#SO so so happy about being able to draw shading more comfortably just GOSH did i miss it<333
yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years
No joke bro, one of my favourite of your pieces seriously!! So good to have your pen back!! Look at you go!!
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eee THANK YOU!!!! i'm so happy about it too!!! >:'D
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mrsgiovanna · 4 years
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Don Giorno x Fem! Reader
This story has been steeping in my head ever since @abbabycchio created this prompt, I hope I did this justice 😅.
No warnings, just fluff 😍💭🐞💜
Word count: 1508
The ambience in the grand ballroom was delightfully festive- soft light dancing about the glittering crystal chandeliers, the happy chattering of the partygoers mingling with the clinking of glasses and the music in the background, and the delicious scent of Giorno’s expensive cologne overtook your senses as he gracefully spun you around on the dance floor.
“Wow, you’ve gotten really good at this, everyone is practically staring at you,”
“Well practice makes perfect, we’ve been to enough of these events as it is. Come, let’s give them a show,”
Before you knew it, Giorno spun you around and caught you in a low dip, his face mere millimeters away from your own. Feeling every pair of eyes on you both, he smirked and brought you back to your original position just as the song had ended, earning many impressed murmurs from the other attendees.
“After all these years you still get flustered? I told you, I’d never drop you or let you fall,” said Giorno, through the laughs he was trying to suppress. You knew the real reason for your skittishness, but you wouldn’t dare let him know.
You had known Giorno ever since you were assigned to his elite guard when he had taken over Passione a few years ago. Your stand ability was very useful… you were able to disarm an attacker in under 10 seconds, and if the situation became really dire, you could dismember them in a minute, without so much as a hair left behind. In short your ability was terrifying. But Giorno seemed fascinated by it, you were a walking contradiction, so soft and bubbly on the outside, but something dark and menacing had to be lurking in your soul for such a stand to manifest. So he had reassigned you himself and slowly started to understand the nuances of your ability.
You excused yourself for a moment to go to the ladies room to freshen up your makeup, you were utterly exhausted, but when Giorno asked you go with him, you couldn’t refuse. Despite knowing that Giorno’s ability made him virtually untouchable and the fact that both Mista and Fugo were there as well, you still felt more at ease knowing that you were there to personally protect him.
When you rejoined the party you found Giorno nursing a drink on his own, so you took the seat next to him.
“What’s the matter? Why are you sitting here brooding on your own?” you ask, playfully mimicking the expression on his face.
“Is that really how I look? I’m fine though,” explained Giorno. He was just about to continue the conversation when you had let a small yawn escape your lips.
“Gosh, I’m sorry Giorno, what were you going to say?” you say, trying to coax the comment out of him.
“You’re exhausted, we should leave, come on, the car should be waiting for us,” said Giorno with a snap of his fingers, signaling the concierge to ready things for your exit.
“No, no, don’t worry about me, I’m fine, nothing a little caffeine can’t take care of. Besides, we still have to wait for Fugo and Mista, they haven’t emerged from that office yet,” you argued. All protests proved useless though, as Giorno sighed dramatically before picking you up and heading to the exit.
“You know I hate having to repeat myself, you’re clearly tired, we can wait for those two at the villa, at least you’ll be a bit more comfortable there.” There was a bite in Giorno’s voice that told you not to argue with him. As he gently set you down on your feet, the car drove up to you both. The drive back to the villa was a quiet one, the young Don focusing his attention outside, while you looked at him, noting how he had matured in the few years since taking over Passione, the soft innocence in his face being replaced with a mature handsomeness. He’d also gotten a lot taller and broader, experiencing a growth spurt that took everyone, including himself, by surprise.
“Thanks for looking out for me, it’s sweet, I appreciate it,”
“You’d do the same for me, it’s only natural,” he replied, his attention still focused on the moving scenery outside the car.
“I know… still… Are you angry? You’ve been like this since earlier on, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to upset you, I just didn’t want you to stop yourself from having fun on my account,” you apologized. Little did you know that Giorno was actually troubled by his own behaviour, and found it difficult to face you without his own face turning a rosy shade of pink.
“Don’t apologize, you did nothing wrong, I guess my lack of sleep is getting the better of me as well. I’m sorry,”
You finally arrived at the villa, and followed Giorno to one of the lounges. You threw yourself onto the comfortable couch and started to take off your heels, while he pulled off his bow tie and undid the top buttons of his shirt, sighing in relief.
“I’ll brew us some coffee, it seems like we both need it,” offered Giorno, which you accepted with a polite smile, while checking your phone for any communication from Mista or Fugo. You were concerned but also knew how powerful they both were so you decided to put your head down and relax for just a few moments.
Giorno walked in to find you huddled in one corner of the plush couch, the chill you felt evident in the goosebumps visible on your exposed skin. Getting a soft blanket and his laptop, he covered you so that you wouldn’t be cold any longer, and settled down next to you to work quietly while you slept, not wanting to disturb you, but also not wanting to leave you alone.
Every now and again, you would wriggle around and murmur something unintelligible, until you had somehow found yourself snuggled up to Giorno’s arm. Gazing at you affectionately, he decided to give in to his own exhaustion, put away his work and comfortably wrapped his arms around you. A content hum escaped his lips before he quickly fell asleep as well.
A few hours pass like that, with you blissfully unaware of what, or rather, who you were using as a comfortable pillow, until the room was bathed in ambient morning light. You wake up to a hand gently drawing circles on your arm, enjoying the gentle touch in your half woken state, until, a pang of panic set in when realized exactly where you were, you sprang upright, fully awake and aware of your situation.
“Buongiorno tesoro mio, did you sleep well?” asked Giorno, the slight smile he wore being evident in the lightness of his voice.
“Giorno, I’m so sorry, I feel mortified… I… oh my God, you’re my boss… just fire me please… better still, I quit, so this will be my…” you rambled on, until Giorno cut you off as he also sat upright next to you.
“Tesoro… would you just calm down? While having you quit would work in my favor for what I’m about to ask you, I reject that… resignation? If you could call it one… either way, I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now… so here goes-Would you like to have dinner with me? Maybe tonight? No mafia business or anything, just you and I, out on a date,”
You could feel your heart pounding in your ears, and you felt as if you’d forgotten how to breathe as hopeful green eyes searched your face for a positive answer. Building up the courage to look at him, your heart calmed down when you saw how earnestly he looked at you. The man in front of you wasn’t Don Giovanna, he was just a kind, handsome gentleman asking for your company… he was just Giorno.
“I’d really like that Giorno, thank you for asking me,” you said with a softer voice than usual, trying to contain the bubbly feeling in your chest.
“Great, then that’s settled, I’ll pick you up at six,”
Just as you were about to speak, you hear a commotion coming from the direction of the front door, realizing it was Mista and Fugo returning.
“Wow, took you guys long enough, what happened? Are you guys okay?” you asked, relieved that they both returned safely.
“Yeah, we’re fine, just exhausted… what are you even doing here?” replied Mista, speaking through a yawn.
You and Giorno exchanged a glance, smiling knowingly but chose rather to stay quiet. You were both saved from having to entertain any more questions from the complaints of Mista’s sex pistols.
“Alright, alright, you guys need some sleep and sustenance, I’ll make you guys some breakfast while you rest…”
“I’ll help you,” offered Giorno, wanting to spend more time with you.
And with that you both left the room, quietly enjoying each other’s company in that sweet domestic scenario, all the while thinking about what could transpire later on.
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yoongi-sugaglider · 3 years
Daegu Quarantine
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Jungkook x reader
Gang/ zombie apocalypse au
Gore, violence, zombies, mention of drugs and drug dealing, weapons discharge in self defense, main character death, zombies, course language, zombies, drinking, did I mention zombies?
They were the top of their game, known throughout the city as the smartest and most dangerous crew to ever hit the Daegu streets. But what’s going to happen when this group of young men encounter something right out of a horror film?
Word count: 2833
A/n: Just a heads up, mild torture beat em ups this chapter, and the opinions of the military are (Mostly) purely for the story.
Part 17===Part 18===Part 19
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By the time my brain even attempted to register what was going on, Jenkins had already dragged me from the kitchen into the main bowling area.
The pitch-black lanes loomed before me, gaping chasms yawning in the darkness like the monstrous face of some multi headed monster preparing to swallow me whole.
Jenkins shoved me ahead of him, causing me to stumble into one of the ball returns. I choked back a cry as the cool and unforgiving metal dug into the wound on my thigh. The last thing I needed was to give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d hurt me, especially with the implications of what he planned to do to me.
As I pushed myself to stand he grabbed my arm, growling his impatience in my ear and shoving me around the machine.
“Keep it moving, I don’t have all day.”
I frowned, shuffling forward a pace or two before finding my stride once again.
“Shame, last I checked I had the whole apocalypse.” I laced as much sass as I could manage into my tone, earning myself a jab to the ribs from his weapon. The bruising force had me cackling into the darkness like a mad woman.
We passed several of his soldier buddies. Some camped out on the seats around the score monitors while others milled around in small groups or by themselves. All of them seemed desperate to stick as close to the lanterns as they could though.
Of the ones that I could see, including the three I’d seen stationed at the front doors, I counted 14 bodies, 26 total if I included the civilians I’d been grouped with in the kitchens. There was no telling really though how many of the soldiers had weapons and special combat training, and that alone set me on edge enough to keep me paying attention.
“Home sweet home huh?” I muttered as we made our way through to the lobby and towards a set of very dark looking stairs.
Jenkins paused for a moment and I watched by the light filtering in from the front doors as he dug angrily through the pockets of his army issue cargo pants.
“Gosh, and here I thought the torture was gonna be getting my fingernails ripped out or some shit. No, it’s waiting on King Flaccid to figure his shit out.”
The comment may have earned me a rifle butt to the stomach but damn if it wasn’t worth seeing Jenkin’s fellow soldier snickering behind his back.
“Shut it Riley…” Jenkins grumbled.
By the time the semi functioning man had his flashlight out and shining at the stairs I’d recovered from my forced Lamaze class enough to walk upright again. Which meant once more I was leading the way in a building I’d never been in before.
Using my still cuffed hands I felt along the walls as I climbed, finally emerging on the pitch black landing with a sigh.
“Lovely place you have here.” I grumbled, impatiently tapping my foot as I watched the bobbing beam of the flashlight slowly ascending behind me. I suppressed a shiver when the light highlighted several dark smears and handprint splatters on the wall.
“Yooo!! Welcome to my crib MTV!” I grinned, leaning against the wall as nonchalantly as possible when Jenkins and his buddy finally huffed and puffed their way to standing in front of me.
“Fuck sake Jenkins. Can we shut this bitch up already?”
Apparently the men had finally had enough of me as the next thing I knew I woke up with a blinding headache and a distinct inability to draw a full breath from the fact that my arms were now wrapped around the back of a chair and cuffed in place.
“Jeeze, you would think being in the military somebody would have taught these boys how to treat a lady.” I grumbled to myself, earning me a quiet snicker from somewhere ahead of me.
I opened my eyes, blinking rapidly to adjust to the relative brightness of the room after so long spent in the dark. A grin leapt to my face at the sight of Rose, slightly bruised to the face but no less alive and well.
“Well shit, fancy meeting you here hot stuff!”
She grinned back at me, the expression coming across as mildly manic since the swelling to her lips and cheek made her face slightly lopsided.
The room itself was about as boring as an office could get. My brain only half way registered the handful of candles that lit the place, making the bowling posters and filing cabinets feel almost sinister. 
“Homey.” I smiled, eyes seeking out Jenkins and his buddy who stood back by the door, whisper arguing with each other.
“Boys? Fancy getting a girl a drink?” I asked, head tilted awkwardly so I could catch their eye when they turned to glare at me.
Neither answered though and I went back to taking in my surroundings. Taehyung sat in a chair just opposite Rose, facing her as if they’d been making him watch them torture her. Amatures.
I nodded to him, knowing he’d always been able to handle the harshest of treatments thanks to having watched Hoseok initiate him ages and ages ago. He didn’t seem too happy to see me there but I shrugged his way, sending him a grin that had his frown deepening.
“You do realize if we duct tape her mouth we won’t have to deal with her bullshit right?”
I turned to look at the two soldiers, quirking an eyebrow at the younger one and smiling flirtily his way.
“Aww, tie me up and gag me. I like the way that one thinks.” The bright blush that exploded across his cheeks was well worth what came next.
There was no warning. I don’t know why I expected there to be one.
One minute Jenkins was by the door, the next he was right in front of me.
The pain that lashed across the left side of my face had me seeing stars. Almost immediately Rose was screaming, struggling against her restraints and threatening the men around us.
“You low life piece of garbage! I swear to fuck I will expose every internet search you ever tried to hide! Every tiny dick pic you ever took. Every depraved piece of porn you ever Googled or downloaded!”
She continued on, practically foaming at the mouth as Jenkins laughed out loud.
“Ah, see now. I had a feeling this one would be useful.” He snickered, eyes filled with glee as he watched me spit out the blood that’d filled my mouth when my teeth scraped the inside of my cheek. He pulled a butterfly knife out of his pocket, flicking it back and forth a few times before flashing it open before me.
“Come on now Army boy, my grandmother hits harder than that.” I grinned up at him, knowing I looked half way to deranged with my swelling cheek and the blood that I could still taste covering my front teeth.
My insult must not have sat too well with his ego as he bent over me and jammed the handle of his knife into my thigh wound.
“Cheeky little cunt.” He growled, breath a hot mask of cigarettes and whatever canned goop he’d eaten for lunch.
I cried out from the shock of the pain, eyes watering as I sought out the comforting sight of my friends.
Rose was openly sobbing, head hung low as she continued to mutter threats in Jenkins’ general direction. Tae on the other hand was stone silent, eyes awash with rage as he opened his mouth as if to speak.
I returned my attention to Jenkins, though I made sure Taehyung had his eyes on me before I spoke.
“Silence is golden. It’s better this way.” I knew it was cryptic, that much was obvious in the way Jenkins hesitated in raising his hand as if to hit me again.
More importantly than his reaction though was Tae. I knew he would understand my words without me having to say anything.
I glanced over at Tae, watching his eyes go from blind fury to a quiet resignation. Despite everything on the line he knew better than to go against my silent orders.
“Well?” The man called Riley demanded.
Jenkins continued to twirl his butterfly knife, face a mask of cold indifference as he watched the edge glint in the low candle light. He pulled an empty chair over, sitting down and leaning forward, elbows on his knees as he scratched at his chin with the knife blade while watching my every move.
I squinted at him, watching the rusted gears turning in his head before realization struck.
“You’ve never done this have you?” I asked, grinning brightly before throwing my head back to cackle aloud into the darkness.
“Good lord Tae no wonder you haven’t said shit!” I leaned to the side a bit, sending the stoic hacker a wink. “Hobi would have had any one of us howling out secrets by now. And here I thought I was actually in trouble. That boy could get a baby to snitch on their mother’s breast milk and here you two are barely struggling to even get me to shut up. Can you imagine!”
They tried. They certainly did.
By the time Jenkins had worn himself into exhaustion I’d grown bored with all of it.
He’d hit me sure, bruised my face and arms several shades of ugly. But in the end I’d been untied and sent on my way back to the kitchen with the others along with Rose and Taehyung.
I could tell the entire experience had demoralized poor Jenkins. His shoulders slumped as he followed behind Riley before disappearing into the darkness of the lobby after we’d been delivered back to the kitchen.
Once the soldiers were gone Jimin immediately rushed over to fawn over the three of us. He did the best he could with what the kitchen had available, substituting a tiny bottle of vodka that one of the civilians had found for rubbing alcohol and patching up everyone’s wounds as best as he was able to.
After my injuries had been attended to I made my way over to what remained of our crew, hugging a sobbing Jeanette tightly while sending Yoongi a reassuring smile before allowing myself to be wrapped from behind in the warmth of Jungkook’s grounding embrace.
“How bad was it?” he muttered into my shoulder blade.
“Not too bad. Pretty sure Jimin would have had a better time of it compared to what those amateurs attempted to accomplish.”
“Fucking Air Farce.” Came Rose’s grumbled remark as she collapsed gracelessly beside where Jeanette and Yoongi were sat.
“Air Farce?” Namjoon’s voice came from behind me and I turned to give him a smile, shrinking away slightly with a playful squeak when he reached out to ruffle my hair.
“Yeah. American military has several branches, just like most countries. There’s a bit of a hierarchy on respect levels though. Marines are hardcore, either single minded dogs or gung-ho and always ready and looking for action. Army are the boys on the front lines, some call them cannon fodder.” Rose shrugged as she leaned into Taehyung, finally relaxing for the first time since we’d been taken from the house.
“Nobody really pays attention to the Navy honestly. I mean, there’s the occasional sailor comes to port joke but really the just… It’s like everyone knows they exist but nobody wants to talk about them or admit that they do.”
“And the Air Farce?” Namjoon, ever eager to learn new things, seemed almost to be bouncing in place where he sat on the kitchen floor across from Rose.
“Air Force.” Rose corrected with a smirk. “Every branch has their own air support division. Planes, jets, choppers. All of that. The Air Force is strictly flight stuff. Air cargo, air support, blah blah blah. And while that would sound pretty epic, it’s the way they’re treated that pisses off the other branches.”
“What do you mean the way they’re treated?” One of the civilians chirped up, a young girl with eyes sparkling almost as brightly as Namjoon’s who’d wandered over and had been hovering awkwardly at the edge of the conversation. Her mother hushed her, though Rose smiled and motioned to the mother that it was okay.
“Well, actually Jeanette knows more about that than I do.” Rose smiled.
The woman blushed, having been caught listening in on the conversation as well. I glanced around the room, eyes widening when I realized that most of the people who’d been locked in the kitchen with us had their full focus on those who’d been talking.
Jeanette swallowed, nerves clamming her up at the attention. The young girl sat at her feet though, and so she chose to give her attention to the younger audience. The shift in her focus seemed to calm her enough that she was able to tell her story.
“My...recently deceased husband was in the Army. He’d been part of a war not too long ago and spent a lot of his time deployed in the desert. It wasn’t exactly the most comfortable of living arrangements as you can imagine.”
The girl giggled, “Wouldn’t it be like living on the beach though?”
“Oh sure.” Jeanette replied. “If that beach was nothing but sand with no water and all the crabbies were just a bunch of grumpy people.”
Namjoon jerked up, eyes wide and sparkling as he practically shouted. “There are crabs in the desert??”
Rose snorted, covering her mouth to stifle a giggle. “No Joon, but there are definitely some awful big spiders there.”
“Ewwwwww, I don’t like spiders.” The girl cringed, shuffling closer to Jeanette who instinctually gathered her into her arms.
“Me too neither.” Jeanette giggled before returning to her story.
“Well, I have a younger brother. He’d been slated to be a pretty amazing athlete. But his final year of high school he messed up his knee pretty bad and his basketball career was pretty much over. So he asked Dean for some advice. Dean pointed him towards the air force.”
The girl snuggled into Jeanette, being careful not to crush her belly and causing her mother to send Jeanette an apologetic grimace of a smile. Jeanette shook her head though, sending a reassuring smile back to let the mother know it was alright.
“After basic training my brother was sent on his first deployment to an island outpost. He’d set things up so that he could communicate with his family while he was gone, his wife and myself included. One day he messages me, and so we get to talking about his living arrangements, which of course Dean decided he needed to chirp in his two cents about.” Jeanette smiled down at the girl, brushing her hair out of her now sleeping face before turning to Namjoon’s rapt attention.
“You see, when my brother was deployed, instead of staying in a tent as if he was in the desert, or being forced to sleep on a hammock like those in the Navy had to do when they were deployed on their ships, the Air Force had put him and his squad up in a hotel. He had messaged me to complain that room service hadn’t brought him fresh towels in a week so he’d been forced to do his own laundry.”
Yoongi snorted, arms crossed over his stomach and chin buried in his chest as he struggled to contain his mirth.
“Wait so...what was wrong with that?” Namjoon asked and Yoongi barked out a bitter laugh.
“He’s deployed Joon. Life isn’t supposed to be easy on mission. You’re there to do a job. What Rose is getting at is that these Air Force men are spoiled, allowed to live the easy life while the real military men toil in the dirt.”
“Well...I mean..” 
Yoongi cut Namjoon off, giving him a deliciously evil grin. “This is a good thing. With the way these three looked after their so called torture interrogation, those dense fucks outside don’t have a clue what they’re doing. Just a handful of shmucks with guns.”
“So then…” I paused when Yoongi turned to me with a confident grin.
“Enough planning and the right upper hand, and maybe, just maybe we can get out of this completely unscathed.”
I could feel the change in Jungkook’s body language, as he’d never let go of his grip on me from behind.
“Well shit...if that’s the case…”
Jungkook was interrupted though, as suddenly, as if the universe had decided to finally give us a break from the madness, a tiny voice chirped out from the chest pocket of my shirt.
“Hey...Boss Lady...can you hear me?”
I stiffened, eyes wide as I turned to stare at Jungkook in shock.
“.....Jin? Seokjin is that you?”
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redrosesartcabin · 4 years
Self indulgent series: Part 2.1
Life: Part 1
(Kenji x female reader, authors perspective) (the reader is a singer) (also: Some angst in here. I dunno why, but I just love writing some angst with fluff endings xD)
“So, let me get this straight”, the interviewer said, bewildered by the story the singer and songwriter Red Rose had brought up, “you met your now husband, Kenji Kon no less, on Jurassic World as one of the kids who got stranded for five months?”
“That’s correct”, she said. She had answered that very question a million times, but she couldn’t fault them for it: It was an unbelievable story (though she started to wonder how not everyone was aware by now that she was one of the teens back than).
“It was in December of 2015. I was thirteen years old and exited to be one of the first teens to visit Camp Cretaceous. I have to admit, I wasn’t and still am not, maybe even less than before, the biggest fan of dinosaurs. I’m not particularly interested in facts about them, but I definitely was interested in seeing some Dino action! So when I won first place at the talent show of my school-“
“Unsurprisingly”, the interviewer interluded at which the audience gave a collective chuckle.
“-I was still very excited about going to Jurassic World. My parents never wanted to go and in retrospect I can understand why. But you know: I was a naïve thirteen-year-old and didn’t think much about the consequences of the past. What happened at Jurassic Park you know? I was convinced Jurassic World was different and all worked out. Boy was I wrong! We all know it now! But at least I can say that I got, besides trauma, lifelong friends and my amazing husband out of it”
“That definitely can’t be disputed”, the interviewer agreed. Red Rose found him quite pleasant. Although he was a chatterbox, he was still very respectful and didn’t poke too much into the Jurassic World story: Although she was, for the most part, over the trauma, it was still a work in progress and it’s not a time she always remembers fondly. On most days she remembers the good moments she had with her newfound friends there, but sometimes she could feel the adrenaline rush through her as she thought of dinosaurs trying to eat her and her fellow campers. She saw flashes of sharp teeth and could feel hot, stinking breath and hear growls drawing shivers down her spine.  Red Rose liked to focus on the human part of the experience, so she preferred being able to tell the tale of Jurassic World the way she wanted without being asked too much…
 “So, Kon helped you reach fame if I remember correctly?”, he asked.
“Definitely! Though, I mean: I was able to do most of what I’m doing. Teaching myself how to use certain programs. I taught myself how to sing and I’ve always written my own stuff…But I certainly wasn’t good at marketing myself or making myself grow.
Kenji and I became boyfriend and girlfriend when I was sixteen and he was eighteen. That same year we went on vacations for three weeks in the Caribbean’s. And “, she let out a laugh. The camera closed up on her and caught a smile and a glance that looked so touched by love anyone could feel how much she adored her spouse, “I remember how we went on the private part of the beach Kenjis father had purchased. I sat down on a hammock and a guitar and just started improvising and singing. Little did I know my boyfriend -gosh that sounds weird to say now- was filming me. He put it up on Instagram, and he already had quite a following back then, so it gained quite some attention. Though not necessarily because it was a nice scenery or any of that: But because people genuinely liked how I sing and the melody I had come up with. And well… it got wild from there. People soon requested I make my own Instagram page for making music.
A year later I was asked if I would like to produce some music and well… then my career started”
“That’s honestly such a cool and sweet story. Though how about an even sweeter reunion? Please welcome: Kenji Kon”
Red Rose got up from her seat with a wild jump, not as the eccentric, elegant yet kind of crazy minded artist, but as y/n Kon. As the wife who hadn’t seen her husband in person for a month because of the production of yet another movie starring him as the protagonist.
The crowd clapped in awe of him, as fans. She wanted to clap because her heart was clapping too. Her heart was dancing a tango inside of chest as though she was seeing her middle school crush in the hallway. His dark eyes, ridden with depth met her y/e.c. ones and all they could read in each other’s eyes was happiness and love.
This happened within miliseconds, but it passed by in slow motion for her, so she perceived herself running towards him with calm. For the rest of the world however she was perceived as looking like a golden retriever who had missed his owner whilst they were at work and were ready to play.
It was adorable. It was downright touching how the couple met each other halfway and gave each other a long, passionate yet gentle kiss (so that it wouldn’t be too inappropriate for life TV).
“Not to be giddy, but you really are a couple to die for”, the interviewer said. The audience half chuckled half yelled in agreement. She felt her cheeks blush in a deep dark shade of red and heard her husband chuckle in embarrassment. She looked down to her and whispered “Hello love”
 Kenji had, unsurprisingly, had found joy in being actor. Being dramatic and showing his face on camera all the time? Perfect!
And he honest to god was a great actor. Though it did get annoying from time to time that he was casted as either the pretty faced villain or the charming, perfect love interest. Sometimes he was even both.
Y/n didn’t like to admit it, but she was quite jealous at the beginning when she saw him kiss other men and women on screen. It took a big fight for her to admit that.
She wasn’t proud of that fight at all. She had been, without wanting to, been very critical of her then fiancé (it was about six months before they got married). She would call him several times a day when he was on set of a particularly spicy rom com and observe his socials every couple of minutes. Y/n remembers her friends teasing her about it in the beginning and then eventually scold her. “Don’t you trust him?”, they had asked and she had answered, “I do….”, and they knew she was telling the truth, yet there was more behind it.
Kenji soon caught up and noticed her strange clinginess.
“What is up with you, Y/N? You know I have work to do! You can’t call me that often on set!”, he had yelled when the topic came up. He had been visiting for the weekend before he would go back on set.
“Why not? Can a girl not talk to her fiancé?”, she had asked with a sharp undertone
“Of course, you can darling. But twenty times a day is simply too much!”, he argued, yet he tried keeping his tone softer.
“I don’t call that often”, she pouted
“Oh YES you do!”, he put his phone out and showed her the times she had called just the other day. She counted about thirty, “I was nice with that number!”
“And? So what? You can just put your phone on silent”
“Yes, of course I can. This isn’t about solving the notification issue it’s about solving your trust issues towards me. Why don’t you trust me?”, as he asked the question his anger had subsided and genuine hurt showed in his eyes in his voice, “you monitor me like I’m an inmate”
“I…”, she was only able to say, her throat suddenly seemed dry, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… I…”, she couldn’t find the right words to explain it. It hurt too much to admit. She thought she had been over that thought pattern a long time ago, but it had returned to her.
“What? What have I done to deserve this?”, he asked, “Why are you even with me, if who I am disturbs you so much?”
And that… that sentence had hurt her more than that ugly thing inside of her she hadn’t wanted to face.
“You fool!”, she screamed in fury as the sentence he had uttered stung, her eyes filling with endless tears, “How could you ever think you disturb me? You are the most beautiful, wonderful human being I know, inside and out. And on top of that you are incredibly kindhearted. And that’s why I’m like this… I don’t want to lose you. And it’s not that I don’t trust you: I highly doubt you’d ever cheat on anyone. You are too kind for that. But I fear… I feared when you are together with all these good-looking actors you might not find me enough anymore. I know it’s stupid, but you see: The past haunted me again. When I was called fat. When I was called not-good-enough. When I read social media comments saying you’re out of my league and I don’t deserve you. Ugly words that ate me up inside when I was a child and young teen. I thought I was past that but I…I…”, now the tears were too many and her words died with hiccups. She felt his form surround her in a hug that felt so warm and yet sharp as knifes. She loved his touch but felt guilty for not opening up about this sooner. She had never wanted to be like this, but alas she had been too much of a coward to burden him or herself with this.
“Love”, he whispered after comforting her for a couple of minutes, “Look at me”
She lifted her head. Her eyes were red and puffy, her lips were dark pink, and tears had run streaks across her cheeks. It broke Kenji to have hurt her so deeply, yet he also knew that it wasn’t his fault. It was however his responsibility, to clear this up once and for all.
“Love listen”, he started, “I completely understand your jealousy. But we’ve been together for almost ten years and in all that time, I’ve never encountered a woman more incredible, deeply fascinating and intrinsically beautiful as you. No acted kiss could bring me away from you, no sexy actor could keep my mind from ever wishing for more than to be by your side. I’ve been by your side for almost six years: What should change now?
The monster from your past is, as already stated: Past. Their words were untrue. These people were in pain themselves when they caused you pain. You were a target to unleash the inner turmoil of others. It’s no excuse but it is the explanation. Those who feel they must hurt others are those who seek the most attention and power because they’d be devoid of having a self. I should know: I used to be similar to that. And I had my phase of jealousy as well, you know?”
“Really?”, y/n managed to ask
“Oh yes! I was in rage every time I heard you talk about any of your guy friends back in high school. Difference is I could hide it better because we were apart a lot of the time. I feared you would find someone who had more of a personality than me. I was no longer sure looks would cut it”
“Gosh love”, she answered, her voice love drunken, “you burst of personality. You aren’t just a pretty boy or well… pretty man. You have so much spirit and energy to give to the world. You are the definition of happiness and sunshine. And on top of that you are an incredibly talented man with so much to show. You wield the human mind and emotions so well you can convert yourself to be something other than yourself convincingly-”
“See?”, he asked, “and just like you love me like that and see all that good I sometimes don’t recognize, I see it in you… I always love you”
“I love you too. I’m sorry”
“Don’t be sorry. I’m so happy we had this talk. It was much needed”
“Yeah”, she hummed as her lips almost touched his and within seconds the couple found themselves passionately kissing
Ever since then they hadn’t had any of these kinds of self-worth problems. They’d say I love you on a daily basis and gave each other compliments whenever they could.
One thing the fans found especially cute was that, without fail, Red Rose would comment on each of Kenji’s selfies and comment “hey gorgeous, you single?” and he’d answer every single time, “Sure Sugar. Meet me at seven on your favorite street-corner”
One time they took a picture of each other on a nice-looking street corner. Kenji had called the picture “finally found the street corner. Been waiting to meet this lady for a while, apparently her name is ‘your wife’, which is peculiar but otherwise she seems nice”.
The picture even went viral and became one of the all-time favorite celebrity pictures of 2026.
  After the talk-show they flew back in his helicopter.
They were in New York city and y/n looked at the city landscape with a fascinated gaze as she observed the flickering lights of the big apple.
Kenji looked at her with eyes shining almost as bright. He loved her love for everything new she sees. He had noticed that the first time she had seen the watering hole. He wasn’t really interested in her that way yet. He was fifteen and she thirteen, that makes quite a difference at this age. But still he couldn’t but smile as she looked at the dinosaurs with big eyes. And he loved that she hadn’t lost that spark, even as she got older, even as they came together and grew and changed together.
Y/n noticed his gaze and shifted hers to look at him.
‘What a beautiful man. I’ve missed him so’ she thought to herself.
“I missed you”, he said as though he had read her mind just now. Maybe he had. They had been together for so long they were often able to read each other’s subtle shifts in expression. Quite a beautiful thing.
“I missed you too”, she simply answered, “did you plan this talk show surprise?”
“Yes and no”, he admitted, “I was meeting up with Donavan O’Connor, the director of the ‘Elaine, the one?’ series. When calling Donavan, he told me had been to talking to Ray (the interviewer) and he was casually pointing out the funny coincidence you were meeting up for and mention the funny coincidence, that you’d have an interview with him that same day I come to the city and well… needless to say I called Ray and arranged things... I just had to. Couldn’t miss the opportunity to surprise my beautiful wife”
She smiled at that. A shy and flattered smile that reminded Kenji of when they were teens.
 They landed on the roof of a nice-looking hotel. They had decided to stay the night here in New York before travelling back to Ireland… yes: Yes Ireland.
Most celebrities lived in L.A., but Kenji and y/n had preferred living a bit apart in an old mansion near the coast of south Ireland, close to the northern border. Although Kenji was a people person, he didn’t like the dishonesty and lying in the industry and wanted to get away from that with his wife who thought the same.
Besides: It was a beautiful country.
As they entered the room, they felt peace and happiness as well as a certain kind of tension arise.
Needless to say, there was another kind of reuinion going on that night...
(Sorry about that short ending, I had to heavily edit that ‘cause it originally was a... well... non Pg scene xD)
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trulycertain · 5 years
I’ve just finished Hearts of Stone for the first time (I got the expansion packs last birthday, thanks Ma), and cor, I’m... still a bit dazed. That was one of the best experiences I’ve had with a game for a long time. Heck, in some games that would’ve been the main campaign. It truly feels like a work of passion.
The negative, to get it over with
I had some issues with the portrayal of the Ofieri. The people we see are monsters, mages, mystics and enemy guards. The first Ofieri person you meet is... a toad monster you kill. And then the next ones are your jailers. 
And you might say that Temeria and Redania are full of yokel stereotypes - I mean, the “How often should I beat my wife?” NPC line is a clear nod to that kinda thing - and plays on Slavic mythology, folk tales, and fairy tales, and Ofier is the nod to the Arabian Nights... but we don’t get many Ofieri characters, nor clear examinations of those tales. Instead we’re quietly directed back to Robin Hood and Beauty and the Beast homages (which I adore, but). And one of the first introductions you get to their pseudo-Arabic language (which doesn’t feel as researched as Sapkowksi’s cod-Welsh Elven, but I don’t know about Nilfgaard’s language) is a Redanian guy calling it “gargling.” *wince* After the interesting, often nuanced takes on pseudo-Slavic culture and the fantasy non-human racism, I found that a bit frustrating. 
And yet... In some ways, it feels like CDPR were aware of this. Because you don’t actually have to kill the rest of the Ofieri guards, and then the next people you meet from Ofier are scholars and thoroughly nice dudes. (And... merchants, which is another stereotype on its own, but maybe I’m reading too much into that and reading British biases into it.) And gosh, I find it interesting what little we see of Ofieri scholarship and spirituality, and runeworking/smithing as prayer. It’s like a mix of Islamic Golden Age mathematics - but with languages instead - and humanism, maybe with some Pagan influences. It’s really, really beautiful, and it’s clearly had some thought put into it. Also interesting is the interlinked duchies/city-states sort of system that the merchant nods at, which I’d love to know more about.
OK, so... maybe this is easy for me to say as an English lass who looks like a flour explosion in a snowstorm, but it feels wonky (to say the least), but... not ill-intentioned. If anything, the portrayal of the Ofieri is rather less biting than portrayals of other countries, though those portrayals also feel less.. loaded. I’m not sure what to think, to be honest. I had some issues with how strongly the pack tries to force you into romance with Shani and makes it a bit all-or-nothing. I wish I’d been able to buy her a drink or give her a nice rowan garland (actually, seriously, I need to draw her in that flower crown, it’s lovely and she was adorable) even as a friend, as a way to say goodbye, rather than just... buggering off and leaving her there sad, and failing a side quest to boot. Framing the romance that way made it very clear that “oi, you’ve made the wrong choice,” even if you had your reasons. And when you talk to her later, it’ll still treat things like you romanced her.
The Order of the Flaming Rose didn’t do much. Yay, fancy bandits. But... thanks for the armour, guys? Made a fair bit of cash off that, nice of you.
The positive (my favourite bit)
Shani! I haven’t played the first game or the second (I’ll... get there), so I hadn’t met her before. She’s wonderful. And much as I love Yen - and stayed faithful to her, though I was sitting there thinking, “Would books Geralt do this? I’m really not sure” - I liked how in contrast, Shani often gets into the thick of it with you. I also love a) doctor characters b) characters who put their calling above all else and have such strong purpose. She’s kind and wry and I was seriously tempted to romance her. I also like her admitting that it was a “make the most of the time we have” thing, and that it probably wouldn’t work long-term. I appreciate that honesty and again, that sense of purpose. Much like Triss, she’s not dropping everything for Geralt, who has his own crazy timetable and travels to deal with. That straightforwardness is lovely. 
And also... god, I really like her friendship with Geralt. Even if you don’t romance her, they’re so comfortable with each other, and it’s so clear how happy he is to see her. They relax around each other and she knows how to gently poke fun. Seriously, I can see why people liked her and wanted her back.
“And now I have nowt.” Bloody hell, is Olgierd von Everec actually written with Northern dialect as well as voiced with the accent? Is the dashing rogue... Yorkshire-accented? God, they must be Polish, Northerners almost never get to be upper-class or smooth in British media. (Even Sean Bean had to go posher for GoldenEye.) Nice to hear the language spoken properly.  I always admire the localisation when I’m playing Wild Hunt; it’s beautifully thought-out and detailed. And yes, Von Everec was an absolute jerk in a lot of ways even before the wish, but... a well-written, nuanced one. Also, considering some of the lasses we see in Skellige: sometime, I’d really like to have seen a female character along similar lines somewhere (one Geralt couldn’t bonk), though I know that won’t happen. (No more Geralt games. ;_; )
“A man must have some moments of madness from time to time. Tells him he’s alive.”
Iris! Goodness, I hesitated for nearly ten minutes over That Decision, and I still feel sad for her typing this post up on my couch, having finished the expansion an hour ago. I think it adds even more that I’d purchased “Starry Night Over the Pontar River” by Van Rogh (I can’t believe they even did that). I played Geralt as genuinely loving her paintings. (And seriously, speaking of assets, that Iris/Olgierd marriage portrait is lovely.) She was as complicated as her husband, though she got less screentime - and some part of me would have gladly trapped Olgierd in a painting and brought her back into the world, but I also know that necromancy in The Witcher doesn’t work like that. A very romantic-fairy-tale take on the tortured artist trope.
I even found Vlodimir interesting. I was glad that Shani called him on what was basically fancy sexual harassment and told him to keep his hands to himself, and he was clearly a real shite in life, but... yeah, even I felt rather sad for him after the dressing-down he got from O’Dimm. And to be honest, he does have some bloody hilarious lines. This series excels in “likeable bastard” characters.
I get shades! And I’ve been going round with the Mastercrafted Wolven Armour and those, doing the look I fondly call Douchebag Geralt, ever since. CDPR’s nerdery. It wasn’t particularly immersion-breaking, and it made me cackle. “Merchant With A Pearl Earring”? “Witness me”? “Geralt: The Professional”? “The Professor’s Glasses”?
All the optional NPC dialogue. You can doom yourself by not researching enough. You can never find the runewright. You can miss half the wedding party dialogue. You can miss things like the Van Rogh painting and the sad, rather interesting story of Vesemir and his lover (and the Viper Armour!). The game always rewards you for being interested in the story, and thorough (you are playing a detective, after all), but because it was smaller, they’ve also made HoS so dense and all that’s here in abundance.
“Delight in the world and all its glorious creations.”
The furious pace. It’s a rollicking, rip-roaring adventure. A frog prince! An old friend/lover! A political plot! A storm! A deal with... something not-good that may or may not be The Devil! A shirtless tied-up action-movie fight with five dudes! Dueling a reluctant immortal! Characters from distant shores! A horse race through the streets of a village! A Guy Ritchie-esque heist movie nod to Robin Hood! Getting possessed by a ghost and sitcom/rom-com hijinks while fishing for boots, herding swine, and retrieving fire-eaters! Haunted mansions and tortured artists and interesting grief and depression metaphors! A Seventh Seal-esque game of wits with something very old and very unkind! O’Dimm promised a big adventure... he wasn’t wrong. And it probably sounds like they’re throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks... and yet, it all makes sense and ties in beautifully. It’s really well-written and thought-out, and balances a touching story with CDPR clearly wanting to give you your money’s worth and take you on the best journey they can.
Gaunter O’Dimm. The one thing I did think was that they’d be more vague about who/what he actually was. I was surprised at the more overt things like the crossroads deal, and the Oxenfurt scholar. But I immensely enjoyed his character, and that trippy finale was fantastic, even if I spent everything after the first second or so muttering, “It’s a REFLECTION, oh my god Gaunter you have commitment to your theme, please let there be a mirror in the house.” (And it’s also kind of perfect that one of the main spectres who attacks you in his realm is a Hym. Punishment for misdeeds, the guilty conscience... I’m seeing a theme here.)
Treasure hunts and new armour.
“Like your new gear, Roach?” We got to see a bit more of Geralt's fondness for this Roach (not sure what number she is, to be honest) and that he treats her well.
Lots of quiet but intense, lovely Geralt moments. The kindness with which he treats Shani, and his quiet, wry joking around with her in comparison to Vlodimir’s crudeness; the fondness and understated grief with which he speaks of Vesemir, and finally getting to hear a bit more of what he thinks about his mentor; the guilt he feels over being pulled here, there and everywhere on adventures and how many people he’s left behind; more stuff on “Witchers are heartless bastards because mutations” and how untrue that actually is; his steadfastness about trying to avoid bloodshed in the heist; how he doesn’t like to see Vlodimir tortured, even if he is... Vlodimir. Course, I play Geralt as a (pragmatic, blunt) goody-two-shoes, so it might be different if you play him bloodthirstier, but there were some lovely not-blank-slate-protag moments. CDPR get that the characters are why people come to the games; I adore playing a game where “go to a wedding reception” and “have a snowball fight with your daughter to cheer her up” are missions.
I’d be interested to see anyone’s takes on this pack, because I was so busy trying to avoid spoilers when it came out (and I think I might have been knee-deep in Fallout 4? Not sure) that I missed most of the stuff on it. But it was full of fascinating characters, wonderful performances, some really sad, achey complex themes, and pulpy adventure. I spent... too many moments trying not to cackle in joy. And much as I tried to be a completionist and do base-game sidequests remaining after the main story and drag it out over several days, I spent enough time on this expansion that Geralt’s beard grew back and my backside went numb. So. Even with its imperfections, probably one of my favourite gaming experiences of all time. So.
...God, and there’s another, slightly bigger expansion to go. I’m not sure I’ll survive.
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kawaiikichi · 5 years
Bubble Bath (Happy Belated Birthday Kokichi!)
So, after a long while, here’s a birthday one-shot for Ouma! I know that this is very late, but I still wanted to do something for him. Also, my trip made me very busy, so I wasn’t able to get to it TT_TT
So, I think I finally snapped or something because after a little over a year or so of not writing full-on smut, this is my first piece where I have my OTP going all the way. So, prepare yourselves.
(And because it’s been a little over a year since I last wrote full-on smut, I’m kinda rusty, so please go easy on me)
I hope you all like it! :D
Title: Bubble Bath
Summary: After taking his boyfriend out on a date for his birthday, Shuichi and Kokichi head back home to relax. However, Kokichi’s got other plans.
Warning: NSFW content ahead; read at your own risk!
One-shot is under the cut!
Shuichi and Kokichi walked home hand in hand after having a slice of cake at their favorite bakery down the street.
“Did you have fun tonight?” Shuichi asked.
Kokichi nodded, a wide smile on his face.
“I did! The movie was great, dinner and dessert was awesome, and best of all, I got to spend it all with you.” Kokichi giggled. “This was a great birthday.” he replied.
Shuichi smiled.
“I’m glad.” he said, leaning in and pressing a kiss to Kokichi’s temple.
Kokichi giggled once more as they arrived at their apartment complex. They took the stairs up to the fourth floor and headed down the hall to their apartment.
“Let’s see here...” Shuichi mumbled, releasing Kokichi’s hand and proceeding to dig through his jeans pocket.
“Ah, there it is.” Shuichi pulled out the keys to their apartment and unlocked the door, the two of them stepping inside.
Flicking on the lights, they toed off their shoes. Shuichi closed the door behind them, shooting a glance at his boyfriend.
“What do you want to do now?” he asked.
“Well, first off, I’d like to take a bath.” Kokichi said.
“Alright. Well, you can go and do that—“
“I meant that I’d like to take a bath with you.”
Shuichi blinked his eyes twice in surprise.
“You want to what?” he asked.
“Don’t play silly, my love. I said that I want to take a bath with you, Shuichi.” Kokichi said.
“I heard you the first time! It’s just...” Shuichi trailed off.
“Oh my, is my beloved Shuichi getting all bashful?” a sly grin crossed Kokichi’s lips as he turned and walked over to Shuichi. “Come on, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. We’ve seen each other’s naked body plenty of times already.” he said.
Shuichi swallowed as Kokichi dragged his fingers along his chest.
“Especially when you shove me face down in the mattress and fuck me so hard that my voice goes hoarse from all the screaming I do.” he purred.
“K-Kokichi...” Shuichi stammered out.
“Nishishi, you’re so cute when you blush like that.” he said before withdrawing his hand.
He began to whistle to himself as Shuichi swallowed.
“Was that...something you wanted to do? You know...sex.” Shuichi spoke hesitantly.
“Weeeeeeeell, yeah.” Kokichi replied.
“But then taking a bath before doing it makes no sense. We’d just get all dirty again and have to take another bath.” Shuichi pointed out.
“And how many times have we had sex and just fell asleep afterward?” Kokichi asked.
Shuichi bit his lip, choosing not to respond to his question.
“See? Now, I’m gonna go and draw the bath.” Kokichi said, turning and heading off in the direction of the bathroom.
“A-Alright...” Shuichi responded as Kokichi disappeared down the hall.
Slipping into the bathroom, he released a sigh.
“Aaah, my heart won’t stop racing...” he trailed off.
He made his way over to the large, stand-alone soaker tub and turned the faucet on, adjusting the temperature of the water as it filled the tub. He peeled off his clothes and tossed them into the laundry bin by the door, making his way over to the double vanity. He opened the medicine cabinet and took out a black bottle filled with lube.
It would at least help to be prepared. Shuichi wants to wait until we both bathe to have sex, but I don’t wanna wait. I need him now, he thought to himself.
He felt the familiar warmth of arousal pool in the pit of his stomach as he thought of his boyfriend. His cheeks grew warm and he briefly wondered if it was the steam from the bath that was making his cheeks flush red or the dangerously dirty thoughts that swirled around in his mind.
He quickly shook his head.
“Gosh, I need to stop it with these thoughts...” he mumbled.
Closing the medicine cabinet door, he headed over to the tub and placed the bottle of lube behind Shuichi’s bottle of conditioner.
“I’ll just place that in there and hop in...” he hummed to himself as he turned the faucet off and stepped into the warm water.
Grabbing for the bottle of rose-scented bubble bath soap, he poured some into the water and swirled it about until it grew bubbly. He put the bottle back and sank into the water, his head above the surface.
The bathroom door opened soon after. Kokichi peered over the bubbles to see Shuichi with two sets of clothes in his hands.
“I got us our pajamas and stuff.” Shuichi glanced over at him. “You’re using the bubble bath?” he asked.
“Well, yeah...when do we plan on using it if not in the bath...?” Kokichi answered.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Shuichi said.
Shuichi set the clothes down on the counter and proceeded to take off his clothes. With each piece of clothing he peeled off, Kokichi grew more flustered.
He imagined Shuichi’s naked body covered in a thin sheen of water, the bubbles crowding around him, his hair damp and glued to the sides of his face, his cheeks flushed red from the steam as he pulled Kokichi onto his lap, their bodies melding together—
Kokichi tried to stifle a moan, but it came out as a strangled whimper as he began to grow hard.
Shuichi tossed his clothes into the laundry bin as he spoke.
“Kokichi, are you okay?” he called out.
“Huh? O-Oh yeah! I’m tooooootally fine!” Kokichi responded.
He quickly grabbed for his shampoo bottle, nearly letting a curse slip past as it slipped out of his wet hands and into the sudsy water.
I’m the one who suggested we take a bath together, so why am I getting so flustered? Is it because this will be our first time taking one together, he asked himself.
Kokichi scrambled to pick the bottle up as Shuichi stepped into the tub, sinking into the water.
“Wow, this water is really warm.” he commented.
“W-Well, yeah. I like warm baths.” Kokichi said, finding himself grow painfully aware of how close they were in the tub (and of how his dick was growing harder).
Shuichi noticed the shampoo bottle in Kokichi’s hands.
“Oh, are you going to wash your hair?” he asked.
“Yeah, I am.” Kokichi replied.
“I could do it for you.” Shuichi offered, moving in towards him.
This made Kokichi’s cheeks flush a brighter shade of red than they were already.
“I can do it by myself!” he exclaimed.
“But I wanna do it for you.” Shuichi stated.
“I said I can do it myself!” Kokichi whined as Shuichi got closer.
“But, it’s your birthday. I want to spoil you a little more.” Shuichi pointed out.
“I told you I can do it myself!” Kokichi exclaimed as he tried pushing Shuichi away.
However, that just made Shuichi lose his balance. Before Shuichi could stop himself, he fell on top of Kokichi. His knee brushed against Kokichi’s hardened erection, causing him to let out a loud whimper.
Kokichi gasped upon realizing what exactly escaped his lips. He squeezed his eyes shut as Shuichi watched him in surprise.
“Kokichi...are you hard?” he asked.
Kokichi’s breath caught in his throat as Shuichi’s breath ghosted along his cheek.
Dammit...why can’t I say anything, he asked himself.
A couple of minutes passed before Kokichi forced out a nervous laugh.
“Huh? Me? Hard? Shuichi, is the steam making you delirious or something? I’m not hard.” he stated.
“No, I definitely felt it. You’re hard.” Shuichi stated bluntly.
“I just said I’m not.” Kokichi shot back.
Shuichi furrowed his brows at Kokichi before reaching down and wrapping his hand around Kokichi’s length. Kokichi released a drawn out whine as Shuichi gave it a quick stroke.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
Kokichi pouted up at him.
“That’s not fair...how dare you turn me on like that?!” he complained before launching himself at Shuichi.
Shuichi let out a surprised yelp followed by a pained hiss as his back hit the curve of the tub, the water sloshing violently around them and spilling onto the tile as Kokichi looped his arms around Shuichi’s neck, their lips crashing together messily in a kiss.
Heat immediately flooded Shuichi’s body as he kissed back fervently, pulling Kokichi onto his lap. He shifted them into a more comfortable position, Kokichi moaning against his lips as their groins rubbed against each other.
Immediately after withdrawing from the kiss, Shuichi began peppering the side of Kokichi’s neck with kisses. Kokichi felt like he was set aflame with each kiss Shuichi left on his damp skin.
“Ah, Shuichi...” Kokichi moaned out, the sound echoing throughout the bathroom.
He rolled his hips against Shuichi’s, listening to the way he grunted in response. Shuichi dragged his teeth along Kokichi’s shoulder before biting down hard on it, eliciting a loud cry from him.
“Geez, you’re being vicious tonight...!” Kokichi gasped out.
Shuichi pressed a kiss to the bite mark he left on Kokichi’s shoulder.
“I mean, when you suddenly throw yourself at me like that, how do you expect me to react?” he asked.
Kokichi grinned deviously.
“I see you’re also up to getting down and dirty.” he noted, reaching in between and giving Shuichi’s hardening length a tug to emphasize his point.
Shuichi groaned against Kokichi’s skin as Kokichi began to move his hand up and down in languid strokes.
“Mmm, you like that, don’t you?” he purred.
Shuichi let out labored breaths as he watched Kokichi with hazy golden eyes. He moved in towards Kokichi’s neck, nipping and sucking on the pale column of skin. Kokichi moaned, his body tingling with pleasure as he released his hold on Shuichi’s length. He then grabbed both of their hardened erections and began pumping them together slowly.
Their moans and grunts accompanied by the sloshing of the water made for an interesting symphony as the sound bounced off the walls. Hickey after hickey was marked on Kokichi’s skin as he ventured lower. He circled Kokichi’s right nipple with his tongue before taking it into his mouth, sucking on it.
“Shuichi, suck on it harder—Ah!” a spasm of pleasure rocked Kokichi’s body as Shuichi sucked harder on it.
He began moving his hand faster as Shuichi released his nipple and moved to the other one, pulling on it with his teeth.
“Mmmm, Shuichi...” Kokichi moaned out.
“Are you going to cum already?” Shuichi asked.
Kokichi panted as he climbed closer to his climax. Shuichi couldn’t help but chuckle.
“All I’ve done was mark some hickies on you and suck on your nipples and you’re already getting ready to cum...” he trailed off.
“That’s because...it feels so good...” Kokichi went even faster. “Mmmm, I need you so bad.” he said.
“I know.” Shuichi replied as he began sucking on the other nipple.
Kokichi moaned, arching his body into Shuichi’s as he came. Shuichi came soon after, moaning against his chest. Kokichi stared at Shuichi before moving his hands to cup his cheeks and pull him in for another kiss.
He pried Shuichi’s mouth open and plunged his tongue inside. Shuichi grunted, his hand moving to rest on the small of Kokichi’s back as their tongues danced together. Kokichi moaned into Shuichi’s mouth as they ground their hips against one another.
“I need you inside me, babe. I need you right now...” he murmured into Shuichi’s mouth.
“Mmmm...” Shuichi pulled away from the kiss. “If we’re going to do it right now, I need to at least prep you. I can’t have you getting hurt on your birthday.” Shuichi pointed out.
“Do you really think I’m not prepared?” Kokichi asked.
He moved Shuichi’s bottle of conditioner to the side and he grabbed for the bottle of lube, showing it to Shuichi.
This made Shuichi narrow his eyes at him.
“Were you set on having bathroom sex all this time?” he asked.
“Hm, maaaaaybe?” Kokichi drawled out.
Shuichi sighed.
“I seriously can’t believe you...” he trailed off, causing Kokichi to giggle.
“Enough about that. Are you gonna prep me or what?” he asked.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll prep you.” Shuichi said, snatching the bottle of lube from him.
They both stood up in the tub and Shuichi instructed for Kokichi to bend over, which he did. Kokichi grabbed for the edge of the tub as Shuichi popped the bottle open. Coating his fingers in it, he parted Kokichi’s cheeks and used his pointer finger to circle around his puckered entrance. Kokichi let out an annoyed whine.
“Stop being such a tease, Shuichi...” he complained.
“Okay, okay, relax.” Shuichi said before slipping his finger inside.
Kokichi drew in a gasp.
“Ah...Shuichi, your finger...it’s inside me...” he murmured out.
“Mmmhmm.” Shuichi hummed in response as he slowly thrusted his finger in and out of him.
Soft moans flowed from Kokichi’s lips as his grip around the rim of the tub tightened. Shuichi leaned over him, resting his free hand over Kokichi’s left hand. He playfully nipped at his ear, eliciting a small moan from Kokichi. A louder one followed as Shuichi inserted another finger.
“Shuichi, go a little faster...” Kokichi panted out.
Shuichi complied, moving his fingers faster. Curling his fingers, he listened to Kokichi gasp loudly as he brushed his sweet spot.
“Ah. Looks like I found it.” he commented.
Kokichi chuckled.
“No shit—Mmm! Oh my god, keep rubbing it, yes!” Kokichi moaned out.
Shuichi continued, trailing his lips along the side of Kokichi’s neck and giving a playful nip to his shoulder. Kokichi mewled as Shuichi kissed his shoulder before showering kisses along his shoulder blade.
“Mmmm, that feels so good...” he panted out.
He could feel a familiar heat pooling in his stomach.
“Ah, I’m close...” his knuckles grew white the tighter he gripped onto the bathtub rim. “Shuichi, let me cum again...” he breathed out.
“Alright.” Shuichi replied.
Kokichi groaned as he ground his hips against Shuichi’s fingers in hopes of getting to climax. That was when Shuichi spoke.
“Well, that’s what I’d like to say, but,” he pulled his fingers out, “I can’t have you cum just yet.” he said.
“Goddammit, Shuichi, are you being serious right now?” Kokichi complained.
“Of course I’m being serious. Don’t you want me to put it in?” Shuichi asked, reaching for the bottle of lube and popping it open.
Kokichi blushed as he watched Shuichi coat his erection with it.
“Well...” Kokichi trailed off.
“Or am I wrong?” Shuichi asked.
“You’re not wrong!” Kokichi moved to press his ass against Shuichi’s length. “Don’t make me wait, babe. Put it in.” he demanded.
“Alright, alright.” Shuichi leaned in and pressed a kiss to Kokichi’s cheek. “So demanding.” he commented as he parted Kokichi’s cheeks.
He teased the puckered entrance a little, rubbing the tip around it before proceeding to push into him. Kokichi sucked in a gasp, feeling his mind almost shut down as the tip of Shuichi’s length penetrated him.
“I’m going to push in more, okay?” Shuichi asked.
“Mmmm, just put all of it in. I need it...” Kokichi said, urging for Shuichi to continue.
Shuichi placed a hand on Kokichi’s hip and he continued to push deeper into him. A loud moan fell from Kokichi’s lips, echoing through the bathroom. Shuichi leaned over to press a kiss to Kokichi’s shoulder.
“I’m all the way in. I’m gonna start moving now, okay?” he whispered into Kokichi’s ear.
Kokichi could only nod in response as Shuichi slowly pulled out, leaving only the tip inside. Then, he slammed back in, earning a loud moan from Kokichi.
“Shuichi...Ah, fuck...” Kokichi released a pleasure-filled sigh as Shuichi continued thrusting into him at a slow pace.
The only sounds in the bathroom were the slapping of wet skin, the sloshing of the bath water, and the breaths and groans that escaped from their mouths. With each thrust, Kokichi felt his mind slowly grow hazy. It made him briefly wonder if it was the steam making him feel this way or if it was how Shuichi moved in and out of him with ease.
“Shit, Shuichi...I need you to go faster...fuck me faster...” he panted out.
“Faster?” Shuichi asked.
“Yes, go faster...” Kokichi’s moans grew louder as Shuichi began to pick up the pace.
Shuichi’s other hand moved to rest on Kokichi’s hip, stroking his wet skin with his thumb. Kokichi began to move his hips to meet Shuichi’s thrusts, sighs drifting into the air like the steam. He then let out a loud cry as Shuichi hit his prostate.
“Oh! Shuichi, right there! Hit right there!” he shouted.
“As you wish.” Shuichi replied as he thrusted harder, ramming into that same spot each time.
“Oh my god, you’re going in so deep...! Shit!” Kokichi’s loud screams bounced off the walls.
Every part of his body was set alight with pleasure. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as his legs began to turn into jelly. He gripped onto the rim of the tub so tightly that he swore he would wind up breaking off a piece if he held on any tighter. A small sob fell from his lips as he felt his hardened cock bobbing against his stomach.
“Shuichi...it feels so good...” he choked out.
“Does it?” Shuichi asked.
He began leading a trail of kisses up Kokichi’s spine.
“Hey, turn your head towards me. I want to see your face.” he requested.
“No...I look like a mess...” Kokichi murmured out.
“Please?” Shuichi dragged his teeth along Kokichi’s shoulder blade. “Let me see you.” he whispered in a husky voice.
Kokichi shuddered at the low tone of Shuichi’s voice. He relented, turning his head to glance at Shuichi. In that moment, Shuichi captured his lips in a kiss that stole his breath. Teeth and tongues clashed messily with one another as Kokichi lost himself in the kiss. Shuichi’s hand slid down toward Kokichi’s length, slender fingers curling around him as he began to stroke him. Kokichi moaned against Shuichi’s lips as he bucked his hips into Shuichi’s hand.
Kokichi broke away from the kiss, panting harshly.
“I’m going to cum...!” he exclaimed.
“I’m close, as well.” Shuichi continued, feeling Kokichi’s walls begin to tighten around him. “Cum for me, Kokichi. Cum for me.” he said, stroking Kokichi faster.
He continued ramming into Kokichi’s sweet spot as Kokichi came with a shudder followed by a low moan. Strings of white coated Shuichi’s hand and Kokichi’s stomach. Shuichi came soon after, filling Kokichi to the brim as he released a grunt.
Kokichi moaned as he rode out his climax. His legs began to tremble like those of a newborn fawn’s. As soon as Shuichi pulled out, his legs gave way.
“Ah!” Shuichi exclaimed, reaching out to catch him before he fell onto his knees in the tub.
“Kokichi, are you okay? Did I overdo it?” Shuichi asked.
Kokichi snorted.
“Are you kidding me? That was fucking amazing.” he turned in Shuichi’s arms, flashing him the okay symbol with his hand. “Mind blowing birthday sex.” he stated.
“Is that so...” Shuichi trailed off.
“Don’t be such a worrywart.” Kokichi commented, leaning in and pressing a kiss to Shuichi’s lips.
Shuichi hummed into the kiss, moving his hands up to cup Kokichi’s cheeks. They withdrew from the kiss a few moments later.
“Okay, now I think we need to move to the shower and wash off. We can’t continue washing off in here.” Shuichi suggested.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Kokichi looked down as Shuichi’s cum began to trickle along his inner thighs. “Moving to the shower would be better.” he stated.
Shuichi got out of the tub and then pulled Kokichi close, scooping him up in his arms and holding him bridal style.
“Shuichi...!” Kokichi let out a surprised squeak, his cheeks flushed red.
“I can’t have you walking on wobbly legs, now can I? I’ll carry you to the shower.” Shuichi said.
Kokichi smiled.
“Ah, my beloved boyfriend is so sweet!” he kissed Shuichi on the cheek. “Now, onward to the shower!” he declared.
Shuichi laughed.
“Alright.” he replied as they began to make their way over to the shower, giggling and sneaking kisses all the while.
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porkchop-ao3 · 5 years
A Thrill I’ve Never Known (Chapter 15)
We’re 15 chapters in; here’s a sprinkling of action... a very fine, stingy sprinkling. I did say this story was going to be slow burn lmao :’) 
(All chapters tagged with #ATINK and also posted on Ao3, username PorkChop)
Arthur and I had sat ourselves down underneath a tree, he was leaning up against it and had taken his hat off to give me a good view of his face. I sat a few feet away in front of him, holding the paper he'd given me from his journal and a book about wildflowers and herbs that he'd given me to lean on. I observed him for a while as he settled, getting comfortable. He looked a little shy all of a sudden with my eyes on him, but he didn't say anything and just looked out towards where Rayna and Jet were grazing. 
When he was ready and seemed to have relaxed, I started sketching out some guidelines. I started with a light oval shape and a few lines to place his eyes, nose and mouth, then worked lightly as I started mapping out his features. I went over the same place a few times until I got the shapes as close as I could, slowly warming my wrist up and getting my artist's eyes back. When I drew for a while I would start to see things differently. Back when I'd draw myself the image in the mirror would turn into a collection of lines and shapes that could be more easily replicated than a face, but when I was drawing Arthur I could not lose his image. I was constantly reminded of who I was drawing; it required a little more effort and focus, but it was good practice. 
It certainly threw me back into the water when it came to drawing again. 
It was an interesting experience being able to really stare at him in a context where it was entirely appropriate to do so. I noticed things about him that I hadn't before; the scar on his chin, the dimple on the tip of his nose, the slight signs of his age in the form of creases around his eyes. All it served to do was make him even more attractive to me, and my hand would shake a little each time he met my eyes. 
My drawing certainly wasn't anything to write home about. I supposed you could tell that it was him but things were a little off; his eyes were definitely too big, his chin was too small, he was certainly better looking in the flesh, but it wasn't a terrible drawing. I worked on the shading, darkening the side of his face furthest from me where it was in shadow and put a little more detail into his eyes. Gosh, his eyes. I'd never be able to do them justice with a stick of graphite but I sure did enjoy trying. The longer I drew for, the more relaxed Arthur seemed to become and he kept his eyes on me more often than not. 
If felt strangely intimate, just sitting and drawing him, sharing eye contact as a breeze rolled through the grass. It was peaceful, too, with the sounds of tree branches rustling and songbirds flying overhead. It was lovely, really, and I found myself threatening to overwork my drawing simply so I could drag it out for longer. With a soft sigh I looked between Arthur and his graphite impression, pursing my lips. 
"I think I've worked on this all I can," I told him. "I guess it's okay, though it's not going to hang on anyone's wall."
"Did you enjoy making it?" He asked me and I nodded without hesitation.
"I really did," I grinned. 
"If you enjoyed it, that's all that matters," he said, putting his hat back on. 
"Thank you for sitting for me, you're an excellent model," I told him, resulting in a bashful chuckle. 
"If you say so."
I paused for a moment, looking down at my drawing and thinking about my next words. 
"Do you wanna see it?" I finally asked, nervous to see his reaction but wanting to share it all the same. 
"Really? I'd love to. Only if you're happy to share," he said. I turned the drawing around and tilted it towards him. Arthur looked at it, then moved away from the tree to scoot closer to me. 
Arthur studied the drawing for a moment, an unreadable expression on his face. 
"Wow, I ain't never seen a drawing of myself before," he noted, leaning in closer. With how I was holding the drawing it meant his head was above my lap, so close to me. "You did a good job, looks like me!"
"You think? I reckon I did you a little injustice," I snorted, flushing a little. 
"What'chu mean? Looks fine to me."
"You're better looking than that," I assured him and he glanced up at me. He only leaned back just a little when he noticed how close he was. He looked a little stunned, like he didn't know how to respond; so I saved him the trouble. "You got any tips for me?"
"Oh, I don't think it's my place. I'm hardly an expert," he said, looking back down at the drawing. 
"You're more skilled than I am, I'd say that makes you qualified enough. I'd appreciate the advice, since I'd like to draw more often," I said, watching Arthur run his thumb along his bottom lip. "Please?”
"Alright. I'm not really sure what to say, you've clearly got skill already but I guess if I was gonna give you some advice…” he trailed off and paused for just a moment. 
"I noticed as you were drawing, you tend to go over the same place over and over, I see what you're doing, I do it myself. You're feeling out the line," he pointed out the edge of his nose in the drawing as an example. "But you do it real quick every time, trying to get the line right in one quick stroke. Sometimes you gotta slow down a little, guide the pencil down slow as you look at what you're trying to draw. Either that or you do a series of shorter strokes, go in stages. Take a little pressure off yourself, take your time."
"Oh, I see what you mean," I nodded, turning the drawing to have a look at it myself. "That's definitely something I tend to do, the quick lines. It's sort of like I'm taking a stab in the dark and hoping it looks right," I laughed. 
"There's nothing wrong with it, it just might save you some hassle if you slow it down."
"Right," I agreed, absorbing his words. "Thank you, Arthur. Anything else?"
"Just keep at it," he shrugged his shoulders and looked up at me. "I'll keep my eye out for a sketchbook for you. Then maybe we can do this more often; come out and do some drawing together.”
"I'd really like that," I told him, failing to keep the grin from spreading across my face. Arthur was still so close, his eyes studied my face for a while, a certain warmth appearing in them.
"Yeah, me too," his voice was quiet and smooth, and he wasn't moving away. He was close enough for me to hear his breath and feel it too, and I was a little embarrassed to realise that must mean he'd notice my own breath pick up. 
Arthur licked his lips, glanced down at my mouth and a spike of hot, bright anticipation lit up my body. I was frozen still and yet he tilted his head and edged forwards. Something was about to happen, something that'd never happened to me and all I could do was sit there and panic on the inside. From my lips, his eyes moved back up to my eyes and he seemed to see something in them – probably the panic – because just like that, his head tilted back down to my drawing. He let out a breath, sort of like an awkward laugh mixed with a sigh, then he sat back to give me some space. 
What? No! No, no, no!
Had I imagined all of that? Was he actually just looking at a chunk of something stuck in my teeth? Probably. 
"I'm sorry, I–” he started, pausing to take out the pocket watch I'd gifted him. "I should be heading towards Valentine, I reckon." 
"Oh, of course. I'm sorry to have kept you," I said, clearing my throat and holding out his pencil and book. He took them from me very carefully, like he was conscious of avoiding contact with my skin.
"Nonsense, this was nice," he told me, then rose to his feet. I stood up too, quickly, so that he wouldn't feel obligated to offer his hand to help me up. "I'm sorry we never got to find that oleander."
"It's okay, I'll probably stick around here and look for some, since I'm already here." 
"You sure? And you'll be okay on your own?" He queried and I gave him a look. He remembered he was speaking to little miss lone wolf and chuckled. "That was dumb, I'm sorry."
I dismissed his concerns with a shake of my head. "Thank you for riding out with me, and for the paper and the art lesson."
"The pleasure's all mine, my lady," he dipped his head a little.
We stood facing each other for a few moments, not quite meeting each other's eyes. Something hung in the air and I was starting to think that perhaps I wasn't just imagining things; in which case, how disappointing that things hadn't unfolded in the way they seemed to have been going. He and I could've been rolling around in the grass together, his lips on mine, by now. 
"Uhh, anyway. I best be getting back to it. I'll see you back at camp," he eventually said, reaching out to give my upper arm a gentle squeeze and caress. I certainly didn't mind those little touches of his.
"Sure, see you later," I replied, my voice sounding much sadder than intended.
"You look after yourself, alright?"
"Will do. You too," I nodded. He gave me a little smile before slowly making his way over to the horses. He walked oddly, like he wasn't certain he was going in the direction he wanted; each foot being placed awkwardly and hesitantly. He turned and looked back at me as he went, and for lack of knowing what to do I gave him a silly wave, which he returned. 
He mounted Jet, giving me a final nod before setting off, leaving me to stand there watching him go… feeling like I wanted to punch something; preferably my own face. How could something have come so close and yet crumbled to dust so easily? Maybe if I had looked a little less terrified, maybe if I had leaned in too, maybe if I had said something when he looked back at me just then, maybe, maybe, maybe. 
With a quiet whine I stomped over to Rayna, putting my drawing of Arthur away in the saddlebag before mounting up. 
"How awkward did that look from over here, girl?" I whispered to her, patting her neck. She shook out her mane, and I wasn't sure what to make of that. 
With a wistful sigh I headed back to the trail, going in the opposite direction to Arthur to head towards Bayou Nwa, on a quest to find some oleander. 
When I rode back into camp that evening, saddlebags stocked with Charles' oleander, I noticed things looked sparse. Bedrolls were packed up, fires were out, some tents were already gone and others in the process of being pulled down. I dismounted my horse and jogged over to Dutch who was in his tent, speaking with Hosea. 
"What's happening, Dutch? Where's Arthur?" I asked him, worry creeping into my tone. Dutch looked up at me and sighed like I was an inconvenience, though perhaps that's all I was.
"Arthur has gone with Charles to scout out our new camp. We're moving."
"Why? Did something happen?"
"Of course something happened, now, I ain't got time for this so you can either clear off on your nag, or stick around and help us! It's time for you to choose your loyalties, I don't care either way," he snapped at me, clearly extremely stressed out, before getting up and stomping past me. 
I watched him go with widened eyes before turning back to Hosea who had a sad look about him.
"Don't take it personally, my dear, he's had a lot on his plate as of late," he told me wearily. I glanced in Dutch's direction before meeting Hosea's eyes again. "Though, he has a point. If you're going to leave us, now's the time to do it. No one'll be counting heads."
"And no one'll miss me, huh?" I chuckled, not taking it to heart. Hosea gave me a look, one that said that wasn't what he meant and I knew it.
"You're more than welcome to come with us. You've been a hard worker, but it's entirely up to you. I won't try to convince you either way," he continued, speaking through a sigh before rising to his feet and moving past me.
"Thanks, Hosea," I spoke after him. He paused to look over his shoulder at me and we shared a look for a few moments, a comforting smile passed between us before he left. 
I took a deep breath and turned, marching towards Susan. 
"Miss Grimshaw? Point me towards someone who needs my help."
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franeridart · 3 years
Tumblr media
Anon said: your i love your pencil-like sketches so much they’re so soft and cozy
Thank youuuuuuu they’re super relaxing to make so I’m glad you like them specifically!!
Anon said: whenever im crying i just look up your geto-sensei art and cry even more. it's a nice way to let it all out, so....thank you :D
It’s the Geto-sensei effect...........🙏🙏😭😭😭
Anon said: So you mentioned in one of your previous asks that your shipping krbk is in one of your asks you said that you ship krbk based on their canon relationship and you don’t really *feel* them as much because of that scene where Kiri was hanging with Todo instead of Baku and I totally understand how you feel BUT!!!!!!!!!!! consider this: after Todo went to visit his dad with the rest of his family, Mina Momo and Kiri are nowhere to be seen and where else would Kiri go except to visit his boyfriend?
Ah, but that would still be headcanon and not actual canon, wouldn’t it? 😂
Anon said: I usually struggle to pronounce things so I keep reading your url as "friend art" and I think that just makes my experience on your blog all the more fantastic.
That makes me happy to hear actually!!! I def hope my art comes off as friendly most of the times at the very least! :D
Anon said: that satosugu comic where Gojo broke his shades was so clever, man I wish I had your mind
GOSH that’s such a compliment, thank you so much!!!! ;A; my mind’s nothing special tho, I assure you haha
Anon said: i just found your blog and immediate follow i am obsessed OBSESSED you hear me!! so (i know im late) but i saw your tag that went along the lines of “i remember when getwo said gojo is considerate at the most awkward of times, thats my favorite character trait of him” and YES YES YES that line literally kept me up at night, imagining gojo getting random waves of intense empathy and your art just made me think further like what if its less “random”empathy and more when hes exposed to something that hits a nerve (usually the nerve involving geto). so like in your comic he suddenly feels for shoko and starts to harass utahime because it hits the part of him that knows how frustrating it is to long and pine over someone, and gojo our emotionally unaware king instead of fully facing his feelings about geto instead takes his annoyance and frustration out on poor utahime (also like you said he just likes pissing her off). same with him not getting rid of the body but also other little headcanons like as much as he likes to mess with his students, pre-shibuya he goes out of his way never interrupt nobamaki training sessions, even if its kinda important cus he understands how precious those fleeting moments are with your crush (he goes and harasses megumi instead who threatens to summon a dragon shikigami if he doesnt go away). Out of (seemingly) nowhere he throws a tantrum with the elders to get megumi and yujis dorm rooms next door, because he knows the comfort of having the people you care about close (you never know when they’ll be gone). anyway im rambling at this point but you get it :’)
Yes yes yes it’s such a sweet little thing about him I love it so much!!!! Gojo’s a very complex character isn’t he? Thinking about this kind of throwaway lines about him makes me love him even more, especially when they imply that there’s more to his feelings and way of processing them than his surface way of acting would let you believe ;;;;;
Anon said: the most hilarious panel to me is in chap 65 when yaga asks who forgot to put the curtain down and everyone points to gojo while hes like “sensei!! we are better than pointing fingers at each other!!” 😭😭 so now im imagining satosugu where sugurus like “who ate the rest of my soba? 🙃” and gojos like “you know, a huge part of loving someone is sharing all parts of yourself with them 🥰😘❤️” and suguru activates uzumaki // (anon who just sent the satosugu soba uzumaki headcanon) i also hope it didnt come off like a request it deff wasnt, i just wanted to share my headcanon 😭😭😭
No but why is he like thisssss 😂😂😂😂 I love him so much he’s so incredibly annoying in the most endearing way hahaha and yes absolutely Suguru has definitely been ready to throw serious hands with him on this kind of things way more often than his serious face would lead you to assume, they’re so dumb!!!!!!! They’re so dumb I love them 😂💕💕💕
Anon said: Hi, sorry if I got the wrong blog but I’m pretty sure you made a super cute bokuto/ kuroo/ terushima tattoo artist comic, but I couldn’t find it when I went through ur haikyuu tag, did it get deleted or something? sorry to bother if I’m wrong! thanks!
I did yes! You can find it here!!!
Anon said: The pure readability of your comics is outstanding! Every time you post something I click on your blog and end up scrolling to the bottom lol- every frickin post is a banger.
Anon what a compliment!!!!!!! Thank you so much this makes me so incredibly happy to hear!!!!!! ;A; 💕💕
Anon said: Hi hun! With MHA finally getting to the animation of the joint training arc, do you think we'll see some more Class 1-B boys? I love them drawn in your style and I'd love to see more if the inspiration so compels you! :3c
I wonder!!! What I feel like drawing is so incredibly random even to me that predicting this kind of things is impossible - maybe!! I’d very much like to, I just gotta find the right moment for it :D
Anon said: Sososo same records of ragnarok anon again I'm having?? Feelings?? About Jack the Ripper ?? Mainly internal yelling about how he's so clever and pretty but also. Confusion. Because like the fighters are meant to be the greatest fighters of humanity right?? And Jack just. Wasn't really a fighter?? Being a serial killer does not necessarily implies being able to fight and he didn't kill that much people everyone knows him because he was never caught but?? He wasn't really a fighter?? And I'm just confused as to why he was brought into that like it is just because he's a great criminal mystery?? I mean sure he won and all that but. Guy wasn't a fighter, he was just clever as fuck. (also I'm curious what colour do you think his eyes would be?)
AH he’s not the only fighter who isn’t an actual fighter on the side of humans!! Like Nostradamus, for example, anddddd Tesla! Tesla was in the list as well - but also Adam, I’d say! He was just some dude, nothing implies he’d be able to fight in his story - I think the author is using the words “greatest fighters” as a very general way of implying the greatest humans (in his mind, that is). I mean, I’d assume Buddha wouldn’t fight either, and yet here we are hahaha it’s fun tho, isn’t it!!! To try and figure out how they could ever fight, and then seeing it!!! Extremely amusing - also Jack has official colors!!! his eyes are one black and one red, you can see him in his full colored glory here! By the way have you seen Buddha’s official colors I’m still crying over them 😭😭😭😭 he’s so beautiful my heart can’t take him at all 😭💕💕💕
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