#real life is scary
hoffelstar · 1 year
Can we talk about how scary it is to get to know someone irl that you might like on more than just platonic basis because what if they think I'm weird?? I can't just block them and pretend Ive never known them
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Why isn't AO3 working
I have no life come back pls
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lilislegacy · 4 months
Percy at ease
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Percy calm, but a little on edge
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Percy when mildly angry
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Friendly reminder that Percy jackson - our beloved silly adorable seaweed brain - is absolutely terrifying. When he’s angry, when he’s scared, when he’s on edge - he’s not warm and fuzzy.
No other character gets that reaction from people. Jason (the sweetie) is perceived as calm and in control, nico (our favorite self-outcasted outcast) is perceived as solemn and creepy, reyna (girlboss queen slay) is perceived as confident and assertive, and annabeth (our girl) is perceived as fierce, clever, and formidable. They are all intimidating to an extent.
But not like Percy. No. Becasue even when he’s at ease, he’s described as wild and disobedient. And when he’s not at ease, even if just little bit, he’s perceived as powerful, dangerous, and scary. Someone who NOBODY wants to mess with. Nobody even questions his power. One look from him has literal gangs running the other way. One look from him has Leo so scared that he’s literally shaking, and feeling the same innate fright and alarm that he does when jason summons an ear-piercing, earth-shaking, deadly bolt of lighting.
like… HELLO??? can we all just sit on that for a moment?? good lord
One angry look from percy has people thinking one thing: Run.
Percy is, canonically, the character that people find the most frightening and intimidating.
And unless he’s in a good mood - which you better hope he is - the reality is that most of us would be completely terrified of him if we met him.
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electryone-moon · 5 months
Whoever designed the “wow you graduated, now apply for full time jobs WITHOUT A HARD DEADLINE” system, can fight me
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emi-pello · 1 year
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Three Weirdos 2023
Drawing the three weirdos have bean a bit of a personal yearly tradition for me, except I forgot to draw them last year.
This time I wanted to add a proper background instead of a blue void like the provies years.
Other years: 2021, 2020, 2019
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feelings-fleeted · 1 year
one day I'll find an answer to how to get out of bed and you better believe it that ill only share it with my mutuals
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wildtalon8 · 3 months
POV: you want to join the club and this runs at you full speed
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oli-7 · 5 months
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something something CARSEAT !!! HEAD !!! R
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drarrily-we-row-along · 5 months
"What?" Harry asked, whined really, squirming a bit in his seat and trying not to feel too pleased. Or rather, trying not to let how pleased he was feeling show on his face.
"What, what?" Draco asked, grinning at Harry as he scooped another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth and continued to look at Harry with that particular gleam in his eyes.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked, grin stealing over his face without his permission. In his lap, his fingers twisted around themselves as his heart fluttered around in his chest.
Fond. So impossibly fond. Looking at Harry like he was absolutely enthralled by his very existence. "Like what?"
Harry opened his mouth, closed it again, and shook his head. He looked down at his hands in his lap, fingers twisting while his heart continued its merry jig. "Like you love me," he murmured, shy and terrified of being too much, of reading too much into the expression on the other man's face, afraid that he was wrong.
"Harry," Draco said, voice light with gentle laughter.
He looked up, couldn't help himself, only to see that Draco's face was still doing that. Draco was still looking at Harry with such delight, such affection, that Harry couldn't breathe with it. His body was going to simply cease to exist, it wasn't possible for him to exist when he felt this loved, when he felt this happy.
"Is that all my face is saying to you?" Draco asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
He shook his head, looked away, bit his lip to stop the smile that was a product of the warmth that had spread from his chest and up his neck, warm and sweet as honey it filled his limbs, filled his brain, tried to erase his fears and doubts with more success than Harry would like, if he was being honest. Fears and doubts kept him safe, kept him from falling too far, falling too hard, falling into a place from which there was no returning.
"Do you want to tell me what else my face is saying?" he asked, teasing, and Harry ached with it.
He never wanted this moment to end. Never wanted to leave this place, leave this love, leave this perfect, crystalline day. Harry shook his head again, he couldn't say it. He couldn't tell Draco what else he saw on his face because what if he was wrong? What if he was just projecting all of his hopes and his dreams, but it wasn't really how Draco felt?
"I'm so into you," Draco sighed, resting his chin in his hand.
Harry looked up at him, couldn't help it. The smile was too big, too wide, his heart in his mouth ready to just spill his guts for what was surely not the first and hopefully not the last time.
"You're so attractive," he continued, giving Harry the words that he so longed to hear. "I love getting to spend time with you. I love when you look like this."
"Like what?" Harry asked, wondering what Draco saw when he looked at him, wondering if Harry said as loudly with his face and with his body that Draco was loved, was cherished. He wondered if Draco knew that he always wanted to be with him; always wanted to hold his hand, to cuddle on the sofa, to eat meals together, to tease him and make him laugh, to hold him when he was sad. "What do I look like?"
"Like you know you're loved," Draco said simply. "You look so happy, and I can't," he broke off, shaking his head, "I can't believe I get to be the one to put that look on your face."
He laughed, "What?" Without his permission, his fingers reached for Draco's, ghosting over his knuckles before Draco's fingers caught his and slid together.
"I love getting to make you happy," Draco said, shrugging helplessly, as he continued to look at Harry like he never wanted to look at anything else, face so open, so delighted that Harry felt like he couldn't quite look at him.
"I want to make you happy too," he said, squeezing his fingers, afraid, so afraid, that he was taking too much and unable to give Draco enough in return.
Draco lifted his hand, pressed a soft kiss to his knuckles, "You do. Harry," he said softly and Harry met his gaze once more. "You make me so happy."
"Yeah?" he asked helplessly, needing the reassurance, needing to hear the words to see his face when he said it.
"Yes," he said, huffing an incredulous laugh as he brushed his lips over Harry's knuckles once more.
"I love you." The words flooded out of his mouth, spilled between them without his permission. "So much, Draco. Do you know that too?"
"Of course I do," Draco assured softly, squeezing his hand. "Yes."
"A lot," Harry added, just in case his face wasn't as good at telling Draco as Draco's was at telling Harry. Just in case all of the love that filled up every nook and crevice in his body was being missed, just in case all of the love he felt and expressed differently was somehow not as readable, was somehow not enough.
"I know, love," he assured again, thumb brushing over Harry's wrist.
He squeezed the other man's hand, "It's different," he whispered, even though Draco already knew that, "Different than how you love me."
"Harry-" he started.
"But it's really big," he said, eyes filling with tears, "I love you so much."
"Hey," Draco said, moving so he could pull Harry into a hug, tucking him under his arm and letting Harry hide his face in his neck. "Hey," he soothed, "It's alright. I know, sweetheart. I know you love me just as much as I love you. I know."
"Promise?" Harry whispered.
He nodded, pressing his face into Harry's curls. "Yes, love. I promise. You're so good," he whispered.
He let out a soft sound, somewhere between a whimper and a word of dissent.
"You're so good. It's such a gift to be able to love you. You're such a good gift."
He wrapped an arm around Draco's waist.
"I love you," he murmured into his hair.
Harry nodded.
"Thanks for letting me," he added.
Harry hummed, he wanted to be loved more than anything, wanted this more than anything. But he could understand what Draco meant, it was scary to allow yourself to be loved, to believe that you are worthy of such a thing. Scary to imagine what could happen if you let yourself open up to the possibility of blossoming into a person who is loved, scary to imagine what would happen if you came to need someone else. Maybe sometimes part of loving someone else was allowing yourself to be loved in return. Maybe believing that someone loves you and letting them is itself an act of love to them. "I'm a little afraid."
Draco nodded, "that's okay. I am too sometimes."
"What do you do?" Harry asked.
He hummed, "Well, I ask if I can just let myself be happy."
Draco shrugged, "I ask if I can just let myself be happy," he repeated. "Can today be enough for today? Can I just enjoy all of the good that this relationship has to offer without worrying about the possible loss in the future?"
"Can you?"
"Sometimes," he replied and Harry could hear the smile in his voice. "I try to. Because today is all we have and grieving what I do not know today has never made loss later any easier."
Harry sighed, snuggling a little closer.
"So, Harry Potter, can you just let yourself be happy today?"
He took a deep breath, thought about it, and nodded. He could do that. He could just let himself be happy. One day at a time.
Read more of my fics, if you’d like
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ms-scarletwings · 7 months
So it’s like a huge thing in Dredge that sometimes you pull up these lovecraftian type of mutant fish… like, they’re rarer and more valuable, albeit fucked up variants of the normal ones you catch. Kind of like shiny Pokémon if the shinies had many eyes where they shouldn’t or clumps of parasitic, Gigeresque cysts covering their malformed bodies.
Anyway the least disturbing and MOST funny one to me that I’ve encountered so far has to be this aberrant version of blackmouth salmon
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Like, I’m sorry, devs?… that’s not some unholy divergence from the course of the natural order that’s just a normal ass chinook in the spawning season. No joke, they just casually rot alive exactly like that every single generation of fish.
Heads up: under this cut gets gross
Photos of real salmon during the spawn season that turn my stomach in a way this video game can only aspire to
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In case you ever wondered, this is also the reason people don’t eat post-spawn adults.
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Remember kids, as much as any of us try, it’s very hard to top the worldbuilding of the greatest horror author of all- Mother Nature.
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wafflesbooks1 · 6 months
Will: Guys, stop overreacting! When I say I want to dissect someone, I don't mean it in an evil way! I mean it in a curious, scientific way. It's literally such an innocent feeling.
Nico: Will, I hate to break it to you, but you're not really helping your case.
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iphoenixrising · 1 month
I ask this with absolutely no pressure on you, but I was wondering if you think you’d ever be un hiding your works? I absolutely get not wanting people who only comment shitty things on your fics and taking care of yourself, was just wondering and wondering how you’ve been?
Hi babe.
I'm answering this ask on the tail of some very kind and supportive and encouraging DMs about what's going on and what things are happening. It was ... pretty extreme for me to take my works offline, but honestly, it was because of what was happening at the time.
Last September, I had an abnormal test result come back and that lead me, unfortunately, down the road of oncologists and a few minor surgeries as preventative measures to cervical scary-C-word.
It was a lot. A lot. My kiddo is 10 and I was trying to work, be a mom, and a caretaker to my fam at the same time I was going through a biopsy and LEEP procedure was fucking awful, babe. I don't have a village, and most things I have to do on my own. I've kept sane by some peeps on here that I've talked with daily, by my kiddo ready to get out of Elementary School, and my very cool work peeps that keep me moving. The LEEP procedure was done in April, so I'm hoping for the absolute best.
And, after all the DMs of kind people, I'm going to release some of these works tonight, so the fam that loved them can have them back again. I'm sorry I was weak there for a while, and I hope you all can forgive me now.
So much love to you, babe, and the others that still read these works and enjoy <3
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unabletomakedecisions · 2 months
Fun Facts about Parasitic Worms
Did you know that there are parasitic worms that get into your blood or lymph vessels and stay there? Imagine looking down at the veins in your hand and noticing that one of them is moving. It's shifting and squirming. Oh god, there's something inside there. Get it out, get it out! But you can't. There's no way to do it without cutting open your vessels, and you really don't want to do that. So you need to wait. Wait until the antiparasitic works, and pray that it does.
There are also worms that pierce through your skin and make their way to your lungs and when you cough them up, see the writing mass of worms crawling all over your hands, they use it as a way to go back down the other way & get into your digestive system to breed. You may very well have had these worms at some point too, they're apparently pretty common.
-- Fun facts from a vet student
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oceanwithouthermoon · 8 months
remember how when saiki was crushing on satou and wanted to talk to him, instead of yk.. actually talking to him, he found out all of his interests and displayed his own interest in those things in front of him to try to get him to notice him??
yeah, now imagine him doing that when he has a crush on anyone else..
hes such a silly and awkward teenage boy i love it, like buddy you CAN just talk to your crush, you dont have to try to get him to "notice you.." but hes too silly and awkward so thats like the most he would ever do and would still probably think that that counts as flirting
im just... wondering about how saikis terrible silly flirting tactics would translate if his crush was on one of his FRIENDS.. like someone he could actually be around and would see and talk to him.. would he just like be trying to impress them ?? moving toward them more ?? adopting more of their mannerisms and interests maybe ??
imagine that like EVERYONE in the group would notice it, but it wouldn't be like "omg saiki is flirting" it would be more like "omg why is saiki being extra awkward and talking more" because hes so painfully unclear about his intentions but hes usually so quiet and unassuming that this would be such a stark contrast to his usual behavior...
#hey buddy maybe you should just idk maybe TALK TO UR CRUSH#saiki k#the disastrous life of saiki k.#saiki kusuo#tagging ships this would work with#kubosai#<-obviously my favorite so this is what i was thinking the whole time#that would be so cute everyone shut up#but he would prob accidentally end up for real flirting with kubo since hes trying to pertain to what he likes and he loves romance#saisai#<-i actually also like thid one a LOT for this scenario it would be so silly#saikis god complex accidentally starts manifesting visibly a little more since he's imitating pretentious rich boy#saikai#saikaido#saidou#<-saikis dark reunion jokes accidentally become so frequent he starts saying them out loud by mistake and it's embarrassing as hell#nensai#<-not actually totally sure how this would work in this situation but idk maybe hes more open to having ramen every day#and trying to get over his bug fear omg that would be so funny#imagine him starting with like one bug at a time so he starts with the least scary ones like butterflies and ladybugs#but by the end of it hes prob only a little more okay with things like butterflies+stick bugs+caterpillars cuz they move slow+are easy 2 see#haisai#<-ohohoh haisai he would prob join a club+always be trying to prove to him he takes things seriously#mostly schoolwork but in gym/sports he would always be pretending to enthusiastically participate and break a sweat lol#merasai#<-he takes up baking/cooking as a hobby and is always bringing extra food to school and acting like it was an accident and giving it to her#going to her workplaces and pretending he didnt know/forgot she works there and 'accidentally' ordering an extra portion for her every time#saikechi#<-he already knows a lot about random stuff but he takes an interest in saying his silly facts out loud and sounding like a nerd#meows post
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microwavesludge · 10 months
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chunk e cheese
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randomseacucumber · 1 month
The next external introduced in The Magnus Protocol should be based off of the Duolingo owl. I could definitely see that thing munching on some people's heads. You didn't do your daily lesson? Enjoy having your fear harvested and sacrificed to eldritch entities!
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