#realizing that despite his best efforts he was starting to cry when he went through with killing himself...
whataboutfractions · 2 years
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i want to rehabilitate him like a sick animal i found dying in a gutter
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rosygaze · 1 year
pairing: eddie munson x female!reader
summary: you swear cupid hates you but maybe he’ll finally take mercy when you meet eddie. 
warnings: reader insecurity, slight period misogyny, mostly fluff, eddie being a cutie patootie, inspired by cupid by fifty fifty <3 
word count: 2.4k+
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You were starting to think that Cupid had a personal vendetta against you.
Three failed dates in a row, all with different guys.
You were optimistic about the first date. After hitting it off with a friend of a friend at a party, you agreed to go on a date with them—a simple movie and dinner.  Only you didn’t make it to dinner since your date started hysterically sobbing after watching the newest rom-com. Apparently, he was missing his ex, and seeing two people in love on screen was the breaking point.
The second date came and went. Another movie and dinner but this time you actually made it to dinner. Which you quickly regretted when he kept trying to play footsie with you under the table. At the end of the date, he leaned in for a kiss. You panicked and dodged which had your date kissing the brick wall behind you instead. You didn’t hear back from him again.
On your third date, you lowered your expectations exponentially. You wanted to play it safe and have a coffee date. It started out normal enough. In fact, you were even having fun. He made you laugh until the conversation drifted to the topic of the future. You told him you wanted to get out of this small town and get a job.
For some reason, that made him extremely upset. He started talking about how women shouldn’t ever work and that the only work you should do is cleaning the house, taking care of the kids, and all that 1950s bullshit. You stared at him, mouth agape, not knowing how to respond.
When he was done with his tirade, he excused himself to go to the bathroom. You waited a few seconds before jumping out of your chair and sprinting out of the coffee shop at a speed that should’ve qualified you for the Olympics. You didn’t stop walking until you reached the park down the street and sat down on the empty bench to catch your breath. You looked at your surroundings and grimaced.
A couple having a picnic on the grass. A couple kissing sweetly on the bench across from you. An elderly couple taking a midday stroll. There was even a pair of kids hugging while their parents cooed at them. It’s like the universe was playing some cruel prank on you.
Did Cupid enjoy watching your love life crash and burn? Did he take some sick enjoyment out of hitting you with one of his arrows and shoving you in the direction of another failed love interest?
What was so great about love anyways? It can’t possibly be as good as all the movies and songs made it out to be. Surely, everyone had to be lying or delusional.
And yet…
You wondered what love was like.
The kind of love that kept you smiling all day, that made you see the beauty in the world. The type that swept you off your feet and made you feel like floating through the clouds. The type that completed you.
This is why you kept going on these dates, giving that little cherub second chances in case he finally takes mercy on you and gives you the right man.
Because someone had to be out there for you. Right?
You groaned and slid down the bench enough for you to lean your head on the back of the bench. Watching the clouds float across the sky, you wished the overwhelming loneliness in your chest could float away just as easily. Tears pricked your eyes and you tried desperately not to let them fall. You would not cry here, not in public. You can save the crying for your room like you usually did.  
Despite your best efforts, tears still trickled down your cheeks. You huffed in frustration. You are pathetic.
All of a sudden a sharp pain shot from your head. Your eyes shot open and you sat up. With crossed eyes, you could make out a blurry form of a stick. You gripped the stick and realized that it was literally stuck to your head by suction. You dug your nails into the sides of the rubber to release it. Rubbing your forehead, you finally got a closer look at the toy arrow that hit you.
What. the. hell.
You glanced around the park, looking for who could’ve hit you. Turning around until you faced the open field behind you where you saw two people: a short, curly-haired kid and a tall, long-haired man.
The latter was holding a toy bow looking incredibly guilty.
You blinked at each other for a couple of seconds, in shock about what happened. The boy nudged him and he came stumbling forward. You stood up as well and wiped your tears away. God, you hoped you didn’t have a giant red circle on your face.
The ten-foot distance between the two of you felt bigger than it was. The awkwardness alone almost made you turn around but you pushed through. Once you were close enough, you stopped and took him in.
Everything about him screamed ‘danger’. He wore a black shirt that said ‘Coroded Coffin’ and dark jeans with a chain hanging from his belt. You wondered how he wasn’t sweating under the sun.
Black polish chipped off his nails and a collection of chunky rings adorned his fingers. Trailing your eyes up, you saw the patches of dark ink etched into his skin. He was all hard features and sharp edges that had you slightly antsy but when you finally met his eyes, that feeling flew out the window.
He had these big baby browns that softened his entire look. His long hair was wild and framed his face. The combination made him look slightly like a puppy. He had full, pink lips that opened and closed slightly as if he was trying to find the right words to say.
Stop ogling him. He shot a projectile at you.
You cleared your throat, deciding to break the silence. “I assume this is yours?” You held the arrow out to him.
He seemed to snap out of his trance and took the arrow from your hand gently. “Yeah! I’m really, really sorry. I swear I wasn’t aiming for -” He stopped mid-sentence and you saw his eyes flicker with worry. “Are you okay?”
“Oh yeah, I’m fine. It didn’t hurt that much.” You waved a hand over your forehead, dismissively.
“No, not that but I am glad to hear I didn’t hurt you.” He smiled lightly but as fast as it came, a frown settled in its place. “You were, uh… were you crying?”
Taken aback, you furrowed your brows at him. How he could’ve known? “Uh…”
“Sorry! That’s weird. It’s really not my place. It’s just… your eyes are red but you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” He rambled and held his hands up to show he meant no harm. You couldn’t remember the last time someone had actually paid attention to you like this.  
“I’m okay.” He nodded but, ultimately, didn’t look convinced. You sighed. “I just had a bad date.”
“He didn’t hurt you did he? We can track him down. I’ve got a weapon.” He held up the plastic bow.
You giggled and that made him relax just a tad. His shoulders dropped and the wrinkle between his brows smoothed over. “He didn’t, don’t worry. No need to wield a deadly weapon on him.”
“Yet.” He narrowed his eyes at you but had a playful smirk.
“Yet.” You copied his expression. The tension had disappeared and lighthearted laughter took its place.
“I’m Eddie, by the way.” He introduced himself.
Eddie. It suited him, you thought.
You gave him your name. A charming smile tugged on his lips and you felt your cheeks heat up. “Pretty.” Eddie said under his breath.
Your cheeks flushed even more.
“Eddie, did you get the arrow?” A voice called from behind Eddie. You peered over his shoulder and saw the younger boy. Only now did you notice that he was decked out in a full medieval costume, his curly hair peeking over the edge of his pointy hat.
“Yeah, dude.” Eddie held up the arrow.
“Then come on! You gotta help me with my shield.” The boy whined which made you chuckle slightly. Eddie looked back at you and smiled.
“In a sec, man!” He yelled back but kept his eyes on you. A childish groan came from behind Eddie which had him rolling his eyes playfully. “Sorry about that.”
“Your brother?” You asked.
“Dustin?” Eddie asked, surprise clear in his voice. “Yeah, he is.” A fond smile spread across his face. You could see the resemblance in their unruly curls.
“So, what’s with the outfit?” Peering over Eddie’s shoulder, you could see Dustin practicing with the shield, swinging it at invisible monsters.
“He’s testing out his costume for the Faire.” He said, casually.
“The Faire?”
“The Renaissance Faire?” Eddie’s brow lifted. You shook your head, not understanding. “It’s like an amusement park for history buffs. People dress up, eat, drink, roleplay. It’s great.” He explained.
“Have you been before?” You wanted to hear more, both equally fascinated by the concept and Eddie’s voice.  
“Yeah, a couple of times. It’s the little guy’s first time and he wants to go all out. He said he wanted to try his costume out in the correct environment. He’s a bit of a nerd like that and that’s saying something coming from me. King of the nerds, right here.” Eddie held his arms out as if presenting himself and bowed low. You smiled at him.
You haven’t stopped smiling since he made you laugh the first time. “It’s sweet that you spend time with him like that.”
“It’s nothing, really. He’s a special kid.” He scratched the back of his head. You tried not to notice the slight flex in his muscles.
“I’m sure he’ll have a great time.” You said, managing to pull your eyes away from his arms.
“You know.” Eddie started, looking a bit timid. “I’ve got an extra ticket. You could come with us if you want. It’s this weekend in Indianapolis.”
“Oh, I don’t want to impose.”
“You wouldn’t be.” Eddie stepped a quarter of an inch closer to you. The proximity made you the slightest bit dizzy. “Maybe you’d have some fun. Forget about the asshole who made you cry.”
“The asshole?” Your eyebrow quirked up.
“Every man who makes a woman cry is an asshole and should be jailed.” He said with the most serious expression that you knew he wasn’t joking around.
“My, what a gentleman.” You found yourself inching closer to him too.
“My uncle taught me well.” Eddie puffed his chest out proudly. “So what do you say?”
“The Faire does sound really fun.” You paused. “But I think you should spend time with your brother. Since it’s his first time and everything.” “Oh, y-yeah. You’re right.” Eddie’s cheeks were turning red. He started to move back when you spoke again.
“But… maybe you could tell me all about it after? Over coffee?” You offered, biting your lip shyly.
Eddie froze then his face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Really?” You nodded, just as excited. “Fuck yeah! I’d love to.”
“I should… uh, give you my number. So you can call me?” That initial bout of confidence was fading away. The intensity of Eddie’s gaze made your knees weak.
“That seems like a good plan.” He nodded.
You pulled your pen out of your bag and dug around for a piece of paper but you couldn’t find anything. Pausing to think, your eyes drifted to the spattering of tattoos on Eddie’s arm. “May I?” You pointed at the back of his hand.
“Go ahead.” He gave you his hand. “I’m not afraid of some ink.”
You let his hand rest on your palm while your other hand scribbled your number on his skin. You had to write slower than usual to make sure the ink stuck. His eyes were burning holes in the side of your face. You spared a glance up at him and the corner of his lips twitched up when you met his gaze.
Ducking your chin, you tried to finish writing but your pen stopped working on the last number. Your lips pouted, petulantly. Eddie must’ve noticed since his thumb rubbed against the skin of your wrist, comfortingly. If you were a cartoon character, you were sure there would be a comical amount of steam coming off you right now with how hot your body felt.
A couple of taps against your thigh and the ink started flowing again. After the last stroke on the final number, you added a small heart beside it.
“Beautiful.” Eddie said. He still hadn’t taken his eyes off of you nor did he let go of your hand. “I should have you design my next tattoo.”
“Oh yeah, ‘cause my little hearts will definitely look good with that.” You poked the bats on his forearm.  
“Damn right, it will. Hearts are metal.”
Before you could continue your banter, Dustin’s voice cut through the air. “Edward Munson, stop flirting and help me!” He had his hands on his hips and looked extremely cross with his brother. You let go of Eddie’s hand in embarrassment.  
“I’m coming!” Eddie’s cheeks were red but his eyes were full of amusement. “As much as I’d love to stay, it looks like I gotta go.”
“I figured.” You were actually sad that your time with him was up. “You two have fun this weekend.”
“Thanks. Don’t go on any more dates with assholes, okay.” Eddie still had that playful grin but you heard the slightest hint of unease in his voice.
“I won’t.” You assured him.
You said your goodbyes and walked away. Every couple of steps, you looked back at Eddie. You felt like a teenager again, willing for her crush to look at her in class. You took one last look at Eddie and, as fate would have it, he was turning to look at you too. Both your eyes went wide, a similar situation to your meeting just a couple of minutes ago.
The two of you laughed and Eddie drove the toy arrow into his chest dramatically. He threw his body back on the ground and rolled in the grass. When he got up, he had a smidge of dirt on his cheek but that smile never dimmed. You’d be thinking about that smile all day.
That very night your phone rang.
“I hope you don’t mind.” Eddie said over the receiver. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
You twirled the phone cord around your finger. “Neither could I.”  
This is your last chance, Cupid. You thought. Please let him be the one.
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dickarchivist · 4 months
Lullaby of the Wolffe
Wolffe × GN!Reader
Word Count: 1087
Playlist: Lullaby of the Wolffe
Rating: PG Fluff, but as always Minors DNI 🔞
Contents and Warnings: Insomnia, growing panic due to Insomnia, service animal (charhound), intrusive thoughts, swear words, soft Wolffe, potentially OOC Wolffe, fluff, hurt/comfort, soft sleepy singing
Summary: plagued by anxiety, you can't sleep. Despite your best efforts, Wolffe wakes up beside you. Instead of being angry, he offers you a Lullaby to try and help calm you down.
Author's Notes: The other night I had really bad panic Insomnia and I wanted a comfort fic tailored to my bullshit. I decided it would be a good idea to make a playlist of songs I felt like Wolffe would sing to me in a soft baritone while rubbing my back and trying to soothe me out of my panic. Now that I've made it through the night, I'm writing the fic to go with the playlist. Please enjoy both! I hope you get some rest.
Taglist: @anxiouspineapple99 @wolffegirlsunite @wizardofrozz @eclec-tech @dystopicjumpsuit @clonethirstingisreal @wings-and-beskar @multi-fan-dom-madness @starrylothcat @n0vqni @sev-on-kamino @mythical-illustrator @523rdrebel @littlemissmanga @atomickidsoul @moonwreckd
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You can't sleep.
You went for a run. You hit the gym. You walked your charhound. You read a whole book, from start to finish. Cooked meals for the whole week, cleaned the house top to bottom, The laundry was even folded.
You can't sleep.
It wasn't for lack of trying. You'd lay in your bed, but as soon as you'd turned off the distractions, you were alone, and everything else came rushing in to attack you.
"You left the stove on. No. Not the stove, the oven. What's that smell? Are you burning the house down!?" You jump out of bed, run to the kitchen, and there's nothing wrong. The place is just how you left it. That burning smell was the crisp charcoal smell of your service charhound, Soot. You mentally kick yourself, how could you be so stupid? You know that smell, you've known it since she was a pup...
Back in bed. Okay, you think, okay this time will be it. This time you'll sleep.
"You forgot to feed Soot. Useless stupid owner how could you do that to your own baby?" But Soot is asleep at your bedside, her belly warm with her meal. You lay back down. You try to sleep.
You. Can't. Sleep.
Tears well in your eyes and you scream. You're so tired. You can't believe how exhausted you are and yet not a single moment of rest finds you. Soot gets up and puts herself in your arms to keep you from getting distructive. Her higher temperature keeps you warm, but all you feel is cold. You don't sleep a moment all night.
You feel sick, you're sluggish all the next day, because of course. You couldn't sleep. It's been 52 hours. The first day you could hide it, the second it started to show, but today... today you're with the wolfpack. If Plo Koon doesn't bring it to anyone's attention first, you know that Wolffe won't let it slide when he sees you. You've never wanted to stay away from the steely eyed commander more than today.
"You look like hell." Wolffe actually takes his helmet off to get a look at you, and it makes your stomach hurt when you see the concern on his face.
You sigh, roll your eyes, "Thanks. Go away." and turn away from Wolffe, trying to focus on your own work.
"No." His voice is hard, and you want to lash out, but when he grabs your wrist and turns you around, all your anger dissolves at his orders, "Tell me what's going on. Now."
Tears welling in the corners of your eyes, you try to blink them away, try to act tough, but you break under his gaze. "I can't sleep!"
You sob, hard. Wolffe jumps when you rush forward to close the gap, pressing your face against his chestplate, arms clinging around him, and openly sobbing. He hesitates, but eventually puts his arms around you, rubbing your back. It's so comforting, but it only serves to make you cry harder. It makes you realize just how touch starved you've been...
"Alright Cyar'ika, why can't you sleep?" You didn't know his voice could be so soft...
"I d-dont- dont know!" When you pull back, he holds your cheek, rubbing away tears. You close your eyes, and try to breath a little more evenly, "I h-have Insomnia, a-and it's been a few days since-"
"Days?!" Wolffe barks, now holding your face in both hands, "Kriff- you're coming with me."
He grabs your wrist, hauling you through the hallways of the ship. He opens a door to reveal a vacant sleeping quarters, and your stomach drops. "N-no, Wolffe, you don't get it... nothing is going to help, and especially not without Soot here, I won't be able to fall asleep. It's hard enough with Soot, but alone, I can't-"
"Shut up." You do, looking away bashfully, until the door closes behind the two of you, at which point Wolffe starts to take off his armor, "Get in the bed."
You blush wildly, covering your eyes, "Wolffe I'm sleep deprived, not- not sex deprived, I'm really sorry if I misled you but- s-stop laughing!"
"Cyar'ika, we are not having sex. Just getting my armor off so I'm comfortable too. Get in the damn bed, you'll see." Wolffe takes your hands from your eyes and leads you over to a bunk.
He helps you down, takes off your boots, and guides you to lay down. Your face is still hot when he gets into the bed with you, and he earns a squeak from you when he handles you into a cradled position. Your head rests on a pillow between yourself and his arm, comfortable for both of you. His other arms curls around you and you feel his hand rubbing soothingly up and down your back.
"I could use a rest, and you definitely need one. Get some sleep... that's an order." He chuckles at the last part, and for a moment, you think this might actually work.
Unfortunately, as soothing as it is, Wolffe's presence did nothing to stop the panic Insomnia. As soon as it's quiet, your mind starts racing. Thoughts of guilt, of shame, thoughts that this is all pity, that he didn't want you because you're undesirable, that-
"Cyare, quit squirming. What's going through that head of yours?"
"E-everything..." damn it. You didn't even notice your movements, but they'd been enough to wake Wolffe, "Once it's quiet, I can't sleep... can't stop the thoughts..."
There's a long, painfully quiet moment where you think you've said something wrong, until you hear Wolffe take a very deep breath. He kisses your forehead, whisping on your skin, "If you tell anyone about this I swear..."
It starts as a hum, a familiar tune rumbling in his chest. Eventually it builds, and he's whispering the song to you. You pull away a little, looking at Wolffe in awe, "Are you... singing me to sleep?"
"If it works." He kisses your forehead, encourages you to get comfortable again, and then picks up his song again once you're secured to his chest.
You don't even notice when you fall asleep. And you don't know how long you slept, but it was peaceful. Restful. You don't even remember the dreams you had, if you had then at all.
"Hey there Cyar'ika, sleep well?" Waking up in his arms, that's what really felt like a dream.
"Thanks to you, I did."
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vanteguccir · 8 months
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         𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Matt helps Y/N get through an anxiety attack.
REQUEST?: Yes, on Wattpad.
WARNING: Anxiety attack, panic attack, toxic home, toxic father, fighting between parents.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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Y/N closed her eyes tightly feeling her head spin from the loud voices coming from downstairs. Unfortunately, her parents fighting was nothing new, and even less so was her father starting the fight.
Y/N's father has always been the type of father who is physically present but emotionally absent, living in the same house as the girl since her birth, but never really playing the role of a kind and welcoming father.
Quite the contrary, her father has always been a very demanding and controlling man, Y/N having witnessed his first attack of stress when she was just a week old, when her mother cooked lunch for both of them, but couldn't bear to eat everything on her plate due to the exhaustion of being a first-time mother, and her father started a series of screams demanding that she eat all the food, after all "he pays the house bills and the food in the cupboard and refrigerator and didn't want to see anything being wasted", ignoring completely the scandalous crying of the little girl, who understood nothing at the time.
And it was exactly in an environment like this that Y/N grew up, learning that staying silent all the time at home prevented fights from reaching huge peaks, but suffering the consequences with the fights inside her head, which grew more and more. With all of this, the girl ended up developing panic attacks and severe anxiety, which she only discovered through a quick diagnosis from her school psychologist, as her father refused to pay for a consultation for her and her mother did not have enough money to do it.
Y/N grew up with constant fights outside and inside her head, experiencing the most bitter moments inside her own home, where she had to face her anxiety attacks alone on the floor of her room, muffling the loud sounds of her sobs with pillows.
But whoever was listening to her cry through all this time, listened to her prayers and sent an angel into her life. Y/N met Matt two years ago in a cafe in the city completely by accident, the barista at the cafe ended up getting confused with their orders and handed Matt's to Y/N and vice versa, the two only realizing it after the first sip.
And since then Y/N no longer had to face her fears alone, her refuge in difficult times stopped being her cold and lonely bed and became Matt, with whom she could lean on in all the sad and happy moments too, and the best thing being that she, having experience with herself, could help him with his own anxiety attacks, the two of them moving towards a better mental place together.
But despite the willpower to improve and all the effort, there were days when it became more difficult. Y/N had woken up that morning with a bitter taste in her mouth and a heavy head, feeling like something was going to happen, and she wasn't wrong.
The day went by with a heavy air, the girl staying at home all day since it was a Sunday and Matt spent the day filming with his brothers the podcast that would be posted the next day, and all the weight that lived in the walls of her house seemed to have been transferred to Y/N's back, she couldn't remember the last time she felt that, and the fact that she wouldn't see Matt that day only made it worse.
At the end of the day Y/N understood why she woke up with the heavy feeling. Her mother was cooking something in the kitchen for dinner that would be served soon, which the girl was sure she would just grab a plate and go up to her room to eat alone, but during the process of making the food, her mother let some glass escape from her hands, making a thunderous noise.
Y/N was startled by the sound, getting up and running downstairs without thinking, just worried about her mother and wanting to understand what had happened, but while the girl calmed her mother who seemed in shock over the broken plate, her mind began to scream danger.
Seconds later the sounds of heavy footsteps became present and it didn't take long for the male screams to be heard, her father releasing several curses along with insults towards her mother and, consequently, towards herself as well.
Y/N felt numb, her father's voice becoming a background sound as a buzzing settled in her head. The girl wasted no time and ran upstairs, all she wanted was to get away from the fight.
It didn't take much more than a minute and she found herself closing the door with a bang, throwing herself on the floor next to her bed and curling up in a fetal position, her throat making horrible sounds as she tried to draw in air, which never seemed to come enough.
Her heart was beating fast and her hands were shaking tirelessly.
In a moment of sanity, the girl crawled to the end of her bed to get her phone, thinking about the only one who could help her at the moment. Her fingers raced to the emergency contacts, seeing only one in the listing, Matt.
She quickly clicked it, putting it on speaker and dropping the phone on the floor.
"Hello my love, we're almost done here. I was thinking about calling you next, what do you think about... Y/N?" The boy answered with a smile in his voice, stopping talking when he noticed a sound like a strangulation in the background. "Y/N? Baby, please, what's going on?" He asked desperately, standing up quickly from his seat in the recording room on the other side of the phone, fully gaining his brothers' attention.
The girl couldn't respond, barely able to hear him properly, her mind just processing that she needed air, her eyes closed tightly as she felt as if her room was shrinking in size around herself.
"Baby stay with me, I'm coming, I'm coming. Stay with me..."
The male voice seemed to come and go in Y/N's ears, and what took less than 10 minutes seemed to take hours in her fragile mind. The sound of her bedroom window opening echoed through the room as Matt entered the pink-walled room after climbing the roof of the two-story house, already used to the action.
The boy quickly ran towards his girlfriend, throwing himself on the ground, kneeling next to her and hugging her tightly, trying to bring her mind back.
"I'm here, baby. I'm with you." He whispered incessantly against Y/N's ear, feeling her smaller body tremble against his. "Baby, I need you to take a deep breath for me. Stretch, come on." He spoke, helping her straighten her spine and stretching her legs, leaving her sitting in an L-shaped position. "Can you breathe through your nose for me?" Matt asked, watching carefully his girlfriend's face, feeling his heart tighten at her state, her lips trembling, her cheeks hot and rosy, her face tense and her eyebrows furrowed.
Y/N tried to do as requested, finally being able to identify her boyfriend's voice, but the action seemed to lead nowhere.
"Come on, my love, I know you can do it." He asked in a whisper, feeling his eyes burn with tears. Upon seeing Y/N's difficulty in fulfilling the request, he quickly approached and sealed her lips tightly, briefly remembering when the girl did the same to himself during one of his worst crises.
Y/N stood still, her hands still shaking and her heart beating hard, but her mind seemed to contain itself and the loud noise inside her fell silent.
The girl felt tears roll down her face, opening her eyes, her vision slowly getting used to everything after being in the dark for several minutes. She calmly pulled away from Matt, drawing a breath of air into her lungs, feeling relief at being able to do so.
Y/N looked at her boyfriend's face, seeing him smile in relief as tears rolled down his own eyes.
"Don't cry." She asked weakly, pulling him into a tight embrace, pressing her cheek against his, their tears mixing together.
Matt let out a tearful laugh, sniffling as he brought one of his hands to Y/N's hair, stroking the spot.
"I'm just glad you're okay."
"Thank you Matt." She thanked him, hearing him sigh happily. Y/N snuggled closer into Matt's arms, still not having the strength to get up from the floor and he didn't seem to want to do so yet either.
"I love you so much, my love." He whispered a few minutes later, kissing the top of her head. Matt slowly moved back after getting silence in response, looking at his girlfriend only to see her with her eyes closed and breathing lightly, sleep having taken over her weak body from the intense moment.
The sound of two knocks on the door made him look up, looking intently to the door and ready to protect his girl if necessary, but relief filled his heart when he saw that it was Y/N's mother.
The woman had her face between the door and the frame, ready to check if her daughter was okay after the mess in the kitchen, but her worried features were replaced by a soft smile when she saw her daughter and her boyfriend cradled together.
"Thank you." She whispered truthfully to Matt, earning a nod before carefully closing the door.
The mother walked towards her own room with a light heart, knowing that Matt would do anything to take care of and see her daughter well.
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watermelonlovershigh · 3 months
In Sickness and in Health {part. 9} (housemate!harry series)
The Next Morning {part. 8} (housemate!harry series) (SMUT)
AN: sorry this part took so long. it took me forever to write. it's quite a longer part so i hope you enjoy reading. don't forget to leave your feedback and reblog. also i think something went wrong with my taglist so if you weren't sent this from me tagging you, idk what happened. xoxo
This story contains: vomit (stomach bug), sickness comfort, fluff, crying, mentions of neglectful ex partners, accidentally dropping "L" bomb at the end
{ housemate!harry - friends to lovers - boyfriend!harry - softrry - teacher!harry - au!harry }
word count- 3,750
Harry unfortunately catches a stomach virus the day after you made your relationship official and you have to pick him up from work and take care of him for the rest of day, which he greatly appreciates.
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Harry woke up on Monday morning and started getting ready for work as usual. Despite feeling a slight cramp in his stomach, he chose to disregard it. Just before leaving the house, he returned to your bedroom where both of you had slept the previous night and gently kissed his girlfriend's forehead. You were still asleep, having the flexibility to work from home, so there was usually no need for you to wake up at the same time as Harry. On his way out the front door, he grabbed a banana from the kitchen before making his way to his car.
The stomach cramps that Harry felt while getting ready for work are still present, and as he starts teaching his first class of the day, he realizes that they're only getting worse. Initially, the sensation in his stomach was similar to cramps, but as time goes on, it becomes more of a swirling feeling that makes it difficult for him to focus on his task of teaching. Eventually, Harry opts to handing out worksheets for his students so he can sit down and attempt to alleviate the ache in his stomach.
Ultimately, the plan falls through because he reaches a point where he senses he's about to vomit all over his desk, in front of all his students, if he doesn't immediately go to the bathroom. Harry quietly gets up from his desk and leaves the classroom without any explanation. If he had more time, he would have requested his neighboring teacher to supervise his class while he steps out, but he's worried there's no time for that.
Upon reaching the hallway, Harry quickens his pace towards the nearby teachers' bathroom. Fortunately, they were conveniently located not too far from his own classroom. Without wasting a moment, he swiftly enters the one toilet bathroom, closes the door, and securely locks it behind him. Rushing towards the toilet, Harry manages to make it just in time. As he stands in front of the somewhat grimy white porcelain, he began to throw up the lasagna you'd cooked the night before and remnants of the banana he had forced himself to eat this morning.
When Harry completes the gross task, he straightens up, breathe labored, and retrieves some toilet paper to cleanse his nose and mouth. Subsequently, he flushes the toilet to prevent any further discomfort from the sight of his own puke. Now, he faces a dilemma. Is it possible that his sickness was a one-time occurrence, allowing him to continue teaching for the remainder of the day? Or, should he call and ask you to pick him up? He decides to pick the first option, unless he begins to feel sick again later on.
Despite his best efforts, Harry can only make it until lunchtime before he finally gives in and calls you to come pick him up. He's been sick twice more since the first incident, and there doesn't seem to be any improvement in his condition. On top of Harry's queasy stomach, he now has a pounding headache and doesn't want to take the chance of driving himself home and getting into an accident. It's really frustrating because just yesterday you both decided to make your relationship official, and now Harry is feeling terribly ill. This was definitely not how he had planned today going.
He wanted to come home and canoodle you all evening. Make you dinner and begin working on his promise of all the places he intends on fucking you in. But instead, he's presumably got some sort of stomach bug that hinders any of that from happening.
Alone in his classroom while his students are at lunch, he pulls out his cellphone and dials up your number.
"Hello." you pick up with an upbeat tone, unaware of how the conversation is about to go. By looking at the time on your laptop, you assume Harry's on his lunch break and has a moment to talk. He's called you on his lunch break in the past, but now it feels different. You're boyfriend and girlfriend. His calls feel more meaningful now.
Harry nervously requests through the phone, "M' sorry to bother you, but could you come pick me up? I think I've caught some sort of stomach bug. I've thrown up three times already and m' not feelin' any better. I've also got a headache now. M' not sure if I can drive myself home."
You've never heard Harry sound so, bleh, since your time of knowing him. All the happiness he usually carries in his voice is gone and it breaks your heart to hear. You immediately set your laptop down and stand from the couch to slip a pair of shoes on. "Yeah Harry, I'll come and get you. Whereabouts do I need to park?"
"Just at the front entrance. I'll walk up to your car." he mumbles, not wanting to talk too much with a queasy belly.
"Okay, I'll be there shortly. Hang tight." you finish the phone call off before hanging up and grabbing your keys to head out the door. If Harry feels as bad as he sounded over the phone, you'd hate for him to stay any longer then he has to. Poor thing must be miserable.
When you reach the school's entrance, you see Harry standing there with his teacher's satchel hanging over his shoulder and a hand casually resting on his stomach. After placing the car in park, Harry quickly opens the passenger door and climbs in. He's ridden in your car just a few times before, mainly when you go grocery shopping or when grabbing a meal together.
As soon as Harry shuts the car door, he tries to get settled in car seat as best as possible while feeling like total shit. "Thank you for comin' to get me. Don't think I would've made it if I had to drive myself home."
Before placing the car back into drive, you coo over to him softly, "It's no problem, really. I hate that you're so sick. You were fine all weekend. When did you begin feeling sick?"
"While I was gettin' ready for work this mornin', I noticed my belly crampin' but ignored it. Then durin' my first class of the day, the crampin' turned into nausea before I ended up bein' sick in the teacher's toilet."
With the car in drive now, you begin pulling out of the school's lot and make the journey back to Harry's (yours too technically) house. "Awe, well I'll take care of you. No worries. In sickness and in health."
Harry abruptly turns his head to face you, worsening the throbbing headache he had been enduring, and instantly regretting his impulsive action. "What?" he responds with a touch of confusion, though internally filled with excitement over the end of your statement. "In sickness and in health? We only started datin' yesterday, we're not married." He refrains from expressing his true desire for future marriage.
Smiling playfully at the road, you reply, "I understand that, but I believe when you truly care about someone, you should stick to that commitment regardless of marriage. And since I'm your girlfriend and you're now my boyfriend, it means I care about you deeply and will take care of you, no matter the circumstances." What you really wanted to say is when you love someone alot, but didn't want to throw the love bomb in this conversation, afraid of how he'd react.
Harry feels as though he might throw up again and not from his stomach bug this time, but rather due to the pure admiration he feels towards you. Your endless compassion and selflessness towards him has the ability to make his heart feel as though it could burst at any given moment. He reciprocates these feelings wholeheartedly, even from the early stages of your relationship when you were just housemates and acquaintances. During that time, he took care of you when you were sick due to your period cramps, showcasing his genuine concern for your well-being during a time where you were most vularable.
After a ten-minute drive, you finally arrive home, and Harry silently expresses his gratitude towards the heavens above for helping him keep his stomach under control. He really didn't want to accidentally be sick in your car or have you pull over suddenly so he could spew on the side of the road. He's determined not to disgust his new girlfriend too much on your first full day together, although he's confident that you would have handled the situation with grace.
Getting out of the car, you instruct, "Go lie in bed and I'll bring you some medicine and plain crackers, alright. I'm gonna take care of you."
"Noo....." Harry whines as he drags his feet along the pavement to the front door, "don't wanna eat anythin'."
"But Harry, you need something on your tummy."
Huffing, he argues, "M' just gonna throw it back up and I don't wanna be sick again. I hate throwin' up."
You unlock the front door and step inside the living room, slipping off your shoes and placing your keys down. "I know baby but the medicine on an empty stomach may make you feel worse. Just a few nibbles is all I'm asking. And if you get sick afterwards, that's okay. At least I know you tried for me." Hey, you used the term 'baby' in a non sexual setting and it felt good. It felt right.
Harry makes his way to his bedroom and strips his work attire off before settling into the disheveled bed without a care in the world. Exhausted from the virus, he quickly falls asleep after laying his head on the pillow. His cat Pixie cuddled into his side. However, his slumber is short-lived as he's gently awakened, being asked to sit up and take the tablets that will hopefully help his sick tummy and headache. Along with the crackers you promised minutes prior.
He sits up and takes the pills with a glass of water but hesitates on the crackers. "Don't wanna." Harry whines again.
A smile escapes you as you observe his deeply furrowed brow. If you didn't know any better, you would assume Harry was a child, considering his current demeanor. Nevertheless, you don't hold it against him because you can be just as whiny when you're under the weather. Additionally, you empathize with the fear of being forced to eat something while suffering from an upset stomach. The fear of being sick again. "I understand Harry, but just try taking a small bite. That's all I'm asking for. Then I'll let you rest"
Reluctantly, Harry brings the cracker up to his mouth and takes a small bite, chewing it slowly before pushing the rest of the cracker aside. You take it from him and place it on his nightstand, in case he wants some later. Then you place his glass of water beside his bed, ready for when he becomes thirsty again. "Thank you. Now, rest. I'll be in the living room, finishing up the work I was doing before I came to get you. If you need me, call for me, okay. I'll hear you."
Laying down with the covers up to his chin, Harry mummers a quiet, "Okay." and you lean down to place a gentle kiss on his warm forehead.
Harry gets about an hour of rest before he awakens to his tummy swirling again. He lays there, trying to breath his nausea away, but to his luck, he only feels more and more sick as the minutes pass. So he finally makes the decision to get up and go to the bathroom. From your spot on the sofa, you hear footsteps on the creaky wood floor and then see Harry emerge from his bedroom and go inside the bathroom in the hallway.
You wait a few seconds, thinking he may have just needed to use the toilet, when you're suddenly startled by the sounds of dry heaving. Concerned, you decide to go check on your boyfriend. Approaching the bathroom door, you cringe at the sounds of Harry being sick. You have always found it difficult to be around someone who is vomiting or hearing those sounds, but you're determined to be there for Harry. With a deep breath, you turn the doorknob and cautiously enter the bathroom.
The scene in front of you is truly heartbreaking. Although you haven't known Harry for very long, less than a year in fact, during the time you've spent with him, you've never seen him in such a weak and vulnerable state. You long for the return of your cheerful and smiling boyfriend, not the sickly one with clammy skin, likely from a cold sweat. "Oh, Harry," you murmur softly as you approach the cabinet to retrieve a cloth to soothe his sweaty skin.
Taking a deep breath over the toilet bowl, he replies, "M' alright, m' alright."
Now with the cool, damp cloth in your hand, you kneel down on the hard floor and gently blot the rag on his pale skin. Being thoughtful, Harry reaches up to flush the toilet so you don't get exposed to the disgusting sight of his puke. "Do you feel better now?"
Harry shakes his head no before speaking with a raspy voice, due to him having gotten sick several times today, "Not really. Still feel sick to m' stomach. You can leave if you want. You don't have to be in here and watch me get sick. M' sure the sight is very unpleasant."
"Harry, I'm not leaving you, okay. I'm gonna be in here and take care of you. You took care of me a while back when I was throwing up from my period cramps. Told me not to be embarrassed because we all get sick from time to time. So now we're even."
Harry, too sick to reply, fixates his gaze on the toilet as you gently glide the wet cloth across his skin. Despite his desire to express how good that cloth feels, the rising bile in his throat hinders him. He straightens his posture, positioning his head over the toilet. Once his mouth begins to water, he realizes his impending fate. A loud retching sound escapes his throat, followed by the expulsion of whatever little remains in his stomach. In order to shield yourself from the sight of him vomiting, you instinctively turn away, fearing the potential of falling ill yourself.
Thankfully, Harry's hair is held back by one of the small black clips you'd left on the bathroom counter, so that's one less thing he has to worry about. After throwing up this time, you can hear him making further attempts to bring up more, but unfortunately, he's unsuccessful. Probably because he's already been sick multiple times today and his stomach is now completely empty of food.
After finally calming down, he agrees when you suggest, "Why don't we get you back in bed and I'll bring you more medicine? Sitting in front of the toilet seems to be making you feel worse." You assist Harry in standing up and hold his hand as you guide him towards his bedroom. Although he would have liked to brush his teeth, he's sadly too exhausted to even lift the toothbrush to his mouth
He gets settled back in bed and you hurry and grab the medicine to help soothe his nausea. Within minutes, you're back at his side, handing him the pills and his glass of water. He swallows the medicine slowly and begins to relax. As you're about to leave, Harry stops you. "Y/n...... could you, um, can you come cuddle me, please. Know you were workin' but um, I'd really like a cuddle." How can you say no to that.
Turning around, you smile gently and say, "Of course. Let me go switch my laptop off. I'll be right back." You go back to the living room and close your laptop, then return to Harry's bedroom. You climb into bed beside him, being careful not to disturb Pixie who has moved to the foot of her dad's bed, and scoot over to cuddle with your boyfriend of a day.
Harry shifts his position, resting his head on your chest, and starts apologizing. "M' sorry. This is not the way I envisioned today goin'. After the incredible day we had yesterday and us becomin' official, I had hoped for today to go the same. Planned to fulfill my promise of fuckin' you in at least one of the places I promised I would." Despite the fact that his words would have sounded amusing under different circumstances, his illness causes him to speak in a casual tone, unintentionally adding a touch of humor.
Running your fingers through his sweaty hair, you mutter, "Harry, don't apologize for being sick. You can't control if you get sick or not. And don't worry about that. Once you're sickness leaves, we'll have plenty of time to work on those promises, alright. Now get some rest and later I'll make you some soup. Wake me up if you feel sick again."
More than anything, Harry wants to reply with an agreement followed by the three words, 'I love you', but can't. Not yet. Not until he knows you're ready to hear that. So instead, he nods his head slightly against your chest and shuts his eyes, praying the medicine you gave him works and he doesn't get sick anymore today.
At seven that night, you awoke from your slumber. Sitting up in bed, you stretched and observed your boyfriend still in a deep sleep. He seemed less pale, indicating a positive change, although he remained slightly sweaty. Quietly, you got out of bed and made your way to the kitchen to start working on the soup you had promised Harry earlier, hoping he would have an appetite by now.
Upon completing the homemade chicken noodle soup, you carefully carried a bowl to Harry's room and helped him sit up to have his meal. You fed him, aware that his hands might be a bit shaky, and he is in complete awe of the kindness you have shown him today. He ponders, had you not made your relationship official yesterday, would you still be just as caring towards him. Of course, you would.
By this point in the day, his stomach had thankfully settled and he had even developed a slight craving for your scrumptious soup. After he had finished eating, you aided Harry in taking a bath. You prepared a warm bath and added bubbles to create an extra soothing atmosphere. Initially, your plan was to kneel on the bathmat beside the tub and assist him from there, but he insisted that you join him. Without hesitation, you joined him in the bath.
This signifies the first time you and Harry are sharing a bath, without any sexual implications. Inside the tub, you allowed Harry to lean back onto your body, gently caressing his tummy beneath the water. He expresses his satisfaction with a pleasurable moan and nearly dozes off against you. As the water temperature decreases, you begin to thoroughly wash his hair and body.
Breaking the quietness of the room, Harry whispers, "Thank you so much, Y/n. Like really, thank you. What you've done for me today means so much to me. More than you even understand." You stop the sponge along his skin when you realize he's actually getting emotional.
"Baby," you coo softly from behind him, "you don't have to thank me. I want to care for you. Did all your previous partners not want to care for you when you were sick?"
With tears welling up in his eyes, he proceeds to explain, "To be honest, not really. There was this one incident during my college years when I had caught a terrible cold. My girlfriend at the time expressed her reluctance to getting sick, so she never bothered to visit me in my dorm even once. Also didn't bother to call and check up on me. Then, about four years ago, I went on a date with my boyfriend at the time, Mark, to a restaurant. Unfortunately, I ended up with food poisoning and instead of offering any assistance, he simply drove me home and told me he would see me once I recovered. Hence, I don't expect a partner to do what you have done for me. It feels so nice to have someone take care of you when you're unwell that's not your own mother"
After the bath where you had some deep and vulnerable conversations, you assisted Harry out of the tub. After drying both yourself and him off with a towel, you helped him change into a fresh pair of briefs. You then directed him to lay down in your bed, as his sheets needed to be replaced due to them being soiled with sweat and germs from his stomach bug.
Turning off all the lights, you proceeded to your room, where Harry was lying down with Pixie nestled on his chest, enjoying the gentle strokes he gave her behind her ear as she purred contentedly. The bond he shares with his cat is truly adorable. He loves that cat more than anything, even you. Though you guess that's understandable since he's had that cat way longer than he's even known you for.
You take hold of the tv remote and select a movie on Netflix to watch until both of you nearly drift off to sleep once more. Harry is optimistic and hopeful that he will feel better tomorrow. He doesn't think he'll be able to return to work just yet, but is relieved that the nausea has subsided. Thankfully, the soup you prepared has stayed down, indicating a positive sign.
As your eyes grow heavy with fatigue, threatening to succumb to sleep, you feel Harry nestling himself closer to your side, followed by a hushed declaration of "Love you." In spite of your stillness, your eyes widen in surprise. Shifting your head slightly, you observe that Harry has already slipped into sleep, seemingly oblivious to his inadvertent admission.
Regardless of his true intentions, you are certain that this wasn't how he intended to convey his love for you. Now, you must find a way to approach this subject with him, hoping he doesn't get embarrassed or worse, deny the authenticity of his words.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @allthelovehes // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
 // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithhrry  // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  //@mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghost // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @justlemmeholdyou // @hsonlyangelxo // @luvonstyles // @howdey
My Masterlist Masterpost
"Do you love me?" {part. 10}
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moodymelanist · 2 months
Might Let It Down For You
happy day 2 of @cassianappreciationweek everyone! i wasn't going to post anything today, but then i saw the most GORGEOUS fanart of cassian pulling his hair back and well... i didn't have a choice i fear. hope y'all enjoy!
Summary: It was supposed to be an ordinary evening workout, but then the hot guy from 3B just had to make things interesting.
Word Count: 1,810
Read on AO3 here!
✵✵✵✵✵ Nesta
Nesta released a deep breath as she made her way inside her building’s gym, more than ready to work out the stress of the day until her limbs were pleasantly sore. It was one of the reasons why she’d picked this building in the first place – not having to go back out into the world for a good workout after she came home from a long day at work was more than ideal. She usually came late enough in the evening that hardly any people were around, and she silently counted her blessings that the gym was empty tonight.
At least, that was her expectation. Nesta was about ten minutes into her workout when the door opened and someone entered the gym, though her irritation quickly faded into something entirely different when she realized it was the hot guy from apartment 3B. 
Nesta had seen Cassian around the building plenty of times, from running into him when picking up packages at the front desk to occasionally being in the same elevator as him. Logically, she knew he had to work out – she wasn’t blind, he had arms the size of tree trunks for crying out loud – but she’d always assumed he went to one of those fancy gyms instead of using the one in their building. Never in a million years did she think he used the same machines and dumbbells that she did, just at a much higher weight. 
Now that Cassian was here, Nesta was going to have to actively keep herself from drooling. He always looked good, but he looked especially delicious tonight in his tight, black shirt and cropped shorts that showed off his muscular thighs. It was going to be a struggle trying to get through her workout with him being the only other person in the gym with her, but she was no quitter. She would get through this workout come hell or high water.
Cassian gave her a quick wave before putting down his water bottle and setting up his music, and other than that, as long as Nesta stayed focused on what she was doing, it would all be fine.
At least, it was supposed to be.
Everything was going smoothly until Nesta started her final series of lunges, her fifteen-pound kettlebell held securely in her hands as she alternated sides. She was perfectly positioned in front of the mirror to watch as Cassian sat at the hip abduction machine behind and to her left, and although it should’ve been illegal to spread his legs like that in public, she managed to mostly keep it together as he worked through his reps. 
Cassian’s hair had been down for his workout thus far, but apparently enough was enough. He took off his headphones and began gathering his hair into a ponytail, and Nesta couldn’t help but stand still to watch him pull his beautiful, gorgeous curls into a ponytail. She couldn’t take her eyes off the way his biceps flexed as he wrapped a hair tie three times around, her mind wandering to what it would feel like to have those large, very capable hands wrapped around her instead—
“Motherfucker!” Nesta yelled as she dropped the kettlebell, a pained gasp escaping her despite her best efforts as it landed right on her foot. She yanked her own headphones off her head and stared down at her foot in shock, not really believing she’d be distracted enough to drop a weight on her own goddamn foot over a man, but clearly stranger things had happened. “Ow, ow, ow!”
“Oh, shit,” Cassian said. The next thing she knew, he was standing in front of her, those beautiful, hazel eyes filled with concern at what had to be one of the most mortifying moments of her life. “You alright, sweetheart?”
“Just peachy,” she ground out, her right foot throbbing where she’d dropped her weight. “And don’t call me that.”
“Did you drop that on your foot?” he asked while pointing at the kettlebell. Without waiting for her reply, he reached down and gingerly moved the weight from where it was still resting against her sneaker, wincing as she hissed in pain. “You mind if I take a look at it? I’m a paramedic.”
“Of course you are,” she muttered. Of course the hottest guy in her building just had to be taking care of others; he couldn’t be some kind of douchebag that would actually deserve her ire. “Just my fucking luck.”
“What was that?” he replied, still unfailingly polite and kind.
“Nothing,” she hissed. “You just – with your hair, and your muscles, and of fucking course you’re a paramedic, because you just have to walk around helping people on top of being hot!”
Cassian had been frowning slightly, but that frown quickly disappeared in favor of a smile that only grew larger the longer Nesta’s tirade went on. “You think I’m hot?”
“That’s what you’re focusing on?” Nesta answered, incredulous. 
“Well, yeah,” he told her with that stupid grin still on his face. “Definitely the most important part of that sentence, if you ask me.”
“I thought,” she began through gritted teeth, “that you came over to help with my foot.”
“Two things can be true at once, Nes,” he said with a chuckle. He got to his knees and although the sight would’ve normally sent her brain into overdrive, her foot was hurting too much to really appreciate exactly what she was looking at. “Can I take off your shoe?”
“Yes, just – ow, Cassian!” she snapped as he quickly removed her shoe and sock. Her toe was pretty red, but thankfully it hadn’t gotten to the black and blue phase just yet. “I thought you were a professional!”
“It was going to hurt either way,” he replied apologetically. He was gentle as he examined her foot, rolling it one way and then the other before moving on to investigating where she’d dropped the weight on her toes. Thank God she believed in regular pedicures. “I was just trying to be quick about it.”
After a few moments of silence, Nesta couldn’t take the waiting anymore. “Well?”
“Good news, you probably won’t need to go to the ER,” Cassian said, gently releasing her foot before standing up to his full height. “Or to urgent care, assuming it doesn’t get worse.”
“Okay,” she said back. She swayed just a little from trying not to put any weight on her injured foot and he was there immediately, offering up his arm so she could lean against him. Even with her foot throbbing, she couldn’t ignore how warm he was or how good he smelled even after working out. “What am I supposed to do with it?”
“Rest, for sure,” he answered, still in what she was thinking of as paramedic mode. “You should try to keep weight off your foot for at least the next few days.”
“And how am I supposed to do that?” she asked dryly. “I have to walk back to my apartment, for starters.”
“I’ll carry you,” he offered casually. 
“You’ll carry me,” she repeated, not quite sure if he was joking. 
Cassian just looked down at himself and back up, smirking. “What? You think I can’t do it?”
“It’s not about that,” Nesta spluttered, much to Cassian’s obvious amusement. She’d thought plenty about what he could and couldn’t do, but he didn’t need to hear about any of that. “I’m not a child.”
“Neither am I,” he replied with a chuckle. “If I want to spend my time helping a gorgeous woman get home safely, what’s wrong with that?”
“I—” she began, stopping short when she realized exactly what he’d said. She willed herself not to blush, but knew it was in vain by the way his eyes dropped to her cheeks and his smirk only grew wider. “I’m pretty far from the elevator.”
“That won’t be a problem,” he told her, shrugging with the shoulder that she wasn’t leaning against. “I don’t tap out.”
Jesus Christ, he was going to kill her. “Fine. Just be quick about it.”
Cassian grinned, making quick work of gathering both of their things before scooping Nesta into his arms like she weighed nothing at all. The gym wasn’t too far from the elevator, but her apartment was all the way at the end of the hallway on the fourth floor, so she got to finally enjoy the feeling of his big, strong arms wrapped around her until they made it to her apartment.
“Home sweet home,” Cassian said, gently lowering her down to the ground in front of apartment 4J. “Remember, rest and ice that foot.”
“Yes, Dad,” Nesta said back sarcastically. She pressed her fob to the door and let him help her inside with considerably less pain than if she’d done it alone, and leaned against the kitchen island to support herself instead of Cassian’s large arms. “Anything else, Mr. Paramedic?”
“Just your number,” he fired back without missing a beat.
“And why would you need that?” she responded, cocking an eyebrow. 
She had every intention of giving it to him, of course. She just liked making him work for it.
“How else am I supposed to follow up?” Cassian asked cheekily, leaning back against her kitchen counter with a smirk. 
“Who said you need to do that?” Nesta answered with a roll of her eyes.
“It’s my fault you even hurt yourself,” he replied, “so I think I’ve earned the right.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said flatly. Judging by the chuckle he released, he saw right through her, but she wasn’t going to give up that easily. “Why are you laughing?”
“You think I didn’t see you staring at me the entire time we were in the gym?” he said back, pinning her to the spot with those beautiful eyes of his.
“You must have been seeing things,” she denied immediately. It had been embarrassing enough dropping her weight in the first place, but the fact that he’d noticed – she wouldn’t admit that unless under extreme duress, and especially not to him. 
“Yeah, like you dropping your kettlebell the second I put my hair into a ponytail,” he retorted with a knowing grin. 
“You’ve never heard of a coincidence before? What are they teaching you in paramedic school these days, anyway?”
“How to use our skills for the greater good.”
“You count this as the greater good? I’m flattered.”
“Coming to a beautiful woman’s aid? I’d think so.”
Nesta just rolled her eyes again, but she held out her hand for his phone anyway. “Don’t make me regret this.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart,” Cassian said, his fingers already flying as he sent her a text. He winked at her before adding, “And if you need any help elevating that foot, you know who to call.”
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @fieldofdaisiies | @goddess-aelin | @c-e-d-dreamer | @talkfantasytome | @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk | @sv0430 | @talibunny30 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @champanheandluxxury | @lilah-asteria | @burningsnowleopard | @sayosdreams | @readskk | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @bellaful08 | @readergalaxy | @podemechamardek | @pearlfortears | @nerdperson524 | @jmoonjones | @kale-theteaqueen | @autumnbabylon | @hiimheresworld | @illyrianshadowhunter | @dustjacketmusings | @live-the-fangirl-life | @that-little-red-head | @sweet-pea1 | @brieq | @queercontrarian | @jsmelodies | @afflicted-with-wanderlust
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yanderederee · 1 year
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2004 - Eight Grade-year
Baji Keisuke really did try to be as straight laced as he could, but his grades showed none of the same effort.
Ever since he came home to his mother crying, scared for her baby boy’s future, Keisuke started to realize that his actions and mistakes could be big— real, and hurt the people he wanted to protect.
‘I cant be worrying her like that’, he reasoned to himself. She was a young mom. 28 years of age, with a 13 year old brat… Keisuke knows he’s made life hell for her, but she never gave up on. He tried making up for everything he ruined for her, becoming more respectful in towards her the most recent years, doing as he’s told (for the most part) and helping around the apartment… to make her proud.
He was really trying.
February22nd, 2004
Baji Keisuke is held back from entering into the third year of middle school, and will have to repeat year two.
—-As stated by an official government stamped letter; to the Baji residence mailbox.
Ryoko Baji cried when she thought her son was asleep. Keisuke’s guilt sank in deeper and deeper as the hours passed.
He asks Mikey for advice, and sure as boxes are square, glasses make you smart.
Two days pass, and a single failed shopping trip turned 40 v 1 man brawl later, he obtained the smartest person glasses he could find.
So why the hell were the pre-qualifying class assignment packets practically illegible? The glasses help (he swears) but he really had to put in the work this time.
February26th, 2004
Imagine how confused Baji felt, watching his mom hustle into the apartment, giddy despite having returned home after her third shift of the day. It was rare to see her home these last few months. She’d put on a brave face and did her best to help Keisuke through what had just happened 7 months ago— but a man was dead and her son had been the face of local news. Finding work was hard, but she preserved.
He wouldn’t let those efforts go to waste.
Ryoko held up a cutely decorated 8x11 colored printing paper, advertising 30-60 minute tutoring sessions for 1,000¥ per week, and encouraged her son to take the opportunity. Baji was quick to agree with her.
That’s how you met Ryoko and Keisuke Baji.
Ryoko had contacted you the same day, asking for further set details.
You were to attend the same school, which made things more convenient for when school would start up next month.
So, after you’d looking over Keisuke’s pre-qualification-class assignment packet, you got a feel for where you should focus your efforts.
But Baji Keisuke was Fucking unreadable. He was grinning like a boy and thanking you for your help one second, the next you’re like a stranger to him. He couldn’t remember your name at first either, qualifying to calling you whatever name came to mind first.
You would once in a while poke irritably at the nerdy four eyes, and how you were technically older than him, by eight months, in fact.
So to poke back, he addressed you like the upperclassman you claimed to be, sempai-chan.
From your first meeting, up til March 5th, you and Baji had studied hard for the pre-qualifying test that would take place on the 15th.
School would start early April, and a strong start is going to be your greatest milestone, as you claimed.
… Yeah, up until March 5th, when you and Baji found and cared for a broken kitten on the side of the road. *› nav:part.1… ›
It wasn’t normal to see injured animals laying so out in the open. It was even more nerve wracking to notice the broken bones were human inflicted. What kind of bastard hurts a fucking kitten?
The thought made Baji Keisuke’s blood boil.
Starting from that day, he started paying closer attention to those in the area. This was the first time something like that had happened.
But nothing happened since.
Activity was taking place away from his side of town. Keisuke didn’t have to worry about you, since he was a half hour walk away. You never went out after dark, and your weekends were mostly spent in safe areas.
He didn’t have to worry about you.
You shyly admitted to Baji once that you named Sango after the day you two had found her. (san-3, go-5, san.go-3.5> march 5th)
March 11th, 2004
The only time he felt calm was when he watched you ideally scribble gibberish into a notebook. He watched your hands. The way your fingers flex in delicate and quick strokes, the lead rattling in the mechanical pencil filling the comfortable silence between you two.
The glasses Keisuke had purchased were practically made of two way glass. He saw out of them just fine. They weren’t prescribed glasses or anything, just a tool that made him smarter.
But from those looking his direction, thanks to the thick rims and aggressive reflect; his sharp resting bitch face eyes went completely unnoticed.
He was grateful for that the most, Baji decided when he caught you take a glance up at him, completely unaware how he was just staring at your hands.
You thought you were slick with that glance. It was cute.
You weren’t nervous of Baji I’m the slightest. By nature, Baji sort of registered you as a small animal worthy of his protection and at least some respect.
He gave you credit where it was due; you were smart and patient with his dumb ass, circling with a pink gel pen where he went wrong, and your neat handwriting next to it with helpful reminders.
He dazed off while he was watching you study. You were just mesmerizing, somehow.
“Why do I have to remember these stupid old guys who’ve been dead for like, a thousand years?” Baji was growing more and more restless as the lesson continued.
You gave a pitiful look, and sighed. “Yeah, it is pretty pointless when you think about it, but,” you grinned, and started a bit of a story time to make the history lesson more enjoyable to sit through. Stringing along stories of these old dead guys of the Edo period as characters (who’s names you repeated often).
Baji seemed to get it, actually. He could follow a good story line.
“So this Nobunagi guy—“ “Nobunaga.” You corrected. “Yeah, whatever, he just decided one day he was gonna just unite japan?”
He was engaging.
Ecstatic, you gave a wide smile and nodded. He was finally retaining something.
After some praise, Baji was content with the work he’d done today. So, when you’d decided to shift your attention back to your own paper so he could do the same, he realized just how tired he was.
The soft strokes of your pencil lead against the smooth paper was like a lullaby lulling him to sleep, as his eyes grew heavier and heavier. Cross armed and head jostled against his left shoulder, Baji Keisuke well asleep in his chair.
You didn’t notice for a while, actually. Not until you heard a soft snore break through the silence of the library. Looking up, you noticed Baji slumped in slumber.
Of corse he was sleepy. You of all people knew this. You were the one keeping him up at night, both with school prep and sentimental thoughts he couldn’t simply swat away.
You let out a soft chuckle before resting your hand on your hand, gazing upon him for a little while.
Longer, you stared. His hair was slicked back, but it was long. You wondered how long, which lead to wondering how he would look if he ditched the nerd cut. He was handsome, from what you could tell. It was a shame he had to hide behind glasses.
You brought up the idea of contacts to him, but he shooed the idea quickly. The curiosity of the subject never peaked your interest like how it was now. Maybe it’s because he looked so vulnerable. While giving a fluttering glance to his lips, you had noticed a very sharp canine. Sure, he smirked and showed off his toothy grin a lot, but you couldn’t help wanting to touch them.
As minutes passed, you finally couldn’t take the curiosity swimming in your head anymore. Gently—very, gently, you shifted closer to Baji, and slowly grazed your fingers against the plastic rim of his glasses. You pulled the ear pieces back very slightly, so as to not disturb the peaceful sleeper.
This was the first time you had seen Baji Keisuke so vulnerable. Even in class, his eyebrows seemed to always pinch together in annoyance, frustration, boredom, almost all the time. His features were soft… decently long eyelashes, smooth skin pulling over his higher cheekbones.
He was more than handsome, Baji was a pretty boy. You blushed softly at this revelation. On second thought, maybe he did need the glasses. Both of your sanity and his lowkey persona.
You leaned in just a little closer. When you looked closely enough, you could see some slight discoloration. Little scapes that healed over many times. Now that you were paying attention, his knuckles were also a little raw. Dry, and darker than the skin on his hand.
You admired how peaceful he looked, subconsciously leaning closer and closer to get a better look at all his features before he could wake. You didn’t even notice how close you were until you felt Baji’s breath softly exhale against your lips.
You almost wanted to kiss him—
But you didn’t have time to let your brain work the information before Baji started to stir. Panic soon rested in, and you dropped the glasses on the table on top of his study paper before pushing your head down to look very interested in the stupid study packet.
Baji let out a deep baritone groan as he began to stretch his limbs, yawning instinctually. Imagine his surprise when he blinks his eyes awake to notice everything crystal clear, no obstruction on his peripheral vision like he was now used to. He too started to panic, noticing the way his glasses were tossed on his paper. They must have fell off, he reasoned, before quickly scooping them up with lightning speed.
Glancing your way, he feels relief that you seemed too focused on your studies to notice his little blunder. Oh right. Studying. That’s why you two were here in the first place.
Baji groaned once he got a look at his paper. Barely even through the first half of the page. He really did not feel like studying. He needed to get out and warm up the stiffness in his muscles. Maybe Toman had some business to take care of he could take on. The thought excited him.
You glanced his direction once again. The displeased look on Baji’s face was very clear. Even if you were to force him to sit and memorize the useless knowledge, you knew he wouldn’t retain it with the headspace he was swirling in. So in an attempt to act casual, you asked,
“I-it’s seven, so we can head out if you want,” you offered, packing your things premature of the answer. “I’ll treat you to a juice or something from the vending machine in the commons.”
Baji wasn’t one to turn down the chance to ditch the school work Or getting a free juice box.
Not having to ask twice, he dumped all his stuff in his bag with no filing system whatsoever.
“Say, where do you go in such a hurry after school?”
Well, he wasn’t expecting that question from you. Wide eyed and panicked, Baji tried thinking up a quick lie. “I visit. The… pet clinic.” He nodded. Somehow you believed it, or acted like you did at least. A wide close mouthed smile made its way on your face at the confession.
“That’s cute. You really care about animals. Volunteer work?”
Baji grumbled under his breath while looking away with a bashful spread. “Whatever. Guess you could call it that.”
If you considered tracking down clues to find the bastards who were responsible for multiple similar cases like Sango, broken legs or pelvic bones, cigarette burns and such; than sure, he was happy to volunteer.
“Oh yeah,” he suddenly remembered. “Sango. Vet said she only had a week left for recovery. Should be dispatched to a shelter nearby sometime after.”
“A shelter?” You asked in a whisper yell voice, eyes akin to saucers. “But-“ you tried to say something, but it died in your throat before anything else could come out. Your face dropped a little, dejected.
“If you wanna keep her, the vet said it wouldn’t be a problem.” He offered you the peace of advice.
Yet, your downcast eyes seemed to lose their usual playful energy.
What the hell?
“I’m not allowed to own a pet.” You said, almost like the sentence was scripted. “Why not?” Baji asked casually. Though he appeared neutral, he could tell something was off. This might be his chance to infiltrate your exterior.
You glanced his way for only a moment, and he could see the gears turning in your head, filtering what you want to say, to what you will say. “My… parents are allergic.”
You were a good person. He knew this the moment he’d met you. And good people can’t lie for shit, through his experience. “Bullshit—-“ Baji caught himself just after the word slipped, snapping his hand over his mouth once he realized.
You looked up at him with confusion written on your face. “I-I mean, sorry, I didn’t mean for that to come off that way.” He shook his head in defeat. “You ain’t a good liar though, y/n.”
Shifting your eyes downcast again, this time you masked your true face behind a giggle. “Can’t say I didn’t try. It’s not important.” You shook your head, and before Baji could interject, you had already recollected yourself and shifted the attention elsewhere.
“Im on dinner duty tonight, so I’ll go ahead first today.” You smiled brightly as you said this. You’d already handed him his promised juice box. But your smile was fake. You were definitely a bad liar.
“If ya say so. Wait up a sec, ‘ll walk you home,” While Baji worded it as a statement, an order almost, you didn’t take it that way.
“No worries! I can manage.”
Again, before he could intervene, you took off at a brisk pace. Damnit.
Keisuke was trying to be patient with you. But it wasn’t in his nature. “The hell’s her problem?” He whispered with a click of his tongue, before throwing all his shit in his bag and jogging to catch up with you.
But even as he scanned the hallways and school grounds like a hawk, you weren’t to be found. Were you really that quick? No way. Regardless, he did have a Toman meeting. So, after some hesitation, he let the unsettling feeling behind at the school.
He couldn’t know that you’d ducked into an empty classroom and were huddled with your knees to your chest as you stared off into nothing.
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starguardianniom · 1 year
Adrien and Marinette screwing each other's character development
That's literally what happened in season 5.
5 seasons of Adrien trying his best to break free of his dad's abuse and control only for Marinette to honors Gabriel's wish and make him believe he was a hero and a good parent, despite having front seat at his abuse, on top of fighting him, and Gabriel made the both of time cry. So now Adrien will forever think his father was a good man, when he was not. He will like his abuser, when the last episode showing them together has Adrien showing nothing but hatred toward his father for thinking he knew better for him when he was just doing what he wanted Adrien to do and not what Adrien wanted himself.
We spent 5 seasons watching Marinette trying and failing to confess to Adrien, only for him to confess to her instead which rendered kind of all her efforts pointless, on top of not having to learn the many lessons that she should have, like regarding his private life, or start seeing him as a person and not a perfect angel who can't do no wrong. They even had some jokes at her behavior, behavior that they later learned was because she had a traumatic experience which made her decide that the next poor sod that would catch her attention would not be permitted to have a private life whatsoever, just because she made an error of judgement and didn't listen to her friend's warning, something she keeps doing repeatedly during the series. She just gets her boyfriend and never has to change her behavior, and he doesn't get to maybe get mad or creeped out at all the stuff she did for him while she could barely speak to him, let alone struggle to stay close less she ran away out of being scared to ask him out. So her toxic behavior also doesn't get to be toned down. Biggest example is after learning that Gabriel is Monarch, she goes to speak to him because she wants Adrien back, not to stop Monarch once in for all. She has to when he finds her in his house and she can't hide much longer.
The main difference, Marinette has been aware since forever that Gabriel was pretty controlling with Adrien and got depressed over it several times since it meant she couldn't hang out with him. And she still sided with his abuser because she didn't want Adrien to deal with the backlash of knowing his father was the local terrorist of the city. A guy she spent 5 season fighting, and spent the last episode of season 5 beating up because he prefered to go with his crazy scheme instead of respecting his wife's last wish. And she decides to respect Gabriel's last wish instead of being honest with Adrien and the rest of the city, which I'm sorry to say, is beyond horrible of her. People deserves the truth, so does Adrien, stop coodling him like his father tried, he doesn't need it.
Meanwhile Adrien just learned in the last season that she had a crush on him. And saw her doing some pretty weird stuff, but never truly saw the real depths as to how far Marinette was willing to go to get his love. He didn't see her bully Kagami, he didn't see her lie and manipulate her parents to make her follow him to Shangai and abandoning her uncle on his birthday just to go stalk him, among other stuff. So he isn't aware of the worst of Marinette, and half of it he thinks she's just weird because to him that's how she's always been, weird and quirky but still charming and cute somehow.
I kind of just realised that while reading other posts about those subjects and just saw that they both ruined each other's development, Adrien unintentionally and Marinette, intentionally.
EDIT: chocolatevoidpizza made me realize I was victim blaming Marinette for the cruel prank she went through in Derision via the line "just because she made an error of judgement and didn't listen to her friend's warning".
That is unfair on Marinette and I apologize for writing that and take it back.
I however won't delete it cause I need the reminder to not have a repeat of that and I need the lesson.
So thank you chocolatevoidpizza for opening my eyes and knocking sense back into me.
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theamityelf · 7 months
I also would like to hear about Makoto also being kidnapped because if dr1 is anything to go off of he would be put into a bunch of dangerous situations for the sake of finding clues or taking down the mastermind and come back alive.
Also the prospect of Kokichi lashing out because he thinks he's lost the one person who believed in him and Makoto wanting SO BADLY to comfort him or make him understand but can't during this situation. Then later when he gets kidnapped when there is time, Makoto tries to make him understand that he has NEVER stopped believing in Kokichi he just thinks he crossed a line but he NEVER EVER hated him. Despite all of Kokichi's efforts Makoto has never hated him and I would like to know if he breaks down (from relief or grief that he doesn't think he deserves that kindness surprise me) or if it's just a small but meaningful consolation while he dies (because Makoto would never just LET Kokichi die no matter how much he did) that someone cared. It makes me go FERAL.
Absolutely! I'm right there with you, lol.
Okay, I can imagine it going down a few ways.
First of all, I can imagine Makoto starts asking too many questions when Kokichi says he's the mastermind, to the point that Kokichi realizes Makoto will undermine his "big reveal" if left unchecked, so he goes ahead and grabs him when he grabs Kaito, to make sure the group's reasons for questioning him are pulled out of play.
Alternatively, I can imagine that the whole "everything Kokichi does to mess with someone else ends up affecting Makoto by accident" thing that gets repeatedly set up earlier in the AU comes into play again here, in that Kokichi truly meant to only grab Kaito, but the Exisal accidentally grabbed Makoto, too, and rather than look like he made a mistake and isn't fully in control of these things, he plays it off like he meant to do that and takes Makoto with him.
Either way, Kaito is locked in the bathroom by himself and I imagine Makoto being kept elsewhere. If I'm being self-indulgent (which I am 😁) Makoto is kept in the big main area with Kokichi, to facilitate all that conversation and hurt/comfort.
(The bathroom has a window, and it's fine for Kaito to talk to people outside, since Kaito is buying into the idea of Kokichi as the enemy, but Makoto can't be allowed to talk to anyone and spread his belief that Kokichi is lying.)
And at that point, it becomes such an "I'm not trapped in here with you; you're trapped in here with me!" situation. Sorry, Kokichi; you can't run from him now. He's here, he believes in who you demonstrated yourself to be in your best moments, and he wants to have a genuine conversation with you. Makoto is using all the information he's gathered over the course of the killing game to contradict Kokichi being the mastermind, and Kokichi is doing his best to demoralize him as a last ditch effort to not have to deal with him. Maybe invoking Gonta as a kind of, "Do you want to be the next fool who believes in me until it's too late?" But Makoto's resolve doesn't shake.
Kokichi's smug mask falls and it devolves into a shouting match where Kokichi is pulling out every low blow he can and insisting that he's an evil supreme leader (Panic Talk Action, anyone?) and in the end Makoto just says, "No...that's wrong." And the last facade shatters.
I want Kokichi crying into Makoto's shoulder, wailing, "I really liked Gonta! And I really liked Miu!"
And then, because he can't help himself, once he's done crying, he sits up with a brittle smile, like, "Wow, did you really fall for that again?" (It's so ineffective, because he literally just went through the full process of sobbing to shuddering to sniffling to just breathing, and it was very gradual and peaceful, and then he just sits up like "lol jk".)
And Makoto replies, "Yeah. I did."
"Stupidhead. Obviously I was lying. You're so naive, it's a wonder you've made it this long. Maybe I'll put you out of your misery."
OR, if I'm being suuuuper self-indulgent, maybe Makoto actually gets hurt in the accidental Exisal grab and Kokichi can't do any of the posturing because as soon as they're locked in the hangar and the Exisal lets them go, they realize that Makoto is bleeding profusely and he and Kaito have to rush to give him emergency first aid. They're bickering the whole time.
Kaito's blaming Kokichi and Kokichi is blaming Makoto, like, "Why didn't you tell me you were bleeding, idiot?!"
Kaito's like, "Why would he?! You said you never cared about any of us!"
And yet Kokichi is so serious about making sure Makoto's okay, it occurs to Kaito that maybe that was a lie, too.
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yandere-sins · 2 years
Warning: Yandere, Sexual Content
To be fair, they can never completely be under the reader's control, but the praise kink and submission don't just apply to the bedroom for them.
It's probably the reason they fell in love with you in the first place.
You were kind and pleasant and, unfortunately, sickly. They liked you because you tried to make the best out of your situation, complimenting your nurses and doctors for their hard work and always smiling even though you felt like crap. You always thanked Doctor profusely for reacting to your problems immediately and adjusting your medication when things became tough; his inspections hurt a lot of times, but you never complained. And whenever Nurse had to put another needle in your body, you'd stay extra still and bite your lip, thanking her for making it quick and with her skilled hands. It was almost more polite, conversationally compliments, but they appreciated the effort you went through despite being unwell.
It's just been these little things, your gentle demeanor and kindness, even through your sickness, that made them want to spoil and coddle you. You were the only patient they'd lay next to when times were tough, sneak extra pudding and candy in when you were allowed to indulge in them, and hold your hand until you fell asleep. The way you treated them, accepted all their kindness in return and thanked them for trying their best made them want to heal you so desperately—and keep you with them at the same time.
Now, after you finally get to go home with them, they are all too happy to serve you on their hands and knees, waiting for you to demand it from them. It's just them bickering over who gets to give you the medicine this time, casually implying they could give it to you through a kiss, or if you want, they'll feed it to you or serve it on their body for you to take off them. They know that until you can do it on your own, give orders, and ensure they are properly conducted by the two, they must break you in gently, dominantly. They can't have it when you cry and say they are doing something bad to you when they are just trying to teach and make things enjoyable for everyone involved. However, there's still a lot of refusal and hesitation, which makes the two of them believe you need to watch and learn some more before you can do it.
They'd much rather kneel before you, eat you out, and ask if this is satisfying you. If touching you there and kissing you here feels good for you too, and if maybe, just maybe, they can grind against your hand or knee. Oh, please, please, please, kiss them, make them yours, say you love them. Nurse is almost in tears begging you to please touch her and allow her to get off with your hands, and Doctor wants to hear you say it's okay if he rubs his cock between your thighs and that it feels just as good for you. If you were to just mutter a single word of praise, they could die happy. But as of late, after they started doing things you weren’t always on board with, you stopped praising them, even though your moans and screams are treacherously close.
The problem is just... you don't give in. For a long, frustrating, painstaking time, you won't. That's why they need to dominate you first, show you how it's done. Force you to use your mouth on them until you learn the wonders that servicing others does for one's soul. Maybe if they deny your orgasm and tease you until your cough returns because of the strain, you'll realize how wonderful it is to be with them. How good they could make you feel if you just give in.
And they'll do it until you crack, no matter how long it takes.
Until they are all you can think about, just like you are for them.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 5 months
Her Reign
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a/n: Hello, my Fabulous Readers! Would you like to take a trip down Memory Lane with me? Boy, do I have a treat for y'all...
When I was just starting to write my fanfics 8 - 9 years ago, before I fell into major Writer's Block, and went on my forced Hiatus, I wrote this fic for a good friend. Because back then, she drew Steve fanart for me, and I wrote Loki fics for her.
Fast forward to this year, I'm looking through my old notes in my notes apps, low and behold I find a handful of fic ideas and half-written, unfinished fics. And honestly, young me literally had the best fic ideas 😆 I realize that they're basically my very own Vaults! They couldn't have came on a better time, when I want to connect to my younger self, and remember what it was like, when life wasn't as complicated.
Ofcourse, it's not completely the original story, present me needed to polish the rough patches in the story, because specific timeline when this was written, was roughly somewhere before Endgame after Infinity War...😅 And I also need to make sure, it's semi-accurate to the current MCU, for my own sake.
But still, I hope y'all will enjoy reading this one, all the same.
Loki Odinson x Y/n Y/L/N's Daughter, Lucy Laufeyson
Requested: No
WARNINGS: Loki's Death(seriously doesn't need to be a question😆), Abusive, cliché Evil Step-parent, Allusion to the abuse Y/n goes through, Lucy imagining and enacting revenge(and justice) on Evil Step-Parent, Lucy goes ape-shit, Loki would be proud. Story goes way dark(not GOT Dark, but still, pretty dark). Written by me, when I was still fairly new to writing, so sorry for the errors present Me isn't able to fix.
DNI Divider by @firefly-graphics
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Loki looking at Lucy from Valhalla...
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It was a typical day for the Avengers in the Avenger Compound. Agents of every kind, rushed here and there, to finish their duties. In one of the lower floors underground, lived the Avengers. Each had their own apartment. But they liked to spend time together, in the common room. And today was no exception.
The room was full of chaos. From the sounds of a certain Captain's daughter crying, because she fell down while attempting to walk, with her doting mother and older brother trying to calm her down, to Peter Parker, Bruce Banner and Dr. Stephen Strange devising a way to make their tactical suits more durable, and more accommodating to the various shapes and sizes each individual, human, alien or super, has.
Lucy Laufeyson is among the chaotic bunch. Born and raised together with James Anthony Rogers, making her pretty much used to everything that happens around here, around her considered-extended family. She'd been living with the Avengers and her Uncle Thor Odinson, in an effort to avoid her Step-Father, Grey Wallace. Well, specifically to avoid hurting, said man.
From the moment her grandmother, from her mother, Y/n Y/L/N's side, had told her that she was to have a Step-Father, she knew that it would take a lot of strength and maturity. For she knew Gray wasn't a good man. He abused her mother and basically, forced her to have his child. Luckily, Lucy could never hate her younger Brother, Greyson. She hated his sperm donor.
Before Loki died, he had written a note to every member of his family. For Thor, Y/n, and especially Lucy. The one for her, specified that he wanted Thor to take his family to New Asgard, where he hoped to be laid to rest.
Once his request was fulfilled, she decided to take her father's name and use it to make a legacy of her own in her new home. Despite this, it didn't stop her from imagining enacting her revenge on Grey. She hated everything he did to her mother, and today is living proof of that.
"Hey James. Nice shield." Lucy smirked, it looks uncannily like her Father's.
"Oh, Lucy... Hi... I-I-I was just borrowing this from Dad." James answered, turning pinker by the minute.
"Calm down, Rogers. I was just teasing." Lucy said, playfully boxing his arm.
"Besides, I'm not here as often as I used to. Just for old times sake."
"Sometimes I wonder how we've been friends, since birth." James sighed.
"Come on... you know you love me, Cap Jr." Lucy smirked again, living for the reaction she gets, from her dear sweet James.
"Excuse me, Ms. Laufeyson, but Ms. Alexa is here." Tony's AI, JAKASTA, said.
"Thanks, JAKASTA." Lucy replied.
"See you later, Rogers." She added, patting the side of his pink face on her way out.
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Lucy walked from the training room, through endless hallways, with Agents working and training, as well as the scientist conducting tests and experiments, of all kinds, to the elevator, that will take her down to the Lobby. Her heart leapt with excitement. She always loved seeing her Mother, and her younger Brother, whenever they came for a visit. Preferably without her infamous Step-Father, who in her opinion, descended straight from Hell.
A few minutes later, she arrived at the Lobby, where she knew the people her Family, would be waiting. She pushed open the only door, separating her from the Lobby, and saw her mother for the first time in months. Beautiful but bruised and slightly battered. Loki would hate Grey.
"Mom!" Lucy called.
"Hello Lucy." Y/n replied, looking up from talking to Y/O/N Rogers, her best friend since before meeting the loves of their lives.
Lucy walked a little faster and went to give her mother a gentle but firm hug.
"What am I? A chameleon? Where's my hug?!" Lucy's younger brother, Greyson, asked/exclaimed.
"Hello to you, too, Baby Brother." Lucy smirked, going in to hug her sibling.
"It's always a gem, to see you both together like this!" Alexa cried, tears forming in her eyes.
"We really need to catch up." Greyson said with a smile, taking Lucy's hand.
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Sometime later, the family sat in a restaurant downtown, enjoying the food and coffee, while catching up and sharing stories with one another.
"And he just ran and ran and BOOM! Homerun!" Alexa finished, with pride in her eyes as she looked at her son.
"It was nothing, really. Honest." Greyson said, blushing at the attention.
"Changing the subject, how are you and your so-called 'childhood bestfriend, not potential lover', Dear Sister." Greyson teased.
"I told you the last time, Greyson. We're just friends. Nothing more. Nothing less." Lucy replied, as a matter of factly.
"Now, why don't I believe that?" Greyson muttered, under his breath.
"Shut up." Lucy replied, with a playful shove towards him.
"It's so nice to see you both getting along." Alexa said, wistful.
"I would be happier if that lousy excuse of a Step-Father is six feet under and never ever coming back." Lucy commented, scooping up some of her food into her mouth.
"Lucy-" Alexa started, wiping her eyes, before opening her arms towards her daughter.
"I mean it, Mom. He's hurt you enough." Lucy replied.
"Dad wouldn't want this for you..." She added, taking her Mother's hand, and rolling up the sleeve a little to reveal the marks hidden underneath.
"Sorry, Mom. But I agree with Lucy. If he hadn't hurt you, and continued to hurt you, things might've been different." Greyson replied, as Y/n pulled her hand away, and pulled her sleeves down, even further than before.
"I know three days ago wasn't the best wedding anniversary..." She started to explain.
"WHAT THE HELL DID HE DO THIS TIME?!" Lucy exclaimed, her anger boiling up to the surface.
"It's nothing, Lucy." Alexa sighed.
"It isn't just nothing, Mom! It's always something." Lucy raised her voice. Her eyes being drawn to the sleeve that her Mother, so desperately, was using to try to hide the marks from her, earlier.
"This is the last straw! He's been doing this ever since you married him. It needs to stop." Lucy announced, with finality and determination.
"Lucy, no. It's fine. I'm used to it." Alexa replied, unshed tears glistening in her eyes.
"I told you, Mom. He's hurt you enough." Lucy repeated, before standing up.
"I've had enough." She growled, before walking away with purpose and determination, with Y/n's and Greyson's voices calling behind her. Falling on deaf ears.
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Grey Wallace was walking from his office building to his car. It had been a long day, and he was looking forward to having a beer when he got home. He was practically skipping down the road, until he felt like someone was watching him, from the shadows. Shrugging it off as paranoia, he continued walking.
He finally arrived at his car, ready to unlock it when he was forcefully, pushed against his car. His arms painfully pinned against his back.
"Who are you? What do you want? If you want my money, take it. I-It's yours." Grey said in a panic, words coming out in quick succession.
"I don't want, nor do I need your money." The figure, behind him, replied.
"Then, w-what do you want?" Grey asked again, shaking to the bone.
"I want justice for my Mother." The figure replied, a sinister smile slowly beginning to form on her face.
"I-I don't even know y-your Mother." Grey cried, before being turned around, and pinned to the side of his car.
"Oh, don't act coy, now... You know my Mother... In fact you know her very well, that you've taken to hurting her for about 5 years, now. Isn't that right, Step-Father?" The figure said, her face coming into the light.
"Lu-Lucy..." Grey gasped, not believing his eyes.
"That's right. And I have come to make sure you'll never lay another hand on my Mother, ever again." Lucy said, before turning into her Jotun form and punching her Step-Father.
Grey's world turned black.
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His eyes burst open, and he quickly looked around in a panic. Remembering the terrifying sight of his Step-Daughter, before she knocked him unconscious. He sighed in relief, when he found that he's all alone in his Hospital Room.
"Think you're safe, Step-Father?" Lucy said, appearing out of nowhere.
"Lucy... Lucy... Whatever I've done to you and Y/n, I'm sorry." Grey pleaded.
"You think that's enough?! You think that sorry will take away all you've done to her?! To the both of us?!" Lucy exclaimed, her bright green eyes turning red.
"You're lucky, I only left you with a concussion, and a punctured lung. I would have killed you on the spot, had I not made myself promise Mom not to hurt you too badly." She added.
"Lucy, please I beg you..." Grey begged.
"Oh, now you're begging me." Lucy cackled.
"Like how Mom begged you to let her go, every single hellish night..." She continued, her features slowly changing.
"Lucy, you need help. Y-you don't look well. Y-you're blue!" Grey exclaimed.
"Oh, don't pretend like you care. You never did." Lucy snapped.
"Why are you turning blue?!" Grey shrieked, panicked, his monitor blaring at his increasing heartrate.
"Let me answer your question with this question: Have you ever wondered why we never told you about my birth Father? Why no one ever spoke of him?" Lucy said, lightly caressing the tube that re-inflated his lung.
"Well, the answer is quite simple actually. I'm the daughter of Loki of Asgard." Lucy said, turning full Jotun, and staring right into Grey's eyes.
"Y-You-You're the daughter of Loki Laufeyson, the one who invaded the planet?" Grey asked, trying to scurry away but couldn't. bound to the bed by the very tubes and wires that are helping him.
"Yes. So, if I were you... I'd be glad, that I spared your life. I may seem all sweet and innocent, but trust me when I say this..." Lucy added, slightly squeezing the tube. Blocking it from keeping his lung inflated.
Grey started to feel a tightness in his chest. Unable to catch his breath, from fear, and distress.
"I'm so much worse than my Father. So much worse." Lucy growled. Releasing her grip on the tube.
Allowing Grey to finally able to relax and breathe better and regularly, now.
"You're just lucky I made a promise to my Mother. Had I not, I would have done so much worse." Lucy added, getting up and leaving.
"Leave my Mother alone, or a collapsed lung and concussion won't be the most excruciating thing you'll ever experience." Lucy said, turning back to look at him.
"I give you my word, Step-Father." She added, turning into back her human form, her eyes glowing red for a second before going back to green.
Grey shook with fear, causing Lucy to smirk. And with that, she turned and left.
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Lucy walked through the hospital doors and out, before opening a portal in the middle of the driveway and walking through it. Taking her home to New Asgard.
When she stepped out of the portal, her red leather jacket, stripped sleeveless blouse, leggings and boots, instantly turned into a long, green, mermaid style dress with a shimmering light green cape, connected in the back.
Her raven black hair curled, pulled back, half up, half down, and a complicated gold head piece with it. She walked to the kingdom, where everyone who saw her, bowed respectfully.
She made her way into the Palace, where her Keeper eagerly greeted her at the entrance. For a man, who was about 1,000 years old, give or take, he definitely could keep up with Lucy's long strides.
"Your Ladyship! The King has gone to Wakanda on business, but there are some matters of great importance to attend to." The man explained, pointing to the long list of matters, needing her immediate attention.
"I shall deal with all the problems one by one. I want to make sure everything is dealt with, accordingly." Lucy announced, taking a seat on the throne.
"Lady Loki, the people are waiting for you." The court announcer told her.
"Send them in." She answered, as the guards allowed the people to come inside. Which little by little, she solved all of them. Loki's Daughter, Y/n and Greyson's fiercest protector, Asgard's warrior, and Valkyrie's Right Hand, Lady Lucy.
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a/n: I hope you all enjoyed it! Despite the errors, and the dark stuff... Maybe this'll lead me to upload other, more worthy fics in the Future.
We'll see.
Until next time!
❤ Booky
Taglist: @nescavaneck @jiyascepter @royalwriteroftheuniverse @femefetalelevelingup
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seventeenplug · 2 years
Yoon Jeonghan X Reader (Get out)
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Pairing - Non idol Yoon Jeonghan X Not gendered reader
Genre - angst + sad
Warning - mentions of being drunk - hitting - throwing items
Summary - As you waited and waited for your boyfriend to celebrate your two years together he appears drunk once more, and in mids of a fight confesses to his unfaithfulness.
Word count 1.6k
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It was one of those nights again, he was out with his friends, one drink turning into five and then into ten, he could barely remember what he had first before he started mixing them.
Was it whiskey? Was it beer? Why was it hitting so strongly... that, he couldn't say for sure.
Maybe because he had a light dinner, leaving the office at late hours and deciding to head into a bar with his friends instead of home to his girlfriend who awaited him with dinner ready.
He didn't know, he had no clue of the day it was.
He forgot completely that you two had planned for a night in for your 2 year mark.
Work was hard, deadlines were closing in rather quickly and he couldn't just finish the work by himself for his team mates to get the credit that they never gave.
You sat alone at the dinner table, the lights were down, candles shined a warm light within the place, lightning up the path up to the table, where a vanilla candle burned. You had cooked for the entirety of the evening, having taken a break from work specifically to plan and care for the day.
What was it worth to him when he was out doing something unknown to you whilst you sat at the table, mascara sliding down your face as hot tears fell faster, sipping your glass of red wine.
It was well past midnight, your glass was empty, so was the bottle, which you had drowned your sorrow in.
You had tried multiple times to contact him, but it was of no effort, it went straight into voice mail, letting you know that it had either been turned off or had no battery.
Dragging your hand through your hair, you sighed, a shaken breath leaving your dry lips as you stood up from your chair, tears now dried onto your face simply leaving a trail of mascara behind.
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But that's when he walked in, door unlocking, immediately alerting you who stood frozen in place just in front of the dinner table.
He closed the door, his back to you, as he locked it, you tried not to, but you couldn't help but laugh as he finally turned around, clearly drunk.
Laughing as if it was the funniest thing ever, when really, all you wanted to do was cry more at the mere thought of Jeonghan forgetting your 2 year celebration and going out for drinks instead, getting bat shit drunk and going home to you in said state.
So, you laughed, and laughed, tears falling once more, you didn't know if they fell from the laughter or due to the situation you were in.
Was this all he cared for you?
"Why... why are you laughing?" he asked, a single eyebrow raised as he eyed you weirdly.
"Do you know, how fucking embarassing this looks right now?" you asked him, although you chuckled, he could, despite his drunked state fully understand the venom dripping in your tone.
He looked around, his eyes locking onto every feature that you had changed within the place, the candles, uneaten dinner, the lights...
"What did I miss?" he asked clearly confused.
"Not much, you know, just an everyday mark" you shrugged, taking both plates into your hands and heading to the kitchen, the man following closely behind you as best he could.
"Y/N, come on. Just say it" he sighed, running his hand down his face, mind completely blank of what this could possibly mean.
"Nothing. Go to bed"
"Just fucking spit it out. For fucks sake, Y/N. Do I look like I fucking know what you want?!" He yelled in anger.
"Fucking hell, always pissing me off. This is why I'm barely home. At least she-"
"She?" you questioned, eyes finally meeting his which widened in sudden realization, mouth open agape as he stared back at you in something you could only describe as guilt and shock at the same time.
"Y/N, I didn't mean -"
"You have another woman" you say once more, he averts his eyes from yours, too ashamed to look at you. You can only scoff, eyes falling to the ground before you raise them once more in anger.
"I have done, everything! Everything to make this work and what, you have the decency to mention, SHE?! On our 2 year anniversary?" You laugh dryly.
You watch his eyes, once more widen, finally realizing the date, checking his phone's calendar to confirm that it was in fact the date. Even more guilt filling him inside.
With quick steps he tries to reach you, but you push him away, one hand behind you holding the counter for dear life whilst the other was on his chest keeping the distance between you two.
"Who is she" you ask once more.
"She's just a coworker, she means nothing! Nothing to me" he says, all drunkness put aside as he speaks.
"She's clearly important for you to want to spend time with her. I bet she doesn't piss you off" You speak confidently, you had to put this front, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of watching you broken, so you  watched him, as his act fell to the floor, still trying to convince you otherwise.
"Y/N... please, she-"
"I don't care. I said leave" you repeat, eyes glaring at his which now gathered tears. But he made no effort in moving. And this is when everything went wrong. Your anger simply grew, this man wasn't the man you had fallen in love with, he wasn't the Jeonghan you knew. You didn't even know if that had ever been the man you loved.
Was it all a facade?
The hand that was on his chest curled up into a fist, hitting at his chest, the tears that fell down his cheeks, now matched yours which fell once more.
Your hand hitting at his chest with strenght as you sobbed. He took it all. He deserved it, he knew he did.
You had every right to despise him. hate him. But he didn't want to let you go.
"Leave!" You screamed at him through your tears, your sight blurry as you stared blankly at his shirt.
He grabbed at your hand, pulling you into his embrace, but you couldn't accept it, not after knowing of the affair.
You broke out of his hold, slapping him across the face, lip quivering as you groaned. His face turning to the side, his own eyes glossy, sniffing and wiping his face with the sleeve of his work shirt.
"Get out" You glared sternly.
"We can work this out-"
"Can I cheat too then?" You asked him... quiet. You smiled looking down at the floor once more, pushing your tears back.
"Get out. It's over, Jeonghan" you sighed, turning around and focusing on the dirty dishes already a safe distance from him who stood frozen to his spot watching your now calm state.
"Y/N" he called out.
You turned around, the plate breaking as it hit the wooden floors just besides him, jolting him, the glass barely missing him.
"I don't want you here! I want you gone! Just leave!" You yelled, strudding down the corridor you walked into your shared bedroom, opening the closet doors and pulling out every piece of clothing he owned throwing it inside his traveling suit case.
He was still stuck in his place, he just couldn't believe this is how it would end, how he had broken you.
He forgot, and not only that but he ended up confessing to his affair, something he had planned on breaking off just the day before, but he couldn't, already in-too deep with said woman, but looking at you right now, he also couldn't just leave you...
Now, he didn't have to make that choice, it was made for him.
He was given no other choice but to leave you.
The possible love of his life...
His heart ached as he watched you walking out of your bedroom, 2 suitcases trailing behind you, with what he knew would be his wardrobe.
He gulped dryly, eyes casting down on the floor, too ashamed to look at you. He deserved it.
"Take them, and leave"
"I love you -"
"If you love me, then you won't want me to be in pain" you said in between breaths, trying hard to contain your tears that had just stopped.
"I never meant to hurt you, we can still fix it, please. Just give me one more chance" he tried once more.
"Do you love me?" you questioned him, eyes fixated on his every emotion, he nodded, eyes filling with hope as he stared at you.
"Then, you'll leave" you whispered.
He gave up after that.
There was no going back after everything was said.
So he grabbed his two bags and with one final look, he exited the house, the most sober he had ever felt in his entire life.
Leaving you behind who sobbed watching his every step, too broken inside to beg him to not go, to stay and hold you.
Too disgusted to even want to touch him, afraid to see even the tiniest trace of the woman he had betrayed you with.
Somewhat wishing this was all a lie, a badly played joke on you... You laid on the sofá, the tears fell on their own, you couldn't even feel the tears that still fell on their own falling asleep to your own sadness.
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Posted the 10th of January 2023
Sorry for disappearing, I had a few issues after new years eve and then I just came back a few hours ago from a trip where I lost wifi connection and have an exam on the 12th ;-;
But I have already 2 drafts almost finished so hopefully I'll post them this week!!
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erudianokabe · 1 year
I'm going to fucking cry. They are all such good artworks tho and I love them, but my feelings. When I first saw that scene... DJFLSJF So help me, I wanted to slap him SO bad.
Anyway, I'd like to thank Falco. If he wasn't there, Reiner's brains might have splattered all over the wall. I say MIGHT because a part of me wants to believe that despite his, at that time, 99.9% need to just kill himself... I think that the .1% miiiiiiight kick in. Again, might. He was already constantly at a really low point (he's good at hiding it, I feel), and remembering his time in Paradis after talking about it with his family just triggered things. Regrets. Feelings... about what a piece of shit he felt he was; not a hero... just a murderer when he realized there were no devils. Just people like him.
I mean, Reiner's a good person through and through. And just because you're good, doesn't mean you're immune from making bad decisions. You can be the smartest dude and still make shitty calls (hi Zeke, ilu bestie). And Reiner's a pretty smart guy specially when it comes to being one step ahead, making plans... based on what he learned in Marley, but mostly because of what he learned through experience... in what he felt would be the best course of action that will keep him alive long enough to get the job done. Because more than success for Marley, again... his need to be a hero, to be respected, came from the fact that he wants to bring his family together again (which failed when his father blatantly said he wanted nothing to do with them), and then to simply just make his mother proud and give her a good life.
We gotta understand that when he made the decision to stay in Paradis, he was a scared, brainwashed kid that didn't know any better apart from the fact that if you fail, you die. And he couldn't die just yet... not without doing anything to make a difference, not when he's hardly at the starting point to his goal. I mean, they got by eight years in Paradis without getting caught. Correspondences sent by him when Annie was in the MP were all done through secret code. Eight years of living with people he believed were demons, eight years of relearning how to live in a society that's less advanced than what they're used to. A lifetime of shouldering the guilt of Marcel's death. Eight years of having to be the leader to their trio because he was the one who made the call to stay. Eight years of carrying the burden of the truth that will continuously eat at him for the rest of his life. Eight years of hate from Annie. Four years and counting when it comes to blaming himself for Annie's capture and Bertolt's death. A lifetime being haunted by the fact that he was never really good enough, that he was just the option so that Porco wouldn't have to die... but he died either way when Eren attacked. A lifetime of blaming himself for the failure at Paradis, and because of what he did, he understands he was part of what caused Eren to turn this way...
And you know what? Despite the fact that he almost committed suicide, almost gave up after saving Falco... he still forced himself to do the right thing. Taking accountability for what he had done, rather than running away via whatever means available. And he could have done it too. He could have just stopped listening, or went back to trying to shoot himself, but he didn't. He could have told Connie and the scouts "no" when they went to him to put an effort to "save" the world. He could have stayed behind like Annie; I'm 100% sure he's just as exhausted from all the fighting. He had 4 years of being Marley's damn shield in the Mid-East Alliance War. He did his best to prove himself and is still continuously doing so. Besides. I think he did his utmost to cling to the armor because he understands the responsibility and the curse of becoming a titan shifter. That's why he was so adamant about Falco taking over him so that Gabi wouldn't. Admittedly, that's a dick move on his part... threatening Falco like that, but he was doing it so that he could save his cousin. That doesn't make it right, of course. But he's just the type of guy to do what he can to stop losing people that he cares about. He's already suffered so much loss. And understands that he can never be forgiven for what he did. He doesn't expect it, doesn't even want the forgiveness... he just wants to atone for what he's done... he doesn't even make excuses for himself, and simply takes it, accepts his faults and works out ways to make things better not for himself but for others.
That's so attractive of him.
Of course, deep down. Even if he doesn't admit to it... I think that he just wants to be accepted and forgiven... but knows he's done too much to ever be granted that. That's why what Jean said, I could see, meant so much to him. The acceptance. That he was still regarded as one of them, as part of the 104th; or what his mother told him at the end when everything was over.
He's so endearing. I love him so much.
Anyway... I ended up gushing again. Sorry. Don't mind me.
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highvern · 8 months
What happened to the couple in Track 5? Can you elaborate on their last fight, I would love to feel some more angst :') The image of the corgi was so cute tho hehe! Can't wait for the upcoming tracks 🙌
honestly im not 100% sure what they fought about which is crazy bc like... i wrote it but i kinda just go by a vibe to get what im actually writing down rather than getting bogged into the details.
but!! this got me thinking so take a seat
so to answer your question they fought and soonyoung said some stuff he didn't mean in the heat of the moment. thinking back i imagine them fighting a lot about stupid stuff because they can't make themselves discuss what's really going on. and everything has been building up into this big blowout between them
He's been cancelling on dates last minute, or is just not happy to spend time with her (like you know that vibe when someones there but not?). and it makes reader feel like Soonyoung isn't being considerate of her/she's feeling neglected so she tries bringing it up and doesn't do it in the best way, like it comes up while they're watching a movie and he's constantly on his phone and it all just explodes. and soonyoung is hurt bc its true, he's been taking her for granted but doesn't want to admit it. but he's also angry because he feels like she nitpicks everything he does (which she sometimes does) and he feels she doesn't understand him sometimes
so they get into a really ugly fight like screaming, crying, both of them rightfully upset but using their hurt to one up each other like only one of them can be "right." and then soonyoung blabs"if i knew you needed so much attention then I'd have never asked you out" before he realizes what he's saying. and she isn't innocent either bc she responds with "yeah, and if i knew you'd turn into such a dick i'd never said yes." they're just saying things they don't mean to hurt the other and boy does it work!
in my head track 5 happens a few weeks after this and Soonyoung keeps calling her because he is sorry but she's done with him, has fully disappeared from his life. pictures gone on social media, doesn't even bother getting any of her stuff back from his apartment and ships a box of his stuff despite them living in the same city. and if you look at her instagram you'd never think she just went through a break up let alone was dating someone for a few years because there isn't a trace of Soonyoung ANYWHERE. Some of it is an intentional effort to hurt him and the other part is realizing having someone bring that ugliness out of you is kind of scary. which is why i chose the lyric at the top because they are better off apart, and she realizes that while Soonyoung is holding on to the past
i see them ending up as the one that got away for each other and when they do eventually start dating other people and run into each other they'll subconsciously check the other 's reaction because they'll never fully be over each other
that was so much longer than i thought it was gonna be but i hope you feel the angst!!!
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Twin Snowflakes 46:Weathering the storm
Pt 45 <- here
As wind and ice increased, seeping through bricks and metal, the famed heroes of the world only gained more to deal with. In the eyes of a seasoned knight and leader, Jaune didn’t falter in the face of the elements. However, his body trembled. How badly he wished to blame the cold, but that was not the case. He had made it back home where he was sitting by a fire, a journal in his hands filled with the most soul chilling things to come from this experience.
Ruby and Weiss sat quietly in the room as he read one of Shiva’s many books. They had told him what went down the moment he walked through the door. From the journals’ insight about their daughter, to the ravaging confessions of Veronica.
It was strange, ironic even. The words Summer wrote cut into his heart, yet deep down he had gathered she was struggling. After all, he hasn’t forgotten the misery and outright despair saving the world inflicted on him. Jaune, Whitley, Weiss, Ruby, and even long ago with Blake and Yang dealing with the fall of Beacon, they all knew the feeling of falling into depression. Some even struggled with more dangerous thoughts similar to Summer’s, and yet it still snuck up on them despite their best efforts and support. He could make a good assumption that a similar realization had hit Veronica which was too much to handle. In the midst of her own darkness, she didn’t realize not only the extent of Summer’s, but that she added to it. Jaune had only gotten through three journals, but he had a feeling with so many, it was only a matter of time before everyone found their name in one.
He closed the journal and sighed. “When it rains, it pours.” He rubbed his face in exhaustion.
Weiss didn’t hesitate to get closer and drape her arms over him. He didn’t hesitate to hold the hands resting on his chest in response. Weiss wasn’t blind to the past several days. Jaune had been strong for both of them. Now she wanted him to rest.
“Don’t forget to lean on me too. I’m here for you.”
That alone made his eyes tear up, but he did not cry. Not out of stubbornness or fear, but because there was still so much to sort out. “Thank you, Weiss. I’m just getting overwhelmed fast.”
“Take your time.” Ruby said, locking her fingers together. “Nobody is ready to move after today.”
“How is everyone else exactly?”
“Winter is with Whitley near the garden. They wanted some time to…internalize it all. I can’t imagine Oscar, Qrow and Sparrow not being here has made things easier for Winter.”
“Ren and Nora?”
“With Valerie, patching her up. She took a pretty hard fall in the fight. As for the other three…”
Up in Veronica’s room, the lights were out. Not a word was said to break the silence of the raging blizzard. Only slight breathing from tear stained faces as Veronica slept in her bed, both her parents holding her hands as they slept beside their daughter.
“They have each other. I don’t know how any of them will feel later on. Only time will tell.”
“That’s fine.” Jaune looked over at the boxes of journals.
“That can wait.” Weiss said sternly. “Believe me, I want nothing more than to go through them all but not when we’re all like this. We’d just be torturing ourselves.” She tightened her embrace. “So the surgery has started?”
“Yeah…all that’s left is waiting.”
Something that was increasingly getting harder to do. You’d think they’d be used to it and how there’s only so much to do before it’s left to fate. Nope. It’s never easy. Not one bit. Ruby stood up and grabbed Crescent Rose.
“I’m gonna make sure the landing pad for supplies is still good. We should be getting another shipment before dark.”
Weiss and Jaune both looked at her ready to stop her but their dear friend cut them off before they could get a word in.
“I know, I know, alone? Yes. People are depending on us. This isn’t just our problem. All I’m doing is dashing over there, then coming back.”
“And if Shiva decides to say hello?” Weiss frowned.
“Trust me, one positive today is Shiva may be strong, but is no veteran huntsman. She can’t keep up with my strategic withdrawal tactics. I’m perfect for this.”
It’s true if anyone had the best chance of running away then it’s undoubtedly Ruby, but they still like the idea.
Ruby crossed her arms and assumed her leadership pose. they all knew and put up with. “Rest up. I’ll handle this.”
They let out a sigh of defeat, knowing she won’t budge. Jaune looked at her seriously. “Please don’t give anyone more reasons to cry.”
The Reaper smiled, “Heh, you’re talking to gal that went toe to toe with Cinder. What’s a little ice after all that fire?”
True to her word, Ruby intended to keep this an in and out job; choosing to perch herself on top of a roof that overlooked the sight. It should arrive any moment. Not to her surprise, the landing zone was unbothered. It might honestly be possible to leave the supplies here in the frigid weather until tomorrow. Not like anything would spoil. The thought crossed Ruby’s mind and it definitely was a safer option. However, battle prowess wasn’t all that Ruby accessed in today’s brawl. If one thing she and her friends did wrong, it was their failure in acknowledging Shiva’s persistence in observing them. They never skipped out on an opportunity.
Ruby thought of the events of not only recently but the build up to this situation. Rampages, check ups, school, tournaments, etc. She was done underselling Shiva. Especially when it came to surveillance. If body heat was a dead give away and at the speed Ruby moved to get here…the lady of frost was sure to have noticed.
“I know you’re close.” Ruby said, looking across to another building. Her words were enough for Shiva to walk out from behind a broken heater with hands behind her back and a sway in her walk.
Shiva’s confidence in revealing herself would be respectful if not unsettling. She stood on the edge of the roof with a blade in hand and more composed than before.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Ruby. The upright stance, the way one foot was a bit more forward while her breathing remained calm yet alert. Ruby had a feeling if she tried to sweep Shiva’s legs, all that would happen is a graceful back flip.
“For years you berated my goddaughter. Now you adopt her fighting stance?”
Shiva flashed a smirk. A fair but rather silly question. “Your goddaughter was weak and foolish in many ways, but I don’t remember criticizing how she moved her body. Even I can’t claim to know it as well as her in terms of physical prowess. I take that it was my last stunt near the end of our earlier squabble that put you on alert. Nothing gets past you. Well, almost nothing.” Referring to the depths of Summer’s misery.
Ruby wasn’t gonna be baited so easily. Shiva most likely revealed herself for similar reasons to why Ruby chose to come out here. Information. It was already potentially paying off with Shiva admitting she doesn’t know the limits of Summer’s body; or rather how to use them. However, the fact that she’s taken an interest in mimicking them…
Ruby’s eyes narrowed. “Do you really think sifting through her memories will be enough?”
“She’s fought you all more than I. Afraid a little muscle memory and superior power is gonna do you in?”
“If it was then we wouldn’t be talking now would we? You’re taking a risk just being this close, but you’re banking on me not wanting to harm Summer.”
“Don’t get too cocky. We both know as things stand, we’d be dead in the snow. It’s pretty comical. Your scythe around my neck in the blink of an eye, it would make you a hero to everyone but your family. Not very heroic to weigh personal feelings more.”
“I find it odd that someone hell bent on victory has offered reasons for me to kill them. It’s even more strange that I haven’t counted a dead body yet. It’s not like you can’t feel the warmth of every person here. Makes a girl think.” Ruby stood up.
Shiva could tell Ruby was looking for something she wasn’t gonna find. “I thought I made it pretty clear she can’t see or hear you? As for your curiosity, it’s not like I hate those civilians. They’re just caught in your mistakes. If you want to run yourselves ragged then be my guest.”
“So that’s it. You know better than to have our undivided attention. It’s why you allow supplies to get through even if it hampers your goals.”
Shiva’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t think I’m scared of you.” Her tone was low yet murderous. “I’ve come too far to make mistakes now. You all will pay soon enough.”
It wasn’t as if Shiva didn’t make her reasons clear, and yet Ruby couldn’t shake this feeling inside. There was more to learn; always was. Everyone spent so much time trying to learn about Shiva. Time to ask about Summer for a change.
“Did she hate us too, Summer that is?” Ruby said solemnly.
“Hmm?” A shocking question to say the least “Does that even need an answer? Of course she hated you all. I thought that would be obvious. Though to be fair…I suppose resentment is a fitting word. Surely you knew that. It’s what’s made this so damn easy.”
Amused by the question, Shiva relaxed a bit by lowering her blade. “All you people ever did was tell her to bear with things without producing meaningful results. You think all those smiles she gave were real? The fool was just too tired to scream her head off. Day in and day out she cried, whinnying in her pity party. It gave me such a headache. Good material for egging her own though. An assault on all sides. Couldn’t do it without you all.” She chuckled, too herself.
“Are you really pinning the blame on us and not your constant torturing? All we ever did was try!”
“See!? That’s the best part. It’s why this is such a hopeless situation for you. It’s not that nobody cared, but the opposite. All that love and effort shown, and yet nothing changed. You all are so useless!” Shiva watched Ruby’s eyes grow wide. “Oh what? Never thought of it like that. Summer isn’t delusional. She knows love for her is real. It’s just worthless. You’re worthless. The heroes of Remnant, her family, they’re nothing but failures who let a little girl cry for years. Why wouldn’t she try taking matters into her own hands? Too bad she forgot she’s the child of failures.”
Ruby shot a glare more chilling than the snow. “Do not speak ill of her parents. Especially in front of me.”
“Calling it like it is. I didn’t sow these seeds, I just reap them. That’s the beauty of it. Let’s entertain for a moment you get the better of me, what then. All you have left is a broken child who’s lost faith in you for years, and killed her brother. It's so terrible that even I’m shaking right now. How could you be careless with someone so close? There is no fixing this. You’re fighting for a broken mirror. You’re never gonna see what you want out of it and yet you decide to stay anyways? It’s so laughable!”
A gust swirled around the girl as she tried restraining a laughing. Her pupils shook and despite who she was, her blood boiled. “Giving up would make this a whole lot easier! Chalk it up to a lost cause, but no! It’s not in your nature! Do you have any idea that nugget of knowledge was echoed in this head!? I-”
Her temper wavered, it’s festering stalled by Ruby’s tears. The reaper quickly wiped them. Even she was caught off guard by her own emotions.
Ruby pulled her hood up and cleared her throat. “Ya know…I do wish circumstances were different. I wouldn’t know how they’d be, and frankly there’s not much of a point dwelling on it. What can I say? You are right about a few things. We’ve failed Summer. Even so…who are you to decide she’s weak and frail? Enduring as long as she did, that sounds like pure strength.”
Ruby turned her back to Shiva as the lights of the supply truck grew closer. “You were also right about none of us giving up on her. We’ll get her back, and when we do, I’ll accept all the hate she has for me. Sure it might hurt but I’ll choose that any day over losing her.” Her words brimmed with confidence.
The response moved Shiva in a way she couldn’t comprehend. Ruby didn’t say anything she wouldn’t normally say, but hearing those words spoken, it was….frustrating. Shiva’s eyes darkened as they narrowed in on Ruby’s brilliant silver gaze.
“You never change.”
A flurry of snow swept wind came between them, and then Shiva was gone. Ruby looked around but no longer felt in immediate danger.
“Never huh?” Ruby had a feeling she moved herself to the top of Shiva’s list of least favorite people.
The ship finally landed, the last rays of light still piercing through.
Nearly two days passed before Veronica rose from her sleep steadily. The girl looked around to see no one in her room. “Where are-” she remembered her last interaction with her parents; with everyone. Cat ears fell down and her heart began to ache at the memory. What could they all possibly be thinking? What was she thinking? What if they read all of the journal…? Veronica didn’t want to think about such things. True or not.
A click at the door as the knob twisted open caught her attention. Winter and Penny entered with fresh towels and water.
“Ummmm” was all Veronica could muster.
Penny perked up seeing the child sitting up in bed. “You’re awake!”
“Why wouldn’t I- agh!”
A thermometer was popped into her mouth and towels placed on her nightstand where she spotted a few pill bottles. The heck was going on!?
Penny took away the thermometer and was happy with the results. “Splendid! Had me worried for a moment.”
“About what!?” She desperately asked.
“Oh, you got sick. Been out nearly two full days due to extreme stress, dehydration, exhaustion, and being out in the weather probably didn’t help.”
A blank stare burrowed into Penny as Veronica tried wrapping her head around what was just said. The young girl leaned forward to look at Winter with a look that asked for confirmation.
“Yes. You cried yourself to illness.”
Penny pouted, “Don’t phrase it like that Winter. Anyones’ immune system gets significantly weaker when under high stress physically and mentally.”
“So I cried myself to illness?” Veronica said bluntly.
“Ummm…yeah….” Penny gave in. “I thought that might sound insensitive or embarrassing.”
“Oh it is.” Veronica layed back down
Winter walked over to the bed . Below her was a miserable mess of hair. The sun kissed skin of an islander looked unnaturally faded when dark circles made themselves known under Veronica’s eyes.
“Did you know you cry in your sleep?”
“I’m…vaguely aware that’s a thing I’ve been seen doing. What of it?” Veronica turned away from the helpers. “Gonna tell me I can’t escape guilt?”
“I don’t have to tell you things you already know. Instead I’ll tell you what you don’t.” Winter sat on the edge of the bed. “Summer thinks so highly of you.”
Penny watched Veronica stiffen. “Winter, is this really the right ti-”
“It’s the perfect time. A record needs to be set straight. Veronica it’s no secret we aren’t each other’s favorite person.”
“You’ve never liked me. Though…I guess I can see why.” Her voice trembled.
“I never said I didn’t like you. I’m defensive of my family and well yes, I thought you did more harm than good as an influence on both of them. However, the truth is more complicated than that. Especially with Summer.”
“Those journals say otherwise.”
“Can you please just listen for now?” Winter said with a sigh. A single cat ear shot up, signaling her to continue. “I did my damnedest to keep Summer on a schedule when it comes to eating, school, and anything in between. Never stuck. Maybe I’m softer than I think but you got Summer to move when no else could. Believe me, I’m in no way excusing the nastier parts of your relationship, but it’s foolish to see it as completely horrible. When it came to you, Summer was envious and wanted to be more like you.”
“Why would she ever want to be like me when she has the kingdom in her hands?”
“Because you’re beautiful to her. I know even if you don’t see that in yourself, she certainly did in many ways. Summer stuck to the diet to impress you. Not once did she want to lose to you. You told her she was holding back and then she trained harder. You pushed back against her bullies; Summer told me about that. Also how it annoyed her so she finally pushed back too. Said it felt exciting and how you laughed she put that Amber girl in her place. She also said how it was your voice that saved her at the lake. That she dug deep to save both of you because you called out. Your relationship is not perfect. I’m aware both of you have said hurtful things to one another. But if I’m being honest with you…I think Summer wanted nothing more than you in her corner as a friend.”
“How could you think such a thing? After all our history? It just doesn’t make sense.”
“How? Simple, because it took nearly two decades before I realized my own brother only wanted my support the way I wanted his. We were just too busy in our own pain to notice the signs we gave one another. It’s not the exact same situation, but I don’t think I’m wrong when I say you don’t hate Summer. Not really.”
A silence lingered. Veronica sat back up and looked down at her lap. Facing Winter felt wrong for some reason. Talking in general was strange, yet not as difficult as expected.
“I’m sorry for all the troubles I’ve stirred up.”
“Don’t tell me that. It’s better saved for Summer once we get her back. Winter got up from the bed and went to leave, stopping at the door. “Trouble or not, I’m glad I know you.” She walked out.
Veronica directed her attention to Penny. “Parents out being heroes I take it?”
She nodded, “Always. Don’t worry though. Nothing dangerous these past couple days.”
“Shouldn’t you be at the hospital, or am I causing problems for you too?”
“Please don’t talk like that Veronica. The bulk of medical work has been finished for a while and even if it wasn't, I’d always make time for you.”
Veronica looked into Penny’s sincere eyes. She couldn’t understand it, the woman’s gentleness. It wasn’t learned through tribulations. Penny was nice; plain and simple.
“I say this as a compliment Penny; kindness like yours could only be programmed.”
“I respectfully disagree. My father was a gentle soul. That’s all there is to it.”
“Wish I could’ve met em.”
“Hehe, I’m sure he would’ve loved you. Now then, Veronica, I’d like to discuss something with you.” She said cautiously.
Veronica could tell at a glance what it was about. A doctor should have as much information on their patient as possible, and no way the grownups wouldn’t tell Penny what went down.
“Does the Goliath in the room really have to be addressed?” She retreated inward.
Penny frowned. “Veronica…”
“Fine. Yes, I tried taking my life. That what you wanted to hear? I already know you all are going to look at me differently and that’s whatever, but can we not have a drawn out conversation over it please? I just can't, okay?” Her ears fell back down but Veronica kept eye contact. Penny needed to see how serious she was about this. “Please?”
The tremble in Veronica’s throat made Penny’s heart ache. “Nobody is looking at you differently. I’m also not Oscar; I can’t offer you any help in a professional capacity. Nor would I try to. It’s not what I was going to attempt with you.”
“Then…what exactly is it that you did want to say?”
“A different perspective I need you to hear. I’m case it was something you never really thought about. Our struggles in life are different and similar at the same time; I get that. Still, we looked for belonging, tried to fit in, hoped to understand those different from us, and wondered why people kept treating us differently. It causes a lot of doubt, darkness. I can’t begin to know the intricate details and depths that got you to such a merciless breaking point. However, I need you to understand how incredibly strong you are Veronica. Even in all that darkness…you gripped tightly to the light left inside. You chose to live in the end. That’s a strength never to be downplayed. That strength is beautiful.”
Truly…Penny was too kind. Veronica couldn’t keep up her tough girl act or brush off such words. Her reserved expression broke down into tears, her body lunging forward and pulling Penny into a hug.
It takes the robotic girl off guard for a moment before she wraps both arms around Veronica, rubbing her back.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” Vee wept.
“A doctor takes care of their patient, and a friend always reaches out. Thank you for letting me help. I know it’s not always easy to do.”
“Can I ask you a favor?” Veronica let go and wiped her face. “Help me get dressed? I wanna go somewhere.”
“Okay. But ummm…” Penny cocked her head to the side, “Where?”
“In retrospect, I should’ve known it was the hospital.” Penny said, leaning against the elevator wall. “I was half expecting somewhere iced off.”
Veronica laughed to herself. “Haha, yeah I can’t blame you. If I had the confidence then I would’ve asked you if sneaking in the school is possible, but that’s probably out of the question.”
“What’s at the school?”
“I went into Summer’s room a couple times after everything went down with her, then when Val woke up and told her story I remember noticing Summer’s bag wasn’t in her room. It’s probably in that meeting room.”
“Is there something relevant in there perhaps?”
“Not sure how relevant to be honest but Summer would take a journal everywhere she could. Kinda like me…” Veronica never really thought much about that detail before. “Odds are there’s one in her bag. It would be the most up to date.”
“Hmm you’re not wrong, but Almanac is very much the den of Shiva. That’s way too dangerous for potentially gaining nothing. For all we know Summer could’ve only been on page one. Even a full one might not have anything useful for our immediate problems.”
Veronica let out a sigh while rubbing her still messy hair. She didn’t really care much about her appearance right now. She could tell Penny was enjoying her temporary look however. It had gotten so cold most of Veronica’s designs that she brought weren’t really fit for Atlas weather anymore. Fortunately for her, Penny’s lived here forever and made clothes focused on extra warmth ever since Shiva was around.
Standard black tights and long sleeves infused with flame dust. That wasn’t the kicker though. Those close were underneath as insulation. What pretty happily flew off to get before they left was her old outfit back in the days when she was known as The Defender of Mantle.
“Nothing is too tight is it?” Penny asked.
“It’s alright. Not like there’s many options for clothes that handle immense windsheer. Aura feels normal too. Think the only problem is that shamrock isn’t exactly my color.” Vee quipped.
“You must be tired of me saying this but I think you look wonderful.”
Penny’s smile lit up the small space. Genuine to fault. Vee couldn’t help but tease a tiny bit. “Why do I get the feeling I’m fulfilling some sort of little sister wish you’ve always had?”
“Hehe, I wouldn’t go that far. I just always liked to see you as my little niece. Though if you want a big sister then I’d be more than happy to be!”
A hint of red came to Veronica’s face. Looks like she was the one getting teased in the end. Vee turned her head towards the door. “I’m good with niece.”
Penny couldn’t help but giggle. One minute Yang, the next minute Blake. It was hard to know who Veronica spent more time with.
The door finally opened and they walked out into the stuffy area. People were as restless as ever. It almost made Veronica’s ears ring.
“You think Nick’s allowed visitors?”
“He isn’t in any operations right now. If all is going well then he’s stable and in bed for the time being.” Penny let a frown show. “His coma is wearing me down a little however. Even with his body slowly recovering, it’s dangerous for anyone to be out for too long.”
“Aren’t there stories of people in a coma for years until recovery?” Veronica saw the look of shock hit Penny. Vee immediately wished she didn’t say that. “Not that I’m saying that he will be! All I meant was is there any reason to be worried after a few days?”
“No. I don’t like it is all. Call me greedy, but saving his life would be bitter if he loses so much time.”
“That’s not greedy at all. Any doctor should want the best outcome.”
“You know…you’ve taken Nick’s condition better than the rest. I’m a little shocked if I’m being honest.”
Vee shrugged, “Hard to explain. Guess I can’t really picture someone like him not making it through this. Val said it herself, he was trying to save his own life right up until he passed out. In a way that’s pretty terrifying.”
A perspective like that made it easy to see why Shiva would go for him first. Penny was sure there was more reasoning but that had to be a major one. After all, nobody has been quite themselves ever since. Speaking of which…
Penny nudged Vee and pointed. “Hey, look.”
Vee turned her head and spotted Valerie, sitting alone in what used to be a waiting room. Her usual vigor was gone and she was hunched over with a gaze that was clearly not looking at anything. Veronica looked at Penny.
“You knew she was here, didn’t you?”
“Of course. Valerie actually has been here since the fight.”
That couldn’t be good. Veronica winced, “Don’t tell me her arm is worse?”
“Oh no. Despite the best attempt between both of you, that arm endured the abuse. Valerie couldn’t stand being in the manor unfortunately. I heard you two said some…not some nice things about each other.”
Veronica got the picture. She wasn’t exactly happy about it, but…it would be a lie to say their last fight was like the rest. It was no secret why Valerie wouldn’t want to stay. Not after all the things said. Veronica thought about telling Penny she wasn’t up for more drawn out talks, but if Winter could give her the time of day, then there’s no real excuse not to confront Valerie.
“Guess I got no choice…”
“Please no more fist fights.” Penny warned.
“Penny, this is a hospital.” Veronica walked over to her target.
“Eh, it had to be said just in case.” Penny went on about her own business to check Nick. If she remembered correctly, Ren and Weiss should be around somewhere while the others are patrolling or tending to other locations right about now.
In her own world, the young Valkyrie stared at the floor, adrift in thought. It was only when puffy black boots obscured the glare off the hospital’s tile floors that she raised her head to see Veronica standing before her. The two spoke no words, only a minute long stare before Veronica sat in the seat next to her. Silence between them remained while the world kept moving along. Parents bundling kids, nurses pushing wheelchairs, the near and distant murmurings of peoples’ distress over anything and everything. For Veronica it was sensory overload if she focused too hard on it, yet she since the appeal of Valerie being here over anywhere else. What a perfect place to be miserable and drown out your own thoughts. Then there was the obvious reason as well.
“You see him?” Veronica finally spoke, but was given no immediate response. A low grunt left her lungs as she exhaled, choosing to sink into the chair.
“Did you know…Nick hates hospitals?” Valerie asked, breaking her silence with a dry, somber voice. “I always thought I understood why. He spent a lot of time seeing Summer here.”
“Not hard to figure out.”
“That’s what I thought, but no. Now I think I’m really understanding why. Seeing a person you care about so vulnerable is already a lot, but being there when things go wrong…”
Veronica slowly sat up and looked at Valerie with shock. The athlete’s hands were shaking, eyes filled with tears.
“Only a few days here and I’ve seen Penny, nurses, and other doctors rush into that room as he started seizing.” She held her hands together tightly. “I don’t want to hear that flatline again.”
“That’s it, I’ve heard enough.” Veronica got up and stood in front of Valerie. “Is this what you think you deserve? You’re so called punishment. I can tell you right now there’s not a soul that would wish this on you. Especially your parents. The hell are you doing!?”
“Just leave me alone.”
“You don’t get to say that after telling me that willingly. Do you think Nick would want-”
“When have I actually ever done what Nick asked for me!?“ she nearly yelled. “I’m a selfish person, remember? Not even a real friend towards either of them. By all means, this arm being hurt doesn’t begin to be a consequence.”
“In case you forgot, I’m a hundred times worse. Wasn’t even friends with one.” Vee sat back down. “If Shiva fucking up your arm and immense guilt isn’t enough karma for your screw ups, then by that logic, guess I’m gonna end up dead for sure by the end of all this. Ironic, but probably deserved all things considered.”
Veronica turned to see Valerie’s uncomfortable and sympathetic look. Suddenly she felt like instead of putting the problem in perspective, it was wrong entirely. Valerie probably couldn’t get the image of painful crying in the garden out of her head.
“Too dark? Guess I can’t say those kinds of things lightly anymore around people.” Veronica huffed. “Listen, I’m not really good at talking like this.”
“You’re a public speaker.”
“Talking about equality is a bit different than this mess.”
“From where I sit, I’d say we’re equally shitty. Hate to admit it…but you were right about me. I just didn’t want to acknowledge it. I’m selfish. Simple as that. I stopped considering their true feelings for the sake of my own and half the time I didn’t even realize.”
“Don’t mean to drive the knife in deeper but are you aware why Nick is so fond of you?” The lack of any kind of response said enough. “He told me how you inspired him to stop thinking about all the prying eyes. You gave him the answer to reclaiming joy in the things he loves to do, all by being that example. What happened to that girl? I certainly never got the chance to meet her.”
“I don’t know. We got older? The eyes on him looked at me but not really. Bit by bit…it all became so confusing. Nothing feels like when we were kids. I don’t feel like myself anymore. All that talk about being the top and the one people look to, yet here I am now. The twins are gone and now it’s really starting to sink in that I don't know what to do. I really did need them around after all. I…didn’t even get the chance to tell them I’m-”
“Can you stop talking like they’re dead?” Veronica spoke in a stern yet wavering tone. “And do you mean you don’t know what to do? Take a look around. People need help and you damn well those two would caffeinated out of their skulls and get to work. Listen, I can’t tell you that they’ll forgive you for sure and I can’t lie to myself and say I completely understand you because let’s face it, we don’t know each other well. Not really. All I know is we need to get our act together. I’m tired of worrying my parents. Let’s stop thinking about us and start thinking about everyone else for once. I mean hell is freezing over at this rate. Might as well play along.”
Her logic was flawed yet correct. Unreasonable, but somehow compromising as well. Valerie was unsure if she’d ever get used to how Veronica did…well, everything. But maybe she didn’t have to. At least not right now. Like she said, hell was freezing over. That took priority. Valerie found herself sighing with a glimmer of peace finally on her face.
“Fine. You win. I’ll pick myself back up again.”
Behind both of them, a voice called out. “Oh? Were you knocked down? Figures…”
Val and Vee both turned around and gasped. For the first time since this mess started, the two of them saw Eliza. Not only did she wore her battle clothes from the tournament, but she carried a bouquet of her namesake in her hands.
“Eliza!?” Valerie yelped.
“Why are you still here!?” Veronica added.
The young witch raised an eyebrow. “Odd question. Atlas is my home and my people need help. They haven’t been getting by on dust alone you know?” She made a tiny flame on her finger before blowing. “Anyways, are your families okay?”
“Alright. But uhh…” Veronica pointed at the marigolds. “I feel like we should be asking you that. Your dad isn’t hurt is he?”
“Heh. Thank you for the concern but these aren’t for him. He actually came with me here. I got a feeling I’m here for the same reason you two are then?”
Just then, Weiss came from down the north hallway. “Veronica? Eliza?” Her eyes shifted towards the back near an exit to see Henry leaning near a lamp. If she wasn’t tired, Weiss would’ve groaned. Ignoring him for now, she walked over to the girls. “Come to keep Valerie company?”
“Not particularly.” Veronica said bluntly, earning a huff from the girl.
Eliza presented the flowers. “I probably should’ve asked first, but is Nick allowed flowers? The other day, I actually saw you and some others here looking…not yourselves. Valerie told me bits and pieces when I found her in the school, so I put two and two together.”
No one had noticed Eliza around several days ago, especially Weiss. She looked at the flowers and smiled gently. It was nice knowing more people were thinking about Nick than she realized. “Flowers would brighten up that room nicely. Thank you.”
“I can put them in there for you.” Veronica chimed in. “I actually came here to check in briefly. If…that’s okay with you?” She asked Weiss. It was hard looking at her now. Was it gonna be like that for everyone? Veronica couldn’t tell if it was guilt, embarrassment, or both.
“If Eliza is okay with it.”
Veronica’s head peeled up. Weiss showed her a compassionate smile before walking off towards Henry. Vee felt her heart become at ease. Eliza handed over the flowers.
“Knock yourself out. I can tell this means more to you than me.”
“Thanks. By the way, you wouldn’t happen to know any problems that we could help with?”
Valerie crossed her arms. “Look around you. What happened to that mentality?”
“I still have it! A list is just more efficient.”
Eliza thought for a moment. “Well…I can think of several things. However, it’s gonna cost you both.” Both stared at her silently. “Got your attention huh? Good. Now can you kindly tell me what I don’t know? I’ve been quite reasonable with everyone, including the twins when it came to helping in complicated circumstances. But I’m through with being in the dark. This is bigger than a household issue. Even if that house is a manor.”
Eliza was correct, and downright reasonable like she said. Without ever knowing the full scope, acting accordingly was never an issue for her. Veronica looked at Valerie, putting the athlete off.
“What? You should be the one filling her in. I didn’t know jack shit before this visit. Have fun, lorekeeper.” Veronica waved with the flowers and walked off.
“Hey!?” Valerie looked at Eliza, who’s eyes were as serious as a grimm’s. Suddenly the witch attire felt intimidating. “Take a seat. It’s gonna be a minute.”
Weiss stood in the back next to Henry as they watched the kids and the rest of the people. Weiss’s arms were crossed and her mood not the greatest while Henry kept his hands in his pockets.
“What’s your game?” Weiss finally spoke rudely.
“My game? Haha, still shrewd. Here I thought you’ve lost all your edge with you not being as public or active these several years.”
“It’s called being a parent.”
“All well and good, but that doesn’t reduce the amount of eyes wanting to see you or public image. By all means you’re still seen as this city’s Queen in many perspectives.”
“You haven’t answered my question yet.”
“My game isn’t anything. Contrary to what you may believe, I’m very much in the passenger seat when it comes to the affairs of our children.”
Weiss rolled her eyes. “Why do I find that hard to believe?”
“Don’t misunderstand me. Eliza is highly aware that I want her to achieve greatness and that I personally would love to move our family higher up in status given our…decent. She’s already done wonderfully. I mean her very birth is a gift.”
“Would you say that if she couldn’t use magic?”
“Absolutely. I don’t have an heir. It’s also pretty boring alone. Children seem to be the spice of life in practically any environment.”
“Hmph, well, that’s one thing we can agree on.”
Henry sensed the lack of energy in her words. “…I do wish the best for Nicholas in this difficult time. He is an honest and good kid.”
“Thank you…”
“Where’s the other one?”
“…She’s dealing with a lot right now.”
“Fair enough. Eliza was actually the one to tell me Nick was hurt and that she wanted to do something. If it were up to me I would’ve left, but she insisted.”
“Saving face are we?”
“Like I said, I’m a parent too. If there is any angle here it’s the simple benefits that come from my daughter helping people in this trying time. I wonder if it’ll sway opinion about your family?”
Weiss shot him a side eyed. “Excuse me?”
“I never told Eliza to be competitive with your kids. She found reason to see them as rivals based on them as people. That being said, those children are Schnees, and like I said, there’s an expectation and power with that. One that seems to be carried more and more by the new generation because the King and Queen want to play parent only.”
“My children are not here to play some chess game for status quo and power.” Weiss said firmly. “Screw what any media outlet says.”
“Oh we both are too old to act like it’s not completely meaningless or possible to avoid. I’ll be frank. Right now you have no moving pieces on your board. All that power, and nobody’s feeling it. That’s bound to cause problems for your family one way or another when this is all over and nobody can really say how the Schnees helped; then again I guess that’s normalized. Kids take after parents, and your parents-”
“I will give you ten more words so choose them carefully, Henry Marigold.” A vigor reignited in Weiss. Too bad it was fueled by irritation of all things.
Henry smirked, “Act like a Queen to spare your kids.” And with that, Henry walked away.
Weiss didn’t have to search for some hidden meaning behind the words. She was just upset that of all people, Henry had to say it. “You still have two words.”
“Good luck.” He said casually.
Damn him. Being a father might’ve reshaped him over the years, but he is still petty and disrespectful as ever towards her. Though it goes to show it only extends to Weiss ,and her siblings. Not even Henry would be immature or idiotic enough to dislike the twins. Weiss wouldn’t be shocked if his only problem he saw with them is being her kids, but that’s merely an assumption. One that angered her nonetheless.
Weiss took a deep, slow breath through her nose and out her mouth. Silently to herself she whispered, “No more tears.”
Back in the hallway, Veronica walked in silence as she reached Nick’s room, walking in immediately to not psyche herself out. As Valerie said earlier, machines beeped, a distinct smell of medicine, and bright lights that somehow made the room feel dim. Nicholas laid peacefully in a hospital bed with the headboard against the middle of the wall. His skin looked a little more colorful than before but Veronica could already tell by his fingers and forearm that he was getting slimmer. Hopefully Penny already has a plan to keep his nutrition okay. Aside from the obvious oxygen mask and needles in his arm, one would mistake his condition for beauty sleep. Veronica could only guess how long he’ll slumber.
She got closer to the nightstand beside the utilities and placed the flower in a vase next to what must’ve been on Nick before operating. A wallet, his scroll, keys, and what caught her eye, a golden cross necklace. She remembered their conversation about prayers but never knew he had this. She picked it up gently and let it dangle from her fingers before letting it fall softly in her left palm. Veronica was never one to pray but…
“Not him.” She said softly, closing her eyes and closing her hands together. “You don’t get to have him. Not when there’s so much he still wants to do. If this can’t end perfectly then …put the ice in my heart.”
Friends, strangers, enemies, loved ones; despite the situation, everyone hopes for the best in this blizzard. From the vigilante, to the unconscious…
In a place unknown and unseen, something stirs; clinging to what is and maybe all there ever was. A boy, a knight, a prince. Nicholas opens his eyes and sees nothing but a chilling fog that engulfs all as he stands motionless and confused. Weakly he ponders…
“Where…am I?”
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sorryiwasasleep · 2 years
Bruno Madrigal is a ghost.
It’s not all bad, he doesn’t have to use his gift anymore, doesn’t have to answer to anybody, doesn’t have to eat or sleep really.
Plus, he can still talk to his family in their dreams.
Chapter 1: Luisa
Bruno Madrigal is a ghost.
When he realized, he tried to break down, but by nature of being a ghost, he couldn’t really cry. Just imitate it. He settled for screaming. Raging. Begging whatever entity that controls the afterlife to just finally let him stop. Let him finally know peace.
Instead, he was doomed to float amongst his family. Float amongst the people he tried to leave behind.
Figures I still can’t get prayers answered. He bitterly thought.
All he had wanted was to stop having to deal with his brain, stop having to deal with life, stop having to deal with messy emotions and painful feelings. He’d wanted to relieve them of their burden.
Now he was being forced to watch them grieve. Forced to continue to be stuck in his brain, stuck in his body, and even if it was a more free version of being stuck, he was still stuck. Bruno had tried to escape his feeling of being trapped before, only to become even more trapped.
He’d done this to himself.
He couldn’t leave the Encanto (he’d tried), and no matter how far he wandered, if he lost concentration, Bruno would end up back at Casita.
There were a few other ghosts around, but they seemed to already know his reputation as a prophet. As bad luck. They wouldn’t answer his questions and started avoiding him all together. He didn’t see his father among them, despite his best efforts to look.
(Okay fine, maybe he was scared to face his father, scared of what the great Pedro Madrigal might think of his deadbeat son. Might think of the disappointment of the Madrigals. Maybe he hadn’t given his best effort into looking for him. But he certainly wasn’t at Casita at the moment anyway.)
Isabela and Dolores were toddlers, so they didn’t understand what happened. Didn’t understand where their tío went or why their mothers cry if they bring him up. Luisa was an infant and picked up on the negative energy of the house. She cried and cried and cried too.
Julieta was crying herself right now, being comforted by Agustín. Mamá was supposed to be looking after Luisa, but she had started crying too after only a moment with her nieta. Luisa was such a small baby, she apparently reminded her of him at that stage. She had gone to the bathroom to collect herself and hadn’t come back yet. Pepa and Félix were out with the other girls.
Bruno was hovering in the nursery, unsure what to do. Unsure what he could do. Luisa had woken herself up by starting to cry in her sleep. He and Casita worked together to softly rock the crib. Her cries softened but didn’t entirely stop. She worked herself into exhaustion and went back into a state of fitful sleeping.
Bruno hovered his hand on her forehead, trying to even out the creases, even if he couldn’t actually touch her. When his hand started to go through her face he went to pull back but instead was sucked forward.
When things became clear again, he was on his back staring at a gigantic Julieta. Her face was warm, but she wasn’t moving. Bruno looked around.
He seemed to still be in the nursery, but everything looked huge. Sitting up, he could tell he was in the crib. Movement from next to him grabbed his attention. Little Luisa. Except, she didn’t seem so little, but around the same size as him at the moment. She was still crying, looking at him with wide eyes.
At him.
Mother of god she can see me.
With that realization, he softened his expression and tone. “Hola, Luisita. I’m your tío Bruno. We’ve met before, but I don’t expect you to remember.” He reached out and found he was able to touch her! He cradled her face in his hands and began wiping away her tears. “Now, what’s wrong chiquita? A bad dream?”
The giant Julieta above them began to walk away, began to head out the door. Luisa began to cry harder, before turning her attention back to Bruno. He wasn’t sure why Julieta was leaving without doing anything. “Oh you want your Mamí? Okay, okay, okay, I can— well I can’t go get her for you, but I’m here!” She kept crying, though it got softer as her eyes locked on his motions. He slowly moved himself to the top of the crib, and began to rock it again. He started singing a lullaby he remembered his Mamá used to sing.
“Dos oruguitas enamoradas…”
Before he finished, he was forcibly pushed back out of the crib, back into his own ghostly form. Things were normal sized again.
Luisa was looking around, calmer now, with curious eyes. They passed right over him. She couldn’t see him anymore. Mamá came back into the nursery.
“Weird. What just happened?” He asked Casita. She shrugged the dresser back at him. She didn’t know either.
Bruno shook himself out and left, not wanting to see his mother, not wanting to deal with all the complicated emotions that comes with that.
There was a reason he wasn’t alive anymore, and god forgive him but even in this ghostly state, even seeing what it’s done to his familia in a short amount of time, he can’t find himself to regret it yet. He’s confident they’ll move on once they get the grieving out of their system.
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