lillionbee · 7 months
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elioooh · 1 year
tiny dinosaure raaww
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wildcmbcrsupdates · 1 year
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lizethselene: rAawW!! 🐈‍⬛
Lizeth Selene via Twitter, 10/12/2022.
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vvbrake · 8 months
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angelhardy13 · 2 years
Moondust - Capítulo 3
✨La oferta✨
Cuatro semanas después del despido. Viernes 7:00 pm Satoru bañaba a los niños. Los tres jugaban dentro de la bañera. Yuuji platicaba con Megumi. —Quieo un dino. —¿Qué es? —Dino… raaww —Ah. Aún eran pequeños, había palabras incompletas en su vocabulario difíciles de pronunciar pero entre ellos se entendían, y en realidad aprendían rápido. —¿Quieres un dinosaurio? —le preguntó Satoru. El niño le explicó con suma alegría su petición. Le trató de decir por qué era buena idea tener uno, y también dijo que quería que Gumi y Nobara tuvieran uno. Bien… ahora tenía que comprar dinosaurios para sus cumpleaños.
Dos días después 6:00 pm Satoru les ha comprado un baño entrenador a los niños. Lo ven como un juguete. Es momento de que dejen el pañal. Lo ven como novedad y Nobara y Yuuji levantan la tapa y tiran de la palanca en forma de juego. —Son niños grandes así que es hora de que aprendan a ir al baño. Pronto cumplirán ¿tres? y los niños mayores ya han dejado los pañales. ¿De acuerdo? No entendían en realidad ni le prestaban atención. Satoru exageraba faltaba mucho tiempo para que cumplieran tres. —Necesito que cuando empiecen a darse cuenta de que la caca y el pipi se les sale me digan. —¿Pa’ qué? —preguntó Megumi. —Para sentarte allí y que hagas del baño como hacen todos los niños mayores. Megumi asintió aunque en realidad no lo entendía del todo. Las primeras veces Satoru aún podía ver a los niños encogidos sin decir nada solo usando sus pañales, así que comenzó a tomarlos en el acto y correr al baño para que hicieran allí. Así estuvo toda la noche. Mientras Megumi estaba en el baño, un poco asustado por lo que pasaba, Satoru recibió una llamada. Corrió a contestar dejando al niño sentado y paralizado, no sabía cómo actuar. —¿Mañana? —Tiene que presentarse a las 9:00 a.m. señor Gojo —dijo la voz femenina por el altavoz del teléfono. Satoru corrió a ver al niño quien intentaba pararse, lo volvió a sentar mientras atendía. Puso en altavoz el teléfono y lo dejó en el lavabo. —Es para su entrevista. Recibimos su currículum y creemos que cumple con lo necesario pero necesitamos hacerle una entrevista. Conoce el procedimiento. Vaya que lo conocía, había estado en varias entrevistas a lo largo del mes algunas para trabajos ridículos que no ameritaban una entrevista y otros que si lo requerían. A todos escuchó: “lo llamaremos” pero las llamadas nunca llegaron. Para este punto ya estaba tan desanimado que ni siquiera preguntó de dónde lo llamaban al principio. —Claro, por supuesto, no se preocupe estaré allí. Disculpe ¿dónde debo presentarme? —Claro. ¿Conoce las oficinas de la empresa Golden Mountain? Están en el centro de la ciudad. Anote la dirección… Magnífico. Vaya momento. Él estaba cargando a un niño frustrado a punto de llorar. Lograba escuchar que en la sala Nobara hacía males y Yuuji estaba en la puerta del baño bailando. —Papá, pipí. Así que solo pudo memorizar mientras hacía malabares con Megumi. —Por favor sea puntual señor Gojo y vista adecuadamente. —¡Gracias, muchas gracias! La llamada se cortó. Dejó el teléfono a un lado y volvió a sentar a Megumi. Detrás de él Yuuji bailaba y gritaba. —Sí, ya entendí. ¡Un momento, está ocupado… por Dios Yuuji no seas grosero!
Anterior 🌕 Índice 🌕 Siguiente
© 2021 ZAnka— queda prohibido modificar, plagiar, robar o repostear sin autorización este trabajo
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suki-paint · 4 years
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Aah.. no se xd . . . . . #dibujoalapiz #draw #mydrawing #Dibujo #owo #Raaww https://www.instagram.com/p/CA0mZv0H1ol/?igshid=19s5g0i4lnxkg
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short-sim-wayz · 4 years
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Travis: "Uh.. Ahh raaww!"
One of the replacements happen to be a werewolf. ^^;
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Wanda: "It's time for Dungeons and Dragons."
Vision: "Okay, let's play."
*Vision flies Tommy around*
Tommy: "Raaww!"
*Wanda and Billy running away*
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c-a supports + paired ending
Raphael: Raaww! Hrrnngghh! R: Hrraaggh! Yrraagh! R: Hyaaaggh—huh? What's that noise? R: Heh... Sounds like someone's having fun. Maybe it's coming from the greenhouse. Bernadetta: That was really fun, Bernie. B: Good thing I found such an out-of-the-way spot to play. Only the pretty flowers heard me here. B: Isn’t that right, little flower? You're the only one who heard, aren't you? What did you think? R: That was amazing! B: Ah! Why's your voice so deep?! R: What? I'm no flower. B: Oh no. Raphael, you heard it all, didn't you? R: I did! What kind of instrument was that? R: I could hear it all the way over at the training grounds. It was great. I didn't know you could play! B: All the way from the training grounds?! Ugh! R: That's right. Then I came here to tell you how good you sounded! B: Good? No. No, I'm on to you. B: First you flatter me, then you get me to perform on stage in front of everyone to humiliate me! R: Uhhh...no? But that's a great idea. Everyone should be able to hear your music! B: Ah! I knew it! Monster! B: I won't fall victim to your schemes! R: I don't know what just happened, but I think I might have scared her...
b (i?)
B: ♪Hm hm-hm hm-hm...♪ R: ... B: ♪Hm hm-hm-hm... Hm hm-hm-hmm...♪ R: ... B: ♪Hm, hmm...♪ Hm? R: ... B: Aaaah! Ambush! I knew you were out to get me! R: Ahh! Bernadetta! Please, c-calm down! B: Calm down?! Sure, why shouldn't I? Nothing's more relaxing than being spied on! B: I just love it wh-when huge scary men lurk behind me with their insidious smiles and heinous schemes! B: Ugh! You just want to make me a laughing stock— ruin me in front of everyone. I know it! R: Please! Listen! I only came to hear you play. That's it. Promise. R: I'm not gonna make you perform in front of everyone else. I just wanted to hear you myself. B: J-just you? Nobody else? Really? R: Really. I kept trying to ask, but you always ran away. B: That doesn't mean you can just watch me creepily from the shadows, you know. That would scare anyone. R: You're right. I'm sorry. I just didn't know how else to get your attention. You get so scared. R: But it looks like I ended up scaring you anyway. I'll leave you alone, Bernadetta... B: I really just wish I could have heard you play. R: Raphael?
b (ii?)
B: There he is. OK, Bernie, you can do this. R: Oh! Bernadetta! R: Sorry, just passing through. Didn't mean to scare you again... B: No-no, it's all right. Actually, I came to talk to you. B: I owe you an apology. It's, um, long overdue. R: Huh? What do you have to apologize for? B: I’m hopelessly terrified of you, so every time I see you, I kind of lose my mind. B: But once you're gone and I get time to calm down, I realize I'm making a big deal out of nothing. B: I’m sorry I couldn't tell you before. I feel awful! I hope you can forgive me! R: Come on, now. It's all right. I wasn't really that bothered by it. Promise. R: I shoulda been more careful not to scare you. I'm a big guy, and my muscles can be intimidating. B: No! No, you did nothing wrong! It's all my fault. R: How about this? Let's say it's both our fault and call it even. R: But you know, I've been thinking... R: You really are scared of everything. Is there something we can do to fix that? B: You mean like a cure? R: Something like that. I think we can figure this out. Your biggest fear is talking to people, right? R: If that's the case, you need to change the way you think about talking! R: Right now you think it's bad, so you're afraid to do it. I figure if you talk to more people, then you'll think talking is good! R: It might be hard to suddenly start talking to people though... R: You're gonna need to take it slow. Oh! I know! Start with me! B: W-with you? That'll be, um...tough. Maybe, um... Maybe if you turn around? Face the other way? R: I guess...if that's what you need. How's this? R: I bet if you get used to talking to me, your fears will go away in no time! B: You’re, ah, still really intimidating. B: But OK, I'll give it a try...
B: Hi, Raphael! Lovely weather today, isn't it? R: Sure is! Staring up at the sky on a clear day always reminds me of my hometown. B: What was it like there? R: Hmm…let's see... Well, it's a real calm and peaceful place. Big, clear skies too, just like this. R: It's full of friendly people and delicious food. Talking about it makes me want to go back. B: Yeah… It's a shame we're stuck fighting in this war. R: Right? I wonder what my little sis is up to. She's probably grown so much by now... R: I haven't seen her since I came back to Garreg Mach. She probably wouldn't even recognize me anymore. B: I’ll bet she would! How could she possibly forget such a terrify— Um... B: Such a terrific big brother? There's no way! R: You really think so? That's a relief. R: All this relief's making me hungry! Want to head to the dining hall? B: Oh! Um... Actually, we can eat here. I cooked something up for us today. R: Oh yeah? I won't say no to that! B: I heard you really like meat, so, um—here you go! B: It’s my first time cooking something like this. I can at least guarantee it isn't poisoned. R: Meat? That's my favorite! I'd probably eat it even if it was poisoned! R: Om mmm mmm... Mmm? Mmm mmm... B: Is it, uh...good? R: Graaah! That was amazing! B: Really? You like it? R: So tender! So juicy! So full of flavor! It was practically falling off the bone! R: The flavor was so rich and sweet! I— Wait...how can meat be sweet? B: Is sweet bad? I thought it was pretty tasty, myself. R: No, no, no! It was delicious! I couldn't believe it! R: I'd eat more fruits and vegetables if they were this good! R: If all food tasted like this I...I just don't know what I'd do with myself! B: Well, if you like it, I wouldn't mind, um, making more. Whenever you want, really! R: Really?! That would be great! R: We gotta get this war over with so you can have more time to cook! B: You know, I'd actually like that.
paired ending
When Bernadetta first inherited control of House Varley, she hid away and would not dare involve herself in political or administrative affairs. During this time it was Raphael who came to her aid, encouraging her to work through her fear of people. The training period was difficult—"humiliating," according to the journals Bernadetta left behind—but in the end, it had its desired effect. The leader of House Varley became an outgoing and authoritative individual, taking part in public policy. She even took on a very muscular husband.
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tantok · 5 years
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ruffy-dream-wolf · 5 years
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RAAWW ❣❣ 😍🤩😁🐺🐺❤❤
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livinglifeinphases · 5 years
whats up with that weird human instinct to call things weird and shut them down ? like ill be like “hey guys should i dye my hair green?” and everyone will instantly be like “GREEN???? NO🤢🤢🤮🤮” and then i do it and theyre like “wooww i love this whole green vibe...” and dye their hair green 2years later. or like ill say “i like sushi :•)” and people will be like “RAAWW FISH!!!!! RAWW??? EWWWW” like yall just be sayin words huh ?no thought just talking huh ? responding to things... no brain in ur skull...
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the-sunshine-dims · 5 years
when you say “awww” to much in one minute so your body isn't allowing you to say it anymore and leaves you with “raaww” “rawr” and “REET” 
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floofthedruid · 7 years
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Gaaraa Raaww rrawrrr!!! And other Various Bear Noises! ((This is the IC Blog of Flurry Hoof (Floof), the Druid. Floof is a Therapy bear, and is often found assisting in minor medical procedures by offering a fuzzy warm body to hug and distract from the pain. He uses body language to speak, and occasional questioning bear noises, but can shift to his Tauren form for limited Orcish speech. In game, you might find Floof on Feathermoon as a Resto druid, but for RP purposes, he is a Guardian Druid with Restoration affinity. This Blog is a Secondary Blog, and cannot send asks directly! If Floof finds his way to your home, look for an Anon message with -FloofTheDruid tagged afterward!)
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naogata · 5 years
Favorite tweets: Ele devolvendo o dinheiro, como se a mãe fosse aceitar né NICOLAS PRATTES É ALFREDO pic.twitter.com/tVNnWNUsaN— Josi - 🐅 RAAWW 🌙 (@amoresjuenick) November 4, 2019
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