#rachel says things
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buckupbuckley · 8 months ago
I’m rewatching some of my favorite 9-1-1 episodes and I think I’ll forever be confused as to how Buck ended up under the fire truck the way he did. ESPECIALLY if he had been wearing a seatbelt
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katyakazanovas · 1 year ago
it’s a bob’s burgers all day long type of day
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merrigel · 9 days ago
Sometimes your buddy tells you to do smth with your OCs and things spiral out of control?? (song is Lost Library by Louie Zong!)
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bull-shit-suji · 8 days ago
with the hiatus ending in less than a month i'm casting the dice for kuro finale predictions. a lot of this is based on the manga's narrative style, as well as season one's ending (which, though yana didn't write it, she DID give the production team input). place your bets now!
the manor burns down again. partial credit for Something burning down because yana loves a full circle moment
elizabeth lives and is instrumental for some part of the climax, i.e. crashing out at o!ciel (it's what he deserves).
elizabeth inherits the title of guard dog and maybe funtom. girlboss!
sebastian gets badly injured or nearly dies. i think he needs to suffer a little more (endearing)
the phantomhives' killer is someone we've already met. that's murder mystery ground rule number one baby
bonus points if queen victoria did it! she's the only known character who i can piece together a viable motive for
madam red makes a harrowing return as a bizarre doll
undertaker is a red herring villain BUT knows who orchestrated the phantomhives' murders and/or tried to prevent it from happening. isn't telling o!ciel because that would mean satisfying the contract.
said contract is concluded
r!ciel is definitely dying again. let the kid rest man
tentatively theorizing that rachel phantomhive will be important to the murder reveal in some way. we've seen a lot of vincent thus far and it's suspicious that rachel, who parallels elizabeth in visuals, emotional intelligence, AND moral uprightness hasn't had her moment yet
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valewritessss · 10 months ago
How do I tell Annabeth haters that they’re not being more feminist for hating Annabeth instead of Rachel? Why do we always gotta hate someone? Can these two girls just exist and not be blamed for shit.
Because first it was “Rachel is getting in the way of Percabeth so she’s a bitch”
But now it’s “Annabeth was so mean to Rachel she had so much internalized misogyny”
Like why did y’all switch up??
I mean good for Rachel but like bad for society this just set us back because wtf
If you can’t blame one you have to blame the other? Honestly they think they’re being such a girls girl for that but it’s just getting worse. God forbid a girl has a crush on an attractive guy and god forbid the other girl who has severe trauma revolving anandonment hates her for it.
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shaunamaries · 8 months ago
callum is an incredibly talented actor but i’m so glad his current occupation is being dua’s purse dog i think it’s great for the ecosystem
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lucy-moderatz · 6 months ago
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outer-edges · 1 year ago
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fallevs · 29 days ago
"Hey, do you want to meet for a drink?"
"I can't, I'm busy"
Me being busy:
@klainefanzine2025 💜
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ghurab-alzilal · 1 year ago
Damian: I'm immune to mean and hurtful words because Raven says nice and gentle things every time and her love protects me.
Raven: I'm immune to mean and hurtful words because Damian says mean and harsh things every time so I'm always prepared.
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buckupbuckley · 5 months ago
The fact that I can see MAGA easily turn into The NFFA is fucking terrifying
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katyakazanovas · 2 months ago
“oh that hurts! i’m not numb!”
“aw shut up, open wide, here i come!”
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a-dotrivenitupontop · 2 days ago
i really think the main problem with s3 and 4 of mq is how scrambled the jobs have become. like in s1 and 2 it starts out pretty simple.
ian: the head-in-the-clouds creative director with your typical weirdly spiritual man who wields power over others moments
poppy: the shut in coding genius lead engineer who longs for power and then lets it get to her head when she becomes co-creative director
david: the awkward and pathetic boss who really does not have a grip on his company
brad: the money-hungry head of monetisation
jo: the helpful yet slightly deranged assistant
rachel and dana: the overlooked testers who know they’re worth more
cw: the kooky and more than vaguely racist writer
other characters are the overworked art department head, phil. the hr head carol, who’s treated like a therapist. the mansplaining other tester who appeared for a bit, lou. and of course, autistic latina icon, maria.
it’s a typical sitcom setup. each character has a job in the Setting and that job allows the writers to explore that personality. brad works with money so his ultimate goal is a scrooge mcduck money bin. cw wrote sci fi books in the seventies so of course he’s gonna say odd things about women. poppy’s job is to sit at a computer all day, there’s no way she’s developed appropriate social skills. but then in s3 and 4 the jobs get so much weirder and jumbled?? like??
ian: co-creative director and grimpop studios. then goes back to mythic quest, then quits but finds he can’t when poppy tries to leave.
poppy: co-creative director at grimpop studios. then goes back to mythic quest, gets a boyfriend, gets pregnant, debates leaving for the netherlands.
david: still the executive producer. becomes evil for a bit then pathetic again. becomes evil again. becomes pathetic again. becomes evil again. becomes pathetic again.
brad: the janitor. then he’s invited back to be the homie. then joins dana. then fucks over dana playing poker. then he has to choose between his girlfriend who works for danas rival (who never gets mentioned again) or mythic quest. chooses mythic quest.
jo: still assistant. that’s solid. kinda. idk who she assisted in particular in s4 but she assisted. now she’s head of playpen??
rachel: decides she wants to be a writer. fails at berkeley or wherever. joins monetisation. then she becomes evil?? and defends child labor in playpen?? then mopes about it for a few days before david needs her back??
dana: randomly decides she’s the best coder of her generation because she can make a roblox game. works for ian and poppy but then makes her own studio which is owned by mythic quest. brad gambles her new game away after she’s bested by a 17yo. makes a new game.
carol: montreal gives her a job as head of diversity and inclusion (hodi). does mq have an hr department anymore?? who knows. who cares. hodi isn’t really a job that involves anything so carol spends her time fucking the old gay testers.
the old gay testers: old and gay and testers. for some reason they’re at davids meeting in telephone even though s1 rachel complained about how testers are never invited to meetings. btw what happened to the other gay testers from s3??
other characters include like 2 mins of screen time from porn addicted anthony who i think is a coder and an episode about pootie shoe. why so few side characters? because brad got as much screen time in s4 and michelle got in s1. does anyone miss michelle btw?? does anyone miss when this show had people actually working in each department??? does mythic quest have a writing department anymore???? can this show do plot line that doesn’t involve a character getting fired then coming back then quitting then joining another thing then quitting then going back to mq???? while getting completely flanderised in the process????
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jq37 · 11 months ago
no but seriously the whole david thing was so fucked up, and it's especially wild how it comes right after book 19 and cassie's deal with aftran, where we are shown the "humanity" of the evil brain slugs, and then right afterward we get three books showing just how evil these kids have become just by virtue of the way they've been forced to fight (do you think they'd turned fourteen yet, when they exiled a kid their age, because they'd forcibly recruited him just as they'd been recruited, and he didn't handle it like they did?)
This has been sitting in my ask box for a bit because I wanted to fact check my memories but woof. I don't know that I would have handled David any better at 14 or now for that matter.
Especially after the Saddler incident. Like we saw some humanity from a Yeerk in book 19 and then some REAL Yeerk behavior in David choosing to steal this poor kid's identity and life--literally throwing him down an elevator shaft to finish him off. Not just any kid either--Jake and Rachel's cousin. Their obnoxious cousin who sucked but still. Their flesh and blood family.
The thing that really gets me about The Solution is, at the end of the day, it's Cassie's plan. Cassie, the kindest most empathetic member of the group, is forced to use that empathy with brutal efficiency to figure out how to play emotional chess with this fellow kid huge amoral liability and it works. It works exactly according to plan.
But she has to live with that. Cassie, the tree hugger, the vegetarian, the one who was willing to sacrifice her life for one stranger three books ago has to live with the knowledge that she did this (knowing full well what the lifespan is of a rat as opposed to a human boy) and she has to live with that knowledge for a long, long time.
Anyway I don't know about evil, but ruthless? Oh yeah.
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shaunamaries · 19 days ago
it's my personal opinion that bill fraser should be allowed to bite people. anyone he wants in fact. it's the least he deserves
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ang-li · 2 months ago
does anyone ever think about how rachels post gm lifestyle is basically as taylor described to her when they met up in new delhi and taylor never got to fulfill her side of it.. but a part of her will always be in rachels life because it was taylors care and companionship that helped rachel forge this life for herself and build a community that supports her.....
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