#mlp fan fiction
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captainzigo · 10 months ago
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i was inspired by events in this fic my friend @thistlehorse wrote: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/552883/twilights-new-moon
which is really good and i love it
i’m drawing a follow up right now, so hold your comments about how rainbow dash is also mistaken. i just wanted to post this by itself first
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dotsmlpauarchive · 10 months ago
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ateacupofchaos · 18 days ago
Happy Hearts and Hooves day everyone!
As is tradition, I'm plugging by very first Fluttercord fanfic, Of Hearts and Hooves, Cookies and Confessions!
I hope you've all had a wonderful day and remember to love yourself as well as each other!
Please leave a kudos or comment and reblog to share with other Fluttercord fans!
Enjoy! ❤️
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starsifter · 9 months ago
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The first chapter of my raritwi regency!au fic is up on ao3! Link. I'm gonna be making art on here for the chapters, answering asks (if there are any) and just generally having fun with it.
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ponyinyellow · 8 months ago
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Errmmmmm...Fallout Equestria again!!! But this time another story...another powerful mare...Little Pip! Or Little Pipsqueak if you are her drunk mother pfpfhdphf (blame her!!!)
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ponybeanz · 8 months ago
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References for Daffidazey, Baby Sunny Daze and Adult Sunny Daze plus a size chart!
Just realized they look a bit more different than I realized lol. But similar enough that they look related to me XD
Daffidazey is Sunny Daze’s mother, and as you can tell, Sunny Daze grew to be taller than her XD
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the-whispering-malaise · 7 months ago
The world spins as the sounds of howling close in. She can't see nor can she think. The world goes dark as she is loses her footing. That same pounding headache raises once again. In that darkness she saw nightmarish imagery that she couldn't even comprehend. It was all she could see or hear...
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But through the darkness she could hear a voice.
At first it was a quiet mumble, beardly able to be made out.
The voice slowly became louder as the howls and growls of the Timberwolves could be heard.
Slowly, her vision began to reservice, red and black colors faded and twisted into weird shapes until she could finally see her hooves.
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Everything becomes more clearer; she could hear the voice now.
"Back away from this child, you'll not have a meal this time!" the voice boomed
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As Poppy turned to get a better look at the situation, she saw a dark figure of a pony running around her and shouting at the Timberwolves when they came near.
This tactic seemed to be working as the Timberwolves sounded frightened and scared. Most of the wolves had turn tail and run while the more braver ones attempted to stand their ground. But eventually they too ran.
After the wolves ran the pony turned to face Poppy lowering their head down to meet her gaze.
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Now she got a good look a her savior.
At first, she though the pony just had a messed-up face but now looking at them face to face she realized it was a mask. The had stripes a long their body and was quite tall. Now looking she wasn't sure if her savior was a pony at all.
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Her savior spoke in a hushed voice most like as to not attract more attention to them.
???: Are you alright, they must have given you a great big fright.
Poppy: I think so...
(Poppy gets up off the ground and clutches her aching head)
???: A lone filly out here in the dark is not a common sight.
Poppy: I know...
(Poppy winces in pain and she takes a step forward. Apparently her head wasn't the only thing hurting anymore. Even with the mask on, her savior looked concerned.)
???: You are hurt and in need of aid come with me right away.
Poppy: Thank you for saving us we really appreciate it.
(Poppy looks around for you, she can't see you..)
???: Something the matter?
Poppy: Where's my friend?
(Poppy spins around looking for her “friend’)
Poppy:  W..we were running… they were with me… They were just here!
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???: Remain calm and think clearly, we must bandage your wounds in my hut quickly. Once done we can find your friend.
Poppy: BUT!
???: What is your name and that of your friend?
(Poppy looks at her savoir lashing her tail anxiously back and forth.)
Poppy: I’m Poppy…. My friend's name was…. um...Anon...Confetti… yeah it was Voice...no?
???: You seem confused that I can see, let's get you home so you will be at ease.
Without enough strength to argue, the two of them traveled towards her savior's hut for shelter. Poppy was just surprised that someone actually lived here. Since she lived here, her savior was very knowledgeable about the Everfree forest. This allowed for them to take a much safer path to avoid any potential dangers. Poppy didn't ask much, her savior creeped her out a little. What SANE pony would ever live in this place?!
The reached the hut by sunrise, though the forest made it much darker.
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Inside her savior's hut was an array of weird objects and strange masks. Empty and full potion bottles hanging from the ceiling and creepy masks hanged from the walls. The interior looked hooved-made with inside of the tree to be carved in to act as shelves or cabinets. In the center was a large black cauldron on top of a self-made fireplace.
As they walked in her savior hanged up her mask on the wall were the rest lay. Poppy can now see that her savior was indeed not a pony. Before she could ask, Poppy was set aside as her savior treated her wounds and set fire underneath the cauldron. She began to carefully toss in a bunch of herbs that Poppy didn't recognize. And began to stir with water until it turned green. After she was finished, she poured some of the green liquid into a cup and told Poppy to drink.
???: Now that you are bandaged, tell me more of your friend.
Poppy: Um… they… are.. a… um..a..uhhhhh… earth… no… uni..pe..no… no..um yes?
(Her savior gives Poppy a strange look)
???: Rest now little filly so you can mend, I go out and search for your friend.
(??? grabs her mask from the wall and leaves.)
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Poppy stars at the drink swirling it in her hooves.
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*Poppy is ready for questions*
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shadowlegacy3000 · 8 months ago
[MLP fanfic reading GRIMDARK] Dilettante full video link is on my Spotify. like and follow me on Spotify and on tumblr for more mlp fanfic readings and updates. Link to Spotify is down below rate and follow 👇🏿
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ask-de-writer · 21 days ago
(Part 68 of ?)  
18+ readers only  (sex scenes)
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Making Fiends and Influencing Ponies
An Anthro *Tail* of the Mane Six
Part 68 of ? (Work in Progress)
De Writer
77907 words (story in progress)
© 2022 by Glen Ten-Eyck
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on   or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
This story is age restricted to 18+
years or older!
Users  of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original  characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the start HERE
The Empress nodded, “As We have said, the food will be most welcome. First, though, serve our Guard. The strength of the Empire is built upon such as they, and therefore, because We are strong, serve them first. We have the strength to wait.”
Rarity nodded as she gathered trays and sliced meats, “Most sensible. Does this apply to your nobility too?”
It was Princess Luna who replied, “Not only theirs, but ours as well. A Knife Bearer has Precedence over all Equestria's nobility. While We are on the thrones, you do bow to us, but ONLY to Celestia or I. Besides my Agent, only We are ahead of you in Precedence.”
She giggled, “Many of them do not like having 'commoners' ahead of them. If they try to fake carrying a Knife of Honor, they get sent to the gaeol for a week to think over their folly.”
They were interrupted by the scrabbling of hooves on the wall outside the kitchen window. Kin popped around and took Pinkie by the mane, gently and whispered, “Do you know who is here?”
“Yeppers. You got the whole Throne of Empire and Princess Luna, along with the Gryphon Royal Guard. See, got my Talon and Knife special. They gotta be Partied and Partying is MY job! And that sneaky wife of yours went and blocked the window so that I can't use my jimmy!”
“Right, Pinkie! Now go around and we will go in the front. Oh, and they . . .”
“Bow to Knife Bearers,” Pinkie interrupted. “I might act like an airhead, but I am an airhead who STUDIES when faced with anything new.”
When they entered the shop, the Empress and her Strong Wings saw her Knife at a glance and crouched, wings spread and crests lifted and spread in honor. Pinkie, with no trace of unease, knelt to one knee and offered her Knife on the flat of her hand.
The Empress and her Strong Wings, gently reached out with a claw and touched Pinkie's Knife. Pinkie put it back in its sheath and stood, smiling.
“I am Pinkie Pie and I am here to take care of giving you all a Pinkie Party, even if it has to be a short one!”
The Empress nodded and added, “We have heard, Knife Bearer Pinkie, that it is you who have organized this very special fund raising party for our Earthquake damaged Empire. We have heard that even before the curtain raises on the first dancer you have raised a very substantial sum for the relief of our good Gryphons.”
“Yuppers, Your Majesties. A small point that I think is important. I organized the show, yes. However the idea was not mine. The very dancers that will be performing thought of it, assisted in designing the acts, dances, sets and costumes. Without their important contributions, there would be no show at all.”
“We of the Throne of Empire have often seen the truth of what you are telling us in many other, lesser events in our homeland. It was seeing the rehersal of a single act that led us to make the long flight here to watch the finished show. It was an amazing thing to see. We are most honored by what you all, here in Ponyville, have done for Our subjects, Gryphons that you had never even met.”
Pinkie swallowed, tears in her eyes, as she sniffled, “Didn't need to meet them. They have been as good a neighbors as nations can possibly be. You have been there for us through wars and natural disasters. Now it's our turn to help you. That's what being good neighbors is all about.
“Now, Party Time!”
She pounced on a tray of cubed meats, balanced a big tray of Gryphon style drinking bowls in the other hand, a big pitcher of tea hanging from one hand as she skipped out to the Guards!
Kin looked at Pinkie's retreating back and shook her head. Turning to Rarity she asked in bewilderment, “How? I saw her do that and not spill a drop or let anything fall. I would have had to use magic just to pick those things up!”
Rarity put a hand to her muzzle and giggled as she sat and watched the Pink Tornado delivering snacks and drinks for the Guards. “That's just Pinkie Pie in Party Mode! She is always like that when she throws a party. I know what you mean, though. Amazing, isn't she, Love?”
Pinkie danced back in, bearing empty trays and pitcher. As she was refilling the pitcher, she cheerfully asked, “Now it is the Throne's turn! What do the three of you want?”
Crest raised in a smile, the Empress replied, “That salmon roast looks and smells lovely. I would have that if you would be so kind, Knife Bearer.”
Greta, the Strong Left Wing of the Throne, smiled with her crest also as she requested, “That turkey is making me drool! A nice helping of it would be most welcome!”
Hisst, the Strong Right Wing of the Throne, asked, “We don't have many pigs in the Empire. I would like to try that pork roast to see if we should remedy that! Besides it smells heavenly.”
Kin set out small tables for each of the Royalty of the Empire and Pinkie laid out their platters of meats and drinking bowls of Rom black tea. She also set them out a pair of small pasties each.
“Besides your selections, these pasties have the other meats for you to sample. Bon appetite!” she chirped.
As they were enjoying their portions, Greta, the Strong Left Wing of the Throne, looked up, crest showing a cheerful smile as she commented, “We need to visit Ponyville more often! This is hospitality beyond compare!”
Her Throne mates agreed, “Indeed so.” The Empress adding, “However, now it is time for us to go and observe for ourselves the marvelous new surgical technique that has saved so many of our good subjects from lifelong crippling injuries or death.”
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acefanficwriter1797 · 10 months ago
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art-beyond-the-stars · 7 months ago
Do you ever revisit fan content that you have nostalgia for and wish that it was Better
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empressofthecherries · 11 months ago
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Fanart for @kebabzzzers mlp infection au 😊 I drew these quickly so they aren't rlly good, but it was actually fun drawing them 🥳 (I was the one that recommended rumble be added 😉) Yet again another new drawing style I'll probably never use again 😅 the wings were extra fun drawing 🙃
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dotsmlpauarchive · 1 year ago
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Princess Celestia is in a hurry !
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ateacupofchaos · 1 year ago
The God in the Forest - Ch 7: A Very Reluctant First Step
Fluttercord Dark Fantasy Fic (+18 NSFW)
Reblogs are appreciated! Enjoy! <3 <3
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starsifter · 7 months ago
Finally posted my future vision raritwi fic! Hope ya'll like it.
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ponyinyellow · 9 months ago
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Blackjack! From Fallout Equestria: project horizons!
Im sure you all know who that beautiful horse is
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