#random townie builds
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random-townie · 1 month ago
Jimmy McFlatt's Cabin - CC free TS4 build
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CC free / 11 packs used
Download: Google Drive - Ko-Fi *always free*
Unpack all the files to your ...\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray
EA Gallery ID: nunita
Gallery household name: Agave Desert Cabin
❤️If you download my files, please cheer me up and leave a comment or like ❤️ Edit and reupload if you wish, but don't claim as yours - be kind and tag me instead, I'd love to see them ❤️
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I feel slightly anxious posting my first build on Simblr. My building skills in TS4 aren't pro and having so many talented builders makes me feel a little bit overwhelmed. Nevertheless I hope you like it. 😊
Playing with Canva was fun as usual though.
It has been build and furnished for Jimmy McFlatt.
If you remove some things or place unfurnished it might be just an ugly, old cabin for a soft rags to riches.
My inspiration for the build, aside from Jimmy's story, came from several pictures I found in google of type of old, very rusty and dusty, messy desert cabins put together from scrap and random parts. I wanted it to be a conspiracy theorist private shelter, where that paranoid Sim would live his secretive life spying on their neighbors, making nectar, investigating alien abductions, writing his blog. Jimmy is a prepper who doesn't like any visitors, lives like a hermit in an ugly cabin with a secret basement where he does his secretive stuff.
I hope I managed to give it the vibe I intended.
Lot uses Simple Living, Off-the-Grid and Reuse&Recycle challenges and a Private Dwelling trait.
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sparv-trait · 8 months ago
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We are Townies!
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holoska · 1 year ago
I have Sims 4 Undertale characters to and it's so funny when they do something totally in character like Sans died of laughter and Frisk begged the Grim Reaper to spare him and he did only for Sans to proceed to die of laughter AGAIN, Toriel was very upset and Papyrus was absolutely traumatized. Gaster revived Sans with one of the spells that came with Realm of Magic so everything was fine in the end, I am still laughing over it.
hdsfdgjksd that's amazing
I can just imagine after reviving him gaster tells him off like "YOU ARE NOW. BANNED. FROM LAUGHING ANYMORE" which only makes sans start laughing again and everyone else is just like
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sirianasims · 10 months ago
Psssst! Hey! Yes, you! We need to talk about clubs:
Using the Clubs for Immersive Gameplay
Of all the systems that Sims 4 has, the club feature is probably one of my favourites (Restaurants are a close second, but they're not why we're here today!) Clubs are one of the easiest ways to increase your immersion when you play and make the random townies that show up on community lots just a tiny bit less random.
The Basics
Often, people are mostly concerned with the groups their active sims are in. You might already have a club to keep track of your sims' closest friends, study group, or baby daddies, we don't judge here.
Clubs are also a great way to automate what you want your sim to be doing with less micromanaging, but for immersion, we're actually more interested in clubs for the sims you don't (or rarely) play.
WTF are the neighbours doing?
Most of the pre-made clubs are kinda meh. I prefer to add my own so I can make my community lots just a bit more lively and make sure people's activities make just a tiny bit of sense because the autonomy in this game is not great. These are just for inspiration based on clubs I often add to my own game:
A group of teens who meet at the retail clothing store to try on clothes and gossip about Nancy's nose job or whatever.
A local bowling league (complete with uniforms) who meet and bowl - just don't fuck with The Jesus.
An HOA of Karens who meet at the park to clean, raise property values, and be mean to people.
Geeks and gamers who meet at the local arcade to awkwardly flirt over pizza.
Comedians who meet at the local comedy club - you can even use the club doors to make a VIP backroom only for the performers.
Sports teams - such as a basket team who meets at a local basket court, or a swim team who meets at the local pool (you can even give them tiny matching speedos!)
Scouts! The scout feature is cute but it's a rabbit hole, boo! But you can make a Scouts club, complete with uniforms, and have them show up in parks where they can do various activities and work on their badges. Add a teen or two to supervise the younglings, their parents will be so proud, aww.
A sorority or fraternity in university who meet up at the local bar in matching varsity jackets to make all the other students feel inferior.
A group of old ladies who meet at the park to knit or cross-stitch and brag about the accomplishments of their descendants.
A "business" club, usually CEOs, lawyers and such, who meet in fancy bars to hold important business meetings and probably commit white-collar crimes, so predictable.
If you have a sim with an office/work from home job and you'd like to pretend they actually go to work, you can make an office building and a group of "coworkers" who'll show up to drink coffee, chat, and work on computers next to them in the office. It'll even simulate rotating desk assignments for an instant capitalist hellscape!
The possibilities are endless, and I find the club feature really useful to add little interesting scenarios to the background of my gameplay.
Thanks to SQOTD for inspiring this!
📩 Simblr question of the day: according to you, what are the most underutilized gameplay features in the sims games you played, dlc included? - @simblr-question-of-the-day
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pixelglam · 1 year ago
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How to start your own save file (+ LOTS of tips, advice & mods) by Amelie
Watch Video Here
1.Pick your save file
Empty Save (personal favorite)
Simlicy's Save
Lilsimsie's Save
2. Take inspiration from real worlds i.e. New Orleans for Willow Creek, New England for Brindleton Bay. Find a theme/style for each world to make it cohesive.
More examples would be:
San Sequoia | San Francisco
Windenburg | Germany & Austria
Sulani | Tahiti
San Myshuno | New York (atleast part of it)
Oasis Springs | Arizona
Henford on Bagley | English Countryside
Mt. Komorebi | Japan
Del Sol Valley | Los Angeles
Tartosa | Italy
3. Finding beautiful builds on the gallery | tips & showcase in video
Video of my favorite gallery builds
Some lots I have in my save file
My favorite gallery creators (scroll down)
4. Map Replacements
5. Tool Mod
Used to further customize your save file & add cars, trees, etc.
Can also be used to change apartment windows
6. No random townies Mod
Prevents the game from further spawning and generating townies
Make sure to have enough unemployed sims that can fill npc jobs such as waiters, baristas, etc.
7. Sim spawn overhaul Mod
Sims only show up in their own residential worlds
Adds realism and doesn't break immersion
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stardewremixed · 9 months ago
We need better marriage candidate advantages! Gifts, dinners, and occasional chores on the farm are nice, but....
Shane - starts taking care of the chickens and you get more eggs (double or triple from one chicken) or an extra chicken every year. Plus discounts at Marnie's. Oh and give me a room for Jas on the farm!!! Also he starts working at Pierre's after Joja closes and leads weekly AA meetings at the community center. Marnie also visits occasionally and brings gifts. Wanders into the forest sometimes and brings back forage.
Abigail - discounts at Pierre's, shopping on Wednesdays, and she goes adventuring with you in the mines (for some rare drops). Discounts at the Adventurer's Guild after she becomes a full-fledged member. Her parents visit on the farm and you get occasional gifts from them. Breaks up rocks on the farm (actual rocks in your inventory and occsisonal geodes).
Harvey - discounts at the clinic for the amount of times you're injured in the mines and he is the one who finds you and carries you home so you don't lose any items. Weekly energy tonics. And sometimes he plays jazz (Unlocks new music). Discounts at the bookseller (1.6) because he befriends the hot air balloon operator. And the man gets over his fear of heights and gets his chopper license. Can take you to Ginger Island for free.
Maru - weekly energy tonics since she works in the Clinic (yes, she should keep her job) and battery packs, plus her dad visits the farm cave and you get better drops in there. Robin visits too and says things like "oh, I saw such and such needed upgraded or repaired, so I did it. " Seb visits and might bring a gift. She also creates a working robot that can automate some farm chores at random. Joins the aerobics class at Caroline's.
Sebastian - discounts from Robin for upgrades and her shop, he occasionally goes adventuring with you in the quarry (for rare drops), and brings in a side income from his incredibly popular indie computer game. Brings gifts from his trips to Zuzu City. Hosts weekly jam sessions with Abigail and Sam on the farm. Organizes DnD game night at the community center - friendly to beginner's.
Leah - chops wood for you (actual wood in your inventory), crafts beautiful decor for your farm, and brings you delicious forage from the forest. Brings in a small income from her artistry. And she would also adventure with you in the secret woods (rare drops and better protection). Might buy you a drink or salad at the Saloon on occasion. Would absolutely dance with you at the Stardrop on Friday nights if you asked her.
Alex - Builds a ramp for George and then his grandparents occasionally visit the farm, bearing gifts. He chops wood and breaks up stone on the farm (actual wood/stone in your inventory). And let's start a food truck. Sells at his stand year round (and more than just ice cream), bringing in a small monthly income. He would be an excellent ally also on difficult adventuring levels (preventing you from getting surrounded). If you do go down, he's carrying you home so that you don't lose any items. Runs bingo at community center for the older townies (including his grandparents). Finally fixed the damn leak in Evelyn's roof.
Elliott - let's upgrade his beach cabin for a vacation getaway! He brings you home from the library with all sorts of useful knowledge. The man brings in an income selling his stories and poetry. Establishes a regular reading event at the library. Teaches writing classes at the Community Center. Discounts at Willy's (Willy is Elliott's great uncle in my headcanon). He would occasionally adventure with you on Ginger Island. Oh and I think you'd adopt Leo together and build a little treehouse on the farm.
Sam - income from Joja (or the movie theater), builds a skate park for the kids on town (a new post marriage heart event), and travels occasionally with his band (bringing in a sporadic income). Oh and he writes new songs for the jukebox at the Saloon. (Unlocks new music). Probably plays for the locals on Friday nights. Vincent would come stay with you on the farm, on occasion, so he would have a room. Plus Jodi would bring you dinners on Sundays. Kent would send you regular gifts in the mail. Also unlimited free games at the arcade (Sam's always buying).
Haley - has a photography show (like Leah does with her art) and decorates your farmhouse with occasional prints (new decor), plus an income from selling her services as a photographer. I like to think she works with Seb on the town website and adds her images. Brings gifts from her trips to Zuzu City. Scythes grass on occasion on the farm (actual grass and sometimes mixed seeds in your inventory). Would plant flowers in a farm garden with Evelyn. Emily would visit and bring gifts.
Emily - discounts at the Saloon, a small weekly stipend, and sells her clothes online, plus you get to join the weekly aerobics class at Caroline's with her (and if you have high hearts with Clint, you get discounts at the blacksmith too). Sometimes misc clothing, shoe, hat, and ring upgrades show up in your inventory. Haley would visit and bring gifts.
Penny - special events at the community center (she helps establish family-friendly activities and the community center is more active). She goes back to school for her official license and brings in a small income from teaching. Discounts on bus rides thanks to her mom, or cheaper bus repair if you aren't done yet. Better rewards at the library/museum when you donate items because of her friendship with Gunther. And she creates a playroom at the farm for Jas and Vincent (and your kids, of course). Pam might visit on occasion and bring gifts (and like Shane, Pam would attend the weekly AA meetings).
Okay... confession time... who are you marrying based on the above advantages?
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antiquatedplumbobs · 2 years ago
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Antiquated Brindleton
An 1890s Decades Challenge Save File
This save has been almost a year in the making, but it's finally here! It includes a completely rebuilt Brindleton Bay inspired by historic New England towns and set in the 1890s. This save uses a light amount of historical cc and most of the packs.
Download and details under the cut:
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Eight new residential lots
Seven new community lots
Six new households
Builds and households are all located in Brindleton Bay. The world is intended to be historically accurate to about 1890, though some liberties for functionality have been taken.
Builds in other worlds have been deleted. The necessary buildings, like dorms, active career lots, and the high school, have all been left in place.
Townies have been evicted, but not deleted, as I prefer EA townies to fully randomized townies.
If you’d like more period appropriate townies to add, the lovely @jewishsimming has some great historical ones to download and @cowplant-snacks has an amazing tutorial on how to manage your townies with MCCC.
REQUIREMENTS: I have all the packs except Batuu and some of the kits. I didn’t limit myself when building. I don’t have everything listed out here, but I will be uploading all the lots and households to my gallery, so if you’d like to know specific pack usage you’ll be able to check there. If you load in and things are replaced or missing and you think it looks obvious feel free to message me, I’m always happy to try to help you find something else that fits! This save includes historical CC, some is included in my download in folders and some you will need to download from the creators directly. The CC required is listed and linked below, you need to download these linked pieces in ADDITION to the included cc folders.
CC To Download:
Cottage Kitchen Stuff Pack
1840s Suspenders Outfit
1900s Male Hunting Fashion
1920s Nightgown
Piteous Outfit
Sylas Fashion Set
Wilbur Outfit
Medieval Nightgown Della
Functional Tennis Set
Antique Standing Camera
Creators Whose CC I Included:
@ameyasims (Better Than a Bush Outhouse, Victorian Swimwear)
@buzzardly28 (Multiple women’s hairs)
@chereindolente (Sacco Chore Coat, Edwardian Child Clothes)
@gilded-ghosts (Boudoir Belle, Victorian Visions, New Woman)
@jewishsimming (Off The Grid Objects, CAS items)
@linzlu (Assorted CAS and BB items)
@the-melancholy-maiden (Victorian Hair and Hat)
@nolan-sims (Potbelly Stove Set)
@pandorasimbox (Get To Church Pack, Azariah’s Sack Suit, Antique Slipper Tub, Heirloom Silhouette Portraits)
@peacemaker-ic (Simple Siding Wall Set, Luxurious Single Bedding V2)
@plumbobteasociety (Some BB and CAS items from the Cottage Garden Pack, HSL Happy Birthday Set)
@twentiethcenturysims (Langtree Hair, Historical High Chair, Quilts for Kids)
@waxesnostalgic (Sportswear Separates, Peterpan Bodysuit)
Thank you to all of these wonderful creators, your historical cc creations make this game a million times better to play and I appreciate all of you so very much. Recommended but not required mods:
Timeless by @pandorasimbox
Default Map Replacements by Deshayan (if you’d like your map to look like mine does in the preview)
Victorian NPC Replacements and Llama Scouts Historical Replacements by @cowplant-snacks
Home Regions by Kuttoe
DOWNLOAD: There are five zipped folders to download, four of which contain included cc, and one which includes the save itself.
Download the "AB_SaveFile" folder, unzip it and simply move the file inside to your saves folder inside your Sims 4 folder (where your mods folder is located).
The included cc is in four folders (to allow for easier upload/download) for build, buy, clothing, and hair. Simply download the folders, unzip them, and place them in your mods folder.
After this you should be good to load up your game and get playing, let me know if you run into any issues, I'm happy to try to troubleshoot. SFS | Google Drive THANK YOU: To all my amazing testers: @epistolarysims @aheathen-conceivably @cowplant-snacks and especially @simadelics who edited my household and build descriptions.
If you use this save file, please tag me in any photos you take, I want to see them all!! This save has been my baby for so very long and I cannot wait to see what you all do with it!
@maxismatchccworldrld @mmoutfittersters
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ravenstargames · 7 days ago
Silly question time! If all of the love interests were given access to the sims 4, what kind of players would they be? Would some focus on building more, would some have an elaborate save file where every townie has a life story? And naturally, who is the one purposefully making their sims die xD
✦ The LIs / ROs have access to The Sims 4! What kind of players are they?
✦ Amon: Makes himself. Roleplays as a famous actor. He only plays with that Sim. Also adopts every stray cat and dog that enters his lot.
✦ Raeya: Plays a base household like the Goths or the Calientes and develops their storylines. Fav expansion is Horse Ranch, so she'd also have a random household with a lot of horses and her dream ranch!
✦ Gael: Makes his family a household! Tries to create each sim as accurately as possible using his siblings and father as models and plays with the objective of making them live their dream lives. Would also be really excited and attached to his sim making him fall in love and marry.
✦ Envy: They'd love building above everything else. Playing not so much, but building houses, parks, bookstores...that he adores. Most likely would ask Ara to download his builds to test them!
✦ Ara: Creates herself as the most unhinged and villainous sim in the world. Her game would be so moded it can barely load. Violent mods? All of them. If a sim pisses her off a meteorite is coming. Would make herself a mage just to set people on fire. Also would have a lot of pets and would be enemies with the whole town except for the servos :D She'd try and marry one!
✦ Xal: Makes 838284 households and jumps from one to the other every day. His sims are set to never age because he genuinely can't stand the thought of them dying. Would do challenges like the 100 baby challenge, and he'd be a modder! Would love to do his own furniture and hair mods.
✦ Father Pride: Doesn't know how to play. Doesn't understand anything. His sims would die all the time. He'd get really addicted to it once he learns the ropes though, and would take everything very seriously. Someone ruined his sim's birthday party? He'll complain immediately to his kids about it. He'd ask Ara to teach him how to kill a sim and would discover—much to everyone's dismay— the freezing gun.
✦ Lázaro: Fan of The Sims since the first game! Has all the CDs from back in the day. Kind of upset with how The Sims 4 is going, but still plays with a Legacy Challenge. They are quite fond and proud of it!
✦ Cécile: Would like to see Gael play. Somehow every time he does play his sims end up dying, and he ends up with a graveyard in the lot and plenty of ghosts.
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inspiringimarah · 2 years ago
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DISCLAIMER: Check if the mods are compatible if you’ve updated to the recent patch!
Use Scarlet's Realm list to check for updates 💕
Refreshed Main Menu 
Urban Erotica (functional books)
No Tune After Loading
Nap Replacement Mod
Restaurant Default Menu
MyxDoll Fenty Beauty Override 
HighSchool Years Textbook Override
Toothbrush override by dsco
Paintbrush Override
The Ultimate Default Underwear Collection by vixonspixels
Paired Selfie (in game photo overrides)
iPhone 12 Override OR H&B Smartphone Override (ONLY CHOOSE ONE)
UNO Card Replacement
 Photo replacements (in game)
Pink Build Buy UI 
Black Sitcom TV Overrides 
San Sequoia Bridge Override
Realistic TV Mod (Reality TV)
Realistic Phone Icons (multiple available on CoCo Games patreon)
Phone Wallpaper Kit OR Phone Wallpaper Override (only pick one)
Control Any Sim
San Myshuno Billboards
PC Game Overrides 
CocoGames Video Game Bundle
Starbucks on Campus
My Wedding Stories Engagement Ring Recolours 
Stand Still in CAS Poses
Hidden Highlight 
Functional Airpods
Hello Kitty Infant Seat
The Missing Plumbob
No zzz (when sim is sleeping)
Towel After Shower
Functional PS5
Black Art Painting Mod
The Sims 2 Font or Life is Strange Font (only pick one)
Gallery Poses (female)
Gallery Poses (male)
Gallery Poses (couple or duo) 
Take Off Shoes With Animation
Stop Random Accessories on Townies
Parenthood Recolour - link is at the bottom of the thread
check my updated lighting mod list here
cas & loading screen
CAS background
Loading Screen Plumbob Replacement  OR by pinkishwrld
Minimalist CC Wrench Override
More CAS Columns (I use 5)
Map Replacements Overhaul
Colour Slider Mod
I alternate my CAS backgrounds so see below for my fave creators:
- MeekGames
- LadySimmer
- SlimmazSimz
- Essemelle 
- BougieChloe
- SierraTheSimmer
- Xurelia
- DonavinGames
- NeriSims
Somik & Severinka (I use the Realistic Cooking Mod & all others they have)
ONI Custom Food
QMBIBI Stirring the Pot
QMBIBI Thee Kitchen Tablet
Functional Breakfast Cereals
Waffle Maker
Pressure Cooker
Computer Side Gigs
Kuttoe Mini Mods: Small Additions
Carry & Kiss
Longer Parties & More Guests
Functional Magazines
Better Social Media Sponsorships
Higher Lifestyle Brand Payouts 
QMBIBI Skincare Mod
QMBIBI Express Delivery
QMBIBI BabyCare Overhaul
Online Skills 
It’s Movie Time 
BabyCare Mod
Basemental Drugs
Basemental Gangs
Celebrate Adoption
Sip & Paint Event
Luxury Real Estate Career
Recipe Notebook
Sulani Events Calendar and Flyer
Functional Personal Care Products
Go For A Jog... Together
Morning Routine
Everyone Can Sleep Together
Spa Day Face Masks From Mirrors
Pole Dance Mod
Online Apprenticeships 
Turn the TV on
Ask For Money 
UI Cheats
MC Command Center
Self Manicure & Pedicure
Make Functional Perfumes
Shear Brilliance - Active Hairstylist Career
Cute Romance
LOT 51
- Ring Doorbell 
- Dust Buster 
- Plumbros (heating, plumbing & cooling)
- Alarm Clock 
- Simlink (wifi)
High School Years
Fashion Authority   KimbaSprite has a tutorial on this mod here
More Classmates
I have many mods by this creator, check out their website here
There is an index on Lumpinou’s Patreon with all the below mods listed, see here
- Memory Panel Mod 
- Open Love Life
- RPO Collection “Realistic & Pregancy Overhaul”
- Science Baby Tweak
PandaSama Childbirth 
- Mortem  - no recent updates
- Real Estate
- Private Practice
- Sim National Bank 
- Sim National Bank Bills
- Sim National Bank Financial Center
- Cyber Teacher Career
- Homebody Prefences
- Housewife Aspiration
pose player mods (for in game photos)
- Andrew Poseplayer 
- Teleport Any Sim 
Go to creators for poses & animations: 
- KatVerse 
- King Black Cinema 
- Frxsk0sims
- helgatisha
- AfroSimtricSims 
- Gawdly Games
- Hardswae
- Maysbat
- TS4 Poses (tumblr blog)
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ethicaltreatmentofcowplants · 2 months ago
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(Jerrod clearly very happy to be reunited with first round housemate Delphine.)
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But where are we going in our brand new duds? Why, we are helping out a local business!
Sara Scott needed some more hands on deck, and so to determine who gets a solo date with Lilac, we will be making nectar. And while there is a nectar maker out the front of the house, no sim has autonomously used it, so everyone starts with zilch in the art.
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(And who’s this well-turned out fellow? It’s our security personnel Lou Howell, who took Lee’s drama llama behaviour from Round One personally and is even wearing a suit or something like it.)
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Avery was the first to get stomping. And as the skill building component of this day, maxed out HANDINESS Lou mentored each contestant. His first student of the day - Pauline - discovers that she actually likes the task.
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While he may not have the best vintage of the group, Avery however has acquired something more precious - Araminta’s friendship.
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Random townies are not only being especially annoying today, but stealing Sage’s cc hair, so we summon her to deal with it.
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Oof - Jerrod does not like handiness, and by the looks of things, even RANCHER Delphine is not exactly enjoying her turn with the nectar maker.
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Alongside a hot date (err, some dirty dishes) Sage orders a well earned brew - and continues to send unwanted townies on their way.
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I think Sara rather likes her new security cadaver.
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Just when I think that Sage has a potential employment opportunity after this show, I spy her hiding in a stall, check her moodlets and yup - she had attempted to swipe something.
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In spite of Lou’s alarm, CLUMSY Delphine is taking rather well to handiness, and even manages to level up under his guidance.
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Jerrod continues to have a no good day, and by those cc slippers, has not quite grasped the finer points of nectar making either.
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I realise that as well as HANDINESS, he dislikes NECTAR MAKING, and thus that expression he had on his face as he arrived was him staring into the void while trying to show no fear.
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Pauline’s own bottle of nectar is of NORMAL quality, but being a RANCHER, she gets an embarrassed moodlet over it anyway. However also being a RANCHER, she has an energized moodlet from making it in the first place, so… all things neutral, I guess?
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As it’s now Sage’s turn to shine (or something), COMPASSIONATE traited Araminta manages to persuade her out of the toilet stall. In spite of having her spirits bolstered, Sage (like Jerrod) only manages a POOR quality nectar.
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Lou suggested to Delphine that they get to know each other a little better, which I refused according to her permissions, so awkward.
(See, this is why I was so insistent on you lot filling out those - otherwise your Sim may have slipped and fallen on some werewolf eggplant 😏. Admittedly there are worse fates.)
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However Lou’s a fairly chill sim when not overwhelmed by Fury and quickly got over it.
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While Delphine, Avery and Pauline all had NORMAL quality nectar that was worth the same price, Pauline made the highest skill gain - so she gets a date with Lilac!
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And look who autonomously shows up after sportsball practice? COOKING non enjoyer Araminta persuades him to tag along to the farm afterwards. So Dodo makes dinner while she tends to the animals.
After dinner friendships continue to bloom - but I think it’s time to send these two back to their own household, don’t you?
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dodo harper by @akitasimblr
@x-digitaldollhouse-x @changingplumbob @simstagramsomeone @invisiblequeen @panicsimss
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random-townie · 2 months ago
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This may be an unpopular opinion, but I must admit I have no sentimental attachment to any of the original The Sims 4 townies. Truth to be told, after many years of clicking the New Game button, it's not even that I don't care about them.
They sometimes just annoy me.
So I don't care about the Goths and Landgraabs, I have no feelings about the Pancakes marriage and I really don't think the Altos are missing. Don Lothario got brutally deleted from my last save after the game assigned him to the Yoga Instructor job and I could not get rid of him and swap with my own Sim even with mods.
I honestly hate to look at all of the Windenburg townies, which is one of my favourite worlds. I'm also tired of giving them makeovers and as much as I love browsing the in-game Gallery, I prefer creating my own Sims.
Then there is the immersion breaking when Judith Ward comes to my backyard sale in Henford-on-Bagley to get a poor quality bear sculpture and Dina, Nina or Catrina are jogging casually in Moonwood Mill.
It's always the same. It's so overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time!
And so, after one last random annoyance and tedious work of deleting every Sim and every lot in game in every world the game has to offer, I got my blank canvas.
Is it overwhelming? Yes.
But also pretty exciting.
I will be posting my progress here to keep myself motivated and maybe one day, you will get immersed in my experience to make it your own.
Hello and welcome to my Simblr!
Much Love 💕
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kyrasims91 · 28 days ago
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Tiny Town Challenge 2.0 (Townie Introductions)
♡ Beginning ┃ (Previous / Next)
Meet 6 out of 8 townie (for now) that gonna be renovated their own unit in this apartment by decorating with their favorite decor styles. Since the new ep haven't come yet, I'm only gonna introduce u guys to this 6 lucky townie and what challenge they have to do to complete this challenge.
Tiny town character:
Jason Levine (Doctor) his from Brindelton Bay and that way his unit will be decorate with Coastal styles.
Karin Thornton (Future Actress) are from Ciudad Enamorada. her favorite style was modern luxury.
Chelsea and Heidi, both are identical twin (Style Influencer and Streamer) from Hendford on Bagley. Even tho they have their own style preference, they still share the same style which both love Shabby chick styles.
Daphne Liu (Interior Designer) from Tomarang love Modern Mid Century.
Last but will not be the last, Dayana Francis (Lawyer) who are also from Ciudad Enamorada. She really love something Asian and minimalist and Japandi style most suit her style.
For this challenge I'm gonna use this randomizer to randomize the townie that i will gonna play 1st and so on. Like i said in my previous post, I'm gonna merge both tiny town 1 and 2 rules and my own rules.
My only rules for this challenge below:
They will as usual start with $0 and empty unit.
I'm gonna switch or randomize the next townie after the 1st townie reach level 5 in both their career and skill that they need to complete and half of 4 aspiration level. So,I don't end up with burn out or doing same things repeated.
I will use CC for this challenge. Maybe half CC half EA pack.
Since Chelsea and Heidi live in the same unit, their own room will be decorated with their own favorite decor. Example, Chelsea love minimalist, so her room will be decorated what she love with her favorite colour and vise versa.
And also i have to complete both Chelsea and Heidi's challenge.
Each townie have to contribute something for the future community space. it's either they build a shell, donating their stuff or their creation.
For their love or relationship, they will have to find, but its not that necessary.
that its. Hope u enjoy my content :) love kyra xoxo
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silentpinessave · 1 year ago
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1 Millpark Avenue [Base Game] Home of the Harris family. Rumour has it that Cleo, the missing girl, was really close friends with Amanda Harris.
This is a completed build in my base-game only save file, Silent Pines.
More info + pictures under the cut.
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Amanda's Bedroom
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Amanda hasn't been the same since Cleo disappeared - she hardly eats, sleeps, or paints anymore. To make things worse, her dad can't land a job, despite his 3 college degrees, and started getting involved with some sketchy people to help pay the increasing bills. Her mom's exhausted all the time from taking care of the new baby, a baby that looks nothing like Amanda's dad...
I'm making good progress on Silent Pines (a.k.a Willow Creek) so far, and I'm having a lot of fun creating storylines that stem from the Cleo mystery, but also just the drama of random townies. I'll keep updating as I go! I hope everyone is having a good new year so far, and thank you all so much for the love <3
NOTE: The posters in Amanda's room and the upstairs bathroom laundry poster are all CC-free paintings from the gallery. They're super cool!
Love from, Silent Pines.
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expirisims · 4 months ago
A New Outlook on Life
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Oh, Boy! Another new baby and some more stalking followed up by some rebound canoodling! Andrew, get it together dude!
With town drama out of the way, it's back to our actual household!
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Just a little skill building to start the new day.
And a whole new lighting mod! I know I hinted at this weeks ago, and here we finally are! I started testing out different lighting mods for the remainder of my time in St. Bernie. I've been using Fresh Cut Day by @brntwaffles with @gelinagelina's Lighting Tweaks, but had been toying with the idea of using different lighting for different world play throughs.
Up first is the BEAUTIFUL Sims 3 Beta Lighting Mod by @boringbones. Seriously! It looks like I have some Reshade or HD mod going on, it is so clear and bright and the shadows are absolutely gorgeous!
Along with testing new lighting mods, I installed Tree and Plant Replacements (also by boringbones); Reworked And Improved EA Lights by simsi45; More Light Coming Through Windows by Blyss; the Electrical Storm Mod by @mathmodder; and TS3 HD Texture Series-Terrain Pack by @greenplumbboblover.
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And here we are! It's a sunny spring day, perfect for a trip to the town plaza to meet up with Gerald!
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I can't get over how crisp everything looks!
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Hey! We're outside in the sun and you can ACTUALLY see Simili's face! She's not all washed out or too dark to distinguish! I haven't gone for Reshade or Gshade yet, because my main focus is gameplay and I've always been a little afraid that keeping either of those programs going in the background would cause my usually smooth gameplay to stutter or crash so for me and my screenshots, this lighting mod is seriously game changing. I couldn't stop zooming around looking at everything!
Simili has been waiting for a while here...where is Gerald?
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Of course it did...Well, this doesn't exactly bode well for their relationship, now does it?
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Guess it's back home for Simili...I wonder what was so important for Gerald anyway?
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Oh look...protesting healthcare in the ocean...seems a logical place for that! Facepalm...
At least he's got principles I guess, maybe he's concerned about how much the medical bills will be for the birth of that baby...Still doesn't explain the location, but you know...Sims...
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I went to see what was going on at the City Park. How adorable! Pablo is teaching little Stevie to talk! In his pajamas, that I discovered from this point on he was always wearing LOL! And who's that? Guy Summersville and one of his dogs playing drums dressed as a robot? Again with the Sims logic! Bahahaha!!
Oh wait! I hear some commotion!
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Who is that!!?? Never a dull moment in St. Bernie!
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O...M...G!! Bahahahaha! A burglar and a mime!!?? Why is this so funny to me?!
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Nothing like a couple of random townies brawling in the park! This, right here, is the beauty of an open world with story progression! I don't even know who these two are and neither Simili, nor Barky was even here today! This is just what was randomly going on in the park while my sims are doing whatever they're doing! Same with the protest Gerald was attending! This is the best part of TS3, there is ALWAYS something going on somewhere in town!
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simsimiz · 14 days ago
Minimal Townies in Sims 3
Some settings for playing with few townies as possible. This might help you. Also, I start with unpopulated worlds.
Note: Most essential sims, such as mail carrier or service (if you summon them) will still show up. The game also generates essential bosses/coworkers and classmates.
Required Mods: NRaas Register, NRaas Story Progression, NRaas Master Controller. Their settings are accessible via City Hall > NRaas.
1. Register
Allow Immigration: FALSE
Allow Resident Assignment: FALSE
Setting below prevents notifications about "unfilled roles."
Show Immigration Failure Notice: FALSE
Register > Global Roles
Allow Paparazzi: FALSE
Maximum Paparazzi: 0
Register > Tourists
Allow Tourists: FALSE
Chance of Leaving: 100
Maximum Number: 0
Register > Service
Choose whatever roles you want.
Pool Size: 0
Recurring: FALSE
This doesn't stop essential NPCs.
2. Story Progression
Story Progression > General Options
Enable Progression: FALSE
Story Progression > Immigrant Options
Career: Allow Progression - FALSE
Household: Allow Move: As Family - FALSE
Household: Allow Move: Solo - FALSE
Money: Allow - FALSE
Settings below prevent crashes (pregnant homeless sims crash when they try to give birth).
Romance: Allow - FALSE (prevents pregnancy)
Pregnancy: Allow Adoption - FALSE
Pregnancy: Allow Can Be Pregnant - FALSE
Pregnancy: Allow Participation - FALSE
Settings below prevent popups related to townies.
Stories: Allow - FALSE
Stories: Allow Summary - FALSE
Story Progression > Lot Options
Allow Lot for Progression: FALSE
Push: Allow To Lot - FALSE
Story Progression > Town Options
See Immigrant Options and follow the same settings.
3. Game Settings
Go to every lot except your residence and change the type to Community > No Visitors Allowed.
This ensures random townies won't move into empty houses. It's easier than removing fridges or bulldozing lots.
You can't change some lot types like "Diving Area" because it removes their function. But combined with all other lots, townies don't end up visiting.
Rabbithole lots will say there's a special building and for sims to treat it as No Visitors Allowed, the building must be removed. But I haven't noticed many visitors.
4. Master Controller
Master Controller > Sim > Status > Personal > Type of Sim (Or) > Nonselectable
The game will spawn townies no matter what. But everything I've shared should keep them out of town.
Click any sim and see their personal status. Every townie should say "Currently out-of-town" which means they exist, but they won't appear wandering around because every lot has disallowed visitors.
Optional: Master Controller > Town > Total Annihilation
You can do this to kill all the townies off. But it feels pointless because they respawn anyways.
Interesting Effects
If you try the option Chat With Someone on the computer, your sim will do it and then immediately shut it off. That's because there's nobody in town to talk to.
Registering for online dating = no profiles available.
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pixelglam · 2 years ago
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How to make The Sims 4 aesthetic (Tips & Mods) by Amelie
Watch Video
Mods mentioned
Map Replacements
Loading Screen
Cas Background (sage)
Gshade/reshade preset 'pearl'
Sunblind Lighting Mod
Better Ingame Lighting (average base)
No Random Townies
Cultivating your own sim style
Makeover existing townies & lots
Look for lots on the gallery to incorporate into your own game & inspire gameplay ideas
Use pinterest for inspiration for builds & big life events like your sims' weddings
Try incorporating your own real life aesthetic & style into the sims
Gallery Recommendations
By me/@pixelglam (more to come) x
By @farfallasims x
By @biancml x
Gameplay Ideas (based on my own aesthetic/style)
Host a tea party with friends
Weekly spa days
Galentines Dinner or romantic rooftop dinner for love day
Vacation on a yacht in Sulani (search yacht/catamaran on gallery)
Play Tennis
Do ballet/go to a ballet class
Selfcare Days
Girls Night In/Out
Go on vacations to sulani/selvadorada/mt. komorebi/etc. & utilize the rental lot or have your sim stay at a spa
My resource page featuring all mods, defaults, etc.
Favorite gallery creators
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