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szwedacz7 · 3 years ago
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Remember that tarot can't predict your future. It's a tool to show you option you have. You are the master of your destiny.
If you need help, consider contacting doctor or therapist. Tarot shouldn't replace any specialist.
Pile 1. Angelite
[PL]Czas na oczyszczanie, odnowę. Wyizoluj się przyjrzyj się swoim uczuciom i nie ignoruj intuicji. Ona ci wszystko powie. Poproś przewodników duchowych i twój cały zespół o pomoc. Angelit na pewno ci w tym pomoże. Nie bój się swojego wnętrza, swojej esencji. Tego cichego głosu. Ewidentnie ma ci coś ważnego do powiedzenia. Niektórzy z was muszą do niej zajrzeć i odczyścić ją z kurzu i zacząć od nowa jej używać. Niektórzy pośród was muszą uleczyć swoje podejscie do emocji i powinni w jakiś sposob używać do tego swojej intuicji. Znalezienie chwili dla siebie najdalej od całego świata(w granicach twoich możliwości) wydaje się być bardzo istotne. Użyj wody, jakkolwiek możesz. Od kąpieli w oceanie do codziennego zmywania naczyń lub prysznica. To w ciszy najgłośniej słyszymy samych siebie. Nie uciekaj, słuchaj.
[EN]It's time to cleanse, spiritual renewal. Isolate yourself, as much as you can, and look at you emotions. Don't ignore your intuition, she'll tell you everything you need to know. Look deep inside you reach out to this quite voice. Ask your spiritual team for help, angelite might help you with this.
Some of you need to create bond/renew your bond with Her. She obviously have something important to say. Some of you need to heal you approach to your emotions and somehow intuition might help you. It seems important that you'd find time and space for yourself to be alone. Water might help you too. Anything from swimming in Ocean to washing your dishes or taking a shower sounds great. It's silence that makes us hear ourselves the best. Don't run, listen.
Pile 2. Moss Agate
[PL]Zmieniasz się, może tak jak ja teraz, przechodzisz przebudzenie duchowe. Uważaj na wszystkie aspekty siebie. Wrażliwiejesz na otoczenie. Przyjrzyj się jedzeniu które jesz, ubraniom które nosisz i ludziom którymi sie otaczasz. Może nadszedł czas na pozwolenie niektórym z tych rzeczy/ludzi odejsć? Zwróć uwagę na twój nowy stan emocjonalny, nie ignoruj żadnej z swoich emocji. Może wkrótce pojawią się nowe, nie znane wcześniej uczucia. Zajrzyj w głąb siebie i pozwól zmianom zadziać się a to wszystko spowoduje że będziesz spełniony. Pokierunkuje cię na Twój osobisty sukces. Nie zatrzymuj zmian, dużo możesz stracić.
[EN] You are changing, maybe just like me, you're going thru spiritual awakening. Please take care of yourself. Look carefully at clothes you're wearing, food you're eating and people you hang out with. Maybe it's time to let go of some of them? Pay attention to your feelings. Maybe something unknown to you will appear. Don't ignore it. Go inside yourself and let changes happen. All this might result in you being fulfilled. It will guide you to your personal success. Don't stop changes, you might loose a lot.
Pile 3. Obsidian
[PL]Zacząłeś coś nowego teraz masz wybór, może to dotyczyć kariery, chodź nie musi. Tak czy siak jest to wybór finansowy. Uwierz że wszystkie twoje modlitwy i prośby zostaną wysłuchane w odpowiednim dla ciebie momencie. Kieruj się swoją pasją. Wybierz to co naprawdę porzadasz. Pełen dojrzałej, zdecydowanej pasji przyj jak wiatr do przodu bez wachania z czystym umysłem. Nie pozwól uczuciom zasłonić ci twojej drogi. Nie pozwól sobie na wątpliwości. W razie problemów wznieś się nad swoje życie i spojrzyj na nie z lotu ptaka. W ten sposób będziesz wiedział co robić i gdzie się ukierunkować. Poproś wszechświat o pomoc i kierując się swoim wewnętrznym ogniem podarzaj w stronę która rozpala twoje serce. Pozwól swojej męskiej energii działać.
[EN]You started something new, now you have a choice. It might be career but it really doesn't have to. Believe that your prayers will be heard in a time that is good for you. Trust. Choose what you actually want. Full of mature passion, move fearlessly forward. Do not hesitate. Don't let feelings cloud your vision. If you'd ever have a problem rise above your current situation and look at everything from birds eye point of view. Ask Universe for help. Let you masculine energy guide you.
Pile 4 Bloodstone
[PL]Mimo że czasami wydaje się życie się zmienia przeciw naszej woli, to ty jesteś panem swojego losu, wszechświat składa się z nas wszystkich. Jesteś istotą boską z natury. Pamiętaj że to twoje decyzje zmieniają twoje życie. Możesz szybko stać się z kogoś kto ma dużo i daje innym w kogoś kto nie ma nic a i nie chce brać od innych z powodu pychy.
Może ktoś z was usłyszy wieści które zmienią wasze życie. Zrobią z bogacza biedaka a z biedaka bogacza.
Niektórzy z was muszą nauczyć się sztuki zdrowego brania i dawania bo pozycja w której to wy dajecie może szybko zmienić się w tą w której to ty będziesz musiał brać.
Myślę też że są wśród was ci których los zmieni się dzięki jakimś wieściom. Może to być dość nagłe i zdecydowanie niespodziewane.
Sztuka wymiany energii jest bardzo ważna. Warto się jej nauczyć.
[EN] Sometimes you might feel like you're out of control of your life. It's not true. Universe is all of us. Whole earth. It's YOUR life choices that change our world. You can switch from someone who have too much and is giving to others to someone who have nothing and don't know how to take from others. Some of you might hear from someone that might suddenly change your life from good to miserable(and the other way around).
You need to learn how to healthily take and give to others. You might need this knowledge. Some of you might receive some kind of message or news that might change your life. It might be sudden and definiately unpredictable.
Learning the fine art of exchange of energy is very important. It's good to know how it works.
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itsallinthelove · 5 years ago
Doing 78 card readings for $25.
Crazy accurate; I am intuitive and read the cards in a unique way that’s more like a story.
I charged my cards to finally work for me AND readings for others. I have an intimate relationship with my deck. They are very nurturing, provide validation on certain aspects of life/decisions to be made, but also straightforward and direct to the point of what you NEED to hear for your growth. My cards like to A. Establish a connection for the first 78 card reading to attract you to want more 😈 (I desperately need the funds)
Every 78 card reading after that will be establishing a quick connection so you get the vibe of the tone that day, with the first few cards (it’s up to you when you know the connection has been made, then the real healing could begin) 😈 and then they will address either A. A question/specific situation you need clarity on or B. Priority ‘mail’ 😂😂
BEWARE: with the B. option, addressing the situations that may need your immediate attention gives the deck free reign on what they need to tell you and it will prooobably get emotional.. some things you may be in denial about and not even want to hear. Like I said, my cards can be very direct. Like a best friend who loves you but wants the best for you and will tell you like it is. Sweet but sour. The cold hard truth. If you’re sensitive go with option A., a specific question/situation you’d like either insight, closure, validation, options or just a general message.
I do same day readings. Hit the inbox, we’re ready 😀
I accept cash app, Apple Pay and direct chime payments only. Thank you.
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ameoamour · 5 years ago
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mrstotemica · 6 years ago
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Thank you Manuel!!! ✌🏻️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🇮🇹TORINO @hardtimestattoo | 28/29 Giugno 🇮🇹RIMINI @skinwear_tattoo_rimini | 23/24 Luglio 🇮🇹ROMA @sacredcircle.tattoo | 26/27 Luglio 🇮🇹FINALE LIGURE @holdfasttattoostudio | 29/31 Agosto 🇳🇱BREDA @bunkertattoo | 12/14 September ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ info/bookings ✉️ [email protected] ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #totemica #tunguska #black #tarot #fiveofcups #raiderwaite #magic #tattoo #originalsintattooshop #verona #italy #blackclaw #tttism #blkttt #btattooing #tattoolifemagazine #skinart #skinartmag #TattooistArtMagazine #tattoodo #blackworkers #blackwork (presso Original sin Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByZuVFVClMH/?igshid=1dgwua47bncho
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teatoast-n-tarot · 2 years ago
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#collective #collectiveconsiousness #tarot #tarotreading #raiderwaite #raiderwaitetarot #nineofcups #aceofswords #threeofcups #fullmoonvibes #fullmoon #fullmoonritual #manifestyourdreams #manifestyourlife #manifestyourreality #hiddeninplainsight #signsareeverywhere #openyoureyes #thirdeye #thirdeyechakra #lookup #lookwithin #asabovesobelow #somoteitbe (at Liverpool) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoUTdO5sg1C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sitiomagico · 3 years ago
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PAMELA COLMAN SMITH. También conocida como Pixie, que me parece simpático el apodo, pero creo que por respeto la voy a llamar por su nombre completo. PAMELA COLMAN SMITH ha sido una gran influencia en la vida de todos los Tarotistas porque ella es la ilustradora del Tarot Rider-Waite que fue publicado en 1910. Si pudiera sentarme y entrevistar a una persona que ya no está con nosotros en este “avión físico”, PAMELA COLMAN SMITH estaría en mi lista. Me encantaría saber lo que ella piensa de la evolución actual del Tarot, y lo que tendría que decir sobre Instagram y todas las publicaciones del Tarot que se están poniendo allí (incluyendo las mías)... Su cumpleaños es Hoy 16 de Febrero. Feliz Cumpleaños PAMELA COLMAN SMITH Gracias por tu aporte, Gracias por tu legado a todos nosotros los Tarotistas de hoy, pero sobre todo por ser inspiración para muchos y por tu impresionante obra de arte como ser ilustradora del Tarot más usado el Rider-Waite. #raiderwaite #tarot #tarotista #ilustradora #legado #obradearte #inspiracion #pamelacomansmith #arziade (en MIAMI florida / EE.UU) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaCY_yorLfI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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choxthemuse · 5 years ago
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Today a reading is with the wild unknown deck. This dexk is Love my black and white with a.powerful splash of colour in them. Beautiful time with family today with a trip to the city. They surprised me with new cards!! Time, travel and a cup full of love #tarot #dailyreading #TheWildUnknown #raiderwaite #dailypractice #tarotreadersofinstagram #pagan #witchcraft #tarotspread https://www.instagram.com/p/B6pFvrfh-Gk/?igshid=1mvb5txrmpjfb
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ravenrose666 · 6 years ago
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I call this tarot mat/altar cloth “Persephone”, from creek mythology, she was daughter of Zeus and Demeter ( the goddess of harvest). Young beautiful Persephone was abducted by Hades the King of the underworld, although her situation was not ideal she conquered, and became herself the queen of the underworld.✨this tarot mat/altar cloth is inspired by accepting both beauty and darkness. It’s is reversible, washable and it comes with matching bag that fits standard size decks 👏🏼 perfect for your altars or to create a sacred space while doing tarot readings! 💖🔮🌷💀#persephone #altarcloth #tarotmat #tarot #sacredspace #raiderwaite #healingcrystals #witchythings #witchy #hades #queenoftheunderworld https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv12OhMAPN0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15i2g21v1wm76
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sylviewillow-blog · 6 years ago
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Found 3 face-up Smith-Wait cards in my Shadowscapes deck; unfolded with ease into an ordered line. I very shockingly entrancing reading--such easy sense delivered by our blessed mishaps of fate. Also captured the beginning of a hand crafted wand, wood collected locally and non-invasively-- my Love is going to craft it for me. Right now I have two adored crystal wands, but the truth is pagan tradition favors a wooden wand to represent fire and will on the four-part altar.
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miriamsoracle-blog · 6 years ago
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Daily general reading for Thursday, 3/7/2019, with the Raider Waite Tarot deck: ⠀ The Tower and the Hermit. ⠀ Well, a big day today. Looks like the Full Moon is hitting us again pretty strong. Your values, your viewpoints, your whole life will be shaken up today, you will feel as you lost the ground beneath you. This will lead to an isolated stated, loneliness if you care where you need to look for the light again. You will find that light eventually but only in your moments of solitude and peace. ⠀ Don't get discouraged about the strong energy. Like everything else, this will pass too. Again, try to use the energy of the full moon to re-evaluate, re-examine your thinking, your ways, your feelings. Sometimes the only way to get to the essence of things if you destroy what was false or was not working anymore. ⠀ ⠀ Email me if you wish to book a private reading at [email protected] ⠀ ⠀ #mirimasoracle #tarot #tarotreading #dailyreading #dailymessage #thursdaymessage #thursday #tower #hermit #shakeup #solitude #oracle #oraclecard #instareader #fortuneteller #spiritualism #taroreverydamnday #tarotciommunity #tarotdeck #raiderwaite #divination #witch #fullmoon #tarotconsultant #tarotrearedsofinstagram #tarotdaily ⠀ https://www.instagram.com/p/Busj0HXB4ah/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xwko687ksggv
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starlightworkcircle · 4 years ago
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Here's your reading for the week ahead, whilst shuffling 5 cards threw themselves out of the pack, so you have a five card reading this week. 
Please believe, that although it may not feel like it or look like it, things are going well, things are going exactly as they are meant to for your best outcome. What has happened recently may have made you look back and reassess the past, remember, you can either look forwards or look back. It could be that you have had to take a new path or being asked to take a new path. Whatever information, guidance or circumstances have happened recently keep on working at it, you may not be seeing things as they will finally be as yet. But don't forget the importance of love, put love into what you are doing and where you are going and that raised vibration will assist you. 
Have a great day and keep on shinning xox
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theveil-and-thepath · 3 years ago
Hi! Advance happy birthday 🎂! It doesn't feel like an one year old blog. It feels like your blog has been on this platform for many years(atleast that's how I feel). I would like to participate in your game please...
My questions:
🐣What does my energy feel like?
🐣Where do you see me a year from now?
🐣Which aesthetic do you think suits me the best?
🐣My tarot card choice for you: The Hermit( from raiderwaite deck)
I hope we get to celebrate many more amazing birthdays together! Have a blast! Have a nice day 💛💛
Thank you so much! I also don’t feel like it’s been one year since I started this blog, it feels like ages but at the same time it went by very quickly. Thank you for your gift, I cherish it a lot.
Now on to your questions: 
What does your energy feel like? Like a yellow blanket. I got the six of cups, four of cups, and ace of cups, and my mind translated it to a yellow blanket. It’s a cozy and comfortable feeling, that small happiness you feel when a friend offers their snack to you, when they cut their small chocolate bar in half to share it with you, a warm breeze in the afternoon, reminiscing on good memories but at the same time planing new ones, offering advice, saying good things about other people. I’m sure your energy varies according to the circumstances, but this is what I am getting right now, it is very good to be around it.
Which aesthetic suits you best? I’m not versed on different aesthetics so I will try to describe something here. I feel light colors are important to contrast with sharp edges, I got nine of swords, ace of cups, ten of swords and what came to mind was an egg hard to crack, a hello kitty black boot with spikes, keeping the soft side inside. So I would say that you probably don’t fit any extreme aesthetic, not 100% light and fairy and cottage core, but also not goth and dark, so I would find something balanced, adding earth tones to either darken the light or soften the darkness. With this I feel “urban core”, but urban can be so many things… Overall, I felt that very warm, energy from you, but I don’t thing you’d go 100% into that aesthetic of things being super light and cute, you’d balance it out somehow.
Where do I see you one year from now? In august 2023 you’ll have gone through a complete emotional transformation. I have got a lot of cups in your reading, for this one I got the five of cups, seven of cups, three of cups, but I specifically feel like you will change your perspective about your friends. In one year from now you may be around a new group of friends, people who celebrate you, people who fit more into the ideal type of people you want around. It reminds me of some realizations or disappointments we can have with old friends who have changed or who don’t accept that we ourselves have changed, and you cry a little because of it but then you realize these disappointments made you wiser. Perhaps, if you’re feeling alone now it simply means you’ll find an entire new set of friends. The thing here is that in 2023 you can have new friends that you can’t foresee right now, and this will be part of a journey of how you view your own emotions and feelings. The three of cups brings a very joyous feeling, so in one year you for sure will be enjoying that.
Game will be open for extra 24h
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ameoamour · 5 years ago
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mmmm 🌸🌸🌸 new tarot deck in da house @soullifemagic #soulcardstarot #ameodeck #astrology #astro #tarot #raiderwaite #leo #aceofwands https://www.instagram.com/p/B19YXSeiwGU/?igshid=c4iqjzl6eo5m
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teapotoracles-blog · 6 years ago
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Accepting our loss, gives us strength and confidence to make, a nicely done, restart. . . . #fiveofcups #thestrength #tarotreading #raiderwaite #teapotoracles #majorarcana #minorarcana #acceptance #courage #strength #innerstrength #movingon #iliminili #spaceodetty #tarotreadersofinatagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BnVcdkcnsU-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wd2ascskuhmw
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teatoast-n-tarot · 2 years ago
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#tarot #tarotcardoftheday #tarotcards #tarotreading #thehermit #thehermittarot #raiderwaite #raiderwaitetarot #friday13th #knightstemplar According to folklore historian Donald Dossey, the unlucky nature of the number "13" originated with a #norse #myth about 12 gods having a dinner party in #valhalla. The trickster god #Loki, who was not invited, arrived as the 13th guest, and arranged for #Höðr to shoot #Balder with a #mistletoe-tipped arrow. #Dossey: "Balder died, and the whole #Earth got dark. The whole Earth mourned. It was a bad, unlucky day." This major event in #Norse #mythology caused the #number #13 to be considered #unlucky. Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day in #westernsuperstition . It occurs when the 13th day of the month in the #gregorian #calendar falls on a #friday, which happens at least once every year but can occur up to three times in the same year. For example, 2015 had a Friday the 13th in February, March, and November; 2017 through 2020 had two Friday the 13ths each; 2016, 2021 and 2022 had just one occurrence of Friday the 13th each; #2023 and #2024 will have two Friday the 13ths each. (at Liverpool) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnVZ9TjqHBT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sitiomagico · 4 years ago
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PAMELA COLMAN SMITH. También conocida como Pixie, que me parece simpático el apodo, pero creo que por respeto la voy a llamar por su nombre completo. PAMELA COLMAN SMITH ha sido una gran influencia en la vida de todos los Tarotistas porque ella es la ilustradora del Tarot Rider-Waite que fue publicado en 1910. Si pudiera sentarme y entrevistar a una persona que ya no está con nosotros en este “avión físico”, PAMELA COLMAN SMITH estaría en mi lista. Me encantaría saber lo que ella piensa de la evolución actual del Tarot, y lo que tendría que decir sobre Instagram y todas las publicaciones del Tarot que se están poniendo allí (incluyendo las mías)... Su cumpleaños es Hoy 16 de Febrero. Feliz Cumpleaños PAMELA COLMAN SMITH Gracias por tu aporte, Gracias por tu legado a todos nosotros los Tarotistas de hoy, pero sobre todo por ser inspiración para muchos y por tu impresionante obra de arte como ser ilustradora del Tarot más usado el Rider-Waite. #raiderwaite #tarot #tarotista #ilustradora #legado #obradearte #inspiracion #pamelacomansmith #arziade (en MIAMI florida / EE.UU) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLWki4nA2Xc/?igshid=1qlpsv0nw1qop
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