#queue don't have to be alone;
cerise-on-top · 6 months
Easter with König
It's another holiday, which means I'm going to make my favorite fictional Austrian go through the holidays as well. First was Fasching, now it's Easter! If I have to celebrate it, then so does König, except he gets to have a better time doing it!
I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d meet his family during Easter. It’s a tradition of his to go to his parents’ home during that time for a visit and a chat, he only sees them maybe twice a year, so he can appreciate having a small get together with them. He normally gets along well with his parents, but he’s lost most of the contact he had with them ever since he hit his mid 20’s, but he does look forward to seeing them. Naturally, he’d take you along for the ride, regardless of whether you actually know German or not. He can play interpreter for you, it’s not a problem for him. But if you know German already? All the better, that way his parents and you can just talk to each other with no problems. He does hope that you’ll get along with them, they did play an important part in his life when he was younger.
König genuinely hopes that you will like the traditional Osterjause*, though. He’s loved Easter for that reason, and for the freshly baked lambs, but mostly for the best Brettljause*. In fact, he’s probably called his mother two weeks before his visit to let her know what kind of meat and sausages to get for him and you as well so that there shall be plenty to go around. If you’re not from around, then you likely don’t know what a “Gsöchts”* or “Schweinsbratn”* is, but he will assure you that it’s something delicious. König could rave on and on about that one farmer’s “Hauswiaschtl”. In fact, if he can, he’d love to go to the farmer’s market on Friday with you just so he can get you something to eat. Not above grabbing some Bauernbrot* and Krenn* either while he’s at it. Mans needs his Krenn when eating his Osterjause. Although it will have been a while since he’s seen everyone, he will introduce you to all the farmers there since he knows a good chunk of them growing up.
Naturally, he’ll be drinking a few beers here and there as well. He’s Austrian, it’s in his blood. Will have you try everything off the plate, from the Nuss* to the low-fat Karree*. Loves having you with him and will actively try to involve you in any conversation there may be so that you get to talk as well. Again, it might be a bit awkward if you don’t know any German, especially since he’s not the most reliable translator, but you’ll get by somehow. His parents have been curious about you for a while now anyway and have been wanting to meet you.
Although he claims to be far too old for that sort of thing, he wouldn’t mind looking for an “Osterkerberl”* with you. It’s a nice tradition that he used to love as a child and he wants you to experience Austrian Easter with him, so he likely asked his mother to hide one for you somewhere around the yard so you can go find it. She won’t give you any clues as to where it could be found. It’s childish, but it’s a lot of fun. In fact, if König were to ask her to prepare a Kerberl* for you, then chances are she prepared one for him as well, for old time’s sake. And then the both of you, two fully grown adults, will run around the yard, looking for the basket. Once you found it, you had to admit it was rather cute, filled with a few hand painted eggs, some colorful chocolate, a baked lamb and some crafted chicks and bunnies. Clearly, his mother put in a lot of thought into what goes into such a small basket. In fact, even the “grass” was made of edible paper, it seemed.
König would feel somewhat stupid, looking for a basket of all things during Easter, but it did remind him of his childhood, so he wouldn’t outwardly complain. Besides, you walking up to him, all happy with your little basket, does something to him. The sight was just too adorable, so he’d likely ask you, the master sleuth, to assist him in his hunt. Once you’ve both found them, you’d return back to his parents’ apartment and continue just chatting while occasionally eating a bit of the Jause*.
Osterjause - Food that’s been prepared for Easter. It usually consists of meat, sausage, cheese, tomatoes and horseradish.
Brettljause - Same as Osterjause except it can be eaten at any point during the year.
Gsöchts - Geselchtes - Salted and smoked meat.
Schweinsbratn - Schweinebraten - Specifically prepared roast pork, eaten cold in this context.
Hauswiaschtl - Hauswürstel - A hard sausage.
Bauernbrot - A special type of bread.
Krenn - Horseradish.
Nuss, Karree - Types of meat
Osterkerberl - Osterkörbchen - Easter basket, a basket filled with easter themed food. Sometimes has a gift in it as well, mostly for children.
Kerberl - Körbchen - A basket
Jause - In this context it refers to the Osterjause.
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jonathanbyersphd · 8 months
Jonathan having to work at family video in s5 and that's part of why he and Robin become besties 🙏 (Steve is pouting in the corner with the cardboard cutout of Phoebe Cates)
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
Is it bad that I don’t want to give birth? Like, I told some of my friends and family that I don’t want to give birth and they told me that I’d change my mind and I told them I wouldn’t and they get mad at me. I told them that I’d adopt kids instead to give them a home and living family but they say that doesn’t matter and count because they won’t be biological.
That's not bad at all!! I know a lot of people that feel the same way. Hell, I feel the same way. I don't want to give birth and I'm very against having children. I've known that pretty much my whole life since I was old enough to conceptualize children and parenthood (very young as a woman growing up in America), and I was always told I'd change my mind someday.
Well, it's been about 20 years and I haven't changed my mind at all. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. The constant societal pressure that every generation has gone through of "you have to have children otherwise your life is meaningless" has very much been challenged as of late with plenty of people realizing your life doesn't end as soon as you're old enough to have children. A lot of those people pushing that narrative shouldn't have had kids in the first place. The world would probably be a lot better off if people that didn't want kids but were pressured into it by society just hadn't given into that pressure.
There's plenty of neglected, abandoned children, and children in foster care that deserve love and support. So yeah, if you don't want to give birth, then there's nothing to feel bad about. You've made that decision and anyone that tries to tell you otherwise is only recycling the same societal pressures that probably made them have children they didn't want.
And if anyone says adopted or fostered children don't count, then kindly say fuck them and don't speak to them again. Same with people that say IVF or children born of surrogates. Just because you didn't give birth to your child no matter the reason, that doesn't make them "not your child." Hell I know there's people out there that say C-sections aren't "giving birth" because it wasn't natural.
Yeah, fuck those people and do what you want. It's your body, it's your life and they can either get over it or get out of your life 🤷
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robertdownerjunior · 2 years
why do ppl suddenly love to hate on prinxiety?
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just got käärijä tickets for london, feeling totally normal about it
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hi, thanks for tuning into my channel! today, i'm going to be ranking my top ten favorite places that i've cried over miles edgeworth!
10. my car while driving 80 mph down the highway
9. the backseat of a police cruiser at 2 in the morning
8. my local independent bookstore
7. my family's Christmas party
6. a grocery store
5. my parents' bedroom
4. my sister's bedroom
3. my brother's bedroom
2. my bedroom
1. my therapist's office
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ereborne · 5 months
Song of the Day: May 3
"Life Less Frightening" by Rise Against
#song of the day#'I don't ask for much / truth be told I'd settle / for a life less frightening'#another song that when I sing it alone it doesn't sound much like the original but I do so like to sing it#check me stirring my roux humming 'these lives we live test negative for happiness' sweetly to myself#today was Friday and I'm still trying to decide if I'm satisfied with the amount of work I got done this week#I suppose I'll have to be#I had my weekly report meeting and again the updates my boss asked for in the meeting were not the ones she asked me to prepare#so I split-screened her and delivered the prepared updates as I frantically opened and updated the new request#and then when she finished making politely falsely interested sounds (I'm not bitter I'm not I'm not) she asked again for the new update#and by then I had it ready! saved it as I brought up the share-screen and showed it to her#too frustrated in the moment to be properly proud of myself but now it's hours later and I'm feeling a little smug about it#little back-pats for me#I have something like a project timeline worked out for the idiot project#and I did some good work in the garden (nasturtium growing up the post under the bird feeder. very pleased it took the transplant so well)#and I sooooort of sorted the freezer stuff. kind of. mostly we ate the things I wanted to rearrange but I've got a plan for moving forward#the last non-work thing I'd really wanted to accomplish this week was getting my queue set up again here#I've gone through my drafts and done some prep but as you can see the queue isn't actually running again yet#hopefully I'll do that tomorrow. we'll see how it goes#the queue may have to wait until Sunday because I must confess if I can accomplish only one single solitary thing tomorrow#I would like it to be six hours of uninterrupted sleep. may it please the gods I shall rest tomorrow. blessed weekend#edit: wait wait I'm a fool I'm a fool I just typed 'May 3' and still I am a fool#it's May the Fourth!!#happy star wars day my loves if I don't get the queue up today after all#it's because I'm reshuffling everything because I've got a new influx of SW posts to distribute!!
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uupiic · 1 year
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POV: you are dead
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Any episode of Person Of Interest can make you cry if you think hard enough about it
#john reese#harold finch#person of interest#thinking about how 'John Warren' has the cover story closest to Reese's actual one#when did Joh trust Harold enough to tell him the truth? or when did Harold know there was enough trust he could tell Reese what he knew#or how in Prisoner's Dilemma John threatens Harold with a gun because he's so scared to hurt him#or how John leaves in Shadow Box not even spending the time to dry Bear and then not coming home for a while#just think for a moment about how excited Bear got at hearing John's voice over the earbud- and then when John finally returned!!#John talking to Shaw outside Cole's parents' house & 'they didn't need to take their memory of him. Even the CIA wouldn't stoop that low'#''in our line of work we walk in the dark. doesn't mean we have to walk in it alone''#Fusco watching out for Carter by looking into Beecher both with and without her asking#(not that he was right but that he did it)#in case we couldn't tell I'm obsessed with John Reese#and the way HAROLD AND CARTER were immediately breaking rules to get Reese out a jail when he was willing to go down for it all#if you can't tell I'm kinda on a POI kick tonight- but I'm also scheduling/queueing some stuff for later#don't think about how shaw was going to become a doctor but then got kicked out because she couldn't empathize well enough#and then became a killer instead!#or how we learn root (in an episode that was expected to center around finch) had a tragic backstory but leaves it behind b/c John solves i#or how Lionel only ever wanted his son safe and Shaw realized that but then couldn't save him as we all expected in the crossing#and another one#The season 4 episode where we see that John believed he was closer to Carter than he actually was! (Terra Incognita 4.20)
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woozi · 6 months
hello caratblr; long time no see! <33 just taking my chance to ask if anyone wants to be part of svtgifsets/svteditors? 🥺
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mythvoiced · 6 months
OPEN STARTER | Baek Eunjae
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"Science can explain fuck-all about bees and their fat bodies and their tiny wings, but we're definitely equipped for space-travel, sure, why not, sounds logical."
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tsunael · 6 months
WoL Think Thonkers
#3. How do they feel about being Hydaelyn's chosen? (Feel free to break it down from ARR's "Champion of Eorzea" all the way to "The Savior of Etheirys" as much as you like. Have those feelings changed, or just grown more complex?)
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The short answer is 'bad'.
She's a foreigner, and most importantly a layman. Word of Louisoix's deeds had spread to every corner of the star, but Tsuna was so far removed from Eorzea and Her struggles that it had little bearing on her. After all, the Far East had their own problems with Garlemald, and during the time of her Echo awakening the rebellion in Doma was coming to a head.
She joined the Scions not out of passion for their cause, but because she had nowhere else to go. It was either stay with them, or go back to dancing on the street for coin-- or worse: be ostracized for her Echo. Arenvald and Minfilia were the few souls that had been touched by Hydaelyn like she had been, and so she felt as if she found a home there even if she was pressed to earn her keep.
She's also not the adventuring type-- she's not in it for glory or even for potential riches. Any deeds Y'shtola espied her doing in Vylbrand was borne from reckless altruism. She learned in due time, of course, (how to fight and how to live) but it was a steep curve.
Being 'Hydaelyn's Chosen' does also make her a target. She is blamed for not being more omniscient. If she is 'chosen' then why could she not prevent the Banquet? What was a few dozen soldiers to the power of a primal? Why could she not save Minfilia that day? Why did Hydaelyn have to take her? Ever since she joined the Scions nothing but misfortune came upon them. **
Everything up until Stormblood was her being swept up in events, and surviving because she was 'favored', was the only one who can, or because she had to. It took the events in Stormblood for her to finally confront her past and realize that it was a choice she made to continue on her path.
By the end of Endwalker her candle had been burned at both ends. The deaths of so many weigh on her, and Hydaelyn is now gone. She's dealing with so much trauma by then that much of her journey is tainted for it. She also refuses to wear the 'Saviour of Etheirys' mantle because it wasn't just her that stopped the Final Days.
So, in all it hasn't grown better, just so much more complicated.
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spring-lxcked · 1 year
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Happy pride, the serial killer in the rabbit suit is queer. In all seriousness, I said I was going to write this headcanon awhile ago but I'm just getting around to it. Also: reminder that pansexual is an older term than people often think. Still, William usually defaults to "queer" on the occasion he's openly talking about his orientation.
William realized he was queer/pansexual when he was 15. It's the usual story: he developed an undeniable crush on a boy at school, but didn't pursue it. Obviously, he had grown up in a very unaccepting time and this wasn't something he was open about. His own feelings about it were initially mixed (a result of being raised in such a homophobic society), but by the time he left for university in America, he was neutral on his own queerness. It was simply a fact about himself. In university he explored his sexuality thoroughly regardless of gender, both casually and in very brief relationships. While he still obviously kept his orientation private from most people, he did find some other members of the community he could talk to openly. Finding out that William was queer in university wouldn't have been that hard, but afterward he starts being much, much more careful. Without getting into it, I think we all know that he couldn't afford to be outed with the type of business he was wanting to open. He (happily) marries and feels content that there's no way his orientation comes out. He does not and will not tell his wife about his queerness by default. Then the divorce happens, he's left with custody of three young kids, and dating just isn't his priority, regardless of gender. Still, William absolutely would take the risk of dating a man and even disclosing this to his kids (if they're old enough to keep quiet about it) if he really, really liked someone and intended the relationship to be lifelong. William generally doesn't care if his kids are queer, but his borderline obsession with keeping them safe (especially post-CC's death) can rear its head if they are openly queer. This is absolutely the part where he drops the bombshell of also being queer (if they don't already know) as a way to prove he has a "fair argument" about safety/homophobia. You might expect his reservation to be about the "optics" of him having a queer kid, but by this point (assuming his kid is coming out as a teen), he is actively caring less and less about that. NOTE: In verses where William is lowkey obsessed with head over heels for Henry (which, lbr, can be pretty much from university onwards lmao), he is seemingly much more likely to hint at his orientation, although this is only around Henry. Of course, he's more likely to open up about it/flirt if he thinks the feelings are mutual OR if Henry's queer as well (and Will knows). He also just generally talks about Henry in a way that is. . . potentially telling. Still, he'll claim this is just admiration, which is half true.
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malewifehenrycooldown · 8 months
Me: *minding my own business*
an anime character with red hair: hey
Me: hi-
Me, who just remembered they are attracted to red haired characters: oh for fucks sakes, not another one.
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lotusdumpling · 1 year
I cannot be the only person who wonders what popular YJ TV ships would look like between their comic counterparts, right?
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years
No joke bro, one of my favourite of your pieces seriously!! So good to have your pen back!! Look at you go!!
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eee THANK YOU!!!! i'm so happy about it too!!! >:'D
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