theprocast · 3 years
I have grown used to the silence. Accustomed to absence.  But I never let go of the thought that you are with me, always.  You will always be where my heart calls home.
Ranata Suzuki
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nicholasbrowne · 8 years
You caught me off guard. I mean, I don't think I could have ever been ready for you.
Nicholas A Browne
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theprocast · 3 years
It is painful to be in love. One way or another you're always aching for something.
Ranata Suzuki
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theprocast · 5 years
Grief is a deeply personal and solitary journey. No one can truly feel or understand your loss but you, even those who have experienced it themselves. But grief is also love, and for that reason it has a right to exist and be felt. It is the debt we owe our memories. It is the final way we love someone.
Ranata Suzuki
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theprocast · 5 years
I have worn so many masks, I don't know what my real face looks like anymore.
Ranata Suzuki 
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theprocast · 5 years
The years have taught me that there are no permanent goodbyes with us... merely pauses for reflection.
Ranata Suzuki
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theprocast · 5 years
This year I have learned that there are people you can stare into timelessly. Years become numbers that surround you, as insignificant as mere raindrops.   No construct as fleeting as time can make you lose sight of someone who holds both your gaze and your heart.
Ranata Suzuki
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theprocast · 5 years
i want you to be my last.. i really do. but what can i do if you're not the one for me and i'm not the one for you? do i need to fight the destiny or should i let the destiny take its course?
jnn.dlp ; J.D. |
uncertainty of love
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theprocast · 5 years
healing is not all
soft and gentle
sometimes it
is all teeth
and bones
grinding, bending
to the point
of exhaustion
to the point
of breaking
sometimes healing
is not all good things
it is not all happy
and bright
even if we want it to be
healing is a choice
that most days i still
often ponder over
but i find myself
coming back
i still find myself choosing
to clench my teeth
to grip my knuckles
so tightly the moon starts
to imprint itself on
my sweaty palms
i still find myself choosing
to endure the pain
until this body is all
bruises and aches
because healing
whispers a silent promise
of another day
a silent promise of
a tomorrow i almost
always have a hard time
seeing myself in
and most days,
it gives me comfort knowing
that i tried
Kai Masa // the truth about healing
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theprocast · 5 years
I will always be a reclusive person - cautious and remote. But just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there. If I love you, I am with you. If you feel me, I am there. If I have been my true self with you - even for the briefest moment - then I loved you and always will.   For though the world is loud and I am quiet, I feel too much and too deeply to ever withdraw my heart. If you cannot hear it beating, it still beats silently for you.
Ranata Suzuki
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theprocast · 5 years
We all experience numbness when we've been in pain for too long because we’re simply too exhausted to process our own emotions anymore. But eventually, we feel again... the highs and the lows, the joys and the sorrows. If you're a deep feeler, numbness will always be a short reprieve. You cannot hold back an ocean.
Ranata Suzuki
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theprocast · 5 years
I’ve missed your hands… the feeling of them. Both in tactile sensation and in knowing I am safe.
Ranata Suzuki
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theprocast · 5 years
How do you convey memories and their nuances to someone who never experienced them firsthand and more to the point – should you? Or is that part of the magic memory holds, that it is only ever shared with those who were there.
Ranata Suzuki | The bird & the book
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theprocast · 5 years
You do not count loves validity by years.  You count it by its depth.
Ranata Suzuki
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theprocast · 5 years
i just want a quality time and some attention from you, not material things nor physical touch, but you’re accusing me of being needy and clingy. am i asking for too much or i’m just asking for what i deserve?
jnn.dlp ; J.D. | you'll never be too much for the right person
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theprocast · 5 years
I’d rather take the risk then miss my chance and if it burns me then it was still the brightest fire I’ve ever had
Through the flames who knew we’d stay @numbteenagers
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