Kazuza art
541 posts
💗Artist/writer ao3 kazuza💗 🩵Ask me anything 🩵 ⭐️Silmarillion,Grindeldore/Harrydore/Riddledore⭐️
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kazuza-art · 3 days ago
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Another starcest for @metalomagnetic cause she’s the best ❤️
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kazuza-art · 15 days ago
Good news! I'm almost done with FK new chapter! I'll post it Saturday or Sunday at the very last!
I hope I still have readers so far XDDD
My goal for this year is to finish the damn fic. I will quicken the pace a little but I think the quality won't be impacted much tho
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kazuza-art · 20 days ago
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Lil sketches to cheer @metalomagnetic to write it cause it now live rent free in my head xD
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kazuza-art · 21 days ago
you're such a simp it's disgusting...
Thanks, I'm proud of it xD
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kazuza-art · 21 days ago
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For my dear @metalomagnetic fanon Sirius meeting canon Sirius XD
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kazuza-art · 22 days ago
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Here it is my Metamorphosis book cover xS
It’s very different from what I normally do but I feel it does fit Meta vibe better than my normal black and red style 🤣🙈
@metalomagnetic thanks for writing it ❤️
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kazuza-art · 24 days ago
Omg i litteraly snorted my coffee xD
my only crimes were loving too much and confusing love with violence and so also extreme violence too i guess also i stole a few things too
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kazuza-art · 1 month ago
A crossover between Lesser evil and Providence
(don't expect much, but I love to torture myself sitting all those crazy hot men at the same table for dinner XD)
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kazuza-art · 1 month ago
Hello!! I recently read concordance by Laeveteinn and saw you did some beautiful art based on it! I was wondering if you’d be willing to rec some other Albus/Tom fics? Thanks <3
I did one some time ago and I completed it! there is so little fic on that pair but lot of them are GEMS! Let me know which one you liked most <3
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kazuza-art · 1 month ago
👏 I 👏 need 👏 grindledore 👏 fic 👏 recs👏
(if you don't mind 👀)
OFC I DONT !! like grindeldore is my first passion (and then riddledore and harrydore XD all dore power!)
the liar curse! best Grindelwald and Albus characterisation I ever read! they don't even meet in the fic but the story is all about them and their fuck up love story! the take and the plot are so fresh! a masterpiece with too little comments on it as always ç_ç
old men in love! I love the description of their relationship. Very people write them old.
very funny sitcom like time travel oldG and oldA to youngG and youngA! fresh take, very entertaining and light! i found it hilarious! sadly still in progress ç_ç
Phoenix insurgent, one of the best and well known grindeldore fic! old men in love and in war! albus finally being done with the corrupted ministry crap and fight back hard! it's dark, deep and perfect!!!
sort of modern magical world AU where basically grindelwald didn't started a war! very fresh, very interesting! I'm not a fan of this Albus archetype but it is undeniably a GREAT fic. Sadly never finished, but it is worth it!!!
all grindeldore Kierkegarden's fics are worth reading!! all of them take an interesting fresh turn and it's always great characterisation!
A GEM THIS ONE! G impersonating Graves and seducing ALbus is always such a treat but this one is PERFECT
forever more and Lesser evil and Prison blue both have Grindeldore and are a must to read!!! hope one day she writes a full grindeldore fic
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kazuza-art · 2 months ago
I crave food in form of another Finders Keepers chapter –
No but seriously I love that fic with all my heart, can't wait to see what you came up with ( but I do understand that cooking takes time)
promise I m working on it extra hard! I will finish the damn fic in2025 mark my words XD
thank you for reading my stuff <3
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kazuza-art · 2 months ago
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Late Christmas gift for @metalomagnetic
I love White Bishop (there even my babus being his fun annoying self in it 🥹 love his relationship with Sirius and Tom ahaha) so BOOK COVER TIME XD
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kazuza-art · 2 months ago
HP Rare pair wishing well
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kazuza-art · 2 months ago
Advent Calendar 23.
Today @kazuza-art challenged me.
You know, for a fact, that I struggle with dear Albus, and yet, that's what I have to write - and I will, just to make you happy.
Sirius Black is younger than him and Gelert, not by much, but enough that he should do something meaningful with his life, instead of appearing wherever Albus goes. Rumour has it the old families pay him to have an eye on Gelert, but it is just as likely that he has his own agenda: Sirius Black is known for trouble. Right now Albus can go nowhere public without him turning up sooner or later and at least Gelert has enough. He is not the most patient man. Provoked by Black's lazy smile he jumps into action, telling him to fuck off in no small words. But Black looks past him, right at Albus, eyes bright grey and smile even ess publically appropriate. "What? Are you a damsel in distress that you need him to defend your honour?" Albus doesn't have Gelert's fiery temper, but enough is enough. It's obvious Black won't stop until he has what he wants. Preferably in the form of a proper ass-whacking. "Pardon me. If you wanted to duel, you could have just asked." Only Black's eyes betray he thinks it's more fun like this, yet he knows all the courtesies. He bows prettily and it shouldn't worry Albus that he wears a duelist robe under the wide coat he now sheds. "My honour. Please, have the first go." It's a ruse, for of course it is. Black dodges easily, with no intention to shield, and his own spell is impeccable. He is weaker than Albus, magically speaking, but more experienced in fights, more cocky, wilder. Maybe he should have let Gelert handle it. But too late now. He has to give his best, and he does, though he can tell, Black only plays. His spells are weaker, but darker, more dangerous, yet they never aim to hit. He... he wants to lose this. He goes down with a smile and when Albus offers a hand to help him back up, he comes close. Close enough for a whisper. "He's not good for you, bail while you can." For that split second his face is grave, dark and serious. Then he is all smile again, begging pardon to both Albus and Gelert. But he'll be back, and for whatever reason it makes Albus' heart flutter.
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kazuza-art · 3 months ago
You often draw older Gellert with a scar, where did he get it from?
you will have to ask @metalomagnetic about this xD I started drawing the lips scar after reading and illustration Lesser Evil and like Albus curly hair and freckles, it became part of how I see him.
I wonder how he got it too? Maybe it's just a normal battle scar or maybe their is a story behind. I'm curious too now XD
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kazuza-art · 3 months ago
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Old Gellert meeting young Gellert xD they already immediately dislike each other but if you throw Albus in the middle omg xD the DRAMA
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kazuza-art · 3 months ago
I +++ that. I'm quite interested in your thoughts in Harrydore 🤔❤️
your view on riddledore, especially when compared to grindledore and Tom/Grindelwald?
also what would be your thoughts on harrydore (provided it is a same age au or there is time travel involved)?
I like all three of them, in whatever combination!
Riddledore has been so, so much fun to explore lately. For me, Voldemort and Dumbledore are the only 'equals' in the HP books. I see the entire war as being between them, while the Order, Death Eaters, Ministry etc serving as foot soldiers. Without Voldemort or Dumbledore, we wouldn't have canon events. They are the catalysts of the entire thing. I am also of the opinion that Dumbledore won the war, because he was the one to have plotted the entire Deathly Hallows going to Harry thing. Of course, there was some typical Harry luck sprinkled in there, but yes, I credit Dumbledore with that victory. I remember the duel between these two titans, and it was one of the greatest scene in the books (even in the movies, especially compared to the lame Battle of Hogwarts duels). There's not a single duel in all seven books to come even close to what these two did in the Ministry. I am also of the belief that Voldemort could have been the only one to defeat Dumbledore in a duel. They are equal in magical skill and in intellect, two geniuses, removed from those surrounding them, albeit in different ways. Dumbledore is benevolent, while Voldemort is not. Dumbledore is logical and a bit cold, while Voldemort is impulsive, with a quick temper, at least in the second war. I also think Dumbledore is the only person Voldemort ever respected and thought of as an actual threat, hence 'the only one he ever feared'. So having these two in a pair is delightful, especially if we play with the timeline a bit.
Grindeldore can be so sweet, mostly because of their age when they met. It's also incredibly tragic. I imagine it is extremely hard, if not impossible, for Dumbledore to find someone as a partner, seeing who he is. So he found this man, against all odds, and they had this whirlwind romance that ended horrifically. I don't think Grindelwald is his equal in the way Voldemort is; I think Grindelwald comes very close, but, in the end, Dumbledore proves much more skilled. I love them as lovers, I love them pining over the other, separated by a war, and eventually being forced to meet in combat. Devastating. I think Grindelwald, while also incredibly powerful and more intelligent than most people, is more 'human' than Dumbledore and Voldemort, if that makes sense. I think he's better with expressing feelings, experiencing them as a normal man, unlike emotionally constipated Dumbledore and Voldemort.
Which brings us to Voldemort/Grindelwald! SO much fun. I think it depends on the age we force them to meet. If Tom is significantly younger, then the power dynamic shifts firmly to Grindelwald's side. If, like in one of my fics, we play with circumstance and have them meet as their canon ages, than I think Voldemort gains the upper hand in that relationship, mostly because Grindelwald has the emotional intelligence and capability to compromise and sort of let some things slide, navigating Voldemort's pride and hubris. I love them! I think Grindelwald is the only one to be a lover to either Dumbledore or Voldemort without getting completely mowed over by these two.
I am fascinated that, while modifying canon a bit but without taking away from their canon personalities, all three possibilities of relationships between them can actually end up as close to healthy as it is possible. They all have the means to temper the other, to put their foot down, hold their ground.
So yes, I am a very big fan of extremely powerful, cunning and intelligent men getting together. As everyone knows, I love Voldemort, but I always wish to see him paired with someone that can hold their own against him, in a believable way.
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