#raised by wolves season 1 episode 1
theprinceandthewitch · 6 months
Hmm... it's interesting how they made Luz wear a witch's cloak in Hunting Palisman - the episode where she introduces Flapjack to Hunter. This is also the episode where Hunter defies Belos by choosing Luz over him. He goes back to his palace empty-handed and he doesn't hand over Flapjack to Belos. Unbeknownst to Hunter, he is following Caleb's footsteps.
But then, in Hollow Mind, they made the choice to have Luz not wear her witches cloak - instead they made Luz wear a jacket with a giant "E" on it. They could have given Luz a completely different outfit like they did in Hunting Palisman. But they don't... they make her wear this specific jacket...
...They also make Hunter wear Caleb's symbol in Hollow Mind... an episode where Luz and Hunter are trapped in Philip's mind... where we can see paintings of the two most important characters in Philip's life - his brother and a witch from another world.
But I'm sure this is all unintentional.
You know, like this is:
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oh, nbd, just a painting being paralleled with the scene happening right before our eyes
here's a more high def image of the painting
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Oh, hmm, okay, this is a painting of Caleb standing next to a witch with short dark brown hair and who just so happens to be a witch from another world. Both of them are startled by Philip...
Hunter, the Grimwalker who looks the most like Caleb, is standing next to someone who ALSO just so happens to be a witch from another world with short dark brown hair... both are startled by Philip's monster form...
Hmm, must be unintentional I guess.
there's also this:
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Mhm, okay, I see... I see, very interesting. Here we have Caleb being lead away from Philip by a witch from another world after the brother's have a fall out. This fall out marks the point of no return for them, as Philip later kills Caleb out of anger.
Hunter and Philip's relationship completely deteriorates because of Luz, which leads to Philip's decision to kill Hunter. She shows Hunter Belos' true nature and she offers Hunter sanctuary at The Owl House right after he finds out Belos has been lying to him his whole life... Luz saves Hunter's life and changes it forever.
Hmmm... very interesting
But I'm sure this is unintentional [I'm being sarcastic]
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asha-mage · 5 months
Assorted Thoughts From Forcing My Friends to Watch all of WoT as a birthday gift, Season 2 Edition-
When taken as a whole unit, the show actually completely conveys what's happening with Lan's bond from the jump, it's just that several characters are incorrect or working with incorrect information- as was often the case in the books. Lan thinks he's just been blocked out, but in reality Moiraine has released his bond entirely (as she floated she might do to Alanna back in season 1) and you can see the moment he realizes this in episode 2, when saddling the horses- he realizes that he didn't sense the Fade and what that means, and then Moiriane realizes he has realized.
The show in general is a lot more subtle, and a lot more willing to delve into the idea that often characters are just...wrong, or uninformed, or lying, without holding the audience's hand to explain that fact then I think people give it credit for- which is very in line with Jordan's ethos. For example, Ishamael's telling of Perrin 'the more wolf you become the more you are mine' is a blatant manipulation attempt to scare him into being afraid of his Wolfbrother powers and Perrin, who is going through hell, just buys it- and that makes sense he's already wrestling his own anger issues and fear. He doesn't question why Ishamael would tell him this, or what the effect would be (i.e not trusting the wolves, and thus maybe making himself more vulnerable to the Shadow) he just accepts it because it plays into his existing fears and biases about himself.
Anvare also raises this point really well when she gives her 'ask yourself- is it true?' speech to Moiraine. Moiraine is operating at that point under a lot of assumptions that aren't true- not just that Lanfear is going to hurt or capture Rand, but also that she really was stilled, that she can't trust Lan with her fears and doubts, that her presence is a threat to Barthanes and Anvare (when really Barthanes's presence is a threat to her)- and this moment, is meant to cast doubt not just on that, but on a lot of the assumptions the audience has likely been making too, which characters their taking at face value and which characters their thinking off through the lens of their own biases.
Continuing the trend of Moiraine displaying many of the bad coping mechanisms that will later dog Rand/Rand will internalize from her- @ofthebrownajah pointed out recently Rand's consistent issues with food and eating, which made it stick out to me how frequently in the show Moiraine has a similar problem. People repeatedly try to reach out to Moiraine via food/encouraging her to take care of herself, and she repeatedly rejects them. Lan's attempt to get her to come down for dinner, then to bring dinner to her in her rooms, Barthanes's sandwich, tea with Anvare- Moiraine has her walls raised so high she rejects this basic form of self-care and attempt to reach out hand in hand. This is especially notably because their is a repeated emphasis on food this season. Every major character gets at least one scene eating or drinking this season (Egwene and Elayne doing bootleg, Rand grabbing flatbread on his way to work, Mat with Liandrin's honey cakes, Nynaeve preparing dinner in the arches world, Lan sharing dinner with Alanna's family at her farm) but even Moiraine's eventual forced tea with Anvare goes deliberately unshown.
On rewatch I think that, while I really really love the moment where Renna and Seta are left to the mercy of their own culture by Nynaeve and Egwene in the books, the moment of Egwene killing Renna just makes the most narrative sense for the show- and I think will be a change that they are going to walk out through it's consequences.
The point of that sequence in the book is that Nynaeve understands that Egwene's bloodlust and anger are valid- but that the fact of killing will not help her in the long run. "It's okay to hate them. They deserve it. It's not okay to let them make you like them." I suspect, especially given how thoughtful the show has been about violence and death (and how clearly hollow the experience of actually killing Renna is for Egwene) that the show will take the plank of 'she deserved to die- but killing her did not undo everything you went through or heal you'. Which, again makes sense both Egwene's oncoming Aiel arc, and the fact that the books do spend a lot of time focusing on Egwene working through the trauma of her captivity.
The arches are another thing I've come around on after initial trepidation about their changes. I think each manages to still cut at the heart of Nynaeve's character arc and her struggles. The last one was my biggest concern, the shift from Nynaeve deliberately rejecting a perfect life with Lan for the sake of going back for the other Emond's Fielders to Nynaeve going back after realizing that such a life lived with Lan, as much as it might give her joy for a time, would still be hollow in the end. She can't turn her back on the struggles of the world and her friends without consequence- she can't just go back to life in the Two Rivers. She has to keep fighting for what she loves.
I think the choice itself also works when put in the context of the steady removal of Nynaeve's charges one by one. She thinks Rand is dead (and is probably blaming herself for his death as pops up in her interaction with Tam), Mat ran off, and Perrin is safe with the Shinearans. Her main charge left is Egwene- and hering that she's not helping Egwene but hurting her, overshadowing her- removes the final reason she really had for being at the White Tower, staying on the adventure. If the people she left home to save don't need her- then why is she there?
I continue to really think people are over hyping how bad the show supposedly makes Siuan look- my friends despite being largely uninitiated in the book series immediately groked that Siuan and Moiraine where just doing what they felt was right, in a complicated situation. They both are trying to save the world, and they love each other- but the world is more important.
Moiraine also brings a lot of the trouble on herself by not telling Siuan she was stilled and damaging the trust between them- leaving that detail out is the first crack in Siuan's ability to trust Moiraine still be honest with her, her partner in all this, and then her seeming to have either lied or regained that power, right at the moment she's allied with Lanfear, is the final blow any hope they where still standing together.
Despite stopping frequently to talk at even minor moments, we ran through almost the entire finale without pausing and then collectively all just sat there speechless. Man is the battle of Falme and everything around it so good.
Quote one of my friends re: Moghiden "Oh she's a little freak."
Also shout out to Lanfear for making one of my MLM friends doubt his sexuality with her 'short hair pirate t shirt look'.
That entire scene in the dream world bedroom cased a collective meltdown and one of my other friends to say 'oh I see why you where insane about this'
The effects continue to be killer throughout the season and god I can't wait to see season 3.
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butterflydm · 1 year
wot rewatch: 1x1 - leavetaking
Rewatching as prep for season two! These are going to be pretty spoiler-heavy for the books (will note how far) and kinda live-bloggy - I'm briefly pausing to note down thoughts but won't be writing out entire paragraphs. Just little notes as I go on.
Spoilers for the entire first season and some s2 spoilers plus through maybe The Dragon Reborn in the books. Maybe only The Great Hunt.
1. Fascinating how Liandrin's perspective on men and the One Power is the reverse of the truth. It's not men who make the Power filthy but the Power that makes men go wrong (because of the taint). I do think she genuinely believes what she's saying here though.
2. We get a lot of info from Moiraine and Lan here: we know there's an active prophecy, we know that the Dragon can channel, we know they should be 20 years old. We also see Moiraine's doubts and her wishful thinking both at play: she doubts/tests various parts of the prophecy but does not let herself believe he was gentled before he could ever be found.
3. The rumors in/out of the Two Rivers are interesting to think about - it sounds like the idea of ta'veren must be fairly widely known -- given that we know in TGH that at least one of Moiraine's eyes-and-ears is Tuatha'an, I wonder if the group of Tuatha'an near the Two Rivers that Egwene & Perrin run into (with Ila & Aram) is also the group that has Moiraine's spy, in the show canon. EDIT: we know from TDR about her spy, not TGH, lol
4. I am So Interested in whether or not s2 will get into the emotional details of Egwene not braiding her hair anymore.
5. It kinda feels like the show went more hardcore egalitarian for the Two Rivers than the books did -- we never hear anything about the mayor or village council and the women's circle is a rite of passage for womanhood as opposed to being a governing body.
6. Wolves! ❤
7. Some people apparently took Rand calling past-him a sap as him being... a Chad now? Very strange. He's obviously not being serious (and he brings Egwene a berry in this very episode).
8. The scene with the three boys is so good for establishing them as friends but also showing Mat is not supernaturally lucky here, and we see Rand and Perrin's concern and affection.
9. Enter our Mysterious Wanderers. It's a great dramatic entrance for our very Dramatic pair. Moiraine taking a good look around trying to clock all the twenty year olds.
10. So we get introduced to all the celebration and joy first... and then after Moiraine's intro, we get into the various emotional turmoils each of our younger cast are facing:
a. Perrin's marriage is somewhat troubled.
b. Mat's parents have created a troubled family life for him and his two sisters and he is basically the one raising his sisters even while having to deal with his drunk mom telling him he's a terrible person.
c. Rand and Egwene's relationship breaks up as they realize for the first time that they have grown into having incompatible life goals (a problem that will not go away even after their individual situations completely change).
Despite the idyllic scenery, the emotional undercurrents in the village are complex.
11. First we have Moiraine specifying that they need two beds and then we get the lovely non-sexual bath scene with Lan and Moiraine. I love how much we get to see Moiraine & Lan being platonic companions.
12. I like that Egwene and Rand truly care deeply about each other but that doesn't make their lives compatible.
13. Love how we go from the whistling background sound over the Fade to Fain actually whistling.
14. The next morning, we get Mat pawning the stolen bracelet -- this helps sets up why he steals the dagger later; Mat has an incentive to need money that isn't about being greedy. But then we also see in the later scene that his friends very much want to help him. And Mat shows deep emotional intelligence and concern with Rand as well.
15. Nynaeve gets knocked out as a Dragon candidate right away, due to being too old to be the prophecy baby. Sadly, in the process of figuring that out, Moiraine burns a bridge with Nynaeve (who already wasn't inclined to trust her).
16. The Wisdom cleaning the sacred pool fits very well with Nynaeve becoming a "servant of all" aka Aes Sedai (just like Egwene surrendering to the river is a mirror of surrendering to saidar). But also the Wisdom is really the only 'leader' that we get introduced to in the Two Rivers in the show.
17. I am very curious about if the issue of the Old Wisdom comes up again when Nynaeve is in the White Tower. Nynaeve does seem aware here that Listening To The Wind is connected to the One Power.
18. Again, I love how the Rand, Mat, Perrin friendship feels substantial here and not just because they're all the same age so they hang around together.
19. Love getting the themes here of rebirth and how the reincarnation aspect of the lore feels present in people's everyday lives.
20. Nynaeve being separate from all the other villagers so they can't see her pain. My heart!
21. Now that we've set up Life As It Is, it's time to break it so that the main story can start. Lan brings the news about the Fade & Trollocs and Moiraine confirms that she doesn't know which of the four kiddos is The One (a good thing, as it turns out).
22. Some good character work during the fight:
a. Nynaeve trying to protect and heal her people.
b. Fain just sauntering off without a care.
c. Mat going back into danger to save his sisters.
d. Perrin doing something to make him terrified of the violence inside hinsrlf.
e. We see that there's more to Rand's dad than meets the eye.
f. Rand defeats the Trolloc but at a cost (his dad getting horribly injured).
g. Egwene & Nynaeve both willing to fight back, even when they just have belt knives.
h. Once Moiraine and Lan are able to turn the fight (and we get some lovely choreography of then working as a team and seeing how Warders aid their Aes Sedai), the villagers take heart and really together against the Shadowspawn.
23. Overall just a good job showing how traumatic an attack like this would be.
24. Anyway, it felt clear to me that part of the reason our kiddos don't argue much with Moiraine after the battle is because they're all pretty shocked and traumatized. None of them have ever experienced anything like this!
25. I hope the implied flashback for Moiraine & Siuan in s2 has us getting the prophecy onscreen but it was still cool to hear Moiraine telling them about it here.
26. There's a great shot here of Moiraine facing Egwene and Rand and we see all three of them in shades of blue. Meanwhile, when we swap to Perrin and Mat, Mat has a tiny stripe of blue but the two of them are more earth-tones. Channelers vs non-channelers? Rand puts on an earth-tone coat as they leave - because he's going to be in denial?
27. Right now, Moiraine is saying they need to get to the protection of the White Tower (meaning Siuan and her attempts to ready the Tower). And that's a wrap on episode one!
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im new here, but i was kinda looking for a fic that… doesn’t necessarily diverge from canon bu still builds the sterek relationship, if you get what i mean at all?
sorry if this is confusing, or has already been asked.
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one tiny little howl by Myulalie
(1/1 I 1,00O I General)
As the saying goes, wolves howl to communicate their location to other pack members. It makes Stiles wonder, because he doesn’t know how to answer in kind.
when the sky falls, you're my escape by thedoortomymind
(3/? I 3,338 I Not Rated)
Derek and Stiles find themselves and each other.
All Her Children by petals42_tumblr (rosepetals42)
(7/7 I 8,058 I Teen)
A series of fics about Melissa McCall's relationship with all her children.
Powerful (Why I got you on my mind?) by AireHaleinski
(1/1 I 14,217 I Mature)
The nightmare of the Nogitsune seems over for Stiles Stilinski and the pack, but peace is far from being a part of Beacon Hills’ life: Derek Hale, in fact, is about to experience the heartbreaking loss of his powers, that leaves him hopeless and sure of a tragic and upcoming death. Can the growing bond between two broken souls, fight forces otherwise invincible?
That Depends On How You Define Werewolf by janonny
(2/2 I 16,613 I Mature)
We’re all shapeshifters. It happens rarely, and it happens for a reason. Sometimes the shape you take reflects the person that you are. – Derek Hale, Season 2 Episode 5
“I didn’t shoot him if that’s what you’re worried about,” said Stiles’ dad. Then he smiled wryly. “Though I did push him against the wall and threaten to strangle him with my bare hands.”
Stiles gaped at his dad, because Derek…was Derek. And the Stilinski men weren’t exactly buff. They were built more slender and agile, though Stiles was still waiting for the agile part to kick in.
Blood Pounding in Our Veins by minusoneday
(10/10 I 41,305 I Mature)
Stiles figured that Mrs. McCall finding out Scott’s secret would change things, but he’s completely unprepared for the very first thing she does, which is to invite Isaac to move in with her and Scott.
In which Stiles is angry. For some very good reasons.
will to follow through by owlpostagain
(2/2 I 42,411 I Teen)
“It depends entirely on how you look at it, I guess,” Stiles shrugs. “On the one hand, instant healing and the apparently inherited ability to pull off leather at all times. On the other, serious attitude problems and a suspicious disappearance of eyebrows.”
“Even Derek’s?” Danny snorts, “that’s a lot of eyebrow to lose.”
“I know,” Stiles agrees. “You should see, it’s so weird. Every time I want to ask him where they go, except he’d totally eat my face off.”
“There are worse ways to die.”
Running Up That Hill by maypoison
(32/32 I 139,488 I Explicit)
“Even before the pack joined together, Scott was trying to protect you. And he still is trying to protect you, even if it means leaving you out of all this.”
Stiles does roll his eyes at that. “Yeah, but it didn’t work did it. I was still involved, and so was my Dad. We were nearly killed by Matt, and then Gerard.”
“My point is, people change. Relationships aren’t always perfect. Scott's tried to kill me before."
Stiles raises an eyebrow. "So, you’re saying that someone trying to kill you is just a small flaw in a relationship?"
“We’re werewolves.” Derek answers with a shrug, as if that was a perfectly good explanation.
Under the Wolf Moon by Pdxtrent
(41/41 I 105,563 I General)
Laura Hale has disappeared. But from there, things go very very differently. Expect adults acting like adults, and actual communication and not terrible decision making. Though it's still Beacon Hills, so you know things are going to be complicated.
He packed a bag as quickly as he could and grabbed his passport just in case. He looked around the apartment, glanced at his sister’s closed bedroom door and then walked out.
An hour later he was at the airport.
Two hours after that he was in the air.
Seven hours after that he was touching down in San Francisco.
Another hour and he was getting into the rental car that would take him to literally the last place on earth he ever wanted to return: Beacon Hills, California.
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redrikki · 22 days
Teen Wolf Rewatch 2.05 Venomous
When we last left our hero, he was being stabbed and threaten by his girlfriend's evil grandfather. Back in season 1, a scene like that would have been followed by one of him telling Stiles all about it, but no more. Here, Scott keeps it to himself, even when specifically asked if something happened. It's like he's become so used to being hurt and threatened it barely registers, especially when compared to the possibility of people he cares about being hurt. Of course, it's a poor communication kills moment because Allison (and Stiles) absolutely need the information about what Gerard is truly like and up to. Just like Lydia needs to know what's going on and that she's a target. Too bad our heroes have all decided being in control of information means controlling the danger.
Allison asks Morrell to translate the bestiary entry in the kanima. It's in Latin and she knows at least French. The Latin word for friend is amicus and the word for master is dominus. In French it's ami and maistre respectively. Funny how they look nothing alike in either language. Is Morrell incompetent, deliberately mistranslating, what? We later learn she's in the know and working with the Alpha pack. In an earlier scene, she's using ink blots to get Lydia to open up about wolves so maybe it's a test to see how the kids do.
This episode introduces the concept that the shape you take reflects the person you are, something that will become important as thae series progresses. It is also the episode where Derek says that Scott isn't an Omega because he's already the Alpha of his own pack. The team certainly pulls together to save Lydia. Scott doesn't trust them to look after themselves, but Allison managed to fell Erica and...I'm actually not sure who took out Isaac. He looked paralyzed too, so maybe that was her again, but it might have been Scott.
Lydia and Jackson are dysfunctional as fuck. In season 1, they treated each other like shit. This season, he's been treating her like shit, but she still loves him. She's wearing his key around her neck. She gives it back, but somehow still has it for the season finale. Or maybe that key was just a reminder but not the real thing? Idk.
Other thoughts: All the boys and one girl raising their hands to work with Erica. When Derek told Erica he had someone else in mind for her, I'm guessing it's Scott. Does she actually want him or is she just power tripping on the idea of finally being hot enough to steal someone else's boyfriend.
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painted-bees · 2 years
 We’re probably gonna find out this month if Woven will get a second season or not. It’s quite dicey, cuz  we’ll be asking for a pretty hefty raise--and webtoon has been very keen on dropping their middling/underperforming series lately. The most likely outcome is that they’ll offer us a shorter ‘sunset season’ to wrap up the series and give it an ending--which we’ll just end up declining since we’d rather wait out the 3 years for our digital rights to return to us--and tell the story properly. It would be a small bummer, but much less stressful if they decline to sign us on for a full second season. On one hand, I’ll be a bit sad to stop living in the headspaces of these characters we’ve been working with for 4 years now. But on the other hand, the time-crunchy logistics of figuring out our season 2 preproduction schedule and fighting for the time we need to do it properly, instead of launching season 2 sooner than we are prepared to...gives me gray hairs lmao. They’d want us to write the outline, create our new assets, and get 20 episodes buffered in 4 months, and I’d have to wrestle for twice that amount of time if a season 2 is to happen at all. Also because we just need...a month...of not doing anything but rest.   3 years goes by pretty fast, and in that time, we’d turn our attention to another story that we are equally (if not more) excited to tell--one that’s been simmering with us for 10 years, now. And that is Wolves of Danu. We wouldn’t be doing it on contract, but completely independently, as to have full control over distribution, adaptation, and merch rights, as well as full control over our own schedule (longer preproduction, huuuge buffer of episodes!!! updates twice a week!!!) I am excited to know for sure which way we’ll be going: Woven season 2, or Wolves of Danu season 1. I’m genuinely undecided as to which one I would prefer. I certainly know which one would be less frustrating to negotiate and less stressful to produce haha. The other only really serves to placate my ego as well as my desire  to see my readers happy.
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eggelette · 11 months
The Midnight Club
So I finished the Midnight Club and I have to admit, out of all Mike Flanagan's work, its the weakest. However the runt of a pack of wolves is still a wolf, Spoilers ahead.
I think this weakness is unfortunately because we've gotten used to the strength and maturity of his previous shows. The explorations of deep, haunting love and the ramifications of the way we choose to show that love and although the Midnight club had glimpses of this, it wasn't as much depth.
I think two things influence this overall critique. The first is that the stories within the story doesn't always hit the beats of the overall central story, which for season 1 was at least portrayed as Julia Jayne being Shasta. None of the other members of the hospice were involved in the overarching story, except for the ritual for Anya but that's it. They never met Shasta and thought she was weird. We didn't even see the other kids' reactions to Ilonka''s involvement to the ritual. Instead the stories were like vignettes of the characters which I really liked (except Kevin's because it didn't really tell us anything about the character except he likes to be alone, which is fine but inequitable compared to other characters) but I feel like the two weren't cohesive. The last episode was more dedicated to resolving each of the character's which felt rushed and disjointed, and was ultimately also a disservice to Julia Jayne's story and ramifications of being prepared to kill Ilonka, a child she had been slowly manipulating, for her own health. Health is not wealth at the exploitation of others and that whole narrative thread was dropped because it had no room to breathe.
The second is the fact that Ilonka is the biggest Mary Sue of all times. I mean I understand her being a vulnerable desperate teen who is deadset on her notions of healing herself and her own percieved intelligence is in theory, compelling. I just don't think it came across in practise, because never in the narrative is she challenged or questioned for her actions, plans or words. She's always justified and treated as right by her peers- hell, even in the final scene with Kevin he says she's right when she simply isn't. You could read this as two desperate teens consoling each other, but she was wrong both in the way she treated Kevin's ex-girlfriend, and in the ritual for Anya! It would have taken the life of the others if it worked! When Sandra fucked up with Spence she spent an episode actually reflecting and told a story for her redemption (which still hilariously included Angels) while Ilonka dosn't have to earn her redemption, she just walks in while the camera pans on her and boom forgiven. Also a nitpick of mine, is that she has blind faith in Shasta for the ritual, but her concern and doubt rises when she isn't in the centre of the circle? It's not intelligence, but sheer selfishness that raises red flags, and it's fine to have a selfish character but treat them that way.
The closest that came to any kind of obstacle for Ilonka, was when she asked Dr. Stanton if she could keep her whole "i was almost complicit in a murder sacrifice oopsie" a secret to the rest of the hospice and Dr.Stanton was straight up like "I thought you would have wanted to know something like that? :)". I cackled. But no, no narrative consequences. I think my biggest grip with Ilonka is that she was the protagonist when all of the supporting characters were much more interesting. Anya's story, both the one she told and in the episode of "Anya" were highlights, along with Amesh and Natsuki's stories and respective meanings. I loved Sandra, Spence and Cheri. I adored Mark and the Janitor (Flanagan's season 2 post confirmed my suspicions about the latter).
Speaking of season 2, I took a gander at the posts and I don't really think the ideas would have addressed the critique I'm levelling. The janitor as death I absolutely love, along with Spence getting AIDS treatment (and then going off to live with Sandra in a condo as per my headcanon). Even the elderly ghost couple as soulmates, reincarnated in Kevin and Ilonka is super sweet in theory, but Ilonka's Mary Jane status who can do no wrong has soured it. Also season 2 seems it doesn't have much to do with Julia Jayne, which questions why we are spending so much time in season 1 with the rituals and the lore, and the hourglass, and then not even delving deeper into how the most vulnerable people are scammed and exploited seems like a waste. Time that could have gone to the characters.
Surprisingly, I really liked the ending of the Midnight Club, I love how there were touches of collaborative storytelling earlier (with the club describing Anya and Rhett's future together in the Anya episode) and how it culminated in them finishing Imani's story. I thought Amesh adding him and Natsuki to the story (well their OC's) along with Sandra's film noir OC was incredibly endearing. That, along with the appearance of Angel Porn and all the jumpscares really sold me for the teenaged antics of the group, and the whole nature of the found family.
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payidaresque · 1 year
Rules: share some unpopular opinions about 5 different fandoms of your choosing. tagged by @burningblake thanks love, your timing is 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 (i mean it). though it won't exaclty be UNPOPULAR opinions since they're mostly on really small fandoms so 💀 anyway, under the cut ✌🏻 And i'm tagging @elena-gilbert @blackfyredaemon @lordjohnwgrey @sylvies-casey @shane-west no pressure <3
Ramo While the show had its strong sides (up til like mid- season 1 and lbr, the main strong side is murat in various suits lmao, mainly black), s2 is not great and the finale is ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE Spartacus I dropped the show after s1 because the actor they replaced Andy Whitfield (may God rest his soul) with, didn't fit the type at all and i couldn't continue. Andy set the bar too high. I have nothing against the actor tho, that's just not his role
Arrow This show is simply stupid for me as a disabled person specifically, because it didn't have the accurate representation of disabled ppl, or at least somewhat BELIVABLE representation. And i'm referring to Felicity gettng paralyzed from the waist down (for like what, 2 episodes?) arch. IT JUST DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT. Even in the show that's kind of scifi-ish. Also, Stephen Amell deserved better. The only character i really liked was Thea, and i dropped it and i don't regret it
Raised by wolves Marcus's not another 'Ragnar'. i actually think Travis Fimmel did a pretty good job, and i think he's a very solid and belivable actor. just watch Dreamland with him and Margot(Robbie). it's worth it. trust me. It's an excelent drama. And Travis can be even better when he truly tries. Also, there could be so much more to the show so fuck HBO for cancelling it Once upon a time s7 was absolutely unnecessary and s6 had the perfect wrap up for the show
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misdre · 2 years
a friend asked for podcast recommendations and i thought i could as well make a post about things i've liked listening to. i like investigative pods and stuff about scams and that kind of thing but i do listen to a lot of random crap. i've probably also forgotten like 60% of what i've liked before but eh whatever
pods about a single case in detail:
chameleon: hollywood con queen - a scam story about the movie industry
dr death - only season 1 is available for free (i think) but it's the best one anyway. about a scam doctor who was somehow allowed to operate people
finding drago - an investigative pod about trying to figure out who wrote a rocky IV fanfic. yeah. and it's wild as fuck
harsh reality - about a catastrophically bad reality tv show in the 00s
the lazarus heist - about north korean hackers
sweet bobby - a catfishing-kind of relationship story
twin flames - about a weird culty MLM community
wecrashed - about a shitty guy who makes a shit company and then crashes hard
(the shrink next door - only available for subscribers on wondery now but putting it here anyway because it's a wild story about a guy ending up so badly manipulated he basically turns into another guy's slave)
general episodic:
auta antti - every finn knows this. antti holma offers help for people's problems.
behind the bastards - detailed profiles of all kinds of assholes, both historical and modern
cheat - a more humorous pod about scams and scammers
the dream - first season is about MLM scams, second is about diet product scams
the evidence locker - the only real true crime one in here, i like this because it has cases from all around the world and not just north america & UK. there isn't anything else that stands out about this tbh the bar is very low in this regard
let's not meet - readings of people's creepy encounters
the magnus archives - starts off as an anthology kind with short horror stories, turns into a horror audio drama later on
the nosleep podcast - short(-ish. some are pretty long) horror stories
scamfluencers - scammers
something was wrong - usually women reciting their experiences with Guys but sometimes also stories about other types of abuse
this is actually happening - people with unusual/traumatic/etc experiences telling their life stories
tiedetrippi - the other finnish pod in here. weird and creepy science facts
were you raised by wolves - two americans talk about etiquette and half of it doesn't match my culture but somehow i keep listening anyway. yeah keep berating me about not tipping my idk hairdresser and garbage guys here in finland
feel free to recommend your own if you like something that fits the general themes! i especially need more of the wecrashed type in my life that are about obnoxious men getting what they deserve in the end
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Star Ware Rebels Bechdel Test Rewatch- 4x12 'Wolves and a Door'
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Ezra and Sabine go to the Jedi Temple on Lothal...and discover that the Empire has reached it first.
Female Characters: 2
Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren
Male Characters: 4
Ezra Bridger, Zeb Orrelios, Minister Hydan, Sheev Palpatine
Droid Characters: 1
Does it pass?
Yes, there is enough chatter between Hera and Sabine over comms for this episode to pass.
I absolutely love how the Lothal Temple becomes so integral to the final act of the series. This episode raises the stakes in a major way. It is truly chilling to hear old Sheev's voice over comms. You can see the complete shock in the Spectre's faces.
One thing I appreciate is how much Sabine shines in Season 4. In earlier seasons, she tends to fall into a more supporting role, but Season 4 she is more of a co-lead with Ezra. I've really appreciated their relationship during this rewatch.
Hera and Zeb take a bit of a backseat here but Hera got a lot of focus in some of the last few episodes.
Minister Hydan is a really interesting character. I always wondered who the creepy old dudes in the Emperor's throne room were in Return of the Jedi. I think Hyland is a Sith cultist for sure.... what's that? An unintentional Rise of Skywalker connection?
It's worth noting that we hear Ahsoka and the Daughter in this episode, but it's part of the vision the crew has when they travel with the Loth-wolves, so I'm not counting it as an appearance. Same goes for Kanan and the Grand Inquisitor. Thrawn also appears, but it's a holorecording and therefore I also won't be counting it.
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tragicotps · 1 year
I was tagged by @hawkhills thank you ! I never get tagged lol so this is fun 🤓
RULES - List eight shows for your followers to get to know you better.
Since this is mainly my fangirling over His Dark Materials blog I'll obviously leave that one out... I don't think I can choose 8 favourites but I'll try! 1. The X files (obviously) 2. The Witcher (only 1 to 3 HAHA) 3. Yellowjackets (haven't seen the newest season yet though) 4. Stranger things 5. Arcane (saw this in previous post and almost forgot how AMAZING this was) 6. The handmaid's tale (still crying over every episode) 7. Lost (Sawyer x Juliet 😭) 8. Severance Honorable mentions for Slow horses (so good!), The good place, Carnival row, Dead to me, Good girls, Killing eve, the haunting of hill house, OITNB, Russian Doll, Over the garden wall and Hanna (I probably have 10 more fav shows that I can't remember right now..) Also RIP 1899, The wilds, The OA, I am not okay with this and Raised by wolves 😭😭
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
Have u watched raised by wolves??
I've watched the first season and like, 1 episode of the second. I really want to get into it but just can't.
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introvertedone · 3 months
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I’m watching Raised by Wolves 1x03 "Virtual Faith"
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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magnumversum · 2 years
Wolves Season 1 Episode 3: Whistling Blue
Doctors and nurses wearing blue gowns gathered around the operating table, prodding the patient’s opened up rib cage. Ms. Lawrence Green, a cardiac surgeon and charge nurse of two years, operated on the man, Jen Hislock, carefully removing the gushing, slobbering heart, soaking his gloves in blood, setting it on a tray provided to him by his assistant nurse, Dr. Hermand. “Dr. Hermand, is the other heart prepared for transplant?”
Dr. Hermand used his tweezers to carefully remove a bullet lodged in the deceased’s aorta. “The deceased’s heart is prepared for transplant.” The deceased: Mr. Kelly Johns, was a police officer, and one of the very few remaining after K. Hornwell swept through cities, and Johns died in a gunfight against Hornwell’s goonies. Before he was pronounced dead by Dr. Green and Dr. Wayne at 3:19 P.M., December 3, he signed a waiver agreeing to donate his heart to a charity. But Global Cultivation Worldwide, the parent company, under its greedy corporates, decided to illegally buy the heart and sell it off to the dark web, where it made its way back to Whistling Blue Hospital: a hospital owned by Global Cultivation Worldwide.
Leslie Hislock was a practicing doctor facing malpractice charges, Charlie Hermand was incarcerated for five years before he got a job there because he robbed a bank, and Marjorie Wayne was a criminal long before any of the others was, and was in cahoots with the big boss behind everything, every operation. Whistling Blue Hospital and the other locations owned by Global Cultivation were facades for underground criminal operations run on the dark web, and unknowing families taking their patients there were turned away. Wayne, Green, Hermand and Hislock weren’t planning on going through with the transplant. They were auctioning the remains of the patients off to the highest bidder.
There was a packing facility behind the hospital, where nurses snuck off with corpses and shipped them overseas to middlemen, who shipped them off to buyers. Green carried the bodies behind the operating room, dug through her purse for her master key, wrestled through the door and crept into the dimly lit packing room, muttering, “The buyers in the Philippines will love this.” Something was following her. Green knew, though she pretended not to.
Whatever it was following her, it suddenly blurted, “What buyers?”
“I’m expecting buyers from the Philippines.”
“Buyers from the Philippines?” The footsteps paused.
“I have some buyers. They actually agreed to meet me here directly. Are you them?”
“I’m looking for them too.” Something hit the lightbulb, causing the whole room to go dark. Except, for a flashlight pointed at a book. “Do you know the name: Edwin of Manila?”
“Edwin is the name of the man who agreed to meet me here.”
“Edwin is a wolf, and so am I: Niraomi, former senator of the Nightwolf Dynasty, now of Dmarani.”
“What are you here for?” Green asked, running through her purse, reaching for her gun. “What do you want from Orwick?”
“Edwin had connections.” Niraomi jumped at Green with her razor-sharp claws, pressuring her: “Where’s Edwin? What is Edwin buying from you?”
“E—edwin is a few blocks down from here,” Green choked. “Th—they have a posse and everything. Th—they’re fri—fricked up man, I’m telling you! Just let me go and I’ll f—find them!”
Niraomi lifted her claw from Green’s throat, leaving her gasping for air. “I let you go—”
She stumbled for her purse, reached for her pistol inside her bag, and strangled Niraomi. “You won’t be the one leaving here alive.” Green closed her eyes and squeezed the trigger, but no bullet left the chamber. “I was bluffing, of course I’ll take you to them.”
Outside, the hospital was surrounded by fencing, 24/7 security cameras were hooked to the fencing, and a gang of Philippine Pacific wolves, The Manongs, strolled around the electric fence. Their gang leader, Edwin, was a tough egg to crack. Edwin raised an army’s worth of wolves over several years, and was paid off by the hospital in exchange for having the land as a second home. Niraomi and Green stepped out of the crooked hospital, met by the entire force of the mob, and Edwin himself. “Green, Niraomi, I’ve been waiting for you both.”
Niraomi said, “We’re not looking for trouble.”
“You’re looking for something,” said Edwin. “Tell us what you’re looking for, and if it's something confidential, we’re not handing it over.”
“Niraomi is looking for someone you know.” Dr. Green slowly backed into the hospital building.
“I’m looking for Martini.” Niraomi knew she wouldn’t find Rasheb anymore, because he changed his name to Priscilla Martini, her pronouns to she/her, moved out of the country, started doing dirty work and getting into trouble with the authorities, and made a new life for herself. “Where’s Priscilla? We have dirty business to handle.”
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barcodelascl · 2 years
Body of lies movie reddit
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Sure, he’s hot, but he’s also way too obsessed with fish.įor the first 80 minutes of this film, it seems like a perfectly normal horror film with a sci-fi, Lovecraftian monster vibe. Originally released on-demand in December 2020, What Lies Below stars Ema Horvath as a teenage girl named Libby, who is growing more and more suspicious of her mom’s weird new boyfriend. 3 on Netflix’s “Top 10 in the U.S.” list. Duemmler, What Lies Below was one of the most popular films on Netflix over Easter weekend, and currently sits at No. The 2020 horror sci-fi thriller What Lies Below recently began streaming on Netflix, and subscribers wasted no time in checking it out. It may be spring, but Netflix knows it’s always a good time to watch a weird horror movie. Warning: This article contains spoilers for the What Lies Below ending. ‘The Weekend Away’ Ending Explained: Leighton Meester’s Thriller Ends With a Major Twist Pamela Anderson Teams Up With Netflix For Upcoming Tell-All Documentary Sebastian Stan Opens Up About the 'Pam & Tommy' Finale 'Pam & Tommy' Ending Explained: What Happened Next to Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee? 'Pam And Tommy' Episode 8 Recap: "Seattle" 'The Ultimatum': New Netflix Dating Show Challenges Couples To Marry - Or Move On 'Love Is Blind's Shake Chatterjee Slams "Impartial Host" Nick Lachey Following Explosive Season 2 Reunion 'Love Is Blind's Shake Is In Damage Control Mode, Finally Apologizes To Deepti 'Love Is Blind' Star Shake Chatterjee Suffers From A Case of Self-Hatred Towards His Own Culture 'Raised by Wolves' Season 2 Episode 5 Recap: Lifeforms 'Raised By Wolves' Just Turned a Major Character into a Tree?!? 'Raised by Wolves' Season 2 Episode 6 Recap: A Tree Grows on Keppler-22b 'Raised By Wolves's Campion and Murder Bot Vrille are the Weirdest, Cutest Couple on HBO Max ‘Outlander’ Season 6 Episode Guide: How Many Episodes in The New Season? When Will 'Outlander' Season 6 Be on Netflix? ‘Outlander’ Season 7: Everything We Know So Far Snag Starz For Only $2.99/Month For Four Months 'The Gilded Age' Episode 6 Recap: "Heads Have Rolled For Less" 'The Gilded Age': Aunt Agnes is Right About Tom Raikes, Peggy Scott, and Literally Everything Else 'The Gilded Age' Season 1 Episode 7 Recap: Turner The Hooch Stream It Or Skip It: 'Theodosia' On HBO Max, About About A 14-Year-Old Archaeologist Fighting The Forces Of Dark Magic Where to Buy a ‘Turning Red’ Plush and Other Toys
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