I told myself that I would not miss you but I do I told myself that I would get over you But I haven't I told myself that my feelings for you would fade away But they didn’t I told my self that I would stop loving you But I haven’t done that either. I told myself that you didn’t mean that much to me But you did. It told myself that I would find someone else like you But I haven’t done that either I told myself... I told myself... ...lies. K. C. Barry
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mikefrawley · 8 years
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tafkas77 replied to your post “Any More”
You got me hehe, such a sweet poem
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towardsnihility replied to your post “All That Ever Mattered”
Hugs ��
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towardsnihility replied to your post “Any More”
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nosorryforyou replied to your post “Any More”
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aubriestar replied to your post “Any More”
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eclecticshed reblogged your post and added:
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lzlabseesu replied to your post “Any More”
there is the warm heart of Mike once again <3
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wordswritteninsilence replied to your post “Any More”
Beautiful Mike
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torrentialmonsoon replied to your post “Don’t you just love it”
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yaamarhabibi replied to your post “The Little Goblin With Heart”
So cute. Children's author much??! ��
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yaamarhabibi replied to your post “Any More”
It's an aww. Good morning Mike ��
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mycrumplednotebook replied to your post “Any More”
Aw ��
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stillnotwritingtolstoy replied to your post “Any More”
Very nice
Friends, yes!  Your words and kind support never fail to keep me inspired, not to mention smiling.  These days my energy level for writing and social media duties is not what it once was, yet with the uplifting presence of your love, even if its light should grow dim, I know the flame will yet be burning.  Thank you and yes I do love you.    
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My Name Is Anonymous
My Name Is Anonymous
I am the one you passed in the hall You didn’t notice me at all.
I was the voice at the party that you never heard But I was there amongst the others rest assured.
I was the one who sat in the corner of the last row You didn’t see me there in the shadows where the lights were low.
I was the one in the team effort of 4 But you remember 3 and vaguely one more.
I some times worked in the office You passed right by looking for the bosses.
I was the one who sat on the bus You sat next to me once but to say hi was superfluous.
I am the picture in the senior yearbook The one not remembered, and that you simply overlook.
I am the worker in the back The one who’s just one of the pack.
I am the one in the gym, restaurant, park, or store The one who helps, serves, you pay, and ignore.
I am a part of the vast populous And my name is anonymous.
K. C. Barry
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Three Days Pt. 3
Three Days Pt. 3 
The Third Day 
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It is the third day as I walk away with my lightened load.
The tomb was empty, and I talked with a man along the Emmaus road.
As I looked I was captivated by His look and face
He seemed so full of meekness, gentleness, and grace.
To me, there was something very familiar about His features
He reminded me of the one beaten and crucified, the one they called teacher.
His words reached deep into my heart.
With truth, love, and light that will not, from me, ever part.
And in his words I found the victory in this macabre cause.
His visit into the show may have only been a pause,
But it brought to a close a work perfectly written,
And reduced death’s roar to the soothing purr of a kitten.
The victory He did bring over man’s feared master.
A soul’s freedom from death, and the promise of life ever after.
Life maybe cruel and coarse, but death will never again conquer,
Because with His grace, our faith, of the victory we can be sure.
He took our sin, our sentence of eternal death
And put the fear of hell to eternal rest.
He conquered Satan and all his demons with a gruesome sacrifice
So now in Him is my hope, and our surety of meeting in paradise.
It was us who should have paid for our crimes of sin
But instead, He paid my price, our price, of the penalty earned within.
K. C. Barry google Image John Ankerberg
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Simple Things
Simple Things 
A smile A few words A cup of tea Are the comforts of my day
The sun The flowers A hand to hold Are the hopes of today
The blue sky The stars and moon The love of your eyes Is my desire every day.
K. C. Barry
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But Life Goes On and The Cat Is Fat
But Life Goes On and The Cat Is Fat
I woke up today  just like any other day to find that I still am not rich like Gates, Koch, or Fitch but life goes on and the cat is fat.
I had breakfast today Not great but better than curds and whey No one came to the door for my autograph like Duane, Taylor or Jennifer but life goes on and the cat is fat.
I got ready and headed to work with just a bit of a smirk Haven’t heard from Nike, Adidas or Under Armor yet for a contract like Michael, Lebron or O’Dell gets but life goes on and the cat is fat
I put my time in to pay my bills and put some coin in the cashier's tills the media did not hound me and the pundits did not praise me like Nancy, Donald, or Bernie but life goes on and the cat is fat
I came home had dinner, and relaxed a bit with my family and friends around I did sit I am quite content without the sideshows attention, fame, wealth and empty chateau and life goes on and the cat is fat
I have my treasures sitting around me my rewards I will see in a heavenly eternity my wealth is safely stored where moth and rust will not corrupt and I have the peace of God that no one can interrupt. My life goes on and the cat is still fat. 
K. C. Barry
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Three Days Pt. 1
Three Days
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Doubts On The First Day 
There you hang from two pieces of common wood,
As only a thief or murderer should.
Why do you not free yourself if you can?
Or are you merely, after all, just another man?
They claimed that you were ‘King of the Jews’.
The long awaited Messiah, come to pay their dues.
Now instead of a crown of gold, and precious jewels worn
You wear a crown of thorns to mock and scorn.
They brought you here this morning carrying a cross to die.
Beaten and scourged with blood running in your eye.
Where is your strength, power, and healing now?
Can you lift yourself up with a mighty vow?
Where have all the disciples gone this day?
Only a handful are here to see the end, their faith held at bay.
Even Peter thrice denied you in your need.
Could not his belief even bear to see you bleed?
I’ve followed you these past few days.
Listening to your words, a kingdom to come you did say.
Words and parables to shake my very foundation.
Truths? Preached to save me from condemnation.
I saw you perform miracles along the ways,
And feed thousands under the sun’s golden rays.
And I was nearly willing to accept the promise of a better world,
But only if you would lead me and overcome this world.
Are you merely mortal after all,
Simply born of humble folk in a manger’s stall?
And now they part your garments at your feet.
Has all your work led to our defeat?
You cried out from the cross, and to who-
“Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”
Can you really forgive them now from up there?
How can you suffer so and believe it’s fair?
And now your work is coming to an end,
And you cry, “It is finished.” Is it really the end?
No hope? No kingdom? Only another martyr?
And as I leave this hill I wonder ‘was this, maybe, the barter?’
K. C. Barry Image is from the movie “The Passion of the Christ”
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It’s Over
It’s Over 
  He lifted his head Our eyes met A tear dangled from a lash A tear of sorrow? A tear of joy?
Not a word he spoke So much to say A slight quiver to his lips What could be said? How could it be said?
He lifted his arm Trying to restrain his hand His fingers slowly, firmly closed Clenched in rage? Holding tight in anguish and grief?
I set my gun down Taking a step forward My hands reached out to him Would he reject? How could he accept?
My eyes reached into his For a moment our souls met A tear still in my eye A tear of sorrow A tear of joy
“It’s over” I whispered. “It’s over” he answered “The war is over.” we both said
K. C. Barry
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https://www.amazon.com/Annals-Ilsnear-Book-Light-Chronicles/dp/1090652496/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+annals+of+ilsnear&qid=1554792965&s=gateway&sr=8-1-spell K. C. Barry Cover design by Stephanie Barry-Trivino
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Face In The Sky
Face In The Sky
I am the face In the sky
Where you cannot touch me.
I commune with the sun, moon, and stars
As free as a boundless bird.
I can shadow your life,
Or brighten your hopes in times of strife.
I can blot out the sky and sun,
Or lightly make my presence known.
I can appear soft and cuddly, spirited, and giddy,
Or dark ominous of foreboding doom over field and city.
I can curse the air with a roar,
And blind your senses with my light.
I can send you scurrying for cover
Like discovered mice in a kitchen cupboard,
While destroying your land and wood, 
or I can raise life from the earth beneath, 
and for all my magnitude and power
I am yet so very frail and meek.
Taking only a mere whisper to disperse,
Pushed and bullied uncontrollably by the slightest breeze,
And for all of this
You still look up at me
To lift your spirits, your imaginations
To heights that surpass even me.
K. C. Barry
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Three Days Part 2
Three Days Part 2
 Questions On The Second Day 
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Why did you die on a cross yesterday? Is this the only escape you offer? Death’s way? Where will the children go in the world you escaped to die? They must beg and fight for crumbs, trapped in this world they lie. Why did you die? Did you forget about the rest of us who have to stay? Your words and death do not drive the pain away. Were you unable to bring a new order? Did you really not see the corrupt? Could you not put the world in order? Did you forget your orders? And just what did you do by the way? The mad and the sad followed you all the way. They watched your every move. For your words, their pains to soothe. What did you prove? Why did you leave? There’s still much more to say. The deaf hear and the lame walk today. How could you leave them to just go on now? In this world filled with masters who will use them again. How? Why did you leave them now? Why did you come to us this way? To bring more turmoil? Chaos? Hope? What can you now say? Was it too much for you? Did you not really care? Rich, poor, weak, strong; all cry for help. Was it fair? Why did you even dare? Can you help us now in any way? What are we to cling to - to keep the wolves at bay? Didn’t you see the tears? Hear the wails? Feel their pain? And what kind of king are you to claim a reign? How can you from the grave help our pain? When will you help us to live each day? Can you allow the little ones in this world to stay? To cry, bleed, and die, and fill someone else’s sack, While you die and turn your back. Can’t you bear this fact? What was the purpose of it all anyway? Was it merely theater for you to watch the clowns at play? Are we the actors at the mercy of an unseen director? Will the audience applaud when we are finished creator? Who will then be our protector? Where did you go when you went away? You came from so far away, To share a little time with us In a world that for us seems like a Roman circus. Was it just?
K. C. Barry Picture from Google Images Deborah H Bateman
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The Mouse That Roared
The Mouse That Roared
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She appeared one day with, at first, little to say
Very quietly she crept out of the shadows peacefully moving forward keeping very low.
She was a mouse like any other mouse but not like every other mouse
Oh no! One of her limbs was slightly out of whack I didn’t know if she had been attacked.
One leg gave her a bit of a limp but I was to learn she wasn’t a wimp.
She nosed around for awhile before coming straight up to me without any guile.
putting her good leg on my toe she looked up at me as if to ask “So!?”
“So where’s the food I know it’s here?” I swear that in her mousy squeaks that’s what came to my ear.
I could tell that this was no ordinary mouse that had invaded my house.
I glared down and answered “No. No. No. It’s not that easy” if you want something cheesy.
So I made her go through hoops, mazes and more but in the end she squeaked “such a bore”
My treats in time ceased to satisfy her desire she looked all around to see what more she could acquire. As others entered the room each looking more challenging than me she scurried up to them looking for bigger, more rewarding challenges to see
One by one she conquered all the tests set before her this little mouse was up to any trial we devised for her.
Having conquered all our attempts to stymie the mouse and having savored all of the treats in the house
We finally realized that this little waif of a mouse before us was testing us and challenging us while we were the circus
She had tamed us just as a lion tamer would now she was the lion doing the taming every way she could
As we jumped through the hoops, danced about, and sat up in rows We, in the end, had all become part of her show.
K. C. Barry
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Excerpt #3
Excerpt #3
Vapid minstrels passing by the pecuniously vacuous boxes of ticky tacky, marching to the cacophony of colors of diabolical palettes. Selling brimstone pitchforks in satanic hues of crimson and black, promoting oaken boxes lined in velvet and satin wrapped in words sublime, undivine. while drummers crawl through wires or pilot the azure firmament interrupting Peyton Place’s replacement Demagogues stand on soap coffers slip sliding the truth as they chautauqua their way through the lanes and paths of the fractured lives drowned in a fen of creeping featuritis all the while the succubus and Incubus laugh in glee fiendish.
K. C. Barry   with thanks to P. Seeger, Stendhal, C. T. Russell, J. Smith, P. Swift, A. W. Conway, D. W. Schultz, AOC, and a host of others
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For Your Tears
For Your Tears
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Your cars – a luxury for my feet.
But your pace – a race I cannot compete.
Your home – to be my abode.
But – its emptiness leaves me cold.
Your money – for my debts to pay.
But the leeches – need stay far away.
Your fashions – my back does crave.
For your loneliness- I am not that brave.
With your trappings – I might rise above.
But your lack of friends – I have no need of.
And the popularity – how I envy your fame.
But look – do look at what they’ve done to your name.
For all your riches I wish – I really do.
But not if in the deal – come your tears too.
K. C. Barry
picture from Google Images
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