#ramsey stark
knight-a3 · 2 months
Humanformers: the rogue Decepticons
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Starscream: Adam Sylvester Stark
Slipstream: Sylvia Stark
Thundercracker: Benedict Stark
Skywarp: Skylar Stark
Sunstorm: Stanley Stark
Ramjet: Ramsey Stark
Elita-One/Black Arachnia: Amelia Webb/Ariana Blake
Notes under the cut
Starscream is definitely the shady lawyer type. Prosecution, probably. I also get the sense he would ride a motorcycle or fancy sports car. Maybe a cybertruck to flaunt his wealth.
I didn't draw the other seekers(because they look exactly like him). And I just never felt like coming up with various similar-but-different human designs for them either.
Slipstream always struck me as being Starscream's ambition in the same way the others represented his various traits. I doubt that was the intention, but it's better than the alternative imo.
Anyway, she seems like the type of person to become a lawyer and oppose Starscream in every case she could. If he's a prosecuting attorney, she's a defense attorney. She's just petty like that.
Elita is the adventurous to the point of recklessness type. Black Arachnea is more femme fatale.
The human AU lore is still sorta vague. But the idea is that she got in some kind of accident that caused her to go bald(she wears a wig) and lose weight. Something involving radiation, maybe? Her health is bad, basically. Still toying with the idea of making her some kind of vampire-esque mutant. But idk how supernatural I want to go.
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westerosiladies · 10 months
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emprcaesar · 1 year
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me and my homies hate men in asoiaf fr
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alicentflorent · 5 months
Alicent Hightower 🤝 Sansa Stark
Having their book counterparts agency stripped away from them and unnecessary scenes of SA being written for them instead
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taytrashmouth · 1 year
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Just finished rewatching game of thrones and the Jon snow obsession has been reborn.
This is a long one!
TW: rape, abuse, crying, murder, etc, all normal GOT stuff.
Jon snow x reader.
Looking at the empty walls of the stone cell I’ve been trapped in for weeks I can’t help but feel that these walls of winterfell that I’ve known for so long are no longer the walls I call home. This is a prison.
I pushed myself back against the furthest wall as I heard the keys rattle in the door. The chain around my waist felt heavier than normal.
As the door opened I felt a tear escape my eye…Ramsey
“You’re not excited to see me?” He pouted and wiped my cheek.
I tried to hide my fear and pain and sadness but I knew he could see through my act.
“I’m going to meet with lady Bolton tomorrow.” He sat down in front of me.
I thought about Sansa….I thought about when we were little, how we would sneak into the kitchens after everyone was asleep, how we’d laugh and talk, how we would dance in the snow outside and go for long walks in the snowy hills. She was bigger now, more mature. The last time I saw her was at the wedding…she got locked in Ramseys room and I got locked in a cell. I heard people talk of her escape through the small widow towards the top of my cell, I’d never been that relieved in my life.
Sansa never treated me as her handmaiden, only ever as her friend.
“Her bastard brother will be there too…” Ramsey spoke.
I couldn’t help my reaction, I let out a gasp and tears fell from my eyes.
Jon was alive.
“I want you to come with me to meet with them tomorrow…”
I looked up at him and frowned, there was a catch, Ramsey was insane, he liked to play games.
“You see… I know that Jon cares for you…and lovers should always be reunited at the end of every story.” Ramsey smiled as he touched my cheek, I tried to move away but he held me still.
“But I’m afraid this story doesn’t have a happy ending…” he pouted. “Jon will have to see what I’ve done with you.” Now he smiled.
He began to untie my dress, I tried to move away but he held me down and the chains were too heavy. After not being fed for a week I could barely have the strength to push him off.
He grabbed my hands and held them high above my head as he sucked hickeys into my neck, and put bite marks all over my skin.
Eventually I stopped screaming, I just accepted him inside of me, I cried and looked away, knowing there was nothing I could do. I thought of everything that wasn’t Ramsey. Then eventually I didn’t think of anything at all, I didn’t even feel as though I was in the room anymore. I was somewhere deep inside my own mind, somewhere I couldn’t even place.
I felt Ramsey hit me and become rough but I just lay there in the cold cell…hopeless.
When he was done he had his guards unlock the chains around my waist and wrists, and lead me to a room in the castle….Aryas old room.
They locked me in there for the rest of the night I had a bath and scrubbed my skin till it was raw and red trying to get Ramsey off of me…
I put on the dress that was laid out on the bed, it showed off my shoulders and my sides, exposing the bruises and scrapes all over my body. I brushed my hair that had grown a lot since I last saw myself. I tied it back into a braid exposing my face and neck like Ramsay instructed
I looked at my thin figure, I could see my own ribs. I looked awful. I drank the soup that was left on top of the dresser.
And I waited…to see Jon again, to see Sansa.
I walked out of the dining hall to see Jon hitting a training dummy repeatedly with his sword.
“I think it’s dead.” I smiled as he turned around.
He smiled softly, something he didn’t do often. “What am I missing?” He asked gesturing back into the hall
“Ned’s angry because Arya flicked food at Sansa.” I spoke. He laughed under his breath. “So nothing new?” He smirked.
I shook my head.
It was quiet for a moment, the music from inside distant. The air was cold.
I had liked Jon since I was about 10, he often caught Sansa and I in the kitchens late at night and instead of telling Ned, like Robb sometimes did, he would join us.
But I’d never say anything, I couldn’t…technically he was a stark, and technically I was a prisoner, a Greyjoy. Although the starks had never made me feel like a prisoner.
“Why so frustrated?” I asked him.
He looked down at his sword and the blisters he’d caused on his hand.
“A lot on my mind, my lady.” He replied.
“I am no lady….just a handmaiden, My lord.” I spoke back, knowing he only ever wanted me to call him Jon.
He smiled to himself. “Just Jon.”
“Okay….just Jon, may I have this dance.” I asked as the band began to play another song that could be heard vaguely through the closed doors to the dining hall.
“Anything for you, princess.” He spoke slowly and made his way over to you. Putting his sword against the stone walls of winterfell.
“I am no-“ you were interrupted when his finger pressed to your lips. “You are to me.” He whispered.
He valued me, always. He never treated me like less, in fact he always treated me like more, like royalty, like a princess.
I smiled up at him. He placed his hands on my waist and i put mine on his shoulders.
“I must warn you, just Jon I’m not a good dancer.” I spoke.
“I know, I’ve watched you dance with sir Cedric Mormont a few years back, and sir Jamie earlier tonight.”
I playfully smacked his arm and he smiled.
“I’ll tell you what princess y/n Greyjoy…I’m not that good either.” He smiled.
We swayed and laughed when Jon jokingly spun me around, or when I tried to lead. We ran around the castle walls for about 3 hours before lady Katlin caught us.
We both froze when she saw us.
“Sansa was looking for you y/n.” She spoke firmly. Glaring at Jon.
“My lady- I-“ you stumbled.
“It was me! I wanted to try on Robb’s armor, see what it was like, to be a knight. I had lady Greyjoy assist me putting it on-“ Jon interrupted. He never lied, but he was protecting me.
I glanced worriedly at him.
“Typical.” She whispered under her breath, and shook her head. My blood boiled. “Y/n get to Sansa’s chambers immediately, Jon… out of my sight.” She spoke loudly.
I quickly walked off to Sansa’s bed chamber, thinking about Jon the whole way there.
“Where we’re you?” Sansa spoke.
“I’m sorry, I-I was with Jon.” I blushed.
She squealed. “Tell me everything.” She spoke, handing me her hairbrush as she sat down at the dresser.
It was like having a permanent best friend, I was only two years older than Sansa.
I carefully undid the intricate braids in her hair and brushed her copper locks.
“We danced…sort of.” I smiled.
“Was he any good?” She frowned.
“No.” We both laughed.
We giggled and spoke until she had to go to bed. Laughing about Jon and how she was to marry prince Joffrey.
You walked along the empty passages towards the servants quarters. Through the snow covered courtyard. 
I was pulled from the happy memory when the lock to the chamber rattled and Ramsey and two of his guards entered.
I dropped the soup onto the floor, my hands must have been shaking.
“Oh clumsy are we? You’ll need a new dress I suppose.” Ramsey pouted.
Tears filled my eyes.
“Luckily I have the perfect one for you.” He smirked and held out some purple material…open back.
He wanted Jon to see my pain, to see that I belonged to him. I shook my head and tears fell from my eyes.
His guards grabbed my wrists and shoved me onto the bed, i sobbed when they began to tie my hands to the headboard. They ripped away the gown I was wearing and I could no longer see Ramsey, and that scared me more than anything.
“This will hurt darling.” I could hear the smile in his voice. And I screamed and sobbed as a hard whip hit my back, digging into my spine, I felt blood pour down my back.
It hurt again and again, 20 times he hit me, 20 times I screamed and 20 times I did not prey for help, I wished for death.
He left me tied there, facing the wall, bleeding.
I cried for a long time until I fell asleep from exhaustion. Naked and beaten.
The morning was a rush, Bran had fallen from the tallest tower and hadn’t woken up. Lady Katlin was devastated and Ned had informed Sansa and I we were leaving for kings landing tomorrow. He had been offered the position of hand of the king.
He also informed me that Jon was to become a man of the nights watch.
I walked as fast as I could to his room, my dress blowing behind me in the wind. I tried desperately not to cry.
I shoved his door open and there he was packing his things.
As he turned to me I slapped him, hard.
“Were you not going to tell me!” I yelled, the tears began to fall.
He swallowed hard and looked down, and then at me…my face.
“I didn’t know how-“
“Lies!” I screamed, tears falling like snowflakes.
“I love you! And I didn’t know how to say goodbye to the one thing! The one good thing in my life! The only thing that matters!” He yelled too now.
You cried harder.
“You are the only thing keeping me from going! But I can’t love you, n/n….I can’t! I’m a bastard, and I refuse to force you to burden that name too. You are going to king’s landing tomorrow, you’ll meet a Duke of something there and you’ll grow old in a castle, and have beautiful daughters and strong sons.” Jon was crying too, he held my shoulders.
“No-“ I shook my head. “I don’t want that…. I love you Jon snow. I will never love anyone else. I want to run away with you, I want to carry your children, I want to grow old with you!” I sobbed.
He shook his head, and pressed his forehead to mine.
“I don’t care if you’re a bastard- it’s a stupid title. Like king or queen it’s just a name. But you’re so much more than that you’re brave and kind, loving, you’re funny and smart and-“ he kissed me, gently but passionately.
For a moment everything made sense. All the stars aligned and the puzzle fit together beautifully.
But then I pulled away.
“I love you.” We stated at the same time, we both laughed lightly.
There was a heavy silence after that. I knew I had to go to kings landing, and he knew he had to go to the wall, to make something of himself.
“Promise me.” I spoke slowly as he held my cheeks. “Promise me when I see you again you’ll kiss me, like you just did, promise me that someday we’ll grow old together. Promise me-“ I choked and he kissed my forehead. “Promise that I’ll see you again.”
He nodded. “I promise.” He knelt to the floor and kissed my hand, “ I promise I’ll come back for my princess.” He spoke.
I smiled through the tears as he stood.
“Promise you’ll write to me…every day.” He whispered as we hugged. I nodded.
“Promise you’ll write back.” He chuckled and nodded against my head.
That was goodbye.
I rode with Ramsey on his horse, my back aching and my lips blue. I was freezing in the revealing dress. Bruises, gashes, hickeys, scars and deep wounds covered my body.
We stopped after a long ride. I saw horses approaching in the distance. My heart sunk, I didn’t want Jon to see me like this. What if he had moved on.
I must have looked terrible because Sansa took in a sharp breath before demanding my release. There he was, Jon…my Jon.
I almost smiled when I saw him, almost.
He looked older, a fuller beard and darker eyes, he was taller. He was handsome.
He looked devastated when he saw me. I looked down at the floor, not seeing the tears fill his eyes.
They debated the war that was to come, tomorrow. And Rickons release.
I began to shiver.
“Give her a coat she’ll freeze!” Jon yelled. His voice was husky and sad. I looked at the anger on his face.
Ramsey smiled.
“Jon don’t-“ I tried to explain it was just one of his games but Ramsey hit me, across the cheek.
Jon’s horse jerked forward as he drew his sword but his men held him back.
And then we rode away, at the perfect angle for Jon to see my back.
Ramsey threw me back into my cell, I cried…I didn’t want Jon to fight- I feared Ramsey would win.
I felt my heart sink…I had imagined seeing him again for so many years and it broke me to know that might’ve been the last time.
Last I saw him he was 16, only a boy. I was 15, a young girl who knew nothing of the world outside winterfell.
I knew not of vicious fighters like sir clegane or horrible woman like Cersei. I wouldn’t have imagined such an unfair ruler as Joffrey. Or such an abusive leader as Ramsey.
I wouldn’t have ever imagined seeing Theon like that….like reek. Ramsey told me he’d to the same to me if I disobeyed him. Another Greyjoy to his collection.
I hadn’t looked death in the eye the last time i saw Jon and yet now I had seen so much of it, it all seemed insignificant.
I heard of Jon’s battles, I even heard of his death. Seeing him again was like seeing a ghost. I wasn’t the same girl he left at winterfell but I had the same heart.
“You’re going to take someone’s eye out.” I smiled across the courtyard as I saw Jon and Robb attempting to sword fight in the snow, they kept slipping on the ice.
“That’s the point my lady.” Robb smiled.
“It’s not that simple.” Jon huffed.
“Can I have a go.” I asked gesturing to their swords.
They both chuckled until they realized I was serious.
“The arena is no place for a lady.” Robb spoke, he looked a bit sympathetic though.
I frowned.
Jon was about to speak until Theon called them to lunch.
That evening when I was lying on my bed I felt something shake me awake.
“Jon?” I frowned in the dark. He nodded.
“Come on.” He pulled me out of bed.
“Where are we going?” I asked but he shhhhed me.
“You’ll see, it’s a surprise.” He whispered.
He dragged me out to the courtyard, where he lit a bunch of candles.
I smiled.
“Jon it’s beautiful.”
“Like you.” He responded, both our cheeks flushed.
“You sure you’re ready?” He asked me, changing the subject.
“You’re greatest opponent.” He smiled and threw me a sword which landed on the floor in front of me. I smiled.
“Thank you.” I looked at him. He nodded.
He spent the rest of the night trying to teach me how to fight, and by 4AM I could have a basic spar with him.
He quickly blew out all the candles and lead me back to my chambers.
“Was I any good?” I asked.
He nodded as we walked.
“Are you just saying that?” I asked again.
He smiled. “You were better than Theon let’s put it that way.”
I smiled.
Ramsey chained me up and dragged me outside of winterfell with Rickon. We both got a bad hit when I hugged him, I was so relieved he was alright.
I watched as Ramsey explained the rules of his stupid little trick, how rickon had to run across the field to Jon. It was too easy. There was a catch.
I watched as he began to run and I watched Ramseys men began to load their crossbows.
I began to scream. “Nooo! Stop!” I screamed and they hit me, but I didn’t stop, I had to warn him.
Jon began to ride towards his brother… holding out his hand. But there it was, another stark gone.
My own scream was silent in my ears, I couldn’t hear anything as I watched him fall to the floor.
I sobbed. I watched Jon loose his horse and begin to take on an entire army by himself. I screamed again.
I felt Ramsey pull at my chains and drag me back to winterfell. Leaving the battle of the bastards. His war that he wasn’t even fighting.
Leaving the carnage. He took me to the courtyard. He put me on the execution platform and tied a rope around my neck. He explained how if Jon came to save me, the floor would disappear and so would I.
I waited, I saw the bodies pile up through the windows in the castle walls. I watched the giant break down winterfells gates. I smiled and cried when I saw him….just Jon.
“You’re too late.” Ramsey smiled and pointed at me. Jon’s face dropped he was covered in blood.
“No!” I yelled as I watched one of Ramseys men move to pull the lever.
Jon began to run towards me, as a red haired man threw an axe at the soldier. It killed him as he pulled the switch. I closed my eyes and took in a sharp breath.
I opened my eyes, Jon had caught me. I smiled as a tear ran down my cheek. He looked at me, examining my face.
His red hair friend cut the rope and jon put me down.
Ramsey began to load his crossbow.
“Jon.” I said and pointed at Ramsey.
His hands left my hips, and I almost missed his touch.
He used some debris as a shield as Ramsey fired arrows at him, he grew closer and closer to him.
I watched as Jon beat him up. A part of me liked that Ramsey would die here, today. A part of me knew it was wrong.
“Stop!” I let out. Jon looked at me and then at Sansa, still punching. And he did, he stopped.
He walked off into winterfell.
I ran across the courtyard to Sansa and we held each other. Tight.
“Are you okay?” I asked her. She laughed.
“Are you?” She scoffed.
We quickly decided Ramsey should be reunited with his pets. He didn’t deserve to live. Not even as a prisoner.
Later that evening I found myself in Aryas old bed chambers attempting to stitch up some of my cuts. I heard a knock at the door and looked up.
“Hello.” I spoke.
I slowly stood up.
It wasn’t long before his lips were on mine. We kissed for a long time, passionately. A kiss that made up for all our time lost.
We pulled away breathless, both crying.
“You stopped writing letters.” I spoke, he smiled.
“You stopped writing back.” He answered.
He hugged me, gently. I hugged him back as tightly as I could.
“You’re taller.” I smiled.
“You’re shorter.”
We both laughed.
He sat me on the bed and helped me stitch up my wounds. He held my hand tightly as he poured alcohol on my back.
We spent hours catching up.
We both sat on the end of the bed, my head on his shoulder.
“I thought you were dead.” I told him. “Twice.”
He chuckled. “You gave me a few scares too.”
“How was the wall?”
“Cold.” He looked down at me. I laughed.
“Is it true? The whitewalkers?” I asked more seriously now.
He sighed. “Unfortunately.”
“I’ve fought them, they’re too strong. I fear we won’t win this battle. But I’ll make sure you’re as far south as south goes-“
“No!” I interrupted, shaking my head.
Tears brimmed in his waterline.
“I’m not leaving again….I just got you back. We’re going to grow old together, remember?” My voice broke. “Even if you’ve found someone else-“
“There’s no one else.” He brushed his hand over my cheek.
“If you fight, I’ll fight.” I spoke.
“You did have a really good teacher.” He stated. I playfully nudged him as he smiled.
“I love you…just Jon, I always have.” I finished.
“I love you too, princess y/n Greyjoy.” He kissed me again gently.
“Snow.” I corrected and he frowned. “Queen y/n snow.”
A smile took over his whole face.
“If you’ll have me, that is? King Jon snow.”
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dipperscavern · 8 days
HELP i'm gordon ramsay anon and that man is my "hear me out..." celebrity crush 😭😭 anyways i've been thinking a lot about what cregan's kinks are outside of breeding + size + possessive. like, i can't imagine him having an exhibition kink cus he doesn't want anyone to see u or spanking cus he doesn't wanna hit u in any capacity. maybeee. . . lactation to go along with breeding 😵‍💫 ? biting to claim u (classic wolf behavior)? winter council, how do we feel about spit kink, somnophilia, belly bulge, or predator/prey for cregan. . . i feel like cregan is a lowkey freak that has at least one hardcore kink under his belt 🫣 omg what about him commissioning leather belts long enough to tie u up
anyways, very good question indeed. let me think — size kink, breeding kink, a possessive streak every blood moon for sure. BITING!! he likes biting you but LOVES being on the receiving end, and the predator/prey omfg. him chasing you through the wolfswood wait who said that. COUGH anyways belly buldge to go with the size kink!!!! i think his “hardcore” kink would be the predator/prey u mentioned, you’re a genius’ <3
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #152
Every year around the holidays, a "bug war" breaks out in the Parker-Stark households 
Not bugs as in creepy crawlies. Technology bugs. Surveillance.
Tony and Peter are both determined to figure out what the other wants for the holidays 
The two are on surprisingly even ground: Peter's spider-sense doesn't consider this a threat, and FRIDAY won't snitch. They both have to find any "bugs" the old fashioned way.
Soon enough the whole Ironfam is wrapped up in it. November and December become a time of yearly paranoia, everyone watching what they say and "checking for bugs." 
Even Peter's friends discover tiny bugs on them. When Ned first learns the itty bitty robot behind his coat button is from Tony Stark trying to find out what he wants for Christmas he faints on the spot
Bonus 2, Crack Taken Seriously Boogaloo:
For a bit of drama: it's all fun and games until one year Peter gets kidnapped. The situation is bad. They only find him in time thanks to one of the "holiday bugs" Tony recently snuck on
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trickarrows-bishop · 5 months
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thank you for your many lessons, lord baelish. i will never forget them.
so long, london- taylor swift // the infernal devices; clockwork princess- cassandra clare // JM storm // my boy only breaks his favourite toys- taylor swift // @/silentsuggestions // so long, london- ts // the hand that feeds- the crane wives & genius lyric analysis //
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heckcareoxytwit · 4 months
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Doug Ramsey wakes up from his hibernation when he finds that the mutants outside are at war with the Sentinels in the remnants of Krakoa. Doug notes that some things haven't changed even though the mutants are fighting the Stark Sentinels. Doug Ramsey talks to the Stark Sentinels in binary code but he feels that he's a little rusty in his language skills. However, Exodus is impressed with Doug for slowing down the Stark Sentinels so it gives him the chance to punch the giant robot. Doug Ramsey reads the Krakoan code on the soil and he spells out as S.O.S code.
X-Men: Forever #3, 2024
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 1 year
And dare I say that the ADA in Beast treated Akutagawa better than the canon ADA does Atsushi
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
What if I said Jon breaking his vows to save Arya foiled (not paralleled) Brandon going to KL to demand that Rhaegar come out and die because Jon was focused on saving Arya and Brandon was focused on getting revenge on Rhaegar?
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westerosiladies · 1 year
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Sansa Stark Month Day Seven: Jeyne Poole
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 8 months
Imagine you are a Stark and is sent to Dreadfort to be Roose Bolton's ward. You saw how Roose treated everyone, how he punished everyone especially women. Him training you without your knowledge. Making you desire to be controlled and lace you with aphrodisiac before humiliating you.
Roose appointed his best trained whore to be your maid. She tells you what to wear, how to behave. She will daily edge you before sending you to Roose.
Roose ordering you to join him for a bath. Or choose a woman for him to claim. Or show him what your dominating whore maid has taught you.
Roose wants you to bear the Bolton name but for that to happen you have to first be trained by both pain and pleasure, and have to let go of your Stark identity. He will train you in front of Derek and Ramsay as well.
It didn't take you long to accept the pain and pleasure. You know Roose is still keeping you a virgin so he can claim you after marrying you but that doesn't mean he hasn't fucked you.
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I know that Bella Ramsey made an excellent Lyanna Mormont, but looking at her I can't help but think she could also be a great Arya.
I mean, look at her:
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ladybug023 · 1 year
More Slavic Northern clothing
Disclaimer: I know GRRM based the North’s culture off Scotland and not really Slavic but, I just feel like Slavic clothing suits the North more than Scottish or Scandinavian clothing. He definitely based the North’s geography off Russia. Also, I’m not sure if these clothes are either Russian or another Slavic culture, I found this all on Pinterest!
Ramsey Bolton: (I feel like he should give off Ivan the terrible vibes.)
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Jorah Mormont:
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Jon Snow:
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Sansa Stark:
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2braincellslz · 2 years
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