#rasta bot
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soulofamy · 7 months ago
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@rasta-bot im sorry i messed up the ask and have to post my answer using a screenshot!!
"I want you..." pining prompts
The night was still, the only sounds for miles being the soft rattle of trees in the wind and the quiet jingle of chimes from the Wu Shi courtyard. Ashrah laid in her mat, her eyes shut but sleep evading her.
Syzoth had gone back to Outworld earlier that day. Ashrah found that there was a small emptiness in her chest that coincided with his absence. Her mind often wandered to him in her moments alone.
What is he doing presently?
Did he enjoy his stay in Earthrealm this time?
Am I on his mind as often as he is on mine?
Ashrah had many things to keep her preoccupied. She was fighting for her absolution. She was a student, both of the way of the Shaolin and the way of Earthrealm. She was surprised, then, to realize that Syzoth occupied many of the gaps between those things. Her heart hammered in her chest whenever he was near. When their eyes met she was filled with dizzying exhileration.
It was earlier that day when he sat close by to watch her train, then volunteered to train with her. Their movements complimented one another. Having his full attention only invigorated her more during their spar. To her embarassment, her gracedul sequence was cut short when she stumbled forward. Syzoth was quick to catch her. His touch sent electricity throughout her body and her face warmed as he stared down at her, his eyes soft with concern. The moment had replayed itself in her mind all day.
Ashrash shifted off her back and onto her side, her arm draped over her waist. When she closed her eyes, she imagined the feeling of Syzoth's caress as he laid behind her, their bodies fitting together as though they were created for each other. His arm would hold her waist and he would bury his face in her hair as they slept, the only sound to interrupt the silence being his soft, sleepy sighs.
She readjusted her pillow, orienting it down the long way so that she could hug it while resting her head. She imagined laying beside Syzoth, his arm drawing her close as she laid her head on his chest. He would place kisses to her forehead and to the top of her head as she hugged his middle.
Ashrah sighed and adjusted her pillow once more, then shifted to lay on her stomach. She imagined laying on top of him, one of his arms securely holding her in place as their legs tangled under the covers. His fingers would comb through her hair. The sound of his heartbeat would be her lullaby.
With a heavy heart, Ashrah sat up. If she wasn't able to sleep now, she figured she might as well go outside and meditate.
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2346khith · 7 months ago
To any one who new to my blog and to anyone I’ve Spam liked
Hey I just want to put this post to let anybody who finds me on this site that while this blog has been around for a good long while, I am very new to actually interacting on the site and on my blog so if I do something on the app that seems strange it me trying to get used to it. I’m still very new to multiple customs and manners on this site, for example, I’ve only just now know what spam liking is and why it’s harmful( I apologize to many different blogs for spam liking, @rasta-bot, @running-with-the-feels, @suja-janee, @ender-goo, @hiroeghjj, @jaydraw209, @asweetlovesong, @th0r3nda, @miiqmiiq, @marveldivas-incorrectquotes, @xxrainbowvibezxx, @godsofhumanity, @thingsphoenix21, @happyk44, @feathered-mushrooms, @sapphirebluephoenix, @jorongbak, @dalekofchaos, @notherpuppet, @linkneol091, @raggedytiger, @yuramec, @cookiescr, @inc0rrectmyths, @ruberiotsaint, @emositecc, @saturdayschwartz, @laismoura-art and any other blogs I may have disturbed by spam liking. It was never my intention and I simply wanted to express my support as I greatly enjoyed your contents but I understand if all frustrated with me I just simply wanted to explain myself. Do yeah that is a basic explanation for many of my weird activities on the site and any behavior that may came off as disrespectful.
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isabelawritesthings · 6 months ago
My headcanons for EVERY (I think) Mortal Kombat 1 character
— Liu Kang is a big fan of Chinese food, because well, in the previous timelines he was Chinese, so he constantly goes to Madam Bo's restaurant to eat.
— Johnny Cage is a great dramatic actor, but unfortunately, Hollywood studios always cast him as comedic characters or male characters who are himbos, wasting his potential as a dramatic actor.
— Kenshi met Suchin after saving her from being attacked by thugs in Tokyo, and the two's connection was almost instantaneous, with Suchin agreeing to run away with him after Kenshi left the Yakuza.
— Raiden has a huge crush on Kitana, and constantly draws pictures of the two of them kissing (he's a cartoonist btw)
— Kung Lao loves Chinese and South Korean comedy dramas, his favorite South Korean comedy drama is "True Beauty".
— Kuai Liang is extremely protective of Harumi, like, if Harumi gets a scar, he won't rest until the person who did it pays dearly. When he was dating Cyrax, he was also quite protective of her as well (He's not a sexist who thinks women are too defenseless to protect themselves, he just wants to keep Harumi safe because he loves her so much).
— Bi-Han trusts women more than men, thanks to the complicated relationship he had with his father and the loving relationship he had with his mother (thanks to his daddy issues, he doesn't trust masculine nature very much, even though he is also a man).
— Shang Tsung is not a "victim of Liu Kang's intrigues", this guy is a sociopath to the core!
— Tanya is not Mileena's first lover, she had a girlfriend as a teenager, the daughter of an archduke, but was forced to end the relationship because the archduke's daughter had to marry a man, breaking Mileena's heart.
— Kitana is a voracious reader, she loves books, especially about the history of the Earthrealm and Seido, her favorite historical figure of Earthrealm is Queen Mary Stuart, a queen of Scotland, reflecting the thinking of some outworlders who think that she should be empress in place of Mileena, just as some 16th-century English Catholics wanted Mary to be Queen of England in place of her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I.
— I don't usually do SMUT headcanons, but I like to think that Sindel and Jerrod had an active sex life, and she never married any man after Jerrod because she only liked to have sex with him, she herself was impressed that she only had the twins and not like, three more children!
— The souls within Ermac have been in the living forest for so long that over time they have become one big family.
— Quan Chi was a thief when he was young and was sentenced to work in the gold mines as a way of paying for his crimes, which is why he hates Sindel so much.
— Tanya was not given to the Umgadi when she was a child, she was actually stolen from her mother's arms like several other Umgadi (a bit cruel, but I wanted to make it similar to Marvel's black widows).
— Li Mei has always been in love with Sindel, but she never had the courage to express her feelings.
— Takeda is destined to meet and fall in love with Jacqui, even though in this timeline she is not Jax's daughter.
— Sektor is a lesbian and has a fraternal relationship with Bi-Han.
— Cyrax can speak several African languages, including Zulu and Arabic.
— I'm going to join @rasta-bot AU that Nitara is also a lesbian, there's a 19th century irish lesbian book called "Carmilla" that I really like, it's about a sapphic vampire, just like Nitara.
— Reiko was a mommy's boy, just like Bi-Han.
— Shao suffers from narcissistic personality disorder.
— Syzoth and Ashrah's love language is physical caresses, such as kisses on the forehead and cheek.
— Ashrah is pansexual (yes, another wlw woman, it's "Mortal sapphic Kombat" for me) she has always felt lonely, so she would like any romantic companionship, no matter the gender.
— Baraka prays to Delia every day that a cure for Tarkat will be discovered (this is actually canon btw).
— Slavery is (unfortunately) legal in Seido, and Havik was enslaved (also canon), so he is an anarchist.
— Tomas is a polyglot, he can speak Czech, Chinese, English and Japanese.
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laismoura-art · 6 months ago
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"I am not allowed to desire a different future"
"Your desires are not an issue, it is your methods to achieve them"
Kuai Liang appearing right after he says "desire a different future"
Is there a chance for redemption here??? Noob can be redeemed????
@rasta-bot @jentasticart I'd love your insights here (if you wish, of course), am I allowed to dream???
@thedragonholder @mikka-minns
Also, did Liu just imply that if Bi-Han had just ASKED for the Lin Kuei's independence, he would've granted it?
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helsensm · 1 year ago
hate to break it to you, but liu kang and kung lao are actually cousins. i enjoy your art a lot and scrolling through your blog, so seeing you and your friends support liulao makes me concerned. i hope you understand and are mindful about what you ship going forward <:(
I sense some condescension, anon, but since text messaging cannot accurately convey tone, I’ll take this as a genuine warning. Thank you for your concern, but do not worry, I’m old enough to be mindful about my ships and I do my research, since I have no interest in shipping relatives in any media, and it CAN be tricky with the universe as complex and lore heavy as mk.
With that being said, here’s where you are wrong, anon. Liu Kang and Kung Lao are canonically NOT related – at least the versions of them that people ship.
Just a week ago, lovely user rasta-bot covered the “cousins issue”, you can check this post or I’ll just repeat the main idea here. They were only made cousins in the original 1995 movie because this specific universe (and by extension MK Conquests universe since it's a prequel to the movies) has Liu Kang as the Great Kung Lao's descendant as well. However, this is what the mk co-creator and Lore God™ John Tobias said about this change:
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In no other game Liu Kang was the descendant of GKL or Lao’s relative. In the original (and prev) timeline he was an orphan, raised by Shaolin monks.
And if you are referring to the 2021 movie, alas, you’d be wrong again. In the movie Liu Kang has no family, he tells Cole about his past, but people love to refer to the scene with a translation error. The mistake was pointed out by several native speakers online, but everyone can easily check it by themselves, even if they are not familiar with the language, just by doing a quick google search. This took me 2 minutes:
1. Turn on the Chinese subtitles.
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2. Look at the first results of “師兄 meaning” goggle search.
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source: wiktionary.org
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source: chinese.yabla.com
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source: hinative.com
It is totally fine if you don’t feel like shipping these two, you have all the right - everybody has different preferences. I also don’t like certain ship dynamics even if they are “legal” in any way. 😁 But I never encountered liulao shippers who would endorse inсеst, and it’s sad to see how this confusion nearly becomes a witch hunt, scaring and demotivating artists and writers.
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thedragonholder · 8 months ago
I am going to say it. If you guys want mk lore and aus @rasta-bot, @laismoura-art , @charlotte-family-apologist , @running-with-the-feels are the perfect people to go to from character and hidden mk lore. Even have their own lore about underrated character such as suchin and harumi.
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overlordzeffeero · 6 months ago
OC Speech Mannerisms
Tagged by @theelderhazelnut (thank you again 😁) as @apepthehero. Going to answer as my OC dedicated blog.
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NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES: 1 / 2 / 3+ (Spanish and English)
TONE OF VOICE: high / average / deep
ACCENT: yes / no
DEMEANOR: confident / shy / approachable / hostile / other
POSTURE: slumped / straight / stiff / relaxed (depends on the moment)
HABITS: head tilting / swaying / fidgeting / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin (or tapping on her metal jaw) / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance
VOCABULARY: ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️
EMOTION: ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️
FREQUENCY: ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️
CREATIVITY (in regards to profanity): ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️
BOLD ALL THAT APPLY: arse. ass. asshole. bastard. bitch. bloody. bugger. bollocks. chicken shit. crap. cunt. dick. frick. fuck. horseshit. motherfucker. piss. prick. screw. shit. shitass. son of a bitch. twat. wanker. pussy. (although is actually the spanish more or less equivalents, to name a few: 'bastardo', 'jodido', 'me cago en...', 'pedazo de mierda', 'mierda', 'hijo de puta', 'gallina')
straightforward or cryptic? / finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind (depends on how much she likes the person she speaks with)? / masculinity / neutrality / or femininity? / formalities or with abrasiveness? / praise or equivocation? / frankness or lies? / excessive or minimal hand gestures? / name-calling or magnanimity? / friendly or blunt?
DO PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME HEARING OR UNDERSTANDING YOUR CHARACTER? - almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never.
DOES YOUR CHARACTER'S POINT COME ACROSS EASILY WHEN THEY SPEAK? - almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never.
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER INITIATE CONVERSATIONS? - almost always / frequently / sometimes / never.
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER BE THE ONE TO END CONVERSATIONS? - almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never.
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER USE 'WHOM' IN A SENTENCE? - yes / no / only ironically
YOUR CHARACTER WANTS TO MAKE A COUNTERPOINT. WHAT WORD DO THEY USE? - but / though / although / however / perhaps / mayhaps.
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER END CONVERSATIONS? - walk away / ask if that's everything / say that's everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they're done here / remain quiet / they don't.
IN WHAT WAYS DOES THE WAY YOUR CHARACTER SPEAK STAND OUT TO OTHERS? - accent / vocabulary / tone / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn't.
No pressure tags (only if you want 🤗): @cdr2002, @odie1441, @transdrowcavalier, @rasta-bot (I think that if you wanted you could do it of your version of Amara, or any take on canon characters you consider different enough to count really), @charlotte-family-apologist (I think your version of Suchin could count), @laismoura-art , and anyone reading this if they feel like it.
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thegrimoiresvoice · 3 months ago
It's a new beginning!
@laismoura-art @rasta-bot @howdypink @mikka-minns
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imomisoplays · 4 months ago
And so it goes
With the chicken satay post below this post, that's the last repost I managed to find from my previous blog. I've managed to recover 15 out 23 posts, which is not bad at all.
Here's a full list of my posts at misoplays:
Jamaican jerk chicken -> recovered here
Rasta pasta -> recovered here
Goan prawn curry -> recovered here
Paruppu idli -> recovered here
Sag aloo
Rose and pista barfi
Japanese diner set
Donkatsu curry
Zaru soba
Nasi goreng -> recovered here
Ayam penyet -> recovered here
Lontong -> recovered here
Chicken satay -> recovered here
Ham ramen -> recovered here
Brunch plate -> recovered here
Jambon-beurre -> recovered here
Hong Kong French toast -> recovered here
Halloween macaron -> recovered here
Mud crumble pot -> recovered here
Monster brownie -> recovered here
I plan to rewrite the last 8 posts sooner or later, but going forward, I will start posting new food CC finds again. I must admit I'm a bit rusty -- I haven't really played Sims 4 for a while. But I'm wishing that this is the last time @staff, tumblr bot, or someone out there terminated my blog again. Let's hope third time is really the charm 😌🤞
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outlawssweetheart · 11 months ago
@rasta-bot Okay, so, I was answering the ask you sent about Lana and the fam, saved to draft, aaaannd... now it's nowhere to be found. 🙃
Idk when I'll get the mental energy to write all that again (and it was only 2 paragraphs 😩), but you are more than welcome to send it again.
@staff @wip Please fix this. Our inbox posts should not be disappearing when we draft them.
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soulofamy · 4 months ago
For the headcanon ask game: Rain with "family". :))
Send me a word plus 'Headcanon' and I'll give a headcanon based on that word.
omg okay okay so ive been holding onto this one since takeda got dropped
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based on this intro here!!
my headcanon is that daegon is amaras son to a different man than whoever rains father was. is he also argus's son? idk and idc tbh. but what i will say is that he is significantly older than rain. he was probably the outworld equivalent of being like 12 years old when rain was born. and it was from a very young that daegon fell in with the wrong crowd.
rain grew up watching his mother get her heart broken over and over again as daegon participated in criminal activity. this is partially what motivated rain to push himself so hard in his studies at the academy. he wanted to give his mom something to be proud of
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2346khith · 4 months ago
Ok, I'm just going to say what everybody else was thinking. More companies should hire actual fans of their properties. It obvious those people are much more passionate about those shows,comics,movies or what nots a lot more than corperate suits who are in charge of overseeing them. Plus I've seen fan projects, fan films, fan fictions and fan comics with better potential than most of the stuff churned out for the sake of money. @laismoura-art, @rasta-bot, @running-with-the-feels, @charlotte-family-apologist , 4thsnake and many others have a much better job at worldbuilding and character development for mortal kombat's mythos than NRS could ever do. Have you ever heard of @thecardnialarts. He the one respondible for creating an oc called hellspinner who is basically the Mayday Parker of 616 who was taken away by mephisto. I haven't seen much of his art but I do know I would've much rather that be the storyline that came after spider man beyond than Zeb Wells run. I seen amazing youtubers like troyoboyo17 and nando v movies who pour their hearts out about their favorite comic book characters and I know they would be perfect at marvel or dc becuase they understand the characters on a fundamental level. So yeah apologize for the rant but not apologizing for the purpose.
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isabelawritesthings · 2 months ago
I'm still crying the fact that we're going to have Arnold Schawenegger (I don't even know how to pronounce his name) again and again the terminator WHEN WE COULD HAVE THE ENTIRE ROSTER OF CHARACTERS FROM THE FRANCHISE!!!
— Ghostface: The era of horror characters in the game was in MKX, there is no need to bring back a serial killer from some horror movie from the 90s again.
— Omni-man and Homelander: Do we really need two evil Supermans in the same game? I love The Boys and Invincible, but seriously, just one would be enough!
— Peacemaker: He has his own series but he's a DC antihero that nobody cares about, he is overrated because he is played by John Cena, even Jason Todd (Red Hood) would be a better choice!
In conclusion: Netherrealm Studios killed this game, that's why the fandom almost doesn't exist anymore after the release of Khaos Reigns.
@rasta-bot at this point it inspired me to create my own AU, I do not accept the canon of this game.
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laismoura-art · 6 months ago
Ladies and gentlemen:
The Sisterhood of Shadows! 🎸🎶
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I cannot be the only one who thought they would make a sickass band while watching MK Legends: Cage Match!
I hate that they are just jobbers there, but I LOVE their rockstar desings!
🎹 Sareena definitely has my favourite design! Her outfit is so pretty and messy curls fit her so well and they were so much fun to make!
🎸 And y'all know I'm a curly Jataaka believer so I brought the queen's crown back! Her outfit fits the vibes I usually give her so I dig it!
🥁 Kia's hair was pretty fun so I kept it, and her outfit though simple was so stylish, I really like it!
And I know Cage Match set up Sareena to be the the main lead, and that's cool and she was pretty badass, buuuuuuut, I think even Sareena herself will agree Jataaka is the true main lead of this band! 👑
I wanted to try a different style, I hope y'all like it!
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And reference:
Let's be real, the are MK's Hex Girls! 🖤
@mikka-minns @thedragonholder @madamealtruist @orbitinytheworld @rasta-bot
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overlordzeffeero · 5 months ago
OCs as Colors
Tagged by @theelderhazelnut as @apepthehero to take this quiz (link in the title) and answer it as one of my OCs. Gonna answer as this OC dedicated blog again.
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Burgundy Red (the same Elder Hazelnut's OC Ombra, funnily enough)
You're very passionate, maybe passionate in the way of people, maybe passionate in the way of a goal, of a love, of a desire- it doesn't matter that much. You're strong-minded, self-sufficient, and people admire you, perhaps for different reasons, depending on what parts of yourself are true or not. Are you done running from what you don't like? It's okay, to be afraid. Fear is normal, it's what makes someone human, what makes someone real, but that doesn't mean that you can avoid everything. Someday your grief of your old self will find you in the middle of a summer day and ask you if you've forgiven it yet, and you will have to find an answer.
No pressure tags (again, only if you want 🤗): @cdr2002, @odie1441, @transdrowcavalier, @rasta-bot (Amara, Hydro or whatever unique take of yours count for this one too if you want 😃), @charlotte-family-apologist (your take on Suchin would count again), and anyone else reading if they would have fun!
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thegrimoiresvoice · 8 months ago
For all my followers who watch my YouTube videos, I'll be reacting to the #MortalKombat1 Year 2 trailers that come out tonight for my 200 Subscriber Special! I'll be joined by my friend, Michael, who's my co-writer for a lot of my Mortal Kombat projects. He and I will be getting everything ready for launch at 4:45 pm EST. And expect the videos to be out around 6, after the panel.
Last minute predictions?
- Sektor
- Cyrax
- Noob Saibiot
- Jade
- Story Expansion
- Guest Characters I actually give a damn about
- Test Your Luck/Might being their own game modes
I know certain ones have been datamined, but I still have to list them. Good gravy, I'm excited! So, as a final reminder, keep your optics sharp around 5-6 pm EST when all of it is over. Thank you for listening and I hope you guys can tune in for what I can only hope is a Flawless Victory!
This has been Gwen saying be good people, go bang in the night... and till all are one!
(Shoutouts to my MK moots @laismoura-art and @rasta-bot!)
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