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tolnas-vault · 10 months ago
Announcing The Wroot of Romance Fic Collab.
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Sign up on the Tolna's Vault Discord Server.
Show Your Love For Barcus Wroot By Participating In This Collaborative Fanfiction Series of Barcus Wroot Ships.
The Premise
The idea is that Barcus is going to go through the game timeline and meet a lot of different people. Some of these encounters will cause some canon divergence, but the game timeline will be mostly kept. There will be smut, fluff, friendship - whatever you want to write! Each chapter will focus on a single partnering, with a title relating to it in the format “The Wroot of _____” in which the blank relates to the partner or the relationship between them. Writers signing up can volunteer for a listed character or add a new character to the list that they want to write about, and after the sign up period we will check the assignments and decide an order together.
How To Sign Up
Join the Tolna's Vault Discord Server (invite link above) and follow the link to the sign up spreadsheet featured in the Wroot of Romance event description, and pinned in the #the-wroot-of-romance-collab channel.
You will also need to have an AO3 account and share your username with us - there is a second tab in the spreadsheet with a table to add your aliases!
The table should be pretty simple to use. If there’s a character not on the list that you’d like to add, put them in a new row! You can also add title suggestions if you think of something fun, and we’ll all agree on the final titles that fit best when the event starts. There’s a column to volunteer to write a character, and you’re welcome to add your name here as long as you don’t remove anyone else’s without their permission - for now keep it to your Discord username from Tolna’s so we know who you are! We will add a column for AO3 names and other aliases later.
Each character will get one chapter written by one writer (unless two or more agree to collab on a single chapter together), and if several people have interest in the same character we can work it out in the server together.
Event Timeline
Sign ups will end on the 1st May to allow us a day or so to ensure we have the writers set up with their pairing(s). Then we will work together on an order/structure together so we know the chronological story - and release - order of everyone’s works!  The next deadline is the 10th May - by this date you will need a bullet point summary of your fic plan. That way, you can coordinate with the writers before and after you to ensure we have a cohesive story structure. We might also be able to reference - or even add foreshadowing! - from each others ideas so we can even have some real character development for Barcus as he goes on a very sexy adventure across the sword coast.
The first batches of submissions will be due in by the end of May, and the release schedule will be one chapter every few days through June/maybe July to stagger them for readers but also keep a nice steady flow until we reach the end.
It’s best to publish these as a Series on AO3 with each chapter as a new work (so your “chapter” can have multiple chapters if you need to, particularly if it runs long or you feel it needs a split in the middle to be more reader-friendly). This also means each person’s submission will have its own tags on it, and will be easier to find for those just looking for each individual pairing they like.
The Concept So Far
A chance encounter with Abdirak in act 1 will kickstart this fic series, as this crack ship sparked the idea. Abdirak (in his own unique way) will encourage Barcus to open himself up to new possibilities. And thus we begin Barcus' journey of self discovery and relationship building. Some of his encounters will be romantic, some platonic, some simply smutty. You get to write what you feel is best for the ship you choose.
The Rules
The main thing is to follow all the rules listed in Tolna’s server, make sure your works are tagged appropriately, but otherwise follow your hearts and dreams! Want to go full Dead Dove? Do it! As long as it fits the event, it’s fine. You can also go pure SFW fluff if you want, you don’t have to make it smutty at all unless you want to.
Do be mindful of the people following you directly in the series. You should be able to summarize the "important events" in your fic with as few triggers as possible so people can follow up from your story even if your content isn't to their taste. If you can summarize all your Dead Dove elements with "they had a wild night." you are free to write anything you'd like happening that night in the fic proper. Please try to stick close to the deadlines, but if you are struggling let someone know ASAP and we can work something out! Otherwise? Have fun!
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beetrixstavern · 1 month ago
Masterlist of Fics
Mature or Explicit fics are marked [M] or [E], respectively.
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Shadow of Thorns
"Silvanus guide me, for I know I certainly do not have the strength to stop this rot in the Grove."
Rath struggles with Halsin's decision to put Kagha in charge of the druid circle in his absence. Now Halsin is missing and Kagha isn't acting right, and it's up to Rath to figure out why.
Shadow of Resolve [Mol POV Interlude]
It was all her fault. She knew it, and her gang knew it. If she hadn’t told Arabella to nick the stupid idol, she’d be alive. And Mol wouldn’t have failed at the one thing she’d sworn to do. Get them all to Baldur’s Gate: together, and alive.
Arabella is dead and Mirkon is missing, and Mol knows it's up to her and her alone to protect her ragtag band of orphans.
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Pain's Embrace
Abdirak motioned the dragonborn to face the wall, and watched as the creature shrugged off his shirt, revealing his back.  Like his face and arms, his back was marred with scars, many across his shoulders—marks similar to those Abdirak himself bore.  The marks of a man used to flagellating himself before his god.  A beautiful canvas, a masterpiece he felt honored to add his strokes to.
Abdirak, priest of Loviatar, has an unusual encounter with a dragonborn in a desecrated temple of Selune.
Voidmarked [E]
The cool weight of space hung across Layla’s skin, leaving her feeling exposed despite remaining fully clothed.  She drifted, awash in an eldritch sea, unsure what she should say or do.  Words felt wrong in the vast nothingness, as if her mortal speech would shatter the eons-long oblivion and disturb the rest of whole universes.  Instead, she opened her mind to the void and welcomed it to read her deepest desires.
Layla, a bored young prostitute, seeks a unique and exciting experience -- and proceeds to receive more than she'd ever dreamed possible.
List may not be completely up-to-date, but will be updated regularly!
Happy reading!
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stephenopolos · 2 years ago
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valeriapryanikova · 8 months ago
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i recently played deathloop for the first time! ^_^
if you do not wish to exercise your neck here's an upside down version:
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tiedsh0es · 1 month ago
I want... so badly... seperate episodes about OJ and Paper where they aren't together. I want the show to recognise their other friendships so bad maaan 😭
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topazpearl · 1 year ago
one of the reasons why Ashlyn is my favorite character in sbg is that she's a girl and likes to do ballet (stereotypically very feminine) but is also tough as nails, wears army camo, has blades in her freakin shoes. a lot of girls in media are either one way or the other so it's really refreshing tbh
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s3znl-gr3znl · 4 months ago
i feel like i cant remember the last time i saw a good mecha duo. i feel like most mech media doesnt really allow for great pairings that arent on opposite sides of a conflict (char and amuro being an example) while pretty much every mecha show/game has an mc who must shoulder the weight of the conflict alone while everyone else takes a back seat.
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bigcryptiddies · 13 days ago
The main difference between the shonen trope of ending the story with all your female characters as housewives and Touka ending out as a mom who just works in a cafe is that she fought because she had to, she lived in a world that necessitated it. The people she loved were constantly being taken from her and subjected to injustice and she fought because she wasn’t the type to sit back and let that fly.
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eisforerinni · 2 months ago
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I dug up this thing from like 4 years ago and concluded it was worth sharing. One of my favorite duos to this day, in their baby form
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fisheito · 20 days ago
which yakuroom am i voting for??
proooobbabbly (in order of preference) 1. vampire yaku (i REALLY wanna hear yakumo lash out. AND the goofy mirror training) 2. idol yaku (lots of lore in this one, along with potential for snake-language yakumo. bonus: panicked whisper yaku in R1) OR 3. iced coffee yaku (give me more of that dulcet service voice)
deliberations under the cut
when they launched the poll, my immediate answer was SHADOW LINEAGE YAKUMO! I WANNA HEAR HIM SCREAM AS HE PLUMMETS FROM THE CLIFF but, not so hasty... did he ACTUALLY scream while hurtling to his doom? after i checked the rooms, no. no he did not. in fact, he was quite coherent throughout the crisis. that simply will not suffice. so, scrap shadow lineage. i must now go through room by room...
Things that , voiced, may INTRIGUE me? 👀👓:
White day yakumo: - eiden's weaponised incompetence while yakumo teaches him how to stir 😁
Idol yakumo: - blade and oli!! - yakumo ?happy!? it feels like it's been so long - yakumo speaking ancient serpent language - i can see the appeal in hearing yaku sing [ancient mating ball music], but i kinda prefer letting my imagination do the work. hmm...
Count drakumo: - yakumo losing his temper with eiden (I WANT TO HEAR HIM LASH OUT AT PRECIOUS EITO-SAN. JUST ONCE) - eiden talking about his hidden scalp scar and past anger issues - garu and aster!! often talking about food!! - eiden saying affirmations in the mirror about himself :)<3 - yakumo being forced to repeat eiden's compliments about his stamina and cuteness 😂
Nerdkumo: - some extra lines of being nervous and flustered never hurt anyone
Shadow Lineage: - a loooot of backstory but it's from Great Serpent POV/outside narrative, so it's not as relevant voice-wise - if they could squeeze in some distress noises every time yakumo nearly dies , that would be great
umbrella yaku: - yakuei being scared about ghosts and clinging onto each other - baby yaku? but... he's just crying again, in a pitched up voice probably. not the MOST interesting for me 🤨
Mermaid yaku: - the stupid sappy moment where eiden lies on yaku's lap and gets his tummy rubbed and theyre all disgustingly sweet n whispery
Iced coffeeyaku: - rei and blade!! - confident service yaku voice? talking with customers??? - yakumo switching between his calm happy-to-serve mode to being DEAD FLUSTERED by eiden's advances - idk something about yakumo acting as little coffee boy with a jingly collar .. bringing back this relevant line from the aster/yaku fic:
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#NO RECENCY BIAS ALLOWED. WE'RE GOING BACK TO THE BEGINNING *examines every room*#i feel like i'm not great at matching up with popular opinion#dare i get what i wish for? unlikely. but i shall wish nonetheless#i wonder what the numbers will choose!#many rooms have yaku talking normally. conversationally. the classic eiden-clan member verbal jamgle#so i want to vote for something that will enrich the yaku vocal experience. something with... rare delicacies!?!?!#even if i don't get to hear angryaku. as long as i get to hear some flustered yaku or whispery yaku i'll be :)#i will defer to the mains of other chars for most cases. you know. consult the bladeguy the kuyaguy etc.etc.#i want to vote for units i have but i don't have enough of everyone :(#there ARE some units that i enjoy tho so i might vote for those#like sunburst dante . one of the few dantes i have but i really like that one. sulky eiden... wonderful...#and i'll have to revisit my rei rooms because i do not remember how much of a freak i am about maid rei. must check#for eiden it's gonna be bunnyboy timetraveller . no contest#THREE MR EIDEN. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TURN DOWN THREE MR EIDEN!!!!!!!#i'm sorry to eiden's va. god works hard but eiden's va works harder something somethin#fhishe listes#sorta rather kinda mad that vampire yaku managed to make it to the top of 2 of my lists.somehow.#ugh. EIDEN AND YAKUMO MIRROR PRACTICE IS REALLY FUNNY OK#and before that .yakumo cries while stuffing rice balls in his face. garbled crying#there's a lot i enjoy here despite the lot i don't enjoy here
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bagelqaq · 2 years ago
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happy 520 <33
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tolnas-vault · 10 months ago
WIP to Watch Out For: The Red Harp
Reviewed: May 1 2024
Fic Data
Rating: E
Status: Incomplete
Publish Date: 2024-04-23
Last Update: 2024-04-24
Chapters: 2
Word Count: 10,639
Main Ship(s): Shadowheart/He Who Was
Side Ship(s): Geraldus/Rolan
Other Side Character(s): Jaheira, Aradin, Rugan, Minsc, Rion
This city is filled with demons; and as the constables track down those mortal evils, those murderers and thieves, behind the unassuming door of The Red Harp they hunt those evils existing in the space beyond. The High Harper's daughter has been taken. The medium and the thief stand at the docks, growing cold as they await the arrival of their newest recruit, the exorcist, ready to begin the work. (Victorian/Penny Dreadful style AU)
Ao3 Stats (As of May 1 2024)
Shadowheart/He Who Was works on Ao3: 2
He Who Was works on Ao3: 35
Shadowheart works on Ao3: 6219
Review (Mild Spoilers Only)
Warnings: Gore, body horror, parasites, ghosts.
Favorite Quote:
"Shadowheart’s eyes traced down, now, to the floor - where the girls purple gown was gathered about her, the crumpled material of her skirts forming pools all around her, which, now that she was looking at it from somewhere so close, she could see, were shifting slightly. The material almost looking as if it were … boiling?"
Main POV: Shadowheart and Geraldus
Oh this is a lovely gothic horror. Shadowheart and He Who Was slot perfectly into the rolls of medium and priest in this AU. And it's one of those AUs that weave the canon lore and AU lore together perfectly. Tieflings are still a thing, the Harpers and the Zhent are still a thing, but the technology and magic system have been adjusted for the setting.
The first two chapters offer a thrilling introduction to the world and this version of the characters. He Who Was, in all his creepy glory, gets a proper introduction from Shadowheart's pov, and we're then immediately flung into the action. And without spoiling what happens the action is absolutely amazing in this story. See the quote above for how evocative and uncanny the entities of this setting are, and how they're revealed to the audience through the dawning horror of the characters. I had chills during the first action scene.
And the action scenes also do an excellent job of character building. Each character's reaction to the monster of the scene reveals something about their character, and shows the author understands the NPCs they're working with.
And the author is also good at mixing up the horror as well. There's a solid combination of high intensity action, and unnerving suspense in just the first two chapters. I cannot wait to see where this story goes.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: This is the perfect fic for people people enjoy the goth aspects of both He Who Was and Shadowheart, and want to see the characters in a more classic horror setting, while not straying too far from the world of BG3.
How Unsatisfied Would I Be If This Never Updated Again?: Not too terribly. The first two chapters of this fic served as an excellent "pilot" episode for the premise. Which meant they of course set up the character relationships, mysteries, and plot threads that one would expect to be addressed over the course of the "season". But they were also their own self-contained story with a proper beginning, middle and end. A very classic "this is how the team gets together" pilot episode. Satisfying on its own, but leaving you wanting more.
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cleo-serotonin · 2 years ago
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here’s some rare bts, as a treat <3
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binarybitex · 7 months ago
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front desk girl
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felixisfruity · 4 months ago
i was abt 2 ask u which mlp char i should draw next but i think i know ur answer giggles - @seraphinnit
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chorbie · 21 days ago
thinking of .. url change
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