#AkaYona 185
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zeno-obsessed · 5 years ago
I am reminded on why I fell in love with this series
185 brought so much emotion to me. Like Yona, this is the man that murdered your father who is potentially dying himself. And she hugs and comforts him. Like I’m screaming right? She’s always had a kindness and a drive that always drew me to this Manga. 
She could have killed him. 
At the very least just left him there on the floor. 
But no she takes him to his bed and calls for Yun. 
her friend that has pulled her family up out of the throws of death many many times 
to look at Su-Won.
I really do love her and how strong she is. 
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betty-nyan · 5 years ago
I'm really sorry for the inconvenience! I'm gonna edit my previous post on Ch. 185/86 later with Impatient Scan's translations... I was tired at that time and just grabbed the first translation I could find.
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Yona of the Dawn: Chapter 185 ~ My Favorite Bits (SPOILERS)
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Take that Ju-Doh!!! 
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Sad backstory aside, he’s still an emo-jerk that needs to get some sleep
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That realization must have hurt...
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*snorts in foreshadowing* Good luck with that 
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Aren’t we all 🙄
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I mean, he’s not an idiot. Y’all know Kija would tear the place up and a whole bunch of people would lose their heads, literally. Looking at you Shin-Ah
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Someone will appreciate this panel 😁
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Oh, there it is
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Sir, you do not have the right 😤
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kazumasamaanime · 3 years ago
Chapter 185
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Chapter 225
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Hak and Yona is your weakness. Accept it at last and change😤! What else do you want to understand it😒!?!?
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sj4iy · 5 years ago
Translation: “Akatsuki no Yona” Chapter 185 Preview (Spoilers!!!)
Here’s your preview from this month’s Yona of the Dawn. Loving this chapter! Spoilers ahead!
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Yona: “Minsu…” (*01)
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Yona: Su…won…?
Yona: “…uh”
Yona: “hey…”
Yona: “Someone…”
Suwon: “…ng”
Suwon: “…uh”
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Suwon: “Minsu…”
Yona: “He’s sweating a lot”
Yona: “Did he come here looking for Minsu…?”
Yona: “In any case, I need to get him to bed…”
Yona: “!”
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Suwon: “…”
Suwon: “Ah”
Suwon: “Uh”
Yona: “He seems to be in a lot of pain”
Yona: “I don’t recognize these symptoms…I’ve never seen Suwon like this before”
Yona: “Yun…!”
Suwon: “Guh…”
Yona: “He seems to be biting his tongue”
Yona: “Wait….”
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Yona: “Quiet”
Yona: “Quiet…”
Yona: “Quiet”
Suwon: “…who…?”
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Suwon: “The pain…isn’t so bad”
Suwon: “It’s as if it were melting away…”
Suwon: “Mother…?
Suwon: “No”
Suwon: “This is”
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Suwon: “Yo…na….”
Yona: “…”
Yona: “Have you calmed down…?”
Suwon: “Is this…a dream?”
Suwon: “Yona…”
Suwon: “Listen…”
Suwon: “Today…”
Suwon: “Hak became…”
Suwon: “If this is a dream, that’s fine, right?”
Suwon: “A soldier of the Sky Tribe”
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Suwon: “I just want to talk to her”
Suwon: “Gulfan...”
Suwon: “For a little longer”
Suwon: “Was flying so happily…”
Suwon: “Near him…” (*2)
Continued in issue #3 on Jan 4th 2020
1. She’s actually saying “Minsu” here because on the page before she assumed it was Minsu coming into her room.
2. I fixed this sentence...Suwon’s words and thoughts are so broken up it’s easy to lose track like I did. All better now :)
3. I have heard people speculating about this chapter and what it means...but since I don’t know what the author is planning, I will refrain from speculation because I simply want to present what is there in the chapter. 
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fuyu-mayoi · 5 years ago
Kusanagi: gives 128431029 hints that Soowon may be sick.
Chapter 185: Soo-won is sick and dying.
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akaiiitsuki · 5 years ago
About chapter 185
I do not understand mindset of some ppl, because SooWon murdered her father King Il, Yona shouldn't have comforted him and leave him to suffer? Are we even reading the same story? Mind if I remind you, about their bond, between Hak, Soo Won & Yona, is not that simple. If you did follow 185 chapters closely just as we do, you will understand the complexity of their relationship.
Yona is one of the best characters created, I said what I said, even til now (I've been a loyal fan of ANY for years ) , I still find her attractive, not her appearance but her personality and will and strength, her character development is one of the best things ever, hatred, accepting, understanding, fighting for the sake of people. She's not a doll, not just another princess, she's a Queen with or without title.
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tinywho-man · 5 years ago
a rare picture of akayona readers finding out that the Suwon Is Sick theory is true after laughing about it and doubting it
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tensaiteki-kuroneko · 5 years ago
Chapter 185
I think this latest chapter and the 'hug' reinforces the fact that Yona, once trained, would arguably be a better monarch than Hak or Soo Won or Il.
I have been a harsh critic of her choices, and honestly I still think Soo Won is miles ahead as a strategist. However, I doubt he or Hak have the raw emotional strength and compassion it takes to forgive the murderer of your father or to comfort/embrace that person in pain. Putting your trauma aside and looking at things objectively, understanding where someone is coming from, and actually acting in the country's best interest. The level headedness and courage that would take cannot be learned, unlike polity or military tactics.
That's the kind of person you'd want to rule the country - not a devious strategist like Soo Won, not an emotional general like Hak, and not a pacifist like Il.
Soo Won always had the upper hand, emotionally or politically since the start of the manga, but him doubling over in pain and the one to comfort him was the same girl whose feelings he trampled all over. The poetic justice has me in awe.
now pls excuse me, i need to cry over my child's death flags.
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aoitsukies · 5 years ago
needless to say, this chapter (185) made me cry so hard. i just read the fan translated version and i swear my tears won't stop falling.
- hak and gulfan playing is such a heartwarming sight.
- soowon when he saw hak and gulfan playing was priceless
- "when it comes to brother hak, mister acts a bit more humanly" hahahahaha i'm fucking devastated. hakwon nation, we eat angst for breakfast lunch and dinner
- yona and soowon.
- soowon recognizing yona a little after and starts mumbling about hak.
- small soowon and yona
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bluefang55 · 5 years ago
Su-won’s Illness (thoughts)
I’m wondering if Su-won’s illness is hereditary? Perhaps his mother has already passed from the same illness (which may explain Min-soo’s somewhat suspicious reaction to Yona questioning Yonhi’s whereabouts, as he wouldn’t want anyone knowing that she has already passed from the illness). This would also explain why Su-won was insistent that an heir didn’t need to come from his bloodline; he may fear passing the same sickness onto said heir.
Whatever the situation is, I’m guessing it’s far more severe than Min-soo has let on. My guess is only he and Su-won know that gravity of the situation (something I think Yona has grasped as well). Perhaps the precious Senjusou herb, which has made a rather timely reappearance in this chapter, could be the magic cure for this illness? After all, if Min-soo has never heard of it, it means he’s never administered it and his mother before him probably never treated Yonhi with it either. I could see Yoon (the pretty-boy genius!) piecing things together with his new-found access to all these medical texts.
I wonder if Yona will tell Hak about this when they meet next...I imagine he’d have a very mixed reaction, especially now that he seems to be overcoming his hatred and trying to move forward, as Yona has done. And, speaking of these two, just want to say how proud I am of Hak saying in 185 that it’s time he and Yona talked about what happened that night in order to move forward, he’s grown so much!!
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raiiju · 5 years ago
The spoilers.......... of the recent chapter.......... just kill me. 
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iluvluvnutella · 5 years ago
AkaYona Chapter 185 FAN TRANSLATION SCAN!!!
Raw: @yoo-lan94
Translation: Ashanti
Cleaner/Typesetter: @iluvluvnutella (yours truly)
NOTE: Impatient Scans are still the scanlation group of AkaYona. While waiting for their release, pls bear with our scans.
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sj4iy · 5 years ago
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New front color from this month’s chapter of Akatsuki no Yona...preview to come.
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fuyu-mayoi · 5 years ago
185 is the first Akayona chapter that moved me to tears in a while. It was heartbreaking but I loved every single panel. 
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sj4iy · 5 years ago
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I don’t normally do this, but here’s a little taste of this month’s preview :D
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