haleyincarnate · 5 years
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Quote by Giuls Writes (@giulswrites)
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Ah but I fear, I feel the best of my loneliness in the midst of company, and so I shall be troubling on your presence a while longer.
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universalmemoir · 6 years
[word submitted by anonymous]
they say you can see better from above but i feel at odds from up here detached, distanced from everything and traveling away from all I've known i know there is something  beautiful ahead of me but i fear its power i fear the change  that leaving home will bring to me i fear the rush of a beautiful skyline and the way that it will alter my perception for eternity because right now my own potential is all i see and i don’t want to touch it
so do i step off of this airplane into this new country or do i turn around
h.rae | universalmemoir
[join the project: submit a meaningful word here]
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theprocast · 6 years
friends can break your heart too and sometimes they don’t even realise they are doing it. everyone says that the opposite of love is not hate but indifference and that’s what really get me. because we never really fought or hated each other, we just let time and life get between us and there is not a reason why for this distance. and that’s what hurts me the most: not knowing if it’s real or all in my head.
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jeffpixy101 · 6 years
Hello my friend, tonight I wondered about you, if the thought of these obstacles between us ever crossed your mind too.
Hello, my dear. Just as any other time, tonight again, my mind reeled back to you. Thinking of all the things we could do, if we could ever meet.
Perhaps there's a time that waits in future, when these borders we'd be able to surpass, to maybe enjoy each other's company, for we have been a long while away, my dear.
And perhaps, whenever that time must arrive, we'd have the best time of our lives, and I'd be thanking my lucky stars that I finally met you, after having crossed all the boundaries and all the obstacles.
The moment is awaited, to at last be able to stare in your eyes, get lost and tell you that you're nothing short of a miracle, see your beautiful smile and let my heart melt.
And while we're at it, living those tender moments and rediscovering ourselves in each other's presence, we might even stumble upon the most desired feeling of all-being loved.
And how beautiful would it be, to embrace the feeling of being loved, in each other's presence when we've been so far away, for far too long, plausibly we will find ourselves within each other.
- fragments-of-my-mind & jeffpixy101
for @poetryclub13's prompt: text messages.
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mayamuseic · 6 years
Time goes by so fast. I am scared of what pictures I have forgotten, or what moments were never captured at all.
living in the past
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nostringsonme91 · 6 years
Laqeer k Faqeer
Still I can't,
wrap my head around the fact,,
That I can never be the same,
Still I cant,
wrap my head around the fact,
that I can't even feel pain,
Take a knife,
cut across the skin,
see the blood but feel nothing,
Take a chord,
wrap around my neck,
till I'm no longer breathing,
I see no way out,
a way out from here,
I can't see the light of day,
The shackles binding me,
keeping me from breaking free,
all i see is shades of grey
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shareaquote · 7 years
we are empty stars, pretty but useless; we navigate through the whole sky searching for someone like us but everyone shines so bright that it’s easy to get discouraged. but the sky wouldn’t look the same without us, would it?
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wnq-writers · 7 years
He’s not my happy ending but he thought me that I’m easy to love and hard to leave and for that, I’ll be forever grateful.
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mycosmicbackyard · 7 years
Write! Write for yourself, write for your friends, write for your silent followers. No matter who you write for, just write!
Thank you lovely
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ivc-spilledink · 7 years
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In "Lipstick Demons", Guilia Colma bravely tells stories about demons that don't come in dark shadows and sad songs, but instead in sparkling dresses and the most soothing voices. Through her writing, you'll know that she has exactly those in her head whether it's 2 AM while she's alone in her room or it's 3 PM while she's out with her friends. "Lipstick Demons" is fierce and lonely and accepting all at once. @giulswrites Get your copy here: https://payhip.com/b/QLdF
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haleyincarnate · 7 years
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Based off of this post by @giulswrites
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When you start digging your nails into your palms I want to hold your finger tips kiss each one and ask you not to use your body against yourself I want to do it each and every time so that one day, when I am not there you catch yourself doing it and stop because you felt my touch
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lavipicu · 7 years
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CONFESSION OF A LITTLE GIRL "Each step forward for me  means one backward for you,  each year brings me  closer to my dreams and  gets you closer to your death..." Read more in BURDEN OF LOVE!
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theprocast · 6 years
When you are on a cliff and looking down at the city below, you don’t see things clearly. You don’t see the little cracks on the walls or the butterflies fluttering theirs wings; you would need a magnifying glass for that. It works the same way for people; you don’t see what lies beneath, you need to step down that hill and come closer for that.
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poeticstories · 7 years
The thing about her is that she’s just crazy. She gets drunk on literature and fall in love too easily but denies it. She builds walls all around her but she pokes them for fun. She’s irrational and not perfect at all but one thing is for sure; you will fall for her.
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