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atlastheatticrat · 1 year ago
fuck it im doing one of those ask questionaries
1.first kiss (story and age)
2. gender awakening
3. lesbian stories
4. age i first drunk alcohol
5. random hyper fixation i can explain in heavy detail.
6. first crush
7. first realationship
i cat think of any more
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zaestya · 4 months ago
Tumblr Italia, io ti evoco!
(Avrei voluto farlo in modo più professionale ma sono pur sempre una tumblerina...)
Per il mio ultimo (!!) esame della magistrale ho bisogno di raccogliere dei dati sull'utilizzo dell'italiano e dell'inglese online. Poiché sono particolarmente interessata agli ambiti della content creation, dell'arte e dei social, ho voluto trattare della pressione all'utilizzo dell'inglese! Purtroppo ho una scadenza stretta ma ci vogliono davvero pochissimi minuti per compilarlo☺
Il questionario è in realtà aperto a tuttɜ coloro, non solo CC, che hanno vissuto la maggior parte della loro vita in un periodo "post-Internet"! Semplicemente il focus è rivolto a quell'aspetto in particolare, che ha una sezione a parte nel questionario.
*NB: per Content Creator intendo chiunque crei contenuti per la pubblicazione online! Rientrano in questa categoria artistɜ, saggistɜ, divulgatorɜ, influencer. Ai fini del questionario, la definizione viene considerata a prescindere dal ritorno remunerativo di questo impiego o dal livello di esperienza nel determinato campo. Si può essere CC anche per hobby!
Ecco il link:
Siete incoraggiatɜ a condividere il questionario con altrɜ amicɜ creatorɜ! Sto anche cercando persone con cui condurre delle piccole interviste, per cui se avete delle opinioni sul tema sentitevi liberɜ di scrivermi, qui o per mail!
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rocketonthemoon · 1 year ago
random ask: what kind of ask games do you miss the most
I very specifically miss the themed ones that used to go around! Like the ones that were like Fall Asks! and then the questions were all fall themed but instead of numbers they were like "Hot Chocolate: What's your favorite warm drink" or stuff like that. I feel like they used to be everywhere about every which thing, they were very fun
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cidsin · 1 month ago
for Valentine
so yeah.... still in Kid Pirates Month here, some OCs here and there.... but yes. Trying to do a full colo picture for Valentine next month again... just who to do?
Would love to hear from those that follow me what they would prefer, more polls might come :)))
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pier-carlo-universe · 3 months ago
Presidio PD presso l’Ospedale di Casale: Un successo di partecipazione e dialogo
La Segreteria del Circolo PD di Casale Monferrato esprime soddisfazione per l’ampia partecipazione al presidio organizzato davanti all’Ospedale Santo Spirito.
La Segreteria del Circolo PD di Casale Monferrato esprime soddisfazione per l’ampia partecipazione al presidio organizzato davanti all’Ospedale Santo Spirito. Un evento sentito e partecipato Il presidio organizzato dal Partito Democratico di Casale Monferrato questa mattina presso l’Ospedale Santo Spirito ha riscosso un’ampia adesione. Numerosi cittadini, inclusi molti giovani, hanno…
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dissertations-posts · 11 months ago
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DissertationWritingHelper is one of the focused agencies that is committed to quality. We specially value client concern about the project that they face in their PhD and Master’s degree. We also know the importance of ongoing job of the client have to maintain during their course program. Our teams of experts are focused on maintaining the confidentiality.
Dissertation writing
Proposal writing
Thesis writing
Thesis editing
Research Paper writing
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exitpro · 1 year ago
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Are you asking the right exit interview questions? The key to an effective exit interview is to ask questions that will provide actionable results. Most employers ask questions that don’t reduce employee turnover. Ensure your exit interview has questions like these, which are proven to extend tenure and increase retention:
1. Did your supervisor/manager recognize your contributions?
2. Were you given the tools, resources, and technology to succeed in your role?
3. During your tenure with our company, did you ever observe any unethical or inappropriate behavior?
Read the ExitPro exit interview blog for cost-effective insights here https://exitpro.com/top-8-exit-interview-questions-to-get-the-best-exit-interview-reports/
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debertwoo · 2 years ago
Our Company (DataUs Inc.) 1st Interview Questionary
Hi, I’m DataUs Founder and CEO (Delbert Woo) . Nice to meet you. 🙂 1st interview question reply mail please.Please respond to the questions below by e-mail.And I want the interview to be conducted at the level of light greetings. question 1.Why apply DataUs? question 2.How much do you know about DataUs? question 3.How long (eg, 20 hours a week) and what kind of work (eg, Data or AI research…
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incubaus · 2 years ago
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catofaurora · 3 months ago
Ok so hear me out! This is an Sky cotl event idea inspired by Gävlebocken. yeah I got that questionarie in game ANYWAY..
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Each day we collect event tickets in the form of hay and report/give them to some spirit and we constantly see spirits working with the material and it growing day by day.
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Then it’s done, it’s a big krill out of hay by the way and it stands there for a few days. And then on the winter solstice there’s a big party and we light it on fire and it burns for the rest of the day releasing wax all the time~
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It'd be beautiful ^^
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lcdybonbon · 5 months ago
Bonnie actually giggled at that, delighted by the welcoming atmosphere - she was going to store such memories for rainy days, when trapped in her room, in her bed, by the pain. Or by her mother, depending on her luck. But even as she paid attention to her new friend, her gaze darted from one piece of art to the other, and to all decoration and flowers in the hall, wanting to take everything in.
"Perhaps I'll ask you to paint me a reward, that would certainly cost you," she offered teasingly, remembering his not particularly positive view on the subject, eyes sparkling with joy.
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"Were you working, or were you finally having some leisure time? Books? Or... uh... you are a man, drinks? Clubs? I heard there are clubs." Still wasn't quite sure of what happened in those, since they seemed to belong to men only.
'We Bridgertons go for blood in Pall Mall' only made her wish to be a part of the game. "I'll drink my tea as aggressively as possible then, to join in spirit." She glanced curiously at the next painting on the wall before turning back to look at him with the most amused of smiles: "That's lovely, I will quote it in my victory speech. You are lucky I'm one knee short of playing Pall Mall, or I'd get to quote it twice."
He was not, contrary to her belief, in high spirits despite her. He was in high spirits because of her. He had enjoyed their time together immensely, and he was happy to see her here. Something about her broke past the icy exterior that had overtaken him upon his father's death, and she made him smile. She made something light form within his chest, something pleasant. Friendship, he supposed. What a rare thing that was for him, even if that friend was threatening to bleed him dry. "Let's not make me regret that too much, shall we?"
As for the subject of Whistledown, that was a complicated area. Heartless, no, rakish, yes. Did he try to appear heartless, though? Certainly. He tried not to look too into the reasons, but they were clear, even to him. He only hoped they weren't clear to anyone else. He did hate the idea of his heart being laid bare in such a way. That being said, though, what harm was there in doing a little bit of a good deed? In using his reputation for good? "Of course I am. And I'll get that position, too." Of that, he was certain.
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He smiled at her thanks, nodding along as she spoke. "That might be best. We Bridgertons go for blood in Pall Mall." Or was that just him? Either way, it was not for the faint of heart. "I love them. If I am to win, and I will, I want my victory to be genuine."
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43qh · 1 year ago
Summer Haze (M)
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quinn hughes x fem!reader
genre: angst, smut, fluff
word count: 3.7k
warnings: unprotected sex, pining
summary: there is nothing sweeter than coming back to quinn hughes.
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it’s summer again.
you can feel the slight burn on your knees as you sit on a folding chair, watching as the hughes’ brothers all get the boat ready for the lake. it was warm, but nothing you weren’t used to. becoming friends with all three brothers growing up was a hassle, you could say. they liked to bicker every now and then, especially the younger two. quinn was a bit reserved, but that never stopped you from chatting with him.
to quinn, you were like the sun. every time you made your way towards him, he felt his chest go tight and his hands turn sweaty. you had a gorgeous glow, something he admired more and more as the years went by. you turned into a beautiful woman that he adored. someone who handled herself with grace and yet knew how to have fun.
you just graduated college, and the weight on your shoulders felt lighter as you stared into the water. you had some time on your hands before you got into your new job, and you felt relaxed.
“i heard you graduated, gorgeous,” you hear a familiar voice, a cheeky smile on jack’s face as you turn your head to the right to look at him.
you smile back, “sure did. with honors.”
jack nods, “impressive.” jack pauses before continuing, “we all missed you, y’know.”
you nod softly, looking away for a second out of guilt. you had avoided coming to the lake for a few years so you could study and get everything done. you weren’t aware how much it had affected the hughes family. they were so used to having you around, and when you stopped coming, they worried for you and your mental health. you had to assure ellen than you were fine and just taking care of your studies. you promised her you’d be back in no time. that phone call was two years ago.
“i missed you guys too,” you smile at him, and jack pats your back.
“show up more.” he finishes before rushing back to his brothers that were already bickering. quinn looked frustrated as luke had a smile on his face. you knew luke did something just to piss him off. you watch as quinn rolls his eyes when jack comes back to the boat, and quinn hops off.
quinn can’t stop himself from making way to you. he wouldn’t admit it, but he probably missed you the most. he watched as you raised an eyebrow at him, a questionary look on your face as he approaches you.
“is quinn approaching me right now? is this real?” you smile at him, getting up from your seat to meet him halfway.
quinn huffs, “i always approach you.”
“yeah, when someone else needs me.” you point out. you weren’t wrong, and quinn knew it, “so, who needs me?”
“no one,” he licks his lips, before quickly re-answering, “well, me.”
“you?” you tilt your head in a question.
“yeah, how have you been?” quinn tries not to make the conversation awkward, but there wasn’t really anything quinn did that wasn’t awkward around you.
you smile, “i’ve been trapped in studies, but doing good. graduated with-”
“honors.” he finishes, making you pause your sentence, “i know.”
the fact he knew and still kept up with you, despite you practically cutting everyone off, made your heart flutter. you stood there with blank eyes, looking like a deer in headlights. you didn’t know how to react, how to respond. how did he know?
“i watched a viewing of your graduation.” he says, like he was answering the question in your head, “i was impressed, but not surprised. you love outdoing yourself.”
you nod, feeling like your feet are stuck to the ground. he watched you graduate from your college from a viewing, despite his crazy schedule. he made time for you. god, that hurt. and he didn’t text you that night. you almost wanted to cry because you knew he thought you didn’t want to hear from him anymore. the guilt traps you.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t-”
he shakes his head, cutting you off, “i wanted to tell you i was proud. maybe i should have, but you basically fell off the face of the earth, i wasn’t even sure you’d read the message.”
you breathe out a sigh, “i always read what you send.”
quinn smiles to himself, looking towards the water, “well, now i know.”
you nod, looking at him as the sun shines down on him. you see him squint his eyes as he watched the way the water splashes back and forth. quinn is gorgeous. you’re sure everyone knew. maybe not him, but everyone else.
“i’m back now, though.” you say, a light smile gracing your features.
quinn looks back at you, smiling back in a way that makes you start to sweat where you stand, “yeah, feels great.”
quinn was known for being genuine. someone who joked a little less than his brothers. someone who meant what he said, and never took it back. when a sentiment came from quinn, you didn’t have to doubt it came from the heart and nowhere else.
when quinn hears the call of his brothers, saying the boat is ready, he gives you one more smile before rushing off towards them. you stay planted in the grass, suddenly not wanting to ride the boat anymore.
you basked in quinn’s attentive nature, sighing to yourself. how could you have walked away so easily from this?
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quinn made it his mission to remember everything about you.
when you left a few years back, he had to remember. it was a taste he couldn’t get rid of, even if he wanted to. so, instead, he embraced it. he remembered how you liked your tea, what temperature was considered perfect for you inside the lakehouse, what soap you used so he could grab it at the grocery store for you. he had to remember these things so it didn’t seem like you were really gone.
when you found out your bathroom was stocked with your favorite necessaties, you knew who did it. you felt a pang in your heart as you noticed that even the towel hanging on the rack was your favorite color. quinn may be silent a lot, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t listen. in fact, it means he listens the most.
what would have happened to you and quinn if you hadn’t cut everyone off? would things be different?
you cross your arms over your chest, looking around the spare bedroom they always saved for you. it felt unreal to be back. you could smell hints of quinn’s cologne hinting the room, confirming that it was him who set the room together for you.
it hurt. god, it hurt like hell.
of course you missed the rest of the hughes family, but something about quinn’s attention sent shivers down your spine. he was so attentive, always specializing your needs. it was like he stocked all of his memories about you just for this moment when you came back.
you sit on the edge of the bed, pressing your hands into the soft comforter and leaning back. you start to wonder that, if you had stayed in touch, maybe things would have been different. maybe your heart wouldn’t ache as much as it did now. maybe you would have been develop something with quinn. something deeper than watching one another from afar.
you hear a knock, shocking you and making you rise to your feet to open the door. on the other side is a smiley quinn. his hair slightly wet, draping over his features.
“like the room?” he questions, hands in his pockets as he looks at you.
“i love it. you remembered everything i like.”
“how do you know it was me?” he fiddles around.
you smile at him, “you’re the only one who would remember.”
quinn nods his head, looking away from you as you see his nose start to turn a shade of pink. quinn didn’t mean to get embarrassed. he wasn’t sure if he liked the feeling you gave him in his stomach when you two talked.
“when did you become this talkative?” you lean against your doorframe, looking at him with playful eyes.
the hockey player shrugs, looking you back in the eyes again, “when i became captain, i guess. i needed to have more assertiveness. pick up my voice a bit more.”
you nod, “makes sense.”
it falls silent, and you both just stare at one another. quinn’s scruff on his face shapes it perfectly, making him a little more attractive than usual. quinn always had features you adored, but he looked a bit more buff now, a bit more grown. it almost made you sad that you missed out on so much. so, so damn much.
“i wish i never left,” you blurt. and his eyes focus in on you.
“me neither.” he states, licking his lips.
you look away in shame, “i thought i knew what was best for me.”
“you don’t need to explain yourself.” quinn takes his hands out his pockets, slowly reaching for your hands. when his hands touch yours, you feel a spark rush down your body. his hands are warm. not too cold, not too hot. they were perfect, a bit calloused, but perfect.
you stood with your teeth clenched, trying hard not to become emotional. you wanted to say something, but he said you didn’t need to explain yourself. for some reason, though, you felt like you did. it was like an ache in the back of your throat begging to be released.
“i know,” you whisper, “but i would for you.”
quinn’s hands tighten on yours, and you desperately want to kill the distance between the two of you. but you don’t, and neither does he. when quinn hears ellen calling his name, he pulls back just as quick as he pulled in.
you sigh, watching as he smiles and bids you a ‘see you later’. you have to close your door hurriedly behind you, your heart pounding in your chest. you could still feel the lingering tingle he left in your hands.
you wondered what it would be like to kiss him.
would it feel better than this?
you’re sure it would.
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“he missed you most,” luke’s voice comes from beside you, making you look at him with a questionary look.
“uh- sorry?” you sit on the boat, luke making his way to sit next to you.
“quinn,” he says nonchalantly, “he had a hard time staying away when you stopped texting.”
there’s that ache again. that pain in your chest that makes you want to turn back time. if only you could. if only you could have been by his side.
you drop your head, looking down at your hands as you clutch the seltzer in your hands. the cold condensation in contrast to the hot summer made you swallow.
“i don’t mean to make you feel bad,” luke quickly corrects himself, making you tilt your head up a bit to see the raise in his eyebrows as he realizes what he said, “i just think you should make up for lost time. it really surprised all of us, but i think quinn never once stopped thinking about you. it was really obvious sometimes.”
you look at quinn from where he carefully drives the boat over the waters, making sure not to hit the waves too hard. he sits wearing his hat backwards, sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.
“obvious?” you don’t look away from the man driving the boat.
“yeah,” luke follows your gaze, “he mentioned you a lot. asked if any of us talked to you or heard from you. he would even see something and send it in the groupchat saying how much you would have loved it.”
you take a sip of your drink, throat suddenly dry as you take in the information like a sponge. this felt so unfair. you weren’t supposed to feel so guilty for prioritizing your studies and graduating like you always wanted. but quinn made it almost impossible not to feel that way. and it wasn’t even his fault that you felt this way. that’s what troubled you most.
you had no place to put down this guilt.
you sighed, “i wish i stayed.”
luke shakes his head, “everyone does. don’t let that change what you do now, though.”
luke was right.
you had nowhere else to look other than forward. maybe it would take fighting tooth and nail to get quinn back the way you used to be, or maybe it would be easy. you didn’t know. but as you looked at the eldest hughes brother, watching him focus on the waters, you knew you had to at least try.
none of this would have been worth it, without trying.
when night falls and quinn is finished packing up the boat, you approach him. he meets you halfway, smiling with his teeth.
“have fun today?” he asks, his nose slightly sunburnt.
you stand for just a second before planting yourself in his arms. quinn is a bit shocked, letting out a huff of surprise before instinctively wrapping his arms around your waist. your arms stay linked around his neck, one hand reaching to play with his hair. you hear him hum at the action.
“i’m guessing yes?” his voice is low in your ear, and you shiver as you close your eyes, leaning into him deeper.
“i should have stayed.” you start, and he’s about to pull back but you tug on him to stay, “but i’m not going to let what i did stop me from catching up with you.”
quinn sighs, “there’s not much to catch up on.” he pauses, “we’ve always been connected. always felt it.”
his musk envelopes your nose, easing you into his embrace like it was made for you. maybe it was.
“me too.” you confess.
even while gone, it was always quinn that came to mind. you loved the rest of the hughes family, but quinn never stopped wrapping your mind the most.
the rest of the hug was quiet, no words spoken as the tight hold on one another becomes a close understanding to one another.
this was moving forward.
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you stand in front of the sliding doors, watching as rain falls almost violently. you sigh, wrapping your arms around yourself.
“admiring the rain?”
you hear a familiar voice, making you smile to yourself as you turn around and see quinn standing against the wall frame, hands in pockets. he looks good. sweatpants hanging loosely around his hips, eyes drooping like he just woke up, hair messy, shirt clinging to his body. you swallow at the sight of him.
“you could say that.” you respond, and quinn raises an eyebrow. “where’s everyone else?”
quinn hums, “grocery shopping.”
“and you didn’t go?” you tilt your head, knowing he normally liked going so he could pick out what he liked.
he shakes his head, “no.”
you look at him with confused eyes, “why not?”
“knew you’d be here.” he confesses, like it’s almost something he’s not supposed to say, “wanted to stay with you.”
you watched as he shifted uncomfortably, leaning off the wall and standing awkwardly. you smile to yourself at the man in front of you, observing as his ears start to tip a color of red.
you walk towards him, and his breath hitches in his throat. he feels frozen as you approach him. quinn felt his brain stop working as you stopped right in front of him. your perfume engulfed him, hugged him like a blanket.
“you don’t have to kick everyone out to kiss me.”
your words linger in the air, your confident stare making him swallow and lick his lips.
“i- i didn’t kick-”
you roll your eyes, “i didn’t mean literally.”
quinn nods, the silence in the air becoming tense as he doesn’t move, no matter how badly his hands start twitch in his pockets. he wants to pull you flush against his body, kiss you like it matters. but the courage never strikes him.
you huff, taking matters into your own hands and clutching his face. your lips meet his, and he takes a minute before he’s responding back, hands slowly coming out of his pockets to delicately rest on your hips, kissing you softly and slowly.
it wasn’t rushed, just a kiss of silent confessions. you run your nails through his hair, earning yourself a soft groan that you swallow up. it’s heaven. nothing like you’ve felt before. it’s more than what you expected. you can feel his scruff scraping you slightly, and you sigh at the closeness. his hands become more and more greedy, starting to pull you close to him as the kiss becomes something more. something filled with need.
quinn swears he could die like this and be happy. the sound of the rain is buffed out by the sweet sighs you let out during the kiss. he appreciates the way you whine when he pulls back, biting your lower lip with careful teeth. you look up at him, breathing heavy. he swears you looked the most gorgeous than he’s ever seen. doe eyes, curious expression, attention all on him.
he can feel your hands still gripping onto his hair, like you were silently begging for something more. he huffs when he realizes just how close you are. chest to chest, breathing one another’s air, noses close to almost touch.
he wants you. he wants it all.
he’s quick to drag you to his room, making you squeak when he tugs your wrist to follow him. you let out a soft giggle, throwing your head back in some type of euphoria. when your back lands on his bed, you smell him instantly. his soap, his musk, his cologne. all of it. it only made you want him more.
“you’re so beautiful,” he finally spoke, “especially in my bed.”
you smile up at him, “won’t be the last time.”
quinn shakes his head as he makes work at both of your clothes, “hope not.”
it has felt long overdue for this moment. to have quinn all to yourself. to feel his skin on yours, to feel the way his heart beats for you, to feel the way his hands are on your sides and thighs as he spreads you apart for his hungry eyes.
“gorgeous,” he breathes, taking in your fully nude body, “so wet, too.”
you furrow your eyebrows in frustration, whining, “then you must know how much i need you?”
quinn smiles to himself, laughing under his breath, “yeah, definitely.”
quinn doesn’t think he can tease you any longer. the more he teases you, the more he’s teasing himself, really. it’s not long until he’s lining up to your entrance, making the both of you let out long strings of relief the second he enters you. he stretches you out, making you feel every throb and vein possible on his cock.
you clutch his shoulders, “fuck.”
quinn nods, “so tight.”
both of your breathing has become rapid, staggered and eager. quinn’s first thrust into you is slow, like he’s testing the waters. it feels so fucking good, like he was made for you.
“take my cock so well,” quinn says it like a prayer, “made just for me, only me.”
your walls flutter at his words, causing a hitch in his throat and a stutter in his thrusts. quinn can’t help picking up his pace, your pussy feeling too good. he felt almost drunk, nothing quite coherent coming to his brain. he can barely feel the way your nails claw at his shoulder and bicep as he picks up a brutal pace. it all feels too good. your moans echoing around his room, bouncing in his ears and sending him to cloud nine.
“want you to-” you gasp as he reaches that spot inside you that has you curling your toes, “fuck, cum inside me. want your cum inside me.”
quinn can feel sweat starting to develop on his forehead, and he groans at your confession. “gonna give it to you. want you to cum for me first, though.”
quinn makes a point by lowering a hand down to your clit, rubbing deep circles into you. you let out a soft yelp, surprise being taken over by pleasure too quickly. you can feel the way your pussy is starting to convulse around him, and you can tell he’s trying his hardest not to cum.
with one particular thrust and press of his thumb on his clit, you let out a string of curses mixed with his name as you cum. it doesn’t take much for quinn to follow right behind you, the fluttering of your pussy almost too much for him. you shiver at the feeling of his cum coating your walls, listening to the way his breathing slowly comes down from such a high.
quinn hugs you close to him, despite his exhaustion. he never wants this to end. never wants to be apart from you again. this is something he’s scared of losing. he pined too long for you to leave again.
you run your fingers through his hair, easing you both back to earth and reality. “i never stopped thinking about you.”
quinn has his head buried in your neck, “me neither.”
this wasn’t just a summer fling to either of you. this was something important.
“i’m never leaving again.” you kiss his temple, “especially not you.”
quinn relaxes, exhaling a breath he didn’t know he was holding. you can feel the relief escape his shoulders. he finally pulls out, quickly grabbing a towel from his bathroom to clean you up. he kisses your forehead, handing you a bottle of water he already had on his night stand from last night.
when he finishes taking care of you, he slips on a pair of boxers and hands you a pair yourself. you smile in gratitude. quinn swears he’s living in heaven. he swears this is what heaven looks like.
quinn gets in the bed next to you, watching as you slip on a shirt of his, too. “you’re pretty in my clothes.”
“you’d say that in anything i wore,” you lean into his embrace as he holds his arms out for you.
he just smiles, “maybe so.”
the sun starts shine through his window, the rain finally stopping and leaking in a special summer haze in the room.
your very own summer haze.
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gloomwitchwrites · 11 months ago
Just Like Dad (2 of 4)
Content & Warnings: referenced military career, domestic fluff, some humor, canon-typical swearing, Kyle is a girl dad
Word Count: 935
A/N: Part of the Imagines & What If Series
An evening of peace is interrupted when Kyle has to answer questions about what he does for a living.
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // just like dad masterlist
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Peace is shattered.
It always is when you have a kid.
It’s not just scraped knees or melted ice cream splattered on the pavement. Sometimes, peace is shattered because your child is a feral goblin who decides disturbing your sleep is the perfectly logical thing to do.
Wearing a pink onesie, standing in the bedroom doorway with her little fist raised and clutching a thin piece of paper, you and Kyle’s six-year-old daughter is ominously backlit by the hallway light. Kyle blinks, a little stunned by the sight before him. You shift beside him, one hand reaching out to him, murmuring his name.
There are a few seconds between her sudden appearance and the leap onto the bed. She spider-crawls like a thing out of a horror movie.
“Bloody hell,” groans Kyle, pinching the bridge of his nose as his daughter perches like a gargoyle next to him.
“Daddy,” she whispers.
You are already awake, turning over onto your back with squinted eyes as you’re blasted by the bright light of the hallway.
Before you can even speak, Kyle is shaking his head, placing a hand on your shoulder. “I’ve got this,” he groans, sitting up to turn on the bedside light. You glance at your daughter before returning to your original position.
Kyle rests his forearms on his bent knees, staring at his daughter who gazes at him with a peppy eagerness like she’s just eaten a cake heavily coated in icing. She shouldn’t have this much energy at this late hour.
“Go to bed,” says Kyle. “It’s past bedtime.”
She clutches the thin piece of paper. “I wanted to show you earlier.”
While Kyle is typically indulgent when it comes to her, he’s not feeling that way at the moment. He only wants to sleep.
“It’s late, bug,” he replies. “Tomorrow.”
She shakes her head, her tight curls bouncing slightly. “I didn’t know what to put here. You don’t talk about your job.” She points to a spot on the paper, and Kyle frowns as he peers closer.
It’s one of those questionaries where the child answers all these questions about themselves, and several pertain to her parents and what they do. She has left that entire section blank. Kyle understands that schools do this so that the students can build identity in their community while also making connections with classmates.
But she’s right. Kyle doesn’t talk about his job. At least not with her. You, his wife, are an entirely different story. You, the one who has been through nearly all of it, is the only person who truly knows everything. His daughter is far too young to know specifics or to fully comprehend the sheer violence of his work.
“You’re right, love. I don’t.”
“Why?” she asks automatically.
This is not a conversation he wants to be having. She needs to be in bed, and Kyle should be asleep and spooning you before he has to take this feral fiend of a daughter to school in the morning.
Kyle sighs and runs his hand over his face. “Where is this coming from?”
Her face falls slightly, and then becomes steel. “I want to be like you,” she says. “I want to grow up and be strong.”
No, babygirl. No. You don’t want to be like me.
You stir beside him, shifting like you’re about to turn and join the conversation. But Kyle knows you need your rest, and this isn’t the sort of conversation he desires to have this late at night.
That hardness melts away, and Kyle’s heart fractures slightly. She’s so small and yet so determined. Her little fist clutching the paper shakes slightly as if asking him is taking all her strength.
“Give me the paper.” Her smile widens as she hands it over. “And go turn off the hall light.” She groans loudly and Kyle shushes her as she throws herself off the bed and drags herself to the hall.
The light flicks off, and then she’s rushing back to him. He pats the side of the bed, and she crawls in, curling up next to him as he grabs the book off his bedside table.
“Pencil?” he asks, and she whips one out, her smile wide.
Kyle snorts and snags it, twirling it end-over-end as he tries to formulate an answer to the questions. Some of that gentle humor slips away, falling into memory, all the lead and blood and carnage comes back, roaring in his ears.
He takes a deep breath, silencing it all.
Graphite touches paper, and Kyle begins jotting down answers to all the things his daughter didn’t answer. She rests her head against his shoulder, watching the pencil scratch across the paper.
When he’s done, he presents the paper, and his daughter takes it reverently, as if all the secrets she doesn’t have are now suddenly before her. She does not take the pencil as she slips off the bed and starts to sprint for the door. She comes to a halt and turns on her heel, running back to him.
“Thanks, Daddy,” she says a little too loud before kissing his cheek and heading out into the hall.
The bed shifts, and Kyle turns to look at you as you twist to face him.
“What did you write?” you murmur.
Kyle sighs and shuts off the bedside light. He snuggles in, and you reach for him in the dark. Wrapping his arms around you, he pulls you close, inhaling your scent, allowing his mind to drift toward dreaming.
“A nice truth,” replies Kyle softly just before he slips into sleep.
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codecalypso-rottmnt · 19 days ago
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As asked in the questionari:
Yes! I’ll be taking a few commissions! I will start with only a limited amount of spots then see if to open some more.
Please read the description and feel free to ask for any doubt ✨
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the-wolftopia · 26 days ago
doing questionaries for a college project today, and a guy in my class handed me one on ALIENS. i started fangirling. asked what you think they look like (i drew myself in my purple antennaed glory) and a bunch more questions relating to aliens.
another classmate had a space/alien quiz he needed answers for too!! i was in actual species euphoria heaven getting to write about my own species and hearing peoples alien theories 👽💖💖 I GOT TO WRITE ABOUT WOLFTOPIA TOO. i got to write about myself!! im so happy dude
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the-highgaryen-council · 1 month ago
Alicent and Dyana: S1E8 scene analysis
This scene between Alicent and Dyana reveals that the queen's humanity persists despite her duty. To sanctify or vilify Alicent for it would be to miss the point entirely. Here's how I see it.
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Dyana is prostrating on the floor, sobbing, as if she’s ready to beg for mercy. The high angle shot makes her look even smaller and more fragile. Alicent is then filmed from bellow, appearing grander and more powerful, as she is. The camera angles reflect this extreme power imbalance between the handmaiden and the queen. They are not equals. Dyana’s fate lies entirely in Alicent’s hands.
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The queen looks perturbed, slightly teary, silent. She nods to the other handmaiden who tells her that Dyana was brought there immediately. But it’s only when she’s left alone with the young girl that Alicent breaks her silence. “Come here sweetling”, she says warmly, as she lowers herself and gently touches Dyana’s shoulder. The girl gets up terrified and crying. Her gaze meets the queen’s for a blink of an eye before she turns away.
Alicent asks for the girl’s name, keeping the calm and gentle tone from the start. This warm approach seems to surprise Dyana, but it also gives her the confidence to look the queen in the eye as she reveals her name. “Dyana, what a pretty name”, the queen notes, smiling at her.
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It is only then that Alicent addresses what happened, employing the same calm tone as before. But her face changes as she hears Dyana recalling what Aegon did to her. Alicent frowns, closes her eyes, and for the first time in this scene she deviates her gaze from the girl. The queen is certainly ashamed of her son, and perhaps she feels guilty about the ways in which she protects him. But she also feels empathy for the young girl. She sees herself in Dyana because she too was a victim of rape, marital rape. Alicent knows it all well.
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“You must believe me”, Dyana pleads. Alicent’s eyes are teary as she reaches out to hug the girl. She soothes her, trying to calm her down. As she breaks from the hug, she thanks Dyana for telling her.
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The queen cups Dyana’s head to look her in the eye and reassure her “I know it wasn’t your fault. I believe you”. Dyana seems surprised once again by the queen’s attitude. She believes her, she genuinely does.
Alicent’s tone becomes colder, as she adopts the point of view that most people would when questioning Dyana, which would be to incriminate the girl. Albeit harsh, Alicent’s questionary was necessary for Dyana to realise her own peril. The handmaiden swears she won’t tell a word to anyone. Alicent, once again, believes her.
The queen goes back to her calm soft tone, as she places a bag of gold in Dyana’s hand, for her troubles. As she watches the girl drink the moon tea she had asked to be prepared for her, Alicent looks down at the floor, breathing deeply.
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No amount of gold can undo what Aegon did to Dyana, neither can an abortion lead to its dissipation, but it’s the best Alicent can do in this context.
It is true that by doing this, Alicent was protecting her son and her family, but she was also protecting Dyana from the harm that would come to her if the rape were made public. The handmaiden would be cast aside and doomed to live as a pariah, if not worse.
This is not to say that Alicent is a saint, neither is this to excuse her role in protecting her son Aegon. But to vilify her over this scene is simply wrong. Yes, you can say she did the bare minimum, but not even that much was demanded from her.
Alicent chose her humanity over her duty, even if briefly and in the limited frame her social status allowed. She could have saved herself a lot of trouble by simply incriminating the girl, but instead, she listened to her, reassured her, calmed her down, and to the best of her abilities, protected her. Because Alicent knows what it feels like to endure such pain in silence.
How unlikely for a dutiful queen to lower herself to be able to look a handmaiden in the eye, to hug her, and to believe her over her son. But that’s what Alicent chose to do.
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