#really fun quiz!
nightlyvisitor · 1 year
                °The Stargazer°
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 Deep in a long term love affair with the constellations, you want to believe in tarot, astrology, the patterns of the stars and of destiny. Too often, though, you find that things don't obey the roles ascribed to them, and the people in your life spin out of their orbits. You like to imagine that you're in a film and that everything that happens is just part of a pre-written journey, subject to a formula and written in your favour. 
An in-born compassion for others shadows you wherever you go, as you put others first with a dogged faithfulness. You value things that help you escape. However, to truly find meaning you must let go of the people who hold you back, and accept that the stars are just stars. As a deity, you're the patron god of the night sky, of destiny, of order and logic, of certainty, of wishes and of guidance.
Snagged it from @valour-bound
Tagging: @weepedwords , @infecdead (for steeb!), @ubcs (carlos!), @nightlyterrors and anyone who wants to join in! 
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callisteios · 9 months
I have a new uquiz for you, go on a pilgrimage with me. discover who you are.
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homoerotisch · 1 month
so you want to read a weird book? by ada
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threshie · 3 months
POV: you're in a horror movie
tagged by @cenedrariva
1. create your own look here
2. find out what role you are here
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Low-pressure tagging: @dreamfilleddonuts @sciderman @ladymalchav @radical-rad1986
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Oops there's a bit more of the blood and dark themes in here as well, so be warned!
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Watanuki falling out of the window at the same time that Lava Lamp was fighting Syaoran has been pointed out to me by quite a few people over the years, so that’s not a surprise at this point. But I DO love that the joined narrative event was not only intended but is highlighted here and explained a but further - Watanuki was, unconsciously, trying to rectify the balance of his existence. And with Lava Lamp out there fighting yet another Syaoran across the universe, perhaps the universe thought that was one Syaoran far too many and tried to tie it back together. 
What I didn’t catch before is what Yuuko says here - that Lava Lamp returned to where Evil Wolverine was. And that’s kind of true isn’t it? He left Evil Wolverine’s lair, went to Yuuko, and then went straight back to Evil Wolverine's lair - but in the far distant past, as Acid Tokyo. That’s wild.
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Yeah there we go! That’s a good conclusion of the sentiment that leads back into the present. Watanuki has learned how to want to stick around because of all the people who care for him - and also this will help change the future. Which is also nice! But Watanuki would be worth it even without that. 
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ubejamjar · 4 months
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LILY OF THE VALLEY This is the poison of giving too much. You feel yourself emptying out, dizzying, discoloring-- until you fear you will fade entirely and wither away. You have always had to give. You never had a choice before. They pluck your flowers for their beauty, they trample your leaves carelessly, they pull out your roots by the fistful and berate you for daring to grow. And now that you have a grove to spread out in, your rhizomes tangle and curl in on themselves. When cruelty is all you've ever known, thriving seems impossible. But the answer is not to make yourself small and offer every lovely thing you are to the world in the hopes it will have mercy on you. The answer is to let yourself dare to thrive for thriving's sake, to grow in the wild ways you wish to-- and to do that for yourself for once. -> Quiz Link <- Tagged by the lovely @icehearts! Thank you <3 Tagging: @ishgard @amalthea-felsblood @thevikingwoman @ahollowgrave @otherworldseekers @paintedscales @gatheredfates @elliewiltarwyn and you, of course. if an open tag isn't invitation enough, tell me and I will slap you with a tag so fast i swear--
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pinchan · 10 months
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homosexuals 🫵
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cyancherub · 1 year
rly not a fan of ppl imposing their idea of fun on me under the assumption that it's also my idea of fun
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hazeeex3 · 26 days
*evily shows you my pokemon oc's*
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So this is Enzo, He's a Hisuian Quilava. He's in a Band with His Boyfriend (Gruff) and his Best friends (I've only drawn Raja though) 😋
He plays the Keytar!
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This is Gruff, an Amped Toxtricity. He plays the Electric Guitar and Supplies power to all of the band's instruments (He only does that so they can practice in the woods)
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Here's Raja, She's a Weavile with Vitiligo. She plays the Bass guitar, and likes to design uniforms for the group
In the beginning of their Story Raja actually played onstage in a full cover-up outfit to hide her body bc she thought it was ugly (as teenagers do)
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(Rough drafts of some of her outfits)
And a doodle
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AGHHSG I LOVE THEM!!!!! I think rajas design is my favorite that is such an interesting concept of shiny - non shiny vitiligo, i need to know how ur brain works..
Anyways i (with my very bad drawing pokemon skills) drew Raja and then doodles the others and learned that i may actually be ok at drawing toxtricities!!!
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Sorry abt how gold she is i used a blue -> gold gelly roll and forgot.. well.. that the blue to gold gelly roll goes from blue to gold....
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multicolour-ink · 1 month
I'm confident that if I had a Dæmon in the HDM world it would be a red squirrel 🐿
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scorchedserpent · 5 months
Noticed u reblogged homestuck stuff and I've been reading summer vacation so I must ask...if the two main charas had classpects, what would they be? And do u know ur classpect (sorry for classpect questions I'm autism)
NEVER BE SORRY THIS IS SUCH AN INTERESTING QUESTION. i love using classpects as a form of media/character analysis so:
marion is a maid of doom. she causes doom, i literally can't elaborate more because i would spoil the WHOLE COMIC. she's also very pessimistic in most aspects and tends to be a reality check for kaz. i'll be honest this was a REALLY HARD pick for her-- other options i was considering for her are sylph and rogue. marion is also quite literally doomed to fail-- low grades, a lack of motivation and anxiety about growing up dooms her to never leave her home, even though the choice is hers to leave. she also dooms others in the comic, caused by her choices. marion's moon is derse.
kaz is a knight of breath. she uses her personality and flexibility to get what she wants. she quite literally breezes through life without much struggle, and tends to be personable and easygoing. she's good at making friends wherever she goes because she's pretty perceptive and adaptable in social situations. she is a protector for spoiler reasons. she also visibly weaponizes her upbeat side to get marion to drop a negative topic multiple times in the comic already. kaz's moon is prospit.
i'll give you a freebie too-- kirby is a bard of hope and he's prospit. take that as you will JKFHDJSKF
i'm personally an heir of time! thank you for the ask !!!
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linagram · 9 months
i did it. a linagram quiz. feel free to use this as a kin assignment too.
also uquiz works horribly for me and it refused to upload my art and other pics so. sorry. you won't see my ocs' cute faces there.
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callisteios · 1 year
would you like to be a god? take this uquiz to find out what sort of god you'd be
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masquenoire · 4 months
What Flower Used In Victorian Flower Language Are You?
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Red Camellia - "You are a flame in my heart,"
Wow, you are a force to be reckoned with! When you’re motivated, there’s absolutely nothing that can stop you. Sometimes, you can get a little wrapped up in yourself, but overall you are so passionate about other people. If you’re interested in something, you’ll take it to extremes and learn everything you possibly can about it. You can talk for ages and there’s constantly a million thoughts, ideas, and opinions running through your head. You tend to see the world in black and white; it wouldn’t hurt to balance your viewpoints out a bit, but also, never lose your strong sense of morality. You’ve definitely been constantly told that you’re “too much”– don’t listen to them. You’ll find your people who love all the parts of you, and especially your zest for life. You might have trouble balancing out your emotions, and you definitely feel everything at an intensity that would stagger others. You also probably have a great distrust of authority.
Tagged by: @babydxhl (Thank you, Bri! ♡) Tagging: @arobinwithoutbatman, @bloodiedmedic, @chaotic-watchtower, @elisethetraveller, @gnarledbite, @peranarkia, @question-marked, @red-hemlock, @smilingmxsk and anybody else who'd like to do this?
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mothforpresident · 11 months
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I made a Minecraft trivia quiz!
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x-lulu · 5 months
which marauders sun sign are you
your sun sign reflects the most important part of you - mostly to do with the soul and your outlooks on the world
remus sun
you may feel as though your sole purpose in life is to help everyone around you, and knowing this is one of the only things keeping you sane. you value alone time because you feel as though you are the only one able to understand yourself entirely, but even that is sometimes difficult and you may question if everything you know about yourself is really true. you are usually the peacemaker or therapist friend of a group because of your wisdom, but usually you will not share your own trauma or sadness because you feel it is unnecessary and can't be helped anyway.
which marauders moon sign are you
your moon sign represents your emotions, obsessions, and generally your inner world
sirius moon
your emotions can change rather rapidly, and they are felt intensely, too. they are difficult to manage, and sometimes you may not even realise when they spiral out of control. having someone who can deal with the strength of your emotions is important to you. emotional intelligence is a little difficult for you, but you try your best to understand others. academically you are gifted, but either burnt-out or unwilling to put in effort anymore. you can only focus on a goal for so long before getting distracted and moving on.
which marauders rising sign are you
your rising sign mostly depicts who you are on the outside, and how you are perceived by others
james rising
you have a deep desire to be good at everything all at once, and you try your best by constantly keeping yourself busy, usually with hobbies or activities, but still there is a part of you that feels as if it doesn't live up to your own standards. also, you were made to be in the spotlight, and it shows. every path feels almost like it was built just for you to walk on.
edit: my friend her results :)
sirius sun
you value having fun because you understand that your life won't last forever, however you are often reckless when doing so; you act before you have time to think about the consequences. your thinking about the world is very black and white, even if you try as much as possible to see the grey - it seems like everything is either entirely good or entirely bad. you hold a special type of love for those close to you, or those who have previously been close to you, that you will never be able to express entirely.
lily moon
your emotions are predominately based on the people around you. you're affected by others emotions more than most people, whether it be because you're empathetic and can feel what they feel, or simply because you're an emotional person. you tend to like people who can offer you safety and protection, although you know you're capable of protecting yourself too, you just prefer that extra sense of security. you are afraid of bothering people with your problems, but nobody's problems will ever be a bother to you, and you are a great listener and nurturer, like a mother figure.
lily rising
you put a lot of energy into others, and often times forget to put some into yourself. you aren't always sweet, and people know not to push you over the edge before your sharp claws come out, but you'd never consider hurting someone. you attract a lot of attention from others, even if you may not realise it.
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