#real ny bagels
leoshouseofbagels · 7 months
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🥯🍳🥓🧀Πρωινό που θα σου δώσει την απαραίτητη ενέργεια και σίγουρα θα σε κρατήσει χορτάτο μέχρι το μεσημέρι - Leo’s Bagel με τηγανητό αυγό και μπέικον. Πανεύκολο, με λίγα υλικά, πεντανόστιμο! A breakfast that will give you all the energy you need and will definitely keep you full until lunchtime - Leo's Bagel with fried eggs and bacon. Extremely simple, few ingredients, and very delicious🧢
☎️2106664160 📩[email protected] 📍www.leoshouseofbagels.com
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queen-mabs-revenge · 1 year
exaggerated salty ted lasso spoilers
also genuinely why would anyone want to move back to the us - missing from rebecca's pitch for why michelle & henry should move to london was the gutted-but-still-somewhat-extant universal healthcare and no active shooter drills at school.
but you know something something barbecue sauce usa usa usa am i right?
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butchpeabody · 1 year
toasting a Night Bagel. i wish i had some lunchmeat rn thatd be yummy on it :(
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noodlepigeon · 8 months
Red Vox Before Red Vox
Vinny started playing guitar in 2003, and started writing music in 2004. He and Mike met in college and bonded over a mutual taste in music, including rock bands of many styles and eras, but especially classic rock and grunge.
Vinny was part of a few small bands at this time. He often played guitar for and with his high school friend Bill, even playing bass for Bill as his first gig. Eventually, Vinny and Mike formed a band of their own: Davy’s Grey. Mike was on drums, and Vinny took the role of vocalist, guitarist, and primary songwriter. A mutual college friend of theirs, Phil, played bass.
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Davy’s Grey was primarily a live band, performing sporadic shows before recording seven of their best live songs and compiling them into the 2009 EP No Cigar.
Davy’s Grey was a formative time for the future Red Vox members. Several songs written during this period would make their way onto Red Vox’s earliest releases, including Trolls and Goblins, which was later recorded as a charity incentive in 2015, and Long Lonely Night, the penultimate track on Red Vox’s first full-length album. Several songs off the Red Vox EP Blood Bagel also came from this era; its Bandcamp page credits Phil with “witnessing the real Blood Bagel playing some of these songs with us back in the day.”
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Davy's Grey disbanded shortly after the release of No Cigar, beginning a five year period of little musical activity from its former members. Mike took on various drumming gigs, though little came of these ventures. Phil became a solo musician and producer. Vinny primarily focused on his YouTube channel and streaming on Justin.tv, later Twitch.tv – he would, however, release his solo album Sibilants in January 2011, and Odds and Ends, a short collection of Davy’s Grey demos and solo demos, in December 2011.
All the while, Bill – a pianist/keyboardist, vocalist, bassist, guitarist, and probably some other things – was busy playing and writing music. In 2008, he joined the Seconds along with Joe Pecora. The Seconds released their first album Slip Away in 2010 and their second, final album Monstro in 2013. Bill released his solo album Villain in 2010 as well. All three of these albums were recorded, mixed, and produced by Joe. Joe himself played in quite a few local bands – notably, the Sweathogs, which would later evolve into Happy Anarchy (for which he also recorded, mixed, and produced). All of these projects took place at his studio, the Red Room, in Staten Island, NY. Vinny has described him as “a local legend,” a well-earned moniker.
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Bill and Joe with the Seconds. First image: Bill on far left and Joe on far right; Second image: Bill on far right, Joe immediately to his left.
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Joe (second from left) with Happy Anarchy at Red Room Studio, SINY.
Vinny and Mike reconvened around 2014, deciding to dust off some of their old songs to record. Bill introduced them to Joe, and this simple idea would soon balloon into an album taking a year of their lives to record and costing thousands of dollars to make. What could go wrong?
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 1 year
bound for n.y.c - g. van fleet
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a/n: hi everybody! i’m back with a cool 3.6k fic about the one, the only, greta van fleet! i am seeing them at msg next week and am so excited that i just wanted to write a quick fic. please note that there’s no set ship and that it’s sort of implied that reader is in love with all members of the band and all the band members are into reader and NOT EACHOTHER. except maybe sammy and danny. let me know if y’all want anymore of these types of fic, idk maybe it’ll flop. also this is kind of fast paced and i am very sorry for that warnings: kissing, physical touch, mentions of anxiety and stress, complicated love triangles, food mentions, reader has a stepdad and a good relationship with their mom, reader being from ny, i think reader is fully gender neutral with maybe a few feminine traits but no real descriptors. also reader has tattoos and mentions of a dog that is no longer with us! no use of y/n, one mention of drugs, a bunch of references to sex, and cursing :0 word count: 3.6k summary: as tour manager, it's your job to get the boys to new york city, your home town. just don't fall in love with them, or anything. now playing: runway blues – greta van fleet
Being tour manager for America’s favorite Led Zeplin cover band, or at least, that’s what your judgmental bitch of a landlord called them once, was surprisingly difficult.
You were constantly running around after the four of them, feeling often more like a nanny than a tour manager. Especially at first. You had started meeting with them a few weeks before their World Starcatcher tour had begun, where you wore these professional, stuffy outfits. They had been referred to you by their makeup artist, who you had known from when you were an assistant to the tour manager of Phoebe Bridgers’ 2022 reunion tour.
You had been working for a producer when you got the call. Truthfully, you missed touring. It was a great way to see different parts of the country and the world, and you thrived in the chaotic environment. And you had heard of Greta Van Fleet, mostly from your grandfather, who was a huge classic rock fan, and always exploring new music via his iPad.
But you started out rather cooperating with them, wearing these stuffy outfits—Mostly long button ups and pencil skirts, while the boys showed up in comfortable casual clothes, always joking about you having to loosen up a bit.
And one notoriously hot day in early July, you showed up in shorts and a muscle tee to meet with them to go over the final dates of the tour before you all gave your go ahead to the social media manager.
You didn’t do much talking about the tour that meeting, opting instead to answer questions about your tattoos, your taste in music, your life to this point. And in exchange, they gave you pieces of themselves.
“I’m from New York,” You had answered over some late afternoon drinks. “I haven’t been home since Christmas, So I’m excited to see my family when we’re there.”
Josh’s fingers traced your upper arm, over a tattoo of your long-gone dog. “Will we get to meet this little guy?” He asks.
You only chuckled, “No, this one died while I was in college. Best dog I ever had.” You said solemnly.
And that was it. One comment about your dog and the boys were hooked on you forever. And when the tour started, you only grew closer— Sharing with them parts of your childhood, Jake teaching you the very basics of guitar, Josh taking shots with you before shows, Danny bringing you coffee to cope with those shots the next morning, and Sam holding your hand when he’s anxious, or when you’re anxious—or both.
So, by the time you make it to the boys’ first show at the Garden, you’ve developed a routine.
The bus leaves by seven a.m. from the hotel in D.C. to get to New York by nine, nine-thirty-ish. You’re craving a sausage, egg, and cheese on a bagel from your favorite deli near where your mom lives, about an hour outside of the city.
So, you wake Jake up first, as he takes the longest to really wake up, and you’re sure you’ll have to shake him awake at least twice before he really gets up for the day. Then, you go to make sure Josh is up, and hear his shower going by the time you get to it. Good.
Then, you head to Sam, who is snoring away with Rosie. You almost don’t have the heart to wake him up. Almost. But Rosie senses your presence and stands up in bed, starting to lick his face. He groans, mumbling a soft, “I’m up, Rose, I know.” You feel good when you head over to Danny.
But thankfully, he’s already up. He’s in bed, writing in his notebook when you get there, sipping his coffee and all packed up for the road. His hair is tied up in a bun, and you’re entirely grateful that he’s so good at this whole thing.
Usually, you don’t need to wake each of them up, but every few shows, the five of you, as well as other crew members, indulge in the after party. And last night was your turn to be the D.R.O. Designated responsible one.
Eventually, you get all four of them downstairs and on the bus, no real difficulties. You all climb onto the bus and begin the drive to your home state. And you can hardly take the anticipation. Seeing your family again, visiting your favorite spots, and getting a homecooked meal was keeping you going. You had moved to California for school, before traveling on a few tours, and then settling for about a year in Nashville. But you ached for New York.
While your boys busied themselves with talk, games, and music, you stared out the window, biting your thumb and ignoring the reruns of Daredevil that played on your laptop in front of you. And apparently, you were bouncing your leg intensely, because the only thing that snapped you out of your thoughts was Rosie’s head on your thigh to relax you.
You scratched her head, sighing as you closed your computer, before glancing up to the boys, who had gone suspiciously quiet.
“What?” you asked, giving them a concerned look.
“You know we’ll make it to New York, right?” Sam asked, “You’ll be there soon.” He said, holding your hand, just like he always did when you were anxious.
“I know, I’m just—I miss home. And I love touring, and usually I’m never like this, but when I realized I’d be seeing my mom after months, I just... It made me start focusing a lot more on the fact that I miss it.”
You knew they’d get it. Michigan had been their home for years, and although they loved Nashville just like you did, you knew they left a part of themselves in Frankenmuth, just as you had in New York.
Danny tossed you a blanket, “Get some sleep, Sugar. You’ll need it.” he said softly. You nodded, too anxious and tired to argue any further than that. You cuddled up to Sam, Rosie finding her way in between your legs to further comfort you.
As you drifted off, you thought about your relationship with them. Things like Sam’s holding your hand and cuddling, Danny’s very often kisses to your forehead, Jake’s gentle hugs from behind, and Josh’s well—Josh’s everything, he’s a very affectionate young man—had been, for the most part, strictly platonic. You had thought about it. Kissing one of them, asking to break the professional lines of your relationship, however blurred those had become.
But it was more than that. Over the past few months of knowing them, it had developed from you getting them from place to place, into a softer, more tender relationship. The relationship you had formed with them was something you had been desperately lacking and needing. You had only realized that you missed it when you got it from them.
You were all real true soulmates.
You woke up to the sound of a loud series of honks and yelling from outside the bus. You peeked out of the window to see people screaming at each other, thousands of people making their way to work, and tall skyscrapers overhead.
“Jesus Christ, it smells like someone died!” Jake complained, as the rest of the boys agreed on the smell being horrid. It made you grin. You were home.
You stretched and pulled out your phone, checking the itinerary for the day that you had written out in your note’s app the night before. And you were right on schedule, since you accounted for traffic getting here. It was around noon, so you decided to head over to the hotel to get settled in before the show.
Except when you got there, the lady at the front desk informed you there were no rooms booked under the name you had given them. Which was insane, because you booked a room months ago knowing how expensive and unpredictable the city was.
So here you were, a show that night, with no hotel room, and a group of hungry twenty-something year olds. You were going to scream. And they could see it on you, your muscles tense, as you struggled to not start shaking.
Josh rested a hand on your arm, rubbing his thumb gently against it as he wrapped his other arm around your shoulders. “Deep breathes, Baby. You made that reservation; these guys are just a bunch of fucking fucks.” And it made you laugh, enough to relax you. You took another minute to think, before turning back to the rest of the guys.
“Okay, here’s the plan. We must be at the Garden for soundcheck and costumes, hair, and makeup by five thirty. We’ll go there now, drop off our bags and we can go grab pizza and garlic knots at this spot I know, good and are very cool with service dogs.” You said, unable to think of a scenario where you leave Rosie anywhere except with Sam. “While we’re there, I’ll make a call, since I think I know where we can stay if you guys don’t mind a bit of a drive after the show.” No one objected, they simply got back on the bus as instructed, and headed to enact that plan.
After dropping off your things and making it to the pizza place, you step outside for that call, telling Jake to just order you a soda. The phone rings. Once. Twice. And on the third call, your mom answers, excitedly saying your name.
“Where are you guys? Did you make it to the hotel okay?” she asks, and your face melts at the softness.
“Hey, Mom, we’re in the city, getting some lunch. Listen, the hotel messed up our reservation, and now we’re looking for a new place to stay... I know it’s last minute, but—” And before you can ask it, she cuts you off.
“Well, you five can stay here! We have the guest room, your room and your brother’s room.” She decides. “I’ll cook, do they like sausage and peppers?”
“Mom, you don’t have to, it’s gonna be late when we get in.”
“And you still need to eat. I’ll see you tonight, okay? I love you baby, break a leg tonight.” She advises, even though you aren’t the one preforming.
“Alright, I love you, mom.” You hang up and head back inside, settling into your seat next to Josh, just as the waitress comes back to take your order. “We’ll have a large cheese pizza with half mushrooms, please. And a dozen and a half garlic knots.” You say coolly, not giving the boys a chance at all. You love this restaurant. It’s best you order anyways.
They all stare at you for a few seconds before you smile. “You all get to meet my mom tonight.”
“Don’t you think we should have a couple of dates before we meet your mom?” Danny asks, and it makes you giggle.
“What do you think this is?” You tease.
Lunch goes really well, and after a bit of tourism and some drinks around the city, you make it to Madison Square Garden to get them ready for the show. For a brief few hours, you have a break. Usually, you spend it catching up on some work, having some quiet time, or anything of the sort. But this is their debut at the Madison Square Garden, in your hometown. You feel an obligation to watch the show.
Before the show begins, as Josh and Jake are getting their makeup done, you relax with Sam and Danny on a couch somewhere backstage. When Jake is done, he steals your phone off the table, and holds it up to take a photo of the three of you. Sam and Danny lean in and each kiss one of your cheeks, and it makes you roll your eyes for a second before you smile at the camera, letting them be all lovely dovey and affectionate, like a bunch of freaks. Your freaks.  
When the show starts, you watch from the sidelines, cheering for them and generally enjoying the show, because you just know how important this is for them. And you eat it right up, watching your boys perform at a dream venue for so many artists.
Before they start Highway Tune, Josh starts speaking to the crowd. “This is a very special show for us. Our debut at The Garden. The Garden, how about that?” He hums. “And we’re also playing in our tour manager’s hometown... So, we have some special surprises for you in their honor.” The crowd goes wild, and your face flushes, giggling at the idea of them performing a special show just for you.
The show goes by quicker than you would like it to, because you’re enjoying it too much. And you’re really understanding suddenly why so many people are down bad for them online. They look really fucking good. When they get off stage, you just want to cling onto them or make out with them or worse, and then they go back on for the encore and it leaves you longing, wanting for more.
What the fuck is happening to you?
You get caught up in this feeling to the point where the next hour or two—Waiting for the crowds to clear out, for them to get undressed, for the bus to get there—fly by, and before you know it, you’re in the bus again, heading to your moms. Josh lays his head on your lap, and Sam has found himself cuddled up against you. Danny is leaning against Jake across from you, and Jake is just staring at you. He has a familiar look in his eyes, and you just stare back.
When you make it to your home, while all the houses are dark and quiet, the kitchen and living room light is on when you make it to your home. The bus driver has family in the area, so he’ll stay with them for the night, and pick you up early on Thursday Morning, giving you all a break from the crazy travel days.
Your mom is in the kitchen when you come in, having late night coffee and tea with your stepdad. She hears you come in and gets excited, greeting you all at the door. She pulls you in for a hug and a kiss, holding onto you for a little while, just excited to see you. When she pulls away, she grins at the boys.
“And who are these lovely young men?” she asks, teasingly.
In a deadpan voice, you respond, “The cokehead rockstars I’ve been traveling with. I’m their groupie.” You say, and she scoffs at your sarcasm.
Josh smiles, “That’s us, Baby!” He opens his arms to your mom, and she gladly hugs him as a greeting, despite this being their first meeting. And there it is again, that aching feeling you had, when you watched them perform tonight, the same feeling that followed you home. After hugs and introductions, you’re all at the dinner table, gobbling down the dinner your mom made for you. You can almost cry, enjoying the taste of her cooking after months without it.
And the boys enjoy it too, loving a filling meal after a busy show. When you have all finished eating, you make your way up to your respective rooms. You stick Danny and Sam in the guest room, Jake sleeps in your brother’s room, and Josh in your bed, with you. You could almost die.
You take out your earrings and then you lay down. Your arms are exposed, showing off the tattoos you have once more. Josh sleeps in his boxers and a tee shirt, even though your room is chilly. He lays next to you and begins tracing his fingers over your tattoos.
“What’s this one?” he asks, tracing over a ghost that’s on your forearm, right above your elbow.
“Got it during the final show of Phoebe’s tour. She has a similar one somewhere, and I guess it was my way of commemorating the tour.” You explain. He hums, and moves to a different one, asking you the origin of that one. This goes on for a while, before you kiss his palm and tell him to get some sleep.
He falls asleep quickly, and you just stare at him through the darkness. ‘Are you dreaming of me?’ You want to ask, a hand reaching out to run your hands through those vicious curls. Before you know what, you’re doing, you cuddle up to him, laying your head on his chest. When you feel his arms wrapped around you, you begin to drift off, confident that you did not overstep any boundaries.
When the morning strikes, you get up and realize Josh is still asleep. You wiggle out of his arms and leave the room. You must be lost in thought because you bump flat into someone without even noticing. It’s Danny. His hair is wrapped up in a towel, and he only wears a towel around his waist.  
He reminds you of that one video of Slash from the golden age of Guns N Roses, and it stirs something deep inside of you.
But he just chuckles and kisses your forehead gently. “Hey, sweets.” he says softly, in that raspy morning voice.
“Good morning.” You respond. “Sorry for interrupting.”
“You didn’t interrupt anything; you don’t have to apologize.” He advises. “See you downstairs.” You take a cold shower just to get out of your own head before heading downstairs, where you meet your mom, Jake, Sam, and Danny laughing and eating French toast, as your stepdad cooks in the kitchen.
You love his French toast, but a pang of disappointment hits you as you think about your sausage, egg and cheese on a bagel, with hashbrowns. You quickly eat to dissipate any of those needs. But you’ve been talking about that sandwich for months, so it haunts you.
The rest of the day, you spend pretty much doing nothing. You nap, lounge, and catch up with your mom. It’s the perfect day. Just you, your mom, and your boys. And of course, Rosie. Your mom makes pulled pork sliders for lunch, and you order Chinese food for dinner. Real, good Long Island Chinese food.
And really, the day is over before you really want It to be. Sam asks you to join him on walking Rosie. You happily oblige, planning on taking him to get ice cream along the way. He has his arm wrapped around your shoulders, and you keep your head leant against his shoulder. Rosie trots in front of you happily.
“I could get used to this.” He says suddenly.
“Huh?” It catches you off guard. What does that mean?
“This. The quiet life. Walking my dog in the suburbs...” He says shyly. You get the sense there’s something on the tip of his tongue and you long for him to say it. “I love touring, but these domestic moments... You can’t beat ‘em.” He decides.
You want to kiss him so badly.
Instead, you just hum, and snuggle closer to him, wondering what the hell you’re doing. And that’s a super valid question.
The night goes the same as the last, except you kiss your mom and stepdad goodnight, not wanting them to have to get up in the morning to say goodbye. You suspect your mom will anyways. And she does. As the boys file out of the house, she’s handing them homecooked meals for the road, and you give her one more hug and kiss goodbye, before heading to the bus yourself. The others are on the bus, but Jake stands there, his hands behind his back. You narrow your eyes to him suspiciously.
“You’re an amazing tour manager, you know that?” He says gently.
“Yes, I do. What are you scheming at?” You ask, not totally trusting him.
He just grins as he reveals a brown bag he’s holding, handing it to you. Your confusion only grows as you take the bag and open it only to smell the best thing you have had in months.
A sausage, egg, and cheese on a bagel. With hashbrowns. From your favorite deli.
You almost scream.
“What?!” You gasp, “How did you—”
“I borrowed your mom’s car this morning and got it for you.”
“You didn’t have to do that...”
“Yeah, I did. I meant what I said. You hold us together, and we couldn’t be more grateful. Plus, you’ve been talking about this sandwich for months and—” You don’t let him finish. You kiss him. It’s full of all this pent-up passion you’ve held in, and Jake just wraps his arms around you, deepening the kiss. He wanted this just as much as you did, you realized. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you both lean into the kiss, fully enjoying the moment. Then, he pulls away, saying your name quietly.
You don’t know what to say. Then, the bus honks twice, scaring the shit out of you.
“C’mon you two! We got things to do, you sorry shits!” Josh yells. You can only laugh before you both climb onto the bus. Now, a new lust has overcome you. The lust for the sandwich you hold in your hands.
The lust for the four boys that surround you doesn’t dissipate either.
But as you head for Boston, your boys in tow, your shift as Greta Van Fleet’s tour manager begins once more, and you resume your position easily.
Until Sam kisses your neck. Then you melt again.
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mintakablue · 1 year
cool details i noticed + things i loved in across the spiderverse
spoilers ahead!
i think the stylization of the different spiders was even more distinct in this movie than the last one! i like that when the camera is focused on certain characters, you get their aesthetic “bleed” into the world (e.g. gwen’s painterly strokes in her silhouette bleeding outwards, miles and his family having chromatic aberrations in theirs, manny’s chunkier outline, etc.)
i LOVE that the spot is miles’ nemesis for a couple different reasons. he aesthetically opposes how colorful miles’ world is, he is a “villain of the week” that peter parker originally faces off against rather than miles, the major inversion he gets (becoming black with white spots) kind of feeds into the underlying theme of asking who the good guys are--especially when we learn that miles would have been prowler in earth-42! obviously also the fact that he and miles are both anomalies is great. i also think it’s good meta humor to have made the bagel guy become the spot.
there’s also a bagel billboard above the spot’s apartment. in some ways very fortuitous that everything everywhere all at once related bagels to the multiverse.
the stylization of three side characters really stuck out to me--pavitr, ben reilly, and of course, hobie! i love pavitr and mumbattan, i think it was a good choice for the trailer and stylistically a really strong and complementary style to bridge miles’ transition into this aspect of the spiderverse. ben reilly’s stylization i love because it evokes the mobile spiderverse game that introduced a lot of people to some of the more obscure spiders. and DUH i love hobie’s style, you can really tell that they incorporated tons of actual britpunk influences in there. also let me not forget margo kess! she’s so cute in this i genuinely like that she’s a VR spider. i hope to god they make jokes about her being on the web. please.
on that note i do like that the prop design also retains obvious notes of which things belong to which spiders! hobie’s is obvious, but you also see it with gwen’s items. also i like that each spider has a different way of swinging through the air that’s more obvious in this one! gwen and pavitr both have an dancerlike quality to them, hobie’s is a little more erratic (anarchist), and miles of course is still figuring out how to nail some of those more tight swings, but he’s way cooler with being in freefall than any of the other spiders. also miguel using his claws instead of swinging and jess using her motorcycle were very cool! lots of aerial play in this one that i’m excited to watch again and follow the eyetrace for.
good moments with miles and his family! i almost always hate the moody teenager plot because it’s like. you don’t see why they even Should care about their family or the family is so overbearing you start just siding with the teenager, but this movie struck a really good balance there for me. also i just really really like that there are scenes where miles and his mom just speak spanish with each other :’) the rooftop party was so real to me. i am not Latine or live in ny, but i am Filipino and i have been at one million parties like that with my family. and those pink cake boxes from a small bakery that your parents like is iconic.
i genuinely enjoyed the commentary on faking the struggle to get into school LMFAO i think that’s very real for a subset of poc, but especially more affluent Black and Latine people.
OH YEAH miles cracks a joke about ATM machines and then pavitr (my king) cracks the same kind of joke about chai tea and naan bread. a bit of an old joke but hey the movie has been in production for 2.5 years and i do think it serves to highlight the way that spidermen crack the same joke. especially when after in the spiderverse HQ a ton of other spidermen crack the same kinds of jokes about spotting The Spot. across the spiderverse, spidermen are the same
pointing spiderman meme is terribly funny i will stand by that forever
more funny meta commentary about donald glover being people’s pick for miles’ voice and not becoming spiderman, so he’s the prowler--in the same way that miles, had he not become spiderman, would have been the prowler. more obvious is his appearance in mcu spiderman, but i still think it’s fun foreshadowing!
on foreshadowing, i think this movie does a great job of laying out a lot of those bits of information. starting off with highlighting earth-42 and making sure you know that sticks in your mind (and it’s also impossible to choose the number 42 and not evoke the cultural memory of hitchhiker’s guide lol), having the spot talk about how the spider came from a different earth, getting another glimpse at it, seeing miles’ earth number right in the splash screen, saying that the big spider device sends you back to your universe via DNA analysis + margo seeing the big EARTH-42 instead of earth-1610 on the screen. and then even in earth-42, the color palette is really different from 1610! 1610′s opposing color for miles is like a deep blue color (opposing his red suit accent), so 42 having a primarily green palette opposes the prowler’s purple accent!
not to mention that when miles pulls into his bedroom, you can see that he doesn’t have a drawing desk up (or his sashimi/supreme poster). i think it’s a sad little detail that the movie seems to imply that his mom didn’t notice a major change in his appearance (having a short afro instead of braids) is because she works so much she doesn’t see him that often :(
fun sound design in this movie! in the scene where miles-42 gets revealed as the prowler, you actually hear that growling sound effect first when miles-1610 gets tackled and then again twice: once we see miles-42 in shadow as the prowler, then when he says his name!
in fact there’s actually tons of fun sound design details! miguel gets a futuristic sting, gwen has like a full on leitmotif, miles has a short leitmotif which i believe is part of “what’s up danger” (i would need to go back and watch the movie a second time to really pick up on it), pavitr and hobie have their own musical instruments associated with them... and even the spider from earth-42 has its own sting! i might have misheard, but i actually also think hobie and pavitr’s “thwip” sounds are a little different than the standard ones!
i love when those little notes show up in the lower corner. very comic book! a lot of those details make me smile, i really feel like they cared a lot about evoking some of the writing styles of different spiderverse writers there
aesthetically and tangentially related, i like the sketchiness of some of the characters! it’s most obvious in the spot and the alternate universe vulture, but it’s such a neat visual trick. it also serves to give the spot an almost “unfinished” look while also giving him better volume. very excited to see the behind the scenes from the riggers/animators/3d artists
the idea of canon events is such a good one for spiderverse--i think it’s great! one of them that i’m almost certain they’ll bring up in the next one is that. um. gwen usually dies when spiderman is trying to save her. straight up i actually thought they were going to pull that one instead of officer singh dying after gayatri is falling! after all spider-gwen almost got shot, plus miles straight up almost drops her after he glitches out in mumbattan. sony please don’t break spider-gwen’s neck...
genuinely loved all the calls to different spidermen too! there’s like one really prominent shot of paperbag spiderman that made me and my sibling giggle. here’s how the fantastic four can still win
in that vein, i have at least Some prediction of what the spiderverse resolution will be? i can imagine that because miles is an anomaly, his canon event breaking might actually be permissible to some degree... perhaps only if he returns to his own earth? truly truly i cannot IMAGINE that they would make us watch his dad straight up die onscreen because like MAN we already watched his uncle die. that would be way too devastating... but obviously miles-42 and miles-1610 have a lot to say to each other about watching an older man in your life that you love die. i’m a little back and forth about the idea that miles was “destined” in some way to become the prowler in an alternate universe but i’m gonna put my faith in the team to not make it weird ykwim. seeing as they already slipped in commentary about the fact that like Yeah it’s partially because miles’ family has money in 1610 that he is even able to “stay out of trouble” i think there will be an interesting conversation to be had about class dynamics between miles-42 and miles-1610! i am like wildly excited for the next one, i have a lot of hope that it will be even more gorgeous than this movie was and will have the same depth of writing/foreshadowing!
lastly and i know i’m just saying this because to ME spiderman is a very trans character. but peter parker from spider-gwen’s universe was just taking his testosterone okay. and spider-gwen having that painterly pink blue and white as she was saying essentially “i want to live my life fully in my identity” was so... happy pride!!!
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unopenablebox · 6 months
ok that skokie enthusiasts twitter account is my favorite account on twitter from now on forever. i can even accept that ny bagel and bialy lost their food bracket since it did at least make it to the semis and was beaten by pita inn which was probably inevitably going to win regardless
god. look at this though
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real ones understand etc
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Manifested Wrong
Written privately some time in December 2022:
What really happened, as of summer 2023:
You’re here. You’re finally here on my side of the country, in my city where you always said you’d be. I’m here with you, not living together yet but I made it, and you did too. We’re dating, we’re together. We speak daily, see each other a few days a week unless we’re busy - which happens to be often but at least we get a few days.
This is cute. You moved in immediately, and not only do we spend time together every single day, we sleep together a few nights a week. We speak all the damn time! <3
Sometimes you come over just to watch me with housework while I sip wine and have music playing in the background. These nights we spend together end in us tangled up together. Sharing details about our day as you help me put away dishes and place a kiss on my neck.
Oh, my beloved. Things turned out so much better than I imagined. I come home from work and everything I have piled on my to-do list is done already, thanks to you. When we spend the evenings together there's nothing to be done EXCEPT become wrapped up in each other. When we're home, we get so absorbed in our love that we don't even have time to get through videos and craft projects like we said we would. We're just too into each other that anything else seems almost like a distraction from our endless conversations.
On the weekends we hang out with our friends, with my sister and her family, my fiancé, or just with each other. We go places, do activities, find new places to try, all the fun things we said we’d do together. We have dinner at the fancy restaurants I like, and we find new cafes constantly. I take you to Rise or Asa's and you brag that nothing is better than NY bagels. It makes both of us laugh.
We definitely spend more time with each other than with anyone else. I'm happy to report that everything else is true, except I haven't taken you to a bagel shop here, yet. Soon!
I show you all my favorite spots in the suburbs that I call my home, a place that always felt solid and familiar. Sometimes we go out to Milwaukee to visit my family, spend time with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. I’m not afraid of introducing you, especially to my mother's side. Seeing us in the dynamic doesn’t worry me as I thought it once would.
I've shown you many places that hold meaning to me. I feel lucky I've gotten to see similar places to you. The family that has met you has loved you.
Sometimes we go out East to visit your family, your friends. Sometimes it’s for cons, sometimes it's just back to the Island for little weekends, occasionally it's for the City. We watch sunsets, we walk by the beach, I make an excuse to touch seawater every single time I get near it, you tell me about historically significant buildings and landmarks we pass, we share street food, I point out wildlife. You take my hand as we walk through the villages telling me this is the best love you’ve ever had. 
We've been back twice so far. This prediction was surprisingly accurate! Look at it! Everything came true. Well, take me back to the city for another day of adventures.
We share our traditions, or culture, stories from our upbringing and what its like to be raised by parents raised by immigrants. Things I thought most people wouldn’t understand but you do. The good, the bad, the ugly, the dirty, and the beautiful parts.
In the nights we stay up talking, joking, having sex, watching Netflix, laying next to each other in blissful comfort. We trust each other. I never thought it was possible to trust someone this much, I thought it was a myth, that it was something I only read or see on TV but you make it real. The closeness, the vulnerability. I overcame aversions because I want to be with you more than I’m afraid of being vulnerable. We learned from each other. The lessons we knew we needed to learn. You helped me to rely on others, to be open with others, to ask for help and let people help me. With my fierce love and adoration, I hope I'm helping you learn how to see the greatness within yourself. We’ve grown with each other, becoming better, stronger for each other all with the intention to continue to grow with and for each other.
Wow, okay. All true. Plus a plethora of pets. We've been through so much else the last few months, but when you look at it from December's perspective, I had no idea the depth of our bond could take us this far, and almost too easily.
I open up to you in ways I haven’t opened up to people before. And the best part, you don’t look at me like I’m crazy, or that I’m from another planet. Even if you thought as such you never make me feel alien for it. I don’t need validation, and you know that, but you let me find comfort in you without the fear of feeling like I made a mistake.
I let you be the weak one when you need to be. You want to be strong for me because I AM strong for you and for myself, but you know when to put away the façade and take a break. We lay down on the couch, your head on my chest as I play with your hair. Your long, silver, cloud-soft hair that I love so much. You talk as if no one is listening, opening up about things you keep buried deep. I respect your boundaries and you respect mine but we ask each other questions and tell each other our concerns without having any worry.
And when we look at each other and into each others eyes, we know it, better than we’ve ever known. We’re in love, and we always will be.
This is what I imagined for us. Prayed for. Beseeched the old Gods to grant for us. And it's true, except...
It's so, so much better than I dreamed.
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commanderbuffy · 1 year
Kit seems pretty bold lately. Asking to stay over. Saying quite directly she want’s Valentine’s Day, organizing a bagel breakfast (that’s basically NYese for, I adore you!) Could she be so bold as to suggest/ask Jade to move back in with her? Again, we all know NY real estate is pricey.
You never know! She has been SO brave lately
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jayyanch72 · 3 months
NY Fresh Bagel brings you authentic real tacos and burritos. If you rather local and made from scratch check them out.
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petnews2day · 5 months
New Cat-Themed Cafe Serves NY Bagels, Coffee In St. Petersburg
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/P9vR9
New Cat-Themed Cafe Serves NY Bagels, Coffee In St. Petersburg
ST. PETERSBURG, FL — A new cat-themed cafe has recently opened its doors in St. Petersburg. Doakes N Doodle Cafe at 2930 Dr. MLK Jr. Street N. is named after the real-life black cats of the shop’s owner, Amanda Ventura. Subscribe “Love cats. Big cat fan,” the New Jersey native told Patch. “Cats are a […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/P9vR9 #CatsNews
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leoshouseofbagels · 1 year
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Did you know that bagels are perfect with any dip, such as guacamole, tirokafteri, tzatziki, melitzanosalata or any other one you can create… Let your imagination run free! ☎️2106664160📩[email protected]📌www.leoshouseofbagels.com
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queen-mabs-revenge · 1 year
the show has established how much ted loves and misses kansas from day one sorry you're too stubborn to accept it
lol not gonna deny the stubbornness, but to me it really didn't feel like they show did enough to establish ted missing and longing for kansas?
like qualitatively what did they show from him as a character about his missing kansas itself? his tshirt collection, peanut butter and bbq sauce, mentioning the state flower? bitching about local stuff? like um ok?
this might just be coming from my own experiences as a 15-year emigrant, but like... i long for bagels, i really do. it's one of the greatest tragedies of my life that i no longer fly back to the states through new york and getting real bagels is now a long and miserable planned trek. i genuinely can taste in my mouth rn a toasted sesame bagel with a schmear of veggie cream cheese from bagel boss on merrick road my god i would do crimes. don't even get me started on real deli pickles gOD all pickles here are sweet it's so deeply wrong. (and btw our state flower is the rose very sexy). don't wanna move back tho.
like...idk that's just part of the emigrant experience? like idk if they intended all of that to signal a deep and tragic desperation to go back to the wide open skies of kansas but that kind of just felt like standard emigrant behavior to me (lmao i just realised my desktop bg is literally ny street scenes too), esp bc at least one of the writers has had that experience themselves? they needed to really give ted something more to get me to believe that he's somehow got the kansas soil in his bones and would be incomplete without it.
and imo things that and like the wizard of oz pinball machine only work as symbolic emphasis if the character work has been done to give them something to emphasize? as it stands, it feels like a lot of floating symbols were thrown around instead of actual character work, attempting to cheaply borrow meaning from elsewhere to make ted's supposed homesick longing feel real.
and tbh that kind of felt like his relationship with henry too? we got the symbol of the concept of a traditional father/son relationship, we got the symbol of the legos, we got the symbol of cat stevens father and son demanding our heartstrings be pulled... but what material things were those symbols emphasizing? how much time was given to showing ted and henry's actual relationship? like even in the episode this season when henry was literally present, ted p much ignored him in favor of stalking michelle! they didn't have one-on-one conversations except for ted trying to pump him for info about dr jake??? what are we supposed to do with that?? feel like everything's healthy and cool and great for them esp isolated in kansas?
it's like a bunch of floating signifiers that we're supposed to take as substitute for actual story. here's some barbecue sauce can't you just taste the longing? listen to stevens's music - that's a relationship, right?
empty symbols just aren't good enough for me, especially when there are plenty of relationships between people and places on this show that aren't just froth with no filling.
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40sandfabulousaf · 1 year
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大家好! Pa and I liked the kungpao tofu at the vegan cafe so much, we returned to try their bean burgers with roasted sweet potatoes. The latter was done perfectly and weren't too sweet. We'll visit the vegan cafe again because I have my eye on their bibimbap. After the meal, Pa craved ice cream and waffles, so we went to an ice cream cafe and shared 1 serving of it; seems like ages since I last had dessert that isn't fruit!
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Unpolished rice congee is my favourite way to eat whole grains. I revisited the vegetarian stall which sells it and ate my fill of tau kwa (firm tofu), vegetarian duck, Chinese spinach and hairy gourd. I also introduced YL to unpolished rice fish congee at the place which I brought Pa and K to; when she tasted her first spoonful, she squealed with delight. It is THAT delicious. We had a good catch up and promised to meet again.
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Although I start my mornings with coffee, I try to reduce my reliance on it for the rest of the day. Healthy and tasty alternatives are readily available, which makes achieving this easier. It's not that coffee is bad; I'd just been drinking too much and became over-reliant on it when things got stressful at work. Dou jiang (soya bean drink) is a good substitute when I need a pick-me-up and its natural fragrance is quite addictive. Some retail businesses also offer unsweetened options; I may introduce Pa to 1 of them soon.
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The craving for tomato egg noodle soup was so strong this week, I had to eat some or it would drive me demented. There's something about steaming hot, flavourful and tangy broth, large fragrant clumps of egg and slurp-worthy QQ (springy) noodles that's incredibly satisfying. If there's 1 meatless meal that hits the spot every single time, it's tomato egg noodle soup. Also this week, I forgot about meat and that's okay. Meat keeps me warm and it's way too hot now to eat any.
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Plant proteins have been incorporated into my meals at home and sometimes when I dine out. The long and short of this series of posts is: many of us who eat moderately healthy here don't eat fast food, pasta and dessert (except for fruit) often; we don't eat avocado regularly either. Fish, yes, tofu, yes, lots of veggies, yes, and rice, congee and soup noodles. This isn't a Mediterranean diet; it's ours and we deserve to be proud of it because it's just as good and our people live just as long as those in Europe. 下次见!
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mina-van1104 · 2 years
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Me & my mom at the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City! Please read my whole post of Statue of Liberty post on Facebook from March 25, 2023! Important information on that Statue of Liberty post. Also 3/25 was my dead grandma’s birthday. Happy birthday grandma.❤️Love you. I’m going to miss New York but not MOST of the rude people in New York. The racism is so real. Educate people especially not to be ignorant because a lot of New Yorkers are ignorant (not all of them-met some very nice people too) It was the scariest experiences. Stop Asian Hate & get the facts & not misleading information. Don’t blame the Asians.
Northern Nevada born & raised. Proud nurse, coach. Family been living in Nevada for 44 (forty-four) years. Proud Asian American & some European decent.
Had a fun experience I’ll never forget as well, made good memories with my mom & most importantly finally honored the people who died on September 11, 2001 in person at the 9/11 Memorial in New York City, World Trade Center, finally visited Time Square, Good Morning America Building, Empire State Building on the 103rd floor deck, sailed to Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island from Staten Island, Wall Street, Charging Bull, Trinity Church, Broadway, met True French people from France & understood everything they said which was super cool, Madison Square Garden, Brooklyn, NY, went on a train, almost had 5 or more heart attacks in New York including when we took the wrong train & quickly had to get off the train, ate New York City pizza, & ate a New York rainbow bagel, JFK Airport in New York, & went to New Jersey in EWR Airport to New York City.
So many fun/good memories. 🖤Thank you New York City! I love you New York but MOST of you were mean to me, I still love you! Love to all & always spread kindness & never be ignorant or judge someone by how they look. Proud American. 🇺🇸 Tomorrow March 27th is also my mom & dad’s 34th wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary to them.❤️Again, I still wished I bumped into Taylor Swift, Alicia Keys, Bruno Mars, or Robin Roberts.
# NewYork # BrooklynBridge # NewYorkCity # Manhattan # Brooklyn # JumpSplits ✞♡ # Selfie # NativeNevadan #JesusChrist ✝️🦂# ProChoice (though, in politics) # Equality # Justice 💙 # Nurse # Coach # Healthcare # Running 🏃🏻‍♀️ # LoveDrivesOutFear # NevadaBornAndRaised # NevadaNative # athletic 🐾🏃🏻‍♀️💪🏼# HomeMeansNevada # Nevada # UNRnevadaAlumnaMay2016🎓 🐾 # PostUniversityGraduate 🎓 # Overachiever # WolfPackAlumna 🐾 # BachelorsHealthScience # PublicHealth 🐺 # 3CollegeDegrees # 3ExtraMedicalLicenses # AlreadyAllAchieved # TrueAccomplishments # integrity
•2019:Older sister Catherine Van&Adam Schwartz’s Wedding&their website on: https://www.theknot.com/us/catherine-van-and-adam-schwartz-aug-2019•Reminiscing more than 200 people came.
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chapmanmediamenuads · 2 years
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New York Bagel brings REAL NY BAGELS to Downtown Houma! Wraps, Paninis, salads & more! Hire Local-see ads on below link & see menu.
Now selling spots for Feb-July 2022 - Contact us to be on it.
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