.
The first thing you did was to check whether Bucky had some ingredients to make breakfast. Luckily, the fridge was fully stocked so you decided to just cook instead of buying. Before preparing the ingredients, you went over to the couch to fetch your purse. Taking out your phone, you realized that you were flooded with notifications.
Most of them were your colleagues and friends congratulating you. There was one from Mark and from Beverly too. When you were about to exit your messaging app, a new text popped up.
It was from Maria of Shield Recruitment Firm.
Hi, I’d like to update you about the status of your application. We’d like to invite you for your second and possibly final interview tomorrow at 9:30am. J.R. International’s CEO himself will be the one conducting the interview.
The CEO? Already?! Before you confirmed your attendance, you quickly opened your browser and did some research. As soon as the page was done loading, you clicked on the first link and gasped out loud at the picture that popped up.
Meet the man behind J.R. International’s Success: Steve Rogers
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malfoys-demigod · 3 years
The One Where Chandler Takes You In
Chandler x F!Reader
Summary: Chandler lets you sleep in his and Joey's apartment after you had to evacuate yours. Chandler's genuine and over-the-top kindness results in confessing his feelings for you.
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: My first Friends fic and it's on Chandler! I hope you like it!
Tag: @bellarkeselection
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There was a knock on the door.
“That must be Y/N.” Ross suggested, noticing the clock. So there were times when you’d be late for anything, such as Monica’s daily dinner. But to be two hours late? That was something new.
Monica stood up from her chair from the dining table and walked over to the door saying, “It’s about time you showed up-“
As the door opened, she was met with a messed-up version of yourself, with wet hair, wet clothes, tired eyes, and a self-depreciating smile on your face.
“Hi, everyone.” You greeted the gang, who looked at you with worry.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N, what happened? Are you alright?” Monica gasped, wondering why you were all so relaxed despite looking the opposite.
You laughed at yourself as you entered the apartment, taking the empty seat beside Chandler, “As of tonight, I’m officially homeless! The entire apartment floor happened to have some caught fire. I wasn’t really aware of this until there was water sprinkling over me like crazy from the ceiling. There wasn’t any fire from my end but their sprinklers must’ve been jammed and continued pouring on my room until, well, everything started messing up my place. Hard-headed me didn’t leave the apartment without a few boxes of clothing and other necessary items so yeah, that’s why I look like I showered with my clothes on.”
“That’s terrible, Y/N!” Rachel said in despair, “Where are all your boxes then?”
You gestured to the outside of the apartment with your finger, “Just outside in the hall.” You said in a cool tone.
“How are you so calm about this? You literally have nowhere to go now!” Monica commented, wondering.
“The apartment company made arrangements for us apparently. I just have to call this number,” you said, withdrawing a piece of paper from your jacket and showing it to the gang, “And have them confirm where I’m staying for awhile.”
“Well why don’t you call them now?” Phoebe asked.
You shrugged, listening to her question. You stood up from the dining chair and headed over to the balcony, attempting to call the number.
After a few tries, nobody picked up. You weren’t having this. You turned around and went back inside, now irritated.
“Nobody picked up,” you announced, frowning.
Chandler, who wanted to be the first one with the proposition, proposed, “How about you stay with me, Y/N?” Then stuttered, “I mean with me and Joey? You know, we could take you in for as long as you want, you could take my bed and I could take the couch and it’ll be fine!”
There was a smile that grew on your face, heart melted from the kind gesture of your friend. You placed your hands on your heart, “Aw, Chan, sure, thanks. But I can’t let you take the couch.”
“Why don’t the two of you share the bed then?” Joey whispered to Ross, who chuckled like a child, which Rachel and Monica heard the both of them, rolling their eyes. They all may or may not have thought that Chandler had a thing for you.
“Hey, whatever floats your boat, Y/N,” he agreed, “Do you need help with the boxes?”
“Sure,” you nodded.
“Alright, and we’re all set!” Joey said, finally placing the couch into a couch bed.
“Thanks, Joe,” you said, patting him on the shoulder.
You turned around to see Chandler staring at the two of you from the kitchen, to which he started moving away from and towards you since he felt like a creep from the back, “Uh, I guess that’s it for the night. There’s a lot of water in the fridge if you’re thirsty, and if you really need anything, don’t hesitate to knock on my door, alright?”
“Yeah, thanks too, Chandler.”
Joey yawned as he stretched, looking a little tired now. “Well, I’m gonna head to bed. Night, Y/N.”
“Night, Joe!” You waved as he retreated to his bedroom.
Chandler gave you a small and shy wave, “I’ll get going too, see you, Y/N.”
“Sweet dreams, Chandler,” you said, smiling at him. He smiled, turned around, and headed to his room.
When everyone was gone, you tucked yourself into bed and closed your eyes shut with a smile, knowing that you’re being taken care of by your two good friends.
Sometime at 3am, Chandler woke up. He was quite thirsty, which was odd since it was in the middle of the night. He needed to satisfy his body, so he got out of bed and slowly made his way out of his room without making any sound.
As he made baby steps from his bedroom, his eyes darted to the couch-bed. Somehow, he wasn’t in the mood for water anymore. He was curious to check up on you.
He made his way over to you and found you looking like a sleeping beauty. You were dead asleep, but looking so graceful and at peace.
But he knew you could be feeling more comfortable if there was an upgrade to your sleeping situation. He did something he never thought of doing EVER.
He scooped you up from the couch-bed smoothly and made his way to his room. Like the gentleman he was, he placed you on the other side of his bed with ease, placing his blanket over you.
That should do it.
Then he made his way to his side of the bed and closed his eyes. He was at peace. Or at least thought he was.
Five minutes later, he felt your body near his. You were subconsciously snuggling with him, making him feel so flustered about him yet he felt happier.
“Sweet dreams, Y/N.” He murmured to himself, then closed his eyes.
Joey woke up to an empty couch-bed as he made his way to get a glass of milk from the fridge. Hm. That was weird. You weren’t the type to wake up early and leave. Well, why would you leave? Your stuff was here. Well, you could be at Monica’s for breakfast but again, it was too early.
An idea popped up in his head. He smiled at himself, hoping he was right. He tip-toed over to Chandler’s door, opening the knob slowly and pushing the door quietly to see you and Chandler, in the same bed together.
He noticed how your arm was spooning over his waist, as his hand was over yours. The both of you look so at peace and so comfortable that Joey wanted to take a picture of you two.
He couldn’t contain himself. Oh man, he had to tell the rest of the gang.
He slowly closed the door and rushed to Monica’s.
Phoebe, Ross, Monica, and Rachel looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
Phoebe guessed, “You had sex with a girl!”
Joey pointed at her, “Good guess, but no!”
“Well, spit it out, Joey!” Monica demanded, now curious since it wasn’t that.
Joey sat in the dining chair with excitement over his jazz hands, “Okay,” he started, “Y/N started her night with sleeping on the couch-bed, right? Then when I woke up, she wasn’t there. So I checked over at Chandler’s room and SHE WAS SPOONING HIM! Oh man, they just looked so cute together, you know, especially with how Chandler likes her, and even his hand was over hers!”
Around the dining table, everyone’s faces became in awe, as they were surprised it finally happened - something between you and Chandler. Rachel’s opened mouth turned into a proud smile, clapping her hands together with joy, “Well that’s just great! I’m so glad something finally happened. Would you know if she went over to him or if he brought her over to his bed?”
Shrugging, Joey shook his head with no answer, “Nah, but I bet he made the first move. I can tell.”
“Well, are they still asleep?” Ross asked
“They should be awake in a few minutes probably,” Joey replied.
Over at Chandler and Joey’s apartment, you and Chandler had just woken up at the same time.
As your eyes started to open, you noticed that your surroundings seemed different. You sat up, quickly turning to the side to see Chandler flashing a small, awkward smile at you.
“Oh, Chan,” you said, as your heart was racing, “Did I sleepwalk or something over to your bedroom?”
Chandler sat up properly now, stroking his hair with a small laugh released from his system, “Uh, no,” he replied, “As a matter of fact I carried you to my bed last night since I figured you’d feel more comfortable here. I hope that was alright.”
“Oh, yeah,” you blushed, appreciating his gesture, “It was comfortable, thank you.”
“Of course,” Chandler replied, smiling.
You then looked away casually, not knowing where this conversation could now lead since there was a potential of it becoming dry sooner or later. There was one thing that you wanted to ask though, now that Chandler had done something out of the ordinary for you.
You looked back at him, feeling a bit stunned since he was staring at you this entire time. He then jittered and started murmuring things that you interrupted by shooting the question, “Chan?”
“Yes, Y/N?” He instantly replied, feeling saved from embarrassing himself even more.
Gulping since this may or may not have been an out-of-the-blue question, “I’m just curious but why would you do this for me?”
“Carrying you over to my bed?” He bluntly asked, raising his eyebrow. You shook your head, “No, I mean yes, but everything on top of that, you know - taking me in. I mean, I know Joey wouldn’t carry me over to his bed or quickly be willing to take me in. Either of the girls would’ve done that but you stepped in so genuinely. How come?”
Chandler looked down, feeling guilty but embarrassed at the same time. He started scratching the back of his head, knowing that it had to come out sooner or later.
“I guess it’s because I-I like you, Y/N,” he confessed, looking up to see your reaction with a hint of fear and anticipation in his face, “And you don’t have to reciprocate if you don’t feel the same way but I’d kinda do anything for you whether you like me back or not.”
You were internally gushing so hard that your heart started beating even faster, seeing how Chandler was basically giving you heart eyes right about now. You placed a hand over his shoulder, and another over your chest with a fluttering feeling, “Oh, Chandler, believe it or not, but I like you too actually,” you confessed back with a blush on your cheeks.
There was a wave of relief and happiness that came from Chandler’s body, as he exhaled with pure joy, “Oh boy, really?” He asked, laughing.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “I was probably just better at hiding it, but yeah, I like you Chan. I wished I started the night last night in bed already with you,” you teased. He smirked, gaining confidence to kiss you on the cheek as he said, “We can make up for that and stay in bed for as long as we want instead.”
“What about the gang?” You asked genuinely. He shook his head and threw a hand gesture saying, “Nah, I think Joey can take a hint and should be over there without us right now."
“Alright, I like the sound of that,” you said, laying your head back on the pillow, which Chandler imitated, as the two of you started getting cozied up again.
“As do I.”
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