#kabu x reader
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fleshthatfalls · 8 months ago
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leggerefiore · 8 months ago
nanu and kabu reacting to their s/o showering them in compliments? feel free to do any other charas you wish i’m just feeling a particular way abt these old men atm dhhfjfbnf <3
cw: fluff mostly, hints of angst in Volo and Cyrus's parts
characters: Nanu, Kabu, Cyrus, Volo
🌑 The Kahuna would not say he was lacking in people giving him compliments. Sure, they were not the most common things in his life, but he was not exactly the most social of sorts either. His duties forced him to be, though. Both as a Kahuna and a cop, he had plenty of socialising to keep him busy. Most people complimented his apparent kindness. The main culprit there being Acerola. The little girl seemed to just like reminding him that he was secretly a softie underneath everything. The others were his Meowths. Their compliments came in the form of sitting on him, purring. He was used to both of these forms.
🌑 You, however, had a different plan of attack for the old man. He felt a bit confused when you had approached him while he was gazing out over the ocean, lost in thought. Your smile as bright as you spoke plainly, “You're really handsome, you know?” He wanted to scoff. Maybe in his younger years, but not these days. He knew better than to argue back against you, though. Naturally, you could tell he did not take your compliment to heart. Trying again, you spoke, “You act so rough, but you're really so gentle and kind. You're a wonderful man, Nanu.” He grumbled and averted his gaze. What in the world were you doing? Your body was pressed against his arms as you held it tightly. “Handsome and kind… I'm lucky to have you as a boyfriend, you know?” you smiled at him.
🌑 His defences wore down quickly. Arguing was a waste of precious energy, and if you wished to just shower him in compliments until he took one, he supposed he would just accept to make you stop. He nodded. “Yeah, yeah, real lucky to end up with me,” he brought his free hand to ruffle your hair, “I'm such a prize.” His words were dripping in sarcasm. You laughed but agreed that he was. Nanu resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Well, if that was how you felt, he was not so overly inclined to change your opinions. It takes a while, but the compliments do really settle in. You truly view him like that… Nanu wonders how. He certainly does not feel that way. In the end, there is some small part of him that wants to meet your expectations.
💥 The Gym Leader was frequently complimented. Being a celebrity often meant that people praised him for just existing and sporadically for his talents and hard work. Other league members typically covered that, though. They would compliment, just as he would in return. Often, he would be stopped on the streets by fans and told how much they adore and love him, or he would hear their screams while he was out on the pitch. Kabu would not say that he hated the attention. No, of course not. He enjoyed it as much as anyone would, but… They could fall quite flat or ring hollow. The praise never felt overly meaningful.
💥 Of course, you liked to compliment him, too. The older man found himself relaxing on the couch of your shared home after a training session. You popped in to join him in sitting, leaning against him to cuddle. Kabu gave a gentle smile at your actions. The silence was short-lived, however.  You glanced up at him, “You're handsome, Kabu... And warm…” He chuckled. His body temperature was certainly still high from the physical strain. “Your determination and drive is better than a lot of men half your age,” you had turned over to meet his gaze. He cocked a brow up at your words. That was not untrue. You seemed a bit frustrated. Your hands clutched the fabric of his undershirt. “You're such a loving partner, too… I'm so lucky to have a man like you even have interest in me.”
💥 Kabu caught on. Really, he had heard the first two so many times in his daily life that it almost had become background noise when he heard it from you, too. Your final words drilled it in, though. You were genuinely complimenting him, and he was nodding along like you were recounting the weather. He brought a hand to cup your face as he stared deeply into your eyes. “And, I'm lucky to have your fiery love and have you stay at my side even during my down periods,” his voice was gentle, much different than his loud, powerful one used for the league and interviews. You smile at him again. He let out a contented sigh. Your words… They really meant a lot to him. He needed to work on receiving compliments from you.
☄️ Compliments were a scarcity in the Galactic Boss's life. Growing up, his parents deigned harsh words and pressure to be better motivation than ever, complimenting his endless efforts to please them. Society as a whole had not been so different to him. People viewed him strangely – He was not ignorant to their looks. Though, he was not entirely without praise. His organisation was filled to the brim with people who seemed to have endless praise for his mere existence. His commanders would happily praise him just for a chance at his attention, while his grunts' words all felt like mindless babble about how intelligent and strong he was. Nothing they said could pierce his heart. He would only nod and continue on with his day.
☄️ Yet, you seemed to know how to get to him. He was simply sitting in his home office, finishing up some work that had sprung up after he had left. Incompetence would rear its head, no matter how many times he tried to swat it down. You had entered at some point and stared at the confusing information on his screen before catching his attention by bringing a hand to ruffle his hair. His head whipped around to stare at you in mild shock. You only grinned at him. “You really are so intelligent, Cy,” your words cut deep into him, “… I guess I was really lucky to snag the handsome, young company president, bachelor of Sinnoh.” Warmth seemed to swell in his cheeks. No, it was not luck. He did not believe in such a thing. Logically, you were a good partner for him. You were someone he could trust. You chuckled at his response. “You're a bit lacking in attention, but I don't ever feel unloved,” your hand had moved down from his hair to stroke his cheek.
☄️ Cyrus let the words ruminate in his brain. Handsome… Intelligent… He had heard those thrown around at work about him. A dreamy sigh from Mars about how he looked and a similar action from Saturn about his plans. He swallowed. It was different when they came from you. Your opinion – he hated to admit it – mattered for more to him than anyone else's own ever could. His hand came to grasp yours. A serious gaze bloomed in his pale eyes. “… There was no luck involved,” he said simply, “You are the only person who has ever held my attention in such a way.” Your cheeks were the warm ones this time. A small smile dared pull at the blue-haired man's lips. He would allow himself this indulgence just the one time.
⭐️ Compliments were a foreign thing to Volo. At least, nothing genuine ever seemed to be spoken to him. Or, perhaps, he was simply far too suspicious to ever truly believe someone would say kind words to him with no grander intention behind it. But, he supposed, there were often compliments to his looks. He was remarked as handsome by many. Whether those words came from envy or swooning, he cared not. It was a rarer occurrence, but when he had good sales, the guild complimented his hard work. Those words meant nothing to him, either. He wanted something more. An acknowledgement that it seemed he would never get, no matter how many times he clawed his demands for it into the earth beneath him.
⭐️ Your words were similar. They had always rung hollow. “Wow, you're so nice,” you had smiled and told him, concretely unaware of his manipulation behind the scenes. It had been like that – It should have remained like that. But, it had not. You were some kind of chosen one – a being chosen by Arceus itself. Your body pressed against his as you sat in his lap. Rain had come and made it so neither of you could leave the reclusive home you shared. Your eyes stared up at him while bringing a hand to gently sweep back a few strands of his hair. “You are so unbelievably beautiful, Volo,” you told him. His grey eyes were harsh as they met you. Whatever threat they should have held failed to affect you. “You're strong, too,” you continued, “You've faced horrifying things that I don't think I could ever bear. You're brave…”
⭐️ He sighed. Why did you have to bring that up? Complimenting him while taking a blade to stab directly into his heart. What you were talking about… Bravery… He preferred if you would just fawn over his looks than even dare pretend that— He forced himself to calm down. In a way, it was meaningful. Arceus's chosen one was complimenting him for facing such terrible heartache and pain. He captured your hand from his cheek and leaned his face close to yours. “And I am so blessed that my deity's chosen one decided to deign me with their undying affection,” the words were spoken sweetly, but anyone could hear the underlying feelings. His lips pressed to your own to silent you. He would reflect on your words later. For now, he wanted to shut you up.
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bellafragolina · 8 months ago
hi i've never requested anything from anyone ever before so here goes lmao 😭 uhh i've had this stupid little idea for like a week now: motostoke gym trainer reader calls kabu dad on accident. like goes to ask him something and just says "hey dad?" then gets embarrassed and walks away. "nevermind i figured it out myself" no you didn't you liar
uhhh yeah that's it here's payment🍪 cooky
You were the youngest on the team, that much was obvious. It was hard not to dote, but you would pout and huff and grumble about being treated like a kid, even though you were one. But you were also a gym leader, just like them, able to hold your own even again the more experienced trainers.
Kabu had no doubts you’d grow up into something fierce, even with a primarily fire type team. But he also worried.
It wasn’t as obvious, but you lived for the gym. Sure, you huffed and puffed at the affection and doting, but you never walked away from it.
Kabu knew you craved it, deep down. Despite trying to grow up fast, be independent, be more than what you lacked, he knew you desperately wanted family again. And here you were finding it.
But you’d die before admitting it. A child’s pride was something to be admired, for its steady determination not to break. At the time same time, however, Kabu wished you’d relax, let them take care of you.
You deserved to be a kid, void of weight of the world, if just for a little while. Kabu would hold up the sky for you, if only you’d let him.
But you didn’t. You were his little Atlas, strong and steady, at least on the outside.
For all your pronounced independence, you were still young and inexperienced. The world was still confusing and complicated despite your self sustaining abilities, and when you came to the team, they jumped to help you understand the forms of a gym leader, the conduct to have towards fans and reporters alike, how to deal with sore losers versus disheartened ones.
How to lean on someone when everything becomes too much too fast.
"Hey, um. . ." Your voice drew Kabu from his thoughts. He blinked, watching you shuffle around at the door of his office. "Uh. . ."
Kabu felt his heart grow warm as you struggled to find your words. 'Yes, firefly?"
You huffed. "Dad, do you-"
Your throat seemed to close around your words when Kabu's eyes widened. Everything froze, from his heart to your fidgeting. Kabu wondered, did he hear you right? Did you really see him that way?
"Never mind." You squeaked out before he could even smile. Seemed that flub stole all the air from your lungs. "I figured it out. Bye."
"Hold on!" Kabu called, but you were booking it. Kabu had to run to catch you before you disappeared off into the gym, but he managed to snag your arm before you even made it out of the office area. "Hey, hey-"
Kabu's own voice failed him when he saw your face. Your eyes were glassy, cracking with tears that dripped down your ruddy cheeks. Your shoulders jumped with gasps for air, but you were trying so hard to keep it contained that you were suffocating yourself.
Kabu pulled you into his chest, arms tight. "C'mon, firefly, breathe. Just breathe." You struggled to inhale, choking on a sob. "Shh, shh, you're okay-"
"M'not." You whined.
"Why? Cause you called me your dad?" The weak joke did not land, judging by your increased sobbing, so Kabu was quick to continue. "Everyone has done it, not just you." You buried your face in the crook of your arm to hide it. "And I am honored you think of me like a father."
That gave you pause. "Huh. . ?"
"You've been alone for so long." Kabu carefully brushed back your hair. His thumbs, so calloused and warm, stroked your cheek to clear the sticky tears. "Won't you lean on me?"
You leaned into him more. You were weighed down into his arms, but Kabu easily held you.
He'd hold you until it all felt a little lighter.
hope you like it!!!
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randoimago · 2 years ago
Hi. Can I request general relationship headcanons for Pokemon boys Roark, Flint, Milo and Kabu? Thanks.
General Relationship Headcanons
Fandom: Pokemon
Character(s): Kabu, Milo
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I did Flint and Roark here!!
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Always up at like 5am to do his morning jog and stretches. If you want to join him then he appreciates the company. But if you think he's insane for waking up that early, then he chuckles and makes sure to pick you up something from a bakery on his jog.
He's an older guy so his house runs a bit on the warmer side. His pokemon also keep things warm for his old bones. It's a nice, relaxing warmth too. If it's too warm for you then he's fine turning the temperature down for you and using a blanket or cuddling with you for his warmth.
Calls you his "dear". Not huge on physical affection, but anytime you ask him anything or want to do something then he'll give you a smile and a "yes, dear". Might also call you "my love" too.
Really hopes you like flowers because he'll gladly get you some flowers that his pokemon helped him grow. Or if you are allergic, then he's sure to bring you some fresh fruits and veggies from his garden.
Has made you a flower crown before. Well, his pokemon made it. He's a tad clumsy with his hands, but he still got it for you and hopes you enjoy it. If you ever make him a flower crown, then his hat is going on your head while he wears your flower crown.
So cuddly. Gives the best bear hugs. That said, he won't constantly be seeking affection, he lets you mention if you'd like hugs or to cuddle together. And he's happy to provide when/if you do.
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cyanide-and-roses · 3 months ago
Could you please write gen yan hc's for Kabu from PKMN SwSh? The old men are so neglected :(
Kabu Yandere Headcanons
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I haven't actually played SwSh so forgive me if these headcanons are fucking ass. (CW: yandere content, unhealthy relationships)
He thought he outgrew his hot-headed nature long ago, but meeting you has reignited something in him.
He wants to win you over, but he knows he has to be careful about it.
So he pulls a few strings to get you a better seat to his Pokémon battles, and makes sure to talk to you afterwards.
After doing that for a little while, he'll ask you out.
If you accept, he'll feel himself mellow out again. He's got what he wanted.
If you decline, he'll assume it's because of someone else. He'll try to find out if you're with anyone else, then try his best to humiliate them, usually by beating them in a Pokémon battle.
He'll keep doing this with everyone he perceives as a threat. If that doesn't work, he'll start taking drastic measures such as telling his Pokémon to light their house on fire to warn them not to keep hanging around you.
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itsmedemibones · 3 months ago
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Guess who's on their xReader fic writing bullshit again >:)
Just starting out with this fic, but I have a feeling I may actually make it over 100k words with this one if I can stick with my outline.
Soulmate AU of Reader/Kabu~
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newtabfics · 2 years ago
could i please ask for kabu and maybe y/n is a gym challenger and he's erm...earning his reward for his victory against her ;))))
Oh man fuck yes. This daddy can have me any day.
"Look at how good you look," He groaned as he gripped her hair. His cock slid into her throat, choking her and making tears fall down her face. "You look so beautiful like this. So fucking perfect. Challenge me so I can do this again."
Y/N moaned around him. While she'd been frustrated about losing, she knew she was made for this moment. Swallowing down the third gym leader's shaft was just a taste of what he'd do to her.
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yanpotatowriter · 2 years ago
Yandere Pokémon masterlist
Pokémon sword and shield: Leon: General Yandere Leon headcanons Yandere Leon promt Raihan: General Yandere Raihan headcanons Piers: Yandere Piers Headcanons Gordie: General Yandere Gordie Headcanons Bea: nothing yet Kabu: nothing yet Nessa: nothing yet Milo: General Yandere Milo headcanons Hop: General Yandere Hop headcanons Bede: General Yandere Bede headcanons Marnie: nothing yet Chairman Rose: nothing yet Oleana: nothing yet
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leggerefiore · 1 year ago
I know you've done headcanons with the twins apologizing after a fight, but now we gotta know how Cyrus, Larry, Nanu, and Kabu apologize! Bonus if its right before someone has to leave for a business trip or something (him or his s/o, either one) so there's a lot of time to cool off and think of a way to apologize or maybe just agonize and angst about it lol
cw: angst, couple fights, comfort,
characters: Cyrus, Larry, Nanu, Kabu
☄️ He was a man of little emotion. That was what he desperately wanted to believe. Controlled. Logical. Feelings had no bearing on him. Yet, he was in a committed relationship with another. One where it seemed that whatever emotional barriers he set up were forced down. This could be good, as he was forced to relax and allowed a space to stop following his ruse of the somewhat charismatic and domineering leader of Team Galactic. It was nice to have moments to breathe with another he hated to admit he had high trust for. Though, it could also be bad. Horribly bad. He was so close to finishing his plans, yet you decided to demand his attention. Loneliness and feeling abandoned by him were your chief complaints, but he failed to listen to them. It became a heated argument quickly, which he ended by packing his bags for the time he planned to be locked into his plans.
☄️ Your hurt expression as he slammed the door behind him was haunting. He had turned his personal phone off, preferring to focus solely on matters related to the Red Chain and legendaries. Words echoed in his mind. Your frustration towards him was more than apparent, but the way you had locked onto his arm had made him feel strange. Lonely… You said you felt lonely and unwanted. Accusations of him not even wanting to be in a relationship any more were heavy on his chest. What did he want? Part of him wanted to accuse you of being a useless piece of his past holding him back from everything he was going to do. The other half felt mortified he had hurt the one person that he had these complicated feelings for. If only to himself, he would admit that he loved you. His words were more than unkind. Cyrus had mostly ignored you before snapping on you for trying to consume so much of his precious time.
☄️ The way it was distracting him from his plans was driving him into a special kind of madness. It was not like him to be so caught up on things like this. Feelings came and went. You would not care for this in his perfect world, and yet here he was spiralling further and further into the thoughts of you deciding to leave him. His breath hitched in his throat as he grasped at his chest. The door to his office was locked as he was sat alone in the dark room. Cyrus was above this. He was supposed to be the embodiment of emptiness that he wished to bring to the rest of the world. Yet, he was not. Memories tormented him as your hurt face kept itself firmly burned into his brain. Finally, he broke. The Galactic Boss had to acknowledge that his plans would surely fail if he were to enact them in such a state.
☄️ Saturn seemed mildly annoyed when he announced a postponement of the plans, but he cared little for his reaction. Sure, he lied about it being under the gaze of more testing and investigating, but he knew fully well that the path to what he desired most was through that method. That apathy only lasted until he stood in front of his apartment door. It was quiet. Not there was much noise in the high-end complex usually, but he expected some sound. Had you left? He had not been brave enough to turn on his phone. His fingers tapped in the code for the door, and he stepped inside. You sat on the couch, boredly watching the television screen as it played something. He felt nervous suddenly, like his legs could no longer support his weight. Before he crashed, you turned to look at him with big eyes.
☄️ Your arms locking around him froze him in place as you rushed towards him at an unexpected speed. The warmth of your body completely claimed his mind as it forced down all the horrible worries about you disappearing. His hand came to rest in between your shoulder blades. A sigh left him. “Beloved… I apologise for my behaviour,” Cyrus felt strange speaking so genuinely to you, “I… I have been a bad partner to you. This project has simply been one of my most important ones, and I could not bear to waste a moment away on it.” Your grip on his shirt tightened at those words, obviously it was not what you had wanted to hear from him. “But, I realise that was cruel to you,” he continued, making eye contact with you, “… I love you, truly. Please, do not even think that I wish to part from you.” A kiss to his lips silenced him from whatever else he was going to say. It seemed you just wanted to soak in his presence for now, to which he was more than happy to oblige.
🍙 Larry sat in the cab with heavy thoughts weighing on his mind. Relationships certainly were not an easy thing. Especially with a working schedule like his. Geeta had assigned him an out of region business trip, which he knew better than to try to decline. She could be quite… persistent, for lack of a better term. Though, he found she had a fierce competition in you. The news had upset you greatly, as the trip was happening during a time he had requested time off. You felt frustrated that Larry did not argue against her about his requested time off. He felt annoyed and stressed about being stuck between your upset reaction and Geeta's demanding nature. It was rare that his facade broke, but he snapped at you. His words were cruel. Too cruel. You almost instantly teared up when he told you that this would not be a problem if you were not together. There was no time to talk as you left the apartment.
🍙 His eyes stared out at the terrain below as it carried him through the Galar region. He felt too far from home. You had made him feel like he had a reason to return back from work. Larry was not ignorant about the bright changes that you brought to his life. Meals no longer felt lonely, his battles felt more meaningful with you in the audience cheering him on, and he felt like his home was more than a place to just rest his head. You spoke with him and cuddled up to him. He could enjoy the sight of you playing with his pokemon. It felt brighter now. He basically smashed that light with a bat. Embarrassment burned in his chest. You just wanted to see him more. That was not unreasonable. Yet, he blamed you for his distaste for this sudden trip. If he was not dating you, he would not feel this upset about having to take it, sure, but he also would be missing so much else instead.
🍙 Attempts to call you went unanswered, as it was clear that you did not want to speak with him. He understood. The tears welling in your eyes haunted him. Larry knew better than to say things like that, especially at his age. You deserved much better than some average man like him. It was a strange form of torture, moving through negotiations and meetings on his trip. He put his usual effort into them, not wanting to incur any more issues, but his mind was completely elsewhere. While wondering around Wyndon, he found himself searching for any to bring back as a gift for you. Nothing seemed to call out to him. That was until he saw something in a children's shop.
🍙 By the time he was back in Paldea, he could feel his blood pressure up high. His feet carried him through the streets of Medali nervously, freezing a few times in deep thought. Would you still be there? He hoped you would give him a chance to apologise. The time away had given him the ability to consider the error of his ways. He opened the apartment door quietly. The sink was running in the kitchen as he saw the light pouring out from the door way in the low light of the late evening. The middle-aged man carried himself into the home, aware that you were now. Yet, before he could reach the doorway, you stepped out and stared at him. It was quiet for much too long. An awkward moment of refusal to make eye contact followed.
🍙 Larry pulled out the gift wordlessly and offered it out to you. He let out a breath. “... I shouldn't have said that,” the words came out as his stomach twisted, “I'm grateful you put up with a man like me. I was stressed and should have controlled myself better. I assure you that won't do it again to you.” You took the box and opened it quietly. Inside was a cute Alcremie plush holding a heart. A small laugh left you. Placing it on a nearby table, you walked towards him and hugged him. He returned the affection with ease, feeling at peace after everything. Home truly was with you, it seemed. “I love you,” Larry said after a while, “... I managed to get the next few days off.” The excitement on your face was like electricity in the air. His Oricorio would be envious. It seemed you two would be able to work this out.
🌑 It was not like him, honestly. Nanu had become pretty passive in his older age. Discourse and stress were not really worth it, he had discovered long ago. Yet, somehow, he managed to get into a fight with his partner. It was dumb, admittedly, and not entirely your fault. The Ultra Beast you had brought back from wherever you had been made him instantly go on edge. It had to be specifically that one, too. The Guzzlord made him instantly feel on the defensive. He said something harsh things that he knew he should not have, and you seemed so shocked by his sudden shift in personality that you ran off. He had not seen you since. The Kahuna wondered if you were done with him. He supposed he deserved it for what he had said.
🌑 Though, Acerola found him moping around with Meowths and quickly put to rest any worries. You had just been called out to some battle tournament thing for Champions and had gone away on a trip. Apparently, you had captured the Ultra Beast for it. Of course, whether you would actually come back to him after the trip was over remained in the air. The girl seemed distressed about how to respond to the situation. He understood. Nanu could not stand the Ultra Beasts, but accusing you of mocking him and trying to make him think about his past failures was simply wrong. You did not know about that because he did not tell you about it. Miscommunication was common, he guessed. But, you had seemed genuinely hurt and terrified by how he changed upon seeing the Guzzlord. This is why he liked Meowths, he supposed. They did not judge people like humans did.
🌑 He still wanted to apologise to you. As much as he hated to admit it, Nanu was fond of you. The old man wished he was not, but you unfortunately had made him care for you by going out of your way to spend time with him and just by being so loving towards him. He wondered why you wasted your time on him. There were a lot of men out in the world that were greater than him. He was just a lazy cop who avoided his duties until he had to do them. But, he was not one to deny someone what they wanted. Even if that meant sharing his couch bed with another person alongside his Meowths. Acerola had no idea when you would be back, however, so he just would have to play the waiting game.
🌑 While a certain friend of his had called him unlucky once, Nanu had not thought too much about it until a familiar voice called out to him as he ordered his usual meal at the Sushi High Roller in Malie. You had seemingly come out of nowhere, sheepishly smiling at him as you stood in the entranceway. He ordered your usual for you and watched as you followed him to where the both of you were normally seated. For a while, it was an awkward silence. He thought of a few things he could possibly say, but nothing came out. Your meals were just eaten in a strange quietness. Nanu brought this on himself. He closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, you were staring at him. “I'm sorry,” you apologised to him, “I didn't know that you… Were uncomfortable with UBs like that.”
🌑 He shook his head. “Don't blame yourself,” Nanu reassured you, “You didn't know, and I didn't tell you. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that.” Your eyes looked towards the floor. He reached across under the table to grab your hand. “I like you, kid,” he called you that nickname to tease you a bit, “I'm not mad. I understand if you don't want to bother with an old man like me any more-” He was cut off by you suddenly grasping his hand tightly. You shook your head. He sighed. “Hey, let's get out of here,” Nanu got up and headed to pay, “I feel like there's more you want.” Needless to say, the Kahuna felt completely reassured that you wanted this relationship later, and whatever awkwardness the miscommunication brought up was destroyed the minute you two were alone together.
💥 He had no idea how the fight even started, really. Something between you two just lit up like a Fire Blast. Kabu wanted to pretend that he was not the type to get jealous, but something about how much time you seemed to be spending with Raihan. He supposed it made sense with you being the Champion and all, but he just felt oddly insecure. After all, Kabu was an older man and, despite how fit he was, there were times when he could not keep up with you. He was not proud of what he said. An accusation like that in a heated moment was a mistake. Especially when he was taking a trip back to Hoenn to visit family. You looked so hurt as you stormed out of your shared home in Motostoke to go who knows where. Attempts to call you were in vain as you refused to answer, and then he lost the ability to while in Hoenn.
💥 He truly could not even comprehend how those feelings came up inside his mind. You had never shown any romantic interest in Raihan, nor were you acting unhappy or discontented in your relationship with him. Kabu simply just felt as if you had suddenly were interested in him as you had been training with him more often. He even felt as if it were cutting into the time that you spent at home with him. If you wanted to train, he was more than willing to train with you. You were both his rival and lover, ultimately. Training with you was one of his favourite things to do. The more he lamented about it, the more it seemed apparent that he was not truly convinced that you were into Raihan, but upset that he was taking up time that you both usually shared. Some wizened old man he was. Kabu wanted to laugh and cry.
💥 As the gym leader wandered around his home region, he debated a way to truly make up for what he had done. Kabu would be certain to apologise first and foremost for his words, knowing fully well that it was his fault for acting in such a manner, but he wanted to show his affection at the same time. He wandered around a few markets and stores in the tropical region before stumbling across something sweet in the Lilycove Department Store. Of course, he thought as he looked at it, that would be an obvious way to apologise and would hopefully be something that you would like.
💥 The flight back home was a slightly nervous one. He hoped you had returned home in his absence, not wanting you to have to stay at a hotel or out camping. The familiar ambiance of Galar surrounded him as he boarded a train bound from Wyndon to Motostoke with a racing heart. The region he came to make his home was always quite different from the one he had originated from. He could complain endlessly about the delays with the trains, but he opted against it. This was his home, after all. It was here that allowed him to meet you and enjoy the battles he found himself continuing in well into his ageing self. Unlocking the door to his home, he felt more determined. Kabu entered and found you curled up on the couch with his Centiskorch. The sight was refreshing. You turned to look at him with curious eyes.
💥 “I'm sorry, love,” he stood before you and hung his head a bit, “I know what I said was completely off the mark, and I shouldn't have even said it.” You stared at him with big eyes, making his heart race. Kabu wanted to laugh at how well you had him trapped. Without a doubt in his mind, he knew that he would run himself ragged to make you happy. He pulled out the gift he got for you in Hoenn. “I love you,” he said plainly, “I hope this helps convey my feelings.” You picked up the pokeball out of his hand and sent out what was inside. A heart-shaped pokemon looked around the living room in confusion. The Luvdisc clearly had no idea what was going on. There were few, if any, in Galar due to restrictions, but he pulled a few connections to bring it in. Judging by the hug and kiss you gave to him, it seemed he was forgiven and understood.
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r0-boat · 2 years ago
Dating headcanons for Kabu, Raihan, and Piers please?
Dating Headcannons for Kabu, Raihan, Piers
Cut for length
Extremely traditional, he has the entire date planned out has a whole list of things to do and places to eat, and things to see.( more often than not already has a reservation planned)
No matter if it's your first second third or 600th the date he'll always feel nervous to take you out somewhere.
You never expected Kabu to be so romantic, he just wants to make sure you're having a good time.
Kabu's idea of a date is just as traditional a fancy dinner or somewhere quiet and go home.
The gym leader does admit that it has been sometime since he's taken someone out, and he wouldn't be surprised if dating has changed in recent years, so he would be open to anything if you decide to change it. But his first instincts will always be take you out to dinner.
Now he doesn't mind taking you places to have fun it will just take him a while to let loose a little bit. He'd much rather take it slow.
During the actual date, Kabu won't take his eyes off you; you have his full attention.
Kabu prefers taking it slow he is not interested in flings when he is with someone he is in for the long haul. He wishes for a partner to stay by his side.
Kabu says is not a jealous man but you can't help but notice his eyes seemed to Twitch when someone gets a little buddy with you.
Raihan thrives off dates while a dinner is considered for him, it isn't his go-to.
Like the extroverted battery he is he will drag you to any place he thinks is fun and wants to bring you to. Every attraction in Galar are you two have gone to at least twice. And precious thumb drives are filled with pictures and videos of every date. The ones he posts on his social media are not even 1% of the ones he has.
Raihan is less of a list and plan guy and more of a follow your heart.
If going out isn't really your thing or going anywhere where there's a lot of people he'll try to meet in the middle because a date is successful when two people are having fun.
As much as I do see Raihan being the more extroverted going out and doing things kind of boyfriend I do think he is rather flexible with Partners who don't really want to go out.
Raihan is extremely perceptive of other people, and we'll take note of your likes and dislikes, to be completely honest he is the happiest when you're happy.
Raihan is a self-proclaimed Master at dating spots; like I said, he is highly perceptive of the people he is dating. He'll pick a place that he knows you'll like, and he'll pick up on your habits pretty quickly. He'll know when you are or not having fun.
Raihan is a very doting boyfriend anyone would be lucky to be with him.
I also see him as quite the gift-giver as well, he puts a lot of thought into every gift he gives you, ( sometimes he has Dragon brain and gives you a Shiny rock or nick nack he randomly saw and made him think of you)
Eh, to be completely honest Piers doesn't care one way or the other; if going on dates means a lot to you, then sure, he'll do it to make you happy. But Piers can spend time with you in any way he wants to without any of that fancy stuff.
A guy like him, oblivious and doesn't know what romance even is, would be very in trouble on a first date, lucky for him, his sister has his back whether he wants help or not. What kind of sister would she be if she let her brother crash and burn? And Raihan can supply good spots in Galar that have good reviews and are good dating spots
Piers classifies anything as a date, even if it's just you, too, having a lazy Sunday on the couch.
Peirs ideal date if you were to ask him he, would probably say being at home with his partner eating pizza and watching The Great Galar Bake Off.
But once in a blue moon, Piers will knock you out of the park with something you never expect from him. Taking you outside of the town and watching the Stars or Have you listen to a short song he wrote about you. You have no idea where is this comes from because usually, your Piers has no romantic bone in his body.
If you would like to take him out somewhere, sure, he'll bite. He doesn't mind either way.
Piers has a tendency to be a little protective over people he really likes.
Maybe even a little bit possessive over you specifically.
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bellafragolina · 1 month ago
head in my hands I feel like I’ve been hit by a thousand busses I have been hungering for more kabu content I’m frothing at the mouth I NEEEED HIMMMMMMM
anyway if you’re willing, how’s about a male reader who’s super wild and passionate when battling but is otherwise calm and relaxed… and if you write a battle scene, the trainer has a shiny midday Lycanroc 💖
your service to our community is remarkable tysm for your work 💖💖💖💖 feeding the hunger fr
kabu is a hot piece of grandpa ass and i will consume him alongside you no worries there lolol
Heat billows over the field, but you Lycanroc stands strong. In the sea of crimsons and fiery moves, it stands a calm sky blue, waiting and ready for you to finally let loose. And across from you, Kabu waits for the same, a small smile pulling at the edge of his lips.
This is his favorite part of the day, when you visit, ready to help him train his gym members or just show off to the young, impressionable trainers that linger. They've heard about you, of course, being the gym leader's boyfriend is no small feat. But that means they've also heard about your fighting style.
The ref calls out, and everyone holds their breath.
Kabu's Centiscorch strikes first, zipping across the field in a zigzag motion that's hard to follow. Kabu sees the way your eyes widen, a flash of bright, eager joy flashing through them before your own voice bellows across the gym. Lycanroc shoots forward with a crack of thunder, the two Pokémon colliding on your side.
You blaze to life under the thrill of battle, a sight Kabu will never grow tired of. He adores you in your entirety, the calm, cool way you ease his ever growing flames, only to come back as a tidal wave when he stands against you.
Centiscorch puts up a good fight, landing good hits, but Lycanroc is tuned into your sudden energy. Your sharp movements, resounding commands resonate with the Pokémon, following your lead to land hit after hit on poor Centiscorch.
Kabu's Pokémon falls, but he is not disappointed. Not when your grin turns sheepish at the cheer of the crowd, energy slowly waning as you hug Lycanroc and hide your face in its fur.
Kabu strides towards you, eager to get a brush of that brilliance. You take his hand, but pull him in for a hug of his own, laughing against the side of his neck. It's hot and intense, but eases into a cool, refreshing adoration as his arms wrap around you in turn.
"Good battle." Kabu says, feeling the way your mirth shakes you.
"It really was." You sigh, relaxing into him. Lycanroc brushes against your legs, pleased. "Better get to work if you ever wanna beat me, old man."
Kabu pinches your sides, chuckling at your halfhearted bats. "Oh, you're in for a real challenge then. I won't hold back next time!"
"Oh?" You ask, eyes sparking with a new flame. "Wanna put your money where your mouth is now?"
The crowd around you murmurs, clearly eager to see what's in store. Kabu regards them some, then looks back to you, your easy grin and soft touch on his neck.
He kisses you, tries to push into you the passion he feels whenever you're around, only to back away and throw out his next Pokémon.
Let the battle begin!
i hope this does your idea justice! i like the character idea a lot! calm in everyday, but fierce and fiery in battle! what a good combo!
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hitomisuzuya · 3 months ago
Suzu suzu suzu suzuuuuuu imagine double penetration with kabuscara tho😳 Can you imagine kabu being a moaning mess while scara guide him how to properly do a double penetration while reader just obediently take them both? And scara is shockingly soft with reader and kabu!! OH MY GOD MY THOUGHTS WENT WILD😳 If you may, can you write it? Pretty please?
scaramouche x fem!reader. kunikuzushi (kabukimono) x fem!reader. smut. threesome. double vaginal penetration. double creampie. soft scara.
i hope this turned out okay😳 it's been awhile since i have written double penetration.
kunikuzushi is a moaning mess behind you, whimpering as the feeling of your pussy stretching to accommodate his cock next to scaramouche's. "she--she's so tight," he stumbled over his words, his hands scrambling to find purchase on your shoulders to anchor himself.
"take it easy, kuni," scaramouche glanced at his brother in encouragement, "look at how obedient she is being," his fingers danced over your throbbing clit, increasing the need to bounce on his cock. "taking us both so well."
both brothers had been preparing you for quite sometime to take both of their cocks inside of you. scaramouche sat you on his cock first, pinching and rubbing your clit while you rode him. he'd instructed kunikuzushi to suck on your nipples, telling him that the wetter and more aroused you are, the easier it would be.
scaramouche moaned as your pussy clenched around his cock, slowly thrusting up into you. "she's clenching just from hearing me mention having both our cocks stuffing her full," his fingers pinching your clit tore a cry of pleasure from your throat.
kunikuzushi's fingers dug possessively into your shoulders, his cock pulsing as he pushed deeper inside of you. "easy now," scaramouche said, increasing his rubs on your clit, "too fast at first and you'll hurt her," you saw stars feeling kunikuzushi bottom out next to scaramouche's cock.
"i..i'm fine," you reassured, "feels good," was about all you could manage. your pussy had never felt so full, both cocks snuggly rubbing against every sensitive inch of your walls.
"thrust after i do," scaramouche instructed, tending to your clit for a few moments more before taking your hand and putting it on your clit. he helped kunikuzushi set a good, steady rhythm. his soft temperament was utterly surprising to you. "that's a good girl, sucking us both in like this."
you moan louder hearing scaramouche's praise, both cocks squelching in and out of you, kissing into your sweet spot a few moments after the other. because of the position you are in, there was little room for you to do anything but take it while you shamelessly moaned. your fingers skated over your throbbing clit, pleasure burning through you as you submissively relaxed for them.
the pleasure was fast overwhelming you. your fingernails clawed at scaramouche's chest the tighter your orgasm built up. your whole body trembled in bliss, drool dripping from the corner of your mouth onto scaramouche's chest.
"fuck, i think she is going to cum," kunikuzushi could feel it, your pussy was so tight. he couldn't stop the whimpers spilling unbidden from his throat as he increased his pace.
scaramouche matched kunikuzushi's pace, his own cock throbbing almost uncontrollably against kunikuzushi's. he wasn't surprised you are already on the verge of cumming, thinking your poor little body would be overwhelmed before too long. "cum, pretty. cum on both our cocks," he hissed in momentary dominance, moving your hand away from your clit to help you along.
that was all it took to make you come undone, their cocks kissing into your sweet spot tore your orgasm out of you, squirting while you shook from the intensity of your orgasm. you are barely able to keep yourself from collapsing onto scaramouche's chest while their cock continued to fuck into you.
kunikuzushi's cock roped cum inside of you first, sloppily thrusting inside you as he rode out his high. you mewl in bliss, whimpering in slight overstimulation as his cum oozed out around his cock. scaramouche's cum soon followed, adding to the intense experience of taking them both at once.
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kkuzushi · 4 months ago
❇️ anon: Could you do an NSFW post of making love to Kabukimono for the first time? Like a sweet, consensual experience that is both super pleasurable for him and also helps his bond with the reader grow closer?? Where he’s being an absolute darling and is a little nervous, and reader soothes him and ends up fucking him into pure euphoria while whispering sweet nothings in his ear??? Idk I just really love him and I think some fluffy NSFW with him would be perfect! <3
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“ 𝐊𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐨’𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 ”
✦ characters: sub!Kabukimono x gn!reader
✦ cw: virgin + small dick kabu, gentle sex, loooots of foreplay, praise, fingering (giving), frotting, coming untouched, cock/strap penetration
✦ word count: 3.476k
✦ notes: I didn’t want to rush anything for Kabukimono’s first time so there’s lots of foreplay here. <3
sfw ver | ✦ nsfw ver
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It’s late into the night. Everyone’s laid and snuggled up into their futons, just like you and Kabukimono—tangled in each other’s limbs yet not asleep. Your lips are locked in with each other, the action feeling both gentle and desperate for the inexperienced puppet.
Initially, Kabukimono was nervous to ask for your help. These weird sensations in his stomach when you’re close—it was starting to bother him, and your solution to this was to indulge it. Once after getting a taste of your passionate affection, Kabukimono was soon lost in the moment, his inexperience shining through his clumsy yet eager kisses.
The puppet seemed to have forgotten that you’re still human however, still needing air in between each kiss. Slowly, you pull away and softly gasp for air. Kabukimono’s eyes fluttered open, confusion pasting in his face, “Why’d you stop? Did I do it wrong?”
You chucked at his innocent questions. The way he was confused yet concerned at the same time was inexplicably endearing. “No, darling,” You shook your head, “You didn’t do anything wrong. I just needed to breathe.”
“Oh,” Kabukimono replies, his face feeling warm despite his lack of ability to blush like a human. “I’m sorry,” He added in a hushed tone as he got closer to your face once more, “I’ll be more mindful.” His lips hovered yours, silently asking permission to kiss you.
You reciprocate his action, foreheads pressing against each other. “There’s nothing to apologize for,” you reassured him with a small, comforting smile before leaning back in, picking up right where you had left off. “You’re so eager—it’s adorable,” you teased softly, parting your lips to meet the eager movements of his tongue again.
Kabukimono felt more giddy than he already was, his arms wrapped around your neck, pulling you closer as if he couldn’t get enough of you. Something about your reassurances, your praises.. It keeps him going. Keeps him wanting more—needing more. You love indulging him, and tonight, you might as well see how far this would go.
Your hands roamed around his kimono, slowly tugging on the ribbons and robes to slide it off his body with care. Kisses trailed down to his chin, his half-lidded eyes fluttering as it follows your head until it’s buried to his neck.
“Ahmngh..!” Whimpers start to escape from Kabukimono’s lips, his head instinctively tilting up to give you more access. The soft kisses on his untainted neck sends pleasant shivers down his spine, desperate to receive more.
The remnants of his kimono and his undergarments cling to his frame, the last barriers between you. You lift yourself slightly, taking a moment to drink in the sight of him beneath you. His face is a deep shade of red, cheeks flushed from the intensity of your actions, even though all you’ve done so far is kiss him.
“I’m going to try something,” you murmured, crawling on top of him with deliberate slowness. Your knees pressed into the bedding on either side of his waist, and the way his violet eyes widened, pupils dilating ever so slightly, betrayed his inexperience and the nervous excitement he couldn’t hide.
The puppet’s breath caught in his throat. He didn’t need to breathe, but somehow, the sensation of you angled above him was enough to make his non-existent pulse race. Something raw and unfamiliar stirred in him, leaving him vulnerable yet captivated.
“What are you gonna do?” Kabukimono asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity as his gaze followed the motion of your hands. They traced along the lines of his stomach over the fabric, ghosting over his ribs before traveling upward toward his chest.
His body trembled under your touch, an unfiltered reaction he couldn’t control—couldn’t even begin to understand. Slowly, your fingers brush the outline of his nipples, the contact sparking unintentional jolts through his body.
“A-Ah!” Kabukimono gasped, his back slightly arching from surprise before falling back down just as immediately. The sensation caused him to stare at you for a moment, both surprised and confused by his own reaction.
You paused as well, fingers stilling on his chest. “How was that?” You asked in a tender tone, watching for any negative reaction or movement he would show.
The puppet didn’t know what to answer at first, his brain still digesting the earlier contact. “It’s different, but not bad..” His hands, previously clutching the sheets beneath you two, now find its way to your wrist, a silent permission for you to continue.
Not needing to be told twice, your fingers continued its ministrations. His nipples hardened from just a slight brush, poking underneath the fabric of his kimono. You rolled the pebbled peaks in between your index and thumb, gently twisting and pinching them to Kabukimono’s preference.
“Hnn..♡ feels nice..” Kabukimono whimpered, back arching closer to your fingers. He hasn’t felt anything this good—besides literally any other affection you’ve given him—and he loves it. It’s confusing, a little overwhelming, but knowing these feelings are inflicted by you.. it allows him to enjoy the intimacy he sees behind it.
You didn’t even need to hear any verbal reaction from him; the way his hands clung tightly to your wrists was a telltale sign of just how much he was enjoying this—perhaps even more than expected.
Leaning down, you captured his lips in another kiss, and he eagerly complied, his trembling body pressing further beneath you. You swallowed every sound he made, each muffled noise vibrating against your lips. It tasted like the unrestrained innocence of someone experiencing this kind of intimacy for the first time.
It was undeniably arousing, however, you knew this is about Kabukimono. You’d put your own needs aside if it meant showing him the depths of pleasure just waiting underneath his fingertips.
You pull away again, gasping for air, and you see him do the same. Was he imitating you or was the puppet actually feeling breathless in his own way? Nevermind that, the sight was enough to spark excitement in your eyes.
“Let me take these off for you,” You say, finally discarding the last layer of his robes. Kabukimono lifts himself to assist you in removing the fabric, his delicate figure finally getting a breather. The pleasure was so good that his own clothes felt too tight around his body.
As soon as you got him naked, you spoiled his chest with kisses, each one a testament of your love and desire for him. Your eyes glanced up to find his own, meeting his glassy gaze in an instant.
Your tongue darts out of your mouth, tracing it to the side before reaching his erect nipples. As you latch on one of them, Kabukimono mewled in a high pitched tone.
“ngHAAh..?!! ♡” Once again, Kabukimono's back arched to your mouth, allowing you to suck on his nipples more. It feels so good, but it looks like he’s trying to move away as well. The confusing mix of ‘wanting more’ and ‘can’t take any more’ seems to be messing with his program.
“T-Too much.. hah.. too good..! ♡” His head thrashed to the side, his indigo hair fanning out on his face and pillow. His hands scrambled to your head, tangling around your hair strands as he anchored himself. “Mmngh.. is it supposed to–hmn!–feel this g-good..?”
You chucked as your tongue swirled around the hard nubs, sending a delightful vibration across his chest before you pulled away. “It is, but if it gets too much, you know the word..” You spoke, pressing gentle kisses on his collarbone, letting him calm down from the high of his pleasure.
“Dearest, please..”
“Hm? Go on, I’m listening.”
“Please.. take off your clothes.. I wanna feel you more.”
His request reminded you that he was the only one bare in bed. You chuckled after sensing both his embarrassment and need. You discarded the top of your clothes, and Kabukimono was quick to feel it with his uncalloused hands. The ball joints of his knuckles felt good to the human skin, like it was massaging you even without the intention.
The puppet pulled you closer, face buried in the crook of your neck as his lips started to imitate the kisses you’ve given him earlier. “Don’t stop yet, please.. the feeling in my stomach hasn’t gone away,” He murmured against your skin, goosebumps forming on your nape from just the vibration of his voice.
You turn your head to look at his legs, it’s shaking slightly and there’s already a noticeable bulge on his underwear. “Don’t worry. We’re not done until you’re satisfied, darling,” You reassured. One of your legs settled in between his, making them spread apart.
You hold him by the waist, fingers pressing into the soft curve as your free hand trails down to his thigh, tracing idle shapes against his supple skin. “Look at me, Kabu,” you whisper, your voice low and laced with affection. His wide, indigo eyes snap to yours without hesitation, filled with trust and an overwhelming vulnerability.
Not a moment is wasted before your lips find his again, the kiss deep and consuming. It almost distracted him from your hand that’s inching closer and closer to his intimate area, settling on his inner thigh. Your thumb then brushes on a damp spot of his garment, receiving an involuntary snap from his hip.
Kabukimono gasped out of the kiss, watching your hand that already pulled away the very last thing that kept him covered. His cock springs free, the length not any bigger than your palm. It’s honestly adorable, making you pause for a moment
“D-Dearest, you shouldn’t– I mean–.. don’t stare so much..” Kabukimono voiced out, quickly covering his small dick with his palm. “I don’t think you should be looking at it..” He adds softly, shying away from your gaze.
His embarrassment only served to tempt you further, drawing you in like a magnet. Maybe it isn’t fair for him to show such an intimate thing while you’re just here, watching over him.
“There’s no need to be embarrassed,” you said softly, cupping one side of his face and brushing your thumb over his cheek. “Here, why don’t I show you it’s nothing to be shy about?”
Kabukimono watches as you offer yourself the same tenderness. His wide eyes follow your fingers, hooking on your lower garments, discarding it the same way you did with his. As your own cock has been exposed out of its confinements, Kabukimono gulped. It’s certainly bigger than his, intimidating yet he doesn’t shy away from it, unlike with his own.
You lower your hips to his, erect cocks touching each other. You start to grind in a gentle manner, frotting against him. Kabukimono moaned at the feeling of being so close to you, his own hips imitating your actions without much thought.
“Nhah–more.. please, more..” Kabukimono whined, his fingers clawing on your shoulders as he tried to ground himself from the overwhelming pleasure of direct contact with your dick. Now how could you deny that cute whine? If anything, it’s turning you on even more.
You reached for his cock, stroking yours with it. “uwAH–!♡ hanggh..~♡♡” Kabukimono jolted from your movement, unsure whether he should chase the friction or run away from it. His eyes rolled back, mouth hanging open as unadulterated moans streamed out.
Kabukimono’s cock starts to leak precum, messing up your palm, wet squelches echoing in the room. You gather the lube, coating your fingers with it before tracing down to his ass. You continue to grind, wanting to keep him suspended in that euphoric state, savoring every moment of his bliss before gently introducing him to another uncharted sensation.
Soon enough, the puppet’s attention falters as he feels one of your fingers circling his rim. He looks at you with a nervous gaze, “Wait, that’s dirty..!” He whispered, despite his comment, he gently rocks back to your fingertips.
You laugh softly, “Relax, darling. I’ll make sure you’ll feel good.” Your index starts to probe inside his untouched hole, the tight muscle fluttering around your digit. Kabukimono’s back arched for the umpteenth time, nails digging further to your skin.
“Feels–weird..hah..” He closed his eyes shut, fighting the discomfort of having something inside his hole for the very first time. You press your lips to his ear, whispering ever so softly for him to relax, that he got this, that he’s being a very good boy for you. He moaned at the praises, the pressure of your finger progressively getting pleasurable as seconds went by.
Once you notice him beginning to relax, the tension in his muscles slowly melting away, you take the silent cue to pump your fingers in and out at a steady pace. You let him get lost in the moment before your middle finger joined in, slowly but surely stretching him.
“Aannnh– that feels.. good..♡” His head falls back, his mouth opening as his moans increase in volume. “D-Don’t stop.. hngh–!♡” His hips rocks back to your fingers, meeting your gentle thrusts. His cock, still pressed against yours, is leaking more than ever.
As you scissor him open, you take the lubricant gel you’ve prepared from the start. You open it with your free hand and smear it on both your and Kabukimono’s cock. He whimpered at the jelly feeling, his small dick throbbing involuntarily.
He looks down and sees you applying it on his ass as well, your fingers gliding more easily now. “That feels–HAmnhh?!♡” You curled your fingers just as soon as he talked, words interrupted by a loud whine. You feel the tip of your fingers rub on something spongy.
“Found it.” You murmured to his ear, watching him writhe as you continuously rubbed his prostate.
His twitching legs wrapped around yours, toes curling from the overwhelming ecstasy your fingers provide. You’re close to the finale and you can’t help but imagine how Kabukimono would react once you’re finally inside him.
Slowly, you pull your fingers out, grabbing his legs to wrap it on your waist. “Mhn.. what are you..?” Kabukimono’s eyes flutter open, following the way you align yourself in between him. “W-Wait! Are you going to.. put it in?” His eyes widened, anticipation and nervousness shining through his pupils.
You scoop him to a soft embrace, placing a peck on his lips. “It’s okay, I’ll be gentle,” You reassured, pressing your forehead against his. “I’ll put it in slowly, tell me to stop if you need a moment.”
The head of your cock traces the rim of his hole, his precum and the lubricant mixing together. Once you feel him ease up, you slowly slide your way inside. Inch by inch, the puppet crumbled underneath you, eyes shut tightly as his tight muscle got stretched by your shaft.
He didn’t speak, too focused on the burning sensation of you pushing inside. You stopped half way through, not wanting to push beyond his limits. “Are you okay? Do you want me to pull out?” You asked in a soft tone, carding your fingers through his indigo locks to comfort him.
Kabukimono stayed still for a moment but shook his head, “I-I’m fine.. hah.. you’re just–mmn–big.” Whimpers start to escape his lips, even with how he’s biting it so hard.
“If you can’t handle it, we don’t have to push it–”
“No! I mean.. no, please.. you’re not all the way in yet, are you? I can take it.. I think.”
The way his eagerness mixed with trepidation had a certain charm to it. He’s always like this—never letting his fears or the unknown sway him. With a soft sigh, you start to thrust yourself in further. “Alright then, relax yourself, darling. You’re doing so good.”
Soon enough, you fully bottomed out inside him, his inner walls clinging to your entire length. "Tell me when you’re ready," you continued, your fingers brushing tenderly against his cheek, tracing the delicate curve of his jawline, “We’ll go at your pace.” His lips parted slightly, a shaky sound escaping as he adjusted to the moment.
Kabukimono nodded, his eyes fluttering shut for a brief second before meeting yours again. "I... I think I'm ready," he said, his voice a mix of hesitation and trust.
You smiled gently, leaning in to press a reassuring kiss to his forehead. "Tell me if it’s too much, okay?" With that, you began to move, mindful of his every reaction, ensuring that he felt safe and cherished.
You start out slow, letting him savor the intimate atmosphere the both of you created. His legs hung loosely around your waist, his body rocking back and forth with every gentle thrust you give. If Kabukimono were to tell the truth, he was waiting for you to hit that perfect spot inside him again—the same one your fingers touched earlier.
He gasped everytime your cock slid back in, even with how deliberate your pace is, it’s enough to break his composure. “M-More..♡ ngh.. don’t stop..♡♡” He’d tell you every now and then, coaxing you to speed up and finally strike that one chord that’s waiting for you.
With his timid voice breaking through the stillness, you paused for a moment, searching his gaze for any hesitation. Finding none, you offered a soft smile, leaning close to murmur against his ear, "As you wish."
Responding to his request, you picked up the pace, your movements steady yet attentive to his every reaction. His fingers clung to you tighter, his breath hitching in rhythm with each motion. “You're doing a good job, sweetheart.” you praised, pressing a kiss to his temple, his soft whimpering a melody you couldn’t get enough of.
Sounds of skin to skin slapping against each other echoes in the room, as well as Kabukimono’s increasing moans. “Ah–ah–ah! Mnhgh feels shoooHNGAHh!♡♡” Finally, your cock has found his prostate once more.
“R-Riggnht theree..!!♡♡” He babbled incoherently, no longer in the right state of mind to tell you how good he’s feeling. You didn’t mind, just the way his inner walls were clenching around you was enough as it is.
The puppet soon becomes a writhing mess underneath you, clinging to your neck with his arms and his legs to your waist, locking and pulling you closer. His eyes have rilled to the back of his head, wanton moans unable to be suppressed.
Your movements quickened, but your care for Kabukimono didn’t waver. His cock bounced in between your stomach and his; every sound he made, every quiver of his body, only encouraged you to shower him with more reassurance.
“You’re incredible,” you whispered, your lips brushing against the shell of his ear. “So beautiful, so perfect for me.” His hands tightened their grip on your shoulders, his wide eyes filled with both vulnerability and a spark of exhilaration.
“Good boy, taking me so well,” you affirmed without hesitation, kissing the corner of his lips before continuing. “I love you, darling. Always.”
His chest rose and fell rapidly, his body responding instinctively to your touch and your words. “Lov– angh♡♡ yes.. I love you–nnmore, ah!♡” he replied shakily, his voice barely audible.
Kabukimono’s body trembled with every touch, his breathing shallow and erratic as if he were teetering on the edge of something overwhelming. You kept your pace steady, giving him the space he needed while still encouraging him to let go. “You’re almost there, I can feel it,” you murmured, your words a blend of encouragement and affection.
Kabukimono’s head tilted back as he let out a breathless sound, and his hands tightened around you. “I—ah—I feel somethinggh..!” he stuttered, his voice almost breaking under the pressure of the moment.
“Good,” you replied, your own voice tinged with excitement, not just for the pleasure of it, but for the emotional connection of this moment. “That’s it. Let go with me, Kabu.”
With that, Kabukimono’s body tightened around you, his small cock coming untouched. Strings of warm cum spurting out of the slit, landing to his stomach. You followed suit, your movements slowing as you both rode out the euphoric high, clinging to one another as you basked in the aftermath.
The room was silent save for the soft sounds of your heavy breathing, the tension in the atmosphere soon easing down.
After a few moments of silence, you leaned down to kiss him gently on the forehead, brushing a lock of his indigo hair away from his face. “You did so well, sweetheart. I’m proud of you.”
He looked up at you, his indigo eyes soft and dazed, the lingering shyness and vulnerability still there. “‘m tired.. but good..” he whispered, his voice barely audible but full of emotion.
You chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to his lips. “Then let’s rest for now. We’ll clean up when you’re feeling better,” You spoke softly, caressing his scalp as his eyelids flutter close.
“Thank you.. I love you.”
“I love you.”
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febuary30thday · 2 years ago
"Kabuamaru! You can't bite my patients!"
Yan! Possessive! Obanai x Nurse! Reader
(Reader works at the Butterfly Mansion)
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Obanai is the type of yandere who will observe you from afar, he does not take action
However, in this scenario, let's say he does
He isn't as needy as Sanemi, thankfully, but he does like your attention
He is really insecure about his face, and hasn't even let you see it, but he lets you change him and take care of his wounds and stuff
He's not one for physical affection, he's more of a gift-giver and words-of-affirmation person
You can't count how many times he's given you small gifts
If Obanai is resting in the Butterfly Mansion, he'll give you Kabumaru and says something along the "So he can watch over you" when in reality it's Kabuamaru can scare off trashy patients
Kabuamaru has bitten a guy who got too comfortable with you
Obanai stands firm in his belief that his snake did the right thing
He hates females, as you know (But if you are female or identify as female you are the exception, but for now, you are gender-neutral)
He can only stand you and Shinobu taking care of him because he gets sick at anyone else
Obanai is ranked as the second hardest pillar to talk to, so whenever he's around you, not many get close
"Kabuamaru! You can't bite my patients!"
He chuckled for the rest of the day when his snake bit a 'trashy male' as he called it
You, however, did not find it funny
"Obanai, that wasn't funny, he could've gotten seriously hurt."
"I'm just protecting you, and he deserved it for committing the crime of daring to piss me off, and trying to flirt with you. That trash is lucky that's all I did."
"You are so lucky I love you."
He only hummed in response, but Kabu slid onto your shoulder, and rubbed his head against your cheek, showing its affection.
You knew what that meant
"Love you too, Oba."
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ourvanishingghosts · 1 year ago
Hello there! I’ve read your request rules!
but if this goes against them please ignore or delete this ask!
Could you do a seperate piers and raihan x reader but enemies to lovers type of headcanons or just being enemies with them in general? Nothing too explicit?
Sure thing. Sorry for the long wait. I wrote Raihan where the reader uses a Pokémon type that’s weak against his teams types. For Piers I wrote where the reader uses a Pokémon type that’s strong against his teams types.
Enemies to Lovers
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People could see that you and Raihan were enemies because he would constantly beat your team in every fight
Your friends and family suggested switching the type of Pokémon you use, but you wanted to prove that Fire Pokémon were better than Dragon Pokémon
Your partner Pokémon is Cinderace. Your team includes Scovillain, Blaziken, Pyroar, Arcanine, and Ninetales
You love your team and you don’t want to give up on them and you know that they are strong
You interned for Kabu to learn more from the best of the best and you ended up working for him after your internship ended
Kabu said that you had a lot of potential
Kabu and Raihan were talking in the Motostoke gym and you tried to not be seen by either of them
Kabu saw you and called you over and you obliged because he is your boss
He said that he was telling Raihan that he planned on passing the Fire gym to you when he officially retires
Raihan said that he is shocked with Kabu’s decision because your team can be easily defeated
Kabu quickly reminded Raihan that this gym is one of the first three gyms that challengers face and that the gyms were supposed easier compared to his gym
Before Kabu left you and Raihan he said that you were the best Fire Pokémon trainer he has ever interned and worked with and that Raihan should at least show you some respect
It was three years after that conversation that Kabu retired and you took over the gym
Everyone else was welcoming and excited that you were finally the Motostoke gym leader and they had two cakes for you and Kabu since you both combined the two parties together
One cake said “Welcome to Gym Leader Family, Y/N” the other said “Have a Fantastic Retirement, Kabu”
Raihan gave Kabu his retirement gift and everyone held their breath when he approached you
He said “Congratulations on finally achieving your dream. I hope that you can finally prove that Fire Pokémon are stronger and better than Dragon Pokémon.” and he gave you his gift
Raihans gift was a plushie of Reshiram the legendary Pokémon that has the typing of Dragon and Fire
But there was a second plushie in the bag and it was a plushie of Turtonator which has the typing of Fire and Dragon
Before the party ended Raihan said “I gave you those two plushies because they prove that a Pokémon can be a stronger Fire type with a Dragon sub type or a stronger Dragon type with a Fire sub type.”
After he said that he kissed your cheek and left
Kabu and Melony saw kiss and they will not let you live that down
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You knew you and Piers were destined to be enemies ever since you two were kids
You loved Flying Pokémon and your team just happened to have typings that are strong against his team
You hated it because you wanted to be friends with Piers, but he has made it clear that he hates you
Your partner Pokémon is Butterfree. The rest of your team includes Togekiss, Gliscor, Hawlucha, Flamigo, and Beautifly.
Your gym ended up replacing Opals gym, but you kept the same concept of how challengers battle at your gym as Opals gym. You wanted to keep it the same so that Opal can still have her legacy. So the gym now has pink and pastel blue to incorporate Flying and Fairy Pokémon.
Piers refused to visit your gym because he says the colors give him migraines
When Victor, Gloria, Bede, and Marnie were doing their gym challenges and Marnie happened to beat your gym in one go by luck. Victor, Gloria, and Bede completed your gym in two tries.
When word of Marnie completing your gym in one try got back to Piers he stormed into your office asking if you went easy on her
You told him that you didn’t go easy on Marnie and that she was a strong opponent and that he should believe in her more
After you said that he smashed his lips against yours and after he pulls away he tells you that you shouldn’t tell him how to feel
Let’s just say that after that interaction you and Piers relationship started to become more lovely
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cyanide-and-roses · 25 days ago
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“Before it all ends, let us end it ourselves” (Yandere Two-Face x Reader)
Here's to another year of living (Birthday fic for myself. Two-Face x Reader.) (CW: suggestive)
Vengeance and Valentines (Yandere Two-Face x Reader)
(Yandere Two-Face x Reader who knew him before the incident headcanons)
(Yandere Btas Two-Face x Reader headcanons)
(Platonic/Familial Two-Face x Child reader)
(General Arkhamverse Riddler headcanons)
(Arkhamverse Riddler make-out headcanons) (CW: suggestive)
(Yandere Riddler x Male Yandere Reader)
(Riddler x Male Vampire Reader)
(Yandere Riddler stalking Male Reader headcanons)
(Yandere Arkham Origins Riddler x Affectionate Reader headcanons)
(General Yandere Arkham Shadow Johnathan Crane headcanons)
(Scarecrow x Chubby Reader)
(Yandere BTAS Scarecrow x Reader headcanons)
(Gentle Yandere Scarecrow x Reader)
(Familial/Platonic Yandere Scarecrow x Reader headcanons)
(Johnathan Crane neck biting headcanons) (CW: Suggestive)
(Touch Starved Johnathan Crane headcanons)
Stockholm Syndrome (Yandere Scarecrow x Kidnapped reader)
Case Study (Yandere Scarecrow x Student Reader)
Guinea Pig (Yandere Scarecrow x Reader)
(TNBA Yandere Penguin x Lounge singer Reader headcanons)
(More Yandere TNBAS Penguin headcanons)
”In my imagination, in my realization” (Yandere Jervis Tetch x Reader)
(Yandere Nanu Headcanons)
(Yandere Cyrus Headcanons)
(Yandere Kabu Headcanons)
Kingdom Hearts
(Yandere Xaldin Headcanons) (This one is bad, I'm so sorry. Maybe I'll remake it in the future)
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