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It was a miracle that James hadn’t spotted Peter beside him at the bar but honestly, he was semi too drunk to notice him and semi too focused on getting the attention of the bartender – which somehow worked when he winked at him and a drink was placed in front of him. It was only when somebody took the drink from in front of his face that he gasped and then pouted in the direction of the person, only realising that it was Peter. “Well fuck, I really thought that flirting with him was working. Guess I was wrong. Unless you were nice enough to let me have the drink I attempted to flirt for.” He fluttered his eyelashes at Peter and grinned.
eye rolls were peter’s natural response to james. he shouldn’t have been surprised by the fact he was here, peter always ended up running into james at any gathering of more than ten people. he rested his arm on the bar as he shifted his weight, “ poor chap. suddenly i see why he was in a such a rush to get out of this end so quickly. ” peter responded, sarcasm oozing from his voice. yet, he raised his eyebrows playfully as he continued to look in james’ direction – a rare event. “ I don’t know where you got the impression i’m a nice person, reynolds. ” peter continued to tease as he lifted the glass to his lips, taking a long, drawn out sip.
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am i paranoid?
( michael clifford, 25, cismale ) Welcome to Bainbridge University, MARSHAL "MARS" STRICKLAND ! HE is in HIS FIRST year studying COMMUNICATIONS , and is from AUSTRALIA. They are known for being EXTROVERTED, CREATIVE, CLINGY, and LAZY.
or am i just stoned?
another strickland unlocked. this is mars, your local disaster bisexual and proud frog father.
the youngest of seven children (yikes).
he was definitely the accident baby of the family, but a very welcomed one as he’s been coddled by his mother from day one.
he was pushed around by his older siblings growing up, totally due to the fact he embodied the annoying baby brother role. he’s always been closest to maverick however, mainly due to being the closest in age and bonding over being harassed by their oldest brother.
he was the only one in the family to go state school instead of boarding school
which was all fun and games until mars would be the only siblings left at home during school
he replaced the sudden loss of all of his siblings at home with talking to anyone who would spare him a moment of attention at school
he was friends with everyone: students and teachers
despite all of these friends, lottie burke was always his partner in crime
what started as an awkward meet up thanks to their older brothers being best friends bloomed into a beautiful friendship
even had a girlfriend for a little bit
a little bit being almost four years, an apartment, and a cat before their relationship finally went under and he was kicked out of his own apartment
moving back into his family home was odd, with all of his siblings out in the world it reminded him of being in grade school.
he dropped out of school after this too, deciding maybe the english degree and writer dreams he was pursuing wasn’t what he really wanted anymore.
the only person that really helped him through that funk was lottie.
one slowburn friends to lover au later and now they’ve been dating for a year.
of course, he’d been living at his parent’s house since he was twenty-one now. he finally crumbled to his mother’s gentle pushes towards going to england with his brother to see the world.
so now here he is. moved across the world, enrolled in classes he doesn’t go to just to make his mama proud
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naomi ross : welcome back party
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p x open
where: the library lounge who: open
peter was currently leaning on the bar, fingers tapping against the wooden surface along to whatever song was playing. he kept his eyes on the bartender as they finally got to his drink in the queue of orders from the crowd. his classic resting bitch face only seemed to darken as the bartender quickly placed his a little ways away before hurriedly moving to the next order. with a drawn out huff, he stood back up and moved towards his drink, which happened to be placed in front of another partygoer: just his luck. his slid his arm in front of them, grabbing onto the glass.
“ ‘cuse me. sorry, tender was too lazy to take a few more steps. ”
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you would think that after twenty-seven years of living as a fucking dumbass he wouldn’t have thought it was a brilliant idea to climb on top of a table to dance for his ex. in his defense, that was their song and it was super strange that it was playing… considering that it wasn’t even that popular. so, sue him if he was excited.
he didn’t know that the table sucked and the was too tall for the ceiling. he figured he’d looked less attractive before, but as he fell flat onto the hard wooden floor– he was second guessing that. he was more pissed at himself than anything. he wasn’t too graceful of a man to begin with, but now naomi’s got her hands on him and he swore that his bleeding forehead wasn’t why he was dizzy.
baby. oh fuck, she needed to stop before he tripped again. maverick strickland wasn’t capable of using his head whenever she was around. her sweet accent sounded so refreshing and beautiful to his ears.. he was sure that it was the reason the ringing from the impact stopped.
with her hand outstretched before him, he almost laughed at the idea of her pulling him off the ground. ❝ i’m sure i’m alright, just a little bump is all. ❞
the whole situation was so unbelievably him that it wasn’t even funny. he took her hand and lifted himself up with his other arm. long legs marching their way to the bathroom so his angel could get a better look at his accidental self inflicted wound. upon entering he closed the lid on a loo and sat down, knowing that he was way too talk for her to actually look at his head standing up.
❝ well? does it need stitches, doc? ❞
a quiet, breathy chuckle escaped her lips at his remark. the edison lightbulb fixtures caused a low, warm glow to cover the bathroom, yet it was still brighter than the bar outside the door. she studied the spot on his forehead, resisting the urge to once again touch his hair. every time they were together, it seemed like she had to force herself not to steal even the smallest opportunity to touch him “ not this time, hun. your thick skull seemed to save you, “ she teased as she took a small step back “ i’m more worried about the lamp. ”
she quickly moved towards the sink. she pulled a few paper towels from the dispenser. the bathroom was silent, despite for the sound of the faucet running as she dampened the towels and the muffled music from outside.
naomi kept her eyes dead on his reflection in the mirror. usually their silence didn’t stress her out this much, she had been freqently just existing with him in silence in his apartment since they had rekindled their friendship; but this quiet was different, a buzz in the atomosphere that made her hands a little clammier and her pulse go a little quicker.
turning back around, she moved towards the stall. “ scoot back. ” she said softly, tapping one his legs. carefully, she sat herself in the small bit of empty space between his legs. she kept her legs crossed, trying to take up the least amount of space as possible, all while being painfully aware of how close they were. taking on of the damp paper towels, she began to wipe away the blood around the cut before applying pressure to the injury itself.
“ i’ve got a sewing kit in my purse if you really want stitches. ”
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n x m | closed
where: the library lounge who: @stvrtreatment ( maverick )
naomi was glad maverick had conviced her to come out tonight. she had been diving head first back into her classes as soon the semester had began. the flyers had been hung up all around campus, she couldn’t miss them: naomi had toyed with the idea of coming, flashbacks to the multitude of pub crawls she had attended in dublin. but he could match her stubborness on just abount any level. she was glad to be here, with him, they hadn’t felt this close in years.
there were moments where everything felt right. the way they naturally leaned towards each other. the way they still remembered each other’s orders to a tee. the way his hand lingered on her back as they danced; butterflies fluttered in her stomach at the act, something about such a small touch was much more intoxicating than any of the alcohol she had drunk tonight.
nestled in at a table in the conrner, if she pushed away all of the anxiety currently eating her away, naomi could almost picture the two of them as if nothing had happened. his arm thrown over the back of her chair and they were sitting far too close together for two people you were supposedly ‘ just friends ’.she was barely paying attention to the story he was telling, instead her attention were on his eyes, so blue and full of life.
as the current song began to fade to the next, a familiar sounding guitar line caught her attention. it had been so long since she had been able to listen to this song, yet she still recognized it almost immediately. her cheeks grew red as she noticed the realization dawn on his face. “ no maverick, please... sit. ” she pleaded with him, though her words broke into laughter. maybe if she had been more sober, naomi could have recalled the spectacle that unfolded: the mischievous glint in his eyes, combat boots firmly pressed onto the surface of the unsteady table, light fixture swinging, and the fall from grace.
naomi, who had flinched away, finally opened her eyes and turned back towards maverick– now on the floor. her cloudly mind cleared slightly at the sight of him, as she jumped up. “ shit, baby... honey, you’re bleeding. ” she pointed out, crouching beside him, her face contorting to a worried look as she noticed the cut on his forehead. terms of endearment always seemed to flow off her tongue when she had alcohol in her system. usually, around maev, she would have been more conscious about it. she gently moved some of his curls from his face to get a better look at his forehead. “ c’mon... ” she said, fingers grazing down the side of his face, “ i can get a better look in the bathroom. ” she began to stand back up, offering him a hand up.
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oh, when you look at me like that, my darling
( lorenzo zurzolo, 23, cismale ) Welcome to Bainbridge University, PETER HENDRICKS ! HE is in HIS THIRD year studying PUBLIC RELATIONS, and is from BATH, ENGLAND. They are known for being ATHLETIC, INTELLIGENT, NON-COMMITTAL, and GRUMPY.
what do you expect?
hi it’s admin bean again– let’s ignore the fact this a copy n paste of his original bio and move on!
peter’s been filthy rich since birth
his parents founded a tech company in amsterdam before he was born
the business was successful and they moved to england
despite the fact peter was born in london, his parents moved to bath when he was a toddler, finding london to be too hectic to raise a family
he’s got 2 younger sisters! the twins were definitely accident babies
there is a 15 year age gap between peter and his sisters
peter is water baby
he has done all sorts of water sports ( swimming, diving, water polo, etc )
sailing and rowing however... boats in general to be honest, are his favorite
he’s been doing competitive rowing since he was 12
he got a pretty good scholarship to bainbridge thanks to it
speaking of college: he doesn’t want to be here
what the fuck even is a public relation?
peter was definitely pressured by his parents, specifically his dad, to get a degree
not only is he not that passionate about his degree, college has also thrown his whole sexual identity up in the air
he’s gay and in denial
woe is him at least he’s still got money
pintrest. | playlist.
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sapphire and faded jeans
( madison iseman, 27, cisfemale ) Welcome to Bainbridge University, NAOMI ROSS ! SHE is in HER FIRST year studying ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, and is from PERTH. She is known for being EXTROVERTED, COMPASSIONATE, EMOTIONAL, and IMPULSIVE.
i hope you get your dreams
admin bean here! it’s taken me too long to get my intros up so let’s go!
b i o g r a p h y
she was born in perth, australia! yet naomi spent her childhood around the world.
her father was professional surfer and her mother was an arts journalist.
as she got older, she started staying back in perth with her paternal grandparents when her parents went on trips for their careers.
men then boarding school happened
looking back at it now, boarding school was only fun when she was actually there. she was the upper middle class girl rubbing elbow with her large friend group of millionarie friends
( even managed to go steady with one of those millionaries for a bit )
they were the ‘ it ’ couple at school,
but as soon as he left, so did the rose tinted glasses she wore in sydney. she realized how exhausting it was trying to keep up with her girlfriends. the small group of genuine friends she had left a bittersweet reminder of the boy who had left her.
so she spread her wings and left australia.
naomi moved to dublin after getting accepted to trinity college. she was happy to be close to where her parents had finally decided to settle down. their only tie to australia at this point was naomi.
she got her undergrad in ecology in dublin, but wasn’t done with school just yet
naomi heard about a great environmental policy masters program at bainbridge and
here she is!
pls message me for plots she needs friends that aren’t maverick.
pintrest. | playlist. | page.
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