#queenies recs
queenie-official · 9 days
hii! i devoured summer love, absolutely loved it!!
do you have any modern!anakin fic recommendations perhaps?
love your work, kisses 💕💕
glad you loved it hun🥰 i do have some recs!!
they all have some amazing Modern!Anakin fics/oneshots/drabbles/blurbs so i’d def recommend checking out their works!
and of course to toot my own horn if you haven’t read my other works i’d check out:
Grey Sweatpants
First Kiss
Sandy Love
Fall in Love with me
these are my top four oneshots i’ve written for modern Ani in my personal opinion Xx
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queenofbaws · 2 months
recs for video essay(s) you love, GO
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weirdfishy · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
thanks for the ask queenie! 💕
in no particular order:
punkflower & godhood - spiderverse
when i went fruitloop n wrote abt miles n hobie, diving into their pining with comparisons on how they see each other as gods (the brainrot is so real in this one) :D
hearth - spiderverse
punkflower; hobie is injured + get together; also sort of like ^that one in terms of style, they're both of a freer form n more recent than the rest of these, though all of these are less than a year old
Unknown Caller ID - danny phantom x dcu
Danny gets mis-dialed for a ransom call; he goes to handle it, 100% crack treated seriously
though i'm treating it more seriously, as this is getting a sequel...someday... 😅
I'm only human, I have no perfection at all - the sandman tv
dreamling coded, fishbowl rescue, creepy ass burgess, guilt asf; my fav of my sandman fics, it's short n sweet, slightly more poetic than the others, i like the imagery it evokes, and hob burns burgess manor, as a treat <3
All Eyes On Me (I Only Want Yours) - bbc merlin
OOC Arthur is arse over tea kettle for Gaius' assistant (merlin isn't arthur's manservant)
this one is...gentle? i would say? it's not too angsty n it's not too sweet, and there's art for it!!! which i adore, this is the first fic i got art for, which was amazing n wonderful to see (i cried, 100%)
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ladiesofhpfest · 1 year
Title and author: and i don't go to sleep to dream by paperclipbitch
Summary: [post-movie] Tina taps Queenie’s shoulder, firm, three quick fingertip raps. “Queenie.” Her tone is soft, but beneath it there’s the undercurrent of we’ve talked about this before.
Leading ladies: Queenie and Tina Goldstein from the FB franchise
What's to love: A lovely fic giving the FB girls some much-needed characterization and backstory. The sisterly bond is amazing and it's even lovelier to see Judaism in the HP universe! This is the type of fic that would be perfect for week 16, Sisters Before Misters.
send fic recs if you have one, self-recs and self-promo always welcome!
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
Thanks to: @allisonraeyt for the prompt
WARNING: alcohol (light use), multiple ships, domestic shenanigans
Pomni set the last of the snacks on the coffee table. "There. Cheese, meats, bread, chips, dip, salsa, popcorn, cookies, soda, wine. Perfect." She double checked the living room for clutter. It was only her closest friends coming over, but she still preferred to have any mess out of the way.
"The place is spotless, dear. Stop worrying." Caine sipped a drink from the kitchen. Bubble sat at his feet, thinking he had something worth sharing.
"I know, but Queenie is coming this time! I haven't seen her in person in ages. This will be the first time she's seen the house." Pomni straightened a few throw pillows for the fifth time.
"You plan on giving her a full house tour?" Caine asked, amused.
"Well, no, but-"
The doorbell announced the guests arrival. Pomni checked her phone. She had been so busy getting ready, she missed all of the update texts. She rushed to the door, opening it to find Kinger and Queenie outside.
Pomni squealed and hugged Queenie right there on the door step. "Ohmygoditssogoodtoseeyou!"
Queenie giggled lightly. "It's wonderful to see you too, darling."
"Come inside! I just got everything set up." Pomni let them in.
"There she is! The global wanderer returns!" Caine gives Queenie a hug. "How was England?"
"Oh, England is lovely this time of year, so long as you don't mind a bit of rain." Queenie looked around the spacious, yet humble abode. "You two got such a nice place for yourselves. Oh! And you must be Bubble!" She knelt down to greet Bubble excitedly dancing at her feet with a toy.
"That's our boy." Pomni said proudly before turning to Kinger. "Hey! Don't think we forgot about you!" She hugged him.
Kinger smiled. "Don't worry. My wife coming home is always a big deal to me too. Hey Caine, you said you finished the rec room?"
"Yep! The basement is finally done. I'll show ya." Caine and Kinger went downstairs, leaving Pomni and Queenie to catch up.
Gangle and Zooble were the next to arrive. "I brought sweets!" Gangle raised two plastic bags full of various chocolates and candies. Some wrappers had other languages on them. She puts them on the floor by the coffee table and attacks Queenie with a hug. "AAAH! You made it! Girl's night isn't the same without you."
"Aw..." Queenie hugged back.
Zooble gives Queenie a quick hug too and joins the girls in the couch. "What are the boys doing?"
"Caine is showing off his rec room. Basement finally got finished a few days ago. You can join them if you want." Pomni offered.
Zooble shrugged. "Eh, you weirdos are more fun to hang around."
"That's high praise coming from you." Queenie said as she checked her phone. "Have any of you heard from Ragatha?"
"Speak of the devil." Pomni leapt up to get the door. Ragatha and Jax entered seeming a bit frazzled.
"Sorry we're late!" Ragatha apologized. "We got lost-"
"We didn't get lost." Jax rolled his eyes. "We took a detour because of construction."
"...and THEN we got lost." Ragatha added. "Anyway, I hope you don't mind, but I've brought champagne."
"Really?" Pomni asked. "What are we celebrating?"
Ragatha curled her lips and showed Pomni her left hand. A beautiful engagement ring adorned her finger.
Pomni gasped. "WHAT!?"
"I KNOW!!"
"AAAAAAAAAAAA!!" The two women jumped up and down and screamed.
Jax covered his ears and looked around. Zooble motioned to the basement stairs. Jax nodded appreciatively. "Glad you're excited, babe, but I'm going down before I go deaf from you two."
Ragatha was too busy showing off her ring. Gangle joined the scream huddle. Queenie admired quietly with a laugh at the others. Zooble gave a thumbs up when Ragatha shoved her hand in their face.
Jax meandered downstairs to find Caine and Kinger in the middle of a game of billiards. "So this is what married men do for fun?" Jax asked as he grabbed a drink from a mini fridge.
"Hey Jax." Kinger greeted. "I should have figured you were the one at the door. Who else would all the ladies be screaming at?" He chuckled.
"Ha. Ha. Very funny. No, they're losing their minds over the ring I gave Ragatha." He casually sipped his drink.
Caine missed his shot, the white ball bounced wildly around the pool table. "You asked her?? Congratulations!"
"Yeah, that's a big step for you two. Congrats!"
"Thanks." Noticing that Bubble had followed him downstairs, Jax entertained the dog as Caine and Kinger continued their game.
The women toasted to Ragatha's engagement, all relaxing in the living room. "How'd he propose?? I NEED to know!" Gangle pleaded with wide eyes.
Ragatha smiled to herself. "Funny story. It was an accident."
"Huh??" Gangle said while the others gave looks of confusion.
"He took me out to dinner and he was going to do it there, but eeeeeverything went wrong. You know how some places will put the engagement ring in a drink or on a dessert? Well, this place put it IN the dessert, and then SERVED IT TO THE WRONG TABLE!"
"Oh no!" Pomni covered her mouth, not sure if she should be laughing yet.
Ragatha started laughing through her story. "So Jax starts this lovely speech, and then freaks out that my dessert was wrong. I thought he was just being belligerent. Then the lady at the table next to me screams that a cook dropped a piece of jewelry in her food. Jax nearly takes her out diving over the table to grab the ring!"
Everyone laughed and Ragatha needed minute to breathe before continuing. "I got upset because I was embarrassed by his behavior. He took me to my favorite restaurant and I felt like I couldn't show my face there again because of the way he was acting. Part of me thought it was a cruel joke...so I left."
Gangle gasped. "Then what???"
"It was raining and, I was so mad at him, I didn't care. Ruined my hair and makeup to try and catch a cab. He came out after me. I admit, I said some things I'm not proud of...but then he shows me the ring. Said it was meant for me. And I could still have it...if I wanted."
"Oh my god..." Gangle was on the edge of her seat.
"Everything and nothing made sense at the same time, and I was cold from the rain. I kissed him."
Gangle squealed, her feet tap the ground giddily. "Yay! I'm so happy for you two!"
"A first engagement kiss in the rain. Novella worthy." Queenie said.
Pomni finished her drink. "Seriously! That is a story to remember! You should write it down."
Ragatha blushed at the memory. "I'll do that. Not that it compares to yours, Queenie. Didn't Kinger propose to you in a literal castle?"
"Oh, let's not compare, dear. Each and every engagement is special, regardless of location....but yes, he did." Queenie swirled her drink, sitting sophistically. "We were on a tour in eastern Europe when he popped the question, right in front of a grand Romanian castle. It was very romantic, but not as fun as fireworks misspelling the question. Isn't that how it happened for you, Pomni?" She smirked.
Pomni coughed, almost choking on a piece of popcorn. "That wasn't his fault! The pyrotechnicians got the timing wrong!"
"Wasn't it also a situation of ring fumbling? It ended up in a lake, if I recall correctly." Queenie continued to tease.
Pomni pouted. "Yeah, but he found it!"
"So both of you..." Queenie looked at Ragatha and Pomni. "Said yes to sopping wet bafoonery. You're the best of friends on every level."
"We did, and they're OUR baboons!" Ragatha defended.
"That's not what she-" Gangle tried to correct.
A heartier laugh came from Queenie. "Indeed they are. My sincerest congratulations."
Gangle and Zooble listened happily to each engagement story. They didn't have one of their own yet, and they weren't in a hurry. They had each other. They didn't need all the paperwork.
Jax threw Bubble's toy from end of the basement to the other. A loud round of laughter from upstairs made him realize how bored he was. "I'm gonna go see what they're doing up their." Jax got up to leave.
"Woah! Hold on!" Caine zipped out in front of Jax. "It's ladies night. That means no disturbing them."
"Yeah, well, I'm being disturbed down here not doing much while it sounds like they're having a great time." Jax easily side stepped Caine.
With both Jax and Kinger being well over six feet tall, they made Caine's average height of five foot nine seem short. "Jax! Don't! They won't want you there!" Caine looked to Kinger for help. Kinger shrugged in a "What do you want ME to do about it?" gesture.
"Just a peak." Jax said as she snuck up the stairs.
Caine followed to make sure Jax didn't leave the stairwell. Kinger followed out of curiosity. Bubble chewed his toy, no caring what the humans were up to.
The three men peered over the short wall that separated the stairs from the main floor. They were unnoticed by the chatty group, half way through their wine.
"...and Caine said he wanted to try the cleanse too. Nothing but kale, juice, and magnets for a whole week. Pretty sure everything but the kitchen sink came out of him." The whole group broke out into fits of laughter.
Caine went beet red. "She wasn't supposed to tell anyone about that!" He whispered under his breath.
Jax was struggling to keep it in. "You did what? Oh man, you didn't eat the magnets did you?"
"No!" Caine hissed quietly.
Kinger silently giggled.
"Oh, I have one for you." Queenie spoke. "Kinger once fell for an internet scam as well. He clicked a link that said Do you have permanent orgasm face disorder? He thought it was a real thing. Bought into the treatment plan and everything. God, he spent so much money."
Kinger sank down as the women laughed their asses off. He could feel Caine and Jax staring at him, judging him. "This can't go on."
"I agree." Caine said.
"You two are a couple of pansies. Can't handle a little embarrassment?" Jax taunted.
"Oh! Oh! I just remembered one for Jax!" Ragatha wiggled excitedly in her seat. "He once bought stamina enhancement supplements, but all they did was make his pee turn blue."
Jax rushed downstairs as quietly as he could, trying to pretend that the laughter around him was not at his expense. "Tell my secrets will you..."
Caine and Kinger came down too. "What was that about being a pansy?" Caine taunted.
Jax grumbled. "Take these. We're putting an end to their secret sharing circle."
Caine caught a few throw pillows from the couches. "Uh...are we-"
Kinger took some on his own. "Let's do this." He and Jax marched upstairs with purpose. Caine didn't see the point in denying involvement and followed. Bubble came too.
Ragatha was the first to take a pillow to the face. The ladies were caught completely off guard and were pelted by pillows. Because of the mild level of shared intoxication, instead of getting angry about it, pillows were thrown back. The living room became a travesty of fluff and food all over the floor.
Bubble helped himself to the meat and cheese as the humans played. He liked his humans. They were fun.
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hadesoftheladies · 4 months
got inspired from a recommendation post so decided to make a list of movies and shows with female-centric stories/female protagonists. since i can't post all of the genres in one post, i'll split it into multiple posts and y'all can save or add to the list as you wish. (disclaimer: i have watched most of these, but i only know about the existence of others. not every movie/show on these lists will be my recommendation. my recommendations will be beneath the list with reasons. also some of these are way better than others in terms of storytelling/performance--which is why i'll list my faves separately):
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Common Themes/Tropes:
-Quirky girlfailures and losergirls being disastrous (and learning they're still loveable)
-Women causing carnage (sometimes) unintentionally
-Women getting into shenanigans with their friends/sisters
-Features many equally if not more dumbass male antagonists (or sidekicks)
-Financial struggle subplot
-BFFs and sisters > everything else (even the d)
-Lots of sex and money talk usually
-The Struggle of Dating TM
-I Still Feel 12 & Stupid TM
Abbott Elementary (9/10) (too many amazing female characters!)
Such Brave Girls (8/10) (Derry Girls as adults)
Kajillionaire (7/10) (the protagonist is so weird and loveable, top tier ending)
Isn't It Romantic (6.5/10) (fun and knows exactly what it needs to be)
Fleabag (?/10) (haven't watched but I know it's good)
Kevin Can F**k Himself (9.5/10) (genuinely so so so so good some of the most clever and sincere storytelling I've seen in a while)
Hacks (7.5/10) (the two female leads are hilarious in their own ways and so human!)
What Men Want
Nobody's Fool
Girl's Trip
The Other Woman
Legally Blonde
Miss Congeniality
The Devil Wears Prada
Pitch Perfect
Playing House is about two friends raising a child together, which is a premise I love. High Desert is a detective comedy (way more comedy than detective, though) with a likeable protagonist who is also addicted to drugs (that isn't the punchline, don't worry).
The Hustle and Queenpins were produced by the same company (and you can tell).
Twenties is one of the few shows that feature a stud lesbian as a central character (and she's beautiful!). Insecure is probably the most famous of black female comedy shows, though.
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mad-as-a-box-of-frogs · 6 months
just got obsessed with marcsteven whats the best long fics? HELP
yeeesss welcome to the delights of Moonmoon shipping, anon sadasasdasd 🤍🤍 I just love those two so much 😭
That being said, as far as long fics for Marcsteven go, it's unfortunately slim pickings with how tiny this fandom is *SOBS* (nearly all my faves are WIPS that haven't updated in a year or more ;-----;). So if you're okay with me defining "long fic" as fics 20k or over, here are my personal finished faves!
Adjustments by Nagem and its Marcstevenjake sequel, Waiting Room. Ughhhh I was obsessed this pair when they came out.
All this time I was waiting for you by Nakimochiku. Just Marc and Steven being pinning oblivious idiots with slowly simmering sexual tension ;) Also I loved everything Moon knight related by this author, i read their stuff again and again all the time <3
If you don't mind expanding your horizons to include Marcstevenjake, definitely give In the Aftermath series by Queenie a try (or at least the first three Marcsteven-only fics in the series).
What the Right Hand is Doing by Erinptah was such a gem (and try out their Cover by Knight series if you like Moon knight crossovers with other MCU characters. Now THAT'S a long fic [series])
Love Song for a Deadman and The Measure of Things by friight. Actually one of the few fics on here that actually reach past 50k ^u^;; And both are so good!!!
See Through My Act, Tell Me I'm Wrong by snapdragonpop007 is a fandom favorite, and another author whose MK work I will always devour <3
All the Ashes of Our Days, As If it Were the Last Time and Until You Drown all written by MitchieSawyer, and they're some of my favorites fics that have come out within the last year, a year that has otherwise been nearly dead for Marcsteven fic. {Ashes made me sob !!!] And their current WIP, The Less I Give, the More I Give Back, is a wonderful arranged marriage fic, with Marc and steven's contrasting approaches to their Jewish heritage a main focus, and has been updating more or less every week!!!!
And ... if like I said you're willing to give polycule Marcstevenjake a shot.... and take a chance on a WIP.... you really really should check out Miles From Nowhere by fishtrombone. Anon, I am OBSESSED with this fic. It hasn't been out a full year yet and it's already at 350k!!!! Technically the longest fic in the fandom and still more to come!!! Marc, Steven, Jake split into separate bodies and stranded in America, bottlenecked in a run down cabin and navigating their complex relationships as the apocalypse looms!! Angsty as shit! Possibly one of my favorite fics of all time, this fic has pulled me along the full spectrum of human emotions the writing is almost painfully beautiful at times, the characterization is spot on {and yes reccing because I need more people to read this fic and give it kudos and encouragement <3)
And in case you didn't see, here's my previous marcsteven rec post where I rec marcsteven fics under 500 kudos !
Hope this helps, Anon :D
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hdowlpost · 8 months
Masterlist of the 2023 @hdowlpost Winter Gift Exchange - Part One -
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Here they are – all 132 owl gifts delivered by Snapey, Hedwig, Errol and Romwo to you – our wonderful @hdowlpost giftmakers, pinchhitters, owl helpers, readers and commenters.
Podfics @lumosatnight read [podfic] Better Late Than Never (PG | podfic | 3 minutes) for @wilfriede0815
@smirkingcat read [podfic cover] Besotted (G | podfic | 8.16 minutes) for @DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes @smirkingcat read [podfic] I Thought You'd Never Ask (PG | podfic | 16:20 minutes) for @DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes @smirkingcat read [podfic] A Gothic Christmas Patented Daydream Charm (NC-17 | podfic | 17:21 minutes ) for @vaysh @smirkingcat read [podfic] Ganz die Alten (PG | podfic | 13:50 minutes) for @vaysh
@wilfriede0815 read [podfic] Imagining Us (G | podfic | 46:48 minutes) for @hdowlpost community @wilfriede0815 read [podfic] the frenemies' guide to beekeeping (R | podfic, 30 minutes) for @porcelainheart @wilfriede0815 read [podfic] Lovesick (PG | podfic | 51:56 minutes) for @smirkingharlequin @wilfriede0815 read [podfic] Stubborn as a Cursed Vault (R | podfic, 8 minutes) for @stargazing-enby @wilfriede0815 read [podfic] Lost in Translation (PG | podfic | 11.08 minutes) for @hey-flynn
@stargazing_enby creared Fic Moodboards and Meme Fic Recs (G | 2 moodboard and meme fic recs) for @flightinflame @stargazing_enby created Yours.: A Meme Fic Rec (G | meme) for @themightyflynn
@vaysh created [German translation] Wen die Schlange beschwört (PG | 1100 ) for @lumosatnight
Comment Reviews
@apricity wrote a Review for: A Deal Made To Be Broken (G | looong comment) for @inspired-being
@retiredunicorn wrote a Comment Review for "Curfew" (G | comment) for @porcelainheart
@retiredunicorn wrote a Comment Review of "Numb Little Bug" (G | comment) for @jadewritergirl
Beta Reading
@DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes beta'ed Everything in Its Place (G | 7608 words) for @flightinflame
Owl Package
@uncanny_cerulean packaged an Owl Package (G | tea and recipes) for @c-art
@anaxandria-writes created [fanbinding] White, the colour of flowers (not rated | craft, fanbinding) for @lumosatnight @anaxandria-writes crafted [fanbinding] Eye of the Storm (G, fic not rated | fanbinding) for @stargazing_enby @anaxandria-writes created [fanbinding] Who? Who? It's Vaysh (not rated | craft, fanbinding) for @vaysh
Podfic Covers
@lumosatnight created [podfic cover] Better Late Than Never (G | podfic cover ) for @wilfriede0815
@priestlyvance created [podfic cover] Lovesick (G | podfic cover) for @smirkingharlequin @priestlyvance created [podfic cover] Lost in Translation (G | podfic cover) for @themightyflynn
@queeniejinny created [podfic cover] the frenemies' guide to beekeeping (G | podfic cover) for @porcelainheart @queeniejinny created [podfic cover] Stubborn as a Cursed Vault (G | podfic cover) for @stargazing_enby
@smirkingharlequin read [podfic cover] Besotted (G | podfic cover) for @DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes @smirkingharlequin created [podfic cover] I Thought You'd Never Ask (G | podfic cover) for @DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes @smirkingharlequin created [podfic cover] A Gothic Christmas Patented Daydream Charm (NC-17 | podfic cover) for @vaysh @smirkingharlequin created [podfic cover] Ganz die Alten (PG | podfic cover) for @vaysh
@wilfriede0815 created [podfic cover] Imagining Us (G | podfic cover) for @hdowlpost community
Moodboards & Playlists
@bererjs created A Wonderful Suprise (G | moodboard) for @queenie-jinny
DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes created Drarry Comfort Playlist (PG | playlist) for @drarrymyheart
@kitty_fix created [moodboard] You're all I can think about... (G | moodboard) for @moonpeachh
@lumosatnight created [Moodboard for] Are we falling like snow on the beach (G | moodboard) for @legendrarry
@moonpeachh created [moodboard & playlist] Mine (R | moodboard | playlist) for @DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes
@c_art created https://archiveofourown.org/works/50546650 (G | craft) for @inspired-being
@DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes created Crafts on the Go (G | craft) for @anaxandria-writes
@DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes wrote Crafts on the Go (G | cushy laptop/book sleeve) for @anaxandria-writes
@DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes created Soft Scarf (G | craft) for @drarrymyheart
@meowfoy created Drarry in Love (G | pop vinyl craft) for @ItsPhantasmagoria
@queennie-jinny created [Owlbox] 12 days of Drarry mini-advent calendar (G | craft, fannish knitting) for @ladderofyears
@themightyflynn created An Almost Kiss (G | craft) for @apricitydays-lazynights
@themightyflynn created Hogwarts: A History (G | craft, sketchbook) for @c-art
@themightyflyy wrote Harry Potter Bookmarks (not rated | craft) for @inheartofwinter
Art and Comics
@apricity created Banish the Cold (G | art, linocut) for @digtheshipper
@c-art created Coffee and kisses (G | art and craft) for @jadewritergirl
@c-art created Snowed In (G | art and craft) for @KatIsSleeping
@digtheshipper created A Festive Journey from Friends to Lovers (G | festive art) for @dodgerkedavra
@digtheshipper created Best Friends Dating (G | art) for @flightinflame
@digtheshipper created (Almost Time For) The First Christmas at the Burrow (G | art) for @KatIsSleeping
@digtheshipper created Package Delivery (G | art) for @pheaphilus
@inheartofwinter created Movie Night at the Malfoy-Potter House (G | art) for @meowfoy
@ItsPhantasmagoria created [Owl Banner] Best Holiday Family Photo Ever (G | banner art) for @hdowlpost community
@ItsPhantasmagoria created Warm Me Up (G | art) for @kitty_fic
@ItsPhantasmagoria created Claiming (NC-17 | art) for @queenie-jinny
@ladderofyears created Breakfast in Bed (G | art) for @apricitydays-lazynights
@ladderofyears created Baking Together (G | art) for @peachydreamxx
@legendrarry created Ho-Ho-Harry! (G | fancomic) for @starquestingfordrarry
@legendrarry created Dining with the Devil - The Daily Prophet. (not rated | poster, art) for @uncanny_cerulean
@littewinnow created A Parliament of Owls (G | art) for @kitty_fic
@littlewinnow created Mistletoe Kisses (NC-17 | art) for @maraudersaffair
@peachydreamxx created Conflict Resolution (R | art) for @pheaphilus
@peachydreamxx created The Purrfect Boyfriend (G | cat comic) for @sitaz
@peachydreamxx created The First Morning (PG | art) for @threading_fate
@porcelainheart3 created Promises, Promises (G | fancomic) for @c-art
@porcelainheart3 created I was told there would be fondue (G | art) for @digtheshipper
@porcelainheart3 created Codswallop (G | art) for @sitaz
@retiredunicorn created No Coat (G | art) for @bererjs
@threading_fate created Intimacy with Your (R | art) for @maraudersaffair
@starquestingfordrarry created Phallus impudicus (NC-17 | art) for @dodgerkedavra
@starquestingfordrarry created Muggle Studies, Lesson 1: Recreation (G | art) for @inheartofwinter
All gifts have been de-anoned on AO3. ♥ Creators' names will be added to the LJ posts in the next weeks. Many creators have different names across fandom platforms; we chose the name we know you by best (except Logan :)). If you'd like your name changed in this post, just let us know. ♥ If you see any mistakes, dead links or entries we may have missed, please let us know in comments or email us.
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queensilber · 2 months
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Hey there!!! <3
I‘m Queenie, so nice to meet you!
This is my main blog where I Post and reblog about everything i like and/or care about. I don't really have a theme or anything except that it's all vaguely queer and autistic, as am I✨
I‘m always happy about asks, conversations and Tags, so don‘t shy away from any of those <3
Some of my Fandoms include (incompleate list):
Supernatural (Destiel✨)
Interview with the Vampire
Cats the Musical
House MD
Good Omens
What we do in the Shadows
Our Flag means Death
BBC Merlin
Various Bandoms
I also write Fanfics! These are the links to my AO3 and my Wattpad! I also love getting Fic recs, so feel free to drop the links to your faves or your own work if you wanna!
So anyways, thanks for visiting and i hope you habe a good time here!
Love you!! <3 ✨
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rhyewritersstudio · 2 years
Fic Rec Friday
In case you missed the collection, here is a roundup of one server’s HalloQueen Fic Exchange. The theme this year was: Nightmares and Dreamscapes.
At Dawn (G) by Toinette 
John Deacon & Brian May
It's dawn. It's cold. John and Brian look at the sunrise.
The Brilliant Dr Carmine (T) by @dendjustice 
Roger Taylor/Original Female Character
Roger Taylor sees every week a fabulous dream analyst.
Dream A Little Dream of Me (M) by @just-a-poor-boy-queen 
Jim Hutton/Freddie Mercury
Freddie misses Jim while on tour, and Roger has to take matters into his own very capable hands.
Home Again (G) by @classicrocker2000 
Jim Hutton/Freddie Mercury
Jim dreams of familiar faces and a very familiar place.
I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night (T) by @of-streetlightfancy 
Brian May & Roger Taylor
Brian is swept up in a Hallowe'en nightmare after accidentally messing with Celtic traditions
I’ve had nothing yet, so I can’t take more. (M) by @queenies-bug 
Crystal Taylor/Roger Taylor Crystal can have anything he wants in this loopy place, and it turns out his mind only wants one thing.
Jolene (T) by @a-froger-epic 
Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor
Freddie is not particularly fond of Roger's new car. Little does he know, the feeling is mutual...
My bijou (T) by @freesiafields 
Jim Hutton/Freddie Mercury
Freddie meets Marie Antoinette in a dream
Not in That Way (TayTay) (T) by @nic-214 
Crystal Taylor/Roger Taylor
And they lived happily ever after... Or did they?
Pieces of Intertwined Hearts (T) by @pumpkinlilyao3 
Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor
A collection of snippets from Freddie and Roger's lives, showing slices of their minds and situations as years pass.
The Prince, the Shepherd and the Huntsman (T) by @a-froger-epic
Jim Hutton/Freddie Mercury
An original fairy tale 
Some Day One Day (T) by @freddie-mercury-rising 
Brian May/Freddie Mercury
Freddie has never fit in with the other satyrs. In his life of loneliness, he hopes for a day when he'll feel truly at home.
Starving hysterical naked (E) by @carrrothead-vol2 
Brian May/Freddie Mercury
Brian is in love.
He’s a nightmare and he has fallen in love with a mortal.
We’ll meet again in snowy lands (T) by @Pontius-pilateno2 
Brian May & Freddie Mercury
Brian wakes up in a silent, lonely land that he doesn't understand.
We’ve Come This Far (T) by @iwilltrytobereasonable 
Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor
Roger and Freddie are moving into a flat together. Maybe it's time to take other steps, too.
When the Moon has lost its glow (M) by @eileen-crys 
Brian May & Freddie Mercury + ensemble cast
It's the end of October 1989, some of the members of Queen are in Montreux recording Innuendo and trying to enjoy a relaxing evening. But the Halloween Moon above Lake Geneva has a different plan for Brian May, whose heart is heavy and scarred.
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wild-karrde · 2 years
For Fandom Friday wanted to give some praise to my bestie @queenquazar and her fic, Whispers of Ghosts, a HunterxOC fic (slightly NSFW) on Tumblr and Ao3 (not fully updated). This fic can also be read as xreader, which is a very thin line to walk but she does it magnificently.
I love how Queenie dives into the darker part of training the cadets of the GAR and the politics and machinations of trying to make changes that matter for them. It's something that gets talked about a lot in the Fandom but I've never seen it used in the fics that way that she does it, and it's absolutely fantastic.
I really appreciate how Hunter and the love interest are able to discuss their relationship and what they want from each other at the beginning of the relationship, it's another thing I feel isn't featured in fics very often.
Overall, Queenie's writing is incredible and makes me feel things, and brings a breath of fresh air to fanfiction for me!
Oooooh this seems like another one that's going to gut me in the best way possible. While I do love the sunshine and rainbows fics, there's also a special place in my heart for the ones that explore the darker side (no pun intended) of certain Star Wars elements, because BOY HOWDY are there some chilling moments that often get glossed over. And as someone that has slowly but surely become a Hunter fan, this fic definitely appeals. Thanks so much for the rec!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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queenofbaws · 1 year
Well good morning darling! Please consider this ask a a down deposit for whenever the next six-sentence weekend may be. For i come bearing lyrics that while the chorus fits the Hackett family to a fucking T, literally none of the rest of the lyrics do so you get them as a prompt and not a recommendation lol.
'I figured
"Oh, hey, maybe just ignore it, it'll go away
Keep it in the family for today"
Everybody knows
Everybody knows somebody with something to hide'
All you had to do was keep an ear open; in towns like theirs, small towns, close ones, ones where everyone knew everyone else's business, you heard plenty of it out in the open, so deeply rooted and so well known that people didn't bother covering their mouths as they spoke on it. It came in snippets, half-heard in grocery aisles or out back of the bar, said in the same matter-of-fact tones the weather was discussed in: "...cancer, you know, like his father had..." "...whole damn family's got it, that, oh whatsitcalled, with the thyroid..." "...once they start bleeding they just don't stop, and I heard it's all on account of that mother of theirs..."
You never heard them talk about the Hacketts that way, though - if you listened close, you realized no, they never had anything to say about the Hacketts that they couldn't say with a full chest and straight to their faces.
Mostly because no one could figure out just what it was, the thing that was wrong inside of them, whether it was borne in the blood, bone, or brain. Anyone who was anyone in North Kill had grown up at the knee of someone - a grandparent or great-uncle - who'd filled their heads with talk of Septimus Hackett's wicked temper or Francis Hackett's legendary brutality, the former cheating his workers out of their livelihoods while the latter simply shackled his children to boozing and bootlegging, how both were always smart enough to keep a son, nephew, cousin, kin planted firmly among the law to ensure nothing ever came of it.
But Jed and his had never done anything wrong, so far as anyone in town could tell, so...whatever was wrong in their line, whatever sickness they passed down from one to another, well...it probably skipped a generation or two.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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roughdrafthero · 1 year
Hey! If I'm not wrong you like recommendations so I have one for you. It's about the YA BoyxMan werewolf trilogy written by Queenie Wise. The first book is named Little Red. If you've already read that then ignore that post XD
I do like recs, thanks!
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mackmp3 · 1 year
your music taste is so based !!! do u have any recs?
thanks! yours seems pretty cool too :D
i've been getting really into Einstürzende Neubauten at the moment, though you seem to already know them hehe - I would really recommend the official live version of Sabrina if you haven't heard that already, and this version of the Bad Seeds' From Her To Eternity it's very good.
I've also been collecting PJ Harvey live versions and less common stuff, the Black Session version of 50ft Queenie is even better than the album version (in my opinion at least) very dark and brooding in a maelstrom-ey way.
also - i'm not sure how well known this stuff is outside my country, but check out the Dunedin Sound bands - some of the best songs are North by North by the Bats, I Love my Leather Jacket by the Chills, Saskatchewan by Superette, and Point That Thing Somewhere Else by the Clean - they're all bangers. 80s/90s Dunedin bands and the Flying Nun label both worth looking up if you like the stuff & like rabbit holes lol
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antler-queenie · 1 year
I haven't used this account in a long time so I'm looking for new blogs to follow!! i am a queer woman (she/her) who loves tv and taylor swift. some of my favorites of all time IN NOOO PARTICULAR ORDER!
queen charlotte: a bridgerton story
the other two
abbott elementary
single drunk female
daisy jones and the six
the wilds
the last of us
a league of their own
broad city
parks and rec
orange is the new black
glee (this is what this account was used for back in the day LOLLL)
search party
after party
inventing anna
stranger things
ru pauls drag race duh
I also love:
taylor swift
maggie rogers
phoebe duh
idk all those other queer ones duh
If you like any of the above, give me a follow and maybe I'll follow back?? I totally forgot how this app works plz forgive me if this is cringey
antler queenie!!
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remcycl333 · 2 years
hey girl! so im going to a new school and i rlly wanna play varsity soccer. The thing is, i haven't played soccer in a year or so and even then i was on rec. so how do i get on varsity soccer? pls share ur affs!
ty queenie ‼️
just embody the state of someone who is on the varsity soccer team! you’re amazing at soccer, the best player in your entire school, no one can beat you because you’re the best! you already have a spot on the team bc why wouldn’t you? :)
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