callsign-muffin · 9 days
Heal Together: Chapter 5
(Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw fic)
I did it. I made the masterlist and started my playlist as well. They'll be linked at the beginning of every chapter, I'll add them to the old ones as well.
Masterlist + Playlist
Word Count: 1.9k+
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You knew that you were good at your job but hearing someone not only tell you that but how you made them feel… your heart was soaring. You studied Bradley’s handsome face. You loved everything you saw, his puppy dog brown eyes, faded scars on his cheek, and a perfectly groomed mustache.
“I don’t know if you quite understand how much that means to me,” You inhaled slowly, “I see a lot of people who don’t get better.”
He squeezed your hand gently, stroking his thumb along the back, “I cannot even imagine what it’s like.”
“I don’t…” You stuttered, “... nevermind. Whatever, it’s not important.”
Bradley sat up quickly, “It is important. What you have to say is important.”
You signed, “I’m just burnt out. I thought that travel nursing, having a change of scenery every contract and the larger paychecks, would help with the feelings of overwhelming exhaustion… from caring for people who will never get better. But it hasn’t.”
“How long is your contract here?” He asked.
“Four more weeks but I’ve already been asked if I want to extend, they’re so understaffed… And I really love San Diego,” You explained, “So I’ll probably do it. But… I just don’t know how much longer I can do it.”
He nodded, selfishly so pleased that she wanted to stay here. “What about another unit? Another kind of nursing?”
You smiled weakly, “I’ve thought about it, I’ve thought maybe now would be the time to pivot towards the kind of nursing I actually want to do.”
“Which is?” He asked, tugging a little at the hand that was still in his, just beckoning for you to scoot closer.
You obliged but couldn’t look him in the eyes, “I wanna deliver babies.”
Bradley’s eyes lit up, “You would be incredible.”
Usually when you told people about your aspirations to go into labor and delivery, they’d say something like, “Isn’t that too big of a 180 from what you’re used to doing?” or “Good luck getting into that specialty.” Nobody ever unquestionably validated your desires.
“Yeah but those jobs are so hard to come by,” You shrugged, “They’ll never hire me.”
“So you’re telling me… that you… the nurse who had me extubated and breathing on my own before noon on the first day she met me, couldn’t get her dream job? Fucking nonsense.” He placed his hands on your shoulders and shook you gently.
You laughed nervously, mostly because you liked the feeling of having both his hands on you. “I mean…”
“Get up and get your laptop.” He demanded, “We’re looking for jobs.”
You blinked at him in disbelief.
He smirked, “It’s an order, Y/N.”
Bradley came back to your couch with another bottle of wine in hand, “Some liquid courage.”
You slid your glass across the coffee table towards him, “No applications are being sent under the influence, just looking.”
He sat down next to you, uncorking the bottle with ease and filled your glass, “Fine but I’m gonna be checking back in with you.”
“How?” You asked sassily, “You don’t even have my number, Bradshaw.”
“Well… I do know where you live but I’d rather be less of a fucking creep and just have you put your number in my phone.”
You held out your hand, “Cough it up, Chicken man.”
He rolled his eyes and handed you his phone, “It’s Rooster, Sassy pants.”
You started putting your information in his phone, “Should I put myself in as ‘Nurse Y/N?” 
Bradley laughed, “I mean you can, but I think we’re past the point of you just being my nurse.”
You raised your eyebrow, “Is that so?” 
“I mean… have you ever invited a patient into your apartment for a bottle of wine?” He asked. 
“I guess not,” you shifted in your seat and finished entering your info with just your name.
Bradley studied it when he took back his phone, “You might want to add a little heart in there… for good measure.” He handed the phone back and winked. Good god, he was so bold. It was so hot.
Your cheeks flushed but you did as you were told, adding a pink heart emoji next to your name.
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“Bradley…” Y/N said softly after they had polished off their second bottle of wine.
“What’s got you worried?” Rooster asked, he could hear the concern in her voice.
“I…” she searched carefully for her words, “I’m not sure that you should drive home…”
He chuckled, “Trying to get me in bed already?”
Her cheeks flushed again, bright red. It was the cutest thing he’d ever seen in his life. “That’s not what I was getting at, Bradshaw! Get your mind outta the gutter!”
“Uh huh, sureeeeeeee!” He teased.
“If you have to know,” she explained, “I don’t think you should drive home because we’ve been drinking a lot. And the last thing I want is your ass back in my ICU.”
Bradley loved that she cared so much and was still a little silly about it, “I don’t drink and drive. I promise you that.”
She nodded, “Good because I’d respect you a hell of a lot less.”
“Let’s do this,” he proposed, “I’ll grab an Uber home, sleep off this wine, and then when I come to get my car in the morning, I’ll take you to brunch?”
A smile spread across her face, “I really like that idea.”
Rooster had never been so excited for a hungover Sunday morning in his life. He rarely drank wine, so he woke up with quite the headache but didn’t even care. Leaving Y/N’s apartment was uneventful, in all honesty. He didn't want to kiss her until she made it clear that she desperately wanted it. Yes, they were clearly into each other. But this wasn’t the type of girl he wanted to push too far too quickly, no matter how badly he wanted to taste her sweet lips. 
After showering off the hangover and making sure he smelled fresh, he changed into his usual civilian uniform. Jeans, a white undershirt, a Hawaiian shirt on top, and a pair of aviator sunglasses. Before leaving his bungalow, he checked himself in the mirror at least 15 times. Did he have anything in his teeth? Did his hair look stupid cuz it was still a little wet?
“Get it together, Bradshaw!” He muttered to himself.
He ordered his Uber and directs it right to the parking spot where he left his car in the back of your building. He quickly got in and headed towards the front. Deciding on music felt too time consuming, he just wanted to get to Y/N’s as soon as possible. When he pulled up to the front, he saw Y/N patiently waiting on a bench. Her legs were crossed, she intently stared at her phone, but looked up as soon as she heard the purr of Rooster’s car. A bright smile spread across her face as she stood up, Bradley’s mouth went dry seeing her in a floral sundress. Holy shit.
“Long time no see!” She chirped and tucked her phone into her purse.
Bradley climbed out of his car and met her at the passenger side door, opening it like the gentleman he is, “You look… wonderful.”
“Awww thanks, Bradshaw!” She buckled herself in, “Another Hawaiian shirt, I see.”
He jogged back around the car and hopped into the driver’s seat, “You’ve seen two of the many in my collection.”
When he turned the car on, Scar Tissue by Red Hot Chili Peppers started playing through the speakers.
“I love this song!” Y/N reached over and turned up the volume.
Despite having to drive, Rooster couldn’t help but intermittently look over and admire the woman sitting next to him, singing along quietly, with the wind whipping through her hair.
“Ugh!” She cried out over the music, “It’s so beautiful!”
Before he could stop himself from saying something so cheesy, he replied, “So are you.”
Y/N smiled sheepishly and didn’t know how to answer, so she started singing along with the Chili Peppers, “Blood loss in a bathroom stall, southern girl with a scarlet drawl…”
Rooster just smirked to himself and kept sneaking peeks at her, he loved leaving someone who always knew what to say speechless.
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You nervously stirred your iced latte a little too intently in its very aesthetic mason jar, trying to figure out how to tell him your news.
“What’s on your mind, Y/N?” He asked, resting his chin on his fists.
You smiled, “I sent in a couple job applications this morning.”
Bradley’s face lit up like a Christmas tree, “That’s amazing! Where abouts?”
“Naval Medical Center, obviously… UCSD, Scripps, Sharp…” You listed off the names.
“All in San Diego?” He asked.
You nodded, “I really really like it here, there’s nothing better than being able to walk to the beach on my day off.”
“I try to start most of my days off with a run on the beach, I don’t even need headphones sometimes… It’s nice to just listen to the waves.” He mused.
The cute server that took your drink orders popped back to your table asking about food orders.
Your eyes widened with embarrassment, you hadn’t even looked at the menu.
Bradley took one look at you and asked for the server to come back in a few minutes.
“I hadn’t even looked at the menu…” You giggled.
“It’s okay, I always get the same thing so I wasn’t looking either.” He said.
You looked down and scanned the menu, “How stereotypically California of me would it be if I ordered avocado toast?”
He chuckled, “Almost as stereotypically California as me, always ordering the breakfast burrito.”
“Are you from here?” You asked, since this was kind of a date, now would be a good time to ask these introductory questions.
“Kinda… My dad was a naval aviator too and he spent some time here before he died. But I grew up mostly in Virginia since that’s where my mom’s family is. But she died when I was sixteen. After college, I commissioned as an officer and haven’t really had a homebase since. I just go where the navy needs me” He explained.
You reached across the table and held out your hand, “I’m so sorry, Bradley. I can’t imagine that kind of loss.”
He sighed and placed his hand on top of yours, “Some days are easier than others, most days are, actually. I don’t remember much of my dad, I get upset with myself for it if I think about it too much.”
“How old were you when he died?” You asked.
At this point, Bradley was struggling to make eye contact with you. You could tell this was a really hard topic for him, “Four.”
“You were just a little guy… basically a toddler.” You tried to comfort him and stroke the back of his hand with your thumb, just like he did to you last night, “It’s not your fault that the memories are hazy.”
He nodded, “Yeah, I guess I never really realized just how young I was when he died.”
You desperately wanted to dig deeper and to learn more about the man in front of you and the people who raised him, but it didn’t feel like the right time. “This feels like a… sacred topic of conversation. Maybe we should put a pin in it and have it another time, maybe somewhere more quiet and private… when you’re ready.”
He squeezed your hand, “I would really, really love that, Y/N.”
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callsign-muffin · 10 days
Heal Together Masterlist
Summery: When Rooster was med-evaced back to San Diego from the mission field, the last thing he expected was to wake up with a tube down his throat and the most beautiful woman he's ever seen at his bedside.
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callsign-muffin · 13 days
Heal Together: Chapter 4
(Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw fic)
This chapter came together super fast, I'm a little shocked! Next on my to do list is to make a masterlist, so that all parts are easily accessible. If time permits, I really want to make a playlist. I just love making playlists!
Word Count: 2.3k+
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Rooster finished his song behind the piano, surrounded by his friends who were all singing along. The whole bar burst into applause and cheers.
You clapped slowly, still staring in disbelief. He looked so great, so healthy, so… handsome.
Carly nudged you, snapping you out of your haze, “If you two don’t stop staring at each other and say ‘hello’, I’ll drag his ass over here!”
You shook your head, “I have a rule about seeing patients in the wild, I don’t acknowledge them unless they acknowledge me first.”
“But this former patient is sooooo hot!” Madi swooned.
Sam scanned the people surrounding Rooster at the piano, “And so are his friends…”
You and Bradley locked eyes again.
Hi. He mouthed to you.
Hey. You mouthed back.
A smile spread across his face and he slowly stood up from the piano bench, breezing past his friends, and swaggered towards you and the girls.
“Oh my god, he’s coming!” Sam squealed under her breath.
Carly shushed her, “Shut up and be cool!”
“What is my favorite nurse doing at my favorite bar?” Bradley posted up in front of you and winked.
You shifted your weight, trying to calm the butterflies in your stomach, “The youngins on the unit bullied me into coming out.”
He looked over at them, “Oh hey, night nurse.”
Carly laughed, “Oh hey, night patient. Staying out of trouble?”
He shrugged, “I mean, I’d fuck around and get hospitalized if my favorite nurse was there to take care of me.”
“Please don’t do that, Bradshaw.” You rolled your eyes.
“I promise I’ll be good if you let me buy you a drink.” He smirked, glancing towards the bar.
Before you could argue, Carly answered for you, “She would love that! Thank you, Lt. Bradshaw.”
You turned and glared at her.
“Wanna lead the way?” Bradley suggested.
You pursed your lips, he was so cute! “Well alright!”
As you and Bradley walked away from the girls, you could feel them silently celebrating behind you.
“So are you chaperoning a field trip?” Bradley chuckled as the two of you stood outside on the deck that faced the beach. The only thing illuminating the dark sky was the moon and its reflection on the water.
You snorted, “Is it that obvious I’m the old lady?”
“Oh no, it’s obvious that those girls look like they just graduated high school.” He explained and looked over at you, “you look like a grown ass woman.”
“Nice save.” You softly punched his arm playfully, an electrical current ignited all throughout your body as soon as you touched him. Woah.
You wondered if Bradley could tell the feelings that just came over you, he was beaming at you. “It’s clear that they love and respect the shit outta you. Especially Carly, the child.”
You sputtered, “Oh my god, I forgot you called her that!”
He chuckled, “I still can’t believe she’s old enough to a be a nurse.”
“I can tell you this now since you’re no longer under her care,” you prefaced, “But she’s like brand new. She’s only been a nurse for like 3 months, she’s fresh off of her orientation. All those girls are.”
”And you’ve adopted them all?” He asked.
You shrugged, “They adopted me, more so. There’s a big culture of ‘nurses eat their young’. Basically meaning that like older nurses are really shitty to new nurses as a way of breaking them in and toughening them up.”
Bradley nodded, “Sounds familiar.”
“I, however, don’t agree with that.” You explained, “I think it instills insecurity with their skills and clinical judgment. It also makes them less likely to ask for help when they’re in over their heads. So I go out of my way to be a resource for these new nurses. And I’ve grown very fond of them in the process.”
He smiled, “Maybe if I had someone like you in the Navy, I’d be a colonel by now.”
“Maybe you could be that for someone else.” You suggested.
“ROOOOOOOOOSTERRRRRR!” Two tall, buff, tipsy men stood at the window calling for their friend.
He looked at them, then looked at you, “I think those idiots are beyond help.”
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Rooster and Y/N re-entered the bar to join his friends around the pool table.
“Hey guys, this is Y/N.” Bradley introduced her, “She was my nurse in the ICU.”
Phoenix's eyes widened, “Oh! The hot one?”
Y/N choked on your drink then looked up at Bradley, who was red as a lobster.
“Yes, Phoenix…” he sighed, “The best nurse I’ve ever seen do the damn job.”
Hangman sauntered up and held out his hand, “Name’s Hangman. How about you come take care of me, Honey?”
She couldn’t help but audibly gag, “That is the worst pick up line to ever use on a nurse, dude. Instant ick.”
Rooster smirked. She was smart, pretty, and completely saw through Hangman’s bullshit. What a woman.
“Hey, I’m Bob.” Bob greeted her, “Thanks so much for taking care of Rooster.”
“Of course, he was a wonderful patient.” She then looked up at Bradley again, “Why do they call you Rooster?”
“Cuz he’s got a big—“ Payback started to say but Bradley reached over and covered his mouth to shut him up.
“It’s my callsign, what I go by in the air as a pilot.” He explained, “We all have one. They’re given to us during training, usually it starts out as someone clowning you and it just sticks.”
She nodded, “Interesting… you’re more of a Bradley to me though.”
Eventually Carly, Sam, and Madi made their way over to the group of aviators as well. Hangman looked a little too excited to see three hot young things. He was starting to get real close and touchy with Madi.
“How old is she?” Rooster asked Carly.
“Twenty two.” Carly chirped.
He took his head and walked over to the flirty pair mumbling to himself, “Absolutely the fuck not.”
Y/N kind of loved that he was protective over the girls. “Glad he got in the middle of them before I had to.”
“It’s giving Mom and Dad.” Sam giggled.
She rolled your eyes, “It’s giving… you’re reading way too far into this.”
“Y/N, come get your patient!” Madi pouted walking back to the group with Rooster, “He��s a cock block.”
“They don’t call him Rooster for nothing.” Carly held up her drink, pretending to cheers.
“Ooooh, good one.” Phoenix prompted a high-five and Carly gladly accepted.
Y/N scooted in closer to Bradley when he stood beside her. He so desperately wanted to drape his arm around her shoulder, to make her feel as safe as she made him feel in the hospital. But he was… nervous. He didn’t want to scare away the angelic figure that he had been daydreaming about for the past two weeks. 
Somehow, Bradley ended the night with three drunk 22 year olds in the back of his vintage Bronco and Y/N in the front seat. 
“If one of them throws up in your car, I’ll pay for it to be cleaned.” She whispered to him.
He scoffed, “No, need to worry about it. It wouldn’t be the first time these seats have been christened with vomit.”
She looked back at the girls, still with a concerned look on her face as they giggled and slurred.
He placed his hand over hers and a surge of electricity shot through his entire body.
Y/N then looked over at him and gave him a soft smile, “Thank you for staying sober enough to drive.”
Bradley winked, “I was planning on it, wouldn’t have driven myself to the bar if I was planning on having more than a beer or two.”
“I guess DUIs are probably frowned upon in the Navy.” 
He chuckled, “I mean yes, but many seamen straight outta boot camp still get them… it’s a lot of fucking paperwork.”
“Y/N… he said semen!” Sam leaned forward in her seat and giggled, making all three young girls burst into hysterical laughter.
Y/N couldn’t help but giggle too, though she tried to hide it. 
Rooster couldn’t help but smile to himself as he turned into the parking lot of the apartment complex that your phone was navigating him to. 
“This is you girls.” Rooster looked back at the silly trio, “You all roommates?”
Carly shook her head, “Noooo, we’re having a sleepover!”
“Ooh, very nice.” He nodded, trying not to laugh at the girls too much as they stumbled out of the truck.
Sam straightened herself up at waved to Bradley from the curb, “Thanks Dad!”
“Thanks Dad!” The other two echoed, making Bradley laugh. 
Y/N shooed them away, “Go to bed! Maybe give each other IVs in the morning if you feel bad.”
The girls stumbled into the building, “Okay Mom!”
She watched them and made sure they were safely inside before turning back to Bradley, “Sorry about them.”
He waved it off, “They’re a trip, I’m happy to be able to help you get them home safely.”
“May I?” She reached for the AUX cord that was hooked up to the updated radio system. It juxtaposed the vintage feel of the rest of the Bronco, but it was a necessity for Bradley to easily jam out.
“Be my guest.” 
“What do you like to listen to?”
He looked over at her and smirked, “is it too ironic for me to say Dad Rock?”
She burst into laughter. Oh god, how Bradley’s heart soared when he heard that beautiful sound. Once she caught her breath, Y/N plugged in her phone. “Have I got the playlist for you!”
The intro to Up Around the Bend by Creedence Clearwater Revival started to play through his speakers.
“Oh hell yeah!” He bobbed his head to the beat and turned up the volume, “I love CCR!”
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Bradley drummed his palms against the steering wheel to the beat of And She Was by Talking Heads as he pulled up in front of your apartment. He idled there for a moment before shifting into park.
You sighed… This is so inappropriate. But you desperately wanted to shoot your shot…
He looked over at her, “I just… I can’t believe I saw you again… It doesn’t feel real.”
“Do you wanna come inside?” You blurted out, possibly a little too loud.
He perked up, completely surprised. “Uh yeah. Yeah! I would love to!” He shifted his car into drive and found a guest parking space for the Bronco.
You started to reach for your door handle but Bradley stopped you, “Don’t you dare touch that door.”
You blushed, remembering how he scolded you earlier in the parking lot of the Hard Deck for the same thing.
He got out of the car, walked around to your door, and opened it for you.
“An officer and a gentleman.” You winked at him as you climbed out.
He offered you a hand for assistance, “Now you’re gettin’ it.”
You accepted, placing your hand in his— again that feeling of electricity jolted through you.
He gestured for you to walk ahead of him, “Lead the way.”
You began to ramble as the two of you walked to your building, “So I’m not much of a beer drinker but I do have seltzers, wine, liquor, and all kinds of mixers. Don’t feel like you have to take anything if you don’t want it though. I can also put a pizza in the oven—“
You were interrupted by a large hand on your shoulder, again with the electric feeling. 
“That all sounds wonderful.” Bradley said sweetly, “Please don’t make a fuss over me.”
You sighed, “Sorry, can’t help it. I get nervous.”
“You don’t need to be nervous with me.” 
“So was I correct in hearing that you told the girls to do IVs on each other in the morning?” Bradley questioned polishing off the last sip of his glass of wine.
You promptly refilled his glass and your own, finishing the bottle you opened together. “You are correct.”
“What the fuck?” He was absolutely tipsy now.
“Obviously we don’t do it often,” you explained, “But after a night out, you feel crappy and dehydrated… give yourself a bag of IV fluid and you’re golden for the day. Nurses have actually made businesses out of going to people’s houses and giving them.”
Rooster was so shook by the information he was receiving, “Where do you get the stuff?!”
“I’ve collected some from hospitals over my time working there. As I said, I don’t do it often but… it’s nice to have on hand.” You shrugged.
He smirked, “What are the odds I can get you to give me an IV sometime?”
You laughed, “Bradshaw, I gave you tons of IV fluids two weeks ago!”
“That’s different, I was a patient!” He sipped his wine, “That’s not as fun as getting drunk and having one the next morning.”
You scanned his arms, “I mean… ya do have some great veins.”
He looked down at his arms, “I have never had anyone tell me that before, especially not so sensually.”
You burst out laughing, “Sorry! Good veins are like Nurse Porn. We love them.”
Bradley shook his head, “The more I learn about this profession, the weirder it gets. First you’re telling me about older nurses eating their young; now you’re telling me you all are into vein porn!”
Your laughing continued until your stomach started to hurt. It has been a really long time since you laughed this hard. You looked over and caught him smiling at you, “What?”
“You have a great laugh,” he explained, “I remember the first time I heard it. You were talking to me while I was intubated and drugged up.”
“You remember that?” You asked in disbelief.
He nodded, “How could I forget the first time I felt human in that place?”
You placed your hand over his, this time instead of electricity, there was a wave of calm with your touch. 
He turned his hand so that his palm was up and holding yours, “You made me feel like I could actually get better.”
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callsign-muffin · 14 days
Heal Together: Chapter 3
(Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw fic)
I kinda want to make a playlist for this fic with all the music I mention in it. But I also work crazy hours and my writing time is my time to relax, so I don't know if I want to add something else on top of it if no one would care, ya know?
Word Count: 1.8k
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“He started talking a little more last night.” Carly smiled after she finished giving you report, “He didn’t say much to me besides ‘thank you’ and asking for whatever he needed. Maybe you’ll be able to get more out of him, you guys seem to have really good rapport.”
“He responded very well to my sarcasm. Patient’s often don’t so it was a nice change.” You shrugged.
“Do you think he’s gonna be transferred to a step down unit?” She asked.
You nodded, “Yeah and I’ll miss him. It was nice having a patient I could actually interact with.”
Carly’s eyes widened, “What kind of ICU nurse are you? We love ‘em intubated and sedated.”
“A tired one!” You stated, “I need a few more sips of coffee and then let’s go sign off meds.”
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Rooster was only slightly awake when Y/N and Carly entered the room to finish their morning sign off. They didn’t turn on the light, spoke in soft whispers, and used the glow of the computer screen as their light. He turned over groggily, as his vision cleared, he saw Y/N there. She looked so beautiful with her hair pulled back messily in a claw clip and her bright eyes quickly traveled back and forth as she compared the medications hanging on the IV pole with the computer. She moved about the space as if she owned it. Hell, with the way she’s helped Bradley the last 48 hours, she practically does own it.
“Good morning, Bradley.” She smiled down at him sweetly, “How ya feeling’?”
“Not too shabby.” His voice was still a bit raspy.
She feigned surprise, “Ah! He speaks!”
Rooster smiled up at her, “Soon you’ll be wishing I had that tube back down my throat to shut me up.”
She shook her head, “Never.”
“I see Carly removed your catheter last night.” Y/N inquired after finishing her head to toe assessment on Bradley.
He nodded, “About 2 hours ago at 5 in the morning. It was fucking awkward having someone 10 years younger than me touch my dick.” 
Y/N snorted trying to hold back a belly laugh, “I hate to break it to ya but that girl is more than 10 years younger than you.”
His face dropped in horror, “Holy shit, that’s a child!”
“She has the same license I do.” You shrugged, “She’s absolutely qualified to do what she does.”
“Unbelievable!” Rooster playfully rolled his eyes.
Y/N slightly pivoted the conversation, “You feel strong enough to get up and pee? Or do you need something to use while in bed?”
“Like a bottle?” He questioned.
She nodded, “We call it a bedside urinal but it’s the same idea.”
He nodded, “Yeah, I’ll try and get my ass up.”
“Good choice. You wanna try now?”
Bradley thought for a minute, “I mean… I probably should…”
“Alright champ, let’s do it nice and slow.” She moved his tray table out of the way.
He looked around, “Can you give a man get some privacy?”
“Not when you’re fresh off the vent. I’m not risking you falling ‘cause you have a shy bladder!” She rolled her eyes jokingly.
He grinned playfully, “Don’t go checking out my junk.”
“Already seen it and I wasn’t planning on doing it again.”
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“Alright Lieutenant, looks like you’re cleared for transfer down to a medical observation floor.” A different older doctor from yesterday said with his posse of residents, “Glad to see you’re on the mend.”
“Me too, sir.” Bradley agreed.
The same resident from the day before, Carl Parks looked at you with disdain, “Nurse, I’ll get the transfer orders in when I can.”
“‘Preciate it, doc.” You fired back coolly. It was cute that he thought that he’d be able to get under your skin. 
They all exited and moved on to their next patient for rounds.
“What’s up his ass?” Rooster asked you.
You smirked, “The shame of being wrong.”
He gave you a questioning look.
“He didn’t think you were ready to get off the ventilator yesterday, I challenged him on it and the attending doctor took my side.” You explained, “Guys like him hate being wrong, their egos get bruised.”
He scoffed, “I don’t know how he’s smart enough to be a doctor if he was dumb enough to question you.”
“But what if this new unit sucks?” Bradley complained as you wheeled his bed down the hall and towards the elevator.
“All hospital units suck,” you scoffed, “Except for maybe labor and delivery.”
“I’m guessing my lack of vagina means I can’t go there.”
You stopped at the elevator and pressed the button, “You’d be correct.”
“Well shit.” He chuckled.
The elevator dinged and the doors opened; you carefully pushed the bed inside.
“This is a good thing,” you pressed the 3rd floor button, “the sooner you get out of the ICU, the closer you are to going home.”
Bradley sighed, “Yeah but… I’m going to miss you.”
“Really?” Butterflies began to flutter in your stomach. 
What the hell was that? You thought to yourself.
He nodded, “Yeah, you’re the first nurse that made me feel like a human being.”
You paused, taken aback by his words. “I don’t think you even understand how much it means to me to hear you say that.”
The elevator dinged again and the doors opened to your floor.
“I mean every word.” He said as you pushed him down the hall towards the medical observation unit, “You’re a good nurse— a great nurse.”
“Wow,” you stopped at the unit entrance and used your badge to open the doors, “Thank you so much for saying that.”
The nurse that was taking over Bradley’s care interrupted your conversation and helped you get his bed into the new room. You guys did your checks, you gave her a quick beside report, and you were good to go.
You looked at Bradley and sighed, “It was a pleasure taking care of you, Lt. Bradshaw. Keep getting better.”
He nodded and gave you a soft smile, “I will. Thank you for all you did for me.”
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Two weeks later
It was Bradley’s first night out since before his deployment, it felt like a lifetime had gone by. He couldn’t wait to see all his friends at the Hard Deck and show them he was doing alright. The only one who’d seen him since he was med-evaced from the aircraft carrier was Phoenix. She was the one who picked him up from the hospital after discharge and took him home. He told her all about the angel nurse he met, how she bathed him and talked to him while he was intubated, how she was by his side to talk him through his extubation, how she made him laugh, and how he hasn’t stopped thinking about her.
“BRADSHAW,” Jake “Hangman” Seresin, his best frienemy, shouted across the bar from the pool table, “as I live and breathe!”
“We weren’t sure if he was living and breathing for a second back on the carrier.” Coyote quipped.
All the men greeted each other with big hugs and claps on the back. Despite their joking in the moment, those men were terrified that they were going to lose Rooster. Hangman was on the cot next to him in the infirmary as they were intubating him. It was a nightmare, to say the least.
“Glad you’re okay, buddy.” Bob said, “Let me buy you a drink.”
“Are you sure?” Bradley questioned, “But you don’t drink.”
Bob shook his head, “Doesn’t matter, I’m just so glad you’re here.”
Phoenix lovingly patted his cheek, “Awww Bob, you really are the best of all of us.”
“Truly.” Bradley agreed.
He could’ve sworn he was going crazy. He saw Y/N. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her. But to be fair, he thought he saw her everywhere. She hadn’t left his mind since the day he met her. But this time he heard her voice and her laugh in the crowd. His eyes scanned the crowded bar for a familiar face. BINGO! There sh was, waiting for a drink at the bar. With a familiar young, little blonde. Was that Carly the child?!
“Go find yourself a cute sailor or something!” He heard her say over the loud music, “That’s what I’d do if I was young and hot!”
“Y/N, shut up! You’re only 28, you’re young and hot too!” The little blonde nudged her.
Wow, she was just as beautiful as he remembered her. Though she was a little more dressed up, she still had that same calm and caring demeanor that she had every time she walked into his room in the ICU. She was wearing a tight white T-shirt and faded jeans, effortlessly beautiful.
“Oh no you don’t!” She grabbed Carly’s wrist as she tried to slip her card to the bartender who just served them their drinks.
Carly ignored her and handed over the card, “Oh yes I do! You’ve helped me so much ever since you started, I feel like I’m actually getting the hang of this nurse thing with your help. Let me treat you!”
Y/N pouted, “Fine! But no more after this!  You need to save your money for fun and adventure!”
“Yes, ma’am!” Carly saluted her like an officer.
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“Absolutely not,” You cried over the music at Carly and the other younger nurses that were with you at the Hard Deck.
“Absolutely yes!!!” Another young nurse, Madi handed you a tequila shot and a lime.
You groaned, “I’m too old for this!”
“NO YOU’RE NOT!” The girls chorused.
You looked down at the tiny glass, could your stomach even handle this anymore.
“Dooooooooo it!” Carly taunted evilly.
“Doooooooooooooooo it!” Sam echoed.
You groaned, “Ugh! Fine!” And you tossed the shot back like a champ, chasing it immediately with the lime. Your face contorted, “Oof it burns.”
All the girls cheered and threw their shots back together.
Suddenly the jukebox cut, making the room fall silent for a moment. Then a couple of chords slammed on a piano.
You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain
Too much love drives a man insane
You broke my will, but what a thrill
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire
Your head whipped around, wondering where the hell this piano was coming from.
“Holy shit.” Carly’s jaw dropped.
You looked in the same general direction Carly was, “Holy shit.”
“What?!” Madi asked over the loud music and singing. Many others had since joined in.
“That’s the patient Y/N fought Parks about extubating .” She explained.
You were still frozen.
“He’s kinda hot.” Sam giggled.
All you could choke out was, “That’s quite the mustache.”
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callsign-muffin · 17 days
Heal Together: Chapter 2
(Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw fic)
I'm like completely overwhelmed that anyone has even read the first chapter of my fic, well alone liked and/or reblogged it! Thank you guys so much!
This chapter is a little bit of filler, just a heads up. But I hope you all like it anyways.
Word Count: 2.0k
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There were a lot of people surrounding Rooster’s bed, they all introduced themselves but the only thing he could really think about was how scared he was for them to pull this tube out of his throat. The doctor told him that there’s always a chance he might not respond well and they’ll have to place another one. And good god, that was the last thing he wanted. The sedation medications, being unable to talk, having to have his throat suctioned constantly, and listening to the never ending sounds of the machines were his own personal hell. And the prep before this was its own level of horrible. They put a vest on him that shook him violently to loosen any crap that had built up low in his lungs while he was intubated. Then they deep suctioned the shit outta his throat, it was so uncomfortable but Y/N promised it was all to help him and keep him from getting sick again and having to be intubated again.
He looked over at Y/N and prayed that she could say something to make him feel better. All of his friends and Mav were still on the aircraft carrier in God knows where, so Y/N was the only familiar face. He guesses he could’ve called Penny, Mav’s girlfriend, but it’s a Saturday morning, she should be spending time with Amelia and getting ready for another crazy night at the Hard Deck.
“So what’s gonna happen is: I’m gonna sit your bed up really high and place a pad under your chin since a lot of gunk might come up with the tube. That’s completely normal.” Y/N explained calmly, “Brent, the guy on your left, is the respiratory therapist. He’s gonna ask you to cough a few times and on the last cough, he’s gonna pull the tube out.”
Bradley nodded, looking her straight in her beautiful, expressive eyes.
“Your throat’s gonna hurt and feel really dry, you probably won’t be able to talk for a little bit.” She continued, “But I’m gonna stay here and monitor you, listen to your lungs, suction out any more gunk, and maybe we can try swabbing your mouth with water to help with the dryness until you’re cleared to drink. Does that sound okay?”
The young doctor at the bedside scoffed, “Do we really need to have this much dialog? We have other patients to get to, Nurse.”
Y/N’s face hardened, “I am well aware that you all are busy. However, I’m not going to allow anything to happen to Lt. Bradshaw without his full informed consent, so I’m making sure he knows exactly what we’re doing. It’s his right.”
The older doctor smiled at Y/N, “This is why nurses are so important, they fill in the blanks for the patients. As physicians, we can get caught up in the science and the technicality of things but nurses are the people who remind us to remember that we’re taking care of the whole person.”
The young doctor rolled his eyes.
Y/N smiled at the older doctor and shot the young doc a look that said, Bite me, bitch. She then looked at Rooster and asked, “You ready?”
Rooster nodded slowly, he was so scared.
“It’s okay that you’re scared.” She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, “But you see Brent, the one literally doing the damn thing to you? He’s not scared and I’m not scared ”
Brent smiled, “Not one bit. And all of those docs in their fancy white coats, they OK’d me to do this. That means they’re not scared either.”
Rooster felt a rush of calm wash over him, Y/N trusted these people, so he had no reason not to as well.
“Ready man?” Brent asked.
Bradley nodded.
Y/N sat the bed up so that he was sitting tall and placed an absorbent pad under his chin, “Let’s do it!”
“Give me a few coughs, Lieutenant.” Brent instructed.
Rooster coughed uncomfortably, it felt so weird with this thing on his throat.
“One last big cough.” Brent said.
With his next cough the tube was out and Rooster couldn’t help but continue to cough and dry heave. All the doctors’ eyes were glued to the numbers on his monitor, the only one looking at him was Y/N. 
She wiped all the spit and nastiness off of his face carefully and talked to him quietly, “That’s it, let it out. You’re doin’ great.”
A few moments later the older doctor said, “His oxygen sats look great. Let us know if anything changes, Y/N.”
Y/N nodded, “Will do. Can I get a standing supplemental oxygen order? Just in case his sats start to decline.”
“Of course, Carl– I mean… Dr. Parks will put those in for you right away.” The old doc looked over at the very displeased younger doctor.
Once the doctors all assessed him and felt okay leaving the room, it was just Rooster and Y/N. He gestured towards his white board, there was no way in hell he could talk yet.
Y/N happily passed it to him and proceeded to start her own assessment, listening to his lungs with her stethoscope.
That young doc is an asshole. Rooster wrote.
Y/N snorted, taking her stethoscope out of her ears and setting it to rest around her neck, “For the sake of professionalism, no comment.” 
Can you call Maverick and tell him I’m okay? 
“Yeah, of course.” She pulled a pen and a slip of paper out of her scrub pocket, “Just write down his full name and number.”
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“Hi Captain Mitchell, this is Y/N and I’m Lieutenant Bradshaw’s nurse today.” You tried your best to sound as not nervous as possible. You always hated sitting at the nurses station and calling family members on the phone, usually because it was to give bad news or tell them to come to the hospital quickly to say goodbye. At least this time it was something positive.
“Oh my god,” The man choked on the other end of the line, “Is– Is he okay?”
“Yes, he’s fine. I’m sorry for scaring you.” You fiddled with the long phone cord, “He’s actually doing great. We took him off the ventilator about an hour ago and he’s breathing really well on his own. He’s working with physical therapy now, they have him out of bed and sitting in a chair.”
You could hear the joy in the man’s voice, “That’s incredible! Oh my god! I can’t wait to tell everyone, we’ve all been so worried. Can I speak to him?”
“Not quite yet, he’s not able to talk yet and will be hoarse for a little while.” You explained, twisting from side to side in the swiveling chair,  “But I can see if we can charge up his phone so he can text you and call when he’s able to.” 
“Thank you so much for the update, Y/N.” Capt. Mitchell gushed, “I usually have to call first for updates but this was such a great surprise.”
“Well one of the first things Bradley asked me to do for him after his extubation was call you and let you know that he’s okay.” 
He let out a happy sigh on the other end of the phone, “Did he really? That’s so good to hear. Tell him I’ll be home soon and my first stop will be to see him.”
You nodded, “Will do, Capt. Mitchell. You have a great rest of your day.”
“You as well, I know you’re taking great care of him.” And the call cut off right there.
“Ooooh look at you, big shot.” You couldn’t help but smile seeing Bradley sitting up in a chair and channel surfing on the crappy hospital TV.
Bradley picked up his white board and marker from the table beside him, Did you talk to Mav?
“You mean Capt. Mitchell?” You confirmed and Bradley nodded, “He said he’ll be home soon and his first stop will be to come see you. But hopefully you’ll have busted out of this joint before then.”
Bradley raised his eyebrows and scribbled, You think so?
You shrugged logging into the computer by his bed and starting to organize his 3pm medications, “I mean, I can’t say for sure. I know that you military dudes can’t tell people exactly where you’re going or when you’re coming home on your deployments. But if things keep going as well as they are, it seems like a good possibility you could be transferred to a step-down unit and then hopefully discharged in the next week or so.”
Bradley started writing again, I don’t want to go to another unit. I want to keep you as my nurse.
You giggled, “Well that is incredibly kind of you to say, but the best part of my job is seeing patients get well enough to be transferred to a lower acuity unit and then eventually discharged.”
Bradley pouted and drew a big fat frowny face on the whiteboard.
“You were a lot less sassy with that tube down your throat, Bradshaw.” You teased as you crossed the room with his meds, hanging them on the IV pole and programming the pump.
Pumping me up with poison? He smirked as he wrote.
“Nah, just antibiotics to treat that pesky infection that almost killed you and brought you in here.”
Damn, I was hoping you were gonna say they’re steroids to get me yolked. He flashed a mischievous grin at you.
You scoffed, “I took a pledge when I finished nursing school not to harm my patients and I considered giving them drugs that would shrink their balls and give them breasts doing harm.”
Bradley snorted and let out a hoarse laugh. Though it was very quiet, you could tell it was a great laugh.
“Hey Y/N, I’m taking room 4 back from you.” Carly, the young nurse from the morning, sat in the empty chair next to you at the nurses station.
“Oh great, do you want a full report or are you good with just the updates?” You asked, pulling out your notes from the day.
She clicked her pen, “Updates are just fine.”
“So the biggest news is that he was extubated today.” You grinned.
“Really?!” She gasped, “I’ve been pushing for that but the resident kept saying no.”
“Parks?” You inquired.
She nodded and sighed, “Yeah, have you met him?”
“Unfortunately.” You rolled your eyes, “I think he shares similar feelings about me as I do him.”
“I hope you gave him hell.” She giggled, “I’m still a new grad, so I don’t have enough experience under my belt to push back very much.”
“Well if he gives you any grief on your shift, don’t let it get to you. He’s also a new grad doctor, he’s also still learning.” You assured her then went on to finish your report.
“Hey Bradley, I’m headed out for the night. Carly’s gonna be taking care of you and I’ll be back tomorrow.” You entered the room with Carly by your side.
“Thank you…” Bradley croaked, “For everything…”
Your heart melted a little bit, you knew it took a lot of effort to get the words out, “You are more than welcome. And I’ll see you tomorrow. Hopefully we’ll get you transferred to a less intense unit.”
Rooster pouted and did a big thumbs down gesture.
You giggled, “That’s a great thing, Bradshaw. You don’t wanna be stuck in the ICU with me forever.”
He sassily rolled his eyes.
“Carly and I are gonna sign off some meds and check your lines.” You said, “And don’t give my girl too much sass tonight; she will be reporting back to me in the morning.”
Rooster scribbled on his whiteboard, No promises.
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callsign-muffin · 21 days
Heal Together: Chapter 1
(Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw fic)
I've been lurking on here for a while, reading Top Gun fics and I recently got inspired to write one of my own. Hopefully someone reads it and likes it!
Note about the format: Between every header is a change in the point of view :)
Summery: When Rooster was med-evaced back to San Diego from the mission field, the last thing he expected was to wake up with a tube down his throat and the most beautiful woman he's ever seen at his bedside.
Word Count: 2.1k
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“Hey Carly, I’m taking over for room 4 today. Are you ready to give report?” You ask the cute blonde night shift nurse, she looked about 12 years old. What in the hell was she doing in the ICU of a military hospital? Hell, you should be asking yourself the same question. You hated it here at this boys club where nurses were ignored as a female dominated profession, despite being the people who spend the most amount of time at the patient’s bedside in a 12 hour stretch. But you were only one week into this eight week travel assignment and the money was great, so you just had to grin and bear it and make as few enemies as possible.
“The census is low, is this gonna be your only patient?” She asked.
“Yeah.” You pulled out your report sheet and pen, “Let’s hope it stays that way.”
You could tell Carly was fresh off of orientation by how nervous she looked before beginning to speak.
“Hey,” You placed a comforting hand on her knee, “take your time, tell me what you know, and if I have any questions I’ll ask them when you’re done. You just finished a long shift, it’s okay to be a little out of it. We’ll get all the info we need together. No pressure, okay?”
“Okay,” Carly nodded and took a deep breath, “This is Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw, 35 year old male, full code, no known allergies…”
You quietly took down the pertinent information about Lt. Bradshaw as Carly spoke. He was a pilot, recovered after a crash, and was stitched back together pretty well on the aircraft carrier, he went septic and was transported back to the states to your hospital. Pretty standard stuff. He was currently on a ventilator for breathing support but all seemed to be going in a positive direction despite the shitty circumstances.
Carly finished her report with a sigh of relief, you had a feeling the staff nurses weren’t as respectful when receiving report from a new graduate. “Any questions?”
“Any family  at the bedside?” You asked.
“No, no family. Apparently a guy named Pete Mitchell calls daily for updates, they’re not related but he’s included on the patient’s medical information release forms, so we can talk to him. Chart says he’s single, no siblings, and both parents have passed away.” Carly yawned, she was beginning to fade after a long night. You didn’t want to hold her up anymore than necessary, she needed to get home and go to bed.
“Okay,” You clicked your pen, “Sounds good. Let’s go check lines and meds so you can get out of here.”
She paused for a second as you got up from your chair at the nurses station, “Y/N… thank you for being so nice… I’m only a week off of orientation and things are still so new…”
You smiled at the compliment, “We’ve all been there. Every nurse on this unit was new at one point and I think sometimes they forget that. Hell, I’m a traveler and this is only my second week and there’s so much that’s new to me too. You’re doing great.”
You spent the first part of your morning before rounds with the care team just cleaning up the patient, organizing the room, all that good stuff. Though it wasn’t necessarily considered “professional”, you played some music softly from your phone as you worked. You found that music or just talking to patients on vents helped with agitation. You couldn’t imagine anything more tortuous than listening to repetitive beeping and alarms all day long and nothing else. Though most managers didn’t like it, that didn’t stop you. What were they gonna do? Fire you? Hospitals hire travelers at such a high price point when they’re understaffed and desperate. They needed you more than you needed them.
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“When the sun goes down, we’ll be groovin’
When the sun goes down, we’ll feel alright
When the sun sinks down over the water
Everything is hotter when the sun goes down…”
Who the fuck listens to Kenny Chesney anymore? Rooster thought to himself.
He knew he was sick, the docs on the ship told him that before they knocked him out to shove the tube down his throat. They told him he’d be med-evaced back to San Diego because the hospital where he was overseas didn’t have the capabilities to take care of someone as sick as him. He didn’t know how long he had been there, all the days run together when you’re too weak to open your eyes. He was used to having things done to him, he was past the point of getting agitated about it, because he knew they’d just sedate him more.
“Alright, Bradshaw.” A confident voice said, “All of your lines are untangled, your room is clean, and your initial assessment is done… How about we have a little spa day? You’re smellin’ a little… ripe.”
“HA! You can hear me! You raised your eyebrows!” She giggled, damn it was a cute giggle. Rooster honestly hadn’t realized he was moving his face. But he believed her because that’s what his face usually does when he’s surprised. “You’ve been caught. No more playing dumb.”
Water started running, splashing, and the suction was turned on… that sound usually meant his mouth was gonna get cleaned and he was gonna feel something funny down his throat. He hated it.
“Carly told me you were getting agitated during mouth care last night. Since you can hear me, I’m going to tell you everything I’m doing, so don’t get sassy with me.” She said, “Deal?”
Anything for the first person not to treat me like a damn vegetable. This was the first time someone actually talked to him and told him what the fuck was happening since he got here. It was a welcome change.
The kind yet sassy voice interrupted his thoughts, “Okay, mouth care. I’ll be quick, I promise.”
She didn’t lie to him, she was quick and the stupid suction caused him minimal discomfort. Maybe it was because he could brace himself, or maybe it was because she was just really good at her job.
“I’m about to give you a full body bath, so how about we get to know each other a little bit.” She said as she adjusted his sheets and pillows to reposition him, placing a towel under his head, and rinsing his hair with warm water.
Rooster’s whole body relaxed.
“My name is Y/N Y/L/N and I’m obviously your nurse today and will probably be for the next few days…” Nurse Y/N went on about where she’s from, her hobbies, how she’s not making many friends in this new hospital she’s been contracted out to.
Welcome to the military, it’s a boy’s club. He wished he could say that to her. He imagined medicine was similar to aviation, full of egos.
Before Rooster knew it, his whole body had been washed from head to toe. He hadn’t felt this clean in what felt like years.
“So Lieutenant… not to be crude but… I gotta clean your bits. But at least we’ve really gotten to know each other.” Nurse Y/N said, “Your girlfriend will thank me later.”
Ha! Rooster laughed to himself, What girlfriend?! My dick hasn’t been played with in months!
Like with the mouth care, her cleaning was quick and respectful. And damn, being clean felt so good. She went on to change his gown, sheets, and blankets. Rooster truly felt like a new man.
“Lieutenant Bradshaw, you’ve never looked better.” She said with a satisfied sigh.
That’s a damn lie, but I’ll take the compliments wherever I can get them at this point.
“Hey Y/N,” Another female voice said, “They’re starting with you for rounds. Are you ready to present your patient or should I stall?”
“Nah, I’m ready. Tell them to come in whenever.” Nurse Y/N said, then her voice got low and she whispered to Bradley, “I’m gonna try to get them to lighten your sedation and move towards trials of turning the ventilator off. It’s not gonna be comfortable but the sooner we start working towards getting that tube out of your throat, the sooner you can get the hell out of here.”
Rooster wanted to make sure she knew he heard her and that he was on board, it took every ounce of strength in his body, but he nodded.
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“No way.” The resident physician said simply after you gave your recommendation with your presentation of Lt. Bradshaw
You were dumbfounded. What the hell did he mean no?!, “This patient was more than ready to move towards extubation.” 
“And what makes you the expert?” the resident asked.
Oh lord, this fresh out of med school asshole was turning rounds into a dick measuring contest.
“The fact that I’ve been at his bedside for the past three and a half hours, I assessed him, bathed him, turned him, and he is showing signs of progress. The next step is spontaneous breathing trials and extubation. The longer he stays on the vent, the more likely he is to get pneumonia, as we all should know, Doctor.” You explained coolly but made sure to add his (probably newly earned) title. 
“I agree with…” The attending looked at you and scanned your badge, “... Y/N… What do you think from a Respiratory Therapy standpoint, Brent?” He looked over at Brent, the RT.
Brent smirked and narrowed his eyes at the resident, “I also think moving towards extubation is a good thing. If he has two successful trials, he could be off the vent by the end of the day.”
The attending physician nodded, “Then it’s a plan. And I think this is a really good lesson for the residents and medical students with us on rounds, the nurses know more about the patient than we do. We should always consider their recommendations because they have the most valuable view on the patient, simply because they spend time with them.”
You tried to dim the glow that was on your face.
 “Thanks, Dr…” You scanned the attending’s badge the same way he did yours.
“Carter, Brendan Carter.” He extended his hand and you shook it, “Glad to have you here.”
That was the most welcome anyone had made you feel in the last week here. Who would’ve thought a wrinkly old attending doctor with dancing eyes would be the person to stand up for you and make you feel secure in your clinical decision making.
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Rooster wasn’t sure how much time had gone by since Nurse Y/N told him she was turning down his sedatives but it felt like he could open his eyes almost instantly. It was so… bright. Once his eyes adjusted, he scanned his surroundings, the lights weren’t even on but the sun shining through the large window felt blinding. He looked to his left and saw the machine that the tube in his throat was attached to, the machine that had kept him alive for God knows how long. He looked to his right and saw multiple IV poles that attached him to lines and lines of medicine and fluid. Further to his right, he saw a woman standing at a computer, typing away furiously, her face was serious yet beautiful, was that Nurse Y/N?
“Good morning, Lt. Bradshaw.” She said quietly, “You’re still attached to your breathing tube, so you can’t talk. Now that you’re awake we’re one step closer to getting you off that thing. Sound good?”
Rooster nodded slowly, wishing he could thank her for everything. For talking to him, bathing him, treating him like a human-being.
“Do you feel strong enough to write?” She asked, “Can I get you a whiteboard?”
He nodded again.
“I’ll be right back.” She swiftly left the room. 
Rooster couldn’t help but love watching her walk away. Along with a beautiful face, he could tell she had a great body hiding underneath those scrubs. It had been so long since he’d seen a pretty girl.
She returned quickly with a whiteboard and a marker, handing it to him, “What’s on your mind Lieutenant?”
Call me Bradley. He scribbled, 
“Nice to meet you Bradley.” She smiled down at him, “How are ya feelin’?”
Better now that I’m clean and awake. He wrote.
“There’s something healing about a bath and being taken out of your drug induced sleep, huh?” She giggled.
Rooster nodded and started writing again, Thank you for everything.
“No biggie. I’m glad to see you doing so well. Is it okay if I do a full assessment on you, just since you’re awake now?” She asked.
He nodded, this girl could do anything she wanted to him. She was basically his angel.
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