mikefrawley · 7 years
Old and New
Madi chasing storms and Kevin touching scars Aubrie paints a sunrise  as Lauren’s hanging stars Dolly sharing her adventures Dhrit’s awesome vocabulary Leena hugs the child inside Navin’s sage perspicacity Barbara is a welcome sight Debra laces love with art Tara always keeps it real Philine pens from the heart blessed by so many friends I can share now but a few yet I pray you know I love every one both old and new 
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dontcryitsonlymike · 7 years
Goodnight from
the little blog that could.  Goodnight my friends, and thank you for the outpouring of love today.  After nearly two years of abandonment I’ve been spending a little more time on this blog lately and enjoying it.  Sometimes as we all know, Tumblr can feel a bit too much like a full contact full time job, and this is my escape hatch.  It’s also kind of cool to give my friends “free” hearts. Forgive me if you must, but I like giving hearts away, and since someone will probably ask, yes I read it.  :)  For reasons I may never, and may not need to, know, I also feel a little more comfortable here.  It feels kind of like take your shoes off and relax a while.  Don’t we all need that?  You too Navin @wordswritteninsilence.  LOL he’s going to hate me for that.  Sometime I will write about the reasons and meanings behind don’t cry.  At least two of you have asked.  Enough for now. Goodnight and love to all, Mike <3 P.S.  Shameless name dropper I am, I also had pleasant chats with @towardsnihility and @mariposaheart.  Thank you!
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justscribbledwords · 7 years
you collect stars as if your words aren’t bright enough for the world and you pull them out of your body but only at night because you are scared that they might not shine at all in the sunlight but baby your smile is brighter than the light put together by all the stars in this galaxy and your eyes hold more energy than present in this universe and I could still make more celestial metaphors for you but even they wouldn’t be enough to describe your essence
dedicated to : @teacup13 @rhapsodic-gem @xxxmadelinexxx @sweet-poesy @denmysterywoman @heartofmuse @filthytruths @thestarlightuniverse @fallense @hersacredbreaths @dreamcatcher-777 @writies @torrentialmonsoon @creatingnikki @achingchest @badgalpratibha @poetbitesback @giulswrites @wont-time-love-us @imaginatus @towardsnihility @ourdarkerdays @madworlddiary @bggrizzo @marleyworld88 @renaudcr7 @wordswritteninsilence @robertjw4688 @takingstockofwhatmattersmost @paratmin @fragments-of-my-mind @maxwelldpoetry @nolongerbrokenbell
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soulreserve · 7 years
New favorite bloggers?
Old-favourites first eh? 
@litglob , @mikefrawley, @definegodliness , @writteninjoy2, @teacup13 , @wordswritteninsilence, @dhritspoetry , @thissometimepoet, @ceeslife, @aubriestar,@alexandraswritingblock, @shentoncarrington , @strikezilla01, @wintermanworld, @sangocrayon, @chucklingpecan, @wordrummager, @mist2myst, @madworlddiary, @quaintobsessions,  @cubaboy, @ellenya, @anjo-da-guarda-me, @awhorableperson, @inrumford , @sirmorose , @dustseeker, @teaberrybee, @merseawaves, @ajttk, @highlandsmistwoman, @starlight2travel, @lzlabs, @aftersalt, @street-heart-posts, @forpoetry, @denmysterywoman, @rhymesalot, @fakesurprise, @randomlyjay, @terracemuse, @towardsnihility, @the-sum-of-many-poets, @pocochon, @jcatmoonlight, @lonelyroadrunner, @mariposaheart, @celtic-poetry, @torrentialmonsoon, @echoes-of-me, @thatrandompoet, @rarasworldbro, @nightofvanity, @cherokeeghostwriter, @forpoetry, @jhlumyk, @woodsong, @jewelrygirl82, @batvalentinworld, @sunsbythethousands, @midnightxmasquerade, @barbaranestor, @trixclibrarian, @mormatt15, @babylon-crashing, @stormycloudypoems, @roman–empyre, @quietdissidentlyricist, @2ndtim3around, @sarcaveman, @rodolfo9999, @beingabeverage, @ambroseharte, @darkhorsepoet, @honeythoughts, @nosorryforyou, @followcb, @lebuc, @pomegranatepithos, @suzyhazelwood, @trinns, @tridancer, @mysublimejourney, @frsphoto, @poeticallyprofound, @polvo-xo, @mimosa203, @thelightoffireflies, @amadeuswolfe, @cornelisrage, @elephantsoutside, @cloudsbursting, @chimerawitch, @theoutdoorsthinksofyou, @sebargan2313, @californiacougar, @snowyowlpost, @my-inside-voice, @whereflowersbloom, @mycosmicbackyard, @sporadicalbits, @besottedwanderlust, @mgreywood, @baileeofhay, @patchworkheart6, @infamouslyroggy, @agentlemanswords, @x-changes, @thesealivesinme, @bowink, @cruxymox, @takingstockofwhatmattersmost, @kyrah52, @sadcats13, @stevenluce, @quietpoet, @darkredrogue, @poetcc-things, @kimbeyerjohnson, @purplemonkeysexgod69, @katrinnac, @nadaclouds, @scribblingsofstu, @boxjellyfish87, @phoenixheartsongrising, @rodolfo9999, @je-suiselle, @doctordearie, @mavieenmots, @bluemonkwrites, @kneipho, @kamala-laxman, @youroldragdoll
And the new-favourites, blogs whom I recently started following:
@sealanehill, @jonaswpoetry, @sonador-reveur, @you-are-my-poetry, @gspoems, @behind-the-sun, @jmhillman, @shabdpurvaiya, @maggierella, @jakub-beralski, @dancing-bare-foot, @hopelesswhale, @165poundsofregret, @jimmyblues1, @happilyheartbroken13, @wordsoncanvas, @gracebabcockwrites, @proliferatorofgoodvibes, @strangecolorenthusiast, @kyressin, @1-04-09-11, @paratmin, @foileys
I know this is a big list, I am surrounded by beautiful people!
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spilled-ink-remix · 8 years
I wish I could forget you, but that's too easyHonestly, i could write a million poems about you, but you'll never truly know how much i love you.There was a time your words were like drizzles of much awaited rain after a scorching hot day But now the words you've left behind are mirages of my longing dreams which I can never truly reachSweet was the fruit you left behind, not for me.Its five o'clock in the morning and I want you.If I didn't believe in anything, I wouldn't get out of bed in the morning.
Lovingly remixed from: @givebackmylifecas ... @underwaterabyss ... @towardsnihility ... @deeperinthought ... @myveryownstar ... @deadsensescompany ...
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mikefrawley · 7 years
The dreamer yearns for temporal things fortune, fame, power, acclaim tis fool's gold we seek in this world's game all nice wishes I'm sure though meaningless like ice cream melting in A Sunday Child's Summer Hands our treasure is far more simple yet harder to find a kindred spirit to hold as our stories unfold someone to keep safe our hearts and smiles someone to be there, someone to care our greatest need is to know that someone understands
A Sunday Child's Summer Hands Inspired a friend’s deeply touching post.  READ HERE 
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mikefrawley · 7 years
That Worked Out Nicely
I believe long ago an old child/poet wrote something to the effect of, The magic is the interaction.  He must have been quite wise!  LOL  Though I don’t reblog very much any more, yesterday I shared two lovely posts from a couple of my dearest friends @towardsnihility and @m-miral, and to make a long story short, one is currently featured in quotes, and the other has the “magic” 100 hearts. Yes I must admit, that worked out nicely, and just so no one accidentally thinks I’m selfless, my post inspired by Leena’s has a red quote thingy as well.  Thank you to everyone!  Kindness is indeed a good thing, and here comes the big finish.  In case no one’s told you yet today, let me be the first to say... I love you, Mike <3 
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mikefrawley · 7 years
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Love Overdose (Goodnight)   Thank you everyone, and a special thank you to three very dear and special friends for the overdose of love tonight.  See spike above, and thank goodness, apparently I was flatlining.  :)  Sandra @alexandraswritingblock @alexandrasreadingblock Iris @victimofyourart @casualtyofthoughts, and Leena @towardsnihility @shabdpurvaiya.   Goodnight and love to all, Mike <3
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mikefrawley · 8 years
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sonador-reveur replied to your post “Recalcitrant Reticence”
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highlandsmistwoman replied to your post “Recalcitrant Reticence”
Love you too, Mike :)
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untold-stories-here replied to your post “Recalcitrant Reticence”
:) <3 <3
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happilyheartbroken13 reblogged your post and added:
I love this ❤
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teaberrybee replied to your post“Being At Home”
As always<3<3<3
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towardsnihility replied to your post “Time to Choose”
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sonador-reveur replied to your post “Time to Choose”
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replied to your post “Time to Choose”  <3
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teaberrybee replied to your post “Time to Choose”
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street-heart-posts replied to your post “Time to Choose”
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wordswritteninsilence replied to your post “Time to Choose”
So, remind me again, are those roundly triangular gizmos good things? What?, LOL, and thank you my friends.  Hopefully this next comment won’t be unintentionally controversial, but even in a numbers game like this, after a while (such as six plus years), followers becomes a ridiculously inflated and fairly meaningless random number, however, while I remain grateful to everyone who’s kind enough to follow my rambling, the number of friends we’re blessed to have can never be overvalued.  Though some out there have more followers and some possibly less, which is fine with me in either case, no one could possibly have any better, and more loyal friends.  You all are the best, and I wouldn’t trade you in for nuthin’! Love, Mike <3   
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mikefrawley · 8 years
@Friends TBD Not
@teaberrybee,  @towardsnihility, @m-miral, thank you for the Sunday Morning Love.   I know at least the three of you are out there, now can I get a freakin’ heart on a favorite Seal Song already? ;)  Sorry everyone, way too much coffee, and apparently Mike got joke this morning.  Good morning to all of our friends, and just in case no one’s told you yet today, let me be the first to say... I love you, Mike <3
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mikefrawley · 8 years
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teaberrybee replied to your post “The Village”
This is a treasure<3<3<3
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exhalingcatalysts reblogged your post “The Village”
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lzlabseesu replied to your post “The Village”
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towardsnihility replied to your post “The Village”
This is so very beautiful, Mike!! Love <3
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street-heart-posts replied to your post “Dammit, Eff It, Etcetera”
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exhalingcatalysts reblogged your post “It's Only Me”
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street-heart-posts replied to your post “It's Only Me”
I see you. This is beautiful.
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street-heart-posts replied to your post “We Are Never Broken”
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street-heart-posts replied to your post “The Village”
This makes me want to cry
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towardsnihility replied to your quote
“I’m sorry to say the verdict is guilty there’s no need to hold a...”
<3 <3
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Yep, the usual suspects.  :)  Good morning and thank you to everyone!  Please forgive me for cheating a little at the bottom, but it seems a few of our friends insist on complicating my life by liking, commenting and reblogging posts on that “other” blog.  I shall try to forgive them.  Two E.C. Features this morning (old poet having an emotional moment), and if I didn’t know better I might suspect that Lauren, Tam and Ali were campaigning to win my vote for reblogger of the year.  You’re all winners in my eyes...and heart.  Whether or not you’ve been kind to my writing today, let me take a moment to thank everyone who has been good to anyone in this 24 hour gift we call the present. Lastly, in case there are any out there who feel like they’re not good with kindness, please remember, you can always practice on yourself, and yes you do deserve it. Love always, Mike <3
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mikefrawley · 8 years
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replied to your post
“Aside From Angels”
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replied to your quote
“When God made you, He must have been having a very good day.”
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replied to your quote
“When God made you, He must have been having a very good day.”
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reblogged your post
“Aside From Angels”
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mariposaheart reblogged your post and added:
Courage Seize the day
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replied to your post
“Aside From Angels”
<3 <3 <3
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replied to your post
“Ripples On A Pond We Are”
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replied to your post
“Aside From Angels”
Beautiful, Mike <3
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replied to your quote
“Somehow some way one day we find a smile hidden within our tears...”
Another great ����
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replied to your post
Ummmmm YES!
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replied to your post
“Ripples On A Pond We Are”
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replied to your post
“Aside From Angels”
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replied to your post
“Aside From Angels”
This reminds me of that song by Ed Sheeran..beautiful poem
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replied to your post
“Aside From Angels”
Aw, good problems again.  Too much kindness, that is if anyone would or could actually have the audacity to refer to kindness of any type as being a problem. Thank you as always my friends, and special thanks to Ali for the one woman reblogathon. You are all both appreciated and greatly loved!   Goodnight, Mike <3
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mikefrawley · 8 years
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tafkas77 replied to your post “Any More”
You got me hehe, such a sweet poem
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towardsnihility replied to your post “All That Ever Mattered”
Hugs ��
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towardsnihility replied to your post “Any More”
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nosorryforyou replied to your post “Any More”
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aubriestar replied to your post “Any More”
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eclecticshed reblogged your post and added:
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lzlabseesu replied to your post “Any More”
there is the warm heart of Mike once again <3
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wordswritteninsilence replied to your post “Any More”
Beautiful Mike
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torrentialmonsoon replied to your post “Don’t you just love it”
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yaamarhabibi replied to your post “The Little Goblin With Heart”
So cute. Children's author much??! ��
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yaamarhabibi replied to your post “Any More”
It's an aww. Good morning Mike ��
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mycrumplednotebook replied to your post “Any More”
Aw ��
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stillnotwritingtolstoy replied to your post “Any More”
Very nice
Friends, yes!  Your words and kind support never fail to keep me inspired, not to mention smiling.  These days my energy level for writing and social media duties is not what it once was, yet with the uplifting presence of your love, even if its light should grow dim, I know the flame will yet be burning.  Thank you and yes I do love you.    
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soulreserve · 8 years
Thank you beautiful poets for the appreciation and love. I am humbled and honored to have written words that are worthy of your attention <3
mist2myst replied to your post “Salt.”
mikefrawley replied to your post “Timber Heart”
<3…and a :) loved it.
towardsnihility replied to your post “Timber Heart”
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