#realism is hard u guys
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valoale · 1 year ago
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I painted Pansy last summer and I realised I never posted it and quite frankly forgot this existed
I like it, though
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chaoslynx · 5 months ago
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kalims · 4 months ago
⭒ㅤnot gonna lie !
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premise. pov prefect opens a ngl, except! the story they shared it from can only be viewed... by one person!
characters. first years
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not gonna lie ! smash tbh
unironically pretends that he never sent one when you start bombarding him.
uniquewhere: i didn't even see ur story
shrimp: [attatchment]
uniquewhere: i have no wifi to see that sorry not sorry
vehement denial is actually the most effective defense according to him. even if it bypasses all forms of realism, it's not real if he doesn't believe it to be! <- real life advice from ace trappola guys.
if you haven’t already guessed, he can indeed see the picture you just sent and just assumes his very first form of defense… no amount of proof will remove him from his little ball of: “i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
you gotta prepare some kind of miscrosoft presentation, and sit him down. though he will 100% do that thing where he plugs his ears in with his fingers pretending he doesn’t hear anything even though it doesn’t block out you reading out the words.
“here is the real, actual screenshot of my replies—”
“ah, good! next slide after this is the views of the story!”
not gonna lie ! i like you
very demure, very straight to the point is deuce.
he would've written some long ass paragraph in all honesty but he just can't because he sees what he writes, deletes it, then cringes to himself.
atleast with that one he has the excuse for whichever scenario that might randomly ask about it.. (yes, he's thinking that far) weird flex but ok
1. "you ever confessed to your crush?" someone asking
2. "yeah sorta....." deuce
3. "???" someone confused
he was feeling reaaallyyy proud of himself. the anxiousness finally settles down, alongside with his rapidly beating heart. even if it isn't a real, confession it still brings him a bit of peace.
shrimp: I know what you did
tokyodefenders: WHAT?
there goes his heart rate.
like, you did not offer context to any of that but he's still gonna think you somehow, actually do know even if you didn't provide an explanation to... whatever it is you know about him!
tokyodefenders: whaTEVER IT IS IS NKT TRUE
shrimp: please, ur breaking my heart
shrimp: I like u too :(
heart? ascended
he's not even gonna question it. all his braincells got dumped out, and all he can focus on is that particular message. he isn't even gonna remember backtracking about the ngl cause he's gonna be like:
how did they hack my keyboard.. are they tracking it?! LOL
"I'm a mastermind,"
"HOW DID YOU KNOW?!?!" <- deuce, scared for his life.
not gonna lie ! stop getting into trouble. I'm not always there to pull you out
is concerned with how many times you've managed to unknowingly walk into trouble, jack had been lucky enough (yes, him. not you, cause knowing you, you wouldn't be too phased) to be a near constant presence when the shenanigans during the tournament concluded, he stuck to you then.
as in reluctantly following around you like a tail. narrowing his eyes at the less than friendly faces often wore around you, that you were... well, amazingly oblivious to. or maybe you acted like you didn't know, the carriage didn't pick you up for nothing if you were here in nrc.
shrimp: do u rlly think I'm a troublemaker?
iheldheroncejacob: yes
the random topic being brought up went completely over his head. jack probably had forgotten he'd given the link to your story the time of your day, in all honesty
shrimp: well maybe I keep getting in trouble so u can rush in, and pull me out?
iheldheroncejacob: you're a terrible friend then
shrimp: :(
in retrospect jack is able to keep up with joking around, usually. but it's so hard to take you seriously that he takes whatever you say with a grain of salt, you're almost always tipping between flat sarcasm, or calm nonchalance between your words. it almost always has something to do with the people you're with.
the heartslabyul prefect for example, you take a kind, subtle undertone of teasing to (which is crazy, because you're scarily tame in the presence of the vice-dorm head.) and then you're all stony faced when you're with someone you don't like.
^ and you obviously don't dislike jack, if the little selfish, presumptuous nrc part of him would like to claim confidently so... would you really be joking?
only does jack realize the connection between your text, and the ask he sent when he's just finished his laps.
"I'm not your guard dog! why would you even get in trouble for that, next time I'm not even gonna spare you the time cause—"
"what a pee brain."
"what? don't compare my brain to a tiny pee—"
you've never met anyone who's disliked being sorted into whatever the dark mirror fitted their 'soul' into as much as epel.
even without the private story only limited to his response, you're sure you could pick out his message and put a face to it.
epel, in his defense, still has savanaclaw as number one in his heart. though upon asking jack if it was possible to transfer there, the latter confirmed but it was... a tedious process, and suggested asking rook, who literally came from savanaclaw!
the boy only spared his friend a side glance before scurrying away. no use traipsing around that...
but of course, getting away from pomefiore is only a goal! always being near your proximity was a biiiiig bonus!
shrimp: hey I need ur files for the dorm transfer
catchwhathands: [escapeplan.jpg]
catchwhathands: I knew u wanted me in ur dorm!!
shrimp: actually I don't. ur the one that asked ;)
catchwhathands: who cares. I'm finally getting out of this hell YEAHHHH!!
shrimp: who said I was gonna use the files you sent?
okay, admittedly the moment he'd sent over the files, epel shut his phone, and quite literally did a victory lap around his room. making sure to frolic so vil has less chances of hearing his chaos...
the dorm leader woke up so easily from noises that you'd think rook was the reason he developed such a habit.
epel was already planning the plan! he could see the vision! maybe he could plant around ramshackle since it is a pretty big area. you guys would be together for the remainder of the year—and he'd finally bump the adeuce duo from their pedestal!
not gonna lie ! since it is a request for unbridled honesty, I shall deliver what you've requested. you have done so without much thought, clearly! if you've given such leeway for... criticism! you, human, could use a lot more educating in terms of the glory of our eternal lord, the glorious malleus! in accordance to your previous, description of our relationship. the farthest I can give is acquaintance, but I shall only call you a companion (AKA friend) if you are atleast educated about my interests! as the good companion you desire to be!
woo, alright. he really wrote all that...
oh, uh oh.. you just got another ask from him, maybe even longer..?
shrimp: what would that make silver then
rizzvolt: my brother in arms!
shrimp: but hey, actually I do want to know
rizzvolt: ah! finally! I knew you atleast have some common decency, and sense. for that I shall agree for your request in our friendship! these are the most accurate ones pertaining the great lord malleus' biography! [link] [link] [link]
rizzvolt: is that enough? I will send you more, but only if you finish these three. I will test you rigorously to confirm that you are indeed genuine in your interest!
why he has all that, you have no idea.. if only he displayed that much dedication for his studies...
shrimp: I don't wanna learn about malleus
shrimp: I want to learn about you
rizzley: how dare you! the lord's name should only be addressed with a: 'lord', 'the great', 'the
sebek stares at his screen, just in the process of finishing his... educating sentence, because even in text, malleus should only be treated with the highest form of respect!
have you no integrity?! he wonders.
only then does he focus on your response, does he make a rather... dubious sound of shock? sebek doesn't know why he breaks into a cold sweat as he runs the sentence through his mind a hundred times in the span of a minute.
what is this... some sort of human illness? or maybe love—
of course he'd never even consider such a thing! (just did bro)
shrimp: sooo.. since you sent me an ask, does that mean you actually like me?
shrimp: sebeeeeekk.. did you actually read?
with the speed of lightning (and the adrenaline maybe, what else could this frantic pounding of his chest explain besides that you are indeed, dangerous!) he opens the story on your media
'send me an ask if you like meeee :)'
sebek promptly falls over.
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nightlyrequiem · 4 months ago
Thinking about how Valeria running away from 141 when they capture her, and stumble into your apartment which happens to be open (cause you always forget to lock the door ironically that u live in las almas) so your kinda freaking out but val is not having it so she shuts u up? Maybe things get spicy if u want to add?
She can stumble into my home any day 😛
A high-strung, stressed Valeria seeking shelter in your home? Forced proximity?? Maybe what occurs isn't accurate to how things would in real life, but nobody reads fanfiction for the realism.
Also sorry for leaving this in the inbox for so long!! Requests were closed and I was so busy, but I have the motivation to write despite my business. I really like this concept btw 🤭
Tags/Warnings: WLW, Home Invasion, Smut, Gagging, Scissoring, Choking (Not During The Smut.), Violence, Takes Place During The Alone Mission
Alone (But Not For Long.)
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Valeria feels a stitch in her side as she runs. She feels a quiet sort of rage at Diego's idiocy. She knew there was something suspicious the guy who calls himself Soap and wears a mohawk. Diego let him in. Brought him right to her. Fucking idiot. Her legs work hard to keep her ahead of both Alejandro and his little posse of Brits. Valeria makes sure to keep herself in shape. Keeping herself lean and toned. She absolutely hates Cardio though. 
She quickly ducks into an alley. Valeria has the advantage of having home field. She knows about every single turn and crevice. The gringos do not. She tries her luck with a doorknob and lets herself in. Surprised to find it unlocked. The heavens are smiling down upon her today. Gifting her an idiot that doesn't understand that you should lock your doors. Especially at night. Especially in Las Almas. She leans against the door. Trying not to breathe too loud. Heavy footsteps pound right by. The place is silent. Fairly clean apart from a few articles of clothing littering the ground.
There's a small, shriveled and honestly, sad looking houseplant on the table. It's leaves are browning and droopy. Valeria looks around. There's nothing luxurious or fancy about this home. The furniture looks old and outdated. There's a throw blanket on the couch with tattered ends and an ugly pattern. The art on the walls looks handmade. It's almost admirable to Valeria, who is so used to the... wealthier aesthetic of her own home and Diego's home. Diego. She scowls as she thinks of him. She'll deal with him later. Valeria silently walks around. Inspecting her surroundings. Down the hall she sees a bathroom. Catching a glimpse of bottles and serums on the counter. 
She pushes open a closed door and pauses. It's the bedroom, and sleeping in it is you, one leg peeking out from underneath the blankets. She's about to turn and leave when you open your eyes. You and Valeria stare at each other for a few long seconds. Valeria swiftly darts towards you and clamps a hand over your mouth. Cutting off a frightened wail.
"Be quiet or I'll kill you." She says straight to the point. Valeria stiffens as heavy footsteps run past the window. Shadows passing through the curtains. Orders are barked with frustration.
She gasps in pain as you sink your teeth into her hand. She jerks back and you take the opportunity to flee. Throwing yourself off the bed and landing with a thump. You grunt in pain and take a second or two to get back to your feet. Unfortunately for you, a second is all Valeria needs to pounce on you. You both struggle, you to break free and her to keep you under control. Valeria's hands work hard as they grip your forearms. Keeping them pinned to the ground. You're stronger than you look - she actually struggles to keep you down. She's had enough and wraps her hands around your throat. Applying enough pressure to stop your struggling. 
When she sees that you're about to pass out she lets go and listens to you take in loud breaths.
"Are you going to be quiet?" She asks darkly. when you don't reply she repeats herself more aggressively. "Are you going to be quiet, bitch?"
Your lips part as you stare up at her. "...Yeah." You rasp. Voice rough from being choked. She glares at you.
"Good." She grunts. Moving off of you. Valeria grabs you by the hair and pulls you to your feet. Strong arms wrapping around you to keep you from running off. She unholsters her pistol and presses it into your soft side. She presses her face up to the side of your head. "You're going to stay quiet." She whispers the warning.
The door Valeria originally entered through slams open. Valeria thinks quickly and roughly pulls you into the closet with her, keeping you pressed right up against her front, on hand keeping the gun pressed against your side, the other splayed across your lower back. Through the slits in the closet door, she watches as a man quietly steps into the room. Soap. His gun is raised, and he surveys the room.
"Fuckin' Shadows." He mutters. Voice thick with rage and pain. His radio crackles to life. A deep, gravelly voice speaks to him.
"Found anything useful yet, Johnny?"
Johnny grabs a thin, long-sleeved shirt on the ground and rips a strip from it.
"A shirt." He replies. "I'm in an apartment, looks like the owner fled."
The owner trembles slightly in Valeria's hold and she feels sweat on the nape of her neck. Stressed that you'll make a noise and alert Soap.
"Smart move on the owner's part." The man on the radio replies. She recalls who it belongs to. The big guy with the skull face. "Get what you need and head to the church. I'm holding out for you there."
Soap quickly ties the strip of fabric around his waist to slow down the bleeding from a bullet wound. He takes one last glance around before leaving. Valeria counts to sixty before pushing you out from the closet. She drags you to the bed and forces you down next to her. 
"We're going to sit here and wait.
"Wait for what?" You ask, confused. "what's going on?" 
"Be quiet." She snaps.
After a few minutes of silence Valeria relaxes a bit. Letting her guard down. An action that proves to be a mistake. You abruptly make a grab for her gun. Trying to wrestle it from her hands. You're surprisingly strong and in an attempt to keep it from you, she accidently knocks both of you to the ground. The gun slides out of her grip. You two grapple together. Trading blows and punches, Valeria's significantly more painful. She's furious at you but also a little turned on. It's been a while since someone's fought back like this. You land a hard punch to the side of her head, snapping it to the side. You both go still and she touches the side of her face, expression unreadable.
Valeria looks down at you. At your parted lips, heaving chest, wide eyes. Without thinking she leans down and captures your lips in a heated kiss. She expects you to pull away or push her off, but you do the unexpected and kiss her back. Valeria should be trying to figure out her next course of actions. But you spread your legs, and Valeria is slotted right against you. Valeria pushes her tongue into your mouth while your hands wander underneath her thin tactical vest. Smoothing her sweater over her ribs. You give the vest a small tug and Valeria complies. She sits up, leaving a thin string of saliva to connect your mouths. She fumbles with the clips and straps and slides it off, taking her belt off too. Both are pushed to the side.
Before Valeria can return to your lips, you're pushing her down and straddling her. Hurriedly pulling off your shirt. The cool air hits your chest and your nipples harden. You reach beneath you and awkwardly pull her pants off. You run your fingers through her folds, feeling the slickness against them. Valeria gasps and arches her back as you rub firm circles against her clit. She can feel more slick dripping from her cunt. The gun lies off to the side in her peripheral vision, forgotten about completely.
You shift lower to press your cunt to hers. Grinding against her. Your folds sliding together wetly. a mess accumulating quickly beneath Valeria. You ride her with a fervor. Her eyes focused on the tantalizing movement of your breasts. You lean down for a better angle, pressing close enough for your nipples to brush against her chest. You whine loudly and Valeria's hand shoots up, covering your mouth. She pushes you off and grabs the remains of the shirt Soap used. Gagging you. With your back resting against the bed, she slots herself between your legs. Closer than ever. With you at no risk of making noise she roughly grinds into you. Using your leg as leverage. Her pace is bruising and quick. A few, muted noises make it past your gag. Your eyes rolling back.
Valeria can feel your leg twitching. You're about to come. She groans lowly as she nears her own climax. Your head presses against her shoulder. Valeria's legs are getting tired, but she keeps at it. Her hole fluttering around nothing as your clits grind together. Finally, the tension snaps. Blood pulses in her clit as she comes, riding out her orgasm with your body.
She slowly pulls away, grimacing at the wet sound she makes as she does so. She rests beside you. Head next to yours. Out of the corner of her eye she watches you struggle with the makeshift gag. Finally getting it off. You wipe yourself clean with it. Collecting your combined juices.
"... Want something to eat?" You murmur.
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swissmissficrecs · 10 months ago
A-Z Johnlock Tropes
This time it's all the tropes in my favorite fics! Limited to one fic per author, and I tried to include other authors than on my A-Z classics list.
A lternate Universe(s) - A Vintage Exceptionally to Your Liking by EmmyAngua (95K, E): A love story across alternate dimensions.
B DSM - Shames and Praises by s0mmerspr0ssen (51K, E): D/s AU with Dom!John / sub!Sherlock.
C rossover - More Things Than Are Dreamt Of by 1electricpirate (37K, M-E): HP crossover with Wizard!John / Muggle!Sherlock.
D omesticity - Where Else Would I Be? by cwb (34K, E): Retirement in Sussex with flashbacks.
E stablished Relationship - Breakable Not Broken by MissDavis (227K, E): Dealing with permanent injury together.
F uture - Software Malfunction by tiger_in_the_flightdeck (16K, E): Sherlock is a Companion android with a malfunction.
G en - The Green Blade by verityburns (72K, T): Serial killer casefic.
H istorical - The Beast of Baskerville by Mildredandbobbin (74K, E): 15th Century/fairy tale AU.
I llness - On Pins and Needles by 7PercentSolution, J_Baillier (588K, G-E): Sherlock contracts Guillain-Barré syndrome.
J ealousy - White Knight by DiscordantWords (69K, M): Sherlock fakes a relationship with Janine, to John's distress.
K idfic - Intentions by KeelieThompson1 (216K, G-M): Sherlock discovers he is the father of 10-year-old John.
L ongfic - Sketchy by serpentynka (876K, E): Johnlock and Mycroft/OMC slow-burn casefic(s).
M agical Realism - Shatter the Darkness (Let the Light In) by MojoFlower (109K, E): Sherlock is a djinn.
N SFW - The Great Sex Olympics of 221B by XistentialAngst (58K, E): Sherlock and John compete to see who's better at sex.
O megaverse - The Illusion of Control by starrysummernights (253K, E): Alpha!Sherlock / Omega!Johnwith mpreg.
P arentlock - The James Holmes Chronicles by prettyvk (338K, T-E): Sherlock and John raise Moriarty's son.
Q ueer Representation - The Adventure of the Consulting Woman by DancingGrimm (56K, E): Trans character assists in a case.
R etirement - Through the Clouds by Mazarin221b (20K, E): Sherlock and John retire to Sussex.
S oulmates - Colors by Quesarasara (140K, E): When you meet your soulmate, you finally see the world in color.
T eenlock - The Frost is All Over by Chryse (148K, E): 19th-century AU, Sherlock is an Earl's son and John is a commoner.
U ndercover - Corpus Hominis by mycapeisplaid (47K, E): Posing as a couple at a spa retreat.
V ampires - Bleed Me Out by antietamfalls (87K, E): Vampire!Sherlock with whump, hurt/comfort, and fluff.
W hump - All the Best and Brightest Creatures by wordstrings (188K, E): Moriarty is back and out for blood.
X enomorphism - Names for the Galaxy by evadne (191K, E): 22nd-century Alien!Sherlock.
Y enta* - May Your Heart Purr Like A Bumblebee by destinationtoast (14K, M): Harry helps Johnlock happen.
Z oomorphism** - The Horse and His Doctor by khorazir (128K, T): Vet!John and Horse!Sherlock.
*Used here to mean a female character playing matchmaker. Y-word tropes are hard, you guys!
**Not sure this is technically correct, but I'm using it here to mean fics in which a character has animal form. Z-word fanfic tropes are also hard and I already used zombies on my previous list!
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pumpkinsy0 · 7 months ago
Headcanons for Ponyboy’s drawing style? (Is it sketchy, etc?) please?
ik se hinton prolly meant like, pony has a realistic art style but look,,,let me be free,,,,
•i would say it IS sketchy, but then at some point, he uses a pencil to hard outline everything
•i wouldnt say its cartoony cause its not, but its not like, 100% realism, the anatomy is there however
•he loves shading and shades a lot but holy fuck does he smudge a lot on accident
•he makes stupid lil doodles on the side of his drawings as well :D
•his artstyle is pretty simple, theres nothing too crazy happening w it
•w his art style without fail on EVERY one of his artworks u can tell which part he liked drawing and what he hated bc that he likes is always detailed and everything else aint
•hes NOT a guy u ask draw backgrounds, he can only do humans, he cant even draw animals
•like im so serious, he doesnt even both drawing animals it looks like a 3rd grader drew em
•his doodles look 2d and his drawings look 3d (i hope this makes sense)
•he uses movie posters as his references, so most of his art and coloring/art style is inspired by those posters
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bartonbones · 2 months ago
for thr asks, carmy 🙂‍↕️ and 22
carmy my beloved omg thank u for the ask!!!
22. If you’re a fic reader, what’s something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don’t like?
for carmy i think what i like most in fics is when they get his neurosis right without him being like too maudlin or wooby...carmy is a guy with a decent amount of humor, even if it's quiet/understated. like he has a tattoo of a snail that says "live fast"...he has some sense of joy and whimsy and art even if it's sometimes hard for him to access that or share it with other people. and he's kind, and thoughtful, and cares about people, even if he fucks up sometimes. like i think carmy has a very well thought out and interesting inner logic, everything he does and the way he reacts to things makes sense for him, he's not like this blunt weapon of fucking up and screaming at people, he's not even really unpredictable. so when i read a fic that really captures his trauma and flaws while still balancing that with a sense of humor, kindness, and integrity, they're like so special to me and precious.
bear market blue by threesmallcrows (while being a sort of au/different interpretation of canon events) is one of my favorite fics for this reason and also does another thing i really love in fic and miss about s1 of the bear where it gets a little funky/magical with the structure (s1 nightmare talking video game fire motif hallucination sleep walking magical realism, you will ALWAYS be famous) this scene is a great example of that and something i am always striving to half-do when i'm writing for carmy
Sydney wheels on him and for a glorious moment he thinks she’s going to stab him. He sees it from above, floating in midair, like they’re two actors on the world’s shittiest tiniest stage: BERZATTO: [Says some fucked up shit.] SYDNEY: [Enduring, teary-eyed. Hoping to reach his better nature?] BERZATTO: [Inexcusable language. Continual atrocious dogshit behavior.] SYDNEY [Enraged, rising to his taunt? Fulfilling his innermost desire? Or just really, really over his bullshit?]: [Runs him through with the kitchen knife. Blood coats the blade, dark, syrupy looking. Put that in a saucepan, high heat, boil. Might make a nice reduction.] [A happy ending!] CURTAIN Sydney puts the knife down, saying, “Here comes the bear.” It knocks him right out of it. “What?” They stare at one another. BERZATTO: [Going fully insane]. “What di, d-, did you just…?” “The bear,” she repeats. “Attack mode. Like, raughh.” Making one of her little hands into a claw.  She’s plastic-wrapping her dish as she talks, swaddling it in Glad as tenderly as an infant: “I’m a person, Carm. There’s a human being in front of you. And you can treat me like a human being, and act like a human being, or you can, you can go to the fucking zoo. Your choice.”
anyway read that fic i love it so much and thank u for the ask i will always be happy to talk about my most specialist blorbo of all time !!
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miupow · 11 months ago
about knowing when a smut author is/is not a virgin: is it bc of how realistic the sex being portrayed is? because to be honest, a part of the fun for me is like how unrealistic it is and in that same regard not all sex is made equal. like okay maybe this guy is a sex god and hes still impossibly hard for shits and giggles yknow? or conversely having mc press out a couple of orgasms, like 4+, in the span of one session is achievable for some but like WILD for me (not a virgin) LMAO
idk i feel like i mostly notice when authors are not virgins in the dialogue or actions not related to sex. like, theres small bits of thoughtfulness that just dont occur to a writer unless theyve experienced something similar.
anyways hope this doesnt come off as weird, but im like curious and want u to say more :33
hii nonnie!! it doesn’t come off as weird or rude at all, honestly id love to talk more ab it hehe
i definitely agree that one of the biggest appeals of smut and erotica is how unrealistic it is! it’s entertainment first and foremost, and you should always make smut hot, fun, and larger than life :] it’s not necessarily the realism… here’s some bullet points of my thoughts cos idk how else to make this concise and make sense lol
a lot of the time it’s when something is added to a fic that is so minute and unique… like reading it im like oh this guy Fucks cos it’s something you’d only really know about if you’ve had sex irl
like hp said earlier, dicks go soft in like lightspeed after cumming lol cockwarming after the guy came is almost impossible
squirt is basically pee. i feel like not enough people know this. also squirting isn’t just a cute lil tiny squirt like the name will make you think.. like it’s a lot of fluid you full on wet the bed
uh i can’t think of anything else rn
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antiquatedplumbobs · 6 months ago
🌑 for hattie, 🕰 and 👀 for will <3
okay loving these thank u thank u (also i see you sneaking hattie in)
🌑 - what does your character think is their biggest flaw?
Hattie is still a bit new to this story so this is a fun moment to get to dive into her a bit more! I think she would consider he biggest flaw to be her lack of education. She grew up in a very backwoods area in pretty extreme poverty with a whole jumble of siblings and has had very little education. For someone who has dreams and aspirations of bettering themselves and seeing more of the world, that's a sore spot.
🕰 - what made you pick your character's career? how was it influenced by the time period they live in?
I feel like asking this question just like implies you know I thought about this so hard. Will's future career was something I agonized over for a long time and went back and forth on a lot. He had multiple options which now that I've developed this one all feel SO odd to think about. I didn't want him to be a farmer, I couldn't do a second gen of that, but as many of you know realism is important to me! Will didn't get more than an eighth grade education, which wasn't uncommon at the top, but did realistically limit him from a lot of potential careers (especially careers that equate to sims careers, we need more blue color rep ea pls). As I was determining his career I was thinking about this period in time and what was a way that a man without much education could make his own way and have some opportunity for advancement. Mechanics, and specifically automobile, mechanics really stuck out to me as a great way to showcase the changing of the times but remain true to Will's experiences. And since it was a growing industry it seemed like it would be easier for a newcomer to make his way. I also wanted to showcase the shift from agrarian to industrial jobs that was rampant at this time.
👀 - what is the first thing stranger's would notice about your character?
Gosh this is hard!! I think a couple of things honestly, I think they would notice his height, in my mind he's over six feet and isn't a super lanky dude either, so he's got a presence. I think after that they'd notice his smile, he's such a sweet guy and honestly his in game smile is just very like inviting and sweet. Like it's a smile that says I am genuinely happy and I think in some ways that's rare? He's not dumb so I hesitate to use the words gentle giant, but in some ways I think he has some of those traits typified by that term so those are the two things people would notice.
Thank you so much for these very very fun asks I will always love my sewells and will take ANY chance to talk all your ears off about them.
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samuelroukin · 8 months ago
hi! not here in favor of you making Actual Books (i don't even read any of the newly published books anymore for reasons and reasons and reasons), just complimenting your work in general
i dont really care for cod at all but i really enjoy how you write the characters!! and tbh the only reason i watched some playthroughs of the games was so i could understand your work better. sure, fandom is the main reason people click in, but it's definitely not why they're staying. and it's not why people are writing paragraphs of praise to your stubborn ass even though you work so hard to never listen to any of it 💖
also id be enchanted to hear more about your ocs on future works or even here on tumblr!! you're great at creating made up people that actually feel real. they're pretty round (funnily enough that is the actual technical term), even when you don't tell us a lot about them
also 👀👀 say you have original stuff in mind?????? i would love love love love love to know more about that!! you're getting pretty darn good at worldbuilding and ambiance. better with each update now that you're trying out this AU thing. it would be infinitely interesting to see what you come up with when working with your own stuff only
anyway what i mean is. even though I don't quite believe in Published Books on this day and age, please know that your writing is definitely good enough for the editorial market (even more so now that those dark romance things are going mainstream and a lot of them read like the stuff 12yos post on wattpad. what tf is the deal with that? but I digress. out of those circles your work is still definitely good enough) it's legit like Good Work, even if the tiny mean bully whispering in your ear disagrees. it's good realism. good introspection. good porn and also good narrative and great junction of those. it's lovely seeing how far you've come in so little time and we're excited to see you reach new heights in the future (because you will, with absolute certainty, unless you stop. but i don't think you could really stop yourself at this point lmao)
and please know that achieving that level of quality with no help or instruction or training in so little time is a grand fucking accomplishment
point is: Who Care? We Care (even if we're not an enormous audience)(...yet?). and not just because it's cod
it's def a nice compliment to get thank u 🙏💖
and so is you reading my stuff without caring much for cod! though i wouldn't be able to write this much about them without (clearly) being completely insane about Them and the basis the games laid (haha laid) because without them i'd be nowhere at all, these characters are so. well they clearly took over my brain lol, though i worry a Lot about them being ooc when i write them 💀
i actually feel like my guys are so barebones and one dimensional rip, which is fine since i mostly created them as little more than a joke and they're just being used as set dressing, so that means a lot 🙏
my Main story is this sprawling urban fantasy thing, which if i ever did write it would need serious adjustments since it's. old and not aged very well. the gist of it was the main character (30 year old barista) has Visions, cue road trip with his bestie (ex bf from high school that he reconnected with years later) to figure out The Deal after they suddenly get much worse. it's about that on the surface, and below about dealing with missed chances and not living up to ur potential. it sounds stupid but i've been Thinking about it since i was like 14 so cringe is to be expected lol
lsklhkjhffghst yeah no offense to them but despite this fic being what it i i wouldn't really want to fall into that category even if that sound like i think i'm better than them (i'm not it's just not my thing. or i guess it is and i just have a superiority complex. anyway) um thank you once again 🥺i def feel like i haven't improved a lot but you're dead on about not being able to stop myself anyway lmao
idk why you're being this nice to me but 💖💖💖
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an-au-blog · 1 year ago
hello again!!
i'm quietly dying to know if u!buggy is present when robin translates the skypeian poneglyph & the note roger asked oden to leave on it. just. an amnesiac clown staring at this giant rock, too busy silently screaming what does it meeeean to hear robin explaining what it means. cracks me up.
(i also love the thought of there being a pattern of older locals recognizing buggy just a moment too late as 'one of the kids from back then'. i love a running gag that doubles as foreshadowing! though crocus would surely recognize buggy on sight, i bet he assumes buggy's being cryptic on purpose when he "pretends" not to know him, and goes along with it.)
i'd misremembered that conversation at shakky's bar as having only a handful of the strawhats present, and so was imagining that buggy had no idea they'd gotten a lead on his past, and rayleigh would only see buggy on the kizaru-kuma-strawhat battlefield for a minute before he gets kuma'd away… on one hand, i still love this idea bc i love pain. otoh that conversation happening with everyone but buggy present feels wrong. and a "don't tell me, i'll find out the truth for myself!" ending to rayleigh and buggy reuniting is so fitting, it's the same argument robin & luffy make to rayleigh in that scene!
i looove the thought of buggy losing track of luffy after marineford. what a situation he's in now!! surrounded by dozens of ex-prisoners who idolize him, maybe two he gets along with, a half-dozen he's terrified of, and shanks. he's heard stories from luffy, but that's luffy! you can't go to him for realism or accuracy!! but... this shanks guy does have a boat... and something about his face is kind of familiar...
how long does it take shanks to realize buggy acting like he doesn't know him isn't an act, i wonder? how many old grudges does shanks halfheartedly apologize for, trying to get buggy to give in and acknowledge him? is one of those apologies the thing that makes something click for buggy? does he freeze up, or immediately snap and shout at shanks bc he's misremembered why buggy was mad at him that time? :3c
xoxo, difan
Hello, Difan!
I thought about that like once when I was thinking about Robin in the u! universe, but then i forgot and never really thought about it again lol. In my mind he comes along somewhere between East Blue and Alabasta, though if anyone wants to adopt this au, I'm fine with whatever interpretation or spin they want to put on it.
Now that you said it, I agree, it would be really fun if the locals recognize him randomly like "yeah, yeah, that was the red-nosed kid! Aw, he was so cute, we gotta live him! Pity he's not with his friend though, hope nothing bad happened to the other one..." And Buggy just going"ifk what you're talking about, you're being weird af" and everyone just assumes the other kid (shanks) died and it's a painful memory so they're all like "Oh, yes of course... our bad... if there's anything we can do to help you tell us, it's been so hard for you, we're so sorry ". Which confuses Buggy even more, but hey, he's getting positive attention, even if it's pity, and he's not going to complain about it.
Buggy meeting Rayleigh in the bar is so dear to me. Idk if it'd be realistic but I feel like he'd be very defensive qt first but then Rayleigh would be "Buggy? Is that you? I barely recognized you, you've grown so much, and become such a strong young man" and then something snaps and he just falls into his arms absolutely sobbing. He doesn't know why, he can't remember him on a conscious level, but they still jave this father/son moment of comfort.
I don't remember if I said this in the last post or if I thought of it now, but him losing Luffy at Marine Ford and clinging to Shanks for protection would be funnier (to me) if he goes by the logic of "Okay, he's scary, the generals are even scared of him, Luffy likes him and he seems fond of Luffy. He looks a bit familiar so idk if he would have some grudge with me if I've wronged him in some way... so I'm just going to use my contact with Luffy as leverage!" So he just starts going "You know Luffy, right? Well I'm in his crew" (which breaks Shanks's heart because... why isn't he in his crew? What did Luffy offer him that Shanks can't?? And why is he jealous of his child protege? Buggy sees he's a little upset by it so he continues "So if- if you're his friend and care for him, you'll take me and my men to safety... and not kill me.......... please."
And he switches from being sad to being so confused like,
Shanks: wdym I'll do it because of Luffy. I'm not helping you because of Luffy,
Buggy absolutely terrified that his one strategy of manipulating his one ticket to freedom has expired:..... wh.. why?
Shanks: I'm gonna help you because we're friends! You're my best friend Buggy!
Buggy: We are? I mean uh, we are.
Shanks assuming he remembers him and being do happy: So you remember me?
Buggy afraid if he says no, Shanks will get mad and leave him: ... yes.
Once in the ship (because the prisoners are so many) everyone sleeps wherever they can. Except for Buggy. Shanks insists on giving him his bed or at least his a place in his room. "We were bunkmates after all" he says but Buggy just smiles and nods hoping he doesn't find out he doesn't actually recognize him. Shanks can feel Buggy is on edge the entire time and he tries asking but Buggy always goes "No, no it's fine, everything's great haha" so he starts testing the waters by asking "hey do you remember *insert thing that never happened* that was so crazy, right?" To which Buggy'll go all "yeaaaah, absolutely haha, very crazy that happened I remember!" And after the third or fourth time Shanks couldn't take it and confronts him about it. Buggy is furious but also devastated because that's it. He's going to kill him now. Maybe even worse. (Keep in mind Buggy has seen how cruel people can be and his time with the straw hats doesn't help him think better of people, because they also keep bumping into horrible people)
He starts scream crying at him, he's already a deadman, what else does he have to lose, might as well let it all out. Meanwhile, Shanks is so confused because he understands absolutely nothing.
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joemama-2 · 2 months ago
hii just wanted to say i binged velvet lies in two days and WOWWW, ive actually struggled a little to get into hidden child/co-parenting stories in the past bc i felt they didn’t accurately capture the true range and intensity of emotions a situation like that involves.. but girl you nailed it on the head fr. first of all i think it’s SO important to highlight the insane amount of physical and mental hard work reader had to put in to raising koji alone (which u did). man i’m a student with no kids anytime soon but even i was getting emotional reading about her mental battles as a mother and pushing through solely because of her love for her son. also i honestly think reader was 1000% justified in her reaction to the xmas decorations, i almost wanted satoru to see her breaking down just so he could really understand how hurtful it was 😭 like i know reader fucked up by keeping koji from him but.. i feel like bro has a few things past and present to apologise for too…
anyway, can’t wait to see where u take the story!! thank u for feeding us w your writing 🤲 take care!
AHHH thank you so much ��️☺️☺️ I
’m really glad u guys think the realism in my fic is good because that’s one of the main things I aim for!! And definitely. Satoru has maaaany things to apologize for, they both do. I feel like everyone in this fic does lol.
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cloudypinkblink · 1 year ago
one were suguru was always Yggdrasil
think of it like he wanted to see the human world with it own eyes so he made the persona of suguru
maybe he married and started a family with sayuri so he could try to understand why humans cared about 'family' so much , if he actually cares for them idk
WELL! Teehee twirls my hair giggles
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I also just love drawing Suguru bc he hansomeee hehehe But here's my own spin bc u know me by now anon :3 His reasoning for finally peeking at the human world is likely that the barriers are thinning and digimon are starting to spill into the human world, and Yggdrasil wants to experience and see humanity before making any decisions. He feels right now is the safest time, as humans are beginning to learn and see something new and unknown, but it's happening at a slow, calm rate so there aren't any major catastrophes yet. Definitely just disguises himself as a guy. I like the idea of Yggdrasil genuinely falling for Sayuri and genuinely loving his family- I actually really like the idea that he didn't necessarily plan to have kids, so he was lowkey using his god powers to stop that (and he told Sayuri something abt him just not likely being able to do that) He just wants to explore this human world and humanity; despite all the cruelities that do happen, he enjoys her perspective, and finds himself warmed by her genuine optimism- but is grateful for her realism as well, because life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Despite that, she has strength to keep moving forward, keep being kind, and keep smiling. He feels... apathetic towards the rest of humanity, but Sayuri's outlook definitely helps tame any disgust or hatred he has. I feel he also genuinely likes and respects DATS- or at least the members who show genuine interest AND respect. I think around now he has a little hope in the humans that are good; that they can outweigh the bad. That's probably why he begins assisting the humans with digital partners. Yes, he could just reveal himself or do more; but the mission is to see what they do with what they're given. Can they really be compatible? Can they really be friends? He can't force such bonds, so he wants to see if humanity will take his gifts and use it well. (He is a little biased, treating his digimon with more favor.) By the time he has Masaru- I think at first he kinda expected to view Masaru as just another creation. to feel towards him what he does towards Digimon. But his affection for Masaru (and later Chika) exceeds that, because they were children born of love between him and another.
He loves his family, genuinely, but he is also the god of the digital world, and as things worsen, I think he has to make decisions. That's still his world that he reigns over. I think before he leaves during that goal to find Ikuto, he finally tells Sayuri the truth. It's... a lot for her to swallow, and I think they leave on awkward terms- it's the kind of thing where she wants to talk to him, have questions answered, etc etc,. but she needed time to process first, and he left before she finished. She keeps it from Masaru and Chika- unsure how they'll take it. I think she gets a little mixed feelings when Masaru befriends Agumon. Yggdrasil definitely pays attention once Masaru starts poking into the Digital World- curious how his son feels and views everything. At the end, he is largely proud of him (wishes he'd be less hot-headed, though.) Yggdrasil maintains his human form, but he does reveal the truth to his Royal Knights, Bancholeomon, and some other ruling digimon, like Mercurimon. Kurata's actions definitely soil Yggdrasil's views on humanity- in his rage and anguish over the loss of so many, he forgets the other humans he met beyond his own family. Even as he watches Masaru work with Touma, Yoshino and Ikuto- who share his perspective, he has a hard time caring for them. In the end the only reaosn he still loves Masaru is because of his familial and fatherly bias. Of coruse Masaru and Chika are good- they are of him and Sayuri. As things worsen, he genuinely starts to plan on a way to cut off conntact with the human world- but he's determined now to bring his family to him. He doesn't want the humans hurting his digimon any further, but he does not want to put Sayuri or his children at risk. Does not help matters when Touma, Masaru's human best friend, betrays them. By the time Masaru and him come face to face, he admits the truth of who he is- and while the others get away, he doesn't let them take Masaru. He tells Masaru his goal to destroy the human world, as it's the only way to save the digital world- and despite Yggdrasil trying to pacify him with the promise of being able to live in the digital world with his family, Masaru is too angry and afraid (dude's 14 and has been loaded w/ a lot recently okay) Yggdrasil just keeps him locked up for his own safety. A big thing is that Yggdrasil IS a computer god thing and IS supposed to be logical, but he let himself feel and have emotions and have a love and have family; it changed how he thinks, operates, etc etc Now he's more likely to feeel rage, anguish, etc., when before he might've kept a calmer head, and instead looked at everything with a colder, but logical, apathy. Now only does he have his family he genuinely loves, but being with Sayuri and learning about his heart, it did make him more affectionate and more protective of his own world. Dunno how this would end yet; I do wanna say it'd probably have a bittersweet ending where Masaru does go to the digital world, where he stays with Agumon (and Yggdrasil) while Chika and Sayuri prefer the human world and remain there.
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nightlyrequiem · 2 months ago
hiya requiem!!!!!
okay wait... im totally zooted rn so this mifht sound like wealy stupid.... but Valeria with writer!reader????!!! ^_^
like... reader is writing a dark novel... and they're like 'hey babe do you know how deep a knife needs to go before it hits a major artery and paralyzes sumone???' and val is like 'be rite back!!!' then an hour later she comes back home covered in a suspicious amount of red goo and shes like 'six inches. thats how deep' SHE CHEKCED!!!! AAAAAAAWWW!!!!!!! SO ROMANTIC RIGHT???!!!! (〃´▽`)
OKAAYYYY!!! soooh... it can be both hcs or a oneshot idm!!!! but i do want it to include either reader knowing vals occupatiom or they're just blissfully stupid clueless!!! 🥳🥳🥳
as always thank u foe ur time ans thanks soso much in advancies if u decide to write this!!! buhbye!!! :33
Hiya!! Omg I love this actually. Lowkey wish I had this IRL... but you're so right there's literally nothing more romantic then your wife stabbing a guy just so you can write about it accurately. True love right there. Just pretend you don't see the bloodstains and all will be good :3
Valeria x Author!Reader
You're working on your novel, and you're just stumped by the this one part. One of your characters gets stabbed but you want it to be accurate. But the internet is kind of useless. It either doesn't give you the information you're looking for, or it gives you that little hotline number.
But hey, your girlfriend was in the military and active combat!!! (Presuming you don't know what she does for a living.) So you ask her. Valeria loves you to pieces and also loves your writing. Of course she'll help you figure out how deep a knife has to go in order to paralyze someone. Just let her go ask some of her old war buddies, 'kay?
And by old war buddies, I mean victims. She already has an idea of where to hit in order to paralyze someone. Around the neck and spine. Each stab wound is measured meticulously and written down so she can bring them back to her precious partner. She finds the perfect reference for you. It was messy and a little hard to do, but stabbing someone under the ear in the neck where it begins to slope towards their shoulder. Roughly 3-4 inches down. The Common Carotid. (I googled it, so you probably could too, but for the sake of this let's pretend there's absolutely no information about it on the interwebs.)
Four corpses and three ruined shirts later, she's back with a sheet of references and even explains the process to you. Valeria is so kind as to even give you a physical demonstration. Not on a real person, she'd hate to frighten you. Though she didn't notice the splatter of blood on the bottom of her shirt. You did, and she had to find a valid reason as to why she had that. It's just jam, sweetheart, nothing to worry about.
Though things would be even easier if you knew about her current job. She'd probably let you sit in on interrogations to take notes or explain how certain mechanics work. It definitely wouldn't be practical or realistic because I'd imagine someone who runs a cartel would want to keep it under wraps. But anyway, she'd let you take notes and watch. If you're okay with it, she'd probably use a person for that physical demonstration.
Now your book has an accurate paralysis scene. Your readers praise you for your attention to detail and the realism. All thinks to your wonderful, murderous wife. Oh, those men that went missing were found with wounds similar to the ones in your book? What a coinky-dink!
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cee-grice · 1 year ago
Hello! I'm getting caught up on all your amazing asks here... But here's my pre-emptive Ask for Storytelling Saturday for next week:
Describe your WIP in bullet points so my ADHD brain gets it quickly!
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hey hey Belle!! oh man, I also have to clean out my inbox, it's getting a bit embarrassing haha... I know you said this is a pre-emptive STS ask, but!.. I saw it and got excited lol, so you're getting it answered Now
so! my current WIP, When White Crows Cry, described in bullet points:
(this is gonna be long)
it's a science fantasy?? only instead of robots and space we have chemistry and pathology lol
also dark academia vibes
set in a secondary world reminiscent of 19th century-esque europe, only with modern advancements in science
the magic system is science-based - essentially, if you wanna manipulate the fabric of reality, you gotta. understand said fabric of reality
so, to cast a believable illusion you need to perfectly understand color and light and depth and all that (so you gotta be a kickass realism artist lol)
or, to change a glass ball into a gold one, you gotta understand the molecular composition of each material and know how to manipulate it so it would change forms
there's one tiny teensy issue with magic, though - it is a limited resource ahaha
ANYWAY that's the gist of it
main character - Quil, an exceptional transmutation mage who got exiled some years ago for performing human transmutation (very bad very taboo)
(he, of course, continues doing human transmutation)
(despite the Trauma)
the second most important character - Endra, who has this nasty magical parasite slowly eating away at his body and mind, and his only hope at a cure is... human transmutation
you can see where this is going
anyway so that's the Past timeline - Quil trying to figure out what's going on with Endra's body and finding a way to fix it
(this is also the Romance timeline lol)
we also have the Present timeline
and that starts with Quil getting revived a year after his death in the country he'd gotten exiled from
(that's literally the first chapter so it's not a spoiler lol)
anyway he gets offered a Deal - help his ex-mentor with her project that could potentially save magic, and in exchange he'd get amnesty
the issue? he really, really hates his ex-mentor
and he would have really, really preferred to stay dead
this whole magic dying thing is Not his problem, either lol
counter issue? the project concerns the same magic parasite that Endra had (has?), so it could put him in danger, and Quil quite literally would die again before he let that happen, so.
he agrees
(so that he could sabotage it lol)
but also! Quil doesn't know what happened with Endra post his death, so that's something he works on figuring out as well
(he gets far more questions than answers. where IS this guy)
anywayyy that's the gist of the story
now for the lightning round
this would be for you if any of this intrigues you:
highly questionable academic and medical ethics
characters forsaking morality to get what they want and losing sight of what truly matters
So Much Interpersonal Drama
no physical fights - a Lot of verbal fights
dealing with the horrors of resurrection
dealing with the horrors of facing your loved ones after they'd mourned you for a year
a cast of eccentric scientists
an obsessive, codependent queer romance between people who don't know how the other looks like
a lot of fucked up queer characters in general
an incredibly spiteful trans protagonist who just wants to be left the fuck alone but everyone insists on dragging him into their shit, so instead he's gonna Make them leave him alone
everyone wanting you to live apart from You
magic biology! magic chemistry! magic science! nerd shit!
anyway oof idk if this helps but omggg is it hard to explain a fantasy story quickly ahaha....
(this is the general tag for this wip so u can check out more stuff about it that's explained in a more cohesive manner lol)
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glowstone23b · 1 year ago
:DD!!! yes!! a wither!! (i saw a video once of some guy spawning a wither in the nether and letting these piglins have at em, cuz theyre naturally aggroed on wither skeletons as enemies and i thought it was super cool- i think one suevived nearly the whole fight? and it just,, gave me ideas!)
the immortality thing is kinda like a player status thingy! so yeah! (in part cuz im super attached to some of them, namely dereck, rylan, and grimm; and so i while i was super cool with them getting hurt and outcasted and going thru a lot of angst essentially, i was super super uncomfortable with them experiencind death in any permanent capacity, so here we are 😔) so respawning is a thing! and my thought was since players (people playing the game) are able to be any kinda skin they desire, i figured itd make sense like this "player" status was bestowed upon them like a gods blessing! if that makes any sense,,
and yea so with dereck, with his withered status, it cant really go away cuz he was withered BEFORE the wither died and he got blessed, aha 🤭 🤷 (lol i just thought that what if he treats his condition with milk like in game, and so he keeps trades with zombie piglins and other players who go to the overworld so he can drink it since its not available in the nether omg *enter he needs some milk vine* and and lol if he does nothing to take care of it hes just gonna fall into a death loop cuz hes immortal 👀)
omg flint is so cute i wanna draw em together 😭 who knows if i have time tho. they WOULD be friends omg taking care of the littol ones together 🥺🥺
thank you!! i love the wither star idea! just a littol trophy for him ^-^
dereck loves u too
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How tall would you say your ocs are? Dereck here but rylan and grimm for future reference? No reason (I lie, it’s for drawing reasons). I would love to draw them together also!! I love piglins :) if you couldn’t tell fhdbsjsk
Poor guy with his chronic illness & pain 😔 but hey he’s a good channel for staying on good terms with the local overworld villages and whatnot bc of trade routes, it works out! RIP dude, don’t fall into a death loop… maybe overworld like… cow’s milk has special properties that help soothe ailments that are caused by negative statuf effects? I assume they could probably get milk from hoglins or like. Idk. Ghasts or something fbdbsjjs or maybe if nether fungus variants of mooshrooms existed? Who knows!
I’d like to see that tbh— I’m surprised a bastion could hold their own against a wither in game 😳 that’d be interesting to see the outcome of for sure! Makes sense why an oc would come of it, haha.
I have a couple more piglins in the works, but I’ll have to refine designs, tbh. I’d love to have a solid brute, but most of the ones I come up with end up being retired brutes or dropouts/wannabes, lol. Maybe a good set of piglets to draw consistently or something, too. Idk I have a bastion in my head and I just need inhabitants for it 🤔
Trying to find a good in between for in-game mechanics versus irl influences is so tough !! I do my best but sometimes I realism too hard. It’s kinda fun to mess with though :D
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