#queue summon
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whimsimmortal · 6 months ago
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I don't remember if I've posted this before, but it's actually a concept art for the pink astronaut fic that I've been working on and posting about incessantly, and um I've been sitting on it for, idk, three years? So I guess you can have it, as a treat
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 9 months ago
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Killer: so
Killer: i get you're having fun with character design buuuut
Killer: have you considered
Killer: that i don't need so many disabilities
Killer: oh. you're typing into the search bar okay cool that's fine this isn't distressing at a-
Search Result: Disabling cognitive symptoms of a TBI may include: Uncontrollable mood swings. Impaired short/long-term memory. Difficulty with focus, attention, or thinking. Depression and anxiety. Personality changes (often increased irrational anger and aggression) Lack of impulse control and poor decision-making skills.
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 1 year ago
Akatosh, handing the Last Dragonborn over to Paarthurnax: You're gonna want one of these.
Paarthurnax: What does it help with?
Akatosh: Everything.
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corvidsofthedeep · 1 year ago
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No Context Crow #322: Circle Of Crows
Photo taken by Vicki Nelson.
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inversionimpulse · 1 month ago
maybe this is gonna sound weird, but that fucking dog in Castlevania Nocturne season 2 makes me upset.
Maria's summons in the games are the Four Symbols, deities from Chinese folklore. For no clearly explained reason, they are just very fond of Maria and always hanging around to guide and guard her. To copy the White Tiger's description from one game: "Guardian in a country to the East. Conjured himself into a more portable form in order to ride on Maria's shoulder."
So it's very weird and - although perhaps I'm just oversensitive to perceived slights against Asian people, being a half-Japanese person living in a white majority country - frankly comes uncomfortably close to being just a little bit prejudiced that in the show they are just otherworldly animals that Maria summons from... somewhere. They are so much just a bunch of otherworldly animals, in fact, that there aren't even just the four of them. Maria can just summon up some fucking random dog. In an adaptation that is quite strongly concerned with gods, their histories, and their natures it seems quite odd that it is mostly only concerned with Sekhmet, Ogun, and the God of Bethel, and does not spare any consideration for the Four Symbols who are literally right there. It - and again, my own biases my be making me excessively prickly about this - feels like someone, I suppose the writers, were so incurious about Asian religion that they did not even bother to learn about material they were handed on a silver platter. I mean, it's not like I'm well-versed in the material either - I'm usually more concerned with Shintoism - but I can clearly see that there is something to pursue!
Now, it occurred to me that Sekhmet's comment about the old gods being misused by their followers might be a hidden jab at Maria's use of corrupted incarnations of her summons, indicating that they are the Four Symbols after all.
But if that's the case then what's with the fucking dog!?
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grand-zodiac · 10 months ago
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eligobrrrrr · 1 year ago
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fatexbound · 3 months ago
It is a mixed bag when it's my birthday and I'm one year closer to hitting 30... lord. I mean, I'm happy and all but eh.
Anyway, inbox time while in bed and until I fall asleep.
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raintailed · 1 year ago
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im trying and struggling to figure out an actual color palette for Lightspun that i like. the first two images are a first attempt (2nd image is without the silly effects). the third image is probably what I'll go with. he can change color now :]
Edit: maybe teal and purple palette... with gold accents... that would look very cool
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 10 months ago
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whos-hotter-jjba · 8 months ago
Hottest Stand Battle - First Round Match 5
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Stand abilities under the cut:
Enigma: Enigma is able to transform objects and people, including the user, into pieces of paper. For simple objects and animals, Enigma can simply apply its ability. However, to trap a person in paper, the user must discover the habits the target displays when afraid.
Limp Bizkit: It is a pure ability Stand that allows Sports Maxx to turn deceased corpses into invisible zombies, including his own; in addition to reanimating partial dead remains.
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come-see-our-show · 1 year ago
i had a really weird alcohol-induced dream last night where mariah started to protest npmd and was apologizing to the fans for “not seeing how problematic it was sooner” and “we should not be sexualizing teenagers” and it made me so annoyed
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mata-aetara-if · 2 years ago
Summoning Animal Options
Me, finally announcing the possible summoning animals mc can choose from? Crazy!
As a real quick reminder! I will release things for this if slowly sometimes, I want to take my time and have fun with it ^_^
Okay so! Info! Summoning animals will be an option in Mata Aetara. However, not until a later part. I haven't decided how much later, but it won't be at the beginning when mc is 13/14. (Most likely I'll add it when mc is around 17). To acquire a summoning animal, in general, mc will need to make a blood contract with the animal/group of animals. Every contract varies in some degree witch will go more in depth in the actual if. I plan on having mc acquire their summoning animal an actual mission (traveling to a location, befriending/gaining respect of animal, making contract).
Any information about the animals below may change later but as of right now I think I like what I have in mind for them!
~ options ~
Giant Snake
main skills: evasion, speed, strength (coiling around enemies), poison fangs
location to find snake will be difficult to traverse through
appearance: customizable
size ref:
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2. Toads
main skills: each toad has different skills, some have size & strength, some use ninjutsu, some are trackers, some are message deliverers
will need to meet and train with Jiraiya
appearance: not customizable
sizes vary, there are toads the size of buildings, the size of horses, and small enough to sit on your shoulder
3. Giant Slug
main skills: spit acid, fast healing, mass healing
will need to meet and train with Tsunade
appearance: not customizable
size varies, she can be summoned as the size of a building but then split her bodies into smaller slugs anywhere from the size of an human, to a dog, to small enough to be on your shoulder
4. Giant Spider
main skills: releases many baby spiders that will wrap prey in webs constricting movement and chakra flow, numbing poison, web traps
no special requirements
appearance: not customizable
size ref:
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5. Tortoise
main skills: releases block attacks, knock down enemies fast, can bite through anything
no special requirements
appearance: customizable
size ref:
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6. Boar
main skills: tracking by smell, dodges enemies well, headbutts
no special requirements
appearance: customizable
size ref (not a naruto screencap):
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7. Giant Clam
main skills: produces a mist that creates a mirage where it is impossible to see the summoner and confuses the enemy, extremely hard shell that protects from physical attacks
no special requirements
appearance: somewhat customizable
size ref:
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8. Caracal
main skills: tracking, stealth, extremely long/high jumps
no special requirements
appearance: customizable
size is just the normal average caracal size
9. Large Bat
main skills: sensory hearing, ultrasonic waves genjutsu
no special requirements
appearance: customizable
size ref (the size of a swoobat, not a naruto screencap obviously lol):
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10. Owl
main skills: message relaying, night vision, stealth
no special requirements
appearance: customizable
size ref:
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solarpunkani · 1 year ago
Oh yeah you’ve heard of ‘rambling about wildflowers so much during thanksgiving that my dads side of the family thinks I should start selling wildflowers’
Now get ready for
‘Rambling about vegetable and flower gardening so much over breakfast that my mom’s childhood friend thinks I should start selling at farmers markets’
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rexscanonwife · 9 months ago
One thing that I will say about me potentially bringing beej back (she says as she fills her drafts with posts about him) is the dynamic has to shift DRASTICALLY for it to work with the way I am now vs the way I was when I was obsessed with him
I was drawn to him because I had a desperate need to BE needed and his pathetic clinginess fit the bill, among other things like relating to his mother issues 😂 but im a healthier person now overall! And tbh I've never been happier in my life, with my partner, with everything 💖💖 I think in order for it to work he ALSO needs to improve and strive to be better and happier and idk...maybe that's beautiful!
I'm thinking maybe it's more of a slow burn because he really needs to learn how to be a FRIEND first before he can be in a healthy romantic relationship. So I'm imagining after he's had some time to reflect on his mistakes from the musical he ends up in me and my partner's house and we just...hang! We play games and watch movies and fuck around and he has a silly rivalry with my partner and he's given the opportunity to just BE happier and eventually down the line it just becomes something a little more ☺️
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13xwishes · 15 days ago
your name: Urameshi Yusuke
Romantic or platonic?: There's no platonic with you, I want all the romance.
A night in or dinner out or an activity?: Considerin' you could use the adventure let's go out.
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Where's the gigi covered whipped cream option? I'll just take ice cream.
What's your perfect date?: Cage match fight, then a movie and after that dinner cause we'd have so much t' talk about by then.
Would you cook for me?: I already do.
Would you let me cook for you?: You can cook for me anytime.
Can we make-out?: Jus' try t' stop me.
Make out in private or in public?: I'd kiss ya whenever, wouldn't care if people were there or not.
Do you like to cuddle?: Bein' with you pretty much turned me into a..what'd ya call it a 'cuddle bug'?
Blankets or no blankets for cuddling?: No blankets, all i'd want is yer skin against mine.
Couch or bed?: We can definitely take the bed.
What are at least 3 hobbies of yours?: Only three? Martial arts, gardening and cooking.
Tell me something about you no else knows: I smoked at an early age because I figured it'd make me an adult as as an adult people will think I'm tough..therefore they wouldn't mess with or hurt my mother.
Why do you want to be my valentine?: Simple answer, I'm in love with ya.
What makes you a good Valentine?: I'm not sure if I'm a 'good' valentine but i'm a 'I'll-try-my-best' valentine.
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For @thuganomxcs || Wishing Detectives (Eclipsed!Gigi)
(fears brain would break if they read the fourth answer)
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       ❝ You've always tried your best, Yusuke. And that's what matters. The way you show how much you care... is beyond incredible. I would be honored to have you as my valentine. ❞
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