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rotmydarlingsworld · 13 days ago
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grimmcheems · 1 year ago
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Dawkjndaekhfbwkehfbweihbf. So I drew these babies😫. Idek how this idea came to be tbh, all I remember is being at work and a kidnapping AU type situation spawning in my mind for these characters. I love Crona so much and had to draw them at some point. I’m still in the middle of watching the series so no spoilers pls🧍🏽‍♀️other than that I just thought this would be funny, and given how much social interaction Crona lacks, something like this would totally happen as a misunderstanding 😂.
This is really just Medusa finding another way to manipulate Crona further but it ends up being a mess and Stein gets involved at some point lmao. Think more like, unsociable kid who has weird tendencies and no concept of boundaries as a result of their damaged upbringing. After this whole situation is over Maka just finds Crona a bit creepy but goes along with it long enough to escape. I might include some extras for this later on at some point but this was fun to do. I wanted to add a bit of Ragnorok being a sucker for romance because there is ZERO action in his life since he is attached to Crona, and he instigates these cute moments between the two but it never goes as planned because he too is a bit slow on catching onto social queues. However I didn’t have enough space to include that lol. Ragnorok is just so adorable in his shrunken size that I had to include him. (Neither of them has any idea what they’re doing when trying to braid Maka’s hair, Rgnrk is just tying knots and Crona is….twisting her hair??? I’ll let you decide lmao.) Also, ik it looks a bit off bc of the proportions and unevenness but I made this for fun and the goofy proportions bring the vibe I was going for.
And if you see anything out of place or uncolored, no you don’t. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Side note: Medusa WOULD have a tacky couch like that and you can’t fight me on it.
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uh-velkommen · 2 years ago
Scandinavian Things to Watch
Somebody asked me for some recommendations in regards to Swedish and/or Norwegian T.V. shows so I figured I'd scour the internet for every show and movie I've ever seen and compile a list.
Now I will note that half of these I wouldn't really recommend. A thing about Norwegian shows, you'll always end up in one of these genres: Crime-Drama, A show about an awkward person or immigrant family navigating Norwegian culture, or an uneventful slice of life adult/family show and somehow, more often than not, some environmentalism plot line is threaded throughout each genre. I'm very used to fast paced dramas featuring teens so Norwegian series are quite the opposite. This is me admitting that I think most Norwegian shows and movies are so slow and boring. Also I hate Crime-Dramas. With that being said, I do try to get through the first couple of episodes/minutes and can recognize when a show is potentially good but if it requires my full attention to keep up, I'm not finishing it. I can't say if this crosses over into Swedish shows and I'm only just starting to get into Danish shows. Some of these are still on my To Be Seen and I definitely forgot to list others but it's been years since I've seen them so...🤷🏽‍♀️
Where To Watch: Most of these are on Netflix. Some were and are now gone, others have been added once I moved to Sweden. Some are on NRK which I used mostly when I was in Norway. You could get by with a VPN but NRK knows when you're using one and you'll have to restart it every two episodes. Viaplay is a Nordic streaming service that's only like 5 bucks a month, accessible anywhere but again, the selection varies depending on location.
Norwegian Movies:
Blasted (Netflix) TBS - Comedy, Two dudes fight aliens
Royalteen (Netflix) Drama, An average girl gets a prince to fall in love with her. In Royalteen 2, we follow the prince's sister who's working through personal issues.
Thelma (Netflix, Viaplay) TBS GAY - Horror, Something about romance and magic powers?
The Man Who Loved Yngve (Idk) TBS GAY - Drama, Romance
Norwegian Dream (Idk) TBS GAY - Coming of Age, Drama
The Trip (Netflix) TBS - Comedy, An old couple fights to see who can kill each other first instead of just getting a divorce
Troll (Netflix) - Drama, Action? A government team and Archeologist(?) try to stop an old troll from destroying the town
Troll Hunter (Netflix) - "Found Footage" People chase a troll idk
The Wave (Netflix) - Action Drama, People run from a massive wave
Battle (Netflix) - Drama, Featuring Lisa Teige who played Eva in Skam as a ballet dancer battling for the top spot I think, I never finished it.
Disco (NRK) - Drama, Which features Noora's(Skam) actress Josephine Frida Pettersen as a dancer juggling religion and passion.
Det Norske Hus (Netflix) - Comedy, A man crosses the boarder to attend a school that will teach him how to be Norwegian
The Lion Woman (Used to be on Netflix) - Whimsical Drama, A man protects a young hairy girl from being the town freak
The Affair (Viaplay) - Dark Drama, featuring Tarjei Sandvik Moe or Isak from Skam, A student gets dirty with a teacher and then stalks the teacher
Kitchen Stories (Idk) - Comedy? I had to watch this for school. I found it boring but Norwegian people like it. An Anthropologist(?) watches over a Norwegian man to study how Norwegians use kitchens
Norwegian Shows:
SKAM GAY for a season- Come on, you can't be on Tumblr and NOT know this show. This listing includes EVERY remake. Especially the American one (it's on NRK you nords) Every non-American only hates it because our culture is so different from Europe's, its giving xenophobia. Find the shows yourself, it's a rite of passage.
Ligga (Discovery+) TBS GAY- Comedy, featuring Ulrikke Falch, Vilde from Skam, A girl gets dumped and discovers casual sex. To be seen because I think it's only on Discovery Plus in Norway.
Ragnorok (Netflix) GAY for like 2 minutes - Mythology, featuring sexy babes from Skam Magnus, P. Cris, and my gf Sonja. The story of Thor versus the Giants. Fun Fact I actually don't care about this show, mainly this genre of show, but I challenged myself to watch it entirely in Norwegian without subtitles since season one and it's done so I win.
Post Mortem: No One Dies in Skarnes (Netflix) TBS - Dark Comedy, Funeral directors get up to some morally corrupt shenanigans. I got half way through the first episode and gave up.
Øyevitne TBS (Eyewitness U.S. version on the USA Network) GAY- Crime Thriller, I haven't seen the original yet bc I can't find it anywhere. Also I said I didn't like this genre but the Scandis do know how to make 'em. Two boys witness a murder that could solve a massive crime ring but are too scared to come forward bc they don't wanna be outed as ~lovers~ The acting in the American version is a little rough but don't let that stop you! This is the only English speaking show on this list.
Ida Tar Ansvar (Viaplay) - Ironic Comedy? A girl who is just terrified of the real world befriends an Incel in hopes of changing him/saving women. The main actress is also in Royalteen and the main actor is actually Kasper from Skam!
Lillyhammer (Used to be on Netflix) - Crime Comedy, An old American gangster moves to a small part of Lillehammer, Norway to hide and life ensues. This was actually the first Norwegian series I watched post-Skam. There's speaking parts in both Norwegian and English but it's an American show. I still recommend it.
Norsemen (Netflix) - Mockumentary, It kind of feels like a Viking Version of The Office. I've seen a few episodes but the humor is very Norwegian and it didn't stick for me.
Beforeigners (Amazon Prime Video) - Drama, Time travelers from the Viking/Stone Age era end up in Modern day Norway. We follow a Detective Traveler Woman solve crimes. I never finished it bc I forgot it existed lol.
Exit (Viaplay, NRK) - Drama, We follow as a bunch of rich people be absolutely terrible human beings. Tbh, I only got to like episode 3, they're just too long.
The Architect (Viaplay) TBS - Drama, I couldn't tell you shit about this show. I got through the first episode and had no idea what was going on but it's filmed very stylistically and I can see it being enjoyable for someone out there.
Delete Me (Viaplay) TBS - Dark Drama, A sex tape gets out and causes problems for many students at this school. I haven't seen it yet bc the plot doesn't interest me but someone else highly recommended it.
Lik Meg (NRK) - Teen Drama, Two girls' friendship gets tested when they enter the 7th grade. I tried watching this when I was in Norway to fill the Skam void but it's definitely geared towards younger audiences so I didn't get far.
19 (NRK) - Same as above, Each season follows a character of a different age so the title of the show changes too I think. I don't know, here's the Wiki. This show focuses on third culture kids.
Skitten Snø (NRK) TBS - Dark Drama, again featuring our child Tarjei Sandvik Moe as he struggles with friendship but in a creepy way? It's hard to find a good description of this one.
Peppa Gris (NRK) - I literally just watched Peppa Pig in Norwegian for language learning purposes. That, Shrek(DVD), Frozen(Illegally) and also Vivo(Netflix).
Klassen (NRK) - Teen Drama, again really geared towards younger audiences. It's a very Disney-like show. I never finished it.
Pørni [or Pernille] (NRK, Netflix, Viaplay) GAY for like 2 minutes - Family Drama/Comedy following a social worker and mother navigating life after her sisters death, her father coming out, and her kids getting older. The characters are all genuinely funny in an endearing way to watch, and it shows genuine/sweet love between older people.
Swedish Movies: (I haven't seen these but they look good)
Black Crab (Netflix) TBS - Dark Drama, A solider has to cross a frozen sea with precious cargo to stop an apocalyptic war.
Låt Den Rätte Komma In (It's online free somewhere & on Swedish Netflix) TBS (Let Me In U.S. version) - Thriller, Something about a vampiric killer kid. I really like the American version so I wanna give the OG a shot.
A Man Called Ove (Netflix, Viaplay) TBS - Drama Comedy, A grumpy old man is mean to his neighbors after the death of his wife, he learns how to enjoy life again, I think.
JJ+E (Netflix) TBS - Teen Drama/Romance, A third culture boy and a Swedish girl fall in love. Will they make it?
Kyss Mig (Viaplay, Used to be on Netflix) TBS GAY - Drama, A young woman who is engaged begins an affair with her future stepmother's lesbian daughter (Can we consider that incest?).
Swedish Shows:
Sjukt (NRK) - Drama Comedy, Loosely based on the life of Young Royals Creator, Lisa Ambjörn. A young women finds a new lease on life after beating Ovarian Cancer. I enjoyed half of it but would rather finish it on a site that isn't NRK.
Young Royals (Netflix) - Teen Drama, beautiful amazing talented show stopping never been done before... A young prince gets sent to a boarding school to tighten up his act when jealousy causes things to fall apart all around him. Obviously recommend.
Gåsmamman (Amazon Prime Video) - Crime Drama, Featuring Young Royals star, Edvin Ryding, as one of the sons to a widowed mother caught up in a crime ring left by her husband. Turns out it goes deeper than what she was expecting. Brace yourself for this intense 6 season, 46 episode long show.
Kontoret (Swedish version of The Office) TBS - Exactly what it sounds like. I haven't bothered to look into it further but it could be fun to see the cultural differences and Swedish nuances.
Quicksand (Netflix) - Dark Drama, also a good one, After a school shooting we follow a girl who was somehow involved. As the plot unravels we find out exactly how. Features Felix Sandman if you're a fan of him.
One More Time (Netflix) TBS - Comedy, I literally just added this to my list. It's "17 Again" mixed with Disney's "16 Wishes."
Thunder in my Heart (Viaplay) TBS - Coming of Age/Family Drama. A lot of these Swedish shows on Viaplay don't have English subtitles so, dead end.
Älska mig (Viaplay) TBS - Drama/Romance, Familiar faces: Edvin Ryding of Young Royals/Gåsmamman! Little stories about people finding and navigating romance.
Ej Kjem (NRK) - Scandalous Drama, A show about a girl navigating life and SEXuality. I couldn't get far with it because it's only in Swedish with NYNORSK subtitles??
Clark (Netflix) TBS - Biography/Comedy? Bill Skarsgård! The unbelievable story of Clark Olofsson, the man who inspired the phrase "Stockholm Syndrome."
Danish Movies:
The Bombardment (Netflix) TBS - Wartime Drama, Based on true events, a WWII bomb hits a school in Copenhagen. (Also if you didn't know, there was A LOT happening with Sweden, Norway, and Denmark during WWII and so there are TONS of good Scandinavian movies set during then. I didn't list them because I'm just not that big a fan of the genre but the history's crazy.)
Danish Shows:
Seaside Hotel (Viaplay) GAY for like 2 seconds but idk if more happens I'm still watching - Drama, set some time in the 1920s. Various kooky guests check into this hotel every summer and life happens, drama unfolds. I was just starting to really get into it but for some reason Viaplay in Sweden doesn't have it 😡.
The Rain (Netflix) - Survival Drama, Toxic rain falls from the sky wiping out almost all humanity. One boy is the cure. Does he save and restore all humankind? I don't know I never finished it. This was when the survival genre was at an all time high. It's a good show but I just couldn't take it anymore.
Rita (Netflix) - Drama Comedy, Rita is an independent girl boss mother who has funny relationships with everyone around her. It's been years since I've seen it but it was pretty popular to the Danes.
Elves (Netflix) TBS - Horror Drama, It's evil elves at Christmas time. I haven't seen it yet but it doesn't look like it's gotten good reviews.
The Chestnut Man (Netflix) TBS - Crime Drama, A creepy chestnut toy links together murders and might be the answer to a politician's missing child.
One of the Boys (Viaplay) GAY - Coming of Age, short drama series. A boy gets sent on this "How to be a man" retreat and flips between changing himself to fit in and accepting his oddball self with this other outsider who is "totally not gay" but I literally don't believe that and it's total queer baiting but there's a kiss scene and it's such a short and easy watch that why not give a chance.
And finally: @notachair asked for this so here you go :)
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mistichallow · 2 years ago
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I captured this moment, and I couldn't stop laughing for 10 minutes LMAO! 🤣😂 I don't blame Brok lol
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penguin440 · 2 years ago
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crona doodle !,!!,,,!,!!
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sincerlyyourfavorite · 2 years ago
the way that i literally can’t stop thinking about this ff the whole sharingan rising series changed my life. i need to study for an english exam that’s worth 50% of my grade but no im going to think about this fic. 
this categorically better than anything else on this website it’s not even funny. the use of religion, metaphors, the hurt, the depression, everything was portrayed to perfection it’s actually insane.  
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designatedsally · 2 years ago
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inzkbi · 2 years ago
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Soul eater sticker designs pt.2 [line art vers.]
♡🔪 Please do not re-upload my art! 🔪 ♡
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poz-patrol · 1 year ago
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parzivalofthehigh5 · 2 years ago
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beebrown80 · 1 year ago
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we've waited too long for the new season of Loki- so I made my cat's halloween costumes to celebrate this grand occasion!
Been working on a series of Pet Halloween Costumes for my boys Chowder and Boogie this spooky season!! Stay tuned for their next costume >:) AND if you'd like me to draw Your Pet's Halloween Costumes I'm open for Commissions!! ✨🌟 Dm any questions! 👻
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spartasghost15 · 1 year ago
This is just me ok but idk why
I get SO enraged when I see somebody watching something in english dub
Like for animated shit, or anime I don't really mind (Don't dabble in anime English dub)
Holy shit... And the reason why im talking about this?
I was watching the Netflix series "Ragnorök". The whole plot is that its a Norwegian original that talks about climate change and the rebirth of gods, my mother walks in and asks me VERBATIM "Oh, why are you watching it in French (She really can't care for the fucking language of Norway) [Deadname]? Watching it in English is easier."
I almost lost my shit cuz everytime I watch a series that doesn't have english as its original dubbing, my mother always makes comments like that... You knows whats even funnier.
I watch everything with captions cuz news flash, I LIKE READING!
Rant over, have a nice night or day.
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daisydood · 2 years ago
RAHHH idk who to talk about for god of war I need asks but no one is doing it💀 I might do Freya next but IF YOU WANT TO SEE ONE COMMENT OR ASK 😭😭
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explosiv-glasses · 1 year ago
on the Naglfar/Naglfari (boat of dead mans nails) where whould you like your nails to be?
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imustspeakmyheart · 1 year ago
netflix ragnorok is so fucking goofy i cant w how they chose to end it LMAO
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xojamie · 2 years ago
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