koritea · 2 months
Your OCs are so awesome! Thanks for explaining their backstories in my first ask, I eat that stuff up! I'm also a part of the oc x canon crowd too!
My FFXV OC is named Penna Calamum, translated to "feather pen" in Latin. She's a member of the Hunters, but is forbidden from going on any missions because she was infected by the Starscourge as a child, and has daemon powers she struggles to control. She's learned how to make potions and salves and chart maps and the stars, eventually joining the Chocobros as their Scholar/Healer. She has an intense grudge against the Lucians for ignoring the daemon plight faced by the citizens living outside Insomnia's walls, but she gradually unlearns her prejudices and bonds with the boys, eventually falling for Prompto :)
Ouuu I love a good starscourge angst FANTASTIC. Funnily enough that was the original idea for Fidei until I swapped it out for a magic necklace that heals him (i had to be nice to him at least once there was too much angst LOL).
I'm really curious does your plotline follow the game's? If so how does the Zegnautus Keep chapter change with her in it? Does she help free Prompto? :0
Penna beloved, ty for sharing her with me!!!
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hikaaa-bi · 4 months
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she’s more goth than you can handle, okay?
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wilcze-kudly · 2 months
Yeah, the main theme of the Chase isn't Katara being an overbearing mom friend vs Toph being a spoilt brat.
It's actually about Katara's collectivism vs Toph's individualism and I'm surprised it took me my 3rd rewatch to realise this I'm dissapointment in myself.
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sboochi · 2 years
AAHH I LOVE YOUR LATEST ARTBOF THE TTS AU FEATURING ELSA AND ANNA!! Everyone's coronation outfits are stunning, especially Jack's suit! Love Cass staying on brand and ruining other people's parties lol. Anna bashing a sentient cake with a pitchfork while bemoaning how much she wanted to eat it is totally something she'd do. And what's this I hear about Jack and Elsa taking a trip to Ahtohallan together? What sort of things do they discover there? More moon stone lore?
What I came up with is the answer to the question: how does Jack find out he has the future Moonstone? I already established that he gets some funky visions in the House of Yesterday's Tomorrow that hint at that.
So Jack starts having this big doubt, but he doesn't know what to do with it until he meets Elsa, who is a spirit. (Tangent: in this specific time there are no Guardians yet which I know doesn't make a lot of sense timeline-wise but I want to pretend Tangled happened before them so it's easier for me)
Luckily Elsa knows the perfect place to get some answers about Jack's past and the two go to Ahtohallan. (Perfect moment for a song AND a line from Jack about how Elsa doesn't need to worry about him freezing since, well, he already died once)
(Also his suit gets messed up in the cake fight and that's my excuse for giving him pretty clothes made by Elsa. Because I have 0 self control)
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elliemarchetti · 3 months
The Queen of the Quills - Jily Edition (Part 5)
Posting on Tumblr too because this fic's sister is already there.
Reading The Queen of the Quills - Blackinnon Edition will not be mandatory to understand the developments of James and Lily's story, but some details could be shared, therefore, for anyone wishing to fully enjoy the experience, I will leave this series' masterlist here.
This was @athenasparrow's gift for @jilymicrofics ' Exchange 2024, but if you like it and are willingly to reblog, it would be super appreciated since stories like this require quite some time and effort🥰
Taglist (if anyone wants to be added, please DM me or comment and I'll gladly add you!): @thaisthedreamer
Plot: James Potter, London's most evasive bachelor, an impertinent libertine, has decided to get married. He has also already chosen his wife, the debutante Lily Evans, a self-confident young woman who has not the slightest intention of being seduced by such a man. A Bridgerton inspired Regency AU.
Words: 4093
Mrs. Potter’s musicale proved to be a decidedly musical affair (not, this author assures you, always the norm for musicales). The guest performer was none other than Maria Rosso, an Italian soprano from the all-witch choir known as Spellbound who made their debut in London two years ago and has returned after a brief stint on the Vienna stage. With thick, sable hair and flashing dark eyes, Miss Rosso proved as lovely in form as she did in voice, and more than one, or it would be better to say more than a dozen, of society’s so-called gentleman found it difficult indeed to remove their eyes from her person, even after the performance had concluded.
The Queen of the Quills, May 17, 1813
Lily felt the exact moment he walked in the room. She tried to tell herself it had nothing to do with a heightened awareness of the excruciatingly handsome wizard, she couldn’t imagine that every woman didn’t notice him immediately, and furthermore, he arrived late – not very, but still enough he had to try to be quiet as he slipped into a chair at the front next to Mrs. Evans – still she noticed him before her own mother and sister did, and it rendered her unable to even breathe. He didn’t look her way, but several candles had been snuffed, leaving the room bathed in a dim, romantic glow, so the shadows must’ve obscured her face and the way she tried to keep her eyes on Miss Rosso throughout the performance, even if the woman couldn’t take hers off of Mr. Potter, and for some reasons, it didn’t improve her disposition. She should’ve rejoiced in the fact, it was just another piece of proof he was every bit the licentious rake she’d always known him to be, but she wasn’t feeling smug, or vindicated, she was just heavily, uncomfortably disappointed, so much so she felt herself slump slightly in her chair.
When the performance was done, she couldn’t help but notice how the soprano, after graciously accepting her applause, brazenly approached her suitor and offered him one of those seductive smiles, the sort Lily would never learn to do even if she had a thousand opera singers trying to teach her. There was no mistaking what she meant with that act, and he must’ve realized too, because he threw her a mysterious look and actually tucked an errant lock of her raven hair behind her ear.
Lily shivered in disgust. For Merlin’s beard, the man didn’t even need to chase women, they practically dropped at his feet and whispered sweet nothing in his ears! Maybe she praised him, or maybe she outwardly offered herself, because he leaned down enough to kiss her neck.
“Lily?” hissed her mother, decidedly irritated. “Stop watching Mr. Potter.”
“I wasn’t… well, all right, I was, but did you see him?” she whispered urgently. “He’s shameless.”
She looked back over at him, still flirting with Maria Rosso, no care in the world about who might see.
“I’m sure his behaviour isn’t any of our business,” replied Elizabeth, lips pursed into a tight line. “He has been kind in delivering the invitations to the musicale himself, but I’m certain he wants nothing to do with you after that fiasco in Hyde Park.”
If the situation had been different, Lily would have argued that it wasn't her fault that his dog had pushed her into the water and he jumped in to save her when she was already swimming toward the shore, but she didn't have the energy to argue right now, so she sagged her shoulders and followed her family as they greeted their lovely hostess. Mrs. Potter had fair hair and light eyes, and she was rather petite to have mothered such a large son, so Lily decided her late husband must’ve been a tall man.
“Mrs. Evans,” she said warmly, “what a delight to see you again. I so enjoyed our meeting at the last ball and I must say I’m very glad you decided to accept my invitation.”
“We wouldn’t dream of spending the evening elsewhere,” her mother rejoined. “And may I present you my daughters? The older one is Petunia, and the younger one is Lily.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both, and I would like to introduce you to Mr and Mrs. McKinnon’s daughter, Marlene,” she said, motioning to a young lady at her side. For some reason, Lily was convinced she had already met her, but maybe she was just a classmate she had passed a couple of times in the corridors at Hogwarts. After all, Londoners were used to minding their own business there too, and she had no doubt that someone so beautiful and seemingly delicate was constantly surrounded by flocks of other adoring young women. Anyway, Lily smiled warmly at the girl, who looked to be about the same age as her, even though the similarities between them ended here: her blonde hair were a perfectly styled field of lovely golden wheat and her face was angular, a rather sharp contrast with Lily’s roundness.
 “Is this your first season?” she asked, already friendly.
Both Lily and Petunia nodded.
“How lucky!” she exclaimed. “I attended a few parties last year and may I say they were a bit… boring? Everything was so new the first time, but by the end of spring I already remembered everyone’s name. This way, I thought I could get an excellent match, but as you may see by yourself, I’m still unmarried.”
As Marlene spoke, Mrs. Evans glanced at her son, who kept flirting madly with the Italian opera singer, and frowned.
Lily felt something very uneasy in her stomach: according to recent issues of The Queen of the Quills, Mrs. Evans was on a mission to get her son married off, and while he didn’t seem the sort of man to bend to his mother’s will, or anyone’s, for the matter, she had a feeling the woman would be able to exert quite a bit of pressure is she so chose. Maybe that was why he was so intent on courting her.
After a few more moments of polite chatter, the Evans left Mrs. Potter to greet the rest of her guests and were soon accosted by Mrs. Bones, who, as the mother of three daughters, two still unmarried, always had a lot to say to Elizabeth – she had long declared herself on a first-name basis with the Evans – although that day her gaze was firmly focused on Lily, who immediately began to assess possible escape routes.
“What a surprise to see you there!” boomed the stout woman, leaving her interlocutor puzzled. “Gossip said you were ill.”
“Don’t worry, it was nothing that serious,” Lily retorted, with a weak smile. How Amelia had managed to become a pleasant person to have around with a family like hers Lily just couldn't explain.
“From what I heard, you contracted it in a rather serious way,” Mrs. Bones added, brows rising a good half inch. It was evident she knew, maybe she was even at the scene, but there was really no need to talk about it at the Potter’s.
“A way of little consequence, as you can see,” Lily countered firmly, although she was finding it difficult not to growl at the meddlesome woman.
Mrs. Bones opened her mouth, a sharp intake of breath telling she was preparing to launch into a lengthy monologue on the topic of the importance of good deportment, or good manners, or good breeding, but her youngest promptly interrupted her, offering to fetch lemonade for everyone.
“Lily, would you be so kind as to help me?” she asked, turning to the one she set out to save. “Unfortunately, I still don’t have enough hands to carry all those glasses.”
Lily tried not to appear too eager to accept, but everyone must’ve noticed their urgency to flee from how quickly they walked away, dodging those present with skill.
“Thank you,” she murmured to her saviour once they reached the lemonade stand and grabbed four glasses, for everyone except Petunia, who said she wasn’t thirsty.
“I know how my mother can be, I’m usually her favourite victim, so since I could avoid you what would’ve sounded like a lecture from an almost stranger, I took advantage of it. I’m sure somehow she would’ve found the opportunity to insert me into the conversation just to define me an impertinent social failure,” replied the other, and although a part of Lily wanted to pity her for that cruel fate – no mother should behave like that with her daughter – another part told her not to do so, because the girl needed an ally, not yet another young lady looking at her like a hopeless cause.
“Can we go back for a glass for ourselves?” asked Amelia as soon as they reunited with their families, and her mother nodded in a matter that told Lily everyone must know her youngest wasn’t her favourite.
“Why don’t we go out for a bit of fresh air? Since we’re together, we don’t need a chaperone,” suggested the redhead, who wanted a little more space to investigate on what the wizarding society really thought of Mr. Potter. Was he a hypocrite? A scoundrel? Or even a liar? Had he by chance deluded women and then abandoned them without any prospect? Did he have bastards? She didn't know why she cared so much, after all he probably believed her a menace to society, or he wouldn’t have acted as he was doing with Miss Rosso, still she needed to know if it was the norm or just a game to get back at her. So she asked, rather forward, as she and her friend sank into a cushioned bench about ten yards from the music room. They remained there for several minutes, more than pleased with the comfortable intimacy of their gossip, until they heard one particular voice rise slightly above the low rumble of the crowd, followed by decidedly musical laughter. After a shared look of realization, they hitched up their skirts by a few inches to save themselves from tripping and ducked into the doorway next to the bench, hoping Mr. Potter and his paramour would walk on by, and they could scoot back into the music room and laugh about their little adventure. As their eyes adjusted to the dimness of the room, they realized they were in some sort of office, with walls lined with books, although not enough to be a library, the place dominated by a massive oak desk with papers laid on top of it in neat piles. Clearly the place was lived, not just for show, and as curiosity got the better of them, they wandered toward the desk, Lily running her fingers along the wooden rim. The air still smelled faintly of ink, and maybe the slightest hint of pipe smoke. All in all, she decided, it was a lovely room, comfortable and practical, a place a person could spend hours in lost in lazy contemplation, but just as she was about to lean back against the desk, savouring the quiet solitude exuding from the place, she heard and awful sound. The doorknob clicked, and with a frantic gasp, Amelia disappeared, leaving her with no other option than dive under the desk, squeezing herself into the empty cube of space and thanking the heavens that it was completely solid rather than the short that rested on four spindly legs. Barely breathing, she listened, cursing herself for not taking Apparition class seriously.
“I had heard this would be the year we would finally see the notorious Mr. Potter fall into the parson’s mousetrap,” came a lilting feminine voice. Lily bit her lip, recognizing the Italian accent.
“And where did you hear that?” came James’ unmistakable voice, followed by another awful click of the doorknob that made Lily shut her eyes in agony. She was trapped in the office with a pair of lovers. Life simply couldn’t get any worse than this, unless she was discovered, though it didn’t make her feel much better about her present predicament.
“It’s all over town,” Maria replied. “Everyone is saying you have decided to settle down and choose a bride.”
There was a silence, but Lily could swear she could hear him shrug: “It’s probably past time.”
“You are breaking my heart, did you know?” she asked, making Lily nearly gag.
“Now, my sweet signorina, we both know that your heart is impervious to any of my machinations,” Mr. Potter murmured, and Lily pictured him as close as they were before, his lips nearly on her skin, because next came a rustling sound, which she took to be Maria pulling coyly away to state she wasn’t inclined for a dalliance.
“I don’t look for marriage, of course, that would be most foolish, but when I next choose a protector, it shall be for, shall we say, the long term,” she added, low and husky.
“I fail to see the problem.”
“Your future wife may not.”
“The only reason to give up one’s mistress is if one happens to love one’s wife,” Mr. Potter chuckled. “And as I don’t intend to choose a wife with whom I might fall in love, I see no reason to deny myself the pleasure of a lovely woman like you.”
Lily tried to imagine the reaction of the couple if she jumped out of her hiding place, screaming like a madwoman, asking what made him think she was the right match if that was his plan from the start. It nearly made her laugh, and at the same time she wanted to cry, because there was no way she could make the entrance she wished to make when she was squatting like a frog with her hands wrapped around her ankles. A few unintelligible sounds distracted her from her fantasies, and she dearly prayed they weren’t a prelude to something considerably more intimate. After a moment, though, Mr. Potter’s voice emerged clearly, asking to the singer if she cared for something to drink. Maria murmured her assent, and James’ forceful stride echoed along the floor, growing closer and closer, until he came into view, his athletic frame displayed to surprising benefit from her vantage point on the floor. If he just kept his face to the window as he poured, she might escape detection, but if he turned so much as halfway she would be as good as dead, for she had no doubt he would kill her. Frankly, she was surprised he hadn’t tried last week at the Serpentine.
“Is everything all right?” Maria called out, when Mr. Potter clinked the tumblers slightly together as he set them down before pouring two fingers of amber liquid into each glass.
“Perfect,” he answered, although he sounded vaguely distracted, like a dog sniffing the air around in search of his prey. Maybe that was why Lily froze and stopped breathing completely, eyes wide and unblinking, as he started to hum slightly to himself and his body slowly began to turn.
Keep walking, she screamed in her head, keep walking to your lover and don’t look back.
But it didn't go that way, and she watched with complete and utter horror as his eyes scanned her starting from her shoes and pinned her where she was.
James knew quite well why he’d brought Maria Rosso back to his study. Surely no warm-blooded man could be immune to the charm of her lush body and her intoxicating voice, and he knew from experience that her touch was equally potent, but even as he took in that silky sable hair and those full, pouting lips, even as his muscles tightened at the memory of other full, pouting parts of her body, he knew he was using her. He felt no guilt in that regard – she was using him as well, and she would at least be compensated for it, whereas he would be out several jewels, a quarterly allowance, and the rent on a fashionable townhouse in a fashionable part of town – no, if he felt uneasy and frustrated, if he felt like he wanted to put his damned fist though a brick wall, it was because he was using Maria to banish the nightmare that Lily Evans was from his mind. He never wanted to wake up hard and tortured again, knowing she was the cause, he just wanted to drown himself in another woman until the very memory of his recurring dream dissolved and faded into nothingness, because Merlin knew he was never going to act on that particular erotic fantasy because he shouldn’t like her like that. The though of making love to her, and not just bedding her, made him break out in a cold sweat, even as it swirled a ripple of desire right through his gut. Bloody hell, the woman must’ve bewitched him, there could be no other explanation for the dream, and besides, even now he could swear he could smell her. It was that maddening combination of lilies and soap, that beguiling scent that had washed over him while they were in Hyde Park.
“Is everything all right?” Maria called out.
“Perfect,” James said, voice sounding tight to his own ears. He began to hum, something he’d always done to relax, and he turned, even started to take a step forward, because after all Miss Rosso was waiting for him, but the damned scent followed him and his foot hesitated in midair, his step forward proved to be a small one instead of his usual long stride, and he kept turning, his nose instinctively twisting his eyes toward where he knew there couldn’t be lilies until he saw her under his desk, crouching like a frog. It was a wonder he didn’t drop the whiskey as their eyes met, and he saw hers widen with panic and fright.
Good, he thought savagely. What the hell was she doing here? Wasn’t making a scene after he doused himself in the filthy water of the Serpentine to rescue her enough for her bloodthirsty spirit? Did she need to spy on him as well?
“Maria,” he said smoothly, moving forward toward the desk until he was nearly stepping on Lily’s hand. “I have suddenly remembered an urgent matter of business that must be dealt with immediately.”
“This very night?” she asked, quite dubious.
“I’m afraid so. Allow me to walk you to the door,” he said, and although the singer’s eyes were curious, she still took his arm and forgave him for his rudeness for not taking her back to the music room.
“I am a grown woman, I believe I can manage the short distance,” she laughed, a low, sultry sound that should’ve seduced him. “And furthermore, I suspect there isn’t a woman alive who could deny you forgiveness with that smile.”
“You are of a rare kind, Maria Rosso,” he replied, hoping she couldn’t feel how far his head was from this conversation. Not too much physically, since Lily was just a few steps away, but metaphorically…
“But not, apparently, rare enough,” she murmured before floating out, finally giving James the possibility to shut the door with a decisive click, turn the key and pocked it. At the sound, Lily crawled out of her hiding place, leaning on the edge of the desk for support, apparently unable to start the much-needed explanation she had to give about her presence.
“Well?” he asked, breaking the bubble of silence.
“It was an accident!” she exclaimed. “I was sitting in the hall and I heard you coming. I was just trying to avoid you and your lover, to spare the embarrassment to everyone...”
“So you decided to invade my private office?” he asked, suspicious.
“I didn’t know it was your office. I…” she started, but was unable to finish her sentence, probably intimidated by his deliberate proximity. He could swear he was hearing the frantic beating of her heart coming from beneath the bodice.
“I think perhaps you did know this was my office,” he murmured, letting his forefinger trail down the side of her cheek. “Perhaps you didn’t seek to avoid me at all, on the contrary, you desired something else, something more… insane?”
Lily swallowed convulsively, long past the point of trying to maintain her composure.
“What do you say to that?” he asked, his finger sliding along her jawline.
Her lips parted, but she couldn’t have uttered a word if her life had depended on it. He wore no gloves, he removed them during his interrupted tryst with Maria, and the touch of his skin against her was so powerful it seemed to control her body, for she breathed when he paused, stopped when he moved. He had no doubt their hearts were beating in time as his breath kissed her lips, and he smiled, victorious, when she deleted the little distance still separating them. It was evident she was an innocent who wouldn’t know what it was like to have a man so near the heat of his body seeped through her clothes, who wouldn’t recognize the first prickles of desire, nor would she understand that slow, swirling heat in the core of her being, but it was there, he could see it in her face with only one look of his experienced eyes.
James told himself that if she hadn’t kissed him, he would’ve stopped right there, left her bothered and breathless, but he knew he was lying, he knew the moment there had been barely an inch between their faces back in her house and he resisted the pull to give in to her beguiling scent only because the footman might’ve saw them. But right now, there was no chaperone, they were in the privacy of his study, her mother was probably immersed in conversation and the prickles of desire he’d meant to spark within her suddenly ignited him, sending a warm claw of need to the very tips of his toes. Although her kiss had been chaste, and rather desperate, the fingers he’d been trailing along her cheek to torture her suddenly became a hand that cupped the back of her head, and his lips took hers in an explosion of desire, making her gasp against his mouth, something he took advantage of to slide his tongue between them. She was pliant in his arms, so James pressed his suit further by allowing one of his hands to slide down her back and cup the gentle curve of her derriere.
It was madness, he knew he should stop and he damned well shouldn’t have started, but his body was racing with need and he felt so good he had no intention of letting her go. It was like when he was younger, with no care in the world, and his father was still alive, ready to rule the family and gift him with the chance to mess up without consequences a little more, and at the same time he found she possessed something that suited him like no woman ever had before. Something about her was just right, maybe her smell, or maybe the way she felt in his arms, and he knew that if he stripped off all of her clothes and took her there on the carpet on the floor of his study, she would fit underneath him, around him, just right. A low, triumphant growl emerged from James’ mouth as he moved it to her slender neck and further down, in the expanse of skin usually hidden by the bodice he moved slightly, enough to not expose her right away but still more than decency allowed. With ragged and fast breath, he pinned her to his desk, crazed, frantic, leaving small red marks wherever he sucked, regardless of the consequences.
“Do you still hate me?” he asked, and when she slightly shook her head, he cupped one of her breasts, covering it entirely with his hand. Just as he was plotting the best course back to her lips, he heard the perfectly awful sound of Sirius’ voice outside the door.
“James!” he shouted. “I know you’re here and your mother does too. She needs your assistance and asked me to tell you to stop fucking Miss Rosso.”
Miss Evans, blissfully unaware of how close she’d come to having been pleasured utterly senseless, threw a horrified look to the door.
“One of these days,” James muttered, “I’m going to have to kill him.”
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✨Round 3: Match 13✨
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(Oscar Wilde art by @lhoandbehold)
Oscar Wilde Propaganda:
Actual play podcast NPC, so actual bard character. Has died twice but has come back just as iconic. In the last season he acquires the “robes of the Resplendent Thespian” which kinda looks like a Shakespeare outfit but in rainbow colours. Just… so very sparkly 
His Pathfinder class is Bard and he loves looking glamorous and casting Prestidigitation on himself. He's a powerful illusionist.
Wilde also used prestidigitation and mundane make-up to cover up the fact that he was suffering from a mysterious curse, and when someone asked if he was alright, he send up a stream of magical fireworks that spelled out "Wilde's fine, stop asking". He also got punched in the nuts by a goblin once.
Freddie Mercury Propaganda:
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evilxdoodles · 1 year
Hello everyone! I'm Mod Cover (they/any), and I'm here to cover (haha get it?) for Quill and Novel while they deal with Real Life. Nice to meet you! I don't bring an EX of my own, I'm just here to babysit the two gremlins v
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also hey, mod quill here! everyone say a big thank you to mod cover for being a real one.
with that, we are also rebranding to evilxdoodles! mods are all gonna be in college and uni in the future and Life Stuff(tm) but we don’t want to go inactive completely, so non daily doodles it is! it also takes the pressure off for us to keep doing stuff at our own pace and not feel bad about missing days :3
thank you all so much for the support! we’ll see you in the next doodle! 🫡
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beat the marvel sibling curse if you are the best mcu siblings and they accepted the challenge and passed it with flying colours and so would Shuri and T’challa if not for real life reasons! them being my fav characters and siblings means so much to me y’all don’t even knw
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 3 months
Summary: What if the light had stayed with Meredith? This work is the first part in a series that answers that question. It reverses the timeline of the movies; Ego is dealt with in this work, and Ronan in the next. I always thought it was a little lame that Meredith's function in the movies (and comics, actually) is just to give birth to Peter and then die. I think Peter would agree; his mother was more than that. This is a fic to illuminate what might have happened if Meredith Quill had followed her son to space. If you like handyman badass secretly-cinnamon-roll Kraglin, emotional sassy mothering Meredith, grumbly badass angst-covering Yondu, and peppy pickpocket rambunctious Peter, then this fic is for you. Meredith Quill, Mother of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Author: TheBetterAngelsOfOurNature
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choco-courtier · 19 days
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now here we go, it's the end of the show!
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olithegeek · 2 years
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Pov you are a paranoid workaholic trying to find out where the crisp wrappers are coming from
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just-an-enby-lemon · 4 months
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sboochi · 2 years
Hi again! I have another question about your tts au! Since Jack Frost is connected to the moonstone, is he also affected by the "Hurt Incantation" Rapunzel discovered at the Great Tree? Like, does he also get a corrupted, dark form like Rapunzel does when she sings the song?
Now that I think about it, we never got to see Cassandra use it, did we? Only the rock incantation...
Assuming the effects on the caster's body are the same as Rapunzel's, I guess Jack would get his own dark-and-spooky skin!
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Though I think that maybe future!moonstone would be powerless until past!moonstone is lost/destroyed, to keep it balanced
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elliemarchetti · 4 months
The Queen of the Quills Masterlist
Since the chapters are starting to be quite a lot (at least by my standards) and the timeline is getting more complicated, I thought of creating a general masterlist featuring both Jily and Blackinnon Edition, so that anyone interested can enjoy the two stories in the correct order.
As I have already specified, it isn't necessary to read both to understand one plot or the other, but some details are shared and to fully experience Regency wizarding London I created this index.
Blackinnon Edition (Part I)
Blackinnon Edition (Part II)
Jily Edition (Part I)
Blackinnon Edition (Part III)
Jily Edition (Part II)
Jily Edition (Part III)
Jily Edition (Part IV)
Jily Edition (Part V)
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dibbi-has-thoughts · 1 year
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This is only sort of a joke
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koritea · 2 months
For the song ask: 11, 14 and 20 😊
11. A song that makes you dance
The Daycare Theme from FNAFSB! I'm obsessed with the silly jesters and while the music is terribly grating and repetitive (as it's supposed to be lol), it makes my heart happy :>
14. A song you love to sing along to
You play Bohemian Rhapsody and I'll belt it out like my life depends on it!! Love that song. I know it by heart!
20. A song you’d put on a playlist for the person who sent you this ask
Strawberry Blonde by Mitski! Reminds me of Penna :>
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