drearydaffodil · 5 years
Happy birthday Libra friend ✨💕
Thanks ma'am! 😘🖤
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dirtysouthpawpoetry · 6 years
2am and it’s -2 degrees - my hands are numb. Winter has played most of its coldest cards by now, but I’m still so fucking afraid of the weather. I’m on the back porch thinking about how the last couple of months have transpired and led me onto this inevitable path I find myself walking… It all happened so suddenly and without me really realising it, or being fully conscious of the potential consequences. In retrospect it seems like somewhat of a hazy dream. I’ve finally chosen a direction instead of labouring in my own stagnation. It feels good to have an image in sight of the future, instead of the grey mass of amorphous cloud that I’m used to when I picture it in my minds eye. But fear keeps nibbling at me, I worry that as it takes shape with time I won’t be able to manage. Control seems easier when your standing still, isn’t that funny? I wasn’t controlling anything - everything was nothing, but it felt safe. I’m folding my brain into ugly origami because I keep creasing it the wrong way, the edges are beginning to fray. I can’t see into the future but I’m hoping it won’t fall in on me like a house of cards - all I ever want is stability; what if I’ve unwittingly entered a free fall? Is anything ever safe at all? Who would I call if it all crumbled down around me? There is no net at the bottom of life to catch me. I could end up like a rorschach splattered on the pavement, becoming one with the cement. Can I afford the rent? Maybe I don’t have to eat everyday? Who needs electricity anyway? I just want a place to call my own. I’ve got to do this, and do it alone. That’s the scariest part really. I have so many friendly faces around me encouraging my courage (that’s come far too late) but at the end of the day my trajectory is something I have to achieve solely. I have to rely only on me.
I’ve waited too long to finally feel free // this is something I wrote a couple of weeks ago… still resonating so I’m sharing it. ©️@rarasworldbro
@rarasworldbro (i did this in one shot so forgive the mistakes)
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imperiallefty · 7 years
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2.5k followers Nice way to finish off the year. Thank you all.
2017 was a full year. Full of new words and new goals and new faces. 
2017 was about growth. 2018 will be about impact.
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chuckakot · 7 years
Take me as I am: when you call me love, I'll call you mine.
-Chuck Akot
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mikefrawley · 7 years
Old and New
Madi chasing storms and Kevin touching scars Aubrie paints a sunrise  as Lauren’s hanging stars Dolly sharing her adventures Dhrit’s awesome vocabulary Leena hugs the child inside Navin’s sage perspicacity Barbara is a welcome sight Debra laces love with art Tara always keeps it real Philine pens from the heart blessed by so many friends I can share now but a few yet I pray you know I love every one both old and new 
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electricarmchair · 7 years
The Secrets speak They aren't as they seem They may not have mouths But they do have teeth
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writteninjoy2 · 7 years
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walls are made of sturdy stuff while I am simply frail my beauty was beyond compare but those were days when you were not here
Photo credit @rarasworldbro
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jonaswpoetry · 7 years
motel; are you superstitious?
I enjoy the idea, but no, not in the slightest.
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wachtuiltje · 7 years
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Credit for this pic goes to #rarasworldbro
WICKED BEAUTY ******************
inevitable state of decay yet as such beauty and uglyness keep hands in front of our eyes attracted by this strange effect I hold still and stare nature knows to defy rules and assumptions
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definegodliness · 7 years
A prompt for you "I'm tired of this narrative" maybe you could make it into something?
A life story; an accumulationof the same mistakesmade over andover again.
   What is the answer;
           to adjust and move away               from the core of being                       and opt to live in                                   the decay                                       of self?
(  ( Extremities -- )  )
             the real doesn't belong,              the fake gnaws               at reality.
                    To become                            aware                            of one's cage                        merely creates a deeper              sense; a more painful                                    craving                            liberty.
Is it all the ego?
Is it all solved by detachment?
Why must love turn to hate;idealism turn to cynicism;creation to destruction;action to idleness;life to death,
                              in order to be                                           let go                                               of?
The irony of living is unforgiving,
what do we achieve by reachingfor a nihilistic manner of existence?
                  Can't we face up to duality                          in the absence of                                  extremities,                       and follow the                        truth                               that is                                    us?
I'm tired of this narrative.
Let's escape it.
Let's not seek peace by eliminatingthe dangers that might break us,but by resonating on that exact same                                                                    frequency                             which makes us.
Life might be a predictable mess of hardship, but we live it throughto not miss any of thegood bits.
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just-unis · 7 years
I was tagged by @thisisafreen Thank you! I'm honored, my friend! Lol it rhymes hahaha 😂 The rules are simple: Post the last line of whatever is your latest work in progress and then tag people as many as the words there are in the sentence. “… But aren’t you the one who secretly wishes it so?“ I’m posting it tomorrow so stay tune! Anyways I have a long list of people to tag. Hopefully they haven’t yet been tagged, here it goes! @thewanderingsaylor @rarasworldbro @giulswrites @whenyoujustwannawrite @greenish-orange @lovelydisarray @drearydaffodil @adamantseal @kixxie @reversereflections These are amazing poets with beautiful works that I enjoy reading. Do check them out!
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starrywrite · 8 years
🌹 this is for you, for being a brilliant writer, and for being an amazing person who reads my silly words sometimes! I appreciate you! And I hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day ❤️ :)
aawwwajhifjs omg thaNK YOU this is so sweet :’’) thank you angel, happy valentine’s day!!!! ❤️
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dirtysouthpawpoetry · 6 years
Fall Project
#practicemakespoetry is coming back full force!
To kick off this new venture I will be doing “Poetic Playlists”
for a select group of poets whom I’ve admired and appreciated.
I’ll be recording spoken word pieces of their works and uploading them to my SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/richard-grampa-pogue 
into full playlists.
This project has 2 outcomes.
1. Highlight the amazing work and words of these writers/poets
2. Practice and promote my own skills to bring a greater level of content to my current follower.
The first group of writers/poets are (drumroll) with their playlist title
@hex-n / @divineimpediment  “The Witch of the Concrete Bayou”
@teacup13  “The longest sip of sunlight”
@rarasworldbro  “RAWR”
@justscribbledwords  “She was sidewalk chalk”
@xoxohomeless  “Cardboard Kingdom”
To the individuals above please feel free to reach out to me if you have specific pieces you would like read, otherwise, I will be scouring through your pages selecting pieces I best believe fit with the title.
This entire project will be completed by some point this Fall with periodic updates as I finish each playlist.
Thank you and good day.
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imperiallefty · 7 years
Some nights I still hear the hooting
She was a barn owl who took shelter in my childhood treehouse she kept the mice and snakes away from my dogs and cats I never wanted to give her a name because that would ruin the relationship I just remember her eyes at night. They were gentle but they were fierce and through the latter days of my teen years, I loved her she was beautiful and when I moved away for college and the childhood treehouse became more ramshackle and dilapidated I wondered if she was still there but I never climbed that tree again I never looked in I never wanted to find out
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songofanothersummer · 8 years
3 & 19 if you don't mind :)
3. Where do you get inspired most?
I’m always most inspired while reading, though I have occasionally been struck with the urge to write while in the shower, walking home with fistfuls of grocery bags, and even while dreaming. It usually begins with a line, and the rest flows from there. I almost never know exactly where a poem is going. Same goes for stories, too. I’m constantly surprising myself.
19. Describe your writing style in a sentence.
In the words of a (very gracious) comment written in response to a recent fic of mine: “I love your writing style and how the words just fall together so seamlessly– and how every minuscule feeling, be it flashes or lingering emotions, are described.”
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rydersworldbro · 4 years
The jaw coming unhinged - a wide opening for the eruptions. Seven generations of limitless iterations of trauma - rising to surface. Our infinite expressions of perspectives birthing through this portal mouth; revolutions wrap around tongues as we vocalise, and wrap language around visceral internal quakes of change. The world unleashes dormant words - a levee caves and the dam wall breaks, the built up pressure demands to open the gates. No turning back now, through is the only escape. A primal scream - all mouths agape. A collective roar so raw that it’s too loud for some to hear; Do not despair that it is not felt in their hearts and falls not on their ears - they went deaf from the noise they kept inside their own souls for far too many years. Mourn their senses, and tend softly to your own. We are still here - the others who wail into the night just to remember we are capable of cacophony... To remind each other that sound and frequency travel much further than our minds can comprehend. There are souls who scream the same way you do, if you close your eyes you can see and feel them too, jaws unhinged; wildly yelling their rage and passion and love and hurt into the face of the stars - and the night is quiet and the sound, it resounds. It resounds.
I hear you // ©️@rarasworldbro
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