#raising harry AU
wild-flowerhoney · 11 months
moonseeker raising harry after losing everything and trying their very best to keep his parents' memories alive but also move on together is so important to me
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Storm (and a little bonus, cheers!)
for @wolfstarmicrofic
Harry had a thing about storms. Remus wasn't sure what exactly it was, perhaps the sudden claps of thunder or the jarring flashes of lightning, streaking across the sky, but storms just set Harry off. Sirius was often the most successful at calming Harry down, wiping his tear-damp face with a flannel and coaxing him out from whatever hideyhole he managed to squeeze himself into. Remus was on a standby, arms laden with a mug of warm milk, a few chocolates, and Harry's favorite plush.
On nights like these, once Sirius had the boy securely in his arms (arms which he couldn't be pried from if Voldemort came back from the dead and tried himself), they'd settle in Remus and Sirius' bed, still just large enough for Harry to be snuggled in between them, tightly wrapped in their duvet.
With the curtains tightly drawn, a belly full of warm milk, a few stories from Remus, and his dads beside him, Harry would typically be able to nod off. On this particular night though, it takes Remus and Sirius hours of stories, taking turns so their voices don't go scratchy, before they see Harry's eyelids flutter closed, his breathing even out, and his death grip on his stuffed hippogriff slacken.
"Finally," Remus whispered, leaning back slowly against the headboard. "I hate seeing him so distressed."
"Tonight's been the worst one in a long time. I don't even have the time anymore." Sirius murmured back.
Carefully, Remus reached over to his nightstand, opening the top drawer where he kept an old pocket watch of his mum's.
"Oh it's, well- happy new year, Padfoot." Remus smiled over at his partner, at their boy now peacefully sleeping between them.
"Cheers then - can't think of a better way to ring it in." He smiled, his eyes tender.
cross-posted on a03
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allthemarrowoflife · 2 years
sirius learned to cook with euphemia. remus learned to bake with hope. so in 1994 when harry moved in with them into remus' remote old cottage in wales (that's what happened, stfu) the three of them made it a point to heal harry's relationship with homemade meals.
for starters, he was never alone.
in the morning, while sirius took care of the overgrown garden outside, harry and remus would gather around hope's old cookbook and choose the dessert for the day. even if remus tried to tell harry he could choose any recipe he liked, he insisted on minding the man's sensory issues and always picked something he knew wasn't too different a flavour or texture. dessert chosen, they started baking. as in, covered the room and themselves with flour and then managed to actually put something in the oven.
this was sirius's favourite time of the day, because he spent so long missing the sound of laughter and now everyday he got to hear it, loud and clear, from the people he loved the most as he sat under the kitchen window plucking weeds from the earth.
then lunch time came. remus would sit at the kitchen table, legs up on a chair and a book on his lap that he didn't actually have any intention of reading, and watch as sirius cooked and harry obediently fetched him ingredients and utensils.
amongst the chaos of sirius yelling and harry sprinting and laughing, remus would joke about how much they looked like surgeons standing over their critical patient, Mr Stew.
at dinner, it was a much calmer affair. harry, who's making a point to read through remus's whole stack of muggle books from his childhood, is probably already keeping his eyes open by force of will alone, so his godfathers sit him on the counter and just ask him to read the recipe aloud for them.
later they'll sit around in the living room and put a record on, but they all know it's just an excuse to spend a little more time together because, deep down, none of them believe this whole domestic family dream is going to last very long.
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wolfstarshipping · 11 months
Multiplying Parents by @heartofspells (23.333 words) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
modern AU, muggle AU, raising Harry AU
Summary: "This isn't a date," he bites out, mostly due to confusion without any true ire. He turns to Remus, his face set into deep lines. "I don't have dinner." Remus takes a step backwards, and Sirius only then seems to realize the tone of his voice. "Shit. Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean – " "No, I'm sorry," breaks in Remus, shaking his head, taking another step back, moving away from the door. "I should have known. Harry said – " "Harry," groans Sirius, his head tipping backwards over his shoulders, eyes rolling to the ceiling. Andromeda turns, hiding a snicker. She catches sight of Harry peeking through the door and passes him a delightful grin.
Or: Harry has a happy life with Sirius, but his dad is lonely. Harry decides to find him a boyfriend.
Comment: This was such a cute fic, I loved reading this wonderful raising Harry AU, and I don't think I've ever read a wolfstar fic from Harry's POV before but it was very cute and hilarious and fluffy, highly recommend!!
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blitheringmcgonagall · 6 months
Raising Harry AU please my love ❤️❤️❤️
@squintclover you dote 🧡🧡🧡
It’s going to be a one shot, muggle AU, and either Remus or Sirius is a paediatrician- lmao I’ve really thought this through 😬🤣
But because it’s a one shot I’ll definitely write it. Will have match-maker Harry of course and mutual misunderstandings etc.. of course!
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polyjuicedpadfoot · 2 years
Learning to Trust Again
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Gift recipient: @carlav-blogs
Pairing: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~30k
Description: Thirteen years after Sirius' life changed forever, he's learned to survive, he's learned to manage and he's learned to raise Harry. Now, going back to Hogwarts to teach while Harry goes back for his third year, Sirius finds his life changing once again, throwing him back into the past with no idea how to deal with it all over again.
Read it here!
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immxrtalbi · 2 years
12 y/o Harry: I’m mature. I’m a grown boy. I’m not a baby anymore—
Sirius, walking in the room: I’m home.
Harry: Daddy! *runs to hug him*
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kazuza-art · 2 months
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Ok I change the art to be more It runs aligned (not everyone should be subjected to my albus obsession after all xD)
So dadsirius and baby Harry
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redadidassneakers · 26 days
Harry: *T-posing in the kitchen* good morning parental figure
Sirius: *not looking up from his coffee* good morning, problem child
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sliebman10 · 2 months
Florist AU
“New order,” Sirius said, looking at the ticket before handing it off to Remus.
Remus scanned it and nodded. “Should be done by the end of the day…I have the centerpieces for the wedding ready to go,” he said, gesturing toward his work station, where there were fifteen small, white tea pots filled with blue and white flowers. 
“Those are lovely as always, Moony,” Sirius said, kissing the top of his head as he walked by.
“This one is a special order though…” Remus said, squinting at the order. Chrysanthemums, peonies and daffodils?”
“Yeah,” Sirius said, raising an eyebrow. “That’s from…
“Our birthday months,” Remus said thoughtfully, an idea forming in his brain.
He diligently created the bouquet as requested, adding some flourishes he wouldn’t have normally added. Sirius admired his work as he did the books at the table across from him. 
This was how they spent most days in Full Moon Flowers. Sirius taking care of the business end, Remus fulfilling the orders. Sirius had tried to make the bouquets, but they never came out as good as when Remus made them. 
Later, the door chimed when Remus was bringing the centerpieces to the front for delivery and Sirius was talking to a customer at the register. When Sirius looked up, he froze a little.
“I ordered the bouquet earlier,” the familiar voice said.
Sirius’s head snapped up in surprise, then his face melted into a grin.”You’re home!” Sirius exclaimed, pulling the visitor into a bear hug. “Moony!”
Remus poked his head back in. “Harry?” he said, in surprise. Their boy had been traveling and hadn’t been around in months.
Harry grinned at the pair of them as Remus joined the hug. “I am. It’s good to be home.”
Word Count: 292
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rarepears · 5 months
If its adopting a 7+ year old or so, horrible, but only so-so.
Tom; dad, where and how can i find a dangerous creature capable of doing this?
Shen Yuan; Africa, use devil daisies and red poison frogs, and remember, NO TOUCHING barehanded, otherwise you get poisoned.
Tom; got it. Father, can you help me go to africa, get this creature and bring it back?
Binghe; Sure!
Tom Riddle is simultaneously the most spoiled and neglected child of them all...
Because his fathers keep ditching him to have more dates and romantic getaways and they try to distract him by getting more tutors in the most esoteric specialties.
On the other hand, Albus Dumbledore has had too many conversations with Tom Riddle's parents about their surprise visits to Hogwarts during the school year and sorry but you really can't keep cutting portals into the school wards because you thought your son disappeared into the basement and whAT DO YOU MEAN THAT'S THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS
Shen Qingqiu: Zhizhu Lang is very happy about his new adopted child. Luo Binghe: Can it really be counted as a child when it's far older than Cousin Zhizhu Lang? Shen Qingqiu: Hush.
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earlgraysdeath · 1 year
sirius: james it’s been 11 hours and remus still hasn’t called, I should call him.
james: dude I’m literally in the shower right now can this wait?
regulus: does he know I’m here?
sirius: yes hi reggie, pause the couple shit I need attention.
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honest & merry
for @wolfstarmicrofic
Something Sirius and Remus have learned over the years: Harry loves giving presents.
So that means around christmas-time, Remus and Sirius will each take Harry out separately and let him pick out a gift or two that he wants to give to Remus and Sirius, respectively. Usually it's chocolates, or a fancy new quill with a feather Harry thinks looks cool in the light, or socks with funny patterns on them.
So that's why they're both a bit confused when Harry presents one last gift, clearly wrapped by the hands of a child, and clearly not one of the gifts either one of them helped Harry to acquire.
"What's this then?" Remus inquired softly, taking the gift from Harry's hands. Harry merely nodded for them to continue, eyes searching both of their faces with anticipation.
Remus tore off the paper, shifting so he and Sirius would have an equal view. Within the paper was a frame, a warm amber colored wood, and with the frame was a photograph. A photograph of them, the three of them, taken candidly from a gathering at the Burrow that summer. Not one of them was looking at the camer, but each other, faces alight as Sirius romped around with Harry carefully propped up on his shoulders, Remus clearly laughing from his seat on the tartan picnic blanket.
Remus looked over at Sirius, the unspoken question and answer of "how did he get this?" and "Molly" passing between them, before they both smiled.
"Do you like it?" His words quiet, waiting, green eye alight with caution.
"We love it Haz, honest." Sirius said, words soft, as he reached out a hand to ruffle Harry's hair.
Harry's tiny body crashed into theirs, their arms coming in quick to pull him properly onto their laps and give him a joint cuddle.
"Merry Christmas, Harry." Remus tucked his face against the top of Harry's head, words murmured into his wild black curls.
"MerChrismusLuvYouBofh," they made out as Harry's reply, muffled against the wool of both their sweaters.
"Love you too, prongslet." Sirius laughed, pulling them both closer.
cross-posted on A03
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moonlightonmyscars · 5 months
five-year-old harry who just learned how to make bracelets with beads.
he makes them for everyone.
his aunts and uncles, his parents, and his friends.
you know, people that mean a lot to him.
then one day his dad gets a boyfriend and regulus was very nervous to meet the kid.
james tried to reassure as best as he could but that nervousness didn’t go away.
then regulus meets harry and all the nervousness flies out of the window because it took all of five minutes before harry made regulus a bracelet.
regulus absolutely melts at the gesture. he constantly wears it afterwards, only taking it off when he absolutely needs to so it doesn’t get damaged.
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alwayshinny · 3 months
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AU where Sirius raises Harry
The bedtime routine was the worst. Every night, Harry cried out for Lily and James. The day he stopped was the hardest for Sirius because his godson finally realized they weren’t coming back. That night, Sirius didn’t sleep for a minute and just held his godson the way his best friends used to, so he would know that he would be there for him for as long as he lived.
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billsbae · 8 months
jegulus raising harry
regulus: where's harry?
james: he went out with ron and mione
regulus: he's grounded!
james: ...are you not allowed to go out when you're grounded?
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