starscoffeecreamer · 6 months
okay so hear me out on this
So what if there was a shortage of soldiers during the war, so the bots and cons decide to try their luck with pregnancy and stuff
Rat/chet is the most fertile of the bots, so he naturally offers himself as the bots breeding bot, getting his processor fragged out once per week to build up the many many newsparks in his belly<3
For the cons Sound/wave and Meg/atron both offer themselves up (megsy surprises everyone) and so soon the tic and leader get super pregnant and full of the cons babies, plus it stops star/scream's attempts to usurp Megs due to seeker coding
might expand on this more later
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withoutalice · 6 months
writing prompt- you cool with Tex x aid? Theme: playful cantor over a shared meal? If not, it’s cool. Alt pairing if preferred- same theme, ratchet and first aid?
Ough i'm sorry idk Tex's characterization very well so I did Ratchet x First Aid ;-;
Words: ~600
Warnings: Not much! Some descriptions of eating and full bellies at most. Just some medics having a good large comforting meal. Overall funny and introspective...
[ It’d been a long shift in the medical ward, leaving the CMO and CMO-in-training ravenous. Even though they both enjoyed cooking over eating out personally, the medics were too exhausted to make dinner themselves... ]
“What are you thinking to eat tonight?” Rat/chet asked. Fir/st Ai/d shrugged and flopped onto the couch.
“Feeling like…comfort food…maybe savory?”
“Hmm, how about pasta?” Rat/chet pointed out. Fir/st Ai/d mumbled an affirmative into cushions. After placing the order, Rat/chet got to cleaning off their dining table; he didn't bother to clean off all the dishes though.
"Well, Ai/d, don't fall asleep before you eat! I can't have you getting run down now..."
Fir/st Ai/d pushed himself into a sitting position and accepted the bubbly energon Rat/chet offered. Being a medic wasn't for anyone, and Fir/st Ai/d realized how resilient one must be to be the C/MO. Rat/chet didn't show much of an air of exhaustion, even though Ai/d knew he'd been working more this week than him by a bit.
They rested in silence, until their takeaways arrived! Fir/st Ai/d quickly unpacked the bags, Rat/chet watching him amusedly...
"The food is delicious, isn't it?"
Fir/st Ai/d looked up in surprise. He had been so focused! "Yeah, it feels like we haven't had a proper meal in ages..."
The C/MO shrugged. "It's nice to not be cooking for once, though."
"Mhm...though, it is always good when you do cook!"
"That's very kind of you to say..." Rat/chet hummed as he pulled his order in front of him. It smelled divine.
The pasta is deliciously al dente when they eat it, topped with a variety of sauces and toppings. Rat/chet got a heaping helping of pesto pasta. He sprinkles parmesan cheese eagerly on it, while Fir/st Ai/d breaks open his takeaway container of creamy alfredo with veggies mixed in.
As they eat, the two medics are relaxed and enjoying their meal, keeping up conversation as they do so.
Rat/chet takes a large bite, holding his servo in front of his mouth while he asks: "And how are your patients doing tonight?"
Fir/st Ai/d shrugs again. "Stubborn about taking their meds, but otherwise, they seem to be doing well."
"That's good to hear..."
They scarf down more pasta in content silence for a moment; before Ai/d speaks up again.
"I heard from some of the other medics that you've been more patients than usual lately. How are you holding up?"
Rat/chet twirls his fork around. "Not too bad, honestly. It's been a bit hectic, as our team has grown, but I'm holding up fine...."
Ai/d finishes his dish, wiping his face into the crook of his arm. "But don't you think you should take it a bit easier?"
Rat/chet tilts his helm back and scoops the rest of his meal into his mouth, setting the container aside. "Ah, probably. But someone has to do it, right?"
"Yeah, I get that. But I just want to make sure you're taking care of yourself too, you know?" Fir/st Ai/d blurts out the last part awkwardly, hoping the C/MO doesn't laugh at him.
Rat/chet just smiles warmly and gets up to clean up, bloated tummy brushing Ai/d's side when he leans over to collect the dishes. Ai/d hums approvingly.
"I can't believe i finally feel full...when's the last time we ate something other than rations in between shifts?"
He hears Rat/chet laugh from the connected kitchen.
"Oh, who knows, but it sure was delicious. Might have been a bit too much for me even-"
Fir/st Ai/d ends up moving back to the couch, holding his own full belly. He sighs happily.
"No wonder they call it comfort food..."
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deceptichubs · 3 months
By the same token--
Thinking about pre-war Rat/chet and Or/ion P/ax. Comfortable bots, if not exactly oligarchs. Comfortable bots working long hours in sedentary jobs.
Thinking about Rat/chet contemplating ruefully how fat he's gotten: the paunch appeared in his Academy days and never shrank. Not much time for exercise in his line of work. He's got an enviable work ethic; not much time to prepare his own fuel, either. So he lives on takeaway and prepackaged fuel, and the fat accumulates.
O/rion's not a young bot, really. He's worked quietly in that archive, dawn to dusk, for longer than one might think. Every solar cycle he rolls in and sits, j/oor after j/oor; it's well past dark when he rolls out. The ages don't change him much. The only clue to how long he's been there is the fat slowly mounding around his middle and the sag of his widening rear.
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void-draws · 9 months
May i ask a prompt about ratchet taking care of the reader after they did something incredibly dangerous and stupid?
You are sitting in Ratchet's palm, while the giant robot is giving you a long talk about your own stupidity.
Not only had you ignored a direct order from Optimus, went on a mission alone, but you also had gotten yourself caught by a decepticon! The decepticon Starscream, to be exact. The autobots had a rough time getting you out of the decepticon's grasp.
Now, you can only listen to Ratchet reprimand you the whole time, while he examines you for any injuries. Luckily, you aren't hurt, just exhausted.
But Ratchet doesn't want to take any chances and instead lifts you over his open jaws, before lowering you inside. You see a slight glow coming from inside his maw, the warmth radiating from inside.
You feel his soft tongue below you, as it carefully eases you down Ratchet's throat. The squishy walls of his throat hugging your body tightly as they work you down and into the bot's tank. You doze off for a little, but immeadiatly wake up when you land inside Ratchet's tank with a loud splash. You quickly sit up, caughing a little.
You sit inside the mix of energon and healing liquid. You sigh contently against the squishy tank walls, your body relaxing. Your eyelids start to droop once again, as the exhaustion sets in once again. You fall back asleep, knowing that the big bot may be grumpy a lot of the time, but cares about you to the point where he allows you to rest deep inside his core.
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if ratchet got his hands on a shrinking gun he’d make Optimus human sized and eat him.
overworked husbands deserve sleep
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chunkytron · 10 months
How would the bots react to the very chubby warlord or very chubby assistant of sum/dacs?
I think they’d be shocked and confused.
Learning Sum/dac had new assistant is one thing, but that assistant being MEGA/TRON is another one.
They’re confused as to why they’ve never heard of his “assistant” before. They’re also confused as to why his assistant always looks likes he’s about to burst out of his clothes and showing off his curves. They don’t pay him any mind tho, they accept him as just yet another human they have to take care of.
But if they know/learn it’s Mega/tron than boy do they come up with different ways to contain his holo/form. Megs is more busy trying to eat than fighting at the moment. When he gets his body all fixed up, things will be different. Or not. The bots don’t even know how Mega/tron managed to get this big and why he still stays at Sum/dac tower.
Bumble/bee definitely makes fat jokes about Megs.
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omegaversereloaded · 3 months
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semifinals featuring our 3 sensual frontrunners. get your asses up and VOTE
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gayfandomnerd225 · 7 months
There’s something deep inside of me that so badly wants to make a Dead Poets Society show. It would still take place in 1959, that wouldn’t change. The main changes would be the Knox/Chris thing. Mainly him sexually assaulting her (if you’ve read the book, you know), it could be changed to him getting drunk and talking about wanting to date Chris, and then Chet overhears, and things continue like the original. Charlie wouldn’t have the Nuwanda thing, I know some people like it but like, it’s racist, and there are other ways to show him rejecting society than the way he did. It would also put more emphasis on the struggle that Neil had, and maybe possibly make Anderperry canon, or deeply hinted at (I wouldn’t wanna push anything cuz it’s still 1959). Todd wouldn’t be directly stated to be autistic because the medical community didn’t really believe autism was a thing then, but it would also be deeply hinted at.
There could also be episodes dedicated to each individual member of the Dead Poets. I feel Meeks and Pitts are underrated and we don’t know much about them. It would be cool to have episodes dedicated to them all, learn more about their internal struggles (if they have any) and their family situations, maybe meet Todd’s brother, stuff like that. I also think it would be interesting to learn more about Cameron, possibly even why he ratted out on Keating.
This is just an idea that’s deep inside my head and won’t leave. Too bad I’m an 18 year old with no experience in television and can’t do anything about this idea. But now it’s out in the world, so that’s something
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codywiththeladies · 3 months
Assigned animals for my au. TDI I realized I had a majority already and I came up with the ROFI cast like a few days ago? From RR, I only had Dwayne and Junior figured out but the rest I figured out today. Also no reboot characters bc I haven’t even watched it yet
Owen: bear
Justin: white tiger
Cody: red squirrel
Courtney: Birman cat
Gwen: hyena
DJ: goat
Lindsay: spotted deer
Tyler: beagle dog
Izzy: poodle
Noah: spaniel dog
Trent: groundhog (9 letters)
Harold: caribou deer
Beth: beaver
Heather: Dobermann
Leshawna: panther
Ezekiel: raccoon
Duncan: wolverine
Sadie: hedgehog
Katie: porcupine
Geoff: golden retriever dog
Bridgette: otter
Eva: Siamese cat
Alejandro: lion
Sierra: maned wolf
Mike: monkey
Scott: roof rat
Dakota: horse - alicorn
Cameron: holland lop bunny
Dawn: Florida white rabbit
Lightning: carpathian shepherd
Zoey: red panda
Staci: pig
Anne Maria: lemur
B: seal
Sam: sheepdog
Brick: ferret
Jo: wolf
Max: chinchilla
Amy: opossum
Sammy: opossum
Leonard: raven
Sky: snowy owl
Topher: servai cat
Scarlette: red fox
Shawn: singapura cat
Sugar: pony
Beardo: american black bear
Ella: flamingo
Dave: dachshund
Jasmine: emu
Junior: roborovski dwarf hamster
Dwayne: Meerkat
Kitty: burmese cat
Emma: burmese cat
Josee: lynx
Jacques: arctic fox
Ellody: barred owl
Mary: grey parrot
Tom: llama
Jen: hare
Lorenzo: capybara
Chet: mink
Rock: badger
Spud: skunk
Laurie: camel
Miles: donkey
Kelly: caracal
Taylor: bobcat
Devin: border collie
Carrie: silver fox
Stephanie: jackal
Ryan: bull
Brody: sea lion
Jay: armadillo
Mickey: armadillo
Ennui: coyote
Crimson: wolf
Pete: gopher
Gerry: mongoose
Tammy: lamb
MacArthur: German shepherd
Sanders: Labrador retriever
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daniarts19 · 6 months
The Total Drama Characters if they are animals.
I’m doing a update to my animal au list, just for things
Chris McLean- Weasel
Chef Hatchet - Alligator
Blaineley - Fennec Fox
Josh - Labrador retriever
Don - Golden Eagle
Island/Action/World Tour Contestants:
Ezekiel: Opossum
Eva: Honey Badger
Noah: Aardwolf
Justin: Peacock
Katie: Meerkat
Tyler: Border Collie
Izzy: Red Panda
Cody: Mouse
Beth: Quinea Pig
Sadie: Chinchilla
Courtney: Jackal
Harold: Canadian Goose
Trent: Silver Fox
Bridgette: River Otter
Lindsay: English Cocker Spaniel
DJ: Deer
Geoff: Sea Lion
Leshawna: Brazilian Toucan
Duncan: Grey Wolf
Heather: Snow Leopard
Gwen: Corsac Fox
Owen: Panda
Sierra: Striped Skunk
Alejandro: Jaguar
Revenge Of The Island Contestants
Staci: Parrot
B: Elephant
Dawn: Owl
Sam: Sloth Bear
Brick: German Shepherd
Anne-Maria: Black Panther
Dakota: Flamingo
Mike: Mash Deer
Jo: Spotted Hyena
Scott: Red Fox
Zoey: Gazelle
Lightning: Zebra
Cameron: Rabbit
Pahktiew Island Contestants
Beardo: Bison
Leonard: Pangolin
Amy: Saluki
Samey: Saluki
Rodney: Moose
Ella: Squirrel
Topher: Black Footed Ferret
Dave: Abyssinian Cat
Scarlett: Rat
Max: Mole
Jasmine: Kangaroo
Sugar: Pig
Shawn: Amardillo
Sky: Cheetah
The Ridonculous Race contestants
Tammy - Tapir
Gerry - Cobra
Pete - Rattlesnake
Ellody: Mongoose
Mary: Beaver
Laurie: Alpaca
Miles: Goat
Jen: Ring Necked Parakeet
Tom: Hyacinth Macaw
Kelly: Mink
Taylor: Mink
Mickey: Chipmunk
Jay: Chipmunk
Lorenzo: Tazmanian Devil
Chet: Warthog
Rock: Striped Hyena
Spud: Sloth
Dwayne: Lion
Junior: Lion cub
Crimson: Hawk
Ennui: Vulture
Stephanie: Asian Rhinoceros
Ryan: African Rhinoceros
Carrie: Sheep
Devin: Dhole
Emma: Siamese cat
Kitty: Siamese cat
Jacques: Husky
Josee: Lyxn
Brody: Harbor Seal
Sanders: Doberman Pincher
MacArthur: Pitbull
Total Drama Island (2023) contestants
Caleb: Horse
Axel: Wolverine
Nichelle: Tiger
“Scary Girl” Lauren: Fruit Bat
Damien: Bat eared Fox
MK: Raccoon
Wayne: Reindeer
Raj: Emperor Penguin
Ripper: Spotted Skunk
Zee: Giraffe
Chase: Coyote
Emma: Tabby Cat
Julia: Swan
Millie: Hippopotamus
Bowie: Crane
Priya: Indian Peafowl/Peahen
I just hope I do some fanart for their designs and maybe redraws too.
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siberat · 8 months
I saw a while back you did some art of pregnant chubby drift and honestly I'd love to hear whatever headcanons or short stories you got on it tbh, we need more pregnant chubby drift in life
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( added the art pic as well)
Due to his current state, the living room was the most used room nowadays. Expecting their first batch of spark/lings in the next few weeks, Dr/ift spent most of his time lying in the berth or cozied up on the sofa watching podcasts. The heft of carrying three spark/lings weighed him down.
As his servos rubbed over his swollen- and sometimes moving- belly, he recalled the time he discovered their carrying. All the classic signs were there: morning sickness, mood changes, excessive tiredness, and, oh boy, the food cravings!
While Dr/ift considered him to have a broad palette, the treats he suddenly desired were out in left field. His normal foods were healthy, nutritious, and tasty. Now, his belly had an insatiable desire for sweets, briny foods such as pickles, and cakes.
The start was simple at first- the medic's snacks would be stolen from cupboards, or extra sugar cubes would be placed in the hot energon beverage in the morning. But as the days passed, the yearning for junk food seemed limitless! He’d reach in to steal another packaged cake to find he had long consumed them all. After supper, he would take seconds on those desserts Rat/chet was fond of. Ice cream was usually devoured with crumbled-up cookies and chocolate. And who can resist chocolates, peanut butter, and rich and creamy puddings?
This binge-snacking soon caught up with him: he sported a belly bulge. Yes, he was mortified at first, trying to hide his weight gain from his lover. His once sleek and tight frame now dropped and sagged. How could anyone find this blobby mess appealing? The swords/mech spent hours in front of the mirror grimacing as he pinched at the squishy, newly formed rolls. He nearly screamed in horror when he checked out his now wider aft in the mirror.
 And when the CMO discovered that starter belly, Dr/ift, being very cranky, nearly bit his head off, whaling in shame and defensive anger. And then he locked himself in the berthroom and cried, feeling guilty for becoming so irate with his lover. That was the longest night ever. Of course, Rat/chet attempted to soothe his distraught lover through the closed door, but it was useless.
However, the next day, the thought hit him like a ton of bricks. Was he carrying? Dr/ift nearly squealed with joy after picking up a test and testing himself! And you can imagine the excitement to be had upon his con/jux returning home. Both were delighted and celebrated.
With cakes, ice cream, and pickles, of course.
The evenings now consisted of pampering sessions. That belly swell was cherished, treated almost as if it were another living entity as Rat/chet stroked, caressed, and baby-talked it at any chance. Dr/ift briefly got jealous. Just kidding! He loved how Rat/chet cooed over his baby bump, smiling whenever gazing upon its swelled mass. Slag, when snuggling, the medic made out with the belly almost as much as he did with Dr/ift.
Anything Dr/ift could ever desire, Rat/chet provided. If there was a midnight craving and Dr/ift attempted to wobble his larger frame to the kitchen, Rat/chet would bark for him to lay back down as he got up to fix the desired dish. Even better was how the medic insisted on spoon-feeding him the treat, then rubbed his belly, whispering adoring words of encouragement as they drifted back into recharge.
Let’s face it: Rat/chet comes across as a crotchety old fart at times, right? However, he was such a doting creator. Whenever ankles would be swollen, he was there to rub them. Needed creams rubbed on his stretching and therefore itching protomesh? Rat/chet would eagerly rub some on. Later on, when Dr/ift really got huge, Rat/chet would help him shower, washing all the areas the swords/mech had trouble reaching on his own. Yeah, servo’s wondered, but use your imagination for that.
All the while, the doctor would continuously tell Dr/ift how much he was loved. If there were any doubts of still being attracted to such a large, bloated frame, Rat/chet reassured how hot the T/IC still looked. The frame of an expecting mech was a glorious sight to behold- just knowing his spark/lings were healthily growing filled his spark with pride and joy. He’d also show this admiration with all the kisses, cuddles, and caresses. Slag, one evening was spent with the medic kissing every part of the carrying mech’s frame.
The spark/ling room was all decorated and prepared for the arrival of their little ones. Pictures of cute cyberducks hung on the walls, three cribs with an excellent wood stain lined the back wall, and a study rocking chair rested in the corner of the room. Whatever the carrier would want, the other provided. Many nights, while Dr/ift was still relatively mobile, the pair would just gaze upon the nursery. Rat/chet held Dr/ift in his arms, kissing at neck cables as hands lovingly roamed over that big ol’ belly. Rat/chet would smile, proclaim his love to his con/jux, and tell him how much joy the swords/mech brought him.
Rat/chet always wanted to be a father
…. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for the prompt!
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starscoffeecreamer · 5 months
Nzklwlskkd i’m so happy i found this account!!!! *sobbing*
I hope you don’t mind receiving my asks!
I am in LOVE with Rodimus getting bred by Drift and Ratchet or Deadlock & Ratchet!!!
Here’s this loser prime thinking the two don’t want him because they only frag when drunk or when they two want to spice things up in the berth. Which is how he finds himself sick every night cycle because his forge bolts failed and now he’s sparked.
The two know nothing of his problem but they do notice he’s acting different and when they bring him to the bar it’s confirmed when he doesn’t drink.
Its even odder when they try to bring him back to berth and notice he’s gained a significant amount of weight but only on his tank and hips.
They get so embarrassed by how horny it makes them they don’t even think of why Roddy suddenly has a frame like this. All they think about is how good he looks and how good their spikes feel inside his tight hot valve.
let the two old men breed their prime, whispering loving words in his audials as they pound him with their spikes til he's fat and preggers
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withoutalice · 7 months
Yeah okay so basically, rat/chet is retired, dr/ift and ro/ddy see that rat/chet has been baking a bit in retirement and rat/chet ends up using them as his taste testers and as a result it spirals into the two of em gaining or eating more of rat/chet's baking to gain favour in a way from rat/chet
That's the au summarised haha
oh??? 😳
I just know Ratchet's a good baker...lookit those medic hands, he could make the fluffiest breads :3
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deceptichubs · 3 months
In the mood for some Pri/me Meg/a/rat/ch.
Envisioning the contrast between the hardened body of the gladiator and the flabby, corpulent doctor. Mega/tron's quick with a jab about Rat/chet's age...and just as quick to remark on his bulging waistline or his sagging aft. He's really started to waddle in the time since they last met.
Rat/chet knows he's out of shape; no one's quicker to say it. His fat's impossible to conceal, and he'd look absurd trying. Still he bristles.
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genderlesssinner · 15 days
Welcome back nerds
These Fey horse things are giving me windwalk vibes
Ash wanting to go dodging trees makes me think about that post about them riding a motorcycle. Yeaaahh.
I love their naming vibes, these dweebs
Oh man I love it when Matt mixes sayings that was perfect
Not the Creed reference I can't
Dirty 20 (for 22) and he got nicked holy fuck
Dorian riding sidesaddle is amazing and I love him
Oof Braius ate shit a lil damn
Imogen going full racer stance love it
Oh no Ash got got by a bird
Fey art school? Oh boy
Startin us off right, get it little man
"we'll get to that in a moment" uh oh
Okay okay big fancy twin tower
Oh it's covered in skeletons fuck
Hooves are bad for verticale climbing, yall
Ooh I hope they get a moment for Chet to do the Psychometry thing in this town that would be neeaaatt
Robbie following his gut, I love it, yes
Ooohhh shit someone is watching, that damn hawk
EEEYYYY Get it Chet
(fucking fuck I missed a minute there ugh internet issues)
Fuck whatever it is poisoned the fucking land not just the people shit
Oh they brought a guard dog, interes- nope it has a people face mhn, nuh uh, nope
'for spacial awareness'
So freaking cool every time
"I believe in our 80% rat."
*said rat rolls TRASH*
Ooop- Pâte gone
Sneaky sneaky plus Arcane Eye nice nice
Sneaky ass Fey boys man
I always wonder if they can send images with Telepathic Bond but they never mention it nahdjdhchc
Oh fuck Tal's right I bet that was fucken Gloamgut landing. Damn dragon is scary
Mhm yep yep yep
Weeeeiiiirrrdddd ass fey dragon
Fuck man I forgot there was gonna be a Snow Luda here sheesh. Spooked me for a sec
I kind of want them to like try and listen and learn more but also blow shit up like Travis said, bring the fucken building down (which is a shame, it's gorgeous). More info can only help us here but we gotta make this go sideways for Luda
Ira you creepy sonofabitch
I think everyone kinda forgot about Ira for a minute there
Fluffy fuckboy,, oh no
Love fighting with Ira so far
Liaaamm a one?? No luck reroll??
Duuuudde Travis with double Nat 20s
The quietest HWDYWTDT ever and maybe the nastiest damn boy
"You think you're pretty hidden" Uuhghhhhh maaaatt
Why are fey critters so.. Nasty?
Dorian with a go on, git. I cant
What the fuucckk is iitttt??
Ooh this fight could so bad so quick Silence is saving their asses right now ooofff
Having some issues again but Idk if this is my internet or what. Audio fine but the video is frozen, had to reload... Missed a little bit.
Crazy stealth rolls from Ash and Chet, love that
And a crit fuck yes
Chet getting super gorey and I kind of love it
Fuck him up Orym, get it boo
Yess boys get it. Do the weird shit Tal yes.
I'm so excited to see what Tal is planning, I love how feral he gets with Ashton sometimes
This is going so well and I'm kinda worried
Cosmic space stuff oh yes maaann the wormhole fuck yeah
Man. I wanna read this barbarian stuff so bad
Ludinus knows that they're planning to attack the key - but is that because it's the obvious move or is it because there's a leak?
I do love that the Unseelie are like 'nah we'll sit in the shadows and watch your centuries of work crash a burn, thanks though.'
Oooh animating the statue love it, makes me think of Laerryn summoning a construct, man
Oh this is gonna be either really good or really bad holy shit
So my thought here especially since Ash went ahead and went titan, they could go in and do massive structural damage. And then as shit falls they should be able to get out safe because they can move through stone and shit right? And between that and Fearne making everything squish that shit should go down
FUCK ME I hate how big that dragon is oh my gods but he is gorgeous
Oop no statue
I think the group should try to focus on distracting these guys and Ash needs to get in there and do some seige damage and fuck shit up and then they got to GO. Fuck they can't move through worked stone, that's what it is. Hell.
I'm not sure if the Hells have ever worked together this well before
Ugh the cliffhangers yall
I'll totally be watching again Monday because I missed somethings and I'm so tired right now.
See yall then ♥️
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singlecrow · 9 months
Yuletide this year! Firstly this:
In the Consul's Court of Archon's Glory // Applicant No. #001 (on the instigation of the Temple of the White Rat) (5971 words) by raven Fandom: The Saint of Steel - T. Kingfisher Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Zale (The Saint of Steel), Bishop Beartongue (The Saint of Steel), Galen (The Saint of Steel), Wren (The Saint of Steel) Additional Tags: Slice of Life, the Temple of the White Rat, no spoilers for Paladin's Faith, Yuletide Treat
Administrative public law concerns the proper relations between government and governed; or, to put it another way, Zale and Bishop Beartongue have had it with this shit.
This is a treat for @naomitess, and I’m pretty sure a bunch of people guessed it was me just from the summary. Anyway it was a delight to do! and an interesting process in its way. I loved the idea of Bishop Beartongue inventing judicial review but it struck me right away that it couldn’t be American judicial review. It’s not fancy, like American judicial review is - none of this testing of lower court holdings and whatnot in high-profile whatevers. What she’s invented is ordinary administrative judicial review: the idea that any action taken by a public authority must be rational, legal and procedurally correct. Which is, I think, an interesting thought in the context of the White Rat. Because, you know, large-scale generation-defining constitutional law is fine. (It’s ok i guess. fine.) But my training and everyone’s training is one-man-and-a-dog JRs. I had probably done hundreds of them before I did the big stuff you’ve heard of. So none of this means that Bishop Beartongue and Zale can’t topple the Archon, it’s only that if they do, it begins with one person, some phallic mishaps and a horrendous stone gargoyle, and a whole bunch of other apparently inconsequential things. So that was great fun, and it turns out Beartongue is still my favourite. I wish someone would write me 50k of her just doing her thing.
The other story is my assigned story and the one that got wildly out of hand. It’s for a piece at McSweeney’s called We Are a Picturesque Small Town And We Refuse to Be The Setting For Your Romantic Comedy. That piece is delightful and hilarious! It’s 500w! And somehow I ended up writing a 9000-word romantic comedy that's essentially original f/f SF. If you like my pro work you will probably like it. At least I hope you do, I enjoyed writing it very much.
spirit falling (a ship's proper motion) (8723 words) by raven Fandom: We Are A Picturesque Small Town And We Refuse To Be The Setting For Your RomCom - Rachel McKenny Characters: Original Characters, Medical Practitioner (Picturesque Small Town), Chet Anderson (Picturesque Small Town) Additional Tags: Romance, Alien Cultural Differences, Telepathy, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Alternate Universe - Space, Romantic Comedy
While the aliens are on board, there will be no romance on the good ship Spirit Falling.
(Everything is fine.)
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