powerbabe · 8 years
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powerbabe · 8 years
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powerbabe · 8 years
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powerbabe · 8 years
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Melanie Martinez performing at Lollapalooza Brasil 2017
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powerbabe · 8 years
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road trippin’
( bonus )
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powerbabe · 8 years
2 be honest, i think im going to start going through my followers list and just start unfollowing people i don’t rp with. like, its essentially what i did with my other blog and i might as well do it here too. and u know, like i said over at my other blog, if ur mutuals with me but dont think we are ever gonna ic interact but idk like the stupid shit i say i got a personal u can hit up. other then that im just gonna clear out my list to people i actually rp with, you know?
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powerbabe · 8 years
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powerbabe · 8 years
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powerbabe · 8 years
Sharleen, Julian & Randy Rodriguez
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Name: Sharleen Mary (Olivares) Rodriguez   Gender: Cis Female DOB: February 2, 1970 Age: 47 Years Old Occupation: Unemployed Place Of Birth: Bronx, New York City Current Location: Manhattan, New York City Relationship Status: Married, Being Cheated On Personality: Cold, No Back Bone, Distant
Sharleen Mary Olivares was born in Bronx, New York City to a father that worked all day and slept all night and to a mother who had to be both mom and dad during those times. She had an older brother who lived till the age of 16 before he was murdered from a horrible life choice. Sharleen had always promised herself she’d live a better life. She’d have a well paying job, she’d be out of the bad neighborhood, she’d never miss out on her kids accomplishments... but life didn’t always go the way one planned. 
Sharleen was on the right track, she had just scraped by high school and had been able to get accepted into a community college when she had met Julian. A very wealthy and very attractive young lawyer-to-be in an ivy league who surely had a taste for community college girls. And Sharleen? She liked the taste of financial stability. It wasn’t hard for her to snatch him up, letting him whisk her away from Bronx and into Upper Class Manhattan. Falling absolutely in love with the luxury and Julian, she found herself spending so much time in her day with him and forgetting all about her little family in the Bronx. 
At the age of 22 she had given birth to Alyssa Rodriguez and had dropped out of college. She didn’t care, though, because Julian would take care of her. He had promised it, after all. Then, three years later, she had another child; Randy Rodriguez. Julian... wasn’t as supportive this time but they were a family and she wasn’t poor anymore, so it was all fine.
And then... Rebekah called. Julian’s secretary... Julian’s mistress. The first night glass was broken, dishes on the floor, voice hoarse and then there was the alcohol. All the alcohol. Julian had come home to a drunken Sharleen and she... she said nothing. Because of love, because of stupidity. Days became months and then months became years and Sharleen hadn’t brought up his affair ( on going affairs ) and by then Alyssa and Randy had caught on to their parents problems. Sharleen didn’t care. She stopped caring a long time ago about herself, about her kids... she just cared for Julian. She knew, if she said anything, it would be her out in the streets and she knew of the strain she had already caused in her own family... So she drank. And she drank. And she drank. 
Currently she’s still in that apartment, a flask in her hand and regret deep in her heart. This family is nothing like her own but... somehow, it seems so much worse.
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Name: Julian Esteban Rodriguez Gender: Cis Male DOB: October 28, 1969 Age: 48 Years Old Occupation: Lawyer Place Of Birth: Manhattan, New York City Current Location: Manhattan, New York City Relationship Status: Married, Sleeping Around Personality: Egotistical, Sleazy, Unemotional
Julian Esteban Rodriguez was born into a wealthy family. His father owned a highly successful law firm and his mother was thee perfect trophy wife. Though his real caregiver was a sweet old nanny that he, of course, drove mad with his child games. Despite essentially seeing his parents for small moments of time throughout the day, he looked up to his father. He wanted to be a lawyer just like him and continue to live in the lap of luxury. So, it was no surprise that he had his sights set on Columbia University; an ivy league. His grades had been close enough to the mark but daddy’s money had help immensely with the acceptance process.
College had proved to be very good to Julian. Breezing by with continuing support of his father donating to the school, Julian spent most of his college time partying and hooking up with women from community colleges. Girls who were looking for some stability. Things had gotten especially sticky for him when he had met Sharleen. For the first time, he had actual feelings for one of these girls. She was so dedicated to him and Julian just couldn’t help falling for it. It was like his own parents relationship.
At the age of 23 Sharleen had Alyssa and he had let promised to take care of them. Which... proved to be really damn hard. Sharleen was moody, the baby was always crying and Julian was suddenly not as important anymore. He had gotten a job at his father’s law firm and so did a gorgeous intern. A gorgeous, not moody, no child having intern. That was his first taste of infidelity. And then there was another. And then Sharleen had child number two. And the women just got more sweeter and more frequent. The image of a man with a perfect family was set and he had a little dessert on the side. 
Currently he’s still living the same lifestyle, unaware of his wife’s knowledge and unaware of what his children are up to. To Julian, it was all an image. To the outside world he had a perfect life and, he supposed, in some way he felt like he did too. Success and sex were all her cared for after all.
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Name: Randy Julian Rodriguez   Gender: Cis Male DOB: May 26, 1996 Age: 20 Years Old Occupation: Fast Food Worker Place Of Birth: Manhattan, New York City Current Location: Brooklyn, New York City Relationship Status: Single Personality: Lazy, Introvert, Family Failure
Randy Julian Rodriguez was born into a family that had already destined him for failure. Growing up with a mother who offered him the bare minimum of care and a father who looked at him more of a misfortune than anything else, the only sense of familial love was what he got from Alyssa. Though, it was not enough and nothing like a discipline and guide of parents. Not to mention, his older sister had her own problems.
His school years were full of poor grades and suspensions. Alyssa had, had to get him out of plenty of sticky situations but he had only passed school with the help of his father’s money. Without any drive to succeed, he had never spent long on his academics. After all, it was hard to to study in a home where he felt more alone than anything else. His mere safe haven was his room but even that felt too overwhelming for him at times. So he was keen to sneaking out, starting in middle school. 
It was in high school where he was introduced to marijuana. He never quite liked alcohol, he saw what it did to his mother, but this was just the next best thing. It made him feel better, it calmed his nerves and eased the tough times. When his parents would fight? A single hit and it was all better. When his teachers would imply he isn’t going to amount to anything? A single hit and it was all better. When he got rejected from every college he applied for? A single hit and it was all better. 
Currently he lives in a dingy hole in the wall apartment in Brooklyn. He spends most of his days stuck in his home, smoking with his friends and trying to forget everything about his shitty childhood. The only reason he still has his home is because of his father who continues to help him for the sake of his own image. Julian also insists on getting him a better apartment but Randy wants nothing with anything that reminds him of home. Randy’s job is simply a way of making him feel like he can do something... and it’s a faster way to get cash. After all, Julian can’t transfer money when he’s too busy getting ridden by his secretary.
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powerbabe · 8 years
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having this mural painted above my bed.
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powerbabe · 8 years
also, and this is very important, she does use ‘deadass’
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powerbabe · 8 years
caxadiaxstrexgth replied to your post: you know what, i think actually, for all the sweet...
i miss roman/alyssa omg
i miss them too!!! 
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powerbabe · 8 years
and you know, while we’re on it, it’s not hard to befriend alyssa. she’s going to be shy, stuttery and all around blush-y at first but when you push past all of that you see the whole ‘other layer of her. the one more inclined to hug and cuddle and even kiss your cheek because she values positive human contact a lot. or like, just feeling loved really. that’s all she wants; to get the love she’s lacked plenty from her family. she’s fiercely loyal and rather protective over her friends.
but likewise, if you manage to upset her or make her feel shitty it is very hard to get back in her good graces. she will actively ignore you. even if you’re right there, talking right to her, she will look past you and will walk away like no one was talking to her. it’s childish but it’s what she does. you’ll probably have to corner her for her to even listen.
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powerbabe · 8 years
you know what, i think actually, for all the sweet alyssa is... she’d really appreciate a kind of tough and scary wrestler. like she is Terrified of them but she’s like... she has all the anger in her that she suppresses so much that she just wants to go on a damn rampage sometimes you know? and seeing someone else like that it’s like ‘shit i wanna do that too’
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powerbabe · 8 years
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powerbabe · 8 years
and i mentioned it in the tags and not officially but in the indie world ( because im sure lyssa watches indie wrasslin ) her faves gotta be like jervis, dalton castle, candice and princess kimber lee ( even though she’s in n//x//t now too right? ) 
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powerbabe · 8 years
in mainverse like alyssa’s fave main roster wrestlers are definitely new day and bayley for a fact man. or like jack g and tjp. and like oh man nikki b too! as for n//x//t no way jose and like the duoship of peyton/billie… and like ruby riot. i know she’s new but she like def someone alyssa would really like.
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