#rainbow dash fanfiction
is-it-raining-yet · 2 years
After the Blitzball game
My own epilogue to the book Rainbow Dash brings the blitz
Rainbow Dash and her teammates, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack had just changed back into their regular clothes and put their Blitzball uniforms into their duffle bags. Walking out of the girls locker room and toward the main entrance of Canterlot High they met up with Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer.
 "Howdy Slammers." Applejack greeted her friends by their team name.
 "Hey Zips." Sunset Shimmer greeted back, using Rainbow Dash's team name on them. "That was a great first coed Blitzball game." 
"Yeah, it was so fun!" Pinkie Pie agreed excitedly. 
"Congratulations on the win." Twilight Sparkle said. 
"That was an amazing final shot you and Forest Thunder did in the end" Fluttershy added softly. 
Rainbow Dash smirked. "Yeah, we were pretty awesome," Rainbow Dash said proudly.
 "You and Forest Thunder make a great team." Sunset Shimmer said.
 Rarity walked up closer to Rainbow Dash. "Yes you two are quite the couple" Rarity said to Rainbow Dash. 
Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity, surprised by her comment. Rarity giggled and patted Rainbow Dash on the shoulder. 
"Sorry darling, I was just teasing." The rest of the girls giggled as well. 
Rainbow Dash smiled and said "Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen." 
As they turned the corner out of the hallway and into the front office of the building Rainbow Dash and her friends heard somebody from behind them call "Hey, Rainbow Dash."
 The girls all turned around to see Forest Thunder walking up to them quickly, like he was afraid he'd miss her before they walked out of the school. Forest Thunder was also out of his Blitzball uniform and back in his usual clothes, black shoes, dark green pants and a bright green hoodie with a picture of a dark green pine tree behind a yellow thunderbolt on the front. His neon green hair was still damp from the boys locker room showers. 
 Forest Thunder stopped in front of Rainbow Dash.
"I didn't think you or your friends would still be here, the game ended over an hour ago." Forest Thunder said to Rainbow Dash.
 Rainbow Dash looked at the clock on the wall next to the front desk. It was past ten p.m. "Wow, it is really late. How come you're still here?" She asked. 
Forest Thunder gave Rainbow Dash an awkward smile "Ivory was going to drive me home but by the time I got my turn in the shower he had to leave early, I only just got out." He told her.
"How you gettin' home then?" Applejack piped up. 
Forest Thunder's smile disappeared and he sighed "I guess I'm walking." he shrugged.
 "Yeah, I'm walking home too," Rainbow Dash told him.
 Forest Thunder's face brightened a bit. "Really, how about we go together, I'd like to have someone to talk about the game with me."
 Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, uncertain, she scratched the back of her head and thought for a moment then said to Forest Thunder.
"Sure, I wouldn't mind talking about the game some more." She said.
Forest Thunder's smile reappeared. "Great." he replied and opened the front door so they could exit the high school. Rainbow Dash took a step and then hesitated. Rainbow Dash turned to her friends, who all looked surprised by what just happened. Rainbow Dash gave them a shrug and waved goodbye before walking out the door with Forest Thunder. 
The pale moonlit night sky greeted Rainbow Dash and Forest Thunder as they walked down the steps of the school, not saying anything until they passed by the wondercolt statue. Forest Thunder was the first to speak.
"So, what street is your house on?" He asked Rainbow Dash. 
My house is on Whitetail." Rainbow Dash told Forest Thunder.
 "That's fine, it's only about five minutes away, and that street is on the way to my house." he said. 
They stepped out onto the sidewalk and started walking their way to Rainbow Dash's house. 
Rainbow Dash decided to bring up their Blitzball game.
"So, awesome game tonight, huh?" Rainbow Dash said, starting up the conversation. 
"Yeah, it was pretty exciting, I had a great time, and it was amazing how many people came to watch us play it." Forest Thunder said back.
 "Our story in the Canterlot Gazette's newspaper did give us a lot of supporters, and they all were pretty excited to see us play tonight" Rainbow Dash reminded him. 
"True." Forest Thunder agreed. "But who would've thought that even Comet Chaser would be there watching our game?"
 Rainbow Dash nodded and said "Tell me about it, after quitting the Canterlot High Blitzball team, I never would've imagined he'd show up at our school's first coed game, let alone change his mind on making Blitzball a coed sport." Rainbow Dash and Forest Thunder had reached the end of the street they were on and turned left onto Whitetail where Rainbow Dash's house was.
 "Word's been spreading out about Comet's apology to you,how he admitted that he was wrong and that he's starting that Blitzball training league for girls at Canterlot High that you were talking about." Forest Thunder told Rainbow Dash.
 "What can I say, I'm awesome like that." Rainbow Dash said proudly, as they reached her house. 
"Yeah, I always thought you were awesome," Forest Thunder admitted. "And I knew that if there was only one person in the world who could get Comet Chaser to see how fierce girl Blitzball players could be it would be you, as strong, determined, inspiring and smart as you are. You're a very special person Rainbow Dash." Forest Thunder finished, looking into Rainbow Dash's eyes. 
Surprised by the genuine sincerity of Forest Thunder's compliment, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but blush a bit. "Wow…thanks" Rainbow Dash said to Forest Thunder.
 They looked at each other for a moment then Forest Thunder broke the silence. 
"I gotta get home, I'm way past my curfew, thanks for talking with me, Rainbow Dash, see you at school on monday'' he smiled at Rainbow Dash, waved and walked away.
Rainbow Dash stood there watching Forest Thunder until he was out of sight then went into her house.
Rainbow Dash quietly closed the front door behind her and crept up the stairs so she wouldn't wake up her parents. She entered her room, kicked off her shoes and changed into her pajamas. 
After she was dressed she sat down on her bed and thought about what Forest Thunder had said to her before he left. He complimented her about being awesome, which is a compliment she's used to hearing from everybody, but after that he also called her strong, determined, inspiring and smart all at once, and he said that she was special too. Nobody at Canterlot High but her friends had ever given her a compliment as sincere and heartwarming as that. 
During the Blitzball situation for the past few weeks Rainbow Dash's friends had been pointing out signs that Forest Thunder liked her. Rainbow Dash didn't think too much of it then, but now that Forest Thunder had spoken those words to her tonight, there was no more doubt.
"He really does like me." Rainbow Dash realized to herself. 
She got into bed and pulled the covers up to her waist but she didn't lay down. Rainbow Dash thought more about the past few weeks with Forest Thunder, how they talked about Blitzball in class, how he stood up for her multiple times in front of Comet Chaser, their practices together and how they used their teamwork to win tonight's game. Rainbow Dash rested her head on her pillows and smiled,
 "I kinda like him too" she thought to herself as she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.
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captainzigo · 5 months
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i was inspired by events in this fic my friend @thistlehorse wrote: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/552883/twilights-new-moon
which is really good and i love it
i’m drawing a follow up right now, so hold your comments about how rainbow dash is also mistaken. i just wanted to post this by itself first
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dapper-lil-arts · 7 months
Every chapter cover i drew for "The Return of Midnight Sparkle", my fanfic
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Sunset Shimmer, in Equestria, Has to deal with being a part of Twilight Sparkle's team, per her request, despite her own feelings of inadequacy, regrets, fears, and worse of all, her newfound love for Twilight Sparkle. Can she ever earn it? Putting the rest of the Chapter covers under the cut because they're a bit Spoilery =v= But if you've read already or don't plan to, you might as well look!
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I put maybe more work that necessary into all of these lmao.
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neons-library · 3 months
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Somethings coming....
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its-elioo · 2 years
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She did not let that slide
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bodrewritten · 6 months
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sweetapplearts · 1 year
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first chapter's up (:
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pkf111 · 3 months
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Been awhile since I’ve posted on Tumblr, so here’s my newest and proudest drawings 😉
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party-of-2 · 3 months
The stench of rot. It was everywhere, the nauseating smell twisting Rainbow Dash’s stomach into tight knots. A metallic taste filled her mouth. Nearly choking on it, Dash coughed, sputtering droplets of blood that rolled down her chin and down her neck. Every muscle trembled, weak and aching terribly. Her breath was ragged as her throat was completely torn from screaming; her entire chest felt liked it had been bucked a hundred times. Any hope for survival was lost now. She couldn’t even cry anymore. At this point, she didn't even want to live, something she never thought she’d think. It was only a matter of time now. Rainbow could feel herself moving away from the sickly fluorescent lights that illuminated the colorfully decorated room. The electrocution should have been the final blow. Life was flashing before Dash’s eyes as they started to roll under her eyelids. Her ears began to ring as her head throbbed. Despite the agonizing pain, the intensity was causing her to go numb. It was all she could feel. It was oddly peaceful. All was silent except for the sizzling of Rainbow’s stained and charred coat. Then, out of the quiet, she heard a soft trotting towards the table she laid strapped to. A sharp prick woke her from her trace, and she jolted.
Rainbow Dash shot up from her thick bed of pillows, breath heavy. The same nightmare every night. It always cut off before she could actually die. Dash was used to it by now. The same rotting smell surrounded her every day. In her sleep. It was nothing new. Rainbow was desensitized to everything around her. She truly was numb. Though this fate was worse than death.
There were a few key details of Rainbow’s past that stood out to her.
Of course, there was herself: the most awesome pegasus Equestria had ever laid its eyes upon. At least, that’s all she considered herself. She didn’t really know who she was, certainly not who she is now. She could fly, something she could never imagine doing now. Dash couldn’t even recall what fresh air felt like, let alone Celestia’s warm, golden sunlight. All her senses were dulled. She could hardly feel her hooves from the nerve damage. She had a permanent limp from it too. One eye was blinded by cataracts. Thick layers of scar tissue covered her back where her supposed wings used to be, now nothing more than two stumps. And finally, her cutie mark, what made her who she was, stripped away from her. Rainbow couldn’t remember what it was. Maybe that’s why she couldn’t remember her past. Maybe that’s why she didn’t feel like the same pony. Every movement she made was from a third person point of view. Dash was hollow. She felt dead. A reanimated corpse. She should have been one, anyway. She looked just like the many others before and after her, though she happened to be luckier than them.
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
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Fandom: My Little Pony
Character: Sunset Shimmer
Sample Size: 413 stories
Source: AO3
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dingus11111 · 8 months
Can you write appledash fluff fanfiction🙏
I hate you. (This is not what I thought you would request. I never thought I would write an mlp fanfic. Love you pookie. 🫶🫶)
How dare thee, thou art an insolent fool. I cannot fathom this atrocity. Thine idea hath my brain equal to that of cow dung.
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Human!Apple jack x Human!Rainbow dash
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To say that Rainbow Dash was stressed out was an understatement.
She had a massive competition coming up and she was out of the house almost all of the time, running. She almost always came home with sweat dripping down her face, and an unmistakable look of exhaustion on her face.
Apple Jack took notice of this, and wanted to help her wife out.
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
The door to the house opened and the jingle of keys being placed on the door-side table echoed through the shared space. Rainbow Dash smelled something sweet in the air and sighed happily. Her wife, Apple Jack, was making an apple pie. Her favorite.
As she slowly walked to the kitchen, her sense of smell was captured by the scent of cinnamon, apples, and sugar wafting through the house.
Once she reached the kitchen, she stood there in awe. Her lovely wife was humming softly as she was in the midst of making an apple pie. Rainbow Dash’s heart tightened at the sight. She smiled happily. Her eyes watered ever so slightly. The sight of her wife making food in the kitchen was still as exciting as it was the day they were wed. Rainbow Dash had promised that day to love her for eternity until death do them part, and even after that. She held that promise close to her heart until one point, it merged with her heart. Everything she thought about and felt was connected to her wife in some way. Rainbow Dash sighed in contentment. Apple Jack was beautiful in her eyes, and always would be no matter what.
Finally, Apple Jack looked up and noticed Rainbow Dash just standing there, entranced in Apple Jack’s beauty.
“Howdy there, love.” Apple Jack smiled sweetly.
“Hey.” Rainbow Dash returned the smile.
She stepped behind Apple Jack, and wrapped her limbs around her lovely wife. Rainbow dash burrowed her face into the crook of her neck and savored the scent of cinnamon that she had grown accustomed to.
“I’m never letting go of you. Ever. I love you now like I loved you then, and it will always be like that. I’ll be with you to the ends of Equestria and so on. I love you, Apple Jack.” Rainbow Dash began to cry as her passionate voice rang in the air.
Apple Jack hummed contentedly.
“ Ah wouldn’t ‘ave it any other way.”
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Hope you enjoyed!!! Feel free to request what you want! 🫶🫶
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princesscolumbia · 3 months
Pride Month 2024 - Day 16
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Ready for a trip to one of my older works that is nonetheless one of my most crazy popular? Let's just say to prepare for trouble...
When Principal Celestia suggests to Princess Twilight that she assign a representative in the inevitable event that the government takes an interest in a portal to another world on her school's campus, Twilight sends a mare with lots of experience traveling and dealing with beings of all stripes, plus the ego to keep from being cowed by agents of a foreign government. Besides, Trixie could use a...third chance, after all. Meanwhile, the student Trixie is being disciplined. Her punishment? Escorting a new student around the school for at least 30 days. That student? Twilight Sparkle, new transfer from Crystal Prep.
This one was almost a fever dream from day one. I'd be lying if I said I had it all perfectly planned before I started writing, but I got this silly idea and just started dumping thoughts out into what would be "Chapter 1," only to realize I'd need to tell a previous part of the story, but I didn't want to post it after the fact, but wait a minute what about that Phineas and Ferb episode that's like taking an acid trip where the audience's perspective whiplashes back and forth through the timeline and only by watching the whole thing and paying attention do you get the full picture?
Why, pen-pineapple-apple-pen, of course!
...yes, that's a reference.
I do still have plans to continue this, even if I'll have to rebuild the timeline I'd created on index cards taped to my wall next to my desk so I could keep everything in order.
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zoeyhorse · 3 months
Thats (eventually) the next chapter of Intertwined Reflections up!
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scipiosmith · 2 years
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Three variants of the cover for SAPR Volume 2, part of my sprawling RWBY/MLP crossover AU, drawn for me by Cosmo Kyrin
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neons-library · 3 months
Familiar Skies - Official Announcement
(An MLP FIM Alternate Universe Fanfiction)
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"Isn't it fascinating how even the smallest decisions can effect a ponies' life?
When one small pegasus doesn't win a race, the lives and destiny's of so many other ponies are effected.
One, singular act, and yet an entire world is seemingly turned upside down.
How many other paths have been changed? How many familiar faces have become new?"
The time of Nightmare Moon's return draws ever closer, and Celestia knows it's only a matter of time before she'll have to confront her sister again. After loosing touch with the elements, and the many years spent apart weighing on her, Celestia isn't entirely sure she can handle Nightmare Moon's return on her own. So, with the help of her most trusted student: Sunset Shimmer, and her adopted daughter: Cadence, Celestia is determined to bring up a new generation of magical scholars and warriors. Hoping to be her best bet against Nightmare Moon's return.
Many things are different in this world, and many lives have changed from one incident not happening the way it did in other worlds. Despite that set-back, ponies lives continue and flourish, and change in un-expected ways.
The Prologue will be up later today!
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fluttering-lillies · 6 months
Afterparty Chapter 5: All Together Now
Words: 3,736
Pairing: SunDash
Rating: T
Warnings: Talk of excessive drinking, mentions of sex
“Found it!” Rainbow called from the master bedroom. She was face down on the carpeted floor, stretching her hand under one of the charcoal gray end tables. She had no memory of her phone falling there, and no idea how it could have gotten there otherwise. Her pants had been several feet away when she’d picked them up that morning. It didn’t matter much now that she was securely snatching the phone from the floor. She just hoped it hadn’t been damaged in last night’s misadventures.
She flexed her muscles and twisted her body back up into a sitting position, phone in hand. Fluttershy’s name and picture still flashed on the screen, but Dash was more interested in looking for cracks. She turned the phone this way, then that, and finding none, hit the end call button.
She rose to her full height then, stepping out of the room, device held aloft triumphantly.
“Where was it?” Fluttershy asked from the bottom of the stairs. Applejack, large trash bag in hand, stopped to hear the answer too.
“Under the nightstand. Not sure how it ended up there, but it isn’t broken so,” she shrugged dismissively.
“Are ya gonna call Sunset?” Applejack asked.
Rainbow watched as Fluttershy rapidly shook her head, but it had already been asked and it wasn’t like Fluttershy was hiding her attempt at dissuasion. Still, Applejack rubbed at her neck with one hand and averted her eyes. “Whups. Never mind. Forget I said anything.”
Rainbow sighed. “Yeah I’m gonna call her, okay? Up here. So you girls can’t-'' her phone, still in hand, blasted out a couple guitar riffs. Each girl froze. Then their friend’s voice followed the electric notes. Power. Was all I desired. But all that grew inside me was a darkness I acquired.
Rainbow tilted her eyes down at the screen, blinking in disbelief as she looked at Sunset’s smiling bright face.
“Well? Pick it up, Dashie!” Fluttershy insisted.
“B-But… what do I say?”
“Say what we talked about! Tell her the truth! About what you want and how you’re feeling.” Fluttershy encouraged.
“Girl, if you don’t pick up that damn phone then I will.” Applejack said flatly.
Rainbow hit the accept call button.
“Hey Rainbow.” They all heard Sunset say into the empty, silent air. Dash looked at Fluttershy, she waved her hands in a ‘go on’ sort of gesture.
“Rainbow Dash?” They all heard Sunset say again.
Rainbow scrambled to put the phone up to her ear. “Heyyy Sunset.” She rasped into the receiver.
“Phew. I’m glad you actually picked up.”
“You are?” Rainbow said without really thinking that question through.
“Of course I am Dash! I-“ Sunset stopped suddenly, almost as if she cut herself off from finishing that thought. “I wanted to talk to you.”
“In person. If that’s alright.”
“Oh. Right. Yeah. Okay yeah.” Dash nodded along. That made sense. This wasn’t really an over the phone kind of conversation.
“Can you meet me at CHS?”
Rainbow frowned a little. She just expected Sunset to come back here. Then her eyes wandered to the bottom of the stairs. Fluttershy and Applejack were still looking at her curiously. At this point, Twilight had joined in too, looking slightly perplexed for a moment, before it dawned on her who Dash was probably talking to.
No, Sunset had the right idea.
“I’ll be there.” She said definitively. Then, after a pause. “When?”
“As soon as you can get here?”
Rainbow barely noticed the hesitant lilt in her voice. Instead, she walked back into the master bedroom and searched for her van keys. They hadn’t been in her pants either, but this time she luckily didn’t have to go scrounging for them. “Here? Are you already at CHS?” Rainbow asked as she swiped her keys off the nightstand and turned back toward the stairs.
“Yeah. I…” Sunset cut off again, a little bit longer of a pause this time. “It’s complicated. I’ll tell you about it when you get here, okay?”
“Okay. Heading over now.” Dash said as she took the stairs two at a time.
“Great.” Sunset said, and the relief in her voice made it clear that it really was. Dash smiled at that.
“Be there soon.” Then she hit the end call button and rushed past her friends and toward the door.
“Where're ya goin, Dash?” Applejack called after her.
She opened the door and called back as she slipped out of it. “School!” Before the door could close all the way behind her, she whipped around and caught it with her elbow. She wasn’t surprised to see AJ heading toward her. “No following. This is between me and her, okay?”
Applejack scowled, Fluttershy didn’t look super pleased either, but they both stopped and waved Dash out the door.
Satisfied, Rainbow rushed to her van and hopped in. Then, tingling with excitement and nerves, she twisted the key in the ignition, and sped off toward Sunset Shimmer.
Rainbow Dash saw the gleaming marble base of the destroyed statue first. Then she caught sight of Sunset, leaning against it and shining just as beautifully. She nearly planted her face into the wheel at that thought. That lame, lame thought. Instead of cringing into her bones, she focused on spinning the steering wheel, parking in one swift, fluid motion. Now still, she pushed away the gooey, mushy nonsense thoughts that had caught her off guard when she’d seen Sunset again and shored up her confidence and cool.
There was no need to be intimidated or scared. She was Rainbow goddamn Dash after all. She just needed to make things clear and be direct. Chicks were into that sort of honest, confident approach, or the ones she’d flirted with in the past had been anyway.
One more centering breath and she stepped out of the van, the sound of the door slamming closed drew Sunset’s attention and ocean blue eyes. She smiled when they landed on Dash, and Rainbow felt something reverberate in her chest. Not painful like before, when Sunset had left, but deep and resonant, like a bass note on a blaring concert’s dance floor. “S-Sunset! Hey!”
“Dash. Good to see you.” She said as she pressed away from the statue into a proper standing position. Sunset’s grin was infectious, and she found herself matching it without thinking. Rainbow walked toward her, intending to give her a friendly greeting hug, but on the way she remembered why she was here, what had happened earlier today. So she stopped a good foot or so away, putting her hands in her pockets. Sunset stopped too, and they both stood there silently. Rainbow rocked back and forth on her feet. Sunset rubbed at her arm.
Confidence. She reminded herself. “Sooo… you wanted to talk.” She offered. It wasn’t the best start, but at least she was taking the lead. At least it wasn’t just awkwardly silent.
“Yeah…” Sunset responded, still rubbing at her arm, still taking her time. “About last night.”
All of Rainbow’s senses focused in on Sunset and only Sunset. This is what she wanted: answers, or at the very least a look into what Sunset was thinking.
“I think I’d like to… try that again?” Sunset was still smiling, and a blush crept onto her face.
The bass resonated through her chest again, down her body, and pleasant, happy warmth followed the chord. She almost giggled. Almost. But really what had she expected? She was the Rainbow Dash. Star athlete, rockstar, and all around total babe. Who wouldn’t want another chance with her? She smirked. The confident approach had already paid off, so it only made sense to push it. “Well, I can’t say I’m surprised.” She hooked her thumbs into the loops of her jeans and leaned forward a little. “I mean. Few women can resist my charms.”
Sunset, instead of stammering or blushing more, snorted and rolled her eyes. “Really now?” She said with an amused, crooked smile. Ah. It was a game. She was playing hard to get.
“Really.” Dash said as she took a step forward, closing the distance between the two of them. “I mean I’ve got girls lining up around the block to get in my bed, Sunset. You’re one of the lucky few to actually manage it though. Even luckier that I’d wanna do it again.”
Sunset’s smile fell and now she just looked… confused. “Was that a compliment?”
Dash felt like she might have misstepped somehow, but it was fine. Sunset had left a perfect opening for her to correct it. “Well. Duh. Sunset you’re a total babe. Like, smoking hot. Of course I’d wanna roll around in the sheets with you again.” She had finally closed the distance enough to touch Sunset, and chose to walk her slender digits up Sunset’s arm as she spoke.
Rainbow got another smile, but it wasn’t as brilliant this time, not as bright. “So… is this a friends with benefits sorta deal then? Is that… is that what you want?” Sunset asked.
Rainbow paused, realizing she only had a blank spot in her mind where the answer to that question should be. She had wanted answers, she had wanted another kiss, and… she hadn’t thought much farther ahead than that. She honestly hadn’t expected to get this far. To push for anything more than she was getting seemed dangerous, seemed stupid. Sunset saying yes to them kissing, and touching, and pressing their warmth together was already so fucking awesome. No. No, Rainbow wasn’t going to be greedy about this. “That’s... yeah. I mean. Sounds good to me. If it sounds good to you.”
“Oh uh… yeah! Totally. If that’s… I mean. Yeah.” Sunset was still smiling, but it wasn’t reaching her eyes. They weren’t gleaming like the marble anymore. “But uh… not right now? If that’s cool. I mean. I still stink from last night and I’m assuming you haven’t showered either so…”
“Yeah no totally. I’ve been at Pinks’ all morning so. Need to get back home and stuff.”
There was more silence, and this time Rainbow didn’t know how to fill it, didn’t know what to say. Sunset finally did instead.
“Maybe… next weekend though? We can… I mean without all the alcohol and stuff.” Sunset moved her arm forward, like a small, unsure offering. Then she dropped it just as quickly.
“Right. Yeah. Totally.” That definitely sounded good. Nothing muffling the experience, just Sunset’s body against hers, their heat exchanging. It sounded hot. It looked hot, when she glanced at Sunset and imagined her bare curves and soft, smooth skin that hid beneath her leather jacket and t-shirt. But…
But then Sunset started to walk away. She didn’t say bye, just sort of waved weakly, and Rainbow saw her heading toward her stylish, sleek motorcycle. She didn’t know why, but she’d expected some kind of kiss: either soft, slow, and romantic or heated, passionate, and frantic. Instead, Rainbow got a half wave.
The deep base faded from her body and was replaced with some sort of whimpering pain. It hurt to realize, she still wanted Sunset, even though she already had her. The half measure wasn’t enough.
What do you want…?
Fluttershy had asked her that, and at the time Rainbow thought she knew. She wanted whatever Sunset wanted, whatever would make her friend happiest, she just wanted the answers on how she could make that happen. Asking for more felt like it led to a road of a strained, then broken friendship. It felt like a betrayal, just one that took place in slow motion, and Rainbow Dash would never do that to a friend. Watching Sunset walk away felt so wrong though. She could feel that invisible awkward distance she’d feared spreading between them, pushing them apart like an unstoppable force.
“Sunset! Wait!” She’d been steps away from her bike and Rainbow had panicked. She had no plan of action, no big speech prepared, she just didn’t want Sunset to ride off, to spread that distance impossibly, insurmountably wide.
Tell her the truth! About what you want and how you’re feeling!
Fluttershy had insisted on that, but was it really so simple? Rainbow Dash knew from Twilight, Princess Twilight that is, that honesty was AJ’s bag, not hers. She knew from her own mind that opening her heart, spilling every whiny, sappy, lovey-dovey emotion sounded incredibly lame. The exact opposite of the cool, confident girl she was supposed to be.
Though, she did also know that Applejack, though stubborn and bossy at times, was an amazing friend. A friend that would never bullshit you, a friend that wouldn’t lead you astray. She knew that every one of them together, all of the elements, equaled amazingly powerful, crazy awesome, magic rainbow beams.
“Rainbow Dash?” Sunset had been waiting patiently and at this point decided to speak up. She looked confused again, more so than before.
“I…” She could only really get that out. She was standing at the edge of a pool she didn’t really want to jump into. Fluttershy’s voice shoved her in. Tell. The. Truth.
“I’m super scared.”
“Scared?” Sunset stepped away from her bike, back onto the curb.
“Yeah. I mean. Terrified… actually?”
“Should we not…” Sunset was frowning now. “I mean, Dash, if you just wanna be friends I totally get it. I’m not going to push you into anything.”
“No!” Rainbow blurted. “No. I… I mean.” She covered her face with her hands, groaned, and then swore. When she dragged her hands down her face enough that she could see beyond them, Sunset was still there, looking at her expectantly.
Rainbow Dash bit her lip, breathed in deep, and dove down into the water that Fluttershy had pushed her into. “I’m so scared that you don’t want what I… what I want. Or that you do, but that someday you won't anymore. And then we'll fight and break up and things will become weird and then we won’t be friends anymore, but… but I also! I can’t take back what I did last night and this,” she gestured emphatically between the two of them, “this, right here, right now is already happening. It’s already becoming awkward and shitty and I’m scared that no matter what I do things are going to change. So!”
Rainbow threw up her hands. “Fuck it! Right?” She tried to laugh, but it was a pitiful, dead sound. So she stood a little straighter and gulped down the weak chuckle, her fear, and her pride. Then she let honesty spill from her lips, like any good friend should. “I… I want you Sunset. I want sex, yeah sure, but not just that. I want to play guitar with you in my basement, and I want to kiss you when I see you between classes, and I want to do dumb, cliché study dates with you and not just because you’re way better at pre-calc than me, but because doing pre-calc with the hottest girl I know makes it sound way more bearable. Still bad, I mean it's pre-calc but, whatever.” She tried to just smile this time, but Sunset was staring at her with wide, brilliant sea-green eyes. So she swallowed again and went on.
“I wanna. I don’t know, get on your bike and drive like two hours just so we can hit up the beach. I want you to come to all my games. I wanna kick your ass in like every fighting game ever because somehow that’s like the one thing you don’t absolutely rock at.” She gestured at Sunset helplessly. “I want you. I don’t know if I’m… in love, or anything, but I know I want you in my life. And I want you there as not just my friend, not just my fuckbuddy, but as… my girlfriend? My date? My… you get it right?” She swore in her head, why was she so bad at this of all things? Why couldn’t she just string all her mushy emotional thoughts together properly?
Sunset, thank the summer sun above them, nodded in understanding. Rainbow nodded back, a quick jerk of her head more than anything, the stiffness of the movement brought on by the nerves building in her stomach and chest.
“So. What… what do you want, Sunset?”
Sunset responded by rushing forward and giving Rainbow that kiss she’d been wishing for. Only it was better than what she’d been dreaming of. Hot and passionate, but not hurried, not panicked. A slow, sensual exchange of tongues and wetness and heat, of exploring limbs and skin touching skin. Rainbow didn’t want it to end. She just wanted to stay there and explore every inch of Sunset that her alcohol addled mind had forgotten. Still, it did end, eventually. With panting from Sunset and one whispered “awesome…” from Rainbow Dash.
Still, there was a voice nagging. “But…” she couldn’t tell if it was Fluttershy’s or her own. She suspected her mind was too fuzzy from the kiss to separate that out. “I do… I want to hear it in your own words. Exactly what you want.”
Sunset looked down at her quizzically. She had never noticed exactly how much taller Sunset was until they were pressed together like this.
“I know, I know it’s… I just… I mean I already almost fucked things up by not spelling things out and you’re always saying that Pony Twilight harps on the ‘communication is the key to good friendships’ thing and-“
Sunset put a finger to Rainbow Dash’s lips. “C’mon. Have a seat with me, and I’ll tell you.”
The sun was starting to descend by the time they both got situated on the statue’s now free base. Not quite setting, but starting to turn the sky that slightest bit darker.
Sunset wanted to pull Rainbow close where they sat, wanted it to be all cheesy and romantic, but this was new and really she didn’t know if Dash exactly went for that sort of thing. So she compromised by reaching her hand out, placing it just over where Dash had rested hers.
Rainbow jolted when skin touched skin, and for a beat Sunset had worried even this had been a step too far. The rare, soft smile that Rainbow gave her chased that notion away though, and Sunset smiled back when their fingers twisted awkwardly for a second before intertwining.
“I want you too.” Sunset said. “I was…” She debated exactly how much she wanted to tell, but Rainbow Dash had been painfully, awkwardly honest, so she would be too. “Twilight. Princess Twilight. She saved me when she first came to this world, she turned my life around, was the first one to reach a hand out to pick me up after I hurt all of you so much. After I hurt myself so much. That still means so much to me, but she’s happy in her world and I think I need to try to be happy in mine.”
Rainbow scowled and quirked a brow. Then put a hand to her forehead and let out a soft “Ohhh…”
“Yeahhhh… I didn’t really realize I was still sort of holding a flame for Twi til today. I talked it out with her though. She helped me realize a lot of things actually.”
“Talked it out? Wait! She was here?”
Sunset laughed. “Why do you think I’m at CHS?”
“I thought it was like… neutral ground or something.”
Sunset laughed harder, doubling over where she was sitting. “Wh-what?” She exclaimed between guffaws.
“Y’know! Love and war and all that.” Rainbow shrugged. She was starting to blush, a line of pink painting her blue skin. It was cute as hell.
Sunset scooted closer, and kissed her cheek, which made Rainbow’s cheeks go from pink to red. “You’re a dork.”
“Y-You’re a nerd.”
Sunset shrugged. “Can’t argue with that.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a while then, watching the sun sink lower, feeling the late spring day grow colder. There was a slight breeze, birds chirped, the sky grew more beautiful with each passing minute. This was nice, Sunset thought. She could get used to this.
“So… what? You confessed and she just wasn’t into you?” The question seemed to have been burning at Rainbow because she blurted it out into the silence.
Sunset let out a short snort of amusement and shook her head. “Nothing like that. She’s dating her world’s Rarity and… she’s really happy. Like, stars in her eyes, mushy gushy happy.”
“Blegh.” Rainbow responded, tongue stuck out.
“I know, right?”
“We can’t be one of those couples.” Though as she finished her sentence Sunset turned to look into her eyes. They both smiled, then kissed. It was a soft, quick thing but Sunset still had the same big grin on her face when they separated.
It only faltered when she thought of what else Twilight had told her. “I was scared too. That’s why I took off. I… didn’t think about our friendship changing, about the awkwardness. I think… you were more optimistic.” She’d been staring into Dash’s eyes, but at that she turned back toward the setting sun.
“I’ve hurt you before. I was afraid I’d do it again.”
Rainbow got out a syllable of protest before Sunset put her hand up. “I know. Trust me. Whatever you’re going to say Twilight already told me. I’m not that person anymore, I’m different, better. And neither of you are wrong…”
There was a short pause. Short because Rainbow blustered in again. “I feel like there’s a but coming.”
Sunset shrugged. “But I can’t pretend I’m not still worried. Not nearly as much as I was. I… I don’t think I’ll do anything. I don’t think I’ll slip back into my old ways. Really I don’t. But those memories are still always simmering in the back of my mind. What I did, who I hurt. Twilight helped so much, but she can’t fix everything with two heartfelt speeches and a rainbow laser blast.”
Rainbow didn’t hesitate. She squeezed Sunset’s hand and offered, “Let me help then. Let me… I don’t know, make you think about something else? Twilight’s back in Equestria, but you’ve got me now, and I’m not going anywhere.”
Sunset Shimmer smiled softly, felt her heart swell into her throat with emotion, before swallowing it down. “I know. I’m not going anywhere either.”
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