#queen cl
celaenaeiln · 7 months
What are some of your favorite Dick Grayson moments?
Please and Thank You 😃
My favorites will always be Dick being the canonical center of the DC universe 😌
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Dark Crisis Issue #1
The greatest hope and the leader of the ages
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #49
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The Brave and Bold (2007) Issue #15
"And no one doubts that you're the best one to strategize a counterattack."
"Next to Superman, Dick Grayson is the one guy alive that every other crimefighter trusts."
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JLA/Titans Issue #2
"--Founders of the original Teen Titans--"
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Titans (2003) Issue #23
"It's a natural thing when Nightwing shows up. None of us are conscious of it, really--but we all look to him for orders."
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #9
"You vouching for someone is worth its weight in gold. It was true in my world, and it's true in this one. In fact, of everyone I've met here, you're the least changed from the version I knew. Always confident, always kind, always cool. Dick Grayson--the multiuniversal constant."
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JLA (1997) Issue #73
"It was sad at first. We were discussing the work--this work...and I asked him if he ever felt pride." "He didn't....then he stopped for a second and said...'The only time I ever feel pride is when I look at Nightwing. Sometimes I think he's the only thing I ever did right.'"
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Batman: Urban Legends Issue #22
"We have a shorthand I don't share with any of the others, save for maybe Alfred. He's always been the one keeping me centered. Grounded."
"Dick's the beating heart of this family we've created, whether he realizes it or not."
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Titans (2003) Issue #6
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JLA (1997) Issue #71
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Nemesis - The Impostors Issue #3
Batman!Dick - he's so freaking cool!!!
He's so amazing and cool and extraordinary and over competent. He's what everyone looks up to. He's collectively placed on a pedal so high by every hero and anti-hero in that everyone wants to be him or be acknowledged by him. People have died in his footsteps. Even the Titans, his own friends, hero-worship, look up to him as the peak of excellence and goodness.
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #50
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World's Finest: Teen Titans Issue #5
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Titans (2016) Annual 1
The paragon of rightness and justice of the world - Superman - thinks dick is the best thing to ever come into existence.
Whenever you read a comic, there's always some character that goes "Nightwing!" when something happens and another responds "Dude, he's Nightwing. He'll be fine. He always is." That's the amount of confidence heroes have in him to always succeed and excel.
Like Kon said - when he shows up, people automatically fall in line. It's like second-nature to just follow him.
Dick has that Charisma, the leadership, and the strength to hold the entire community together and as a result the world. He's proven it, he's done it. Whenever the Justice League evaporates in any situation - because this isn't the first time the JL have died/gone missing - everyone turns to Nightwing for order and direction.
Truly, he's the greatest.
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808airsoftbros · 1 year
Life of Two Vampire Queens (IU/CL)
Author: Just another AI-written story that I came up with. Hope you enjoy and do check out my Masterlist
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I took a deep breath as I stepped away from the throne, feeling the weight of centuries of ruling finally being lifted from my shoulders. The decision to retire had been a difficult one, but with my one-year-old baby, Y/N, growing up so quickly, I knew it was time to focus my attention on him.
As I moved into a cozy beachside mansion, I found joy in watching Y/N learn to walk and say his first adorable words. But the realization quickly hit me—now that I was retiring, I would have to homeschool the little troublemaker. Oh, how naive I was to think it would be a simple task. Life with Y/N was a series of near-disasters and constant mischief.
No matter how vigilant I was, he always seemed to find a way to stir up trouble. One minute I would turn my eyes away, and the next, he'd be dangling precariously from the chandelier.
It was one restless night when I woke up, sensing something was amiss. My heart raced, but instead of panicking, I trusted my instincts. I gently slipped out of bed, careful not to alert Y/N as I crept through the dark house.
His presence guided me, his scent like a compass, leading me to his whereabouts. I found him in the kitchen, sitting on the countertop, his tiny fingers tracing the edge of a sharp knife. The sight brought forth a mix of relief and frustration. "Y/N! You naughty rascal," I scolded, sweeping him up into my arms. "You could've hurt yourself!"
In that moment, I realized that raising Y/N would never be easy. But, as I looked into his innocent eyes, I couldn't help but find his mischief amusing. Life had become an adventure, filled with laughter and the occasional scream of terror. And somehow, amidst the chaos, I found joy.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months as Y/N continued to explore the world around him. Each day brought a new challenge, a new opportunity for him to test my patience and creativity.
Teaching a two-year-old was no easy feat, especially when his attention span rivalled that of a caffeinated squirrel. I tried to instill knowledge in him, from basic mathematics to the beauty of language, but his mischievous nature often got in the way.
One day, as we sat at the kitchen table, trying to learn the alphabet, Y/N decided it was an ideal time to toss his cereal across the room, creating a sea of colorful letters. I sighed, on the verge of exasperation. "Y/N, baby, we need to focus," I pleaded, desperately trying to regain his attention.
He giggled mischievously, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Cherwee!" he exclaimed, pointing at a random letter on the floor. I laughed, unable to resist the infectious joy that radiated from him. "It's not 'cherwee,' darling. It's 'three.' Can you say that?"
Y/N scrunched up his face, contemplating the word. After a moment of silence, he erupted with a high-pitched shriek. "Thwee!"
"Yes, close enough!" I praised him, clapping my hands.
Life with Y/N continued to be a whirlwind of laughter and chaos. Each day brought new adventures, from building pillow forts to attempting to bake cookies (which ended up resembling charcoal briquettes). Y/N was a constant reminder of the joys and challenges of motherhood.
One evening, as we snuggled together on the couch, Y/N cuddled into my arms, a contented hum escaping his lips. I watched him sleep peacefully, his tiny frame rising and falling with each delicate breath.
In those quiet moments, I reflected on the love that enveloped us. Yes, Y/N was a handful, constantly bringing mayhem into our lives. But he was also the embodiment of my love, a tiny piece of me that I cherished.
As Y/N dreamt, I tucked a stray lock of hair behind his ear, marveling at the beautiful mess he had made of our once orderly lives.
And in that moment, surrounded by the remnants of yet another adventure, I knew that the chaos was worth every scream, every giggle, and every hum.
Years passed, and Y/N grew from a mischievous toddler into a curious and spirited child.
Together, we navigated the ups and downs of parenthood, finding joy in the simplest of moments.
The beachside mansion stood witness to our journey, bearing the marks of our laughter and the echoes of our adventures. It continued to be a place of endless discoveries, where love flourished amidst chaos.
Author's POV
Lee Jieun, the newly crowned Vampire Queen, sat upon her majestic throne, adorned in her regal attire. Her royal duties took up most of her time, but there was one task that proved to be an even greater challenge: raising her two-year-old toddler husband, Lee Y/N.
As she presided over her kingdom, surrounded by advisors and courtiers, Y/N would cling to her leg and tug on her garments, yearning for her attention.
Jieun would force a smile, stifling any frustration that threatened to bubble up. After all, it wouldn't do for a queen to lose her composure in front of her subjects.
Her older sister, Lee Chaerin, observed this scene with amusement. With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, she leaned in closer to her sister, whispering, "Jieun, you're doing such a fantastic job ruling over these bloodsuckers. But perhaps it's time to call in reinforcements. Why not let Princess Kim Taeyeon look after the little troublemaker for a while?"
Jieun considered the suggestion. Taeyeon was a trusted ally and a capable babysitter.
Maybe it was time for her to take a much-needed break from the demands of parenthood. "You know what, Chaerin? I think that's a splendid idea. Let Taeyeon have a turn at keeping Y/N entertained." 
And so, during a particularly intense negotiation meeting with the neighboring werewolf clan, Princess Kim Taeyeon took charge of the mischievous toddler.
She carted him off to the playroom, where toys and distractions galore awaited.
Jieun breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the momentary respite. With her mind now free from the worries of hearing a tiny voice during important discussions, the queen focused on the matters at hand.
She deftly addressed each concern, displaying the grace and wisdom befitting of a ruler.
But just as she thought she had found her equilibrium, a shrill cry of longing pierced the serenity of the throne room. Jieun's heart sank as she recognized that unmistakable wail—it was Y/N.
She hurriedly excused herself and raced to the playroom, finding Y/N tucked in a corner, surrounded by toys he had flung to the floor during his tantrum. Her heart softened at the sight of his tear-streaked face, and she couldn't resist the urge to scoop him up into her arms. 
"There, there, my little one," Jieun cooed, gently rocking him back and forth. "Mama is here. Mama will always be here."
She kissed his forehead and carried him back to the throne room, where he nestled against her shoulder.
As she settled back onto her throne, she addressed her advisors, exuding a newfound determination. "From now on, I will manage both my duties as the Vampire Queen and my role as Y/N's guardian. I will show him the love and attention he deserves, regardless of where life takes me."
And so, Lee Jieun embraced the challenges of ruling her kingdom and raising her two-year-old toddler husband.
With a balance of patience, love, and the occasional interruption, she found a way to fulfill her responsibilities with unwavering grace.
As Y/N grew older, he became more accustomed to the courtly affairs, often joining Jieun during important meetings.
Together, they thrived, their unique dynamic becoming the talk of both vampire and human realms alike.
And so, the Vampire Queen and her remarkable toddler husband presided over their kingdom, leaving an indelible mark on the immortal world and proving that love knows no boundaries, even in the unlikeliest of circumstances.
"Yes! I shall conquer this throne!" Jieun proclaimed, hugging Y/N close, laughter filling the air.
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I couldn't decide which flavour of lines for her... Jirel of Joiry, warrior Queen from the 1930's - created by the great C. L. Moore.
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stalebagels · 9 months
I was watching the Carol & The End of the World series tonight and finally noticed the plate on Donna's car.
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xxxthebaddestfemalexxx · 10 months
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hotdyke-hardstyle · 2 months
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CL at Waterbomb Fukuoka
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hotasfahrenheit · 4 months
y'all i'm rewatching 2NE1 mvs (like you do) and some of them i admittedly haven't watched in years and i can't believe i forgot that Go Away has an actually insane storyline that involves CL's absuive ex dumping her then hitting her when she tries to confront him, so she gets revenge by being a better race car driver AND BLOWING HIS CAR UP DURING A RACE??!?!?
how could anyone ever forget this????
and it ends with the car burning in the background while the other girls pat her on the shoulder in congratulations????
god i love them and miss them every day, how did we ever deserve 2NE1???
(tw for the scene where her ex hits her obv)
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clubkidandcollectives · 7 months
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nictzzi · 2 years
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💭% cl moodboard 🤍🫂
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aplateoflasagna · 1 month
CL at Treasure's concert???!!?!!
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black-arcana · 4 months
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moonchild-in-blue · 6 months
Oh, to be CL in the 5 Star mv 😮‍💨
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semie78 · 1 year
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So when I recording a group project on zoom I found this masterpiece @a-queenoffairys and I did last year~
My art was the ones with the pixel lineart and queen's was the smoother lines, we hope you enjoy this lol
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onlyforthegirls · 1 year
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xxxthebaddestfemalexxx · 10 months
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sunmiyane · 1 year
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Still my favorite CL photoshoot ever 🖤🤍🖤
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