#raphael om smut
touyaspeach · 2 years
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A Thousand Cuts
Raphael x fem! Reader
Summary : you and Raphael spend an unexpected night in close proximity. WC : 2.1k Warnings : unprotected piv, gratuitous petnames, blood/injury, Raphael being an angel and healing really fast, confessions, hurt/comfort kinda, tooth rotting tenderness. A/N : thanks to @c-qcatwrites for beta reading and @kitsu-writes for being my muse <3
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"It hurts." He said plainly, his stoic demeanor revealing nothing of the sort. Did it hurt? It must. The wound slowly oozed blood, coating the skin of his exposed torso in a dark, pretty red. 
Red was not Raphael's color, you decided, then. 
It wasn't anyone's fault that this happened, not really. Sure, blame could be shifted one way or another, but the only thing that mattered now was taking care of him. He'd gotten injured protecting you, after all. 
Raphael was in the Devildom for a myriad of reasons, but he'd found a bit of free time to spend with you. So he wanted to take you somewhere secluded, somewhere you could be alone without the prying eyes of the nosy Brothers. How could he have predicted some no-name demon would attack out of the blue? 
He acted fast, of course. Pushed you out of the way to take the blow himself and quickly struck the beast down. But he shouldn't have been injured to begin with, and yet, here you were. 
Despite his protests you helped him hobble to a nearby secluded and abandoned cabin of sorts. Perhaps seclusion was a poor decision, you ventured, scouring the sparse cabinets for any semblance of a first-aid kit. 
"I know, I'll fix this. Just… just let me find something to disinfect and clean the wound." As you spoke you came across a large bottle of rubbing alcohol. There were no bandages or clean rags with which to use, however. 
You made your way back to where you'd left him, sitting propped up against the headboard of a small bed. He looked… rough. Hair disheveled, eyes glossy and dazed. His arms lay limp at his sides. 
You cursed the hot weather. If you'd worn a coat, or at least a light covering you'd have something more to work with, but you had no such thing. Instead, you took a splintered piece of wood and used it to rip the seam in your dress. It was a shame. You'd bought it specifically to wear during his next visit, and now that he's here the dress was ruined. 
Looking pretty wasn't important though, tending to him was. You ripped the fabric high up your thighs, exposing more skin than you were accustomed to, but allowing more clean cloth to be used. His eyes lingered there, and somewhere in his hazy mind he thought about reaching out to squeeze them, to feel the soft plush between his fingers like he'd dreamed of doing for so long. 
"This is unnecessary," he said instead. His voice was far softer then, and he closed his eyes. 
"I don't care if you'll be fine in the morning, I want you to be fine now. And if I can take some of the discomfort away by doing this, it's the least I can do since you saved me."
He cracked one eye open to peer at you, and you missed the way it flickered down to your thighs again. "Do as you will."
Angel or not, he'd lost a lot of blood, and he was in pain, so you started by wiping away the blood from his belly. Luckily the bleeding had slowed by then, and you were able to clean most of it away before more could replace it. 
Raphael hissed when you dabbed the gash. The thin fabric of the dress you'd worn already soaking through, and with no running water to rinse it with, you tried to wipe away what you could. 
Swearing under your breath you considered your outfit. There was plenty of fabric there, but how much of yourself would you be willing to lay bare? You'd still have to venture home, and stupidly you'd left your DDD there, so there was no calling for help. 
Taking the same splintered wood from before, you gouged a hole in the dress right at your ribcage and ripped. The sound drew Raphael's attention, and he watched intently as you removed a strip of the material from your middle, leaving you in what was essentially a crop top and high-waisted skirt. 
More soft flesh for him to ponder upon. Soft and pretty, more of you he wanted to touch. Maybe he should have thanked the demon instead of smiting it.
You wet the fabric with the alcohol, and gently began dabbing at the wound. He inhaled sharply at the burn, but was steeled enough to not move a muscle. 
You cringed, knowing how badly it must be paining him, but also knowing this had to be done.
"I'm sorry," you said softly, tears prickling in your eyes from seeing him in such a state, especially since it was your fault. 
"Do not blame yourself, pretty," he hummed quietly. "I would take a thousand cuts if it meant your safety."
It didn't help to keep the tears from falling. Who was this man - this angel - to so willingly put himself in harm's way for you? A human? His life was far more precious than yours, far more valuable. You just couldn't understand-
"Hey," he said, reaching out to stroke a knuckle over your cheek, collecting your tears and wiping them away. "I did it because I wanted to. I'll heal easily, you won't. It was the obvious choice."
"No," you sobbed, dropping your hands to your lap and squeezing your eyes shut, "it wasn't. I don't understand. You're so much more important than me."
Raphael leaned in, put his warm palm on the back of your neck to make you look at him, "But you are more important to me."
"Don't say that. I'll get the wrong idea," you retorted, wiping your tears away only for them to quickly be replaced. 
"About what?" 
He gently took the cloth from you, working on cleaning his own wound while you cried. 
"Us. What I mean to you. I can't even take care of you, what good am I?" 
He hummed, pulling away so that he could access his injury easier. "I don't think my words are unaligned with how I feel."
You looked up at him then, just as he was carefully setting the torn and bloodied remains of your once-pretty dress aside. His abdomen was clean, and you could see the gash already healing. It was far less severe than when you'd arrived. 
"What are you saying?"
He leaned back, putting his weight onto his elbows and giving you what should have been a sinful view of just how pretty he was. Long limbs, tousled hair, lean muscle and a handsome face. This gorgeous man who had your heart in a vice grip, and he was none the wiser. 
His eyes fluttered closed, long lashes resting daintily against his cheeks. "Hmm. This isn't how I wanted this conversation to go."
You waited, twisting the remaining material of your skirt between anxious fingers. 
"Perhaps, so that I can still enact my plans of a proper confession, you'd permit me to show you, instead?"
"Raphael…" you were quieted by his shifting, leaning forward just enough to pull you into the bed with him. You landed softly beside him, reclining slightly, and suddenly he was very close. His deep blue eyes were clouded by an emotion you’d never seen in them before, as he brought one hand up to cup your cheek gently. When he spoke, his voice was so soft it was nearly a whisper, “Stop me if you don’t want this…”
When his lips pressed to yours it was so soft, so tender, that it pulled the breath from your lungs and stopped your heart in your throat. Your eyes shot open just as he pulled back, the kiss lasting not nearly long enough.
He hadn’t pulled away very far, you could still feel Raphael’s breath fanning over your cheek as he gazed headily at you. “I hope that…this gets my feelings across.”
You nodded numbly, still trying to process that he’d just kissed you. To process that, Raphael, the angel you’d been pining after for months, showed you that he returned your affections. It was too good to be true, but you needed more. You craved more. Now that you finally had permission to take what you wanted, you weren’t going to stop at just this.
So you reached for him, pulled him back into you and kissed him fiercely. It was an action he was all too happy to reciprocate, matching your eagerness and pace as his tongue slid along the seam of your lips and you granted him entry, tasting him for the first time. You weren’t prepared for the sound he made when you did, low, rumbling in the depths of his chest as he pressed in on you further. 
Strong arms pulled you flush against him, pressing his body against yours as he pinned you to the bed. For a moment you worried over his injury, but he didn’t seem to feel any pain, only the fiery sin of lust and the swelling crescendo of affection. Warm palms slid up the side of your body, stopping at the soft exposed skin on your belly. 
Raphael pulled back, rubbing his thumbs gently under the fabric that was once your dress. “You have to stop me,” he said roughly, “if you don’t I’m not going to be able to keep my control.”
“What if I don’t want you to? What if I want you to take me right here, right now.”
The angel made a sound that was somewhat a growl, somewhat a whine, and full of desire. His injury was forgotten, healed enough to not have to worry over, as he pushed the cloth up and over your breasts, revealing your chest to him. 
“You are so beautiful,” he said, affection dripping from his voice. You tangled your fingers in his messy hair as he sealed his lips around one nipple, using his thumb to play with the other. As he did, he rolled his hips into you, allowing you to feel the full extent and hardness of his arousal. 
You keened, throwing your head back and allowing him to have his way with your body, making you feel good; every touch was electricity. “Please-” you gasped as he took your pert bud between his teeth and tugged gently. “Need… need you. Please.”
His gaze flickered up to yours and there was a moment where you realized that there was no going back from this. That once he’d entered you and two became one, your relationship would be forever changed. A human, and an angel, making love in the Devildom. What a story for the ages.
“Yeah?” he hummed, “You want me, sweetheart?”
You nodded, a bit frantically, your core throbbing and glistening with need. He smiled, then, for the first time, “How can I deny such a beautiful creature?”
The rustling of fabric was all you heard as Raphael shoved the material of his pants down, and then pushed aside your panties. He rubbed the head of his thick cock against your core, and you wondered if you should’ve asked him for preparation first.
Carried away by the intensity of your need for him, you locked your ankles around his back, causing him to push in and stretch you just a little further. His attention was rapt upon you, checking to make sure you were okay, that you weren’t hurting. 
You weren’t, though his size was something to behold as he slowly began to split you open. Your breathing grew rapid as his stalled in his chest, he wasn’t sure that he’d ever felt anything better than your tightness swallowing him up. 
After what felt like forever, he was finally fully seated, your hips flush against the other. Raphael had to take a moment, dipping his head to your breast. "Incredible," he sighed, and before you had the chance to respond, he drew his hips back. 
When he pushed in for the second time, spreading your arousal along his length, his cockhead throbbed against your sweet spot. You moaned softly, clinging to him, squeezing your thighs even tighter. 
His lips locked with yours as he began a steady pace, rolling his hips, fucking you deeply and purposefully. Though inexperienced, he was knowledgable, so he pushed a hand between you to thumb at your clit. 
It wasn't long until you were both reaching the precipice of your pleasuring, crying out as one in a cacophony of ecstasy. 
Raphael kissed promises into your skin. Promises of more. Of love. Of a future no matter what it may behold. And as his seed oozed out of your still throbbing core, you knew that at last your affections were reciprocated. 
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eternity-111 · 15 days
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He's the type to... 𖹭
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ Title is explanatory, this is the side characters part! including thirteen,Raphael & Mephistopheles. NO LUKE! (fem reader x side charas)
NSFW! minors scroll down ⊹
name calling (princess, daddy, etc), overstimulate, size different, public sex, creampie,Dacryphilia, etc
𝜗𝜚 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
reblogs, likes are appreciated! If you see any grammar mistakes, feel free to tell me <3
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Diavolo is the type to purposely ruin you, in a good way of course. He loves to see you beg and whine for him to slow down because you can't take it anymore.
"princess, I know you can take it."
I know you don't want him to stop, so stop asking him to slow down. Besides, you are his anyway. Let him ruin your pussy whenever he likes. Oh, not only he can ruin you with his cock but he can ruin You with his thick fingers! You don't want to upset the future demon king, don't you?
Barbatos is the type to have a quick sex or a blowjob during his working hours.
"This will be quick, I promise you mc."
So be prepared for a few surprises during the day. Sometimes he can even go bold and fuck you where everyone can see. Meeting room, or even the garden, he doesn't care! The feeling of being able to show everyone that you are his makes him crazy. Moan his name out loud, Let everyone know that you are his!
Solomon is the type to use magic while having sex. randomly tying you up, making you hotter, and his favorite.. making his cock bigger inside you!
"What's wrong? it seems like you want to tell me something but physically can't."
It's true, his cock makes you go crazy. Especially when he suddenly makes it bigger! But.. you can't complain, you like it anyway. He can do whatever he wants! just relax and look sexy for Daddy! Maybe he'll reward you with a creampie if you are good enough.
Simeon is the type to get very vocal during sex, not that you don't like it but sometimes it's hard keeping him quiet while talking on the phone!
"Mmnff.. Mc.. Nghh.. I-im trying to be quiet! b-but you are making it harde- ahh.."
To be fair, you did that on purpose. You love it when he whimpers and moans. But you are calling someone right now! If he doesn't stop making noises.. you'll have to punish him! By not letting him cum or touch you. Watch that needy guy beg and whimper. He's so desperate to cum inside of your pussy!
Thirteen is the type to make toys that are specifically made for you. I mean.. you can use it on her but will she allow you to?
"Don't try to dominate me you little slut, I'm your mommy!"
She's good at making traps, and also toys! but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. She loves to see that her creations can make you lose your mind. Especially when you cry telling her to stop or else you'll get overstimulated. You can cry all you want but your wet pussy still needs her.
Raphael is the type to ask you for "help" about a certain topic from today's class, but he's actually just scanning and daydreaming about your body.
"what? me? yeah im listening princess."
All of that daydreaming made his cock tighten up inside of his pants. Why don't you make his dream come true and help his cock? He can finally touch every part of you while you ride him! It's a win-win situation, Your pussy gets what she wants and so does he. The way he touches you make you even wetter anyways, such a whore.
Mephistopheles is the type to fuck you at the RAD newspaper club. He'll even try to make news about you having sex with him.
"Don't worry mc, if you suck me a little bit longer I won't publish it!"
You already did a blowjob, a boobjob, and even a thighjob but he still wants more?! How the fuck are you going to be able to hold that wet pussy of yours? You can't just tell him that! Maybe give him a hint? Look pretty while you suck his huge cock, And swallow every bit of cum he released. all that effort just to try to get him into fucking your wet pussy. At this point, You don't even care if he published it or not. Just use that needy pussy, please.
#the_sidecharas ꩜ .ᐟ
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angelgoeslewd · 1 year
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🔮 summary: Diavolo, Simeon, Solomon, and Raphael love when you wear a skirt.
⚠️ warnings: 18+ content, minors DNI, skirt wearing, AFAB! reader, fingering, public sex, exhibitionism, spell sex.
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if there’s one thing good about entrusting your heart to the leader of the Devildom, it’s that Diavolo will never, ever, hide anything from you. this includes how worked up he gets when you he sees you in your school skirt.
he’ll hug you from behind in the morning, as you try and get ready for your classes, telling you if you’re dressed like that, better not to even leave the bed at all, his hand trailing up your thigh, ruffled the skirt up to your hip and flashing your panties at him.
you don’t understand it. you tell him countless times that he’s seen you in it before and this time should be no different, but he just can’t help him! the way it flutters around your thighs, how it rests perfectly on the curve of your ass, how he can nearly see the line of your panties… it drives him wild. expect him showing up in places just to get another look at you. and to make sure no one else gives you the same looks he does.
if he jokes about you sitting on his lap at lunch, DO IT. you’ll get to watch your perfect, eloquent prince freeze up and strain to create sentences. you can feel his cock pressing into you, and his face darkens with color and the promise to ruin you as soon as he can. you wonder if you’re in over your head.
he’s got you pressed up against the bathroom wall, strong hands on your hip, helping you press into his thigh as you grind on him. “That’s it, baby,” he whispers into your ear, “Wet those pretty little panties for me, let me see if drip down your thighs. I’ll lick it up for you after.” everyone else thinks you’ve gone to help Diavolo with human student affair matters. you aren’t sure this is what they had in mind. his cock presses into the front of your cunt, you reach for it, whining for something to fill you, but he grabs your hand away, shoving it above your head. “This is about you right now. Show me how naughty my pretty girl can get.”
make you cum on his thigh until it leaks out of your panties. he’s a cruel lover sometimes. he gives you a kiss and tells you to enjoy the rest of your day, he’s got to go back to the castle since Barbatos is finally forcing him to do work.
you’ll still be fucked into the bed tonight, but if you want your night to be non-stop from the time Diavolo gets home and rips the skirt in two, right off of you, to the next morning, text him ‘updates’ of your pussy with an upskirt view. Barbatos will not appreciate how much Diavolo rushed all his work though.
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you? in a skirt? that’s one way to ensure this man is all over you. Simeon isn’t one for PDA, preferring to keep all your shared, loving touches for when it’s just the two of you, but when you wear a skirt, he just can’t help himself.
it exposes your soft legs, gives him memories of the night before, having them tossed over his shoulder, his hand gently holding them, leaning his head over to kiss them as he rocks into you, guiding you to your orgasm.
his reserved nature doesn’t allow him to say anything to you on the matter, but you definitely notice how he glances at your ass you more frequently during those days, making up excuses to having his hands pressed to your thighs — “Oh, this problem isn’t correct,” he murmurs, leaning over you and using your leg for stability. he tries to distract you from his caressing by going a little too in depth on the answer, but you know your boyfriend by now. you can tell when he wants something, and smile coyly, playing along while your own hand rests on his, guiding it up your skirt further.
his face colors as you get more bold, spreading your legs when he reaches your panties, letting him feel the sticky wetness that he’s created. the library around you two are none the wiser, when his fingers push the thin fabric to the side and press into you slowly. it’s a sleepy pace, Simeon being cautious and inexperienced, but the heat in you is slowly building with his unwavering enthusiasm, the way he presses his fingers deep in you, pulling out only to rub your clit, almost as if telling you he owns this part of you, this pleasure he creates.
when you’re close, grab his wrist and gasp his name. the things he will do to you when he sees your slick drip out of you onto your skirt as he pulls his fingers out of you will be unimaginable, even for him. his gaze pins you to your chair, you’ve never seen such a look on your boyfriend’s face. such desire, such… heat. he’s smiling and asking if you’re ready to go home, but you can tell he’s on the verge of cracking.
you’re lucky Simeon has the willpower to get home and take you as soon as he gets you into the bed. you’ll never know how he almost pushed you into an alley, pulled out his cock, and stroked himself until he came all over that pretty little skirt of yours.
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the second most obvious one. I’d call him the first, since he’s the most bold, telling you straight up how much he likes you in your skirt, but Diavolo is more obvious when it comes to how it affects him.
Solomon sees this as a challenge. a game between you and him to see who can break first. which is why he’ll tell you in the first place, to be honest. he wants to see your cheeks flush when he leans down and whispers his crude words to you in the lunch line, the teasing, dangerous undertone of his unsaid promise teetering on the verge of being a threat.
he is the most touchy of them all, not even trying to hide how he gets his hands all over you, maybe to your embarrassment. when mammon is calling him out on it, it’s a lot. he tells the demon to mind his own business and to stop looking at his darling apprentice in such a manner, but doesn’t make any move to keep his hands off your waist and to himself.
will flip up your skirt. only does it when he’s the only one behind you, but does it to get a reaction out of you. you’re seeing a pattern here. when Solomon wants attention, he gets absolutely unbearable. whether it’s his underhanded comments, being physically a nuisance, or the way you can tell he’s planning something, it’s really up to you how long you want to let this go on. want to try and make it through the school day? sure, but it won’t be easy with your sorcerer interjecting himself into everything you do. the more you try to ignore him, the harder he’ll try.
want a way to get him back? ask him to try his new spell out on you, watch his eyes light up with delight at your suggestion, and sit back to enjoy the show. if you can.
see, being a sorcerer, you sometimes come across magic that was simply made for the user’s pleasure and have almost no way to test it out. of course, when he has you…
being able to feel your cunt around him, despite being across the room from you. it’s exactly the payback he deserves. you can watch him strain to keep a level expression, his jaw clenched as he feels your wet heat holding him securely. you can feel a phantom of a cock throbbing inside of you, wondering if you’ll make Solomon come in his pants. shift around to watch him try and stifle groans at your action. he’s a bad sport, however, and if he starts to lose, he quickly dissipate the spell.
it’ll only keep him at bay for a small time, however, and while you can keep doing it, Solomon is just going to get better at playing. he’ll turn it around on you quickly, so you better make arrangements to get him off or he’ll make you miserable.
and the only he’ll accept as an ‘apology’ for your behavior towards your ‘mentor’ is letting him cum in you and letting it leak out of you so it ruins your skirt.
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whew, boy. here we go. there’s a good chance you never realize how your clothing choice affects your angel. mainly because Raphael avoids you. to the point of where you almost never see him throughout the day because he just leaves the room whenever he spots you. and no one calls him out on it because, well. it’s Raphael. no one knows what he’s thinking.
seriously? what the hell. he always does this when you wear skirts, too. and you’re getting rather sick of it, to be honest. you just want to at least SEE him. and treating you like a wild animal he has to be wary around isn’t very healthy of him, no matter what his problem is with you. ESPECIALLY when it’s coming from him, the celestial creature who makes demons quiver and whatnot.
cornering him is probably the only option. sometimes he has such a good poker face and is so good at turning tail that not even Simeon can help you. he tells you just to ask Raphael about it, since, “He probably won’t… can’t lie, to you, of all people.” whatever that means. so you have to go on an angel hunt.
so you do. it takes a while, but you find him in the gardens, sitting, attempting to read a book, you say attempting because you can tell he’s not having much success by the knit of his brow. you almost don’t do it, since he seems irritated enough, but work up your courage when he sees you and immediately closes his choice of material and tries to leave again.
“Really? You’re going to try and avoid me again?” he at least has the decency to look ashamed.
“I… I’m not avoiding you.” bullshit. he’s sweating. his one tell.
“So what do you call leaving every time I come into a room, then?”
“Trying to maintain my dignity.” what. the fuck. does that even mean. he can tell you’re flabbergasted, confused, and fed up with his behavior, so he sighs, finally giving in and sitting down on the bench. “When… you wear stuff like this,” he admits, shyly, dog-earing a page back and forth between his fingers, “It makes me feel. A certain way.”
you blink. oh. oh. so that’s why he…
you get it. he’s an Angel. you can’t expect that from him, not when his role is so dire to his world. it would be like asking him to give up his job, his very being for existence for you. you realize then why he was trying to distance himself. to excuse himself from such emotions for a human creature. you won’t see bad history repeat itself in the man you love.
“I… I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that I...” had such an effect on you. now that it’s out, you feel embarrassed at your rash actions, not even taking the time to consider what Raphael was going through. it’s the same reason why you hesitate at calling him your boyfriend, he’s got more on his shoulders then you could ever imagine, and you can’t ask him to give it all up for you. “I’m… just gonna go.”
his hand shoots out and grips your wrist at an impossible speed, his eyes widening at the thought of you leaving. it melts your heart and worries you all at once.
“No, no… you’re already here. And it wasn’t right of me not to tell you. It wasn’t fair. You should know,” he says, looking away from you as he adds, “And I miss you.”
your heart flutters, yearning to be close to him, and you let yourself sit next to him, daring to sit so close that your arms touch. “I missed you too. It’s why I was so upset. I thought you were angry at me or I did something wrong-”
“Nothing like that,” he murmurs, picking his book up again. he flips to a random page, but after a while of sitting and enjoying his company, you can tell he isn’t reading. he keeps glancing at your legs, your skirt dipping where you’ve spread them slightly to make yourself comfortable.
“Raphael…?” his eyes flicker up to meet yours. you didn’t realize the extent of his words. it’s almost smoldering, how much heat and desire fills his ocean eyes. it runs through you as deep and as quick as his spear could, the threat of something equal parts dangerous and exciting. you can’t help yourself, wanting to indulge in this emotion from him that you don’t get to see very often. you reach over slowly, closing his book, letting your fingers linger on the edge. his lips are inches from yours, hot breath fanning over your own.
there’s no one around to tell if he breaks.
[psst . . . if you liked Raphael’s part and want more, there’s a continuation here!]
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rae-writes · 1 year
corruption at its finest
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Raphael was not willing to admit he messed up. It was a very amateur mistake; getting caught in between two demon’s stupid quarrel and getting hit with…something. He didn’t know what it was yet- Solomon was busy working on it - but Raphael knew it made him hot— antsy. 
And the hex or jinx or curse or whatever it was felt even hotter under your gaze. Your knowing gaze. Once he figured out the glimmer in your eyes was recognition, he was in front of you with his hands on your shoulders. 
“Mc, please, if you know what I have been hit with, do let me know. It is starting to get…uncomfortable.” 
You only grinned wolfishly, teeth glinting under the light (sending Raphael’s body flushing for some reason), “I won’t tell you what it is, that would take all the fun out of it, however…I will help you with it. If you want, of course.” 
“Yes.” He blinked, finding his response to be a bit too fast spoken— too desperate. “Yes, please, if you would.” 
“My pleasure entirely, Raphael.” 
He complied as you led him over to the edge of his bed, sitting down without being asked. Only when you dropped to your knees between his parted legs did he begin to question your actions. 
“Shhh.” You took his cock out with ease, leaning down to place a wet kiss on the top, “I told you I’d help you, didn’t I? This will make the burn go away…the burn riiiight here.” 
Raphael gasped at your hand pressing down on his bare stomach, having never been on the receiving end of your affection besides maybe a brush of the arm. “H-how did you-“ 
“I’ve been hit with my fair share of aphrodisiacs— both within foods and spellwork.” 
His eyes widened— an aphrodisiac?
Your tongue flattened against the vein running along the underside of his cock, “I’ll stop if you want me to.” 
His hips jerked, hands balling themselves over his thighs, “No! Don’t stop…” Blue eyes stared down at you with a commanding intensity. Not for long. 
“Good Angel.” Swallowing him down, you made a show of purposefully gagging on him, making sure your nose brushed against his pelvis. The sound you were rewarded with was nothing short of angelic sin; it made your own stomach pool with heat, but you didn’t dare stop bobbing your head. 
And Raphael truly thought for a moment he was back in the celestial realm with how fucking good your mouth felt around him; the only reason he kept his head was because of the deliberate sin of it all. He’d never felt anything like this before, like you, like the shock of electricity crawling up his legs and building in the pit of his stomach as he began to unravel. 
“G’na cum, Angel? Hm?” 
He couldn’t answer, only stuttered and whispered moans left him, but he nodded. With the last threads of composure finally snapping, his hands curled in your hair, pushing your head down needily. “Cumming-‘“
You took every last drop, running your fingers up his heaving chest while you swallowed, “Mmm~”
The blush that settled over Raphael’s face was so uncharacteristically him as he watched you slip off your own bottoms and settle down on his lap. The feeling of you rubbing yourself on his cock made him curl into your touch, mouth dropping in a pretty ‘o’ when you sunk down on him. 
Planning to give him a moment, you were content just cockwarming the inexperienced Angel, but at the sound of a door opening, you decided on a new idea. 
“Hear that, Raph?” 
He lifted his head, unfocusing eyes zeroing in on your mischievous ones, and ears finally picking up on the soft- familiar - footsteps approaching his room. 
It was clear your intentions were anything but pure when you laughed at his alarmed expression (especially when your nails dug into his shoulders). 
“How about I ask Simeon to join?”
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l3viat8an · 1 year
18+ content MDNI
1am post so hopefully it makes sense- Featuring the Bible sjksjsjs
All angels Simeon & Raphael!! have a breeding kink because the Bible says and I quote “To have coitus other than to procreate children is to do injury or insult to nature.”
So yea~ all angels have a breeding kink 😇
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ducking-quack · 2 years
The different kinds of kisses you’ll receive from Obey Me characters
Quick peck on the lips, too busy or when people aren’t looking
Though when you two have some private time, breathless open mouth kisses; definitely whines when needy
Very quick barely a peck, would leave you even wondering if you even really received anything
Bruises your lips from how hard he’s trying to kiss, sucks your entire lip, somehow neither of you can breath, your nose is squished; perhaps your first kiss was also his??
Acts like some kind of MC from a romance anime, quotes a line which caused the love interest to swoon then closes his eyes tightly and waits till you kiss him
Has asked you to kiss him while y’all both puckered your lips like fish
Would slowly blink at you like what a cat would do
This man could honestly be giving you little kisses on your cheek as he reads his book to having you pinned while you’re breathless and he gently tugs on your bottom lip
Butterfly kisses, pecks on your forehead, rubbing your noses together, back of hand kisses, this man will smother you in affection
Perhaps will nip at your clavicle and nuzzle against your neck to pepper kisses on your neck to see if you’ll shudder
Would wrap his arms around your shoulders from behind and kiss your forehead
Also would kiss down a happy trail or the belly of his partner calming “the best treats are down there”
Sleepy kisses on the forehead as he murmurs how much he loves you
Bastardly, nuzzle against your chest then into the crook of your neck and kiss against it but it would be ticklish and if you squirmed, Belphagor would give you more kisses
Never stops smiling, always smiling into the kiss or would break out into a smile while kissing you
Sneakily calls you to give you over the phone kisses since he’s too busy
Quick kisses on the cheek or lips, depending on how busy he is
Though once he has some time to have to you privately, he has your palm to his cheek as he nuzzles into it and kisses your palm
Inner forearm kisses around the wrist when the two of you hold hands
Back of neck or shoulder pecks just to see you jump or squirm, it’d cause him to chuckle
Chaste kisses on the forehead
Would kiss any bandaged wound, saying Simeon did it once and he felt a little better
Mischievous sorcerer would steal kisses, the corner on your lips when you’re busy listening to someone or give your forehead a kiss after calling your name to look at him from your studying
Has definitely lied saying that the only cure to a potion you consumed was to kiss, after the kiss Solomon would give you a bitter remedy before sweetening it with another kiss
Cupping your face and kissing you; before sneaking something into your pocket so it goes off in your student council meeting
Kisses each knuckle before kissing the back of your hand and putting it on her cheek
Most stiffed lip, all little pecks
When passionate his kisses don’t change
Would scold on public displays of affection, though would kiss you after every sentence
When he knows you have some gossip or need a favor to be done by him, Meph would tenderly kiss the crook of your neck while softly begging against your neck
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ur-dad-satan · 3 months
An Obey Me! headcanon game
So. I'm a big hopeless romantic and I have this list of date ideas I want to do one day. It's not being used but I think they could be applied to the brothers. So, I'm opening a headcanon game to force myself to write more. Participation is easy! Send an ask with the number of the date and the OM character* you want to see it with!
Amusement park
A paint room
Playground at dusk
Laser tag
Escape room
Trampoline/truck bed sleepover
Pillow forts and scary movies
Movies on the balcony
Exploring parks
You can play if you want!! (Please make me write things. I'm taking a break from writing the Levi smut)
*I don't really know enough about Thirteen, Mephisto, and Raphael to put them in, sorry.*
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2af-afterdark · 6 months
I have four wips that I keep bouncing between and I can't focus for shit on a single one, so it is time for you all to bully me into picking one of them.
Yes, it's a poll. Sue me. I just need to focus tomorrow when I write! You all get the bare minimum of what's in these fics so they can be a surprise.
Option 1. Beelzebub (OM) x F!MC. Involves soft/gentle femdom, cunnilingus, and some cowgirl action
Option 2. Satan (whb) x amab!mc. It's omegaverse. Involves masturbation, getting caught, and some light smut.
Option 3. Raphael (whb) x gn!mc. It's god!mc au and Raphael is just a little unhinged and really not okay. It involves threats of violence and Raphael hating mc so, so much. It's not smut, per se (although Raphael may get horny, idk).
Option 4. Follow Someone Home part 8. If you know the series, you know the drill. Simeon x M!MC. CNC. Still a flashback chapter.
Yes, I also take people spaming my inbox or the replies to argue their case. lol
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blithesharem · 9 months
Blog Tag List
Current Fandoms: Dumgeon Meshi, AFK Journey, Twisted Wonderland, Obey Me
#blithe fics - Fics hosted on archive of our own and linked here.
#blithe hcs - Headcanons or shorter fic posts.
#blithe mini mix - Ship playlists. Links to come.
#blithe smut - The naughty stuff
#blithe DONT LOSE THIS - the stuff I’m trying to keep track of and keep LOSING IN MY NOTES
#blithes ocs - my OC character stuff (OM and TWST atm)
Feel free to make requests! Probably won’t do any for Raphael/Mephistopheles or yandere prompts because they’re not for me.
🤍 30/she/he and I block minors 🤍
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hoesoflamentation · 3 years
intro + masterlist (18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI)
i am currently not accepting requests.
About Me
haley, 23, bisexual (she/they)
pathetic little meow meow
formerly located @ belphicorn
i write a lot of obey me! smut
infp, 6w7, cancer sun, aquarius moon
i simp for a lotta 2d characters, but my faves include mammon, simeon, mephistopheles, sakusa, tsukishima, oikawa, & nishinoya
Friend Me
om! id: 2651294160
500 Followers Event (status: CLOSED!)
Smut Commissions (status: CLOSED!)
K!nktober 2021 Masterlist (18+)
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50 Shades of Obey Me! (18+)
Who is your Obey Me! baby daddy? (18+)
Plan a wedding & I'll tell you which Obey Me! guy is your groom
Who is your actual Obey Me! soulmate?
Which Obey Me! guy would f**k you? (18+)
Which Obey Me! smut trope are you? (18+)
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Don't provoke me. (Lucifer x AFAB!MC, 18+ 🎃
Like you did for him (Lucifer x AFAB!MC + Levi x AFAB!MC, 18+)
Playtime with Daddy. (Mammon x F!MC, 18+ 🎃)
What Daddy wants. (Mammon x F!MC, 18+ 🎃)
One hell of a birthday present. (Mammon x GN!MC, 18+)
You deserve better. (Mammon x F!MC, 18+)
That's an order. (admiral!Levi x GN!MC, 18+ 🎃)
Like you did for him (Lucifer x AFAB!MC + Levi x AFAB!MC, 18+)
"See something you like?" (admiral!Levi x GN!MC, 18+)
The way you look tonight. (Asmo x GN!MC, 18+ 🎃)
Open your mouth. (Beel x GN!MC x Belphie, 18+ 🎃)
The whole thing. (Beel x GN!MC, 18+ 🎃)
Good enough to eat (Beel x GN!MC, 18+)
Open your mouth. (Beel x GN!MC x Belphie, 18+ 🎃)
Breed me like you mean it. (primal!Diavolo x AFAB!MC, 18+ 🎃)
Birthday breeding (Barbatos x F!MC, 18+)
"You're so needy." (Solomon x F!MC, 18+)
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The Seven Demons of Christmas (Brothers, Diavolo, & GN!MC)
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queerasaurus-rexx · 3 years
master post of my bullshit
howdy, yall, you can call me dollie (my author pseudonym) or rexxie. i'm a 24-year-old femme nonbinary lesbian. my accepted pronouns are they/them. please do not refer to me as a woman or as female. it makes me deeply uncomfortable. feminine or femme is ok.
i just make shitposts about my current fixations - shall we date: obey me!, dangerous fellows, twisted wonderland and genshin impact.
i am on lesson 30 of obey me! and am still in mondstadt in genshin impact, so no spoilers please! as for dangerous fellows, i have completed all but lawrence's route and i don't mind if you spoil it. as for twisted wonderland, i am currently on book four.
my ask box is open if you want to hear my thoughts on certain events, want me to write an imagine or have a request. please do not send me a chat message unless we know each other.
i also have an AO3 page you can check out.
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obviously, terfs and swerfs dni. trans women are women. trans men are men. sex work is real work. get off my blog if you disagree.
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shall we date? obey me! genshin impact dangerous fellows twisted wonderland
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obey me: demon brothers, dateables, raphael, thirteen
genshin: kaeya, diluc, zhongli, albedo, lisa, jean, amber (this list may be updated in future)
dangerous fellows: everyone
twisted wonderland: leona, malleus, lilia, cater, trey, rook, vil, idia
om!: luke, michael, demon king, god
genshin: anyone under 18 - rest assured i have looked up the ages of all the characters i will write for before making these lists and double-checked other sources to be sure. (if you see someone on my write for list you think is underage, please message me respectfully - as far as i know, mihoyo has not released official ages and i am relying on information from the internet.)
twisted wonderland: anyone under 18
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- smut
- angst
- fluff
- light bdsm
- breeding/impregnation
- female and gn reader
- unnamed female and gn mc
- light au/crossover headcanons (ie. what the demon bros. starter pokemon would be)
- menstrual sex
- music inspired headcanons/fics
- abuse in any fashion or context
- scat/watersports
- dubcon/sa
- paedophilia
- kidnapping
- vore
- breathplay
- ddlg/sexualized age regression
- self harm/suicidal gestures
- male reader (i am slightly uncomfortable writing m/m content as an afab person - i love and respect gay men, but i feel as though i am not capable of writing it in a way that would appeal to male readers and would thus end up only filling a stereotype about lesbians writing b/l for female readers.)
- furry/scaly (i will admit this is more ignorance than preference - i don't know enough about either community to feel comfortable writing about them. furries and scalies are 100% welcome on this blog, however!)
- yandere - as someone with borderline personality disorder, i am deeply uncomfortable with my mental illness being fetishized. i'm not calling anyone out for, nor will i attack anyone who does write it, but i do reserve the write to deny asks about it on my own blog
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l3viat8an · 1 year
as a dying from little to no content raph lover can i PLEASE have some food 🙏
Nsfw content MDNI
I feel like this is just more crumbs but it’s an idea I’ve had for Raphael for awhile~ CW: Raphael is jerking off and you watch-
Raphael had asked you to come over earlier, he needed some help with his Devildom law homework and you agreed ;)
Letting yourself into the hall a few hours later with the spare key Solomon had given you months ago.
You walked into the entrance hall and started heading for the living room, only to hear soft moans coming from down the side hall…..was someone in pain?
Immediately, you moved down the hell with the bedrooms and end up standing outside of Raphael’s room.
You continued to listen trying to figure out if he was hurt or not….just as you raise your hand to knock, you can hear him muttering soft curses under his breath, then he moaned a little louder followed by a whine of your name…..and- Oh! He’s- he’s getting off….,to thoughts of you?…..
You stand there for a moment not sure if you should keep listening or not.
But curiosity (and maybe a bit of horniness-) get the better of you.
You twist the nob and finding it unlocked ease the door open, just a crack trying not to make a sound and peek inside.
And what a sight Raphael is. Sitting in his bed, head thrown back into the pillows, eyes squeezed shut as his hand works his cock.
Running down the length, then sliding back up, his thumb rubbing over the red tip smearing his precum around, making him buck his hips up and whine again.
Your eyes trail up a little more, over his toned abs then back to his cock, trying to take in as much of him as you can.
And fuck you wish the hand he was currently pleasing himself with, was yours-
You jump in place and almost start apologizing when Raphael says your name again, louder, almost needier this time.
And you realize his eyes are still closed and it hits you he must be getting close, “Hnngh I j-just oh, fuck- just wish you knew what you do to me MC…” he panted as ropes of white, almost translucent looking cum, covers the angels lower stomach and abs.
You gasp and quietly close the door as Raphael starts moving to clean up.
You’ll just have to wait for him to come downstairs. hopefully he’ll believe you just got there.
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lucidreamsxx · 2 years
I'll prolly start to continue writing headcannons, drabbles and smut now :)
I write both normal and NSFW
I normally write fem- mc (she/her) but i sometimes do GN (in asks if specified, if not it automatically goes to she/her pronouns)
I dont take asks except selected ones
Yes you may text me on Tumblr, but keep it platonic and polite :)
I mainly do Obey Me! fics.
I only take asks for Obey Me! for now, these are the following OM characters i do
Obey Me!
Luke (platonically ofc)
[I havent gotten to the point of the story where Thirteen, Raphael and Mephistopheles make an appearance so nothing on them for now]
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Okay some shower thoughts here.
Do you think Simeon's cum is like pearlescent!?
(Possibly Raphael's as well)
Like that shit is bound to have some kina Celestial micro-glitter in it or something. Like bitch is practically cumming glitter glue.
(I'm so sorry 💀 that makes it sound so gross. Or like that he's a unicorn or something)
Nsfw content MDNI cuz cum-
My first thought was ‘ooooh shiny-‘ …….tho I do kinda love this idea
But it definitely makes sense in a way, as celestial beings almost everything about them is always bright and shiny-
Soooooo pearlescent cum just kinda falls in line with that.
and it would be so pretty!! Holy fuck- (literally lmao)
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