Akai Kami - Akatsuki no Yona Lovers
218 posts
💮 semi-hiatus 💮 female 💮 25 💮 home country: Austria (Europe) 💮 INFJ 💮 blood type: AB+ 💮 Hopeless Soo-Won trash 💮 Not spoiler free
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betty-nyan · 5 years ago
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betty-nyan · 5 years ago
Shit i accidentally reported one of your post aldksjalsjdks ;__; I was going to click the 'this post sucks' on another random post on my dash but i hit yours instead i'm sorryyy
Hahaha! Don't worry about it, anon! Something like this can happen. I didn't even get notified about it or anything, so no worries! 😉 I don't mind! But it's still a nice gesture of you to contact me and notify me about that! 😊
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betty-nyan · 5 years ago
Honestly? I think I'd drop the manga if he indeed dies. He's the only reason I'm still following the manga. Yes, there are other interesting characters besides Soo-Won. But it wouldn't be the same without him.
But it's still her story and - as sad as it might sound - only she (and maybe her editors) can decide if she/they want(s) to kill him off or not. And if she wants to get rid of him the easy way, she'll do it. Though I really had the impression that she likes the character she's created. And Kusanagi usually has a hard time killing off her babies (I recall her once admitting that she hates writing death scenes or something along these lines...).
Still. Yoon might be the key to his fatal illness and its cure (if it can be cured that is). Though I'm still trying to figure out what this mysterious (and possibly) hereditary illness really is. What do you think?
Chorea Huntington might be a possibility. Because it is indeed hereditary. But do the symptoms really fit? He seemed to have no trouble walking after his seizure. And there's no clue that his mind is also impacted (which happens in the Huntington disease - like blurry vision). And tbh, not even a herb like Senjusou can cure such an illness.
My first thought was that he has a brain tumor. But AFAIK there's no genetic connection.
Let's just go with some random terminal illness that can only work in fictional works, shall we? 🤷🏼‍♀️
I look what happens next. However I am not sure if I should read Akatsuki no Yona any further after Soo Won´s death. Will it be interesting without Soo Won?
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betty-nyan · 5 years ago
Chapter 187 - First reaction (Beware the *SPOILERS!*)
So, it really is true. Soo-Won's death seems to be inevitable. And the reason behind his mysterious disease is most likely his mom. Genetics can really be a curse.
But is Lady Yon-Hi actually confirmed to be dead? I sure had hoped that she's still alive and plays an important role in future chapters, but with the recent bit of information it seems pretty unlikely... What a waste of such an (potentially) interesting character.
And when it comes to Soo-Won: It's really frustrating to see your all-time favourite character slowly fading away and dying in the end. I had faith in Kusanagi's writing and never really had the impression that she's willing to throw away such a well-written, realistic character. It's the easiest way to get rid of an antagonist and an even easier way to let your protagonists succed with such little effort. What a shame. And here I thought that it might be in the realm of possibilities to get a satisfying ending. Maybe even a happy ending for Soo-Won.
I'm still hoping that Yun is somehow able to heal Soo-Won with Senjusou or some other rare herb. I mean, why has it been brought up again in the first place?
Sorry for the rant, guys! But I'm sad (and also kinda pissed) about this recent development. Soo-Won may have done horrible things in the past. But we still don't know the full story and motives behind his actions . All in all: He deserves better than this.
Still: Soo-Won's Sleeping Beauty face is just too precious, I'm gonna die! 💕💔😭
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betty-nyan · 5 years ago
I'm really sorry for the inconvenience! I'm gonna edit my previous post on Ch. 185/86 later with Impatient Scan's translations... I was tired at that time and just grabbed the first translation I could find.
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betty-nyan · 5 years ago
Thoughts on Chapter 185 & 186
So, looks like this is my first review after a long hiatus... Now let’s dive into it:
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Wow, the scene where Gulfan descended for Hak was such a beautiful little moment! Tbh, it’s hard for me to hold my tears back. Such a nicely done, subtle symbolism. Gulfan is the only being that still acts as a connection/bridge between Hak and Soo-Won.
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Ah, so we finally got the backstory of Keishuk that we’ve all been desperate for! And he’s not Yu-Hon’s illegitimate son like many assumed. Interesting! It also explains why he admired (and still admires) his saviour, that is none other than Yu-hon himself. So it’s almost like he’s Soo-Won’s big stepbrother. How cute!
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I’d really hoped that there’s finally going to be some sort of big revelation during their “talk”, but, oh well... Although Soo-Won’s sudden interest in Zeno’s (and only Zeno’s!) powers is becoming more and more suspicious. But before their conversation even begins, this happens: -_-
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Eh, I don’t like where this is going...
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Nooo!!! I’ve been denying the whole “Soo-Won-is-sick-and-pulling-an-Itachi” theory over the past few years because why would he suddenly become sick out of nowhere? He hasn’t shown any signs or symptoms up until now, so why all of a sudden? For plot convenience? To get rid of him to make way for Yona, the true red-haired king? It just... doesn’t feel right.
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We all know something bad is about to happen when a character mentions how cold it is. But yay, there’s finally a change in seasons! I was wondering how much time has passed since Yona and Hak fled from the castle. Guess we have some clues now! Cool!
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This must be the worst nightmare of all HakYona shippers! Lol! Anyways, have some caps of a suffering Soo-Won. Do I want him to suffer? Yes, and... no? It’s a bittersweet moment and I somehow love it. Well, he’s still beautiful, even when in such horrible pain:
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While I’m no medical expert, I still have some ideas on what his mysterious out-of-the-blue illness might be. But I’ll talk about it later in this post.
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He’s just laying on the floor like a big sack of potatoes and I love it! xD Sorry about that! But we need some moments of laughter after the heart of every Soo-Won fan has been torn into tiny little pieces of despair and betrayal.
But the most emotional part of this chapter is just around the corner:
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I’m sobbing, this makes me so sad! T-T 
Now, let’s just forget these moments of endless pain and directly jump to Chapter 186:
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Why, you ask? Because Soo-Won is secretly gay for Hak and we all know it. Change my mind!
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Tfw you and your one-night stand wake up at the exact same time the morning after. Welp, this is awkward! Sorry, just kidding!
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Awww, Yoon and Min-Soo finally met at the castle!
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Yoon being the adorable cinnamon roll he’s always been. I’m glad that they let him study medicine at the castle. I wonder if he’s the key to Soo-Won’s cure. Especially now since Senjusou has also been brought up again...
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And what about this herb? Yoon mentions how it is poisonous while Min-Soo explains that it can also be used as a medicine if used in small dosages. I’ve read the theory that Min-Soo is actually poisoning Soo-Won several times now. It may be possible, especially since some of his reactions are kinda strange:
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Let’s not forget that Yona also noticed his strange behaviour. She then asks Min-Soo about Soo-Won’s mother, Lady Yong-Hi:
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Of course, the easiest explanation for Soo-Won’s condition would be that it’s hereditary, knowing that his mother also suffers from an unknown illness. While I do believe that Lady Yong-Hi may play an important role sooner or later, I don’t get the feeling that she’s the cause of his health issues.
What if....
Soo-Won is  actually poisoning himself to punish himself for the deeds he committed. I know it sounds stupid, but maybe he ordered Min-Soo to prepare the poison and to slowly increase the dose. Which may also slowly put him to death. And in the end, no one would notice, because now everyone thinks he has a terminal illness.
Oddly enough, Min-Soo seems also seems to be the only person who is fully aware of Soo-Won’s condition. He clearly is hiding something. Just look at this:
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I mean, not even Joo-Doh or Keishuk have noticed that there might be something wrong with his health. Not up until now at least. And he seemed perfectly healthy all the time. Like, he even participated in several fights like the war games and so on...
Some of you guys mentioned that he may have epilepsy, or even worse, a brain tumor. Which are still very likely options if you ask me. The symptoms do seem to fit. But they also seem to fit for poisoning. Because severe headaches are also mentioned in the list of symptoms.
Divine punishment has also been brought up. And tbh, I also like this theory. The castle speeds up the healing process of the Dragons. What if it’s slowly draining Soo-Won’s life energy? But why? Is it because he’s rejecting the gods? Did he get cursed after entering the mausoleum? Does it have something to do with Hiryuu’s unknown illness (there could be a connection if he’s somehow connected to Hiryuu) Or is it something entirely different? And does Yona’s existence have something to do with it? I also consider this part to be very interesting:
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Looks like Il knew that he’s about to get killed. And not only that. He also seemed to know that Yona is about to witness this traumatic event. Or did he even know that she may come looking for him?
Oh my... Did Soo-Won really want to become King Hiryuu? Idk, but this feels so OOC for him. Though it might explain why he is rejecting the gods so much. Maybe his father made him believe that he’s Hiryuu’s reincarnation. 
And why is Il talking about how Yona, the “true, red-haired king”, will surely put him to death? Did Il know everything about the prophecy? Was he even able to talk to the gods/hear their words? So far it’s only been shown that he used to be a highly religious person. 
We don’t know yet, but this whole development could turn out to be interesting! Time to get some answers (and a lot of flashbacks)! Come on, we deserve it!
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betty-nyan · 5 years ago
I'm back from my hiatus!
Hey my lovelies, it's me! You may have wondered if I've already kicked the bucket, but no... Turns out I'm still alive!
I know I haven't been active for a very long time, but the last two years have given me the hardest time in my life so far. I got diagnosed with Turner Syndrome (which also caused my fertility issues) and my mom got diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Also, both of my grandmas passed away last year. And lastly, I graduated from Uni (which meant a lot of studying for the last few exams).
I'm very sorry that I couldn't find any motivation to continue writing on my blog! But from now on, I would very much like to be active again. Especially since my pretty baby son has finally managed to come back from the dead. And with the recent revelations in chapter 185 and 186 I have a lot of theories in my head which I would like to share with you in a separate post. 😊
Note: I'm sorry that I shared my personal problems with you! Hope I didn't offend anyone!
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betty-nyan · 6 years ago
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Akatsuki no Yona Stage Play 2018 Full Cast in costumes!
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betty-nyan · 6 years ago
Why Isn’t Tumblr Freaking Out?!?!
Guys. Article 13 just got passed.
Article 13 just got passed.
Article 13 just got passed!!!!
Article 13 just got passed.
Article 13 just got passed.
Article 13 just got passed!
Article 13 just got passed.
Article 13 just got passed.
I don’t know if I’ve said it enough. So…
I have been on tumblr all morning and haven’t seen one post about it yet! I don’t understand how!
It was a 438 to 226 fucking landslide vote too. (
They’re voting on it one last time in January 2019, but that’s barely any time to change anything!!!!
You still have time to call your MEPs so PLEASE!!! Do so.
If you’re outside of the EU, sign this petition:
If you don’t know what this means, it’s basically then end of how the internet currently is in Europe. Memes? Nope. Youtubers? Bye!
You’d need a license for everything!!!!
And my fellow Americans my be all like, well, what’s the big deal for us? It’s a Europe deal.
No, because the Youtubers there that you love so much? This effects them too! I’m freaking out because Jack, the person who helps my depression go away, may no longer be able to do what he does!
Guys, we need to stop this somehow. Please.
Call your MEPs. Sign petitions. Protest (Peacefully please. Don’t get hurt).
I’m sorry for tagging you guys if you don’t want to be or already know, I just want as many people to know as possible!
I can’t tag everyone, but if you see this, please reblog it. Spread the news. Sign the petition. Call your MEPs. Do what you can to help stop this from passing in January.
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betty-nyan · 7 years ago
Akatsuki no Yona 162 Full Translation!
There goes my translation for 162, my lovelies! Please remember that I’m in Okinawa at the moment and that the magazine arrives here two days after it’s release date, which is why my translations will always be late during the duration of my stay.
As always I’ll be uploading my thoughts later on!! :D
Full translation is available in my Translations Box! To find out how to access it please read the translations page on my tumblr, fourth tab at the top of my blog!
If anybody gets error messages such as “this blog doesn’t exists” and whatnot, send me a PM and I’ll send you a direct link to the chapter, or check the chapter masterlist (left hand corner) Apparently if you use Safari, swapping to chrome solves the problem. If you’re on your phone, don’t use the tumblr app! Open your browser and tell it to view the page on desktop mode.
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betty-nyan · 7 years ago
Reblog if you want anons to tell you who they ship you with and why.
Celebrities, other tumblr users, anyone..
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betty-nyan · 7 years ago
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Art comparison
DDHHB & Soo-Won at the beginning and now.
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betty-nyan · 7 years ago
I know a lot of you guys don’t want to reblog those posts about the wildfires in Greece because they’re too long, so I figured I would make a shorter post for y’all. 
Here is a link on how to help and what the current situations are, and here is a direct link to the fundraiser.
As someone who has personally been affected by fire, I would really appreciate if y’all could sb this??
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betty-nyan · 7 years ago
Yes, I'm also worried about that... And also kinda pissed if it turns out to be the truth. But I guess what @fallenwithstyle said also makes sense given the context. But why did she mention Kyo-Ga, and not Soo-Jin? Until now, Soo-Won hasn't done anything bad to him or the Fire Tribe and has shown mercy several times already.
I mean, it wouldn't make any sense if the author wants us readers to sympathize with Soo-Won first, just to portray him as a real villain in the long run. So I'd say we should wait for the translation first, even though I have a bad feeling about this.
I am panicing.first lotor _who lost his mind completely -_- _ and now this quote & chance of" soowon becoming a real villain"
Looks like Ominous year of 2018 is gonna pry my fave characters from my hands & throw them in abyss of villainy
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Maybe i am overacting but to my own surprise
This always happen:
*A character talks good about soowon*
My soul ascends to heaven
*Someone says something bad about soowon*[most recently lady iguni]
I panic.
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betty-nyan · 7 years ago
Chapter 161: “Lady Iguni Isn’t Any Fun”
Super quick spoilers + also rough translations, including that title, which I probably need more time to work out, since I need to sleep and also I’m hyped so I’m gonna work hard on translating this ASAP. In this chapter we have:
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betty-nyan · 7 years ago
Something interesting I've noticed...
Okay, I've wanted to post this for a while now, but I always forgot to actually do it. Now, take a look at this page from chapter 86:
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Did you see it? If not, let me help you out...
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Now, let us take a closer look... Yes, it's really him!
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Upon further inspection, there is one more interesting detail that's going on on this page: I'm talking about Soo-Won's facial expressions. In the first panel, he turns around to see what is happening behind him. And as we can see, it's Shin-Ah taking care of a few rampaging (?) people. This could possibly be the guys that attacked Lili earlier in the chapter or some Nadai addicts. And in the last panel, Soo-Won is SMILING! Of course it's really subtle and all, but he's clearly smiling! As if he'd noticed Shin-Ah and is happy to see him! What could this mean? Does he know something? Did he recognize Shin-Ah as the Blue Dragon Warrior? Why did nobody talk about this scene earlier? I need answers!
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betty-nyan · 7 years ago
*Spoilers* Akatsuki no Yona Chapter 161
Ah, so it's confirmed that Iguni knew Yona's mother! And she also has a Name now: Kashi! I'm excited to see how this will play out... Maybe we'll get more infos about her and how she died pretty soon?
This chapter also pretty much confirmed that Yona is NOT adopted or anything, seeing how Iguni took part in the celebration shortly after Yona's birth.
Looks like we'll also get to see some kind of flashback - Kashi explaining to Iguni that Yona is special and has the protection of white, blue, green, and yellow. Does this mean we'll also get a glimpse at how Kashi actually looked like? Right now, we only know that she had black hair and that Yona inherited her eyes... Can't wait to see the scans of the chapter!
Also, again no Soo-Won to be seen. 😔 I miss my precious son! 😢
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