#random basilisk thoughts
rantceratops · 1 year
Rotating Vee and Hunter’s lost relationship dynamic that we were totally robbed of in my head and. Just having thoughts.
So in regards to the basilisk thing, I personally don’t think Hunter actually knew directly about the project. I know that the Golden Guard was Belos’s right hand, but Belos still kept many secrets from Hunter, and I cannot see any good reason why he would have let Hunter in on that project. He only let Hunter in on things on a need to manipulate basis, and this doesn’t seem like one.
Not to mention, Hunter as the Golden Guard was not shown in any of Vee’s flashbacks when she told Luz of her origins. We see Warden Wrath and regular coven scouts, as well as Belos himself. And yeah, you could argue, maybe Hunter was just a coven scout at the time and was one of the scouts with Wrath, but honestly? I don’t think so. If the creators had wanted us to make that connection, they would have just straight up shown the Golden Guard standing there or made sure his hair noodle was sticking out of a coven mask like in COTH.
If anything, I could only see Belos using Hunter to lead the search to try and find the escaped basilisks, without disclosing any other information about them other than just, find them and bring them back. And Hunter would of course obey. But even this thought might be wrong, given that when we see the basilisks hiding from the coven, we see only Belos himself with some elite scouts(the cone mask shape seems to be a higher rank?) seemingly out looking for them.
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I’m so sad we got robbed of the plot with Vee being uncomfortable with Hunter around the house because of his association with the Emperor’s Coven. I’m assuming she would have just found out at some point that he was with them, that he was the Golden Guard. And I absolutely still understand her being uncomfortable with him just because of the association itself, even if he wasn’t directly involved. (Or perhaps she could potentially recognize his voice from when Belos sent the Golden Guard out to round up the basilisks for him.)
And I am so sad that we missed the development of them working through this uncomfortableness and eventually becoming good friends, maybe even feeling a special kinship because of both being created and used. I think Vee would, with TIME and talking, absolutely sympathize and understand how Hunter felt, and he her, because they both were created artificially and used by Belos.
GOD I love them. Vee’s little “Hang in there, Hunter!” just hits so much more knowing there was supposed to be a whole little plot there.
(Note that this is just my thoughts, Hunter COULD have very well been involved directly, but to me it just doesn’t seem to be the case? I could see it far more likely that if anything Belos sent him out after them, but did not directly involve him in their creation. Either way Vee has more than enough reason to be skeptical of/dislike/hate him at first, that’s for sure.) (Warden Wrath seems to have been the head of the operation, as an interesting fact. Not really relevant, just interesting.)
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coulrology · 2 years
Thought it was about time I finally share my take on basilisk Adrian-
Of all the basilisk experiments, Adrian was the most important to Belos and his plans for the Day of Unity. He needed a basilisk to be directly part of the draining spell, so he had to raise one that would eventually take the place of a coven head when the time came (and in the main Juniper timeline - where I am sticking as close to canon as possible - Adrian replaces them).
Throughout Adrian’s entire life, he wasn’t aware of the fact that he was a basilisk, though. The only people that knew were Belos, and the select few that were helping him with the experiments. Two of the witches part of the team posed as Adrian’s parents while they studied and raised him. He was monitored at all times growing up to make sure he blended in with his peers, and that no suspicions were raised about the basilisk project. If at any point Adrian got emotional and transformed back into his natural form, his “parents” would extract and burn those memories so that anything relating to basilisks was wiped from his mind. Because basilisks need magic as a source of food, he has to drink specially made elixirs - similar to the owl beast one in a sense, because it also allows him to keep his witch disguise. As he got older, his transformations were less frequent and he can hold his witch form without any issue.
Even though basilisks are considered a type of beast demon, since they *are* able to use a very specific kind of magic, I think it’s possible they might have a bile sac as well. In Adrian’s case, obviously his magic is very weak (maybe because he consumes magic through potions instead of a stronger source?), so that’s why he was thrown into the illusion track. It would be easy enough to fake his abilities, plus illusionists are already seen as the “weakest” of the covens so he fits right in.
Also the show already established that it is possible to restore memories that were destroyed, so Adrian’s breakdown during Labyrinth Runners? Everything about his existence as a basilisk came flooding back, his entire identity turned out to be a lie, of course it would hit him hard!!
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ordon-pumpkin · 10 months
In the Riordanverse I know there’s vague ancient laws about the gods not interfering too much with mortal affairs. I just feel like after ToA Apollo really pushes that with being around Camp Half-Blood more but also with demigod quests. His favorite way to do so becomes apparent pretty quickly. Demigods come back from quests and random monster encounters with similar stories.
“The monster almost caught us but then, the sunlight reflected off of a broken piece of glass on the street at just the right angle. It temporarily blinded the slimy beast! Gave me just enough time to retrieve my weapon!”
“Oh really? That’s wild! A month ago on my quest there were several basilisks after me. I raised my sword and the sun glinted off of it. It seemed to disorient them. I took the opportunity to slash them to pieces.”
“Huh.” Percy chimes in. “Kind of reminds me of the other day. I was forming a wave to unleash on this giant, hairy, whatever that monster was and the sunlight bounced off of the water. Like you two said, it hit the monster right in the eyes. Not that I didn’t have it handled, but it did let me catch my breath and focus more on the attack and less on getting slashed again.”
Annabeth laughs. “And here I thought you made the water reflect the sunlight on purpose.”
Percy drags his hand across his face. “Is it too late to pretend I totally planned that because I’m just so smart?”
She elbows him and laughs. “Afraid so, Seaweed Brain.”
“Pretty sure I heard someone else talk about something like that happening too.” One of the other demigods remembers. “A random old mirror in the woods of all places. A bunch of crows flew through the trees, it moved a branch and beam of sunlight shined down through the opening. It hit the mirror and reflected right in the eyes of a monster. Gave the girl a couple of seconds, enough time to jab her spear into the monster’s head.”
Annabeth looks to Percy with wide eyes of realization. He meets her gaze. A few seconds later, he comes to the same conclusion that she did.
They see Apollo visiting with his children the following day.
“There’s been some interesting coincidences lately.” Annabeth starts slyly.
Percy joins in. “Yeah, don’t know if you’ve heard but monsters seem to keep getting the sun in their eyes during battles.”
“Oh is that so?” Apollo smiles mischievously. “How unfortunate for the monsters!”
Will hears the conversation and turns to them.
“Yeah Dad, most of the quest related injuries have been more minor lately. Seems campers have been getting just the distraction they need.” He smiles in a way that looks very similar to his dad and crosses his arms. “Almost like the sun is on our side.”
“Now, what would give you that idea?” The god winks and picks up a nearby guitar to join in with his other kids as they play.
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artytaeh · 1 month
why have i never seen someone commenting or mentioning about mattheo riddle speaking parseltongue too?
given that salazar slytherin's descendants inherited this ability, and voldemort is a descendant and speaks parseltongue— it means that mattheo understands and speaks the language of snakes too.
i wonder if he and harry potter ever had an argument. i feel like, after second year (when everyone found out about harry potter being a parseltongue), mattheo used this knowledge to his advantage.
that means that he heard the basilisk too. mattheo was twelve years old, and he couldn't tell anyone, and i mean anyone, about what was happening; he knew since day one. he heard the basilisk, he knows about the ancient plans of his father. imagine the guilt and loneliness of carrying it alone.
to end an argument. stepping closer to harry, dangerously close, looking at him straight in the eyes as the hiss-like language is uttered.
menacingly. even stranger it is, how there's a flash of understanding in their eyes, a silent and never admitted sympathy between them.
do you think that mattheo likes to be able to understand parseltongue, or is he creeped out about that? or maybe he perceives it as another sign that he's inevitably doomed.
( parseltongue is associated to dark wizards and generally bad stuff, remember? yeah, one more point for mattheo riddle here. )
wondering if voldemort speaks to mattheo in parseltongue too. like, keeping his son fluent and used to the language, wanting mattheo to feel the same pride he feels about their lineage.
what if he spoke to nagini too. what if nagini felt like a strange sort of friend or brought a sense of familiarity (he speaks parseltongue, and i don't think that she'd be hostile towards the dark lord's son).
this is too much and too messy at the same time. it's just a random thought i had! please share your perspective with me, this realization came to me like a punch.
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crimeronan · 1 month
i had an unfortunate thought. luz manages to make belos promise he won't kill hunter, and somehow he decides he can't have lied to the only other human in his world, so instead he tosses him through the portal to, he presumes, be promptly executed by Real Humans. instead camila finds this bedraggled wet cat child pulling apart a rotting door in the woods in a a Damn State. (vee is not exactly okay with the guy in her home with her mama, but oh my god is he clearly so not okay right now also)
the concept of camila coming across hunter tearing through a random door in the middle of the woods is Killing me. her initially intervening simply like "okay you're clearly having an Episode but this is a small town and somebody is Going to call the police on you" and then "hang on. where did you say you're trying to get back to??"
also. after all of this, camila being like "do you... happen to be.... a basilisk??" and hunter being like "THE HUMAN WORLD HAS BASILISKS???"
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memory-overload · 5 months
More Random Good Baslilisk Luzura Headcanons
Since Tre and Ivy are technically Luz's uncle/aunt, they get invited to the Noceda family gatherings, except they have no idea how to act human so they commit faux pas after faux pas
Manny and Papa Titan are both chillin in the In Between, hanging out
Since nobody has any idea when Vee was actually born, they just go with the day that she escaped to the human realm as her birthday.
But since her birth year is also not set in stone, then she can claim to be the youngest child, middle child, or oldest child depending on what best suits her needs.
Every year on Halloween, Luz and Vee go out trick-or-treating in their basilisk forms, passing them off as elaborate costumes.
Hunter, meanwhile, wears a giant wolf fursuit and chastises the other two for "being lazy"
When Camila adopted Hunter and Vee, Hunter thought he was getting pranked and didn't believe it until Camila showed him the papers.
Years into the future, after Luz and Amity get married, the two would travel around the Isles in search of ancient basilisk towns/cities.
Luz routinely plays Creatures and Caverns with Vee and the rest of Cabin 7, with Luz morphing into her player character when the session starts.
Even though Vee could just drain the magic normally from Hexes Hold Em cards, she eats them because she likes the taste of cardboard.
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slytherinshalo · 7 days
this is gonna be a series so part I
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A Malfoy and a Riddle who would have thought, apparently our fucking parents, siblings and friends. Anyways, we’re best friends, each other’s safe space, I understand stand him and he understands me. He’s going to become the new leader of the knights of walpurgis once we leave hogwarts.
A few facts about tom:
He’s introverted and has asocial/antisocial behaviors which everyone outside of our friends and families thinks he’s this evil person when really he’s not and just doesn’t operate like others.
I don’t know how I did it but I got him to listen to Ethel Cain, so now every now and then he’ll just quote Family tree(intro), and it’s like oh what have I done 😭
He’s so affectionate with me like he’ll give me random kisses before he leaves to do something or like he gives me hugs and it’s just so cute.
Him and Mattheo actually are pretty close and they are protective of each other.
Tom has a pet snake (not the basilisk)
Facts about me:
I have ADHD, and social anxiety, (i also have it in my cr) but like just like tom is obsessed with me (in a healthy way), i’m the same way.
I bite as it’s one of my love languages, which some people think it’s weird.
I do ballet, and pole dancing which the pole dancing makes people think that I’m bringing shame to my family but they don’t care.
I’m younger than draco by a few months he was born in June and I was born in September, we’re both premature, which being the younger twin draco loves to rub it in my face.
I’m a natural at wandless magic, occlumency, Legillimency, and I’m a parsalmouth.
I have two pet snakes that can turn into jewelry.
The aesthetic:
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Songs that remind me of us:
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(pt. 1, pt. 2. pt.3, pt. 4)
This is a random thought, but you know how there are different words for different groups of animals. Like horses are called herds, whales have pods, wolves have packs, crows have murders, etc.
I think it would be interesting if the same could be said for magical creatures in the Harry Potter lore:
Like a group Thestrals I think should be called a Procession (as in funeral procession) because they’re associated with death and loss and watching someone die.
And a group of Phoenixes should be a Kindling because they’re constantly bursting into flames. 😂
Hippogriffs would be called a Pride because they would accept nothing less.
Thunderbirds should be called Derecho (fast moving wind/thunderstorm that occur often in the Great Plains of North America).
Unicorns should be called a Joust because the singular horn looks like jousting stick and males charge each other during mating season. 😂
Dragons would obviously have to be a Hoard.
A Demiguise would have to be called a Hide because they’re so good at disappearing.
And a Niffler has to be called a Robbery 😂 😂
And Trolls would be called a Cesspool because of their smell (which is rude, but very on brand for Wizards)
Boggarts would be a Terror.
Fwoopers (the bird thats song drives people insane) would be called a Babble. And non-stop babbling drives people crazy!
Crups would be a Scrounge because their scavengers and basically just little hyenas that look like Jack Russell terriers and are just as vicious. (Which puts a horrible spin on the Muggle-hunting with Crups if you know anything about how violent hyenas are.)
Basilisks I don’t think can exist in groups because I feel like the second they’d make eye contact they’d just kill each other. So a group of them would be a Boneyard because of the decomposed skeletons.
Runespoors would be called a Fork because of the 3 heads (i.e. 3 prongs) and how they can predict the future and see where there is a Fork in the road of someone’s life.
A Doxy would be part of a Massacre because they swarm like insects and their venom is deadly to any witch or wizard who gets bitten. And a group of Doxies settling in an area would lead to an entire village being wiped out in a mass killing.
And I know in canon a group of Bowtruckles is called a branch. But I propose that Briar would be a better word because if you mess with their tree, they attack you and try to gouge out your eyes just like briars have thorns that cut anyone who gets too close to the plant.
And Dugbogs would be called a Snare because they are ambush hunters & wizards who get to close will have them clamp around their ankle like a bear trap.
Also, I’m going to add that Ghouls would be a Ruckus because they bang on pipes when things are too quiet a group of them would make so much noise it’d sound like your house was being remodeled.
A Glumbumble is a bee-like insect that produces a honey-like substance which causes people who eat it to be lethargic and low-energy so they would be a Gloom.
A Kneazle would be part of a Jury because of their ability to detect and identify suspicious people.
And Grindylows would be a Gallow because they strangle their prey.
These are the only ones I can come up with on the spot. But I want to think about this and come up with a crazy long list. If anyone has any suggestions feel free to reblog this with them! I’ll probably keep adding to this list as I come up with more.
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darrowfire15 · 6 months
The Dragon House AU
A self-indulgent AU with my OCs. It's a lot, so please take your time going through it.
(Original Role - Replacement)
Luz Noceda - Akari Hisakawa (OC, “Akari” is Japanese for "light" or "brightness") 
Edalyn Clawthorne - Robyn Long (OC, cursed with the dragon curse) 
Raine Whispers - Vitimir 
Darius Deammone - Hettie Cutburn 
Eberwolf the Huntsman- Mason 
Lilith Clawthorne - Wilder Long (OC, One of Robyn's older brothers, a small personality change) 
Dell and Gwendolyn Clawthorne - Alto and Giselle Long (OCs, Robyn and Wilder’s parents) 
Terra Snapdragon - Darius Deammone 
Adrian Graye Vernworth - Raine Whispers 
Amber, Katya, and Derwin - Edalyn, Lilith, and Morton 
Amity Blight - Kenzie Zamora (OC)
Willow Park - Orion Cutburn (OC, Hettie’s son)
Augustus Porter - Yule Fiedler (OC)
V/Vee - III/Ree (pink basilisk)
Masha and 2 human friends - Purple-shirted friend of Vee, random human, and Luz
Morton - Huxley Long (One of Robyn’s older brothers)
Boscha, Cat, and Amelia - Bria, Gavin, and Angmar (They hold themselves higher than the weaker students) 
King Clawthorne would be renamed to Malik.
Hooty would be renamed to Scaly and have a dragon motif.
All of the palismen change to fit the witch, aside from Hunter, who still receives Flapjack and then Waffle through Dell’s new apprentice.
Jacob Hopkins, The Collector, Papa Titan, Osran, Steve, Emperor’s Coven members, Kikimora, Hunter, and Belos are the same. 
Location Changes
The Dragon house is located outside of Latissa, deep in the woods. It’s a treehouse with a spiral staircase around the tree to the top. It’s situated on one of the bigger trees in the forest and connects to other buildings in the trees with bridges. 
Hexside is switched out for Glandus High, along with the students, teachers, and principal. The detention track exists here as well as a separate classroom. 
Everything that happened in Bonesburough now happens in Latissa, and vice versa, the coven scouts are just a bit more prominent. 
The hill that Raine and Eda sit on is swapped with a cave in the woods where Vitimir and Robyn hung out in school and later in adulthood. 
Blight Industries and the Blight Manor are switched out for Zamora Technology and the Zamora Estate. 
The Looking Glass Ruins are swapped out for a jungle temple that is the resting place for the most powerful Bards. It holds their most powerful instruments and guarded by a large manticore. It is located east of the Titan’s skull on the shoulder. 
Series Changes
Akari would have a single father instead of a single mother. His name is Mamoru Hisakawa. They also have a tradition for the other parent’s birthday since they passed away. 
Orion would be in the Oracle track with Kenzie before being changed to the Healing Track. Hettie did this because she didn’t want him to be ostracized for being a Cutburn.
Robyn turns into an Eastern dragon when cursed and into a Dragonborn when he comes to terms with his curse. 
Robyn gets his elixirs from his brother Huxley, who makes and sells them in Latissa at his own stand. 
Instead, we experience how Glandus would have handled the greater basilisk if they had a human at their school. They win in the end. 
Wilder cursed Robyn because he thought it would encourage him to join a coven and get healed. It backfired very quickly and horribly.
Robyn, in his cursed form, injured Alto to the point of making him unable to play the violin and make instruments. 
Wilder turns into a wyvern when cursed (larger than Robyn’s cursed form) and into a Dragonborn in the epilogue. 
In flashback sequences with the Long family, Cillian and Huxley are present, but do not speak (Robyn’s other brothers).
Cillian comes to the Dragon House instead of Giselle and tries his own methods to drive out Robyn’s curse. He wants to try and fix everything because he’s the oldest. 
Flashback moments with Robyn and Vitimir are centered around potion-making and playing hooky with Vitimir’s work (Platonic with a few romance moments, not dating). 
The BATTs are renamed to PATs (Potions Against Tyranny) and CATTs are renamed to CATs (Covens Against Tyranny).
When fighting against Hettie and Mason, Robyn and Vitimir create a ‘super potion’ that will stun their attackers when coming in contact with Robyn’s curse via playing the violin. 
IFWOT/HECK is not how Robyn and Vitimir meet. Instead, they meet in school where Robyn approaches Vitimir. Darius (same age as them) and Hexside’s Grudgby team is there for a game and problems ensue. 
Orion and Hunter are not shipped together, just friends/brotherly who bond when the Emperor’s Coven arrives at Glandus to brand the students. Orion is 13 years old, Hunter is 16 years old. 
Robyn’s human disguise name is Gerald. He hides his ears and horns with a big cowl and his tail is hooked to his belt like a chain. 
Darius begrudgingly plays the part of Robyn in the Collector’s “Dragon House” game and makes fun of him for liking Potion brewers.
Kikimora goes to Glandus disguised as Miki and her Abomatron as Roka, students from St Epiderm. She builds her empire there with those students.
Hunter, with Orion, would be greeted by Mason and Hettie when everyone is turned back to normal. 
Hettie, Mason, and Vitimir team up with Zamora Technology and Blight Industries to find a way to remove the sigils. It turns out successful.
Unchanged Parts
Gravesfield is still the location of the portal door, therefore Akari and her dad live there and Akari goes to school there. 
The portal door is found buried in the ground. 
Belos’ past (whatever we have of it) is the same with Caleb and Evelyn, and slowly taking over the Isles with the grim walkers he made with Caleb’s dead body.
The Emperor's Castle, the Conformatorium, and the Archives locations do not change. 
Training on the Knee still happens, just with Akari, Robyn, Kenzie, and and Kenzie’s cousins.
Palisman Adoption Day still happens, just at Glandus High. 
Time-traveling to the past to meet Philip Wittebane with Akari and Wilder. 
The Titan Trappers exist and still want to look for the last Titan. 
Hunter leaves the Emperor’s Coven after going through Belos’ mind and learning about his true intentions. 
More students start learning multitrack. 
Hunter tells the school about Belos’ Draining Spell plans. 
The Coven heads still fight on the Day of Unity, the roles are just swapped.
No matter how, Vitimir’s hat gets cut in half at the Day of Unity.
Robyn’s arm gets pulled off during the Draining Spell. 
Belos enlisted the help of the Collector for the Draining Spell, and did not keep his end of the deal. 
S3E1’s events happen the same way. 
The Archives get built over the Titan’s head. 
The Collector’s backstory is the same. 
The Titan gives the human his remaining powers to help stop Belos. 
Dell still gets an apprentice and hits his goal to replenish the palistrom trees with the Bat Queen. 
Hettie changed Orion’s last name to Pines to keep him safe from Belos (Reference to Gravity Falls). 
Yule is in the Bard track playing the cello. Their dad works as an author and was in the Illusion track. 
Kenzie’s parents are the biggest manufacturers of crystal balls in the Isles. Their company is called Zamora Tech. 
Her mother is in the Illusion Coven and her father is in the Oracle Coven. 
New Palisman with witches:
Robyn has a brown griffin palisman named Ginger. 
Kenzie has an orange moth palisman named Squeak.
Orion has an forest green Aesculapian snake palisman named Basil. 
Yule has a gray jumping spider palisman named Lucas.
Akari has a yellow axolotl palisman named Hibiki.
Wilder has a white porcupine palisman named Spike. 
Alto has a muted green manticore palisman named Brutus.
Giselle has a green-blue Cerberus palisman named Cerb. 
Bria has a purple poison dart frog palisman named Yahir. 
Glandus High’s Principal has a brown squirrel palisman named Chestnut. 
Cillian has a navy blue eel palisman named Thunder.
Huxley has a black wolf palisman named Forrest. 
Spell Circle Colors
Robyn Long
Alto Long
Hunter (with staff)
Belos (with staff)
Akari Hisakawa (training wand)
Raine Whispers
Hunter (with Flapjack)
Edalyn Clawthorne
Huxley Long
Yule’s dad
Glandus Oracle teacher
Kenzie’s cousins
Glandus Oracle Teacher
Yule Fiedler
Akari Hisakawa (with Hibiki)
Kenzie’s mother
Lilith Clawthorne
Glandus High Principal
Hettie Cutburn
Orion Cutburn
Giselle Long
Cillian Long
Kenzie Zamora
Kenzie’s father
Darius Deamonne
Akari Hisakawa (with Titan powers)
Wilder Long
Emperor’s Coven members
The PATs wear steampunk-inspired lower-face masks and goggles. Vitimir only wears the goggles. 
Their outfits are also to help conceal their identities. 
Giselle is in the Healing Coven and has been trying to use different healing methods on Robyn’s curse. 
Alto is in the Bard Coven. He used to teach young witches how to play certain instruments and used to hand-make instruments. 
Glandus High’s principal is trying to diminish the whole “Strongest students at the top of the food chain” thing. It’s not going well, but he’s trying. 
Wilder, after leaving the Emperor’s Coven, starts working a job that studies extinct beasts on the Boiling Isles. 
When Robyn and Wilder’s curse starts showing, they sprout scales on their skin the same color as the scales on their tails. 
Robyn’s personality is not like Eda’s, so his way of teaching magic is a bit different, but still strange to Akari and everyone else. 
Of the Glandus Group: Orion is the youngest (13), then Akari (14), Kenzie (14), then Yule (15), and Hunter is the oldest (16). 
Vitimir uses his corrosive breath to fight against the spreading mold from Belos when he possesses the Titan’s heart. 
Kenzie’s cousins live in the Palm Stings, but enjoy visiting once in a while to bug their cousin and help their aunt and uncle. 
Akari and Kenzie confess to each other and start dating after Scaly tries to get them together. 
Akari also comes out to her dad as bisexual and is accepted. 
Kenzie has a job at Latissa Inn at the Front desk and the Inn’s IT witch. At Zamora Tech, she tests out their beta versions of new projects. 
She dyes her hair from dirty blonde to Oracle purple after she loses her job for leaving her post. Her real hair color is black.
Scaly is still an anomaly to the Glandus group and to Robyn, despite being a house demon. 
During the Apocalypse:
Most of the Boiling Isles inhabitants were turned into puppets. 
The Collector and Malik play “The Dragon House” game.
Robyn, Wilder, and Malik stay together as the Collector thinks Robyn is still in his cursed form. 
Glandus High is being run by the students and Bria with “Miki” helping her. 
The Glandus Group was thrown into the Human realm, then found a way back to the Demon Realm. 
Darius plays Robyn in “The Dragon House” game until he steps out of line and gets turned into a puppet by the Collector. 
Darius, Raine, and Eberwolf are the three who want the throne while the Isles is being rebuilt and are scared off by Hettie and Mason. Eberwolf sneaks back to touch the throne before a scalpel is thrown at him. 
Time-skip stuff:
Akari and Ree graduate high school and Akari goes to the Boiling Isles for College (all majors).
Orion is a nurse at his mother’s clinic taking on a Dr. Frankenstein role and part-time Flyer Derby player. 
Hunter works with Alto to create instruments that younger witches can play. 
Alto and Giselle are seen at their work with Orion and Hunter. 
Wilder and Scaly get to work at the University of Wild Magic for Abominations. Wilder also gets his Dragonborn form. 
Kenzie works at Zamora Tech with her (now divorced) father as head engineer. 
The Glandus Principal is still at Glandus, mostly diminishing its student rules. 
Vitimir, Hettie, and Mason collaborated with Blight Industries to help create a machine that removes sigils. 
The Manticore from the Jungle Temple is living peacefully, now with cubs.
Yule is a big musician who’s released a few albums. 
Robyn works with his brother Huxley to produce an elixir that helps ailments and lasts longer. 
Robyn gains a mechanical arm to replace his disintegrated one, made by Zamora Tech. 
Vitimir gets a palisman.
The group celebrates Akari’s birthday as she starts college in the Boiling Isles. 
Malik shows Akari his new light glyph. 
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luxdraconia · 1 month
What are the "spirits" like, exactly?
the “spirits” are weird, half dead half alive… soul remnants of sorts. that’s not exactly what they are, but it fits the bill. they are capable of feeling emotion and thought and the general things a living being with a soul could do, but lessened.
Toll is the most aggressive out of all of them- the remnants of a traveler who couldn’t handle itself. Toll is also the most humanoid, allowing it to wield weaponry. It’s like they’re constantly stressed— viscera isn’t supposed to glow and constantly seep from your wounds, right?
Forgotten is on the skittish side. Unlike the rest, they seem to have the demeanor of a child. A traumatized one, but still a child. They resemble certain cryptids, primarily the chupacabra and church grim. Like Toll, Forgotten sports wounds (this time, primarily on their chest) with viscera that glows and constantly pours.
Basilisk is… arguably the strangest. While they’re typically anxious, they seem to mimic the individual that’s closest to them’s emotions. And amplify them greatly. Their body also seems to “glitch” at random. Their eyes constantly pour glowing viscera that is uniquely iridescent or colored a pastel rainbow.
Rooted and Odyessy are never seen separated. They’re the two most animalistic physically of all the “spirits” for whatever reason. Rooted is missing their tail and the stump is its signature wound. Odyessy has two spots on its head where horns used to be but seemed to be broken or sawed off. Not much else is really known about the two, as they’re not seen as often.
Strangely… they all seem to be capable of wandering the multiverse too.
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pumpkindevourer · 10 months
Alr so this little jerk (Gabriel) was brought to life shortly after the betrayal of the latest Golden Guard (Hunter’s predecessor), Gabe was brought to life after being in the ground for some time just as a thought the emperor had. A clone of Belos himself surely wouldn’t betray him and would stay loyal until the future day of unity right? After all he’d be more of an extension of Belos himself instead of his own person. (Hunter is still created just about a year or so after Gabriel due to some complications).
Although regards to said complication, he inherited part of Belos’ curse which would end up causing problems with the galderstone used in creating the grimwalker, making its magic weaken from time to time needing extra help creating magic to keep his body together. Considering that in the OG, the curse originated from the carved-in glyphs and that Gabe doesn't have any on him, it's not as intense (obvi). When the curse started to manifest it was more just his body needing to consume magic to stay in proper form, not linked to palisman consumption.
The curse would not come into effect just at random. One, because that would be stupid and two, if that were the case he’d be a huge liability to the coven and DISCARDED. The curse basically acts as a version of physical burnout from overworking the body for insane amounts of time with no sleep or the needed functions to survive, of course that would give Gabriel a huge disadvantage within the training that would’ve needed to be completed to be considered as a scout but if he were truly smart about it he’d just have to be cautious. Although when it would act up he would have to consume some source of magic (almost like a basilisk would) but of course that’s not how Belos took care of the idea. BUT he did make it known that this was only for dire emergencies and this was also a huge no-no since the emperor himself needs them himself to live. (Eventually its effects do progress due to the amount of magic used and consumed :( )
Lastly before I finish this huge thing up, he is known as the Silver Sentinel. He works mostly inside the castle due to him being too much of a danger to be running “errands” all along the isles for too long.
I will literally answer any other questions, this is just his main idea not his actual plot or where he plays mostly within the au but YIPPE
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basilbots · 3 months
Random non sun and moon related question but
Do you go by the American or British basil pronunciation
American being bayzel
English being ba-zil
Just wanted to know
Honestly I feel like in my head I switch between the two because I hear both. And I’m more used to being referred to as Basilisk, my main user that I shortened for this blog which is only like a year or so old, so I haven’t thought too hard about pronunciation. Either is fine ^^
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Not a writing request or anything, it's just posts of chibi Belos had reminded me of a silly Belos look-alike concept i had during season 2, and i thought i would just share it for fun before i forget about it again:
an AU where one of the previous GGs had a secret child, or it's a distant Clawthorne cousin, or even a Wittebane relatives descendant in Human Realm - but there is this random grandpa, who just happens to look almost exactly like Belos. Belos reveals his face, and the look-alike and his co-workers/neighboors are in shock (i imagine he would be working as a librarian or something like that). Post-canon someone among the main characters accidentally meets the guy, and thinks how 'somehow Belos had returned'.
Or even a classic dark comedy scenario where before DoU the rebels find out about the emperor's look-alike and try to convince him to work for them, or Belos just croaks before DoU, and the random librarian grandpa has to pretend to be the evil emperor. Maybe even getting dragged into the whole mess from the Human Realm, if it's a Wittebane descendant.
I would give his man the most chaotic coworkers imaginable. They're out here using poor grandpa to make fake propaganda. "Real!!! I saw the emperor at the library!!!" Conspiracy arises that the emperor's scar from wild magic is fake, and these pictures prove it. Others think there's a basilisk running around (after all, the schools went under attack from one!) who just imitated the first famous person image they could see. Grandpa is very distraught by this. "Reina, you take my photograph off of the Penstagram right this instant."
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crimeronan · 4 months
I’m imagining a scenario where Luz actually opens up to Vee about Everything before Camila. Like in the same way that she opened up to Eda like “I genuinely don’t know what I want you to do with this information, you could ruin me if you wanted and you’d absolutely be in the right to do so if you did,” except this time it’s “If you want to ruin me to mom and make her send me away forever and you can be her only daughter, then you can absolutely do that if you want to, you would be so justified in doing that.”
But all that amounts to is Luz saying she’s broken and a murderer and that it’s okay if Vee hates her and doesn’t want someone like that to be a part of her family. Meanwhile Vee’s sitting there (definitely not remembering nights in her cell when she told herself that she’s a murderer for killing things by draining them dry instead of letting herself die of starvation) like “ohhhh I do not like that I’m seeing myself in you right now this is really problematic for my anger and also somehow making me more upset,”
(Would also be REALLY FUCKED UP if there was a random witch set to be petrified who Belos had made Luz sign for their execution, and then last minute (unbeknownst to Luz) decided “Hmmm let’s see if the basilisks draining magic is enough to kill him. For science,” so that Luz and Vee are both technically responsible for killing this one dude. Sisters who bond over being unwilling executioners #goals)
that last bit. HEWWO. it may become AU canon immediately. you guys know i can't resist a good horror-murder.
this ask actually came at a Perfect time, bc i started writing some of vee and camila's conversation about luz on my phone. because i suddenly had thoughts that were making me insane.
so. in the service of luz saying she's broken and a murderer and that vee and camila would be better off without her:
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memory-overload · 10 months
Random Good Basilisk Luzura Headcanons
screw it, gonna start posting on tumblr dot com about Good Basilisk Luzura spoilers since I've got all these ideas in my head.
Manny and his mom would be super oblivious to earth culture when they were first getting accustomed to the new realm, so when holidays like July 4 came around they'd be super confused about why people are setting the sky on fire and cheering.
Manny would use Luz's dralag name as a nickname for her. She just thought it was just funny name her dad came up with.
Luz's tail acts like a dog's. Wagging when she's happy, tucked between her legs when she's scared, etc. Vee, on the other hand, thinks that is super very childish and not cool.
Luz counters that by pointing out that Vee's tail goes crazy whenever Masha is within 30 feet of her.
Camila carries a pack of Hexes Holdem cards in her purse for whenever one of her daughters needs a quick magic pick-me-up.
When Vee gets introduced to the rest of the extended Noceda family at a family reunion, she and Luz would routinely switch disguises to troll the others before revealing the truth.
Whenever Amity or Masha gets stressed or anxious or whatever, they ask their respective girlfriends for tail cuddles.
Luz calls Stringbean "Mini-Me" as a nickname.
Luz helps Amity when she reads books to kids by providing epic monster voices.
Luz routinely competes in costume contests and dominates them. Her powers aren't cheating b/c there's not a rule saying you can't shapeshift. (Vee raises objections about the ethics of this stance.)
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mmikmmik2 · 1 year
more Vee headcanons. (Marge voice) I just think she’s neat
Vee is lactose tolerant even when she’s disguised as Luz and Luz is so annoyed about it
When she got back from camp as Luz, Vee had to explain to Camila that she lost her phone. and her housekeys. and her wallet with her pocket money and library card. Vee thought Camila would be angry, due to both her Boiling Isles trauma and her understanding of what Camp Reality Check was supposed to “fix” about kids, but Camila was obviously more concerned about how her daughter seemed genuinely a little frightened to admit to this and just wanted to reassure her. This was the “oh, she’s not just a nice lady, I want her to be my real mom” moment.
After how terrifying it was on Halloween when no one was sure if regular first aid/emergency responders could help Hunter, Camila makes Vee talk to her and Eda and agree on a trustworthy healer they can call to the human realm in case of emergency.
Vee is like actually undersized for a basilisk. Magic deficiency wouldn’t make her deathly ill or anything, but trying to hold back and not feed off the rats in her cell and then abstaining from magic for a few months while constantly shapeshifted has permanently stunted her growth.
Vee is the most normie of the kids and doesn’t really have any super passionate geeky interests, but she does enjoy trying new things. When Luz is back in human school and feeling better, she starts picking up random short-term interests and looking at different extracurriculars again, and the two of them get into the same stuff a lot. Like baseball. Wow the entire cast of The Owl House is jocks
“Greater basilisks” are the shapeshifting talking demons, “lesser basilisks” in the demon realm are a completely unrelated kind of tiny non-sapient lizard that sort of resembles them but with this ridiculous googly-eyed “no thoughts head empty” expression
Vee did have one moment of worrying that she may have made a terrible mistake coming to the human realm, i.e., when she followed Camila into her car like a trusting little lamb and then within a few minutes they got on the highway to the summer camp and accelerated to sixty miles per hour
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