#raihan pokemon x reader
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yanpotatowriter · 2 years ago
your yandere pokemon content is sooo good! Can I request headcanons of Raihan as a yandere please? I love that dragon man~
Thank you ^v^ and of course you can request some headcanons of the dragon man! —------------------------------------------------- He is very possessive of his obsession and dislikes/hates it whenever his obsession is paying attention to anyone that is not him, the only time he will tolerate his obsession not paying attention to him is when they are paying attention to their Pokémon or his Pokémon. His obsession is on his mind 24/7, and he makes sure that he stays on theirs by sending them pics of him doing the most basic things, like eating lunch at a café, beating a trainer, going to the gym etc.   If he has a pic he will send it. He will also post pictures of his obsession and him hanging out online, making his fanbase think that he is already dating his obsession before they actually are.
The longer he knows his obsession the clingier he gets, he will start to put his arms around his obsession as they are walking like couples would do but back off a little bit if his obsession expresses discomfort, only to try it again later on.   He wants to respect his obsessions boundaries but Raihan has been very patient and does a lot for his obsession, so it's alright for him to indulge a little bit after all his obsession wouldn’t want to upset their dear boyfriend Raihan right?? Their obsession can say goodbye to their social life due to Raihan burning any bridges before they can cross them, Raihan won’t allow his obsession to have any friends outside of him (and his social circle). Raihan will threaten and get permanently rid of any friends and rivals, they don’t deserve to be in the presence of his obsession, and they are only making his obsession look at them instead of him, and he won’t stand for it. Raihan would kidnap his obsession in the end, the unknown where his obsession is started to take a toll on his mental and made him paranoid that they would just leave him out of the blue, so the only logical thing in his mind was to look up the royalty in a tower that the dragon (Raihan) protects. He will make sure that his obsession is extremely comfortable when they are kidnapped however comfort is a luxury that can be taken away should they try to escape him, he will not be amused and downgrade the room his obsession is staying in as a way to punish them for their behaviour. He loves to spoil his obsession, buying expensive clothing and jewellery, just to see them wear it but the only thing that would make his heart explode if they wore it is of course his iconic hoodie. If his obsession ever wore his hoodie it's game over for them, simple as that, as Raihan will see it as them accepting the fact that they are dating now, and he will hug and cuddle the ever loving shit out of them, not wanting to let them go.
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batsyforyou · 9 months ago
Terms of Endearment
Warnings: None
Pairings: Wallace x fem reader, Steven Stone x fem reader, Atticus x fem reader, Raihan x fem reader, Saizo x fem reader, Hop x fem reader, Leon x fem reader, Bede x fem reader, N x fem reader, Grusha x fem reader, Arven x fem reader
Author's Note: Its a mini headcanon situation.
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Darling, My Lady (when teasing you) My darling lady (when being dramatic)
“My darling lady, you look positively ravishing.” “Darling, your shows on!” “My Lady, you only need to ask.” 
Steven Stone 
Sweetheart, hun 
“Sweetheart, have you seen this week's news article?” “Hey, hun.*kisses cheek*” 
Babe, beautiful, snugglebug 
“Hey babe!” “Sup beautiful.” “There’s my little snugglebug!”
Love, Smoochum
“Behind you, love.” “Morning, smoochum.” 
Poppet, love
“Ey poppet!” “Morning, love.” 
Babe, doll
“Babe! Where’d you put the ice cream!?” “Come on doll, you want food right?” 
You call him twinklebutt sometimes (I had too)
My dear, pet, babe
“My dear you look . . . breathtaking.” “How are you, pet?” “Babe! You here?!”
Sweetie, love, honey, sweetheart 
“*Buries face in shoulder* Hi, honey.” “Sweetie, it's half past nine.” “Don’t forget to call the store tomorrow, love.” "Sweetheart, please go to bed."
My lady, my love, darling, my dear 
“I entrust it to thy care, my dear.” “Parting is such a sweet sorrow, my love.” “Why, if it is not my lady!” "Darling, have you hidden my shoe?"
Honey, buttercup,  
“Honey, have you seen my scarf?” “Let's get you home buttercup.” 
Muffin, baby, hotstuff, pumpkin, little buddy
“See ya tonight, baby.” “Hey, hotstuff!” “How's my muffin doing?” “There’s my little pumpkin eater!” “Yes! Nice going, little buddy!"
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fleshthatfalls · 8 months ago
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shiny-kaibernyte · 6 months ago
Hey idk if you write for Grusha, but I really like the way you write! Could I ask for some relationship headcanons for Grusha with a Galarian s/o (who confessed to Grusha in true Galarian fashion, giving him an Applin.)? Its okay if not though :>
Are you kidding me! I love this so much! I have been WAITING for someone to request Grusha, so i thank you for this adorable request! To add an extra little bit of cuteness i am giving you a shiny Applin because he deserves it! I also sprinkled in some general head cannons in there.
No Warnings just fluff
Grusha Relationship Headcannons | Galarian Reader
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Let’s get the Applin thing out the way first: When you presented the Applin to him, he was EXTREMELY confused, why are you giving him a grass/dragon Pokemon? But when he sees your flushed face looking away from him with your arms extended out to him with the little green Applin - The gears start turning.
Then it clicks, you are confessing to him! Finally remembering you are from Galar and not Paldea dude turns bright red. He’d read up on some of the Galarian customs to make you feel more at home in this new region and he did find out about the Applin confession. Though usually the Applin was red. Did you find a shiny one just for him?
This man is speechless, he literally cannot utter a word over his own shaking breath, But he will take the Applin once he’s back down on earth again. And he is not letting the lil guy go.
He is cold all of the time. Even when away from his gym, he is cold. It could be the middle of summer on a beach and he’s there in a winter coat, fuzzy hat and gloves. And yes, he has bought you both matching scarfs, even if you don’t wear it, if you just have it that's enough for him.
Speaking of matching scarfs, you also have matching gloves, hats, warmers, anything. For some reason he just loves matching with you. That reason? Because I said so. That being said he’s also an opposite kinda guy too. If he’s wearing white, you’re in black and vice versa. Essentially its: Colours = Matching, Shades = Opposites.
Will not take you snowboarding unless you practically beg him to take you, or you already did snowboarding or any other winter sports before meeting him. You getting hurt is the last thing he ever wants to happen, so expect him to dot on you alot.
Grusha worries about you ALL OF THE TIME. If you are not in the same room as him, he worries. He is by no means possessive of you, he just cares so much about you that he tends to come off as clingy.
PDA is a no to him. He does not like being touched in public, he can’t explain it, he will rub your arms if you get too cold or give you his scarf though so don’t worry about any cute form of affection like that. 
In private though, kisses, hugs, cuddles, dancing, laughing you name it. Privacy is his thing.
Speaking on privacy, your relationship didn’t get announced until you were closing in on your 1 year anniversary. Thanks to his fame as a gym leader and a snowboarder, his personal life is something he doesn’t get to have.
You are the only thing he has left to keep him grounded so please let him keep you to himself whilst he still can. Before the Media gets they’re grubby paws on you.
The first time he visits your home region is when your relationship goes public. Raihan ain’t about to let this go unposted!
Jealousy is a difficult thing for him. Not because it makes him difficult but because he doesn’t exactly… experience it. When Grusha sees you uncomfortable or someone invading your personal space, he doesn’t go into jealous boyfriend mode, he goes to protective boyfriend mode. Asking if you are okay, if you need anything, if you want to go somewhere, if you want him to leave ect ect. He may not even register that the other party is even there at all.
When he met Leon it was an… interesting experience to say the least. Leon legit spent the first hour of your meeting walking into everything because he was so busy asking Grusha questions about Paldea. Surprisingly enough, Leon is one of the few people from Galar he keeps in contact with. The others being Piers, Melony and Milo.
The only time he ever showed visible irritation was to Raihan. Leon’s questioning didn’t bother him at all, Raihan’s constant social presents however? That got under his skin.
If it wasn’t for the fact you were with him; when Raihan announced your relationship on live he almost punched him. Dude just revealed the most important detail of his personal life to most of the Galar region and new spreads FAST! Things are gonna boil up in him but, instead Grusha just gives him the cold shoulder for the rest of the trip's duration. They have made up since but he still won’t talk to Raihan unless he absolutely has to.
Sleep. He sleeps all the time. If he isn’t training, talking to the media, battling, or spending time with you. This man can be found sprawled out on his stomach, one arm under his head, the other dangling of the bed, legs in some kind of cross pose on the bed, hair a mess
He is an indoor person when it comes to personal time. Grusha spends so much of it outside; being able to lay back on the sofa with you encased in his arms, warming up by the fire is his ideal pass time. 
Cannot cook for anything. He will set the oven on fire and most likely burn his hands trying to put it out. Baking on the other hand now THAT is something he can do. Rika still hasn’t forgiven him for beating her at a gingerbread contest.
He didn’t confess first but he did say I love you first. This man didn;t even realise he had even said it, he was so in the zone just admiring what was happening and boom he said it and now he matches a cherish ball. 
Sleep schedule, what's that? Grusha sleep is completely random. He could be up at 4am and asleep at 12am: Or he's asleep by 10am and awake at 3am the next morning. Sometimes he sleeps for 3 hours, sometimes 15 hours. It's honestly a game trying to guess how long he’ll be out for.
With that said however, he is NEVER late to anything important. Whether that be a day out with you, a gym challenge, a meeting. Sometimes though, if he’s in a bad mood that day he will be late on purpose. 
Sour food is his enemy, his sour tolerance is in the negatives, he might actually die if you gave him toxic wastes so for your sake and his stomach please don’t. 
Hand kisser, that is how he greets you, says goodbye, randomly shows affection. Grusha will lift your hand up, lower his scarf if he’s wearing it and gently kiss the back of your hand then won’t say anything after.
Not a note leaver. If you are asleep and he needs to go, he is waking you up to tell you he is going and that he loves you. “No piece of paper is worthy of his love for you.” At least that's how Tulip put it.
Athletic as hell, he snowboards for Arceus sake! He’s gotta have some athletic ability. Grusha’s climbing ability is honestly scary. This man could give Sneasler a run for its money
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om-nom-snom · 1 month ago
For the morning routine headcanons, could I request Grusha? And whoever else you wanna add? Two of my f/os are in the other post you already have.
[Morning Routines]
Grusha x Reader, Raihan x Reader, N x Reader
Part 1 here
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Grusha <3
Grusha is honestly pretty normal when it comes to his mornings
He likes to stick to a set routine, but he doesn't freak out if he sleeps in or needs to shuffle things around
Wakes up at 7am every morning and tumbles out of bed in a giant hoodie with a rattatas nest for hair
Boils the jug for his coffee and feeds his Cetitan, trying stay quiet enough that he doesn't wake you
Once you do wakes up, Grusha is drinking his coffee on the couch and has already prepared a hot drink for you too
He might already be on his second coffee but you don't need to know that
You're more than welcome to snuggle up with him on the couch, enjoying your drink as whatever sport he's watching plays in the background
When it's time to start getting ready for the day he'll be very appreciative of help taming his bed hair
Sit him down on the ground in front of you while you're on the couch so you're comfy while brushing it
"You can put a braid in if you really want... But only a small one."
You'll be there a while, but he's already worked that into the morning schedule
Other than that, he really doesn't take long to get ready and after a few good bye kisses Grusha will be out the door
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Raihan <3
Raihan basically sleeps on top of you
There's no need for a weighted blanket when your boyfriend is basically a living one
You'd best be prepared to be stuck in bed for a while too, because if it's not gym challenge season there's no way he's waking up before 11am
And once he does wake up he needs at least an hour minimum to doomscroll on his rotom phone in bed
He does it while still lying on top of you, naturally
If you desperately need help to get him out of bed, flygon can be convinced to help
The dragon pokemon is happy to get all up in Raihans business and help roll him off you
Once Raihan finally makes it out of bed, he wanders into the kitchen wearing only what he sleeps in
Aka his briefs
He'll ask if you like the view while he cooks you guys brunch
"Feel free to take a photo, babe, it'll last longer."
Raihan's happy to take the mornings with you nice and slow while he can
And that includes plenty of pictures of you two and more than one 'outfit of the day' post
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N <3
We have a total insomniac over here
N falls asleep very late at night and wakes up very early in the morning, but he'll stay in bed the whole time you're sleeping
On the morning he wakes before the sun comes up and knows he won't be able to fall asleep again he'll grab a book
With a soft bedside lamp on, zoroark half on his lap, and you by his side he's more than happy to read the morning away
He's the type of softy to brush hair away from your face as you sleep
Should you wake up early with him, then he'll open up the curtains in your room so you can both watch the sunrise from bed
Pulls you into his chest and wraps both of your shoulders in another blanket too
As usual, N's zoroark joins in with any cuddling going on and is a very welcome heat source in winter
He's in no rush to get out of bed, but once you're up for the day so is he
N always starts off his morning with breakfast, but I feel like he's a cold breakfast person
He'll cook for you though if he knows you like a hot breakfast
If you're not a breakfast person he'll also low-key guilt you into eating something for your own good
"Eating is a non negotiable, love. Now, do you want me to make you some toast?"
He's so sweet and domestic-
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enterrandomname · 1 year ago
Okokok hear me out.
Soft yandere Raihan who uses his Pokemon to keep an eye on you.
Thank you for requesting! I apologize that it took long! Hope you enjoy it ^^
Soft!Yandere!Raihan who uses his pokemon to keep an eye on you
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CW: Yandere Raihan, OOC Raihan
Word Count: 263
Raihan is fiercely protective of you, but he expresses it in a subtle and caring manner. He showers you with affection and attention, always making sure that you feel loved and cherished.
He is incredibly observant, noticing even the smallest change in your behavior or routine.
You’re in a bad mood? Don’t worry! Raihan will surprise you with the gift you always wanted, ensuring that his loved one will be content.
He trusts his pokemon to look out for you. So, say goodbye to your privacy. Raihan’s pokemon are like mini copies of him, each of them showing their affection for you.
Do you ever feel like you’re being watched while you’re on a walk? That would be his Flygon, making sure that you have a safe little trip.
Raihan will fake being sick just for you to stay at home with him. It’s all fun and games till you realize this, but he’ll make sure that his darling is always with him.
Raihan smiled as he heard the door open, but it only faltered once he saw your annoyed face. “I was only going for a five-minute walk, Raihan!” You yelled, bitting the inside of your cheek as Flygon rubbed its face against yours.
“How was I supposed to know that?” He argued, crossing his arms and pouting. “I only sent Flygon to protect you. What if you were hurt?!” He sobbed running towards you, wrapping his arms around your body.
You frowned before patting the back of his head. The gym leader smiled before he placed a kiss on your cheek.
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bellafragolina · 2 months ago
I'VE BEEN SAVED. I've been literally scouring tumbler for anyone to write for Pokémon and Raihan, so I will so humbly ask for Raihan x very fem reader. Like girl loves all things vintage and coquette + her partner Pokémon is Alcremie (I'm totally self-inserting but I don't care teehee) anyways, I love you posts sm, LOVE YOU!! 💗💕
hhhhhhh hey just saying if raihan doesn't work up hmu cause i love the aesthetic of this cutie!!
Raihan loves the aesthetic the two of you have going on. He's often seen as big and manly, leaning into the dragon theming of his team. You, while not quite the opposite, compliment him well. A dragon and the cute princess he protects. You can try and tell it's not really princess, and more noble lady, but he doesn't really get it. Princesses are noble ladies, no?? It is what it is.
Depending on how intricately you dress, Raihan likes to either watch or help you. If the dresses come with many layers, he'll marvel how you remain cool under it all. If you wear a corset, he'll tighten it for you, but he won't do too much, afraid of you being unable to breathe, even if you assure him otherwise. Watch his gape when you tighten the thing yourself, and then see how he hovers, ready to help if you suddenly suffocate.
Should you have some sort of social media you run to show off your outfits, Raihan would love to join you in it. He doesn't mind wearing any outfits you coordinate to match with your own, and makes sure the pictures taken are stunning. Should you not have a social media, Raihan might just accidentally make you one, with how often he posts photos of you in your cute outfits. It's even better if you ever do videos on how you dress the way you do, cause you've got an eager and willing volunteer to demonstrate your makeup on, if you'd like. Just be aware he's going to stare at you with those lidded eyes and maybe smooch you in between sentences, ruining any lipstick you try to apply on him.
Your Alcremie, in the simplest words possible, is spoiled by Raihan. It's not just Raihan, however, but his entire team. The dragons all have devoted themselves to your little whipped cream princess, carrying her everywhere, bringing her berries and treats, vying for her affection. That's their queen, and Raihan only enables them with how he sneaks your Alcremie his own treats.
hope you enjoy!
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malereadermaniac · 1 year ago
Relationship headcanons ~ Raihan x Male Reader
Random relationship headcannons with Raihan word count: 830 m!reader (no genitalia mentioned) / FDNI
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The media had a field day when some paparazzi photo got leaked of you two out on a date. Even though Raihan is extremely vain and social media-present - you're not, and your boyfriend does nothing but respect that. But once that picture was on on every gossip page on Instagram, you two decided to lean into it. If anything, it would boost Raihan's popularity more!
You now feature in videos from time to time and you even have a special segment in his match videos of you cheering him on. Raihan loves that he gets to show you off now, every single one of his instagram posts has you in it, he has about 3 highlights of just you - it's very sweet.
The region also loves you. They originally had a lot of questions (which Raihan answered in a Q&A, of course) but now everyone sees you and Raihan as THEE Galar couple - people wanna see you just as much as they do Raihan!
The muscular gym leader loves to treat you like a Prince, he figures that if he has all this money from being a gym leader and an influencer that he should put it to good use on you.
Dates almost every night, and if you two can't be bothered to go out, then you call it a movie night and cuddle until one of you falls asleep in the others' arms.
Dates with Raihan are also all inclusive - this man pays for everything! It started with your first couple of dates being treats on him, which you would protest and demand to split the bill. But later on, you slowly let Raihan pay for your dates more and more - the conversation usually going something like:
"Is today's treat on you?" Already expecting the answer to be a yes
Raihan just smugly nodding with a small smirk in the hottest way ever
"You're buying?" You ask again with a small smile forming on your face subconsciously
"Of course, love" Raihan says with his signature grin after he swallows the huge mouth of food he was munching on
You then treating him in your own way and kissing Raihan's cheek cutely, making the grown man blush.
Now that the two of you are so deep into your relationship (4 years to be exact), you don't even bother to bring a form of payment with you on dates. But you still make sure to ask Raihan if today's treat is on the house, knowing all you have in your bag is chapstick and lube.
It boosts Raihan's ego to tell you that he's paying for you, who are you to deny your boyfriend such childish pride?
The two of you pokemon battle to decide most things, or just whenever you feel like it really. And even though Raihan promises he doesn't hold back, it is strange that you beat the 8th gym leader of Galar every time the two of you scrap.
Raihan also gifted you an Eevee on your one year anniversary saying that "just like an eevee can turn into everything, you turned my life into everything" - you never expected the strong and popular Raihan to be such a sappy man! That eevee is still on your team, your ace and partner pokemon (eeveelution). And even though it's YOUR pokemon, Raihan loves it just as much.
On the topic of pokemon and battles, not only do you support your boyfriend at every single one of his matches, but you two are the Double Battle champions at the Wyndon Battle Tower - a title you two have held for a while now. You two have such great synergy during battles that you rarely have to talk to understand eachother, one of you just has to tell your pokemon to attack with a certain move and the other will know what to do next!
The biggest fan of your relationship is Leon by far! He acted as your bodyguard when the paparazzi photo leaked, keeping crazy fans and more media representatives away from you - sacrificing his time to answer their silly questions about his championship in order to give you a chance to slip away.
He's also the one who forced Raihan to actually ask you out, the charismatic man actually being a wet wipe when it came to communicating his feelings to you!
And to this day, Leon is willing to 3rd wheel you and your boyfriend - and it isn't even awkward. The two of you hang out like close friends do.
You couldn't be happier than you are with Raihan
He treats you like a God and respects you and your boundaries no matter what. And he isn't too hard on the eyes either!
You ground him when his adrenaline junkie personality gets the best of him (especially during battles) and bring up his mood if he's ever feeling down for whatever reason - you're both the light of each others lives.
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smallestapplin · 5 months ago
Hulloooo could I possibly request some NSFW with Raihan and/or Leon (….or both at once 👀) with a nonbinary S/O with big ol tiddies?
Going back to my roots I see. I wrote seperate if that's okay ^^;
Minors do NOT interact! 18+ only!
Raihan is handsy with you just in general, you're his partner and it shows! He can't keep his hands off you, whether that's an arm around your shoulder, a hand on your lower back, or being pressed against you while you two sit.
He's always being touchy with you, and you soak up his affection with ease.
Your tits are no exception when he finally has you to himself, he loves groping them, always shoving his hands up your shirts just to start squeezing them.
Raihan is a menace.
You both know that.
The moment your shirt is off he's already licking one of your nipples before lightly biting down and sucking on it, as his other hand caresses your other tit and pinches your hardening bud.
He's mindful of his fangs at least, but oh how he loves leaving bite marks along your chest, claiming you as his, it just gets his cock throbbing.
You'd be surprised about how shy he is about your chest. Leon is a good man, a gentleman, if you will.
In the time you two have been dating he's never once glanced at your chest, he thinks it's rude to do so when he could be looking at your face and realizing how in love he is with you.
So when your shirt comes off he's a mess.
He's stuttering out how wonderful you look, how he loves you, and can't get enough of you, but his eyes trail down to your exposed chest before darting right back to your face.
He's adorable.
But fuck he loves them.
When he finally brings his hands to your soft chest it's all over for him. He shoves his head between them, ignoring how you chuckle and run your fingers through his long purple hair.
Leon is more than pleased when your laughter is cut short with a soft sigh, relishing in his big hands squeezing your tits, fingers teasingly brushing over your nipples making them harden.
He's not a menace, but arceus above he's needy.
Leon loves your chest, loves squeezing your tits, kissing them, sucking on them, rubbing against them, it all just gets his head spinning.
Even when he's finally putting his cock inside you, he can't seem to stop playing with your chest.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year ago
Hello! I love your writing and art it's so cute! I was wondering if I could ask a request or something whit Raihan whit a reader that somehow dragon types that love them, they would just say a word and the dragon type is just "🥰☺️💕" and when they start to talk softly or baby talk to the dragon type they amidiately flop to the ground and expose they're belly demanding tummy pets, I think mostly because the stomach of a dragon is always they're weaker point compered to the rest and the fact that they immediately just roll over exposing it to the reader even if they just met is kinda 🤯. Bonus if they have a legendary dragon type and they are just a cuddle bug whit Reader. If you don't want you can skip it! Alsow Ingles is my third language so I'm sorry if the grammar is bad😭
Ps. Remember to take breaks and to not overwork yourself dear! And your doing amazing remember that!💕
Your grammar is good, don't worry!
Also I've been leveling up Zekrom a lot so I'm going to choose them as the legendary dragon <3
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Raihan has a team of dragons, you have a team of dragons..
One would think it'll make for an interesting rivalry, especially as you've entered the Galar Championship and crushed his team with them instantly.
But it's after the fact that he finds out there's a certain "charm" to you--which makes any and all dragon types quite cuddly and submissive. No matter if they're wild or if you just caught them.
Turns out they're not just weak to ice and fairy types.
For example, you showed off the Zekrom you found in the dynamax lair, and at first Raihan is shook because you managed to tame the literal dragon of ideals who annihilated entire kingdoms...
.....and made it roll over onto its back the moment you started talking.
"Hi, Zekrom! You did great with that Fusion Bolt attack. Who's a good dragon, hm? Who's a good dragon?" You're pretty much babytalking this great beast, rubbing its belly...and it's just taking it, thumping its tail while it's also glowing electric blue from pure happiness.
Duraludon, who's standing beside Raihan, decides it wants to be coddled too and just...hobbles over to you, whining and looking for attention.
Of course you happily oblige.
"Awh don't think I forgot about you, superstar! Look at you, making Raihan proud. Well I'm proud of you, too." You coo, laughing a little as it stiffly lays on its back, demanding belly rubs.
Meanwhile the dragon tamer doesn't know what to think. He's definitely given his ace more than enough affection and feels a little insulted that it's acting otherwise.
But he can't deny that seeing you both interacting like this is cute..
He has to snap a picture to savor this moment, of course.
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arvensimp · 1 month ago
I LOVE the Leon sneaking around with reader/oc thing you wrote - the Leon theme that's goin on in general is great tbh - but I'm personally more of a Raihan gal, y'know? 🥰 don't know if he's for anyone here but I personally like the completely separate concept of an "older brother's best friend" sorta scenario where the reader/oc is another sibling to Leon (being 18+ of course) and is sneaking around with Raihan.. 😊
Okay so I'm low-key loving this. Let me see how this sounds?
Honey, you've got a big storm comin'
Raihan x fem!reader who is Leon's and Hop's sister. warning for some slightly adult behaviors, but no full on sex
Your whole childhood basically revolved around Pokemon. Now, don't misunderstand, you like pokemon well enough! There are tons of cute little kinds, and they're fun! You've got one that you keep around because it's sweet and easy enough to care for.
But between a celebrity champion older brother and a massive pokemon-fan-turned-pokemon-grad-student younger brother, you kind of dealt with enough of the whole "Pokemon Trainer" life. You watched Leon march off (initially in the wrong direction) to become a trainer, then heard all about the hardships of basically camping in the wilderness while he trained for some matches, and Hop ate it up ravenously. But you? You don't really care for The Great Outdoors and all of its associated dangers. Like, people talk about the wild area and how cool it is to be out and about there, but??? People have died there. Yeah, it's dirty, and the weather can change at the drop of a coin, but also??? For real, there are dangerous pokemon out there who can very easily kill someone.
So yeah, like the middle child you very much are, you deviated from your brothers and their obsession with Pokemon training. You're happy living in a proper city in a proper flat with a proper job, not exposing yourself to the elements.
Still, you do care about your boys, so you help them out in your own small way. See, you went to school to become a meteorologist, and you work as the weather reporter on a small, local channel in Hammerlocke. You're able to live a comfortable life in a nice city, not particularly well known as a local celebrity or anything, and you can let your brothers know if there are any bizarre weather phenomena on the horizon while they're out being stupid in the wild area.
It's also kind of nice that you're not super recognizable. Folks don't recognize you in public as a sibling to the champion. You basically go unnoticed, like the middle child that you are. It's not like Lee hides you away or something, but you don't bother going to the majority of his big public events, unlike Hop, who will happily follow your eldest sibling to the ends of the earth, so you've never been "debuted" to the world the way that Hop was when he did that whole Gym Challenge thing.
Still, Lee always invites you anyway. It just so happens that this latest event of his is in Hammerlocke, so you figure you might as well attend. Hop had to study for exams, and you're not busy with anything else. Truth be told, it might do you some good to socialize a bit more. You'd been spending an awful lot of time cooped up in your flat lately.
This brings you to your current situation, chilling at the buffet of some Rose Sponsored Event in Hammerlocke Stadium's lavish upper floors. Floor to ceiling, wall to wall windows overlook the greenery of the pitch below, so you figure this must be some kind of box space for major movers and shakers within the pokemon league for when they do their matches below. You'd never bothered visiting the stadium before today, despite living in Hammerlocke for a few years, so it's kind of neat to see. You can cross it off your bucket list or whatever.
Lee is off chatting it up with whatever bigwigs are trying to get him to wear their logo, so you haven't had the chance to grab his ear and say hello just yet. Instead you're eyeing some curry puffs and mini quiches, trying to decide how much would be polite to load up on your plate, when you hear someone's voice.
"Aaaaand that's our GBC 12 Hammerlocke News today. Up next, the weather." The phrase makes your ears perk. It's the one the news anchor speaks every day just before your segment on air. Internally, you cringe. Someone must've recognized you. You plaster on your Broadcast Smile and look to the source.
"Haha," The laugh is as stiff and uncomfortable as you feel. "Sounds like I've been spotted..."
The man who drew your attention is surprisingly tall, giving you a grin with teeth so sharp that on anyone else they'd seem almost predatory, but with his relaxed posture and overall chill demeanor, you're not getting any vibes of ill intent. Maybe (probably) cockiness? But nothing bad. The discomfort you'd felt at being recognized melts away like ice in a heat wave, replaced with a warm thrum of nervous excitement. He's very handsome, and you certainly don't mind attention from someone like him. In his hand is a rotom phone. He gestures with it as he speaks.
"Well, yeah. Gotta keep up with current events; especially gotta keep up with the weather. Can't control what you don't know, am I right?"
No, that didn't entirely make sense to you, but you smile politely and nod anyway. He's definitely easy on the eyes, and getting easier the longer you look.
"So they're inviting the press to these events now, I'm guessing?" The man goes on. "Kinda surprised they'd ask the weather girl to come schmooze it up and get photos and whatnot." He gives a bark of a laugh, and his stark white teeth gleam. "Then again, I suppose it does make for a thematically pretty picture–the weather girl with the weather specialist."
Weather specialist? You think to yourself. Is that some kinda pokemon thing? Whatever.
"Actually, I'm not--"
"Here, get in, and we'll snap some shots, and I can text'em--"
The pair of you speak at once, so you stop and try again.
"Oh, so you want my--"
"Wait, you're not--"
You both laugh this time. He gestures for you to go ahead and speak first, uninterrupted. You can't help but smile, teasingly calling him out.
"I was gonna say. So you just want to get my number, so you can send over those pictures? No other reason?"
"Ahh, ya caught me." Another laugh. Gosh, his eyes are a captivating blue... "Maybe I want your number..." He doesn't sound ashamed at all. "Not every day you get to meet the cute weather girl you see on TV, right?"
"Well it's not every day a cute weather girl meets someone as impressive as you." You eye him up and down very obviously. You're not typically this brazen a flirt, but it's kinda nice to chat someone up like this once in a while.
The man picks up on your traveling gaze, and his smile widens. "Listen, they're not gonna be making any crazy toasts or announcements or anything for a minute... Wanna maybe go somewhere private til then?"
It's a very tempting offer. Your eyes scan the room til they find Lee. He's still engrossed in conversation with some older guy with a pudgy belly and facial hair even patchier than Lee's own sad attempts at a beard (you only tease him about that a little bit). It definitely seems like they'll be there a while, so why not?
"Do you know a place?"
"Heh. Cute. C'mon, I'll lead the way." You feel the warmth of his hand trail down to the small of your back as he guides you from the room. He takes you through a few winding corridors before stopping at a massive mahogany door. It's unlocked, so the pair of you slip inside. The only light you can see is from some kind of underlit dragon themed bauble on what looks like a desk. Maybe this is an office? You can't make out many details, but you also don't have much of a chance before the man pins you to the door, resting his forearm over your head.
He towers over you, even in your heels, in the most attractive way, and you're left with no choice but to tilt your head up to meet his gaze in the dim purple lighting of the room.
From there it's easy enough for him to press his lips to yours. Seems like neither of you felt the need to chit chat further. He's warm, and the clean scent of his cologne fills your senses. Kissing him comes naturally, intoxicatingly. You hum against his lips, and he pulls away just enough to start trailing kisses down your jaw. His free hand takes a hold of your jaw, tilting it to expose your neck and collarbone to him, which he happily bites with those sharp teeth of his. Nothing too hard so as to hurt, just enough to entice and make you squirm.
You thread your own hands around the back of his neck, pressing him just a bit closer to you. "Very nice..." You hum. "But come back here." You pull his face back to your mouth, so you can kiss him again. It'd be an issue if he left any hickies, purposeful or otherwise.
"Yes, ma'am," He laughs softly against your mouth. The hand he'd used to tilt your jaw shifts, just so, to cup it instead, but you gently take it, threading your fingers over his. You hold him there for a moment, savoring your kisses. It's easy between you, finding a rhythm to enjoy, so it doesn't take much more from him for you to squeeze his fingers just a bit and guide his hand down to your chest. He fondles you eagerly, honest to goodness groaning at that first squeeze. Or maybe he's groaning at the sound you made in reaction. You can feel him smile against your lips, biting them softly.
"Ohh, atta girl, give me more of that, yeah?" He whispers between kisses. His hand works its way under your top and into your bra.
You moan as he pinches your nipple between two warm, calloused fingers. You want to ask for more, maybe wriggle your way out of your top, see if he might match you in undressing, but the man's rotom phone loudly dings several times in quick succession. The groan from its owner is of an entirely different sort as he silences the device and checks his notifications. "Agh, damn. I'm sorry, but we'll have to cut this short. Looks like someone's wondering where I am up there, and I can't leave him waiting."
Very frustrating, but you get it. It's probably for the best, too. Lee's bound to find you missing eventually.
"Gotcha..." You sound more breathless than you thought you would.
The man gives your breast a teasing squeeze and a peck on the mouth before he fully pulls away from you and opens the door to the corridor behind you.
"Don't worry. We can pick back up where we stopped later, if you're up for it." He winks.
"Well, it'd be a shame to keep a girl like me waiting for very long, right?" You reply, slipping your hand into his as you make your way back to the event space together. Along the way, you double check that you haven't mussed your hair or makeup noticeably.
Your grip loosens and you pull away from one another by the time he opens the door for you. He gives a teasing bow, gesturing for you to enter before him, so you oblige. Inside, the same pudgy man who had been chatting Lee's ear off seems to be coming to the end of some kind of toast. The pair of you quickly snatch some champagne flutes to join in the "Cheers!" when he finishes.
The hum of the crowd then picks back up as conversations start anew, and your new friend departs quickly to wherever he was needed, so you head back to that buffet line, suddenly remembering those curry puffs that you didn't get to try. Lee can find you whenever, you figure.
True to form, a few minutes pass, and you hear your name being called the same way you've heard since you were a kid. Lee is politely pushing his way through groups of people to you. You offer him a mini quiche (you've eaten an embarrassing number of them already), which he takes without a second thought.
"Mm, thanks. You must've been bored to tears here." Lee says as he eats. "Sorry I haven't been able to show you 'round yet. Here, we can make the rounds together. I'll introduce you to my colleagues."
As it turns out, your big brother knows every person in the room by name. He couldn't find his way out of a paperbag, but he can learn faces and names apparently. They all blend into a massive blur for you, all the different gym leaders, their top gym trainers, and some guy wearing a pokeball costume, of all things.
"Aaah, there he is!" Lee eventually says, guiding you away from the beautiful ice gym leader and her adult son, another top trainer of the region. You've already forgotten their names. Emily? Jordy?
Lee puts on an air as he continues. "Dearest little sister, please allow me the pleasure of introducing you to the gym leader of Hammerlocke. I'm sure you've seen him on the telly or some such."
Ah, fuck.
"My very best mate."
Damn it.
"My closest rival."
Son of a bitch.
"And the second best trainer in Galar."
Blast it all to hell and back.
Your mystery guy with the big hands, stunning eyes, and beautiful teeth stands in front of you, smiling between Lee and you.
"Raihan, meet my little sister."
Raihan, for his part, barely falters for a second as he learns your identity.
"Champ." He says between too-tight-teeth. "I don't think you ever mentioned a sister. I'm hurt."
"You sure, mate?" It's an honest question. Bless Lee's dumbest of asses.
Raihan nods, and Lee laughs it off. "Ah, you know... She's got herself all hidden away in her flat. Not much into the whole league thing, so I must've...uh..." He looks down at you. "Forgotten? But only in the kindest way!" He attempts to placate you.
"I've been hidden in a flat in this town." You remind him, face flushed from embarrassment. Of course the hottest guy here (who has also already felt you up and had his tongue down your throat) is your big brother's best friend. "You'd think I'd have come up at some point."
"Well, you never wanna come to my matches anyway. Besides, you're the one who lives here. Why has it taken you so long to come down to the stadium? You could've met Raihan ages ago."
You curl in on yourself a bit. Yeah, it's probably not amazing form that you didn't even recognize the gym leader and second best trainer in the region, much less the man who's supposed to be your brother's best mate. That isn't a great look.
"Listen, I'm sure your sweet little sister here was just too busy with her job. She's a local celebrity, you know." Raihan comes to the rescue. Kinda.
"Yeah? I didn't realize that many people saw her. You knew who she was?" Lee sounds impressed.
"Well I've only been watching her as long as they've been broadcasting her!" Raihan laughs. "I just didn't know she was your sister." He looks down at you and narrows eyes slightly. It's probably imperceptible to Lee, but you're not quite sure how to read it. Is he mad that you didn't know him? That you didn't say who you were? "But like I told her earlier, what kinda weather specialist would I be if I didn't pay attention to the upcoming forecasts?"
In the back of your mind, you can feel it. There's absolutely a storm coming.
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cheesus-doodles · 10 months ago
Star-Crossed by Choice: Chapter 3
Yandere Raihan & Leon with Champion Darling
Pokemon SwSh and SV Crossover
<< Chapter 1 | 2
apologies for the sudden hiatus yall ;-; i've been pulling midnight days almost every day for the past month for work on top of dealing with quite a severe writer block - things has been calming down somewhat so I look forward to ramping up my writing again! thank you for your patience :3
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“You ungrateful little whore,” Raihan all but snarled out, the whites of his gritted teeth glinting in the dim street light as he stared you down.
Your body instantly reacted, attempting to stumble back and away despite having collapsed on the ground, your trembling gaze all but locked on Raihan’s icy teals, unable to turn away. If looks could kill, you wouldn’t be dead, no - the fate that awaited you was so much worse than the kind embrace of death. Your Cinderace let out an uncertain trill as it looked back at you, quickly followed by an annoyed one as it shifted to block your view of the gym leader. The astute Pokemon you had the honor to call your partner was more than well aware of the situation, though its efforts did little to stop the shivers that wrecked your body as you tried and failed to force yourself to get up and move.
Raihan was hardly deterred. “After all I’ve done for you, after all you’ve put me through-” The taller man took a step forward, his towering shadow falling over you, eyes almost seeming to glow in the dark and he stared you down. “This is how you repay my love?” 
It was as if your Cinderace barely existed between the two of you, those narrowed eyes piercing straight past the Pokemon and into your soul, a shot from a harpoon that hooked into your flesh and froze you in place. There was no right answer to his question, even if you could muster the words to reply, because there wasn’t supposed to be one; you were never right. Only wrong. 
The town of Cortando was predictably quiet at this time of the night, with residents and student visitors having long retreated into their beds to prepare for the coming day. You envied them - and you always had - having the freedom that the new dawn would bring to look forward to. And even though you treasured every day you could roam the rolling hills of Paldea, free from the shackled throne you were forced to sit upon in Galar, it wasn’t without needing to constantly look over your back for the monsters that lurked in the shadows.
And now, the freedom you had so carefully constructed for yourself was threatening to shatter before your eyes. 
You gulped, pleading eyes sliding to glance at Nemona, who was still staring blankly at the whole ongoing shitshow. What now? Could you simply give all this up? Go back to the safety of what you knew? You had to, your mind screamed at you. Concede now, surrender and return peacefully before it’s too late, and you could maybe still enjoy some semblance of the miniscule comfort you had before your abrupt escape.
But it was your heart and the sinking feeling in the base of your gut that told you the truth. That it was already too late for you: you had forced the Hammerlocke gym leader into giving up all pretense of playing the persona he was so loved for, and like an awakened dragon, the man you faced was now one usually reserved only for you and your transgressions against him. Allowing others to lay eyes on such a private side of him would hardly be kind to you if Raihan got his way.
“Hey! Eyes here while I’m talking to you,” the man snapped, and your gaze immediately jumped back to meet his, the hair on the back of your neck standing as you realized that you had been too obvious in allowing your attention to waver away from Raihan. If Cinderace hadn’t been between the two of you, you were sure around your neck was exactly where the other’s hands would be at this precise point in time. “Do I mean so little to you now, princess? Just trash to be cast aside, huh?”
What now? What else?
Yet that was hardly the whole sum of your issues at the moment. Allowing your eyes to slide away from Raihan once more as the man continued to vent and rant to himself, and there in the dim yellow light waited another patient pair, Leon looking deceptively relaxed from where he was leaned against an unassuming lamppost lazily scanning his surroundings, just a stone’s throw behind the hoodie-touting gym leader. And as if he could feel your wide-eyed stare, the ex-Champion looked up, catching your eyes lingering on him. Smirking as he dropped whatever it was that he had been tossing from one hand to the other, the purple-haired man leisurely strolled over, clapping one hand over an unusually agitated Raihan’s shoulder. “Calm, Raihan,” Leon smirked, golden eyes having never left yours. “She’s still here.”
Raihan let out an annoyed tsk, shaking Leon off of him, though the gym leader did take a deep breath and calmed down. 
I’m still here, you repeated mentally. So close where they could almost grasp you, your eyes flickering between the two as their shadow only seemed to grow longer and longer, swallowing you up and dragging you further from the light, yet so far away. Your chances to get away were only getting slimmer with every passing minute. Having to shake Raihan off was one thing, with the blue-eyed man’s seemingly dragon-like senses and his ability to read you like an open book, but adding Leon into the equation was a whole different ball game.
But you had to try. Giving up and returning to that life that awaited you, it simply wasn’t an option, if not for you, then for your beloved Pokemon friends. You’ve already beaten them once, you tried to reassure yourself. All that time ago, when you had become Galar Champion, and then again and again every Championship. Slowly, painstakingly slowly, you shifted your hand, dipping into your pocket to pull out a small clicker, all the while wrecking your brains to come up with a plan. You just had to beat them again this time. Give up, those nagging voices at the back of your mind urged again.
Far from the rage that Raihan had worked himself into, Leon was still calm and collected, the tanned man with a mob of purple hair reaching out towards you, offering one ungloved hand as if an olive branch. “It’s time to come home, love,” he reassured. “It’s not too late. Everything’ll go back to normal, same way it always was, if you come home with us now. I promise.”
A lie. You know better to fall for those honeyed words - that hadn’t been a question but an order. You closed your eyes, letting out a shuddering breath. It was all too much for you.
Those amber eyes moved to lock onto your Cinderace. “And you. Return to your Pokeball.”
Your partner pokemon bristled, letting out a warning growl.
Leon had always frightened you, more than Raihan ever did. The Dragon gym leader had always been very obvious, very deliberate with his actions, never bothering to hide his intentions, to the extent of making it public to his leagues of fans the moment you were in his grasp. But you hadn’t even noticed the once-undefeated Champion’s claws wrapping around you until he already had you trapped.
The glimpse of purple hair you kept catching from the corner of your eye had you momentarily thinking of Hop, your oldest and dearest friend that you had left behind in Galar. You wondered how he was doing, whether he still thought of you like you did of him. Whether he had already achieved his goal of researching rare pokemon. Whether he still looked up to his older brother after what Leon had done to him the day you toppled Goliath and became reigning Champion.
You thought about writing to him from time to time, especially during those lonely nights when you camped out in the far corner of some field, stoking a crackling fire under the twinkling stars with your Pokemon fast asleep around you. You remembered when Hop would join you to feast on curry when the two of you were kids, when neither had any worries beyond homework and whether the channels would have the latest episode of your favorite show. But you had always decided against it at the end of the day, worried about being tracked down should Leon get a hold of one - and you could only offer simple wishes up to whatever deity was listening that Hop was doing well. 
Fat load of good that did you.
Your hand moved fast, tapping away on the converted morse paddle key hidden to the side of your body: non-verbal instructions to your Cinderace. Not only was it a system that both you and your Pokemon were well accustomed with, having practiced it again and again throughout the course of the Galar Championships and beyond, but it also took advantage of Pokemon’s natural heightened senses and your two self-established “guardians” inability to understand. And you knew your partner heard you loud and clear, the bunny Pokemon’s ear twitching in acknowledgement despite keeping its back turned to you.
Though despite your best attempts, your unspoken communication didn’t go unnoticed. Leon’s face darkened, in step with Raihan snarling. “Not going to use your words?” “What did I say about clicking?”
Fortunately, right on cue, Cinderace took a quick swipe at them, forcing the two men back a few paces to avoid the tip of its feet before your partner retreated back to stand guard in front of you. 
The breeze had picked up once more, carrying with it the calls of Hoothoot and the rustle of grass from outside of town, the fields alive with nocturnal Pokemon. You shivered in the warm wind, your mind racing. One step down, countless more to go. Could you pull it off?
It was far too obvious that you weren’t giving up the fight just yet, Raihan mused, sharp eyes lasering in on you as you kept your gaze downturned and focused on the ground, his grin only seeming to lengthen with the shadows that danced in the night. Sure, you had always been on the timid, shy side, even to the point of being a selective mute, but he could tell this was one of those rare times where your instinct to struggle against the current bubbled to the surface. You had always been a crafty little thing when you needed to.
Yet the scales were still tipped in his favor.
“Fiery,” the Hammerlocke gym leader all but purred out, pulling your attention out from your thoughts. “You sure you wanna do that though?” He reached into his pocket, and you flinched on instinct. Good.
 Pulling out an all-too familiar Pokeball, the orb was clutched in one tanned hand held halfway out, just enough for the light to catch its top. 
You turned pale, staggering to your feet immediately, your eyes locked on that ball. No doubt you would easily recognise the Pokeball he now held as your own: the once-glossy red surface painstakingly decorated with cute little details that he imagined you carving with the tip of a knife in the light of a campfire once upon a time, far out in the Wild Area and away from prying eyes. “You know who this is, don’t you, lil champ?”
You couldn’t tear your eyes away, tears beginning to well in the corner of your already swollen eyes as you tried to shake your head, attempting to plead silently to spare you the pain. 
Ah that helpless, what a sight for sore eyes indeed. If only you could voice that plea.
And with a quick toss, it was clear to the hooded trainer that he had only confirmed your worst nightmares, Lapras bursting forth and manifesting before Cinderace with a cry. Back when he had let his guard down and allowed you to escape from his grasp back in Galar, you had managed to slip away with just six of your Pokemon - your prized Pokemon to say the least, given those six formed the core of your Championship team. But, Raihan smirked, casually sliding both hands into the pockets of his hoodie, it was no secret you cared deeply for all your Pokemon, and those you left behind were still in his and Leon’s possession. 
Even your Cinderace seemed uncertain of the evolving situation, breaking its fighting stance to glance between you and its former ally. 
Now, what were you going to do next?
Your world felt like it was on the brink of imploding, the very air just a wrong touch away from collapsing around you. That wretched thick black collar that hung from Lapras’ neck, one you were all too familiar with - you could barely bite back the whimper that you felt threatening to escape from your throat. Whatever you did, one wrong move and you would once again be the sole cause of the world of suffering Lapras would be put through.
You shaking met Lapras’ eyes, to which the Pokemon let out a mournful sigh, and Cinderace returned a sad trill. It wasn’t the first time both had found the other on opposing sides since you had your living arrangement forcibly updated at the end of the Galar Championship, but neither liked the outcome. Maybe Leon and Raihan were right. Maybe you should just give in and end the pain. 
“Just leave her alone already!” A sudden interruption that sliced through the silence of the night like a hot knife through butter, and Nemona came stomping over from behind him, an uncharacteristically furious expression painted across the usually cheery girl. “She doesn’t want to go with you!” With a distinct lack of fear in her eyes and a lack of care for who your two pursuers were on the world stage, your friend marched past them without a second glance, putting herself squarely on your side and in your corner.
The Champion-ranked trainer turned to you. “Don’t get me wrong, I most definitely want to have a battle with you once all this blows over,” she declared, pausing for a moment before continuing on. “And I want to know everything. But I’m on your side. Got it?”
You simply nodded.
There was little question that Raihan and Leon would be angry, and you didn’t need to look to know just how downright pissed they were. Instead opting to turn your gaze to Nemona then to the ground, it was as if your mind had connected the dots faster than you could have realized, and you had to take a second look at the uniform-clad girl. Right before it hit you like a charging Rhyhorn, the sudden realization instantly shaking your entire perspective and turning your world upside down. 
You were no longer in Galar. 
Yes, there was no doubt that Raihan and Leon were still Master Class trainers that have conquered the World Coronation Championships, and were most definitely famous even here in Paldea as the famous Dragon Gym Leader of Hammerlocke and the former Galar Champion. But missing were the leagues of women who would throw their weeks away to comb every inch of grass for signs of you on Raihan’s command. And gone were the nosy trainers who would be more than happy to turn over information on your location just for a word of praise from Leon, or the crowds of your self-declared fans who could recognize you turned inside out from a yard away.
They were as good as nobodies here, and so were you.
And now all the wheels began to turn. The modified morse paddle key that served as your clicker went into overdrive as you tried to get your thoughts out to Cinderace as fast as your fingers could go.
You could get away. There was still a way out for you.
Raihan seemed to have caught on to the sudden hope that surged in your veins, the toothy grin on his face dropping as he narrowed his eyes. “Lapras, Hydro Pump,” he ordered.
Lapras resisted, letting out a defiant cry as it rebelled against his orders. Your countdown has started.
Two clicks, and your Cinderace leapt forward, foot extended to land a Double Kick.
You didn’t look to see if the attack landed, attempting to turn out all external sounds from your buzzing ears; the butterflies in your chest already made it hard enough to keep breathing. Instead, you cleared your throat, your mouth moving as you tried to force a word, a sound, anything from your vocal chords. “S-St-” You exhaled, shuddering, your efforts going unnoticed amidst the chaos of the moment.
The Dragon Gym Leader had withdrawn a small remote, a promise, not a threat. “Lapras, use Hydro Pump,” he ordered again.
It wasn’t enough. A full word. All you needed was a single full word. If not for yourself, then for the hell that your Pokemon had been through - there was no other choice. You had to do it.
Nemona’s eyebrows were furrowed as she watched the battle go down, the other three trainers paying little attention to you as you carefully tiptoed over to retrieve your backpack off the ground, the clock in your head ticking down slowly but surely. Tick tock, the nagging voices in your head whispered to you. Tick tock.
There was little time to decide what the right move was, whether you did the right thing; you simply rationalized that you should pick whoever you wouldn’t mind being stuck with again should you have to return to Galar. Raihan did treat you like royalty whenever he wasn't angry at some unspoken rule that you unknowingly broke, and would only increase should you pick him, with the downside being the numerous eyes and constant spotlight that followed the popular trainer around. While no doubt that Leon’s treatment of you would improve greatly if you picked him, the man had always been very demanding, holding you to an impossible standard.
Reaching into your backpack right for your Pokemon as Cinderace dodged the jet of water aimed at him, everything that happened next took but a blink of an eye.
All you could muster the strength to mutter was a single word, yet it was enough. A broken whisper of a single syllabus, mumbled by a hoarse voice that didn’t seem to see much use. “Raihan-”
Both men instantly startled, amber and aqua eyes snapping straight to yours as their jaws dropped. But it was all the distraction you needed.
Click. Your Vileplume manifested, instantly using Stun Spore, with both Vileplume Cinderace being recalled to their respective balls before the yellow dust even touched the ground.
You grabbed Nemona’s arm, yanking her backwards with surprising strength as you clutched your backpack tight to your chest. Another shrill song as Gardevoir manifested, the Psychic pokemon lightly touching its green sleeve-like arms to you, using Teleport.
And in under a minute, your little group was gone, vanishing without a trace from Cortondo.
“She-she said my name,” Raihan mumbled again and again, sounding very much star-struck. “My name. M-”
“Shut the fuck up,” Leon snapped back, annoyed.
Being left sprawled on the ground waiting for the effects of the paralysis to fade didn’t help much with the former Galar Champion’s mood, even less so when you had been just an arm’s length away. One grab away from going back to how life had been with you. And now, Leon had to live with the fact that after years and years of patience, waiting eagerly for a chance to hear your elusive voice. Soft and gentle, like the trickle of a river, your voice had been everything he ever imagined and more - and it was his rival’s name that left your lips first. 
It must be her, the purple-haired man fumed, a soft glow of red as an equally paralyzed Lapras was recalled to its ball by a giddy, giggling Raihan. That stupid Champion-ranked girl with the green highlighted hair. All his time and effort, taming and training you into his love - and she had broken his perfect you the moment his back was turned. All his work for nothing, gone like sand art at high tide.
Letting out a groan as Leon finally felt control of his body return, he could only slam the back of his head into the dust once in frustration before standing. 
Raihan had won this fight, but Leon sure as hell was going to make sure he wins the war.
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poke-dot0904 · 3 months ago
Paparazzi - Raihan x reader
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Summary: Raihan loves you and he just wants you to be comfortable, especially when he's so known in Galar. Lucky for him, you're definitely comfortable.
Pairing: Raihan x Reader
The media was having a field day. A paparazzi photo of you and Raihan had just leaked. Maybe not Worldwide but definitely Galar-Wide. Raihan was freaking out. Even though he was extremely social media present, you, his other half was not. You tried everything you could to calm the Gym Leader down, but nothing seemed to work, until an idea popped into your head. "Hey, Rai... let's lean into this". Raihan looked at you confused, before sitting next to you so you could explain your plan.
Raihan loved your idea, you were comfortable and happy and it made him happy in return. You were featuring in his videos now. Not all of them, but you were around. Raihan was loving getting to show his partner off. With your permission he had shared a heartwarming post, with photos from you two just as kids, it even had Leon in the background, to your first date, all the way up to the present. He hadn't just shared photos, alongside it was a loving message, explaining just how much you meant to him. How much he loved you and that no matter what his position in Galar was, you were always his number one and main priority.
It had been a few weeks since the reveal and you and Raihan were very happy to see that the region loves you. In fact they also love the two of you together. Leon had laughed as the people of Galar had dubbed you two Galar's treasures. The biggest fan of your relationship is Leon by far. You remember how he acted as your bodyguard when the paparazzi photo leaked. Keeping any crazy fans and media representatives away from you. You were extremely grateful he was sacrificing his time to answer their silly questions. Talking about his championship in order to give you a chance to slip away. You had promised the champion a well-cooked meal and a new cap in return.
You couldn't be happier than you are with Raihan. You ground him when his adrenaline junkie personality gets the best of hi, especially when he's battling Leon. The two are so much trouble when they're together. You also bring up his mood when he's ever feeling down.
You yawned as the night came to an end, feeling warm arms wrap around you. "Hey babe". Raihan spoke softy, making you smile as you turned in his arms to see him. "Hey my love", you smile, kissing his nose, which twitched in response, making you laugh.
"Thank you for coming to my battle today, I still can't believe that kid beat me. Maybe they'll be Leon.." Raihan trailed off. You frowned, "don't be hard on yourself, you're the best trainer I know, you put your all in it, you didn't go easy and you gave them the best battle they could have asked for, you're my winner, that's for sure" you replied.
Raihan's cheeks warmed up, you could feel his arms tightening, holding you closer. "I love you" he spoke, a soft smile on his face. You returned the smile, "I love you too Rai".
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sunflowerrosewood · 9 months ago
Forgotten Anniversary ~ Raihan
Author's Note: Since my other account @cheekyredwillow got deleted. I am adding some of my favorite fanfictions to this account and revamping this one with new ones. I hope to make an actual list of fandoms I am still a fan of! NO requests for the time being.
It was your 5th anniversary with Raihan. Every anniversary, Raihan was able to be home and near. But about two months ago, Raihan has been distant from you. He hasn't came back to your place in a while. Your partner Clobbopus was worried about you because you weren't too happy and you did not understand why. 
Now while you thought the worse, Raihan was so caught up in all of his gym battles that he hadn't been home in a while. He did worry about you but that's why he gave you Clobbopus on your first anniversary. The Clobbopus would act as comfort and a guardian when he was busy at the gym.
The day of your 5th anniversary was almost over and you hadn't heard from Raihan all day. You tried calling him a couple of times but did not get a response till he came home finally. 
"Rai! Are you okay?!" You exclaimed as Raihan sighed. 
"Many gym challenges. I'll have to stay at the gym again. I'm just picking up other clothes." He said as you felt your heart breaking. 
"Do you remember today?" You asked as Raihan stopped to think. 
"No there's nothing special today. I know in two weeks is Bea's birthday but I think that's it." Raihan said before grabbing clothes. "I have to head back Y/n. I'll try to come back tomorrow. Love you."
"Bye Raihan." You said softly as he was out the door not even stopping when you did not say I love you. 
You called Bea up to see if you could fly over to her place and stay there. It hurt you Raihan was so focused on his gym and never took a break. And did not seem to care that he forgot your anniversary. You left a note for Raihan in case he came back and flew to Bea's apartment. 
It was about a week before Raihan came back to your shared apartment. He was excited to tell you that he took the week off and could stay home with you for a week. 
"Y/n! I'm home!" Raihan yelled as he heard no response. Even your Clobbopus did not come to greet him. 
Duraladon was already beginning to look for you while Raihan kept calling your name. Raihan was still calling your name. Raihan made it to your shared bedroom when he noticed most of your clothes were gone. He began to fret for your safety that maybe you were hurt until Duraladon came in with your note. It read:
Dear Raihan,
By now I have left and it probably has been a week. I left the day after you came home for the gym. While I understand Rai that you have a gym to handle and around this time is when gym leaders are being tested. I love you a lot but even when you were having to handle this, you would spend time with me. Enjoy my company. Not forget our anniversary. I love you a lot Raihan and I know it was only our 5th anniversary but I cannot handle this anymore. I want to feel wanted not left behind. I’m sorry but I had to leave.
Raihan read the letter over and over again before he dropped to his knees. He felt his chest clench in pain. Tears were already falling down his face at a fast rate. His body could not help it but it was shaking. He hurt your heart and now he pays for it. Duraladon tried to lean down to comfort its owner but Raihan could not stop it. He felt like he could not breathe. 
It tore him up as he stayed on the floor for hours. The rest of his pokemon were trying their best to comfort but also failing. They knew how much Raihan depended on you. You were the one that he could break his walls down and not have to be a celebutante and gym leader. When you are not around, he has to put on the facade. 
He fell asleep in the bed with your faint scent while his pokemon watched over him. Raihan was strong to a degree but even he has to admit that he fell asleep with a tear stained face. It scared him how much you had an affect on him. He had to find you and apologize.
You were sleeping in bed with Clobbopus and a tear stained face. You noticed it was raining outside when you opened your eyes. You sighed and laid facing to the ceiling. You had talked to Bea the night you came over and you continued to help around her place. But yesterday you saw Raihan on TV and you broke down. You stayed in bed since then. Bea had already left so you stayed in bed. 
About two hours later, you noticed a Flygon outside the window of the guest bedroom. You were lucky Bea’s guest bedroom had a balcony so you could open it. You saw Raihan riding Flygon as your Clobbopus ran out after you opened the window. You felt your heart clench as you saw Raihan’s somber eyes.
“May I come in Y/n?” Raihan asked as you nodded your head. Raihan called Flygon back and walked in. He sat down on the bed as Clobbopus ran to his lap.
“So how did you find me?” You asked as Raihan rubbed the back of his neck.
“I asked Leon who did not know then I asked Milo and then I asked Bea and now I’m here.” Raihan rambled as you took the seat next to him.
“Then why are you here?” You sighed not noticing a tear run down his face. Duraladon got out of his pokeball and laid his head on your lap. You smiled softly and patted his head.
“I got your note a week late. I know this is horrible of me. I know I spend too much time at the gym. I’m extremely sorry for making you feel like I abandoned you and forgot our anniversary. It does not matter if it is our 5th or 50th, I should not forget it. I feel like a horrible person and it made me realize how much I need you. Instead of the facade of a social media gym leader, I can be myself with you.” Raihan rambled as you grabbed his hand halfway through his speech.
“It wasn’t just feeling abandoned. I hated that you are overworking yourself and we haven’t had a day to ourselves. I love you so much but I just can’t do the whole leaving me at home and not seeing you for weeks.” You explained as Raihan brought you into his side.
You two stayed quiet for a bit by each other’s side. Your partner and his partner pokemon were looking hopeful as you nudged your face into Raihan’s chest.
“Y/n, I am extremely sorry. I took the whole week off because I wanted it to just be us. I was just too late. I understand if you do not want to do this anymore.” Raihan sighed and you felt a tear from his eyes fall on your cheek.
“Raihan, I love you too much to just get rid of this. You make me way too happy.” You said softly as you looked up at him.
“I got you something to apologize for missing our anniversary.” Raihan said before pulling out a loveball. You clicked it open and an Appletun jumped out. He was already climbing onto the bed and to your lap.
“Rai! You did not have to do this!” You exclaimed as Raihan smiled.
“I’m glad he likes you.” Raihan said softly as you hugged Raihan softly to not disturb the Appletun in your lap. “Is it okay if I kiss you?”
You leaned forward as Raihan met in the middle to kiss your lips. His lips were pressed soft against yours which quickly shifted to a kiss full of passion. You were kissing back with need as Raihan touched your cheek. You broke the kiss and both of you were panting.
“I see the two of you have made up.” Bea said as you both jumped back in surprise. She laughed and walked back out of the room. 
“Would you come back to our apartment and I can make it up to you?” Raihan asked softly as you kissed his cheek.
“I would love to.” You said softly.
Raihan returned Duraladon before calling out Flygon. He jumped on Flygon’s back and held his hand out. You grabbed it after calling your pokemon and flew with him home. The following week you sent a card and gift to Bea’s house for her birthday but you two stayed home. You make food together, slept in, and played with all of your pokemon. It was a relaxing week you two needed to relax but also rebuild your relationship.
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shiny-kaibernyte · 1 year ago
It's my Birthday!
March 19th and im a year closer to meeting Arceus lucky me! So here is some of my Pokémon simps headcannons as to how they would celebrate your birthday. (I was going to do my top 5 simps but they are all from different things so I'm gonna leave those to myself) There will be no Scarlett and violet characters. They will be in they're own post (There's a lot I like)
Characters: Adaman, Lysander, Raihan, Leon, Cynthia, Volo
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Adaman’s number one rule is that every moment counts. So when it comes to planning your birthday, he makes sure every second he spends planning results in the perfect outcome.
He would make sure to remember all of your favourite things to do and put as many as he can in one day without overdoing it. Adaman was always good at planning. Execution was the problem.
Headstrong and passionate don’t tend to go well together, so no matter how many hours he spends detailing everything. Planning around possible problems; as always something is bound to go wrong.
Surprise bandit attack; Alpha attack; Something happens in the Demand clan; Irida
Will that stop him from making this day all about you? Arceus no! He’s just gonna try harder to make you happy. Even if you're already beaming with the royal treatment he is giving you. Adaman won’t stop until the sun is gone, and he’s carrying you back home.
I would try and pinpoint 1 specific thing he’d do, but Adaman would do basically anything you wanted. Your wish was his command, whatever you wanted to do - he would do. Want to go on a catching spree? Sure. Want to walk along the coastal beach, when do we leave? Want to scale the cobalt mountains to reach the temple of Sinnoh? He’s already racing you up there.
You could drag him to the Alabaster Iceland's and he would follow you like a Fidough. It’s your day and he is going to make damn sure you feel like royalty by the end.
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Lysandre is a busy man. Being the leader of Team flare and running his company and keeping his goal of beauty running smoothly. Time is not something he has! But for his darling's birthday, that's time he is happy to put aside.
He wouldn’t be particularly flashy about what he does for your birthday. He is a gentleman aftercall! Not psychotic at all he's fine i swear. Don’t expect Tengen Uzui level flashy. Lysandre is much more laid back than that. He won’t show you off to the world if you aren't comfortable with it.
His personal life is something he likes to keep behind closed doors, so for your birthday, the most public he would get is taking you out around Lumios, weather that be a shopping spree, a nice conversation at a quiet café. Dinner at a nice restaurant would be a must however. He still wants you to feel special so he will spoil you rotten with gifts. Dudes got the money to burn. 
I can see Lysandre planning something beforehand to keep the paparazzi distracted. Like calling in a favour with a friend high up and having them stage something on the other side of the city so you two can be together in peace.
Once you two get home, he will spend the night with you watching any movie or show you want. Reading with you, just talking with you. Anything you want so long as he can see that beautiful smile of yours. 
Lysandre will go to bed with you but… It's a 50/50 shot if he will still be in bed when you wake up. If he is there, lucky you! If he isn’t there, expect an apology note written quite detailed and a nice breakfast with a simple apology gift next to it.
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Battle dates. This man will take you to every single gym tournament and battle he can just to watch your excited face when something awesome happens. Seeing his treasure smile makes him all bubbly and giddy.
But don’t worry, he isn't just going to drag you around Galar showing you fight after fight. He isn’t that stupid. Raihan would definitely take you flying on Flygon so you can see the beauty of Galar from his view. Though his view won’t be on the land below.
For once, he will not mention Leon’s name once! I didn’t know that was possible but here we are. Today is about you, so Leon is flicked temporarily out of Raihan's mind and into the naughty corner.
Photo’s everywhere. Anywhere you two go, he will either stop to take a selfie with you or tell you to go pose somewhere so he can capture the moment. Defiantly will ask you before posting the photo though. Sometimes though he will sneak a photo of you when he thinks you like breath-taking. Something to keep to himself. And don't even think about saying you look bad in one of them, because he will then take a million more to prove you wrong. That or smother you in kisses so you won't say it again.
Raihan will be like Lysander when it comes to gifts. This man will SPOIL YOU! Anything you want, you’d have to grab him by the hood to stop him taking the crowd of people down with him. 
He would 1000% be down for a movie marathon as well if you would rather stay inside. He will have a fort built, snacks at the ready and every movie ready.
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Bless his soul, he has no idea what to do. Leon would want to take you somewhere really nice he found during his travels, if only he could remember which direction it was in. Then he thought about a nice restaurant you had mentioned wanting to try. Which city was that in again? Perhaps he could take you out to the beach, where was that again?
He would leave it at. “I’ll follow you.” So just drag him around with you and he will gladly follow you and do what you wanna do. Just nothing reckless, he won’t do anything that could get you hurt. Unlike Raihan he would avoid battle arenas. 
I feel like Leon would 100% be down for a gaming day, he’d let you take him to any game store and buy every game you wanted and just play all of them. Card, board, video all of them. Single player or multiplayer he will be right there cheering you on or giving you competitive gals with a smile.
If you're up for it, Leon would ask if Hop could join you two for a little while, not long as Leon does want to spend the day with you, but Hop sees you as a family too.
Dude cannot read. So do not ask him to read anything, he can’t tell the difference between Your and You’re. But if you like reading out loud, he will have his head in your lap listening to you read if that will make you happy. 
Leon would try and make you the best cake he can! We know this man can decorate very well, the baking half is a hit or miss, definitely would have gotten help from an unknown alias. His mom.
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Forest date. This woman would give you the royal treatment. Lysander got nothing on this Queen! She will take you anywhere you want for the day. But if you ask her to pick what you do or… a surprise!? She takes that as a challenge. You will most likely wind up on a secluded part of a meadow surrounded by nature.
Tranquil and beautiful, a place for just the two of you to spend time with one another. No champion duties, paparazzi, endless questions of your relationship. Just Her and you. 
Cynthia’s Roserade would make it subtly rain rose petals around the area to add to her love for you. If it’s raining, she has a plan for that too. No rain is going to ruin your special day! Hope you like dancing in the rain because she is already dragging you out to the flower meadows to dance with you hand in hand.
You can guarantee she has a picnic somewhere hidden, Where you will never know that. But this woman has come PREPARED! She’s prepared for everything, and your birthday is no exception.  She has everything, from your favourite snacks, drinks, everything. Even the blanket is your favourite colour. Cynthia even bought a pillow with her that you could sit on so you wouldn’t be uncomfortable if you wanted it.
Like Raihan her Pokémon would be involved. But instead of flying, she would use her Pokémon to put on a show for you. The rose petals from Roserade being just an example. Her Garchomp would show you a fireworks show when night arrived, along with the help of Togekiss.
She won’t spoil you with gifts. Instead she will have one thing she made for you herself. It won’t be very big, but it will show you the love she has for you. Whatever she made you, expect it to be incredibly meaningful.
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Cynthia had to get her skills somewhere and this is where. Volo does everything Cynthia does but somehow even more extra. 
If Cynthia gives you the royal treatment, he is giving you the Deity treatment. Man has Giratina at his call, he can literally give you anything! And he will use it to his advantage at every chance he gets. He will use his craftsman skills to make you a bracelet with all of the stones on as a mark of your journey together. If you want him to make another so you can match, oh look he already did! What are the chances?
This man will take you EVERYWHERE! Even places you have never been to before on the back of Giratina, he will show you the world most don’t get to see. The world he will build for you. But he won’t spoil that surprise.
He would definitely make you food, he travels a lot so cooking is a must know skill. So your birthday with him isn't a day, it's a whole week. And every time he makes you something it is completely different. Volo is taking zero shortcuts on this adventure. He may have a Deity on his team, his Deity is sat Infront of him admiring the stars.
Speaking of Stars. Stargazing is a must on every clear night you two get. He would lay his jacket down for you to lay on and look up at the sky together.
Volo would make sure to stop around different areas and tell you about the history there, watching your expression carefully to see the enthusiasm and curiosity on it which just makes him want to try harder to get that smile to stay there. 
He will also use his trade skills to get you something that caught your eye from wherever he took you. Volo may have money but he will use his skills where he can. Giratina isn’t the only benefit he has. Dude is a travelling merchant after all. He has more knowledge than everyone combined. Expect him to show you off however. He loves you more than anything, and wants the world to know that.
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om-nom-snom · 8 months ago
hi!! could you do some headcanons of piers, raihan, and leon in a poly relationship with reader? (either gender neutral or masc please!) like how dates with them would go or how they'd deal with the potential hate reader would get whether it be from fans or family? please and ty! <3
[Relationship Headcanons]
Piers x Raihan x Leon x gn!Reader
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Once the four of you start officially dating, you all still keep it very much on the down low
Raihan will still post photos with captions calling you guys his 'favourite people' but nothing about you all being together romantically
And even if you all go as a group to Piers shows, there's minimal PDA to try and avoid people finding out
Usually just keeping to fleeting touches and knowing looks
It's not because any of the are embarrassed or ashamed of dating you or being in a poly relationship, but they're high profile people with a lot of fans so they worry about the potential reception
When you guys go on public dates it often looks more like a group of good friends all going out for dinner
Raihans arm good naturedly slung over Leon's shoulders as they talk about the Pokémon league
You and Piers trailing slightly behind, fingers brushing against each other while you chat about plans for his next show
If you guys end up going out for drinks afterwards things might get a bit rowdy but still pretty secretive
It's when you have at home dates that all the affection really come out
Leon has a huge TV and an even larger couch, so you lot often invade his apartment to have movie nights
All of you make a cuddle puddle across the couch and get comfy and settled in for a good night
Piers has his legs draped over Raihan, the dragon tamer is lying back into your lap, and you're pressed against Leon with his arm around your waist
Between the four of you, there's two bowls of popcorn and at least six packs of various sweets all being passed around
Nevermind the near constant threat of spilled drinks due to everyone always shuffling around
The first people to find out about your relationships are your families
Lord knows Leon needs a California king bed for all of you to pass out in later
Though someone usually still ends up on the floor
It's Raihan
Hop initially has a couple reservations, it's not a very common relationship set up after all, but with a little time he warms up to it all
Soon, he's all over you guys and your Pokémon trying to get top secret training tips
Marnie isn't all that interested in your relationship but she is glad her brother is happy and loved
Leon's parents aren't too phased, and they make sure you know you're always welcome to all come stay with them
They do also end up investing in a few extra air mattresses for your visits
She'll pull you aside at some point and thank you for taking care of Piers
Once the rest of the world is informed, thanks to a viral post made by Raihan, there's definitely chaos for a while
There were plenty of fans that not only supported the relationship but had also suspected some sort of romance happing behind the scenes
There were also plenty of assholes that wanted to judge your relationship
Three very eligible bachelors with cult followings were just taken off the market all at once after all
If Raihan sees anything in the comments of any posts he simply deletes and blocks
Piers tends to post his own scathing remarks in response, he has no patience for people judging things they don't understand
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Leon is blissfully unaware of any online hate, but if he sees you upset then he'll wrap you up in a hug and let your other boyfriends loose in the comments
Overall, A+ boyfriends, you'll never not be feeling the love
I actually really love this request, thank you Anon! I'd happily do more content with either this relationship or other poly relationships <3
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