#happy belated birthday birthday ouma!
kawaiikichi · 5 years
Bubble Bath (Happy Belated Birthday Kokichi!)
So, after a long while, here’s a birthday one-shot for Ouma! I know that this is very late, but I still wanted to do something for him. Also, my trip made me very busy, so I wasn’t able to get to it TT_TT
So, I think I finally snapped or something because after a little over a year or so of not writing full-on smut, this is my first piece where I have my OTP going all the way. So, prepare yourselves.
(And because it’s been a little over a year since I last wrote full-on smut, I’m kinda rusty, so please go easy on me)
I hope you all like it! :D
Title: Bubble Bath
Summary: After taking his boyfriend out on a date for his birthday, Shuichi and Kokichi head back home to relax. However, Kokichi’s got other plans.
Warning: NSFW content ahead; read at your own risk!
One-shot is under the cut!
Shuichi and Kokichi walked home hand in hand after having a slice of cake at their favorite bakery down the street.
“Did you have fun tonight?” Shuichi asked.
Kokichi nodded, a wide smile on his face.
“I did! The movie was great, dinner and dessert was awesome, and best of all, I got to spend it all with you.” Kokichi giggled. “This was a great birthday.” he replied.
Shuichi smiled.
“I’m glad.” he said, leaning in and pressing a kiss to Kokichi’s temple.
Kokichi giggled once more as they arrived at their apartment complex. They took the stairs up to the fourth floor and headed down the hall to their apartment.
“Let’s see here...” Shuichi mumbled, releasing Kokichi’s hand and proceeding to dig through his jeans pocket.
“Ah, there it is.” Shuichi pulled out the keys to their apartment and unlocked the door, the two of them stepping inside.
Flicking on the lights, they toed off their shoes. Shuichi closed the door behind them, shooting a glance at his boyfriend.
“What do you want to do now?” he asked.
“Well, first off, I’d like to take a bath.” Kokichi said.
“Alright. Well, you can go and do that—“
“I meant that I’d like to take a bath with you.”
Shuichi blinked his eyes twice in surprise.
“You want to what?” he asked.
“Don’t play silly, my love. I said that I want to take a bath with you, Shuichi.” Kokichi said.
“I heard you the first time! It’s just...” Shuichi trailed off.
“Oh my, is my beloved Shuichi getting all bashful?” a sly grin crossed Kokichi’s lips as he turned and walked over to Shuichi. “Come on, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. We’ve seen each other’s naked body plenty of times already.” he said.
Shuichi swallowed as Kokichi dragged his fingers along his chest.
“Especially when you shove me face down in the mattress and fuck me so hard that my voice goes hoarse from all the screaming I do.” he purred.
“K-Kokichi...” Shuichi stammered out.
“Nishishi, you’re so cute when you blush like that.” he said before withdrawing his hand.
He began to whistle to himself as Shuichi swallowed.
“Was that...something you wanted to do? You know...sex.” Shuichi spoke hesitantly.
“Weeeeeeeell, yeah.” Kokichi replied.
“But then taking a bath before doing it makes no sense. We’d just get all dirty again and have to take another bath.” Shuichi pointed out.
“And how many times have we had sex and just fell asleep afterward?” Kokichi asked.
Shuichi bit his lip, choosing not to respond to his question.
“See? Now, I’m gonna go and draw the bath.” Kokichi said, turning and heading off in the direction of the bathroom.
“A-Alright...” Shuichi responded as Kokichi disappeared down the hall.
Slipping into the bathroom, he released a sigh.
“Aaah, my heart won’t stop racing...” he trailed off.
He made his way over to the large, stand-alone soaker tub and turned the faucet on, adjusting the temperature of the water as it filled the tub. He peeled off his clothes and tossed them into the laundry bin by the door, making his way over to the double vanity. He opened the medicine cabinet and took out a black bottle filled with lube.
It would at least help to be prepared. Shuichi wants to wait until we both bathe to have sex, but I don’t wanna wait. I need him now, he thought to himself.
He felt the familiar warmth of arousal pool in the pit of his stomach as he thought of his boyfriend. His cheeks grew warm and he briefly wondered if it was the steam from the bath that was making his cheeks flush red or the dangerously dirty thoughts that swirled around in his mind.
He quickly shook his head.
“Gosh, I need to stop it with these thoughts...” he mumbled.
Closing the medicine cabinet door, he headed over to the tub and placed the bottle of lube behind Shuichi’s bottle of conditioner.
“I’ll just place that in there and hop in...” he hummed to himself as he turned the faucet off and stepped into the warm water.
Grabbing for the bottle of rose-scented bubble bath soap, he poured some into the water and swirled it about until it grew bubbly. He put the bottle back and sank into the water, his head above the surface.
The bathroom door opened soon after. Kokichi peered over the bubbles to see Shuichi with two sets of clothes in his hands.
“I got us our pajamas and stuff.” Shuichi glanced over at him. “You’re using the bubble bath?” he asked.
“Well, yeah...when do we plan on using it if not in the bath...?” Kokichi answered.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Shuichi said.
Shuichi set the clothes down on the counter and proceeded to take off his clothes. With each piece of clothing he peeled off, Kokichi grew more flustered.
He imagined Shuichi’s naked body covered in a thin sheen of water, the bubbles crowding around him, his hair damp and glued to the sides of his face, his cheeks flushed red from the steam as he pulled Kokichi onto his lap, their bodies melding together—
Kokichi tried to stifle a moan, but it came out as a strangled whimper as he began to grow hard.
Shuichi tossed his clothes into the laundry bin as he spoke.
“Kokichi, are you okay?” he called out.
“Huh? O-Oh yeah! I’m tooooootally fine!” Kokichi responded.
He quickly grabbed for his shampoo bottle, nearly letting a curse slip past as it slipped out of his wet hands and into the sudsy water.
I’m the one who suggested we take a bath together, so why am I getting so flustered? Is it because this will be our first time taking one together, he asked himself.
Kokichi scrambled to pick the bottle up as Shuichi stepped into the tub, sinking into the water.
“Wow, this water is really warm.” he commented.
“W-Well, yeah. I like warm baths.” Kokichi said, finding himself grow painfully aware of how close they were in the tub (and of how his dick was growing harder).
Shuichi noticed the shampoo bottle in Kokichi’s hands.
“Oh, are you going to wash your hair?” he asked.
“Yeah, I am.” Kokichi replied.
“I could do it for you.” Shuichi offered, moving in towards him.
This made Kokichi’s cheeks flush a brighter shade of red than they were already.
“I can do it by myself!” he exclaimed.
“But I wanna do it for you.” Shuichi stated.
“I said I can do it myself!” Kokichi whined as Shuichi got closer.
“But, it’s your birthday. I want to spoil you a little more.” Shuichi pointed out.
“I told you I can do it myself!” Kokichi exclaimed as he tried pushing Shuichi away.
However, that just made Shuichi lose his balance. Before Shuichi could stop himself, he fell on top of Kokichi. His knee brushed against Kokichi’s hardened erection, causing him to let out a loud whimper.
Kokichi gasped upon realizing what exactly escaped his lips. He squeezed his eyes shut as Shuichi watched him in surprise.
“Kokichi...are you hard?” he asked.
Kokichi’s breath caught in his throat as Shuichi’s breath ghosted along his cheek.
Dammit...why can’t I say anything, he asked himself.
A couple of minutes passed before Kokichi forced out a nervous laugh.
“Huh? Me? Hard? Shuichi, is the steam making you delirious or something? I’m not hard.” he stated.
“No, I definitely felt it. You’re hard.” Shuichi stated bluntly.
“I just said I’m not.” Kokichi shot back.
Shuichi furrowed his brows at Kokichi before reaching down and wrapping his hand around Kokichi’s length. Kokichi released a drawn out whine as Shuichi gave it a quick stroke.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
Kokichi pouted up at him.
“That’s not fair...how dare you turn me on like that?!” he complained before launching himself at Shuichi.
Shuichi let out a surprised yelp followed by a pained hiss as his back hit the curve of the tub, the water sloshing violently around them and spilling onto the tile as Kokichi looped his arms around Shuichi’s neck, their lips crashing together messily in a kiss.
Heat immediately flooded Shuichi’s body as he kissed back fervently, pulling Kokichi onto his lap. He shifted them into a more comfortable position, Kokichi moaning against his lips as their groins rubbed against each other.
Immediately after withdrawing from the kiss, Shuichi began peppering the side of Kokichi’s neck with kisses. Kokichi felt like he was set aflame with each kiss Shuichi left on his damp skin.
“Ah, Shuichi...” Kokichi moaned out, the sound echoing throughout the bathroom.
He rolled his hips against Shuichi’s, listening to the way he grunted in response. Shuichi dragged his teeth along Kokichi’s shoulder before biting down hard on it, eliciting a loud cry from him.
“Geez, you’re being vicious tonight...!” Kokichi gasped out.
Shuichi pressed a kiss to the bite mark he left on Kokichi’s shoulder.
“I mean, when you suddenly throw yourself at me like that, how do you expect me to react?” he asked.
Kokichi grinned deviously.
“I see you’re also up to getting down and dirty.” he noted, reaching in between and giving Shuichi’s hardening length a tug to emphasize his point.
Shuichi groaned against Kokichi’s skin as Kokichi began to move his hand up and down in languid strokes.
“Mmm, you like that, don’t you?” he purred.
Shuichi let out labored breaths as he watched Kokichi with hazy golden eyes. He moved in towards Kokichi’s neck, nipping and sucking on the pale column of skin. Kokichi moaned, his body tingling with pleasure as he released his hold on Shuichi’s length. He then grabbed both of their hardened erections and began pumping them together slowly.
Their moans and grunts accompanied by the sloshing of the water made for an interesting symphony as the sound bounced off the walls. Hickey after hickey was marked on Kokichi’s skin as he ventured lower. He circled Kokichi’s right nipple with his tongue before taking it into his mouth, sucking on it.
“Shuichi, suck on it harder—Ah!” a spasm of pleasure rocked Kokichi’s body as Shuichi sucked harder on it.
He began moving his hand faster as Shuichi released his nipple and moved to the other one, pulling on it with his teeth.
“Mmmm, Shuichi...” Kokichi moaned out.
“Are you going to cum already?” Shuichi asked.
Kokichi panted as he climbed closer to his climax. Shuichi couldn’t help but chuckle.
“All I’ve done was mark some hickies on you and suck on your nipples and you’re already getting ready to cum...” he trailed off.
“That’s because...it feels so good...” Kokichi went even faster. “Mmmm, I need you so bad.” he said.
“I know.” Shuichi replied as he began sucking on the other nipple.
Kokichi moaned, arching his body into Shuichi’s as he came. Shuichi came soon after, moaning against his chest. Kokichi stared at Shuichi before moving his hands to cup his cheeks and pull him in for another kiss.
He pried Shuichi’s mouth open and plunged his tongue inside. Shuichi grunted, his hand moving to rest on the small of Kokichi’s back as their tongues danced together. Kokichi moaned into Shuichi’s mouth as they ground their hips against one another.
“I need you inside me, babe. I need you right now...” he murmured into Shuichi’s mouth.
“Mmmm...” Shuichi pulled away from the kiss. “If we’re going to do it right now, I need to at least prep you. I can’t have you getting hurt on your birthday.” Shuichi pointed out.
“Do you really think I’m not prepared?” Kokichi asked.
He moved Shuichi’s bottle of conditioner to the side and he grabbed for the bottle of lube, showing it to Shuichi.
This made Shuichi narrow his eyes at him.
“Were you set on having bathroom sex all this time?” he asked.
“Hm, maaaaaybe?” Kokichi drawled out.
Shuichi sighed.
“I seriously can’t believe you...” he trailed off, causing Kokichi to giggle.
“Enough about that. Are you gonna prep me or what?” he asked.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll prep you.” Shuichi said, snatching the bottle of lube from him.
They both stood up in the tub and Shuichi instructed for Kokichi to bend over, which he did. Kokichi grabbed for the edge of the tub as Shuichi popped the bottle open. Coating his fingers in it, he parted Kokichi’s cheeks and used his pointer finger to circle around his puckered entrance. Kokichi let out an annoyed whine.
“Stop being such a tease, Shuichi...” he complained.
“Okay, okay, relax.” Shuichi said before slipping his finger inside.
Kokichi drew in a gasp.
“Ah...Shuichi, your finger...it’s inside me...” he murmured out.
“Mmmhmm.” Shuichi hummed in response as he slowly thrusted his finger in and out of him.
Soft moans flowed from Kokichi’s lips as his grip around the rim of the tub tightened. Shuichi leaned over him, resting his free hand over Kokichi’s left hand. He playfully nipped at his ear, eliciting a small moan from Kokichi. A louder one followed as Shuichi inserted another finger.
“Shuichi, go a little faster...” Kokichi panted out.
Shuichi complied, moving his fingers faster. Curling his fingers, he listened to Kokichi gasp loudly as he brushed his sweet spot.
“Ah. Looks like I found it.” he commented.
Kokichi chuckled.
“No shit—Mmm! Oh my god, keep rubbing it, yes!” Kokichi moaned out.
Shuichi continued, trailing his lips along the side of Kokichi’s neck and giving a playful nip to his shoulder. Kokichi mewled as Shuichi kissed his shoulder before showering kisses along his shoulder blade.
“Mmmm, that feels so good...” he panted out.
He could feel a familiar heat pooling in his stomach.
“Ah, I’m close...” his knuckles grew white the tighter he gripped onto the bathtub rim. “Shuichi, let me cum again...” he breathed out.
“Alright.” Shuichi replied.
Kokichi groaned as he ground his hips against Shuichi’s fingers in hopes of getting to climax. That was when Shuichi spoke.
“Well, that’s what I’d like to say, but,” he pulled his fingers out, “I can’t have you cum just yet.” he said.
“Goddammit, Shuichi, are you being serious right now?” Kokichi complained.
“Of course I’m being serious. Don’t you want me to put it in?” Shuichi asked, reaching for the bottle of lube and popping it open.
Kokichi blushed as he watched Shuichi coat his erection with it.
“Well...” Kokichi trailed off.
“Or am I wrong?” Shuichi asked.
“You’re not wrong!” Kokichi moved to press his ass against Shuichi’s length. “Don’t make me wait, babe. Put it in.” he demanded.
“Alright, alright.” Shuichi leaned in and pressed a kiss to Kokichi’s cheek. “So demanding.” he commented as he parted Kokichi’s cheeks.
He teased the puckered entrance a little, rubbing the tip around it before proceeding to push into him. Kokichi sucked in a gasp, feeling his mind almost shut down as the tip of Shuichi’s length penetrated him.
“I’m going to push in more, okay?” Shuichi asked.
“Mmmm, just put all of it in. I need it...” Kokichi said, urging for Shuichi to continue.
Shuichi placed a hand on Kokichi’s hip and he continued to push deeper into him. A loud moan fell from Kokichi’s lips, echoing through the bathroom. Shuichi leaned over to press a kiss to Kokichi’s shoulder.
“I’m all the way in. I’m gonna start moving now, okay?” he whispered into Kokichi’s ear.
Kokichi could only nod in response as Shuichi slowly pulled out, leaving only the tip inside. Then, he slammed back in, earning a loud moan from Kokichi.
“Shuichi...Ah, fuck...” Kokichi released a pleasure-filled sigh as Shuichi continued thrusting into him at a slow pace.
The only sounds in the bathroom were the slapping of wet skin, the sloshing of the bath water, and the breaths and groans that escaped from their mouths. With each thrust, Kokichi felt his mind slowly grow hazy. It made him briefly wonder if it was the steam making him feel this way or if it was how Shuichi moved in and out of him with ease.
“Shit, Shuichi...I need you to go faster...fuck me faster...” he panted out.
“Faster?” Shuichi asked.
“Yes, go faster...” Kokichi’s moans grew louder as Shuichi began to pick up the pace.
Shuichi’s other hand moved to rest on Kokichi’s hip, stroking his wet skin with his thumb. Kokichi began to move his hips to meet Shuichi’s thrusts, sighs drifting into the air like the steam. He then let out a loud cry as Shuichi hit his prostate.
“Oh! Shuichi, right there! Hit right there!” he shouted.
“As you wish.” Shuichi replied as he thrusted harder, ramming into that same spot each time.
“Oh my god, you’re going in so deep...! Shit!” Kokichi’s loud screams bounced off the walls.
Every part of his body was set alight with pleasure. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as his legs began to turn into jelly. He gripped onto the rim of the tub so tightly that he swore he would wind up breaking off a piece if he held on any tighter. A small sob fell from his lips as he felt his hardened cock bobbing against his stomach.
“Shuichi...it feels so good...” he choked out.
“Does it?” Shuichi asked.
He began leading a trail of kisses up Kokichi’s spine.
“Hey, turn your head towards me. I want to see your face.” he requested.
“No...I look like a mess...” Kokichi murmured out.
“Please?” Shuichi dragged his teeth along Kokichi’s shoulder blade. “Let me see you.” he whispered in a husky voice.
Kokichi shuddered at the low tone of Shuichi’s voice. He relented, turning his head to glance at Shuichi. In that moment, Shuichi captured his lips in a kiss that stole his breath. Teeth and tongues clashed messily with one another as Kokichi lost himself in the kiss. Shuichi’s hand slid down toward Kokichi’s length, slender fingers curling around him as he began to stroke him. Kokichi moaned against Shuichi’s lips as he bucked his hips into Shuichi’s hand.
Kokichi broke away from the kiss, panting harshly.
“I’m going to cum...!” he exclaimed.
“I’m close, as well.” Shuichi continued, feeling Kokichi’s walls begin to tighten around him. “Cum for me, Kokichi. Cum for me.” he said, stroking Kokichi faster.
He continued ramming into Kokichi’s sweet spot as Kokichi came with a shudder followed by a low moan. Strings of white coated Shuichi’s hand and Kokichi’s stomach. Shuichi came soon after, filling Kokichi to the brim as he released a grunt.
Kokichi moaned as he rode out his climax. His legs began to tremble like those of a newborn fawn’s. As soon as Shuichi pulled out, his legs gave way.
“Ah!” Shuichi exclaimed, reaching out to catch him before he fell onto his knees in the tub.
“Kokichi, are you okay? Did I overdo it?” Shuichi asked.
Kokichi snorted.
“Are you kidding me? That was fucking amazing.” he turned in Shuichi’s arms, flashing him the okay symbol with his hand. “Mind blowing birthday sex.” he stated.
“Is that so...” Shuichi trailed off.
“Don’t be such a worrywart.” Kokichi commented, leaning in and pressing a kiss to Shuichi’s lips.
Shuichi hummed into the kiss, moving his hands up to cup Kokichi’s cheeks. They withdrew from the kiss a few moments later.
“Okay, now I think we need to move to the shower and wash off. We can’t continue washing off in here.” Shuichi suggested.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Kokichi looked down as Shuichi’s cum began to trickle along his inner thighs. “Moving to the shower would be better.” he stated.
Shuichi got out of the tub and then pulled Kokichi close, scooping him up in his arms and holding him bridal style.
“Shuichi...!” Kokichi let out a surprised squeak, his cheeks flushed red.
“I can’t have you walking on wobbly legs, now can I? I’ll carry you to the shower.” Shuichi said.
Kokichi smiled.
“Ah, my beloved boyfriend is so sweet!” he kissed Shuichi on the cheek. “Now, onward to the shower!” he declared.
Shuichi laughed.
“Alright.” he replied as they began to make their way over to the shower, giggling and sneaking kisses all the while.
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frauleinjustice · 3 years
Birthday Present for Ray: Oumota!!
A BIRTHDAY PRESENT FOR MY CATTO RAY @detectiveseapancake !!! 🎉 🍰 I wanted to surprise him with some oumota fluff this time~! I hope that you will love it lots and enjoy it once u read it Ray, and that it can make for a great gift for you!
Summary: Kaito was egged on by Kokichi, as per usual; this time, to brave through a horror movie as they have an impromptu sleepover over at Kaito’s dorm room. Of course, Kaito still screamed his lungs out, which made for very entertaining reactions for the surpeme leader to see. After teasing him about it, Kaito starts chasing Kokichi around the room, which leads to him glomping the boy down on the bed, and, from there: soft, intimate moments between the two, as they secretly harbor feelings for one another...
So yeah, I wanted to go for something silly, but soft and cute! And to try my hand at writing some oumota cause I don’t believe I have before, nor as Kaito at least as like... one of the main characters in a one-shot: so this was honestly really fun to write and that it’ll put a smile on your face, Ray! You always deserve to have one... ilu~!  and once more, I hope you’ll enjoy... ❤️ and if anyone else gives this a read, thank you! May you enjoy, too!!
A sleepover with Kokichi, watching a horror movie: never the sequence of events Kaito Momota expected. Earlier that day, Kokichi had been egging him on, teasing him about the fact that he ‘wouldn’t have the balls’ to sit through a horror movie in its entirety. Kaito, being the very hardheaded man that he is, took the bait as always, accepted his challenge. Granted, the ‘sleepover’ part was slyly slipped in by Kokichi, who practically invited himself to stay over in Kaito’s dorm room for the night. Kaito let it slide, though: since he oddly... didn’t mind the thought of Kokichi spending the night over in his dorm room; but he still regretted the stupid decision to watch a horror movie, though. ‘It’s said to be so scary, you’ll want to sleep with the light on for days!!!’ So declared the supreme leader, though Kaito hopes to god he was just lying.
Now here he was, trying not to look as distressed as he is as Kokichi starts setting up the DVD player. He had even brought snacks, popcorn, and drinks to Kaito’s room once he arrived. He had already arrived in his pajamas, which was a simple loose white t shirt and checkerboard pajama pants. His hair looked messier as usual... and while Kaito did tease that he looks more like a disheveled rat... he’d never admit that, for a second... he found him kind of cute. Kaito himself was wearing a NASA tank shirt with black loungepants. His hair wasn’t even up in his usual style, wearing it down. It wasn’t often Kokichi had seen it like that. He teased in turn that Kaito looked like a nerd, but: he thinks he actually looks really attractive with his hair down, too. But just like Kaito: Kokichi would die before he’d ever admit that.
“It’s starting, Momota-chaaan...”  Ominously muses Kokichi with a sneery smile, a finger up to his lips. “And like I told you before; if you even think of trying to fly out of this room... I’ll strap you to a chair and torture you!” Which was clearly a lie, but he really wouldn’t allow Kaito to chicken out.
Clicking his tongue, Kaito rests his arms on the back of his head while his back leans against  the side of his bed. “Whatever. I told you I’m not gonna do that! No stupid horror movie can faze the luminary of the stars!” Which he wish he could’ve said with more confidence, if not for the slight hesitation in his voice giving it away. Even if it was obvious as day to literally everyone, Kaito still refuses to admit how terrified he is of paranormal things. He just hopes he seriously won’t have the urge to fly out of the room, or he’d never be able to live it down.
“Yeahhh, whatever you say.” Once the movie began, the two grew silent. The beginning of the movie starts off normal, nothing bad or eventful happening quite yet. Even then, Kaito couldn’t say he was exactly relaxed: he’s just anticipating the moment where things go south real fast. And unfortunately for him: barely 30 minutes into the movie and things were already starting to get much more creepier and ominous. A lightly shaking hand goes to shovel more popcorn into his mouth, bracing himself for what he’s sure will be an eventual jumpscare any moment. As he was snacking on his konpeito and sipping his panta, Kokichi occasionally glanced over at him to read his expressions, snickering to himself. He just knows he’s going to get some very great and funny ones. In fact, he slowly brings wriggling fingers closer to Kaito’s waist, the unsuspecting man not even paying attention to him as he was so focused on mentally preparing himself to get scared. One his hands were close enough, Kokichi firmly clasps his sides while yelling out a sharp: “HAH!!”
“GGHGHKK-?!” Kaito jumped so badly in his spot that some of the popcorn flew out of the bucket, most of it hitting the floor. "Wh-What?! Wh-OUMA!" Snarling, he slams the popcorn bucket down on the table. "Don't fucking DO that, you little cu-" But seconds later, the actual jumpscare in the movie happens, the face of a scary looking ghost suddenly popping onto the screen with a screeching wail. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!"
"PFFTT, hahaha!!!" Kokichi starts bursting out laughing, nearly choking on his panta as he had to quickly stop drinking it. "H-Heheh, aww, did the Big Cweepy Ghost scaaare you, Momo-cha-HURK!" His wheezing laughter was cut off by bigger arms suddenly wrapping around his waist and squeezing the smaller boy tightly, nearly squeezing the oxygen out of him. "M-Momota....cha..?!"
"IT'S THE SPIRIT OF THE VENGEFUL LITTLE GIIIIIIRL!!!" And squeezes Kokichi even tighter, not even noticing he had grabbed him yet.
A choked gasp, he starts trying to pull Kaito off of him, wheezing out: LET ME GO, YOU IDIOT!"
"Ah-" Now realizing he had been clinging onto Kokichi. He instantly lets go of him, huffing as he rubs the back of his head an embarrassed blush on his face. "S...Sorry..."
"Geez..." Huffs Kokichi with a childish pout. He quickly darts his face away to hide the light tinge of pink on it. While he didn't appreciate having his lungs practically squeezed out; the fact that Kaito would instinctively cling onto even him, made him oddly happy inside... As the movie progressed, Kaito tried to endure the scarier scenes, sometimes being able to stifle a scream, but most of the time still screaming his lungs out. He had Kokichi continue to laugh so hard, tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, albeit at the cost of being clung onto very tightly at times. "Nishishi, Momo-chan looks like he's gonna pee his pants!"
"N-No I'm fucking NOT-GYAAAAAAH!!" A jumpscare from a creepy haunted doll made him cup Kokichi's hand, squeezing it very tightly. "That laugh is so damn creepy!!!"
Kokichi winced a bit from how tightly he squeezed his hand, chortling as an amused smile widened on his face. "Aww, does Momota-chan want me to protect hiiim~?"
Giving a flustered grumble, Kaito instantly snatches his hand away. "G-Go fuck yourself!!"
"Fuck me yourself, coward!"
"Shut upppp!!"
 Despite the several near heart attacks he had, Kaito surprisingly made no attempts to fly out of the room. It honestly impressed Kokichi, who was highly expecting him to do so at some point. Funny as it would’ve been to see him do so... he admittedly would’ve been disappointed. The dare he gave Kaito aside... he really did want to have a sleepover with him. Something about Kaito truly just interested the supreme leader. While he still did find him a big, loud idiot a lot of the time; he was so fun to tease, and always went along with Kokichi’s antics, even if it because he was easily egged on most of the time. When they have their petty arguments, Kaito’s chasing him down a hall or even the rare times they actually just talk casually without being at each other’s throats: Kokichi finds it fun. Maybe that’s why he found himself being drawn to Kaito, wanting to find excuses to spend alone time with him. The astronaut made him giddy in a way most others couldn’t.
Eventually, the movie finally comes to an end. Kokichi starts applauding as if it was the best movie he’s ever seen. “Hooraaay! What a great movie that was! Simply moving! Right, Momota-chan?”
“Uuuuugghghhhhhhhhh.....” Meanwhile, Kaito looks as pale as the ghosts in the film, slumped against the edge of the bed with a grim look on his face. It was a shock to even himself that he didn’t damage all his vocal chords from how much he screamed, now even more grateful Kokichi was going to sleep over tonight: there was no way he’d be able to get some sleep otherwise... though the fact Kokichi being here with him eases his paranoia a bit, was honestly embarrassing. “Simply moving”, my ass...” He groans, voice sounding noticeably hoarse. “But h.....ha! Didn’t I tell you? I wasn’t going to run out of the room: that movie was nothing! I only pretended to be as “scared” as I actually was-WASN’T!” He quickly ‘corrects’ himself as he points a finger at Kokichi in declaration.
“D-Don’t look at me like that! I still won the damn challenge, didn’t I?!”
“Mmmn... I guess so. How boring... I was so waiting for you to fly out of that door, so I could torture you..” He sighs, looking so dissatisfied.. until a smile instantly lights back up on his face. “But that’s a lie! I truly would have been disappointed if you did run out the room. I guess even Momota-chan can break my expectations every once in a while, hmm?”
“Heh... is that so? Are you finally admitting that you find me cool?” Quips Kaito with a playfully arrogant smirk on his face as he throws his arm around Kokichi’s shoulders. “You always talking shit, thinking you alllways have me figured out... but I’m not as easy as you think I am! Try harder next time.”
Kokichi was actually stunned for a moment. Kaito, who usually just gets irritated with him: looked not only amused by what he said, but even had the nerve to playfully tease him back with that cocky smirk on his face. “Wh... h-hmph!! Momo-chan’s getting awfully cocky, isn’t he?!” He huffs, balling his fists as a notable blush creeps onto his cheeks. “Geez! After I actually bothered to say something nice about you for once.”
"Heheh...” Kaito noticed the blush on Kokichi’s face this time: cute, he thinks to himself. It felt nice to be the one to tease the other for once, when it was usually the other way around. Kaito didn’t know why he suddenly found himself wanting to do that more often: to seep reactions out of the supreme leader that he normally doesn’t show. Just like how Kokichi found himself having fun with Kaito... deep down, Kaito felt the same with the supreme leader. While he still found him to be an ‘irritating little shit’.... it was starting to be a fond way, now.
Wanting to wipe that smirk off Kaito’s face, and to hide his own flustered one: Kokichi suddenly snakes his hands into Kaito’s shirt to lightly tickle his sides. “Coochy coooo~!”
“H-Heheeeek-?!” Kaito jumps from the ticklish feel of fingers dancing along his bare skin. He instantly clasps a hand over his mouth as he scurries away from the boy, cheeks red in embarrassment from the noise he emitted. “Y-You motherfu-!”
“Nishishi! Ehhh, what did I dooo? What a cute noise you made just now, Momo-chan~!” He giggles, being finding himself suddenly dodging a pillow that was thrown at him. “Oop! Haha, missed meeee!”
“You little-!!” And with that, Kaito started to chase Kokichi around the room, the shorter boy laughing heartily as he avoids being grabbed by the other at each attempt.
“Catch me, catch meee~!”
“I’ll get ya, Ouma!!” And yet; Kaito wasn’t even trying to hide the smile that widens on his face, looking as if he’s having the time of his life trying to chase the boy down in the small room. Unlike when he usually chased him, it was completely in a playful sense, finding himself laughing along with Kokichi as he tried reaching for the boy. Kokichi had even jumped on top of the bed, making mocking expressions at Kaito as he taunts him.
“Over here, over here~!” And just as he was about to hop right off the bed when Kaito came closer-”Ah-!” Kokichi lost his balance, landing on his butt on the bed.
“Gotcha-!” Kaito took that perfect opportunity to literally lunge at and pin the boy down onto the bed. While he made sure not to grip his wrists too tightly, he still had a slightly firm hold on him as he smirks down at the boy triumphantly. “Hah! You were saying, Ouma?”
“..............” But instead of pouting, whining, or acting like a sore loser: Kokichi just.... stares up at him wide-eyed. Here he was, pinned down to the bed by Kaito. Purple eyes looking up at similar purple ones, faces close to each other. “Ahh....”
“?” Oblivious to his unusually quiet reaction, Kaito’s eyebrows furrow in confusion as he tilts his head. “...What? What’s with up with y...ah.” But once he registers the position that they are in, now he understands. “U...Uhhh....”
“M....M-Momo-chan....” Cheeks turn a dark shade of red as he feels unable to look away from the boy, eyes half-lidded. He purses his lips, feeling his heart pounding hard in his chest. "A-Are you gonna... lean down and kiss me, now? Like in those cheesy shoujo mangas...? A-Ahh, I’m not mentally prepared...” He whines, shyly darting his eyes away. And just as it looks as if he was being serious... “...SIIIIIIIIIIIKE!” A shit-eating grin instantly widens on his face, cackling as he looks back at him. “How was my ‘hopeless romantic shoujo girl’ impression, hmm? Did you fall for it, did you fall for it?!”
“Wha-wha.....wh....” Kaito’s own heart was pounding at the major shift of the mood so quickly. Thinking that Kokichi was being serious for a moment- “...Huh.” And then just stares at him when he pulled that ‘it was a joke!’ card at the last minute. “.....A....A-As if.....” Clenching his teeth, now his face was really red as he instantly flies off of the boy, crossing his arms as he turns his head away. “A-As if anyone w-w-would wanna kiss YOU! O-Of course I wasn’t going to do that!!!”
“Nishishi...~!” Despite his little act, the blush on his face was certainly real. And the rapid pounding of his heart at that very moment, too. “Mmnn that’s because Momota-chan wouldn’t dare kiss me.”
“Huh?!” Kaito instantly looks back his way, balling his fist as he retaliates: “You callin’ me a coward?! I so could if I wanted to!”
“Ohhh?” A sharp inhale, Kokichi dares to say: “Then do it: I dare you.”
“.....!” Kaito Momota was one who was very easily baited into doing dares whenever he felt himself being mocked or taunted; but even he’d have more than enough common sense than to do something as intimate as kissing someone just because they egged him on. If he didn’t like the person or straight up would not feel comfortable or okay with kissing them, he’d refuse to do so, not caring if it’d seemed he was ‘chickening out.’ And yet, with Kokichi... he didn’t want to say ‘no.’ In a way, it was as if he wanted to use stubborn tendencies as an excuse to not back down. Why was that, he wonders...? Or maybe the answer wasn’t an confusing as he likes to think it is. Gulping, Kaito finally gives him a response... in the form of a confident nod. “F-Fine. I’ll show you that Kaito Momota ain’t no chicken!”
“.....” For a second, genuine surprise showed on Kokichi’s face. He absolutely did not expect Kaito to actually go through with it. Was it only because he dared him? Would Kaito do this with just anyone if they taunted him like Kokichi did? He didn’t want to think about that, burying the self-doubt that he may not be a special exception. No, he wanted to think he was: that only he would be someone Kaito was willing to kiss. “...Well?” Smiling, Kokichi crawls closer to him. “I’m waitiiiing~!”
Despite agreeing to do this, Kaito honestly couldn’t believe this was actually happening. One moment, they were watching a moment together; and now, he was about to kiss the supreme leader. For some reason, an unfamiliar kind of nervousness started to bubble up in him. Why was he so nervous, he thinks to himself. It’s just a kiss! Just give him one kiss and it’s over with: but he wasn’t thinking like that. Rather... he didn’t want to mess this up. Didn’t want to give him a half-assed kiss, as it’d have no feeling to it. Quickly shaking his head of such ‘sappy’ thoughts, a hand slowly goes to cup the other’s chin. “Y...You’re gonna get a kiss from the Luminary of the Stars, himself! You’d better feel lucky!” He declares, trying to joke around to hopefully shake off some of the nervousness and rapid pounding of his heart.
His heart thumps hard in his chest when Kaito cups his chin like that. He’s almost happy he made that ridiculous declaration, chortling to help distract himself from how nervous he was. “Whatever you say, Momota-chan. Now come onnn....” He impatiently whines as he closes his eyes. “Do it alreadyyyy....”
“Alright, alright...” Taking a deep exhale, Kaito starts to lean his face in more. Wriggling lips are forced to keep steady as their faces become closer and closer. He can hear the soft breathing of the other, their bangs brushing against each other’s. With lips so close, they are barely brushing together... if he leans in any closer, their lips will surely meet. Kokichi could also feel just how much closer Kaito was, stifling a muffled whine. Any minute, their lips were going to meet. He was going to be kissed by Kaito... the already lack of patience was making the anticipation kill him, almost tempted to whine to him again to hurry up... until he finally feels lips softly press against his.
“Mmn...” Kokichi feels his heart flutter in his chest, slowly processing this very moment. He jokingly expected a rough or sloppy kiss, considering it was Kaito; and yet, it felt so soft, so gentle... as if Kaito wanted to make sure he was careful. A quiet hum vibrating through him, Kokichi already found himself indulging in the nice feeling of his lips, pressing his own against Kaito’s more firmly, ever so slightly.
Kaito also found himself loving the feeling of Kokichi’s soft lips... the hand he was using to cup Kokichi’s chin, he finds himself stroking it gently with his thumb. He felt Kokichi press his lips firmer against his, making a quiet sigh leave him as he dares to do the same. Even if he did this under the excuse of being ‘dared’ to... he didn’t want it to end. He wanted to kiss him for as long as he could before it would have to end. And once it did, when he eventually has to pull away so they could breathe... their heated faces are still so close.
“M...Momo-chan...” His voice is barely above a whisper. As much as he wanted to tease him about the fact that he definitely used this dare as an excuse to kiss him... right now, he just wanted to indulge in that feeling again. So before he knew it, arms would go to link around Kaito’s neck as he nestles himself in his lap. Nuzzling their foreheads together, he utters: “....One more...”
Maybe it was the heat of the moment; or maybe it was the boy not caring to deny how badly he truly was crushing on the supreme leader, with the other secretly returning those feelings... that Kaito doesn’t have to think twice about it. Arms going to immediately wrap around the smaller boy’s waist, he nods and gives a simple: “Yeah...” Before he leans in once more, Kokichi meeting him halfway as they close the distance in a kiss. One that’s still soft, but even firmer as they both quickly deepen it. Soft sighs and hums emit from them, Kokichi occasionally giving Kaito’s lips quick pecks in between the kiss. It makes a low, content hum seep from Kaito, who presses deeper and slower pecks to Kokichi’s lips in turn.
And even once that kiss is over, they still did not want to stop: but they did need to catch their breath, and the thought of their kisses growing even more passionate was a bit much for them to handle right now, when their hearts already felt like they could burst out of their chests. So simply giving each one last quick peck, they break away from the kisses for good. “N...Nishishi....” He breathes out a soft giggle in between pants. “Momo-chan’s.... not so bad to kiss. And that isn’t a lie...”
“Y...Y-Yeah, well: you’re not so bad yourself, Ouma...” He also utters in between deep pants. His face felt like it was on fire, only having a bit of solace when seeing how deeply red Kokichi’s own face was. “Can’t believe I really just... fucking kissed you because you taunted me. And that... I wanted to do it again: on my own will. U-Ugh....just saying this is embarrassing...”  
“Hehehe.... Momo-chan’s such a sap...” Though he doesn’t say it in a mocking tone; rather a fond one as he suddenly leans back real far, so that he brings Kaito down with him as they’re now plopped down on the bed.
“Who you callin’ a sap-oh...!” He let out a small yelp in surprise when Kokichi brings them both down, rolling his eyes with a chortle as he wildly ruffles his hair. “Lil shit...” He playfully quips with just as much fondness in his tone, giving Kokichi a warm smile: one that held a special kind of warmth he normally doesn’t give others.
Giggling at the hair ruffles and his playful remark, Kokichi gives Kaito a beaming smile in return. “Momo-chan~!” Oh how he adored that smile... and his beloved astronaut. He rolls right into Kaito’s arms, smaller arms wrapping Kaito as he buries his face into his chest.
“Woah!” He blinks in surprise from the sudden cuddly embrace, trying to stifle a chuckle when feeling Kokichi nuzzle his face into his chest. “You havin’ fun down there?” Not that Kaito minds this at all, surprisingly enough. In fact, one arm would go to wrap around Kokichi’s waist, while his other hand rests on top of his head, patting it softly. “You know, Ouma... I know I always talk a lot of shit to you, too, but... you’re actually not so bad. I don’t, uh... hate you, or anything: is what I’m trying to say. I never did, really.”
A happy hum at the head pats, a soft gasp leaves his lips when he hears him say that. “Momota-chan...” He wasn’t so bad... he never actually hated him. Something about that... made Kokichi feel warm inside. An indescribable amount of happiness was bubbling up in him, hoping that his face wasn’t too visible as the widest, genuinely happiest smile appears on Kokichi’s face as he still keeps it buried partially in Kaito’s chest. He was always going to remember those words. “That’s so cheesy....nishishi... but...” A shaky exhale, Kokichi moves his head back just enough to look up at Kaito. There’s a tinge of warmth to that bright and happy smile still on his face. “...It makes me happy to hear that. And I guess I...never hated you, either. ....I could never grow to hate my beloved Momo-chan, anyway...”
“...!” His eyes widen. “Your....beloved...?” No one’s ever called him their beloved before.... and hearing that Kokichi also never hated him-nor could he-makes a flustered whine leave him. “Th-The hell, man... you’ll kill me if you say shit like that so straight-forwardly. I mean, well- not that I’m complaining: I’m glad... to hear that, too. And I don’t....mind....being called that....b-but only if it’s just us around, okay! I’d never live it down if Shuichi or Harumaki heard you calling me that!!”
Snickering, Kokichi gives him a reassuring nod. “O-kaaaaay! Whatever helps my beloved feel more comfortable~!” Being called it again makes Kaito’s heart giddily beat in his chest. He’d be far too embarrassed to ever such intimate words himself, but he’s sure that Kokichi knows that he thinks of him as his beloved supreme leader, too.
Kaito now wraps both arms around Kokichi, the two indulging in each other’s warmth as they cuddle softly. Kokichi really was like a cuddly pillow in his arms, while Kaito felt like a snug blanket in his. It really was funny... having Kokichi nestled up in his arms like this, cuddling him, kissed him... all the things Kaito in the beginning would never dream of doing with Kokichi. And now here they were, after growing much closer and only fell harder and harder for each other tonight. As they feel the sleepiness start to catch up to them, Kaito was already looking forward to tomorrow morning, almost already forgetting how scared that movie had made him earlier. Rather, he thought much more about how nice it’ll be to wake up with the smaller boy all nestled in his arms like this; and in turn, Kokichi not being able to wait waking up in Kaito’s arms. “G’night, Ouma...” He softly yawns, giving him a soft squeeze in the hold. “That stupid movie that I totally handled well aside... tonight was fun.”
“Oh my god, whatever. Big dork...” He chortles, giving him a gentle squeeze in turn. “I had fun, too, Momo-chan... it’s never boring with you. Let’s play together even more tomorrow; g’nighttttt....”
“Heheh.. and thanks. I’m glad it never is. ...Yeah: let’s do that...” After gazing into each other’s eyes one last time, spilling with warmth and love for the other... eventually drift off to sleep. All of this happened tonight, because Kokichi simply egged the other on: that was going to be a choice Kokichi will always be happy that he made.
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solletichi · 4 years
lee!kaito idea...,,.... kokichi tickles kaito to annoy him because he thinks it’s funny when he’s angry, and tickles shuichi cuz he always gets so embarrassed and that’s also quite hilarious to him ~dameC
ler kokichi is,,, too good,,, like i love him getting wrecked as much as the next person but y’know he can have some ler moments. as a treat.
kokichi tickling kaito to piss him off so is cute bc kokichi is Tired of being the lee all the time
and kokichi tickling shuichi bc hes just. so cute is!!!! yes!!! very good!!! kokichi is just such a little shit lol
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wdwashere · 4 years
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Who let him in the detective's house?
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mothgoop · 4 years
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"I'm Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader!"
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Some late birthday boards for my lil bro! He he I wuv you lil bro! UwU 💕⭐ @yus-kin-help
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panta-chan · 3 years
whenever i finally got some time im gonna go on a belated birthday reblog spree for ouma HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!
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chuuyas--boo · 3 years
Dear Cody(That's what you go by, right?),
Happy...Belated Birthday, not that I care! ...That was a lie...I do care, BUT whatever. Anywayyyy, I despair hope you're well and not doing anything to hurt yourself! Causee...I can't stand to loose you, nor can anyone else, so don't die!
-Kokichi Ouma
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nishishi · 3 years
ouma I'm sorry I missed your bday!!! but happy belated!
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I didn't even know it was kokichi's birthday yesterday i just finished watching danganronpa v3 lol
until i visited insta and i see his birthday stuff and went to the wiki to confirm it lol
Oh well happy belated birthday kokichi ouma :)
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Happy Birthday Yuki Kaji! (Sept. 3)
It’s technically belated, but I was busy the whole weekend so I didn’t have time. It was a rough one. Plus, this would take a lot of work!
PART ONE: Notable Roles Part Two: Song Recommendations Part Three: Some Subbed Stuff! (mostly stuff by Raku)
Takumi - Fire Emblem Fates
This technically isn’t an anime, but Takumi has a place in my heart because of how good of a unit he was. 
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Haruyuki Arita - Accel World
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Kou Mabuchi - Ao Haru Ride
I actually strongly disliked this role from him and thought it was a bit of a miscast. I couldn’t take him seriously for this entire anime.
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Konekomaru Miwa - Ao no Exorcist
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Amata Sora - Aquarion Evol
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Silver Mask - Arslan Senki
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Kokuu - B: The Beginning
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Kousuke Kanzaki - Barakamon
This anime was so fricking funny
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Judeau - Berserk
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Rentarou Satomi - Black Bullet
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Shouto Todoroki - Boku no Hero Academia
That, that is a smile that can cure cancer.
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Wataru Asahina - Brothers Conflict
Boi, you were born 10 years late to be in this harem and you know it.
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Joshua - Carole & Tuesday
I was shocked when I heard this, but I haven’t watched Carole & Tuesday.
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Mozart - ClassicaLoid
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Finis - Code:Realize
This character design is so stupid. So is this character.
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Kanato Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
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Mei Narumiya - Diamond no Ace
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Soramaru Kumou - Donten ni Warau
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Walker Yumasaki - Durarara!!
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Lyon Vastia - Fairy Tail
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Hanae Ashiya - Fukigen no Mononokean
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Shuu Ouma - Guilty Crown
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Ryuuichi Naruhodou - Ace Attorney
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Ranmaru Fujieda - Haikara-san ga Tooru
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Kenma Kozume - Haikyuu!!
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Xianming Lin - Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
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Youto Yokodera - Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko.
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Issei Hyoudou - High School DxD
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Kouichi Hirose - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Do you mean “Coochie?”
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Hatano - Joker Game
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Tatara Totsuka - K
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Nishikata - Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
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Sabito - Kimetsu no Yaiba
I’m just going to go sit and cry on the inside. It didn’t seem sad until I found out this guy’s backstory.
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Katsuhira Agata - Kiznaiver
This was a good anime.
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Takumi - Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
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Finnian - Kuroshitsuji
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Meliodas - Nanatsu no Taizai
I didn’t like this anime.
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Hayato Ozaki - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
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Shuu Maiko - Nisekoi
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Shion - No. 6
This anime was great, and Shion is awesome.
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Nobunaga Oda - Nobunaga Concerto
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Yukine - Noragami
Yukine is a good kid. I’d be mad if I worked for some broke guy too.
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Kakeru Yuiga - Norn9
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Yuuta Gamon- Occultic;Nine
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Sonic - One Punch Man
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Citron - Pokemon
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Satoru Asahina - Shinsekai yori
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Terunori Kuga - Food Wars
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Ayato Kirishima - Tokyo Ghoul
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Pipimi (Ep 6B) - Pop Team Epic
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Akina Hiizumi - Yozakura Quartet
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Souta Mochizuki - Honeyworks
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Megumu Hanemura - Zetsuen no Tempest
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Kuro - Servamp
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Takeshi Aiza - Your Lie in April
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Alibaba Saluja - Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
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Eren Yeager - Shingeki no Kyojin
This is probably what people call his “best role”.
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anon said:: could i get a kokichi ouma moodboard? his birthday was yesterday and i'm still in the kinnie spirit. themes of happiness and celebration, colors of purple!
happy belated birthday kokichi!! i can’t remember the last time i kaito shifted, and i also know not all kokichis were on familial terms with their kaito, but!!!!! i miss u, u lil shit of a brother!!! 
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anyway yeah!! i hope this is to your liking!!
- mod hellbent [miles]
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immalien-artsu · 6 years
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Happy (belated) birthday Ouma-kun!!!! ❤⃛❤⃛❤⃛ I hope no matter where you are, you'll always be blessed with happiness in your life ʚ♡⃛ɞ ~ (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 6 years
Belated Birthday
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2IkXDam
by NervousAliceCurious
After Makoto is forced to miss his own birthday due to an unfortunate illness, Sayaka gets the bright idea to throw him B-day Bash approx. a week later.
Anybody who's anybody is going-according to Kokichi, anyhow.
  However, Korekiyo could not be more less-than-interested.
  Until he dies that very same night.
Words: 365, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Korekiyo Shinguji, Miu Iruma, Kaito Momota, Kaede Akamatsu, Tenko Chabashira, Himiko Yumeno, Angie Yonaga, Gonta Gokuhara, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Tsumugi Shirogane, Ryoma Hoshi, Kirumi Toujou, Kokichi Ouma, Shuichi Saihara, rantaro amami, Maki Harukawa, Ms. Alkali (OC Teacher)
Relationships: Kaito Momota/Shuichi Saihara
Additional Tags: Not What It Looks Like, Threats, Insomnia, Hope's Peak Academy, Alternate Universe - No Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa), Birthday Party, Everybody's Happy And Alive, For One Day Only
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2IkXDam
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hashputin · 6 years
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this is so late but i’m posting all my stuff from discord so happy super-belated birthday ouma!
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safe-danganronpa · 7 years
Hey, Headmaster Chiaki here!! I am pleased to inform you all I am finally 18 today (Jan 26 -- my birthday!) and that means here soon I'll be free of school (for graduation)!!
I now realize I forgot to make a post back on the 17th about Mod Oumas birthday, so I sincerely apologize for that. So, wish a happy belated birthday to Mod Ouma!! 😅
Now, because it's my birthday today, I'm feeling extra adventurous and would like to try something we've yet to see on this blog -- I wanna try making moodboards! Please feel free to send me your mood board requests so I may try my hand at them and Gage if we need somebody else to do them in the future.
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