#rainbow dash slander
starsifter · 2 months
I read this in her voice
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Regarding Hobie Brown crossovers(by a pastel punk/afrosolarpunk)
Full 'fence full shade full salt shaker,he wouldn't fuck with other superheroes just because they're superheroes if they're white and same goes for white punk characters.Yeah i'm serious.Hobie is afropunk.AFROpunk,very different from 'normal' punk,by which i mean whitewashed punk because afropunk is the ultimate punk as punk was created by black people.Him,Kat Elliot,Ekko,Kipo Oak and the Abadeer Twins(Marceline and Marshall Lee)are afropunks/black punks so they'd not only be best friends but consider eachother siblings.Duke Thomas is afropunk too and i think him and Hobie would be in love actually.Nimona is an exception because she's trans so the her and Hobie content is on-point and based asf and founded in canon because of his relathionship with Gwen Stacy(who is also an exception because she's trans and i see her as a black haired brown eyed biracial lightskin afrolatina but chile).Him and Ichigo Kurosaki are twinnin' and he'd tell him he has peak taste in gyals for loving Orihime Inoue who as a black pastel punk myself i count as pastel punk poc rep even if not in aesthetic.Katara is canonically a native punk girl who's probs trans and Aang is a tibetan genocide survivor who's gnc and literally invented decolonization in his verse so Hobie would ride with them no matter what.Hobie Brown and Luz Noceda are the 'black sunshines who stick with other weirdos and killed a fascist as a teenager' duo.This sounds stupid but Sonic The Hedgehog and Rainbow Dash would the Spiderham to his Noir
But speaking of which,he would NOT be instant best friends with Noir nor IS he.Noir is Peter Parker so he's white as shit,it's a no go and y'all are foul for romantic N*irpunk-They wouldn't beef or nothin' but they ain't friends,they co-workers.The entire MCU is also a big 'ol nope.Clark Kent's title before The Man Of Steel all way back in his debut was 'Champion Of The Oppressed' so Hobie would at LEAST have mad respect for him and Clark would treat him to cheeseburgers,loaded fries and milkshakes and tell him he's a real hero.He'd be best friends with Tim Drake because Tim Drake knows how to act and save him from poser punk by introducing him to Skapunk.'Cool Dude Jason Todd' is a lie frabricated by white cis fangirls and idc about him and Kon-El Kent/Superboy unless it's the popular black biracial headcanon for him and even then Clark needs to be the black one instead of Lex Luthor(i want that capitalist pig's head on a plate.)and if you think Duke's not a core Batkid Batboy and Robin because he's not a white blue eyed boy,Hobie would guitar your ass for even joking about it.I've headcanoned Stephanie Brown as blasian/jamaican-korean with black hair and brown eyes for years and have aus of/joke about her and Hobie being half siblings because of it and her last name and the him and Percy Jackson posting by me is largely brought on by the black Pjo fandom claiming Percy since the 2010s due to reading him afrolatino from the books alone with zero contradictions in-text and 'read' LITERALLY in a lot of cases,as in we thought he was canonically and Percy is also completely accurately punk and Stephanie's canonically pastel punk so there it is
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Thanks for reading my infodump,here's a Hobietism creature
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
probably unpopular opinion but an adult man shipping himself with pinkie pie is kinda weird (in relation to that one guy who commissioned a ton of self-inserts with Pinkie Pie) Like I know Rainbow Dash and Applejack are lesbians but a homophobic cisman shipping himself with one of them is still less offensive than shipping one(cismale)self with a character who is purposefully designed to be as child-like as possible. Most bronies only shipped the ponies in a wlw because of voyerism anyway, they would probably harrass or even kill a lesbian irl. It's like those men who lust after loli characters and justify it with Noooo, she's actually 2000 years old!! I hope the justification for it is not something among the lines of "well, Pinkie's supposed to be neurodivergent, that's why she's childish", because as a (now) adult with both autism and ADHD it's outright offensive to paint all ND people like children. Twi, the CMCs and Fluttershy are all still better neurodivergent representation than Pinkie ever will be. Pinkie is a lot more like a preteen than any other character. For the record, this is not Pinkie slander, just brony slander
This ask hit me like a stack of bricks also what the fuck are you talking about
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isa-beenme · 1 year
Solo Dad Rhys!!!! Fluff piece!!!
I'm sorry for giving a villain arc to Feyre but HEY history needs to happen okay?
Nyxie baby cutie boo making his first appearance in my blog, welcome babyyyy
My mind just went FUOOOOOON once I imagined the story, I SWEAR I was riding my bike when I thought of this and had to stop middle way to my house just to think it better
Yes I changed the lyrics of Wait For It to fit the history, and yes I invented a whole bunch of shit about velaris WHO CARES
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Wait For It
In the breathtaking realm of the Night Court, the stars gleamed like diamonds in the obsidian sky, casting their ethereal glow upon the majestic city of Velaris below. Amidst the grandeur of the court, Nyx, a cherubic young boy of ten, with unruly dark curls and captivating violet eyes, eagerly awaited his Wednesday night escapade.
Nyx's parents were once deeply in love, but Feyre, burdened by a restless heart, had returned to her once fiancee, Tamlin, High Lord of the Spring Court, after giving birth. In the aftermath of her choices, she had bitterly slandered Rhysand and his family, a web of lies that entangled them in trouble. Despite the turmoil, Rhysand only devoted himself to raising Nyx, juggling the responsibilities of both a powerful High Lord and a dedicated father.
But Nyx had a little secret, a sanctuary that filled his heart with joy amidst the chaos. Every Wednesday night, he would give his father an innocent lie, claiming to attend "extra classes" while secretly venturing to the grand theater of Velaris in the bursting heart of music and arts of the Rainbow.
The first time it happened was pure coincidence. The grand theater of Velaris hummed with the anticipation of the evening's performance. Nyx had just learned how to winnow and having his father's mischievous spirit, he went after the wave of emotion that spread everywhere he went, sneaking into an empty booth Nyx sat in awe, waiting to witness the lady everyone affectionately called "Starlight" take the stage once more. He wore a dashing little suit, feeling every inch a proper gentleman as he eagerly anticipated the show.
As the curtains rose, Nyx's eyes widened in wonderment as "Miss Starlight" appeared, bathed in the spotlight's embrace. Her voice, like a thousand twinkling stars, filled the theater, capturing hearts with its enchanting melody. She actually portrayed a character named Starlight, who reunited the story of Velaris and told it in a song, bringing the city to life and giving it a soul she shared with on stage.
When the final notes of the performance echoed through the theater, the audience erupted in thunderous applause. Nyx, who had been clapping with glee, could hardly contain his excitement as he jumped up from his seat. He knew that he had to speak to her, to let her know how much he adored her singing. With determination in his heart, Nyx slipped away from the public side, weaving through the crowd until he reached the backstage area. His little heart pounded with nervous excitement, but he couldn't let fear hold him back, he knew this was his chance to talk to the performer.
Peeking around the corner, he spotted her, still dressed in her celestial attire, chatting with some of the crew. Nyx took a deep breath, mustering all the bravery a seven-year-old could have, and stepped forward, clutching a small bouquet of flowers he had summoned from his auntie Elain's garden.
- Um, excuse me, miss Starlight? - He called out softly, a touch of shyness evident in his voice. The lady turned, and a radiant smile graced her features as she noticed the adorable little boy approaching her.
- Why, hello there - She said warmly, going down on her knees to meet his eyes. Her sparkling dress made a pool of diamonds shine around her, making her look even more like an angel - And who are you, young man?
- I'm a big fan - He whispered in shyness, hands sweating as he offered her the bouquet and she took it.
- Is my big fan's name Nyx, I suppose? - She asked as if it was a secret, Nyx's eyes widened in surprise.
- You know my name? - She chuckled gently and offered him a hand, one he gladly took in.
- Of course, I remember you. You've been coming here with your father to see the renewal, haven't you? - Nyx's cheeks flushed with delight, feeling like he was known and seen by someone special.
- Yes! I love music, and I loved, even more, your singing, Miss Starlight. It's like true magic! - She laughed, even then she sounded like she was made of music.
- Well, thank you, Nyx. That's such a lovely compliment - She replied, touched by his sincerity. Nyx pointed to her bouquet, a bit shy when she held it close to her heart.
- These are for you. They're from the Night Court's garden - He proudly said and she smiled even more.
- Thank you, sweetheart - She said, looking at the flowers with gratitude - They're beautiful, just like you - His heart swelled with joy at the praise, and a wide grin spread across his face.
- Can I, um, watch all your performances, Miss Starlight? - Her eyes sparkled with warmth and affection.
- Oh, absolutely! I would be delighted to have my biggest fan in the audience at every show - Nyx beamed, feeling like the luckiest boy in all of Prythian.
- Yay! Thank you! - He ran to hug her, taking care to not step in her dress or ruin her hair which had sparkles that shined like the stars he loved to see. As their conversation continued, Nyx's initial shyness faded away, replaced by a blossoming friendship. The lady shared stories of her love for music and the theater, and Nyx listened with rapt attention, hanging on to her every word.
From that day forward, Nyx became a regular presence at her performances. He would sit in the front row or in the same booth when he didn't feel like gaining attention from the citizens, his eyes alight with wonder, as "Miss Starlight" sang and danced with grace and passion. And each time the curtains fell, she would come to greet him, and they would share heartwarming conversations that left Nyx feeling like he had found a kindred spirit.
Their bond grew stronger with each passing performance, and Nyx's admiration for "Miss Starlight" only deepened as the years passed. Their friendship was a radiant star in the young boy's life, casting a luminous glow on his days in the Night Court. And every time he watched her on that mesmerizing stage, he couldn't help but feel that he was in the presence of true magic. There, he would be enchanted over and over again by a sweet and lovely lady, her voice as mellifluous as the Night Court's nocturnal symphony.
It took years for Nyx to finally come up with a good and durable excuse for his lack of presence every Wednesday night, sometimes even missing dinner with his family when his favorite singer invited him to dine with the rest of the cast that presented the show. Unknown to Nyx, in one of his hidden escapes, his father was making his way across the city. Under the veil of night, the streets of Velaris were bathed in a silvery glow. High Lord Rhysand, cloaked in shadows, followed the path toward one of his favorite restaurants.
While he passed through some of the streets he met Nyx's teacher walking next to the River. Curious as to why she was there he trailed her discreetly, observing her every move with a mixture of concern and curiosity. As the lady entered a quaint restaurant, Rhysand waited a moment before stepping inside. He chose a discreet corner, keeping his features hidden from curious gazes. The restaurant hummed with soft conversation and the clinking of glasses, creating a cozy ambiance.
After what felt like an eternity, the lady emerged from the restroom, looking elegant and serene. Rhysand steadied himself, deciding it was time to confront her.
- Excuse me, miss - As she walked past his table, he spoke in a low, steady voice. She turned, her eyes meeting Rhysand's, and for a moment, he saw a glimmer of recognition. However, she quickly masked it with a polite smile.
- Yes, can I help you, my Lord? - Her face was calm, too calm for someone that was supposed to be with somebody else's son and not at a restaurant having a date.
- I believe you've been teaching my son, Nyx, for the past few years - Rhysand began, maintaining an air of formality.
- Oh, Nyx - She replied, her eyes brightening with fondness - Such a charming and talented young boy. He's been attending my classes for a while now, yes.
- I must apologize for any misunderstanding, but I can't seem to understand why you are here if he was supposed to be in class right now - The lady's expression faltered, and she seemed to grasp the seriousness of the situation.
- I... I don't have formal classes with him on Wednesdays, per se. Nyx has been coming every Saturday afternoon for his lessons - Rhysand became desperate for a second, and his heart clenched with worry for his son's safety.
- So he's been lying to me - He said, his voice tinged with disappointment. The lady's eyes softened with understanding.
- I'm sorry if I inadvertently became part of his secret. I never knew he was hiding the truth from you - His ears pricked at her words, curious as to why she didn't seem any sort of nervous
- What do you mean by "hiding the truth from me"? Do you know where he is? - She seemed confused for a second, before a smile plastered on her face.
- Everyone in the streets of the Rainbow knows where the little prince goes on Wednesdays, we all assumed you and your family knew too. It's not uncommon to find him walking down the city with the actors that play in the theater - His eyes softened at hearing his son was safe and his citizens were somehow taking care of him - I'm sorry for not noticing your lack of knowledge on his where being.
- You have nothing to apologize for - Rhysand replied, his tone gentler now - I appreciate your honesty. I was just worried for his safety once I saw you here.
- He's safe with the crew, they are lovely people to be around, I actually befriended some of them, there's nothing to fear - the lady assured him, her sincerity evident - He's such a joy around them, and he's genuinely passionate about music and theater. You need to listen to him talk about his "Miss Starlight" and detail every new performance of hers - Rhysand couldn't help but feel a hint of gratitude toward the lady for cherishing his son's company. A smile graced the lady's lips, and a sparkle danced in her eyes - He's a remarkable young boy, and it's been so sweet to hear him talk about this lady, you should probably meet her and thank this female for making him so happy. He's always so enthusiastic.
- I'm planning to talk to him about this - Rhysand said, his voice tinged with gratitude, though - But I would like to be informed of any action by him, apparently there are a lot of things I don't know about. Thank you once again - As she nodded with a small smile Rhysand quickly winnowed to the Town House, calling an urgent meeting with his family.
The Night Court's Inner Circle gathered in a quiet corner of the luxurious house, their faces reflecting concern and curiosity. Rhysand sat at the head of the table, his heart heavy with worry for his young son, Nyx. He had discovered Nyx's secret escapades to watch "Miss Starlight," the lady whose performances had captured his son's heart, and now he needed advice on how to handle the situation. Mor leaned forward, her brows furrowed with worry.
- So, he's been going to watch performances instead of attending classes, is that what you just said? - She asked, concern lacing her voice.
- Yes, and he's been lying about it for a while now, years probably. I didn't find out until this night when I found his teacher in a restaurant, and I'm not sure how to address it without making him feel ashamed - Rhysand nodded, his voice tinged with regret.
- He's a curious child, Rhysand. He probably felt the need to hide it because he thought you'd disapprove - Amren, always the pragmatic one, spoke up.
- I can understand why he'd be drawn to her performances. She's a true star on that stage - Cassian chimed in, his face thoughtful.
- And she's been wonderful with Nyx - Azriel added quietly - I've seen her interact with him after her shows, and the way he lights up in her presence is undeniable.
- Wait, wait, wait, both knew he was going to her performances and none of you thought about telling me? - His brother's expression fell at their mistake, slowly looking at each other before looking at their High Lord again.
- Maybe? I mean, we saw him on the front row once and when we made sure he was safe we left him there - Cassian explained first, exchanging looks with the shadowsinger.
- We were waiting for him to tell you - Azriel closed the conversation, looking at the ground in shame.
- Hold on, the actress we are talking about is the one who played Edwina in "Whimsical Serenade"? - As Cassian and Azriel eagerly agreed, their faces lighting up, Morrigan laughs hard, finally understanding the whole situation - Of course! It all makes sense now! Even I lied to you once to go watch her performance with Elain. I didn't notice Nyx there, though.
- Isn't she the one who plays Rhysand in "A High Lord's Duel"? - Amren jumps in the conversation, and Nestha's eyes widened at the mention - Holy shit, she is amazing. It actually scared me how well she incorporates Rhysand in the scenes with Tamlin.
- If so she is the one who plays Eliza in "A Heartfelt Symphony" - All of them agreed to her statement, starting a discussion about her talent and performances.
- Let me get this straight, all of you watched her at least once? - As the Inner Circle discussed Nyx's infatuation with "Miss Starlight", as well as their experiences with her, unbeknownst to them, the young boy himself stood at the doorway, eavesdropping on the conversation with a mix of fear and guilt. He knew he had let his father down, and he dreaded facing the consequences of his actions.
Before Nyx could retreat, Mor's keen senses detected his presence. She glanced towards the door and smiled warmly at him.
- Nyx, come on in. We were just discussing your little adventures - His little heart pounded in his chest, but he knew he couldn't hide anymore. Nyx took a deep breath and stepped into the room, his violet eyes meeting his father's concerned gaze.
- Nyx - Rhysand began gently - We know about your visits to watch the shows at the theater. Why didn't you tell me the truth?
- I didn't want you to be angry with me, Papa. I love her singing, and I didn't think you'd let me go if you knew - Nyx's shoulders slumped, his voice small.
- Nyx, I'm not angry with you. I just want to know the truth. You don't have to hide anything from me - Rhysand softened, understanding his son's fear.
- Plus, we all know about her. You're not the only one who's watched her perform, little one - Mor grinned, her eyes twinkling mischievously. Nyx's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked around at the Inner Circle, finding nods of agreement from each of them. The knowledge that everyone knew and still supported him brought a smile to his face.
- You guys have seen her too? - Nyx asked in awe.
- Of course! We had to make sure you weren't getting into any trouble, boo - Cassian chuckled.
- Papa, please come with me to the next show. She's amazing, and I think you'll like her too - Nyx turned back to his father, his eyes earnest.
- Yes, Daddy, Miss Starlight is the best in the whole wide world - Nestha chuckled before earning a warning glare from the High Lord.
- All right, Nyx. I'll go with you, and we can enjoy her performance together - Rhysand's heart swelled with love for his son and his genuine enthusiasm.
Nyx beamed, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He knew he could trust his father, and having him there by his side meant the world to him. And so, with the support of the Inner Circle and his loving father, Nyx felt a newfound sense of confidence. He had learned that honesty and trust were the building blocks of their family, and he was eager to share the magic of "Miss Starlight" with the one person he loved most in the world – his Papa, the High Lord of the Night Court.
As fate would have it, one week later they arrived at the theater, Rhysand's heart pounding in his chest with a nervousness he hadn't felt for years. He let Nyx guide them to one of the booths that held an upper vision of the scenario, his son kept gazing at the stage with an enchantment that seemed to hold a spell over him. The performance began, and a whole bunch of songs were being presented that night. The musical was called "The Whole World of the Night Court", each actor portraying a different city of his territory, telling its story in the form of a song.
The lights turned off again, and Nyx started to shake completely in his chair with excitement. As the grand theater's velvet curtains parted, a hushed anticipation swept through the audience. A spotlight illuminated the stage, and there she stood, "Miss Starlight," bathed in a celestial aura, ready to weave her magic once more. Rhysand sat straighter in his seat, his heart fluttering with both curiosity and the enchantment that surrounded the mysterious lady, a sudden uneasiness taking his body.
As for Nyx, his wide violet eyes were shimmering with excitement, his small hands gripping the edge of the plush seat. He was eager to share this moment with his Papa, to introduce him to the magic that had captured his young heart. Her, interpreting once again her character Starlight, began to tell Velaris stories to the public as if it was her own, eyes shimmering at each word. Suddenly the orchestra began to play a mesmerizing melody, and the lady took a deep breath, her voice tinged with emotion as she began to sing. The soulful notes of the piano accompanied her melodic voice, setting the stage for the tale she was about to tell.
- Theodosia writes me a letter every day; I'm keeping the bed warm while her father is away, He's on the human side in Prythian; He's trying to keep the colonies in line; But he can keep all of Prythian; Theodosia, she's mine - She sang, making a clear reference to the firstly High Lord that idealized Velaris as a gift to his wife, Theodosia. This fact made Rhysand even more aware of the spectacle.
- Love doesn't discriminate; Between the sinners and the saints; It takes, and it takes, and it takes; And we keep loving anyway; We laugh, and we cry, and we break, and we make our mistakes; And if there's a reason I'm by her side; When so many have tried; Then I'm willing to wait for it; I'm willing to wait for it.
With a glance at Nyx, who was completely enthralled by the performance, Rhysand knew that this lady had the power to touch hearts and ignite imaginations.
- My grandfather was a fire and brimstone preacher; But there are things that the homilies and hymns won't teach ya; My mother was a genius; My father commanded respect; When they died, they left no instructions; Just a legacy to protect - At that she clearly meant the legacy every High Lord had to carry to protect the city, himself being one of the many that had to sacrifice a lot to keep the secret - Death doesn't discriminate; Between the sinners and the saints; It takes, and it takes, and it takes; And we keep living anyway; We rise, and we fall, and we break, and we make our mistakes; And if there's a reason I'm still alive; When everyone who loves me has died; I'm willing to wait for it; I'm willing to wait for it.
As the chorus echoed through the theater, Rhysand felt a connection to the song's message. He understood the yearning for something that might be just out of reach, and it resonated deep within his soul.
- Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, wait - The quiet intensity in her expression held the audience captive while the back vocals reached their peak, and Rhysand found himself captivated as well, unable to look away.
Her voice rose, reaching heights that seemed to touch the very stars, and as the orchestra swelled around her, Rhysand could feel the passion in every word she sang.
- I am the one thing in life I can control; I am inimitable, I am an original; I'm not falling behind or running late; I'm not standing still, I am lying in wait - He understood it as a way of saying how every city thrived and Velaris kept being a hidden city towards the other courts - Nightmare's face is an endless uphill climb; He has something to prove; He has nothing to lose; Nightmare's pace is relentless, he wastes no time; What is it like in his shoes?
Nightmare was one of the characters previously introduced in the show, representing the Hewn City and their politics of participating in every decision, especially by being the formal representation and the known image of the Night Court.
- Nightmare doesn't hesitate; He exhibits no restraint; He takes, and he takes, and he takes; And he keeps winning anyway; He changes the game; He plays and he raises the stakes; And if there's a reason he seems to thrive when so few survive; Then, goddammit, I'm willing to wait for it; I'm willing to wait for it - Her voice went to a soft breeze, tickling Rhysand's soul as she rose her voice again for the final chorus - Life doesn't discriminate; Between the sinners and the saints; It takes, and it takes, and it takes; We rise, and we fall; And if there's a reason I'm still alive; When so many have died; Then I'm willing to - Her eyes met his in the middle of the public, a sense of understanding passing through them, an unspoken love for their court and the child both of them unknowingly raised together. She was still looking him deep in his eyes as she smiled and repeated the final phrase - Wait for it.
The final verse carried an air of determination, of embracing the journey and whatever it may bring. As the last notes reverberated through the theater, the audience erupted in applause, their hearts touched by the lady's stirring performance. Rhysand glanced at Nyx, whose eyes shone with a mixture of awe and admiration.
- That was amazing, Papa! Did you like it? - Nyx asked, his voice brimming with excitement.
- Yes, my star, I loved it. And I'm glad you brought me here to experience it with you - Rhysand smiled, his heart full of love for his young son and the lady who had brought so much joy into their lives.
Amid the ending performance with a song that reunited all of the cast together, the lady glanced up and met Rhysand's intense stare once again, singing some of the parts to him, in that fleeting moment the music seemed to draw them closer, and when she smiled bright and big and bowed to him in the end, his heart skipped a beat.
The final notes of the fun goodbye to the cast proportionate filled the air as the audience erupted into thunderous applause again. Nyx's heart swelled with pride, knowing that his Papa, the High Lord of the Night Court, had enjoyed the mesmerizing magic of "Miss Starlight's" song, just as he had. He couldn't wait to introduce them properly. As the crew took their final bow and the curtain fell, Nyx tugged on his father's hand, his excitement evident in his wide, sparkling eyes.
- Papa, come on! Let's go meet her! - He exclaimed, practically bouncing with enthusiasm. Rhysand chuckled at his son's exuberance, happy to see him so thrilled.
- All right, lead the way, little star - He said, following Nyx as they made their way backstage.
Behind the curtain, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement as the crew congratulated the lady on her outstanding performance. Nyx's eyes searched for her, and when he finally spotted her amidst the commotion, he pulled his father towards her.
- Miss Starlight! - Nyx called out, his voice filled with adoration. The lady turned, her eyes lighting up when she saw Nyx approaching with Rhysand in tow. She smiled warmly, her gaze moving from Nyx to Rhysand.
- Hello there, both of you - She greeted them, her voice as sweet as a lullaby. Nyx beamed, proud to have his father by his side.
- This is my Papa, the High Lord Rhysand. Papa, this is Lady Starlight, High Lady of the musical theater - he said, introducing them with a touch of pride.
- It's a pleasure to meet you, My Lord - The lady said, offering a graceful curtsy - Nyx has spoken very highly of you. I couldn't wait to finally meet the father of my biggest fan - Rhysand couldn't help but feel a hint of curiosity as he looked at the lady before him.
- Likewise - He replied with a genuine smile - Your performance was extraordinary. I've never heard such a captivating voice. And please, call me Rhysand, or Rhys - Her cheeks flushed with a blush of delight, and she bowed her head slightly
- Thank you, Rhysand. I'm honored that you enjoyed it - Before Nyx could contain his excitement, he interjected.
- Papa, you should ask her out on a date! - He shouted to his father, jumping up and down in place as he looked at both of the people he loved the most in the world (not that he would ever admit it next to the rest of his family). Rhysand blinked, surprised by Nyx's candid suggestion. He exchanged a glance with the lady, and a soft smile played on her lips.
- Is that so? - He asked, humor dancing in his eyes. Nyx nodded enthusiastically.
- Yes! She's really nice, and I know you'll like her. And I really want to call her mommy. And I'll change my name to Nyxie Starlight, and we'll be a family - Rhysand couldn't help but chuckle at his son's matchmaking efforts. Nyx, in his characteristic innocence, suggested they should marry soon so that Rhysand could be Mister Starlight, Nyx's mind forever intertwining her character's name with her true identity.
- Well, if it's alright with you, Miss Starlight, I'd love to take you out for a date - The lady's smile grew, her eyes shining with amusement.
- I'd be delighted, Rhys - The blush that covered her cheeks made Rhysand's heart flutter in a way he hadn't felt, even when he was with Feyre.
Nyx reveled in having both his beloved daddy and his adored Starlight in his life, and Rhysand found solace and bliss in a love he thought he would never experience again.
As they exchanged information and chose a day and place, Nyx couldn't contain his excitement, thrilled that his plan had worked. He knew that this lady had brought so much joy into his life, and he wanted nothing more than to see his Papa happy as well.
As they bid their farewells and left the theater, Rhysand felt a sense of warmth in his heart, grateful for the magical night he had shared with his son and the enchanting lady they now knew as "Miss Mommy Starlight." And as they looked up at the starlit sky above the Night Court, Rhysand knew that the adventure they had embarked upon was just beginning, an adventure filled with love, music, and the serendipitous magic of young hearts.
They embraced the magic of their fate, as their lives intertwined like a dance, creating a tale of love that would be whispered through the ages in the immortal lands of Prythian as the most magically musical love story that ever ran through history. Or the most disgustingly cute, as Nyx would proclaim, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
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aphverse-confessions · 4 months
One thing I am still upset at until.tjis day is the one side stories episode where they dressed up as scooby doo characters.
Say what you want about the mlp comparison, but I'll give it as much as it being somewhat accurate. I don't know if I would've picked the same comparisons, but it makes sense. I can understand where it came from.
But this??? This is insane.
Let's start off with the biggest crime of all; Why is Fred AARON?? Listen I know old cartoon Fred has no personality, but Fred in the more recent adaptations (not counting Velma) has consistently been a himbo.
Fred has been reclaimed as an iconic himbo icon. With this characterization comes the fact that he is literally mystreet Garroth.
I have been rewatching mystery and incorporated recently. And with every scene with Fred that I watch, I think to myself, "This is literally Garroth."
It's not just the blonde hair, it's the personality. The energy.
Mystreet season 1 Garroth especially, yes he had the puff out your feathers scene. But he was also shown to be pretty smart when it came to other stuff. Well-meaning and kind but dumb when it comes to feelings and emotions, JUST LIKE FRED. THAT'S LITTERALLY FRED.
Meanwhile that doesn't seem to be Aaron. I am not as big of an Aaron hater as most of you, I blame the age gap on Jason, not Aaron. I really like what mcd Aaron had going on for him. And I find it ridiculous when people get upset at him for "stealing Aphmau away from Garroth (and Laurance)".
But you know what I am upset at? HE STOLE BEING THE FRED FROM GARROTH.
I swear Jess just made Fred Aaron because he is the conventionally attractive male lead. (Meanwhile Garroth is FAR more conventionally attractive then Aaron bffr)
And instead Garroth is SCOOBY. Garroth is the DOG. WHY? And before you say "because Zane was Scrappy". THAT WAS EVEN WORSE. Everyone hates Scrappy! Zane does NOT deserve that slander. Free the guy, all he did was being emo.
This actually perfectly illustrates how Garroth and Zane aren't taken seriously by the other characters. ESPECIALLY ZANE! By the narrative and the other characters, they're(especially Zane) not taken seriously. Like how it's laughed at the very idea of Zane getting a lover. And in minigames, we see things like people laughing at the idea of shipping Garroth with anyone. Because Garroth is obviously too stupid to feel serious love/s. And Zane is obviously to undesirable to ever be loved by anyone/s. Garroth is the good dog, Zane is the bad dog.
I do not CARE how cool that comparison is though. GARROTH SHOULD HAVE BEEN FRED.
Also, Aphmau?? As Velma?? Really? I mean, fine, but it doesn't fit with how Aphmau is (sadly) infantalised in canon. And she is never really shown to be book smart at all. She is shown to struggle in school. Sure, she is shown to have more sense than Garroth, Laurance, Dante, and Travis (which isn't very hard). And sure, this was all before Kim was introduced, and it was when Emmalyn wasn't relevant anymore. However, I don't care, and I still believed it should've been Emmalyn. Maybe the orange would clash, though,,,, maybe Kenmur? I don't know, I just think it should've probably been someone else.
Also, WHERE WAS DAPHNE AT? Why did Lucinda only show up FOR ONE SECOND? They included Scrappy but not Daphne????!! I know Daphne is often portrayed as a little boring, but this is an outrage.
I think Shaggy should've been someone else, too. Laurance doesn't seem like much of a coward. If I were to imagine Garroth, Laurance, Dante, and Travis in a horror movie. And you asked me who would survive, I'd say Laurance. Laurance is either the final girl or a part of the couple that makes out and gets killed while doing that.
It's actually lowkey insane he was Pony assigned Rainbow dash but then assigned SHAGGY from all the scooby doo characters. The only thing consistent between those two is that they both probably smell and don't wash themselves enough.
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MLP Rewrite Daring Done?
Okay so I actually rewrote this one AGES ago and was a lot more favorable to Caballeron than Canon because I had already kiiiinda gotten attached to some headcanons.
But here's the refined version:
Daring's losing confidence isn't due to anyone spreading false rumors to slander her it's just. It's a lot of things. A few too many close calls, the fact that she's not as young as she used to be, and yeah some more legitimate criticism.
Rainbow and Pinkie try to cheer her on, but this isn't as easily fixed is it?
Daring agrees to go on one last adventure with them.
So the three head out and get into the usual Indiana Jones-esque nonsense that all Daring episodes are. But while they make it through the adventure, Daring is clearly not that up to it and is getting more and more hesitant instead of, well, daring.
Eventually they run into Caballeron and like. Even he's concerned about Daring's lack of energy. Because he starts their Rivalmance Banter™ but she just doesn't respond to it so it's like 'Hey, you good?'.
Though Daring and Dash are very 'wouldn't you like to know, whether boy?' about it, Pinkie spilling the beans about one friend to another(because yeah Caballeron has gotten a 'Ponyville Welcome' before for reasons so he's a friend) is totally on the table.
Now. Caballeron is just like ????? You're Daring Do???? You don't give up??? That's your whole fuckin thing???. Daring wonders why he's concerened because wouldn't he want her to quit?
No he doesn't. They have a thing going and it's clearly Complicated™ because they're Rivals™ but he does care about her. And she's always been an inspiration in a way. For the treasure hunting in general, but also like. When Caballeron isn't adventuring, he's an archaeology professor. And Daring's books have inspired more ponies to get into that line of work. She didn't quit the first time some ancient temple's trap nearly killed her, why stop the fiftieth time? Okay other than general not wanting to die but the point stands-
Somehow this really weird pep talk coming from a Rival actually does help, and things start going back to normal for the rest of the adventure.
With a bit of 'hey, so like. When we're not being rivals for treasure hunting....'
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sharktotems · 2 years
'magine not knowing philza minecraft creator of minecraft was ripped lol how do you think he flies???? with the power of friendship???
HEY DON'T SLANDER RAINBOW DASH LIKE THAT. look okay i didn't expect his ARMS to be strong enough to SWEEP me off my feet like im some old frail victorian woman okay
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
Kdjsjd Luna said ur rainbow dash. your reaction makes me think of the Ernie meme where it says “Ernie is going to commit a hate crime”
I hate her. I don't have a gallery full of Rainbow Dash pics for this slander to be committed. Not to mention I've molded my personality after her since I was like 8.
*crying in the corner*
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charcolor · 5 years
THERE IT IS i found that mogai bullshit i sent to diverse mlp headcanons in july 2014.
i'm making a separate post bc i just want to go over it.
nsfw text warning
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(yes the-bitter-taste-of-truth is one of my old urls)
the idea of ponies having sexual attraction is bizarre to me now but it was a-ok with 13 y/o me
rarity is straight except for when she wants to fuck women
pinkie pie Fucks but is demiromantic. presumably she only is romantically attracted to someone after she has fucked them
applejack may fall in love...Once
fluttershy and applejack don't fuck but all their friends do
except twilight, sometimes
fluttershy being gay is the only good thing about this list honestly
rainbow dash is NOT attracted to men in ANY capacity. you stop this slander right now
actually my label for rainbow dash was like...the reverse of one of my mogai phase labels (which was bisexual homoromantic)...hm
okay im going to bed now. thanks
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dfnews · 4 years
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Episode Recap of "The Duggar Dash" First Aired July 28, 2020
"It's hard to decide which Duggar is the most competitive, so they decide to put it to a test. The family splits into four teams and Michelle sends them on an exciting race around town." Guess who wins again? I want to take Jessa and Ben to Las Vegas. I'll take Anna and Josh too for a quickie divorce.
1. The Duggars took our advice on how dull their show is so they stole the plot to the Amazing Race and filmed this episode. I guess it was a good thing they did. I have never seen the Duggars act so non-robotic. They almost look like real people in this episode.
2. Michelle flashes back on to an old 19 Kids video. This time showing her embarrassing push of buddy teams raising each other instead of Michelle taking care of her reproductive choices.*Team One: Austin, Joy, James, Jennifer and Tyler who replaces disowned Jill. *Team Two: Jim Bob, Joe, Kendra and Johannah. Johannah was originally on Jinger's team so she's the orphan in this group. *Team Three: All of Jana's original group. She has Josiah, Jason, Jackson and Josie. Josiah's wife decided to stay at home and watch the kids. How did clownish Josiah marry such a fuddy duddy?*Team Four: Ben and Jessa and her original buddy team Jeremiah, Justin, Jordyn and baby Ivy. Ivy's got this! Missing are extremely nauseous Abbie, John, Jinger and Jeremy, Jinger's other buddy, Jedediah and Anna and her M crew.
3. The first challenge is one of the team members having to eat something "disgusting". The foods are haggis, escargot, cricket tacos and the worst of all....tater tot casserole. They should have served up fresh vegetables and all of them would have quit right then and there. Ben wolfs down his snails and is off for another clue. Jim Bob chokes down the cricket tacos and turns green. He's also cruel to Tyler who is trying to eat haggis by telling him what haggis actually is. This is cruel and unusual punishment towards a minor. I was hoping Tyler would projectile vomit all over Jim Bob's cricket tacos. Jim Bob takes his time eating his food. He did more talking than chewing. Maybe his dentures were loose or something. But then things get worse for the minors when Jordyn gets into the car with her team and immediately starts complaining about needing to use the bathroom. They decide to ignore her and pull out of the driveway making Jordyn scream louder. Finally they stop and Jordyn flies out of the car. Poor kid. Been there. I hope Jordyn isn't too embarrassed about them putting her desperation on TV. Jackson has a hard time finishing his tater tot casserole but does so before slow poke Jim Bob. Funny how escargot and haggis were easier to eat than tater tot casserole.
4. Next all the teams have to head to a thrift store to find something that is their team color to wear during the race. This is when Justin goes all pride on us in his rainbow wig. Salute the rainbow, Justin! Then they're all cruely forced to go the speed limit due to Michelle's rules and Jim Bob mentions being pulled over for speeding. How come I haven't seen that on the court connect records? Did he bribe his way out of a ticket? Talking about court connect, there are new documents up about Josh's attempts to sue the city of Springdale. It looks like his last attempt is now over. Josh has lost. Case is closed. Josh can now apologize to the court system he abused and all those he slandered. Loser! Back to the show, the teams all seem to be having a hard time with the speed limit. Jessa was about to burst a blood vessel going that slow. I've heard from neighbors that the Duggars seem to be speed demons. They all collect their team colors at the thrift store and then get another clue at the register. Jim Bob's team consisting of a heavily pregnant woman and his doofus old self grab are in last place but entertain me by grabbing some red women's underwear as Hannie's item. I really hope she keeps it and puts it to good use under her homemade jumper dresses.  Then it's off to rock climb for more clues.
5. After their rock climbing they have to figure out a simple math problem in order to know a shoe size for later. This is where things get crazy. The Duggars don't do math. Joy doesn't know that an X means multiply, Austin can't add half numbers, and Jessa has to google Jim Bob's age. She only has one dad, not 19. She couldn't remember that? But worst of all, Joe loses his team's clue and they have to go back to the rock climbing place to get it. The teams make it to the treehouse where they search for a shoe of the size from their math clue and Joy's team is in the lead at this point. Then they head to the big house where Michelle gives them the last clue to find their team color in a haystack. Jeer rules the day by finding the clue for his team and the always winning streak of Jessa and Ben continue. Joy and Austin come in next and the last two teams decide to quit together and be last mainly because Kendra was starting to have contractions. I can just imagine her having a haystack manger birth with Joe the carpenter/used car salesman by her side. Now that might make a good episode and possibly a best selling book. Back at the house they all get cheap awards from Michelle and promise to do this again next year minus the haystack.
6. My plan for Duggar Dash 2021Two teams, females versus male. Let's embarrass the hell out of the guys. Challenge One: We'll start with the vegetable eating. They'll have plain cabbage or asparagus. Try that Jim Bob! Challenge Two: Selling their seldom used tour bus for the guys and a family airplane for the girls. See who can sell theirs first and donate the money to the homeless. Challenge Three: The girls find a nice home and decorate it for Jana and the guys move Josh to Siberia. Challenge Four: The guys must sign up four of their own for classes at an accredited college and the girls must find four of their own jobs that help boost their self-esteem and independence. Challenge Five: They must all listen to the points of views of others outside of their religious and political comfort zone. The team whose head explodes first wins.
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rainbowdashtheepic · 4 years
Chrysalis: I am rainbow dash and I'm absolutely adorable! *yelling while disguised as you*
“IMPOSTOR! Stop trying to slander my good name!”
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starsifter · 3 months
I think the reason I hate rainbow dash so much is because she reminds me of my older siblings who would pick on me a lot and prank me in very mean and horrible ways. Like i'm sorry to the rainbow dash lovers but that motherfucker pisses me off.
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discordslair · 5 years
"Lies and slander!"
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thetragictoy · 6 years
Opnemer and the Recorder of Memories
Okay, so I’ve got this beautiful idea for a book that I’ve been working on for over two years now and I just wrote out character descriptions for all of my lovely characters! If anyone can help find some inspo or would like to sketch up, collage—whatever you’d like to contribute to my babies would be incredibly helpful! I already have the first chapter pretty solidified, but it’s subject to change (if anyone would like to read it and I see enough interest, I’ll gladly post chapter one!). But, without further adieu, here are (most of) my main babies!
Opnemer- Adorable little fairy of a girl, Op is full of optimism and love. Medium length brown hair, big brown eyes, tanned skin, a relatively straight nose (not big but also not sloped, just kinda straight), and rather average in stature—about 5’6”. When she’s having a heated conversation with Desmond or simply interested, her ideal hairstyle is the quick and messy bun (to keep hair out of her face). When she’s in Desmond’s dreams, she loves wearing white and she loves retro dresses that are simple in style, but fun to twirl in. She also loves wearing and seeing bright colors in the dreamscape.
Sonata- A very sweet and gentle spirit, Nata has a strong urge to protect those that he loves. Light brown hair, hazel green eyes, wears glasses (rectangular frames?), lightly tanned skin—lighter than Op, around 6’2”. If Nata didn’t have to wear the same deep eggplant purple everyday, he’d be an absolute t-shirt and jeans kinda guy with fun looking Chuck Taylors. He’s the funny—sometimes awkward—guy who cares immensely about Op. Just imagine he’s the guy nervous laughing as he scratches the back of his head 😂
Desmond- A growing teenage boy with a ton of personality, Des is wise and humble. Dark, curly brown hair, brown eyes, (he’s my lil Mexican boy), very insanely tan (he likes being outside), and currently I see him about 16 at 6’0”. He’s super casual in what he wears, but likes his little touch of style in each outfit. (He likes to look like he’s not trying while actually trying most of the time 😂) His classic look is a printed short sleeve button downs, jeans, and some sweet lace up leather boots. He usually wears his lapis lazuli that his mother gave him until he and Op exchanged necklaces (but they wear them as bracelets) and he never takes hers off (I’ve written this particular scene into existence already, so it’s canon!).
Ruby- A wonderfully artsy gal, Ruby challenges herself almost constantly. Long brown hair, green green eyes, darker skin tone (something close to Des), and about 5’2”. She loves painting, sketching, writing poetry, and doing ceramics. She loves getting into the action and could care less if her hands get dirty. She has quite the retro bohemian style and loves loose, airy organic clothing that doesn’t weigh her down. She loves to layer pieces to make her look like a low key bohemian princess. She loves colors, but typically wears more muted or neutral tones to keep from clashing with the loud colors of her art. She’s a very simple girl who’s headstrong and wildly independent. She’s usually the girl telling her friends exactly what they need to hear to help them achieve what it is that they want.
Sahwira- Incredibly intelligent and doesn’t often say much. Gold-blonde hair, piercing blue-grey eyes, ridiculously sharp jawline & cheekbones, around 6’0”. He’s a pale boy who would avoid being outdoors if the Recorders had an outdoors. He comes off as intimidating because he’s taller than Op, especially when he’s close to her. He’s almost always caught scowling and doesn’t smile often (if ever really). He’s a no nonsense man and is one of the oldest Recorders that’s lived (but because they don’t age, he’d really be quite attractive if he smiled). He secretly cares about Op and when she talks to him for the first time, it’s like all the hardness of his features melts away and she just sees a softness in him that she didn’t think could exist (because when he’s not scowling, he has some rather sad but sweet eyes). Sahwira really quite likes the dark colors they wear, but he would definitely be the office type who wears slacks, button down shirts, dress shoes, and a ridiculously expensive watch. If he didn’t care what people thought of him, he would 100% wear dad hats, jeans, t-shirts, and Vans.
Edeko- Sophisticated and sweet, Eddy is a whirlwind of quiet energy and support. Curly curly brown hair, amber brown eyes, mulatto skin, a splash of freckles on her face, around 5’8”. While she’s incredibly sassy when she’s with Sahwira (whom she has nicknamed Wira), she’s got a whole stock of wisdom for younger Recorders. She’s helped Nau emotionally through some of the hard times, but she also knows how to be straight with someone when they need to hear the truth. If she didn’t have to wear deep eggplant all the time, she’d easily be a girl who loves high waisted jeans, crop tops, and high tops. To get cozy, you’d 100% find her in a huge oversized sweater that’s off one shoulder, some flannel pj shorts and fuzzy slippers.
Nauhuri- Bubbly and fully of life, Nau is an absolute sweetheart who has a rather tragic past. Platinum blonde hair in a pixie cut, brilliant electric blue eyes, a sea of studs on her left ear and a cuff and chain on her right, full lips, adorable button nose, and milky skin. She’s had it rough but she knows just how to keep on trekking. Without the set eggplant purple clothes Nau would have an adorable sense of style. Crop tops, pleated skirts, chokers, and Doc Martins would be her go to. She would also easily be spotted in a t-shirt, leggings, and tennis shoes on a comfy day.
Musajjil- A seriously chill dude with a heart of gold. Dark black hair that is likely to be pulled back into the messy man bun, dark brown eyes, a pretty big schnoz, caramel skin, about 5’8”. Musajjil adores Nau and always has her back. He loves her fighting spirit and her ability to stay positive while also adapting to her situation. Musa sounds like a total surfer dude and is extremely go with the flow. He’s easily approachable and loves conversation. If he wasn’t stuck in eggplant purple, you better believe he’d be in cargo shorts, t-shirts or muscle tanks, flip-flops, and wearing a necklace made of sea glass and pukka shells.
Taifeadta- A hopeless romantic who tries to be a ladies man, but inevitably fails. Short but stylish dirty blonde hair, deep green eyes, some scruff on his face, around 5’10”. I like to imagine him with glasses, but I guess he could go with or without. Tai is my sweet sweet boy who has tons of personality and loves flirting (or trying to anyways). He’s incredibly attracted to Eddy—mostly because she’s so sophisticated and well versed with everything in their world. He does eventually fall for another Recorder (Kina) and she makes him nervous and it’s adorable because there’s lots of blushing and speechlessness (and Tai is never speechless). His ideal outfits would be some nice jeans, t-shirts and hoodies, and skate highs.
Kinasa- Shy and gentle, she’s a calming presence to anyone in the room. Long black hair, almond shaped eyes blacker than night, flat(ish) but adorable nose, porcelain skin, around 5’2”. Kina always carries a calming aura and is rather shy compared to the other Recorders. She’s intrigued by Tai and loves how his calm and cool nature gets tripped up by her presence and knows that Tai is really very sweet behind his “ladies man” facade. She’d love to wear long simple A-line dresses, corduroy overalls, pastel colors mixed with deep rich tones, and shoes ranging from tennis shoes to creepers.
Gravadora- Cunning and mischievous, she makes up one half of the twins. Long airy black hair, bright green eyes, a dash of freckles, small but cute nose, pale olive skin, around 5’9”. Rava is full of energy so if someone sets her off, she’s quick to her temper. She loves fiercely and she doesn’t know how she’d do this job without her brother Graves. She’d ideally wear something laid back like bootcut jeans, long sleeve shirts and hoodies, and Converse. She’s a simple gal.
Gravador- Daring and witty, he makes up the second half of the twins. Wavy black hair (kinda shaggy), bright green eyes with the longest eyelashes ever (only noticeable when you’re close enough to really look at him), a dash of freckles, small but cute nose, pale olive skin, around 5’9”. While the twins are nearly the spitting image of each other, Graves is a bit softer than his sister. He’s a bit more emotional, but he keeps that to himself although she already knows something’s wrong just by the way he breathes. Graves would love wearing natural or muted tones. He’s a sucker for flannels, jeans, and leather boots.
Death- Snarky and sarcastic, Death loves to pick a fight. Tall and brooding with choppy black hair, amber brown eyes, rather pointed nose and gaunt cheeks, pale skin, well built, around 6’5”. Death can regularly be found in black jeans, black t-shirts, black leather jackets, and black leather boots. He’s sassy and completely uncouth, but that’s how he’d like to portray himself to people. He’s been blamed for everything he’s never done over his lifetime so while he does in fact have a soft side that longs to be understood, he decides to mask that part of him with an air of sarcastic wit.
Fate- Beloved by some, slandered by many, Fate is a war horse. Long strawberry blonde hair that cascades down in loose curls, hazel green eyes that seem to hold the rainbow, adorable pixie nose, lightly tanned skin, around 5’9”. Fate is bitterly misunderstood most of the time. She’s incredibly regal in her wardrobe (much like Time and very much unlike Death) and is always wearing a golden laurel and ivory robes embroidered with golden threads and embellished with pastel shades of pink, green, and lavender. If she ever has time to herself to dress more casually, she’d be in thermal long sleeves and pea coats, nice jeans, and some comfortable booties with at least a 3” heel.
Time- Stern and focused, Time is on a schedule down to the second, so you best not be late. Long white hair and beard (that was once a golden blonde), green eyes and thin rectangular spectacles, a rather bulbous nose, papery white skin, around 6’1”. Time is ridiculously punctual and hates when others miss appointments. While he likes to come off as the cheery old man, he isn’t a force to be reckoned with. He always wears beautiful royal blue robes that sweep the floor. If he ever had a sense of casual wear, it would probably be flannel pj pants, a matching button down, and a night robe and matching night cap.
Claudia- Strong and supportive, she’s a force of nature that knows her boys rely on her. Dark curly brown hair, dark brown eyes, slight crows feet (from all the laughter and joy her boys bring her), full lips, round nose, tanned skin, around 5’3”. After losing her husband, Claudia took it upon herself to raise her three boys. She loves practical clothing that’s simple and comfortable such as jeans, t-shirts, and tennis shoes. She loves a good necklace or two and bracelets like bangles that jingle. She loves prints and every once in a while she’ll throw on a nice bohemian styled shirt with bell sleeves just to watch the movement of the fabric. Claudia’s about 50 at this point in time.
Ellis- Resilient and sure, Desmond’s oldest brother—and sometimes the most bull headed—Ellis is relatively level headed, but he’s also a teenager in adolescence. Wavy light brown hair, hazel green eyes, strong jawline, rather pointed nose, fairer than his mother and other two brothers—he heavily resembles his father, around 6’0”. He’s about 18 at this point in time and believes that he’s in love with a girl he’s only been going out with for a month. He won’t listen to Desmond’s words simply because he’s younger and “doesn’t understand”. He does love his mother and brothers with his whole being, he’s just stubborn at this age. Ellis is big on playing sports but also loves music and playing the ukulele. Loves being comfortable (like his mother) and prefers jeans, simple t-shirts, and Converse.
Finnegan- Incredibly loyal and understanding, Desmond’s younger brother Finny is the quiet pillar of strength that keeps everyone in the house together. Rusty brown hair that’s nearly untamable (always looks like styled bedhead but is actually just real bedhead), light brown eyes, round nose, round pink cheeks, the lucky kid with freckles, around 5’5”. He’s around 12 at this point in time and is already a freshman in high school as he is very diligent with his studies and skipped a grade in elementary. He tutors others in his classes and many of his peers and even upper class men adore him. He’s easy to talk to, highly intelligent and incredibly oblivious to girls and their intentions. He’s practical and calculated but still incredibly sweet. He tries to offer advice, but is sometimes more forward than most others are used to. He loves a good pair of khakis or a nice pressed pair of jeans and loves a good printed shortsleeved button down and loves his Converse. Finny isn’t afraid of hand-me-downs from his brothers, he just likes keeping his crisp and clean style if he has the choice.
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matchamorphosis · 3 years
um why am I seeing Bibble slander on my dash? Bibble has done NOTHING wrong. Bibble saved rainbow land and here you are disrespecting him and his service.
nonnie no one is disrespecting bibble calm down 🤚🏼 i’m just saying that he was some of our favorite characters to enjoy and he featured in some of our nightmares kapeesh?
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the-e4b · 7 years
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I have a very good inkling on who this anon might be. And if it’s true what I’m thinking then you just lowered yourself immensely in my regards of respect. I have only one watcher on DA that knows and criticized me on my statuses (because those are private to watchers) AND is a fan of Peet. 
And no, there were no “allegations of tracing”. You saw the pictures yourself in an earlier post. They might not be 100% traced but you can’t deny that almost 90% of the picture was. Then there is also the fact that this artist was spreading rumors about me harassing others and I gave my watchers hard evidence that it was not me who was harassing anyone. Granted, I was no angel but I didn’t do anything wrong in the aspect of harassment. And I shared my comments together with that hard evidence so I left NOTHING out of that whole ordeal.
And that brings me to the next thing: We do not make empty accusations. We have proof for those. Screenshots and archived links, might I add. You know what those are? Those are links that come directly from the source and stay on the internet for as long as the internet exists.
Peet was throwing some things out of the window lately regarding some “lies and slander” we were throwing at it. Shall we begin?
Let’s start with the most important thing of all, the pedophilia accusations. No, it’s not because you have a relationship of a 47yo with a 24yo or because you feature a pedophile being institutionalized. It’s because you had a scene written in your original story (which you deftly removed after being pointed out) that had a 14 year old Scootaloo having wild sex with a fully grown, mentally unstable Rainbow Dash. https://archive.fo/pd2N9 (last point on Trivia if you scroll down) and like I said, the internet never forgets: https://fimfetch.net/story/170125/stockholm?html#14 HUGE NSFW WARNING!!! (If you scroll through starting from where the link leads you, you will come across a horizontal line that’s followed by a part entirely written in cursive, that’s the “juicy stuff”)  Which also brings us to the fact that Peet was manipulating its audience to draw R34 art of a minor (at the time) because she disagreed with a ship on Tumblr. https://archive.is/tz299 
Second accusation: The fact that Peet says that it never told anyone to kill themselves (this one’s not that hard to debunk, just go check its privatized twitter) https://archive.fo/Lm5aS . Also check Josh’s “response to Peet” video. In the description you’ll find tons of “Kill republicans” archives.
Third accusation: the sockpuppet accounts. Well, please, don’t let ME explain myself, let me show you someone who can, an admin of a site where Peet had several sockpuppet accounts and was banned for it. 
Now the only accusation I’m not going to throw is Tara. Tara is allegedly a girlfriend that Peet made up and then was thrown into prison for owning child porn. I would love to proof that but unfortunately there is too less proof for this fact to hold. The only thing we know is that the avatar she used on several sites was a picture found on Google. And that there were a lot of suspicious things going on at that time to make us believe that Tara was a fake persona of Peet. (But like I said, no hard proof unfortunately).
Last thing before I pass the torch to my fellow mods: See Peet, we make only accusations that have legit proof and when WE are accused of something we don’t do damage control or pretend it never happened (a.i. delete our posts or block the people who criticize us). When we are accused of sth we will own up to it if it’s true or debunk it with hard facts. Not write endless paragraphs turning around the same point but never adressing the actual point.
The one throwing a temper tantrum when contradicted and throwing their toys out of the pram is not us, deary. It’s you.
- SM
What we have here as my co-mod eloquently stated is a response to an ask from an anonymous watcher who had been quite the bother to us in the past who watched our Space Mare… or it could be a former subject on the blog who googled her up to find some juicy dirt. I wanted to talk about my thoughts on a certain comment in the response talking about our ‘recent’ post… I think we’ve had more asks since that one you singled ouyt
As DP said in a previous ask, if Peet were to change and stop breaking people down, we would back off right here
I said something similar when we received an ask corresponding to the last post over here suggesting I wouldn’t remove the screencaps and archives, keeping them as a reminder of not becoming your on-air persona. Peets felt it would be better if “I would pretend nothing happened and keep up the posts…”
I’m confused here, what do you mean ‘nothing happened’? This blog is merely a catalogue of some of the worst individuals in the fan base and you are on the way to being the worst, you’re tied with a man who hid his niece’s Twilight Sparkle toy because he believed Alicorn Twilight Sparkle would make women regress back to the 50’s way of social norms.
We want people to learn from these footnotes of how to better themselves and try not to let history repeat itself because the future belongs to the next generation and they shouldn’t follow down the same path as we have to emotional oblivion.
Figured I’d add my two cents as well (and keeping myself calm by not flying into the usual swearing rage to chill-hop).
It’s amusing that Jerry once again pulls the political card on the blog and says we’re right-leaning.
Oh sure, coming from the person who’s so infamously left that even 4chan would cringe at, example?
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Or use a tragedy like a shooting as his soapbox and rage to the echo chamber he calls his tumblr:
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Clearly Jerry knows how America works as a country. It’s called research Jerry, sweetie. Learn it!
As we’ve made clear on this blog, we’re not at all interested in politics, regardless of what the ever screechy DisneyMaster once accused us of. I can’t speak for my friends on their political view but I’ve stated I stopped caring for political topics due to how abrasive people turn over them. And while the blog has made a few political posts, it’s rare and it’s always in a neutral stance.
Meanwile Jerry over there goes so political left that it’s not even funny, such as:
Stating the Republican Party only panders to “neo-nazis”,”the KKK”, and the “big stupid masses”.
Screeching that Donald Trump should be killed.
Saying Pence should also be killed.
STILL thinking the Electoral Collage doesn’t work because “WAH HILARY SHOULD HAVE WON!”
Blaming the Orlando shooting on Republicans because “THEY AGAINST LGBT!!!”.
And of course the one that struck a nerve:
“If you don’t enforce politics in your reviews, you are a terrible critic”
If that’s the fucking case, then the late Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel sucked at making movie reviews.
In all honesty, that post might as well be Jerry again throwing a fit because there are people out there who don’t like his actions and will critique him for it.
It’s lovely to see the sodium each time Jerry focuses his time yelling at his detractors than his content.
…Then again, that’d be considered a saving grace considering his content is as bad as his rage inducing posts on tumblr.
But the archived postd don’t lie. But we’re still gonna get a fucking “KNOB” post. I can feel it.
- deafpony
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