isntthatsweetiguessso · 2 months
is anyone just tired of reading smut? just me? smut's fun every once in a while but i hate those long ass kink warnings and shit like i dont need to consume that on the internet? no hate towards writers or readers of smut, just tryna voice my opinion. but srsly, i need 10K words of well written angst angst ANGST not 10K words of smut with like 50 different positions and kinks
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atlasprefects · 15 days
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D,what are u doing there? ○_○
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v-67 · 4 months
So I'm kinda waiting for Demon Slayer's latest season to be released completely before I start watching it, and every time I scroll around to watch something, I see Tanjiro looking at me like that
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And it feels like, he's either judging me or being sad about why I am not watching him😭😂😂
So while scrolling I make a 🥹 face, and say Don't look at me like that, i gotta wait until the whole season is released🥲 and feeling slightly guilty, I scroll around
Also I've completed watching everything in my continue watching list, I only rewatch them because, no reason, love em. Idk why I felt like I needed to say that, but eh.
Also, pls pls pls, No spoilers. Waiting for the show to be completely released and I'll binge watch it. So no spoilers okay? Thanks, love you😗✌️
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chrisslutx · 1 month
I love your comments, they are always the best lmao
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haruchi-slit · 7 months
is it just me or...do other smut writers casually watch porn for ideas or what? (is it just me?😭)
(i have writer's block goddd I can't write the cheerleader au!!!)
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dinaandme · 2 years
Sejumput kisah dari sebungkus memori berjudul satu tahun yang “akan” berlalu.
Banyak sekali orang yang telah kau temui, mereka membawa gelombang emosi yang dapat memperkuat keteguhan pemeran utama. Mengasah ekspresi dan melunturkan egois. Semua itu adalah latihan nyata untuk perkembangan diri menjadi lebih baik. Penerimaan, penolakan, ketidaksetaraan, perbedaan, sampai suatu paksaan dan taburan kesedihan ada dalam satu waktu. Terkemas mahal pada pikiran seseorang. Meninggalkan jejak yang dapat membangun haru.
Manusia memang random. Kadang kala tak ada sebab mereka datang dengan kebencian. Ada pula mereka datang dengan penuh penyambutan, kerelaan akan ketidakcocokan. Hingga apa itu yang disebut pertemuan akan disambung dengan akhir tersebut perpisahan sementara. Tidak ada sebutan lost contact jika itu bukan dari perangainya yang memang ingin memberhentikan suatu jalinan.
Apa yang perlu dipungut? Memori memang sangatlah banyak. Tenggelam seperti apa yang kau inginkan? Ketenaran, harapan, pencapaian, kegagalan. Nikmati saja. Toh hidup ini adalah hasil diskusi kesepakatan jika dirimu setuju mengemban umur. Merawat diri dan tetap berjalan maju. Naskah cerita akan sangat manis jika ada kasus yang menegangkan. Dan tak lain naskah cerita termahal adalah kamu.
Buah dan pohon itu satu. Telinga dan angin, juga pikiran, perasaan. Dari berbagai macam rasa tersebut ada beberapa cuplikan yang ingin dikenang, seperti halnya ucapan-ucapan para pro player seperti:
- Berdoalah untuk tidak mengetahui keburukan dari gurumu. - Selesaikan apa yang memang harus kamu selesaikan. - Jadilah pribadi yang tanggung jawab. - Utamakan berlaku jujur pada siapapun.
Yah, setidaknya apapun itu akan selalu muncul saat waktunya tepat. Pertanyaannya mungkin, kapan waktu tersebut? Dirimu, sangat mengetahui jawabannya.
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innstarde322 · 1 month
I’m only creating some 3 chapters for starter if any interested or feel like I wanna to continue on writing but again I will continue writing at least…
August 10, Saturday, 2024
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It's funny I just realized something about my getting ready process.
I'll stand in front of my closet & won't touch anything. I'll just stand there and envision clothes and piece together an outfit in my mind first, then I'll go and pick out the exact pieces I thought of.
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minjielle · 4 months
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AESPA | Armageddon
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thechildisgone · 5 months
finished gone girl. that was fun
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randomm-person · 7 months
My online frens keep finding me here and every single time I just screech like the screaming cet emote
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v-67 · 4 months
I have an exam in two days and I was supposed to sleep by 2am so that I'd wake up early tomorrow and be productive
But my brain had different plans
Saw an Instagram story of creating characters w random choices, I did exactly that, on my phone, at fucking 2 30 in the night, when I'm supposed to be sleeping😭😭😭😭
Created this cute unhinged character, also this is my first time making a character person design(?), I'm not a comic artist but I love them and it was fun trying this out, also i have no knowledge of creating a body/posture so this was a fun process (the part of creating this, I didn't really create a body/posture) and it's just my brain escaping sleep for some reason???
But I love her outfit and vibe, guns because I love Izo and John wick and the vibe they bring to the scenes. The gun is pretty sketchy.
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But seriously, I have exams coming up. I need to sleep
It's 4:47 in the morning, someone, smack a proper sleep schedule within me, pls.
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vypridae · 8 months
not a vent but discussion of sui (i am FINE do not WORRY ABOUT ME)
every time i debate sui, every single time, the one sole thing that keeps me from it is this tiktok i saw. crazy i know but hear me out
this tiktok, wasn't a sui note or something. it was a tiktok about this person apologizing for trying it.
to their cat
and, i have a cat. two cats, but one of them in specific seems to love me very much. i do a lot for the cats in the house in comparison to everyone else here, and thus, he's taken a liking to me.
and one thing in that tiktok that stuck out to me was: "i'm sorry i didn't put food in your bowl when i got home." (or something along those lines)
and it hurt me, as a cat owner, and i think i cried reading that because the cat must have been so scared, worried, confused. must have been waiting for food, must have been trying to figure out why there were men coming inside that they didn't know
and honestly, what if that was me and my cat in that situation. i'd feel awful. terrible owner, and i'd never live it down if i survived but my cat was so, so scared, and confused, for however long it would have been
tldr when i live on my own my immediate goal, is to get a cat. of my own, for an incentive to not try anything drastic. because i need to be there for my future cat. to feed them, water them, love them, everything. that's my plan, and it'll work because every time i'll think about it, i'll remember that tiktok. and i'll almost cry, and i'll find my cat and i'll pet them and love them out of my own thoughts, until i realize i need to live for that cat, if not for myself.
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innstarde322 · 1 month
August 7, Wednesday, 2024
From mm loves
Draft is the best. Fiction is at the best.
++——>> “the start where the end losing at given time and given time losing its beginning only the best and worst speaking the volume of certainty that drafting the forever of weary wins…” the words read it over, over, over, and over. No matter the facts that the nature of nature waiting for the day of truth and true to all eyes of eyes. There are no wars. Wars are just little playthings. Broken at rules of letters from words. No one can taste the loss…
Probably to be continued…?
Short notepad given and testing out.
Do not copy all on this blog pleaswe
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the-girl-who-flies · 2 years
Howdy Everyone. This is Jason.
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Jason is a silly raccoon that I got as an extension for my Twitch Channel before I realized I need to be an Affiliate to be able to, uh, feed him. Fortunately I only need, like, 50 followers for that. So yeah, literally, follow me to feed my pet pixel raccoon. I stream games and stuff. RN it’s mostly Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines in the evenings (for the western hemisphere), but I’ll play some other stuff from time to time, and occasionally draw sexy gay stuff. Because why would I not.
Aye, that’s about it
Le channel
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scorpionqueenx · 1 year
Sag rising.
I find it funny how for so many years I thought I was a Capricorn rising just to realize I am definitely a Sagittarius rising.
Now that I know much more about astrology then I did when I began this tumblr I reflect back on it and it makes so much sense. I cant believe I deprived myself of this information for so long just for being in denial.
Reason for that being is that I went by what my mom said my time of birth was. It wasn't until a few years ago I decided to plug in what my BC said and boom... sag rising.
I still denied it for like another two years until I couldn't deny it any longer. Its been a little more then a year now and every few days I laugh at some sag rising characteristic. Like thats some sag shit right there. I am also a sag mercury so I think about that and its like well duh. LOL I see it now.
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