#quarter romulan
sirellas · 5 months
was about to say this in the tags of a post but then I realized I had nothing nice to say lol and op didn't deserve that, but I did not like tng the drumhead whatsoever. everyone was saying wild ooc shit except picard who once again is presented as the moral authority. I think tng has some really weak setups for its plots a lot of the time but this one didn't even make sense for multiple characters (except the most perfect specialist boy picard!!!) and it was so obvious they just wanted to push through the plot/sense to get to the picard moral high ground. long time listeners will know I am not a fan of JL as he is often written. I think he as a character is a case of too many cooks in the kitchen trying to make completely different recipes. and so often everyone else's characterization is fucked at the expense of making him look like a badass. but at his core he is not a badass. he is a depressed archeologist who longs to be day drunk.
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I havent thought about this much but you can tell how well Starfleet is doing by how often their crew is at the bar...
ENT: Exploratory military vessel, alien conflict left and right, people mostly do the communal meals thing and drink alone in their quarters. Sir yes sir.
DISCO: People dealing with ethics and universe ending shit way too fucking often. Things too heavy, usually drinking in their quarters or at a non-federation bar with green people.
SNW: Federation at peace again, just came out of the Klingon war, scanning quasars and shit and loving it. Everyone at the bar all the fucking time, amazing any science shit ever gets done at all. Fucking golden age.
TOS: Mother-fucking Trelane and Romulans and fucking Khan and world ending whale probes and shit all the god-damn time. A whole bottle of Saurian brandy in my fucking quarters like a real man.
TNG: On the one hand I got turned into a blacklight alien last week and didn't even get an apology, on the other we got Whoopie Goldberg making Risan Sunsets and dispensing wisdom down in ten forward... maybe a best of times/worst of times kinda deal?
TNG (Movies): Who's got time for drinking on this goddamn ship... fucking Borg.
VOY: We don't have any room on this ship for a bar, and we get in trouble when we get caught sniffing the organic gel packs running the ship, so we are gonna spend all our free time getting drunk on the holodeck till those mother-fucking programs start questioning their existence.
PIC: Guinan! My girl! You are looking fucking fit! Fuck the wine, pass me the Romulan ale!
LOWDeck: Things are chill again (thank fucking god!) Everyone is back at the bar all the fucking time again, amazing any science shit ever gets done, let's never get into it with dangerous dinosaur aliens from the delta quadrant ever again!
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electronickingdomfox · 2 months
USS Enterprise decks
Updated part 1 here
Updated part 2 here
This post got me thinking about the actual location inside the ship of several areas. Sure, there are many blueprints and reference books that have published complete and detailed layouts of the Enterprise. But ultimately, they're interpretations of different authors, filling in the blanks, and they often disagree with each other.
So this is a list of the bare minimum of facts. All the deck locations that can be gleaned from TOS episodes. Beyond that, it's up to anyone's imagination.
*Feel free to make additions or corrections to this post. This is only in reference to the original ship as seen in the series, not taking into account the refit ship from the movies, or alterations/retcons introduced in later series.
Saucer section (primary hull)
Most locations seen in the series belong to this section (as deduced from the curved corridors). The first version of the Writer's Guide tell us it has 20 decks. The later edition (season 2 onwards) reduced the decks to 11.
Deck 1
-Bridge: Obvious from a simple inspection of the ship's exterior. And also confirmed by the Writer's Guide to be in this deck.
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Deck 2
-The Romulan Commander's "guest" quarters: Spock tells the turbolift to bring them to this deck, before leaving her in detention, in "The Enterprise Incident". I don't think we ever see other location said to be here (maybe she got the whole deck for herself; lucky!).
Deck 3
-Recreation room 6: Rand offers Charlie to come here, in "Charlie X".
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-Recreation room 3: Spock says Bele is chasing Lokai in front of this place, in "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield".
-Crewmen's lounge: Same as above.
Deck 4
-Environmental control: Scotty says power's been shut down here, in "The Ultimate Computer".
-Living quarters: Kirk confirms this, in "The Ultimate Computer".
Deck 5
-Sickbay: Kirk brings Spock to this deck after ordering him to report to sickbay, in "Amok Time". He does the same with Elaan of Troyius. Strangely enough, most blueprints place sickbay in deck 7 instead.
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-Kirk's quarters: Confirmed in "Journey to Babel", which also shows the cabin number (3F 121). The same number was first seen in "The Conscience of the King", but without specifying the deck.
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-Recreation room 3: Spock says Bele is chasing Lokai in front of this place, in "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield". May be a script error, since a moment ago he had said this place was in deck 3.
-Transporter room: As Lokai seems to run directly here, we may assume it's also in deck 5 (though there are probably many more transporter rooms throughout the ship).
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Deck 6
-Briefing room: Sargon calls McCoy from here, in "Return to Tomorrow". May be the same briefing room from other episodes.
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-Guest rooms: Bele and Lokai are assigned quarters here, in "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield".
-Living quarters: Kirk confirms this, in "The Ultimate Computer".
Deck 8
-Auxiliary control: The android Norman hijacks the controls here, in "I, Mudd".
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-Evaluation laboratory: Seen on a plaque, in "And the Children Shall Lead". Kirk and Spock arrived on this deck in search for Auxiliary control, so it should be in deck 8 as well.
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Deck 12
-Janice Rand's quarters: In "The Enemy Within", after seeing Rand attacked by evil Kirk, a crewman reports they're in deck 12. The number of her cabin is also visible (3C 46).
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-Kirk's quarters: In very early episodes ("Mudd's Women" and "The Enemy Within"), Kirk's quarters were here, instead of in deck 5. Since the number of saucer decks was reduced to 11 in season 2, the change makes sense.
Deck 14
-Transporter room: In "Dagger of the Mind", Dr. Van Gelder is locked in this deck, after arriving inside a cargo box.
-Personnel Director office: Seen on a plaque during Van Gelder's escape.
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-Science Library: Same as above.
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Unknown deck
These are some locations, likely from the saucer section, but with unspecified deck. There are plenty of such examples, so this isn't an exhaustive list.
-Impulse engines: The Writer's Guide confirms that the impulse engines are in the primary hull, in case of saucer separation. I think the impulse engines are only seen in "The Doomsday Machine", when Scotty is working aboard the identical Constellation. Though they look just as a reused set from Engineering.
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-Spock's quarters: The cabin number is seen in "Amok Time" (3F 125). Possibly, it's in deck 5 near Kirk's quarters, considering the similar numbering.
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-McCoy's quarters: Only seen in "The Man Trap" (I think), which also shows the number (3F 127). Again, it's probably near Kirk and Spock's cabins.
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-Mudd's quarters: The number is barely legible, but looks like 3F 125, in "Mudd's Women". This happens to be the same as Spock's cabin. The likely explanation is that they didn't have a design for Spock's quarters so early in the series. The fun explanation is that they evicted Spock just to make room for Mudd.
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-Uhura's quarters: Seen in "The Tholian Web", and adapted for Elaan in "Elaan of Troyius".
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-Scotty's quarters: Seen in "By Any Other Name".
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-Life Science Section - Botany Department: Seen in "The Man Trap".
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-Gymnasium: Seen in "Charlie X".
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-Officer's mess: Seen in "Space Seed".
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-Botanical garden: Seen in "Is There in Truth No Beauty?".
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-Briefing room: Different from the usual briefing room, it's seen in "Space Seed" when they decide Khan's fate.
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-Biochemistry lab: Seen in "The Deadly Years".
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Since I've reached the picture limit, the continuation with the Engineering hull sets will be in another post, here.
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stra-tek · 11 months
Big List of Universes in Star Trek:
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Where most of Trek takes place. TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, DSC, LWD, PRO, PIC, SNW etc. Gets a bit complicated in that the Temporal Wars from Enterprise have explicitly rewritten some events but for the most part it's all one enormous continuity. Just don't ask about the Eugenics Wars
Where the rebooted movies take place, essentially Prime until the day of Jim Kirk's birth, when a Romulan from the Prime future appears and begins wreaking havok, sending events on a familiar but different path with more running and explosions
The morally inverted version of the Prime universe. Often the same people in the same place at the same time as Prime except under radically different circumstances. The Kelvin timeline has it's own mirror universe and the Coda books imply they're different sides of the same coin so perhaps every universe has it's mirror. Everyone dresses very slutty and all the women are at the very least bi. Almost as if it was written by men to appeal to teenage boys.
The First Splinter
Where the entire Star Trek novelverse takes place. Essentially Prime up until First Contact, although many events after that tie into ones hundreds of years before so it's all a bit complicated. Hundreds of stories exist here, as varied and amazing and sometimes awful as the TV shows and movies. Erased from history in 2387 but everyone you've loved and read about for years die horrible, horrible deaths first
Megas Tu
Accessed through a portal at the centre of our galaxy, a universe where magic is real and the source of many Earth myths and legends. Lucien is Satan but he's actually a pretty cool guy. Kirk and Spock learned to use magic there.
300,000 universes converge, ranging from ones where Worf has a different painting in his quarters to him banging Troi to the Borg having conquered the Federation
Black stars on a white void, ships fly backwards, at warp 36, the elderly grow young and live backwards and I'm afraid to ask how this reverse life ends
Second History
From the novel Killing Time. Super gay and angsty. Romulans alter history, leading to Spock being captain and Jim Kirk being a drug addict ensign on the V.S.S. ShiKahr
A bootleg version of Star Trek in a fan film universe, altered on day two of filming after the Axanar drama began. It's Star Trek with the serial numbers just barely filed off. The Confederation instead of the Federation, Sector 6 instead of Section 31, Kovok instead of Tuvok, Jemison instead of Uhura, Rigillians instead of Romulans and so on. 2 novels were released which try to differentiate the universes more clearly, and the last Renegades film Ominara re-reboots the whole thing and features an Uhura-ish character and the Star Trek ish sets, but otherwise everything else is different.
Created by Q to test Jean-Luc and friends in season 2 of Picard, this was along the lines of the Mirror universe but with a divergence point in 2024, if Trump wins the election if Picard's ancestor Renee goes into space or not.
A crossover with this universe in SNW "Subspace Rhapsody" leads to the quadrant singing uncontrollably, accompanied by music and with full choreography.
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t0ast-ghost · 4 months
Star Trek II: Wrath Of Khan thoughts:
For this post if I could simply embed the entire movie and just write the word, ‘queer’ I would. Unfortunately you are all stuck with this, happy pride month!
Spoilers for the entire movie will be featured in this post
Going forth:
- I know what the kobayashi maru is so I know they’re not in danger but that’s some good acting Bones
- “‘Physician heal thyself.’” “Is that all you’ve got to say? What about my performance?” “I’m not a drama critic.” Thinking about this pose thinking about this pose thinking about thi-
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- “Galloping around the cosmos is a game for the young, Doctor.” He’s feeling something and projecting
- “Aren’t you dead?” That’s certainly a way to greet your husband
- They’re so cute. And sad. And cute.
- tiny guys hehe. The boots got sluttier somehow
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- McCoy got him glasses cause he can’t read the book without it and bring up that post that’s saying how Spock and McCoy’s gifts go together but McCoy got the logical thing and Spock got the emotional one
- Don’t quote me on this but the things I would do to that man… I wouldn’t.. but holy shit that outfit is killing me.
- hi checkov
- Carol Marcus? Doesn’t she have Kirk’s-? okay then I won’t spoil that just yet
- Creature in a jar moving under the sand
- BOTANY BAY????? Oh wait a sec I should’ve seen that coming it’s called wrath of khan
- Did they kill Chekov?
- hello Khan. That’s a very long and dramatic reveal he’s kinda hot tho
- Thinking about genetic engineering and augmentation and how they’re illegal but star trek presents cases where people now exist and it’s not the fault of the person that they are what they are so they have to question if an entire person should be illegal because of the actions of others… anyway I don’t wanna get deep into this right now, back to the movie
- Are they going to kill Chekov? (edit: not sure why I’m so fixated on thinking they’re gonna)
- brain worms… this sounds recently familiar
- The conversation between Savik and Spock is so precious. And it’s in Vulcan. And she says “He’s more human than I expected” and it’s like that’s her commenting on Spock’s husband
- Kirk does not want to do this inspection
- McCoy does a little bounce
- “For everything there is a first time. Wouldn’t you agree, admiral” “mmhhmm” “Would you like a tranquilizer?” *Kirk shakes his head*
- I think this one has a more solid plot. I’m enjoying so far :)
- Does McCoy serve on this ship or is he just following along?
- (Had to stop watching around here because I left for the weekend so these thoughts are potentially a bit different)
- wowah! Cool ship!
- uh oh. Chekov on the monitor with the brain worm!
- khan is kinda- yeahh
- I LOVE SAAVIK! RAHHH! Also apparently Saavik is canonically half Vulcan half Romulan according to the trivia
- I like how Bones is just there :)
- Putting Spock in black… they knew what they were doing
- They’re husbands your honour. Spock knows Kirk wants to take command and isn’t to proud to get in the way of making his wife happy
- “You are my superior officer. You are also my friend. I have been and always shall be yours.” Kissing would have been less romantic
- George Takei’s voice is majestic
- “He tasks me. He tasks me and I shall have him. I’ll chase him round the moons of Nibia and round the Antares maelstrom and round perdition’s flames before I give him up.” Not obsessive at all.. nope this is something completely and totally normal to say about your nemesis
- “Uhura, have Doctor McCoy join us (Kirk and Spock) in my quarters.” Hmmmmm.. gotta inform the whole polycule about the shady government experiment
- lmao BOTH Spock and McCoy know who Carol Marcus is
- “Really, Dr. McCoy, you must learn to govern your passions. They will be your undoing.” Flirting, gentlemen?
- How and why does Starfleet continually put Spock and McCoy together? Like this alert would be sent out 24/7
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- Spock and his awesome daughter Saavik
- falling
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- Kirk with the breast flap down
- such a good moment… such a great moment (sorry for shitty photos)
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- Kirk has to put on his little glasses <3
- Kirk does NOT fuck around
- Poor Scotty. He’s got so much emotion about his dead crew mate and the doctor apologizing to him 🥺🥺🥺
- Saavik making up rules to make sure the admiral is safe. Love her.
- “Jim, be careful.” “We will.” MCCOY IS SO BITTER. Like ‘no wishes of luck for me, Spock? Fuck you!’
- The collar on that uniform is silly
- hehe McCoy got scared by a rat. OH HE ALSO GOT SCARED BY A DEAD BODY
- Kirk’s little disappointed “oh my god” as he finds Chekov in the cupboard
- “Suppose they went nowhere.” “Then this’ll be your big chance to get away from it all.” McCoy’s not leaving Kirk, but he still looks like he wants to strangle him sometimes
- Kirk not afraid to punch a bitch
- WAIT THATS KIRKS SON?!? Isn’t it?? I thought David was Carol’s brother. But nope!
- aww dammnit I knew they were still mind controlled :/
- Saavik saving David. Y’know it would be pretty cool if there was something about Saavik, David, and Johanna meeting and maybe serving on a ship of their own.. idk just thoughts.
- ewwww brain worm.
- mmmm Kirk without the jacket. The white turtleneck with sleeves… also McCoy and Saavik are slaying with their turquoise and orange turtlenecks
- “Food the first order of survival.” I bet the fanfic writers had a field day with this one (cause cause it’s a reference to Tarsus IV)
- Imagine this: you’re stuck underground with your husband, your other husbands adopted daughter, your ex, her son (who’s also your son), and your old Russian navigator who’s unconscious and tried to kill you while being mind controlled by a worm which came out of his ear
- David’s got Kirk’s curls <333
- Kirk has a thing for people who look good in blue. Change my damn mind.
- “I don’t believe in a no win scenario.” He immediately calls Spock afterwards cause he’ll never lose with his husbands around
- “You lied.” “I exaggerated.” Yep, he IS that bitch
- Saavik is learning so much from them
- They still just.. let anyone onto the bridge. Like David is just there now
- oh no Scotty! Well McCoy was miraculously there to catch him
- Once again. Kirk does not fuck around! He just killed those guys
- “To the last I will grapple with thee.” WOW. Okay. Well.
- Khan’s about to terraform this bitch
- McCoy stopping Spock from going into the chamber..
- “You’re not going in there!” “Perhaps you’re right. What is Mr. Scott’s condition?” SIKE BITCH SPOCK JUST FUCKING NERVE PINCHED HIM. McCoy you should’ve been tipped off by the fact he 1. Said you were right and 2. Gave up trying to self sacrifice so easily
- wait why’d Spock connect to McCoy’s psi points and say remember? Remember what?
- I like there’s just a sign that flashes the word ‘radiation’ in red letters
- McCoy and Scotty BEGGING Spock not to do this. Break my fucking heart why don’t you?
- Kirk’s little run to the engine room <3
- I know he’s dying but those boots are so slutty
- Solely watching Kirk’s face is already like watching 10 puppies get killed
- “Don’t grieve, admiral.” Has me crying already. Your closest and longest friend is watching your slow descent into death and you ask him not to grieve you. You want him to know your death meant something. It meant he’d be safe and that is nothing to grieve. I’m going to be sick
- don’t touch me I’m thinking about this
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- Kirk’s voice breaking.. god. Shatter my fucking heart why don’t you?
- if they play bagpipes at my funeral I’m rising from the dead (violins would be nice though)
- “They’re just words.” “But good words. That’s where ideas begin. Maybe you should listen to them.” POP OFF DAVID ! Good line
- There’s 8 minutes left of this. Did they leave this one with Spock dead?
- “He’s really not dead, as long as we remember him.” Good words McCoy. But perhaps maybe you might have some.. assistance remembering him?
- got distracted and drew Kirk but I love the last little Spock narration. Really brave to end a WHOLE MOVIE with one of the best most well known characters being dead
Well that movie did have its pros and… khans
See you next time
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mylordshesacactus · 18 days
Rihannsu starships ran colder than their Klingon or Federation counterparts. Starfleet vessels aimed, in all things, for a kind of pleasant neutrality. Their climate controls were mild; not too cool for their short sleeves and light fabric, not too warm for long pants and multi-layered uniforms. KDF ships historically placed far more engineering emphasis on weapons than anything else; their environmental systems were perpetually fighting a doomed but honorable battle against tight quarters, naturally high Klingon body temperatures, and thick leather armor. No such issue on the Ecurai. The warbirds of the Republic were kept cool—not cold, but not quite warm. You wouldn’t get a chill in shirtsleeves, but you’d certainly be more comfortable if you put on a light coat. Which meant that Satra Valel registered the absence of a warm body in her bunk almost before she was fully awake.
No real context or prior knowledge needed for this piece--this is just a sweet, tender ficlet about a pair of incredibly married Romulans that I think y'all will appreciate.
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lambic-pentameter · 7 months
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@sebastianmercier i got u dude
Cirrus and Madala Bashir have been sitting, watching their uncle through the window, for the past 10 minutes at least.
There had been…rumors…among their cousins the cardassian that uncle Julian brought home wasn’t exclusively a friend.
“I don’t see it.” Cirrus said. Cirrus has never been in a romantic relationship (most kids haven’t) and never planned to, so maybe they’re not the best judge.
“I do.” Madala has also never been in a romantic relationship, but many of her friends have (occasionally with each other. Dating in a group got messy very quick).
“They’re just sitting at a table and talking. Does uncle Julian even like men?”
“‘Does uncle Julian like men’ have you even met him before.”
“Look, I don’t know! I don’t pay attention to that stuff.”
“Yeah, you’re too busy playing games on your padd.”
“It’s called coding—” Cirrus is cut off by Madala elbowing them in the torso.
“Ow! What the heck?”
Uncle Julian takes the cardassian’s (His name is Garak, right? Cirrus doesn’t remember) hands into his own, leaning closer to his face.
“Can you hear what they’re saying?” Cirrus whispers, despite the fact they’re behind a window and several meters away.
Madala presses her ear to the window.
Cirrus sighs. “Darn you, Federation provided reinforced transparent aluminum they give to all Starfleet families.”
“No they don’t.”
“No, mom’s just paranoid.”
“But that’s what she told me…”
“You know she doesn’t like uncle Julian being in Starfleet, she’s worried about our safety.”
“I don’t think the Romulans or whatever will care about two random shut-in kids.”
“You’d be surprised. My friend had to move out to Vulcan.”
Madala focuses back on the task at hand, “Maybe we can send Krishen out. She’s young enough to spy and play innocent.”
“Maybe…oh shoot, they’re looking at us!”
The two children duck down from the window, not wanting their intel gathering to be interrupted.
“Yes, Elim?”
“I believe your—what’s it called again? Your ‘niblings’ are trying to spy on us.”
Julian turns to the window Garak had been staring at, and what do you know it, the blur of two children ducking down below the view of the window is what can be seen.
“Rather sloppy work, if I do say so myself. If I wanted to gather intel on family relations I would’ve at least planted a bug.”
“Not everyone had the head of the Obsidian Order for a father, Elim.” Julian says, with a knowing smile.
“I suppose their idea of espionage is a good one, for children raised in a paradise.”
“You think that they’re speculating about our relationship?”
“Oh, certainly. Their uncle, who’s been living out on Deep Space Nine moves to Cardassia, and then comes to visit Earth with a cardassian.That would arouse suspicion in anyone.”
“Huh. I suppose that’s true…hm.”
“What is it, dear?”
“I’ve been wondering about this cardassian myself…”
Julian leans even closer to Garak than he was before, barely a hair separating them.
“Who he is, why he’s here, why he’s so interested in me..”
“Perhaps we should discuss it in your quarters over a book and two Tarkalean teas?”
“I would very much appreciate that.”
Julian gets up first, grazing his hand along Garaks neck and down to his arm, pulling him along to their guest room.
Two shocked faces (which had since reappeared in the window) can be seen.
“Oh my gosh.” Cirrus had their hands on the sides of their head.
“Oh my gosh.”
“That’s like. That’s.”
“That’s basically MAKING OUT for cardassians.”
The siblings look at each other.
“We have to tell everyone, right?” Cirrus asks.
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deepspacedukat · 3 months
Praetor's Pride - Part 6
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Y'know, at first I was worried that this would turn out to be a filler chapter, but it turned out to be something else entirely thanks to a plot bunny that halfway ties together two ideas I had. This fic will probably end up being around fifteen chapters, so strap idn for a long journey, and enjoy, friends! I know I haven't updated in ages, but life is busy and writer's block is a bitch.
Part 1 here. Part 2 here. Part 3 here. Part 4 here. Part 5 here.
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Praetor Hiren (ST:Nemesis) x Reader; Senator Letant (ST:DS9) x Reader
[A/N: This has smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Human/Romulan sex, innuendo, ogling, heavy flirtation, literal sleeping together, dirty talk, implied spanking, mild angst.
After months of sand swirling around my head, getting in my hair, and nearly blinding me, the cool, climate-controlled environment of Deep Space Nine felt like the height of luxury. The Vulcan heat, I'd discovered, was quite possibly the most stifling climate I'd ever experienced - even Andoria's frigid icy surface was more enjoyable.
When I'd arrived on the former Cardassian station, I'd lowered the temperature in my quarters and practically lived in my bed the first day. It was lazy, it was selfish, but oh stars it felt incredible to not be on the verge of melting for once.
All in all, Vulcan hadn't been completely unpleasant, but the heat was one thing I could definitely do without. Despite feeling as though I was roasting alive every time I walked outside, my spirits during my stay there had been kept rather high by my correspondence with both Letant and Hiren. The letters I received from them were the highlights of my days.
Each had such a unique voice when putting pen to paper - or, I should say stylus to PADD - that I could tell by the very first line which of the two had written it before I glanced down at the signature. Letant was his usual jovial, jaunty self. We'd corresponded semi-regularly prior to this last trip to Vulcan, but his letters were now an almost daily part of my routine.
He spoke, for the most part, as if nothing had changed between us, but he'd stray into romantic territory near the end of each missive. Judging by his tone and how sentimental he waxed, I could discern his mood. If it had been a long, hard day, he veered further into introspective territory.
'I can't help but wonder,' he wrote in one particular message, 'whether I've been selfish in regards to our relationship. A Romulan Senator has no shortage of enemies, as has been demonstrated to me recently, and I must ask you to be honest with me in your next response. Are you absolutely certain that you know what you're getting into?'
I'd responded to him that whatever hurdles appeared before us, we'd conquer them together. Navigating life together - the good, the bad, and everything in between - was, after all, what relationships were all about. He'd comforted me countless times over the course of our friendship, so why shouldn't I do the same for him now that we were romantically involved?
Letant certainly had no objections to my emotional support, becoming ever more amorous in his subsequent correspondence.
And the Praetor's letters...
Oh, Hiren gave me something utterly priceless: a glimpse into his soul. Quoting romantic poetry from all corners of the galaxy, he made me feel as though he...well, adored me. Letant's letters were extremely intimate and romantic, of course, but this side of Hiren was unexpected. I wasn't surprised that he could be that way with a lover, but I never quite anticipated being on the receiving end of such desire.
A small part of me still expected an abrupt shift from acceptance of my Humanity to outright rejection. Maybe that expectation was just my past experience with intolerance rearing its ugly head, but something taut and nervous fluttered through my chest every time I read one of the Praetor's missives. I already felt so much for him. The thought that he might end up thinking no more of me than some of the others I'd met felt like a vice around my lungs. I hadn't yet confided that to Letant, but I knew it would be wise to do so once he arrived on the station.
He'd know precisely what I was feeling, especially if he made use of that telepathy he'd demonstrated to glance into my thoughts. In fact, that might be easier than trying to express what I felt verbally.
They seemingly had no trouble doing so - a fact that never ceased to surprise me, despite the heavy encryption that protected their words.
Something else their letters shared was the presence of oddly capitalized letters. Both could speak Federation standard, but given how random the capitalized letters were, it seemed as thought they'd begun dictating their letters in Romulan using a translation matrix that wasn't quite calibrated correctly, then switched over to Federation standard dictation halfway through. It was odd. Every letter but one contained these odd linguistic characters; Hiren's most recent correspondence was the only one completely free of typos.
For such exacting men, this struck me as odd, but then again, they were both extremely busy. They could simply have not noticed, especially if their wrote their letters at the end of the day before bed. They did have exhausting jobs, and more than once, Letant had alluded to giving himself a...'relaxing massage' while composing a message to me.
I couldn't help but wonder whether Hiren had ever done the same. I reprimanded myself as soon as the thought crossed my mind. He was the Praetor of the Romulan Empire. I really shouldn't have tried to read more into his words than was intended.
But then, that day in the garden still nudged at the back of my mind, reminding me of how deep and sensual Hiren's voice dropped when he was aroused, and I was gone. There was no dragging my thoughts back from the abyss of dirty imagery it had conjured. Maybe it was all that time spent with the Vulcans and their own mental restraint, but I longed for some of my lovers' expressiveness. Their wit and sarcasm, their gentle smiles and gleeful smirks...my heart ached to be with them again.
A week after I'd arrived on Deep Space Nine, I was rereading Hiren's latest message when it struck me:
It was too late for me to guard my heart. For better or worse, he and Letant already held it in their grasp. I was head over heels for the Senator, and I could tell that the same fate awaited me in regards to Hiren.
Could this really work? Could I really be a lover to two high-class, influential Romulans?
Odo opened a comm channel just as I once again skimmed the poetry excerpt from Hiren's last letter. I was still reeling with shock from the realization of how far I'd already fallen.
"Ambassador, I'm sorry to bother you, but there's someone in security who claims that you're expecting him."
How odd.
"Acknowledged. On my way," I answered as I got to my feet. Reluctantly, I put the PADD containing Hiren's letters back into my luggage with the rest and locked it before starting toward the Promenade.
The entire way there, I was stuck in my own thoughts. Was this a risk I was willing to take? Were Hiren and Letant really willing to accept a mate who was so incredibly different? Did they understand just how much we had to learn about each other?
For that matter, did I?
A pair of doors hissed open in front of me, and I realized I'd reached the security office while I was overanalyzing my situation.
"I know you've been here before, sir, but we all have to take precautions. your government's delegation was altered at the last minute. Ah, there you are, Ambassador," the Constable said, and I blinked, taking in the group of people in the office. There were three Romulans. Two wore military uniforms, and when the third turned around, I froze.
"Speechless already? Oh dear, that doesn't bode well for the conference in a few days, does it?" Letant's usual shit-eating grin awoke the hoard of butterflies hiding in my stomach. He was here early! I hadn't been expecting him for another three days at the very least! "Really, Constable, if you recognize me, surely you don't need confirmation of my identity?"
Odo harumphed as if the Senator's question was the height of stupidity.
"It's not your identity I'm concerned with, it's your behavior," he stated bluntly before turning his attention to me. "I wouldn't normally do this, but the last I heard, the two of you were close friends. Can you vouch for him?"
Mischief bubbled swiftly up from within me as I turned to my mate with a serious expression.
"Hm, I don't know. He can be quite the troublemaker. Drinking too much ale...flirting with the Dabo girls...picking fights with Klingon officers..." I trailed off and took two slow steps toward him as my eyes drank him in from head to toe and back again. "Do you promise to be a good boy for me, Senator?"
Letant's eyes darkened with hunger, and his grin transformed from a light, easy, roguish smile to a smirk that promised I'd regret teasing him in front of his officers.
"For you, Ambassador, yes. I do," he murmured, and I turned to the Constable.
"Yes, Odo, I'll vouch for him."
The Security Chief started tapping away at his console.
"Very well. Senator, as you've arrived early, I'm afraid the quarters we were going to have prepared for you are not yet empty–"
"There is no need for a separate set of quarters. I'll be staying with the Ambassador," Letant said, and before Odo could protest, the Senator guided me out with a large, warm hand placed firmly on my back. His guards took up protective positions behind us as we walked, effectively multiplying the amount of people staring at us. "My, separation has made you quite bold indeed, e'lev. Did your stay on Vulcan truly bore you so severely that you would challenge a Romulan Senator in public?"
"Oh please, you dramatic man, there was no challenge. I was teasing you, and you damn well know it."
Letant let out a quiet laugh as his eyebrows rose.
"You don't call publicly asking if I'm going to be a 'good boy' a challenge of my authority?" I started to reply, but he cut me off. "Or were you, perhaps, trying to coax a particular reaction from me, hm?"
The abrupt closure of my mouth told him all that he needed to know.
"Ah, I see. I knew arriving early was a prudent plan. You've been alone for far too long," he murmured as we got into the turbolift. Heedless of his guards' gazes, Letant turned me to face him and backed me up against one of the lift walls. Grasping my waist with one hand and my jaw with the other, my Senator spoke in a raspy whisper. "Congratulations, e'lev. You were entirely successful."
His lips met mine for a moment, tantalizingly rough and sweet at the same time, before pulling back and leaving me dazed as the turbolift continued on its path. From what I'd been told, such displays in front of others, including personal guards, were usually avoided like the plague.
I must've teased him more than I realized after our time apart.
When we reached the doors to my quarters, we were both short of patience. I was stunned that we made it all the way inside before Letant had me up against a wall. And just like that, the fullness of the three months that we'd been separated forced our composure to take a backseat. We became a mess of grasping hands and searing kisses, fumbling our way toward the bedroom.
"Three months is too long to be away from you," he breathed as the sound of tearing fabric heralded the death of yet another uniform top.
Sated and lounging in bed that evening, I'd relaxed into an almost trance-like state atop my lover's chest. The hypnotic sensation of Letant's fingertips skimming up and down the length of my back coupled with the rhythmic steadiness of his breathing comforted me in a way that I'd severely missed since I set out for my trip to Vulcan.
"He'll be here tomorrow," he said just above a whisper.
"Hm? Who?" I dragged myself back to full consciousness and looked up at Letant.
"Hiren, of course. He's talked of little else since your departure from Romulus," he murmured brushing his lips against my forehead. "I would ask if he's been writing to you if not for the fact that he practically glowed every time you responded to him."
"How could I not? The Praetor is a charming man with a romantic streak. His knowledge of love poetry is rather extensive - or, at least, I assume that it is, given the vast selection of excerpts that he's been sending me." Tracing my fingers along the column of Letant's throat, I couldn't help but smile at the thought that I'd gotten incredibly lucky.
"How did you like his latest prose, if I may ask?"
"That was my favorite set of lines yet! Oh, that reminds me, he forgot to include the poet's name. I'll have to ask him about that when he gets here. Unless you know, of course?"
With a rumbling laugh, Letant gripped my hips and slipped one of his legs between mine.
"Now, now, have patience, e'lev. I promise you'll have your answers, but not from me. The name was left off deliberately, and Hiren swore me to secrecy. Friend though he might be, I dare not disobey my Praetor. You should have seen him when he was preparing for this trip, though. He must've pulled every set of robes from his bot-unsubstantial wardrobe to ask my opinion on whether you'd find them attractive."
"No," I scoffed in disbelief, but Letant was entirely serious.
"Yes, my girl. It's ridiculous. The man has been married before. He certainly knows how to flirt and has plenty of experience in seduction. There's no reason for him to be this nervous - he's had his head between your pretty legs, for goodness sake - yet he's behaving as if he's not even had his first encounter."
"Bullshit. Hiren would never go to pieces over someone like me. You're exaggerating."
"I most certainly am not. You have reduced the Praetor of the entire Romulan Empire to no more than an anxious suitor. He lured me to the palace, plied me with kali-fal, then proceeded to try on everything he owned in front of a mirror to ask for my opinion. You should've seen him. He struck poses, e'lev," Letant said flexing his biceps as someone might in front of a mirror, and I dissolved in a fit of giggles at the mental image he conjured. "I have told you many times that you are a remarkable woman. Perhaps you'll realize that I spoke the truth before you give the poor man a coronary."
"But surely...? I mean, he must realize that I'm not superficial enough to judge him for his outfit. He'd look good in anything, just like you."
With a mere flick of his hands, Letant maneuvered me atop him so that I was straddling his hips. I braced my hands on his chest, taking in the sight of the beautiful man beneath me. his normally pristinely-groomed black hair was tousled from our exertions, and the smirk stretching his lips brought to mind smug gods from ancient mythology. In such a comparison, I was more than content to be the unwitting mortal who'd fallen so willingly into his bed.
"You think I'd look good in anything?" He asked as a faux innocent expression made its home on his face.
"Now you're just fishing for compliments–"
"Of course I am. You love me. Who better for me to ask than you, my lovely mate?" His hands slid up my sides and caressed the swell of my breasts. "Tell me, what is it like to be in bed with someone so devilishly handsome?"
Scoffing playfully, I started to move off of him, but Letant's renewed grip on my hips kept me firmly in place as he sat up beneath me. With his lips a mere hair's breadth away, I stubbornly kept my hands to myself and my mouth shut.
"Now, now...no need for petulance," the Senator breathed. It was so obscenely easy for him to get what he wanted from me. His arms wound around my torso, holding me close as he spoke. "Just because your partner is almost equal to you in beauty doesn't mean you need to pout."
How was it he always managed to compliment both himself and me in one breath?
"You don't play fair." I just barely managed to hold back a grin, fixing him with a glare instead. Letant laughed, his warm breath ghosting over my skin.
"No, but you've known that for quite some time. Besides..." he said laying kisses slowly down the length of my jaw, "you know I'm right."
The Senator's hands slid farther down my back.
"Now, about that little challenge earlier..."
Hiren found the T'Met's commanding officer in his Ready Room, skimming through reports with a look of deep concentration etching his face seemingly in stone. The Riov glanced up as the Praetor entered, and he smiled that same charming smile he'd worn for years.
"Well, well, I was wondering when you'd come see me, old friend. Please, have a seat," S'Talon said shutting off his console and leaning back in his own chair. "I've heard a little rumor, lhhai, concerning you, Letant, and a certain Federation Ambassador. Is that why I've been honored with the task of transporting you to this conference, my Lord Praetor?"
"You know such formalities aren't necessary, Tal," Hiren said as he sank down into one of the plush chairs. "As for the rumors...I don't know what you've heard, so it's a bit difficult to give you an honest answer."
The Riov smirked and tapped the top of his desk in an absentminded sort of way.
"I've heard that you and Letant intend to make a proper triad with her...that the two of you love her."
Hiren lifted his chin. He wasn't sure how the Riov knew that, but he was not ashamed of how he felt or who he felt it for.
"Yes. She and Letant were together to begin with, and I am fortunate enough to be a candidate for the position of their third. I won't be so rude as to presume to speak for her, but for my part, I do love her, yes."
S'Talon practically beamed at him.
"I have no doubt she adores you. I remember how smitten you were with T'Shara. I see just as much light in your eyes...just as much pride as there was when you spoke of her." The Romulan Captain stood and walked around his desk. "She must truly be a marvel to have caught your attention so fully. I look forward to meeting her when we arrive at the station."
"Don't go getting any ideas. I know how charming you can be toward women you find exceptional," Hiren chastised playfully, but S'Talon placed a solemn hand over his heart.
"I am fond of the fairer sex, but you know I would never abscond with a friend's lover. She's yours, you are hers, and I would never dream of coming between you. I'll be on my best behavior, I swear it," the Riov vowed. "I would, however, like to befriend her, if you're comfortable with that."
"I do not choose my lover's companions for her. If she wishes to count you among her friends, I would never stand in your way."
A moment's comfortable silenced passed between the two, and as he leaned back against the desk, S'Talon smiled.
"Have you imagined it? What you'll do once you marry her, I mean?"
"She might not have me–"
"Oh, she'll have you, old friend, I'm certain of it. Now, tell me," the Riov continued, "where have your daydreams taken you when you think of her? You will undoubtedly be the most powerful triad in the entirety of the Empire, but have you given any thought to where you'll live? Your family estate is quite large, as is Letant's, but the Praetor's Palace would obviously have enough space, should you choose to reside there..."
Hiren couldn't help but laugh at his friend's enthusiasm, allowing his infectious joy to flow through him.
"You give me far too much credit, Tal. She's Human. She may not...well, it might be that she is not made for a triad. Who knows? I might make some monumental mistake that costs me her love, or I might simply be too old once she stops to consider the age difference." Hiren gave voice to the fears that had rolled around in his head since her departure from their home planet. He'd told Letant his concerns and had received reassurance in return, but Hiren wanted S'Talon's counsel, as well.
"I cannot pretend to know her mind," the Riov began, "but I do know yours. You are an excellent judge of character. You would not have chosen someone so fickle. I would wager my best bottle of kali-fal that your fears - while completely valid and normal - lack real foundation. She will have you, my dear old friend, and she will not let you go once she does."
Hiren nodded his head, rolling his shoulders as if to banish some of his tension from his frame.
"Would you do me a small favor once we reach the station?" The Praetor has no doubt that he was about to sound even more ridiculous, but he was beyond caring. "Would you...sketch her for me? I'd be happy to pay you. Nothing too elaborate, and she doesn't have to know, it's just..."
He trailed off, unable to think how best to describe his emotions, but Tal just smiled.
"Of course. It would be my honor." The Riov murmured, but he frowned a little. "You know I'd never charge you for that. I would, however, like to know how you met her."
A smile stretched the Praetor's lips as he thought back to that night.
Letant lay in bed that night content to hold his mate close as his thoughts whirled in his head behind a carefully constructed barrier. He didn't want them bleeding across the telepathic bridge between his mind and his lover's. She deserved sleep that wasn't interrupted by his guilt.
Was he doing the right thing keeping this from her? But surely, if it was to keep her safe, she'd understand.
Elements, if this involved anyone but her, he'd have no trouble justifying his actions. He'd been a great strategist - he still was - so why was this causing him so much discomfort? He knew that the pain she'd feel would be temporary...that it would all be resolved in a matter of days once it began and that the three of them would live quite happily afterwards, but...
Damn him, the thought of causing her even a moment's pain made him want to wake her, drop to his knees, and plead for her forgiveness. He wanted to tell her everything, but he knew that doing so would endanger her life.
That he could not abide. Her life was much more valuable to him than his comfort, and though she may rage at him later, he was reasonably certain that they could work through any problems together.
She stretched in his arms and nuzzled even farther into Letant's embrace. Precious girl. She murmured something nonsensical in her sleep, and the Senator held her just a bit tighter as he kissed her forehead.
Allowing his mind to brush against hers, he watched her dreams like a holo-vid until he finally dropped into a mostly-peaceful sleep in her arms.
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes
@emilie786 @groovyqueer @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @rookietrek
@slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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lichqueenlibrarian · 24 days
At some point I apparently bought The Romulan Way and whoops I am already a quarter of the way through…
I should probably get the next book too.
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 9 months
Elim Garak/Odo
a little less alone
[~300 words, rated M]
It began shortly after their escape from Tain's Romulan warbird. After peering deep into each other’s souls and recognizing the same abject loneliness there.
Garak invited Odo into his quarters one night, and then into his bed. It didn’t mean anything. It was impersonal. They certainly weren’t who the other one really wanted and they both understood that perfectly well. But it helped fill the emptiness of exile anyway.
Each encounter started the same way. Odo would shimmer away his “clothes,” leaving behind only a smooth humanoid form that Garak was almost certain had too many nipples for a Bajoran and too few for a Betazoid. (But maybe the right number for a Ferengi.) Then Odo would let Garak decide what shape his genitals should take. Garak sometimes picked Cardassian, but more often asked for human, despite the pitying looks Odo always gave him after such a painfully transparent request.
But it didn’t matter if they both closed their eyes and pictured someone else while they were with each other. Their shared lack of belonging was quite enough to bring them together. 
They always had breakfast in the Replimat after, though of course Odo couldn’t really eat. Still, he enjoyed the charade of it. Besides, they both liked people-watching, and they both loved making snide judgments about the character of passersby based solely on fleeting glimpses. Then, inevitably, Garak would ruin the mood by spending a few minutes trying to wheedle security information and station secrets out of Odo, until the constable got fed up and gruffly stormed off. But even that little game was a key part of their whole routine: a way to keep each other at just enough of a distance that their brief moments of intimacy together wouldn’t destroy either of their last remaining defenses.
(ao3 link)
(link to my version of the ds9 rarepair ficlet game) (requests currently on hold)
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Worth it
Pairing: Solok x gen!reader
Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Words: 1.6K
Warnings: This is my first attempt at second POV in over a year so please be nice and tell me what you think, please
A/N: OMG guys, THANK you SO SO SO MUCh for over 100 Followers? May not seem much to others but I was surprised over one. SO thank you so so much
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How come?
Have you gone mad?
Is this your free will? Blink twice if it's against your will!
It'll never last. Just wait and see.
Really? The xenophobe?
Questions upon questions upon questions that have haunted you for months now. You should have known, you thought silently, leaning against the wall of the turbolift. Ever since your relationship with Solok had come out five months ago, the people around you had treated you as if you had lost your mind, as if you were no longer sane.
You couldn't remember the last time so many people had told you that your relationship wouldn't last, that he would leave you and take advantage of you. You thought that it had never happened in your life that so many people had tried to interfere in your love life.
Especially as their statements were "illogical", to quote your partner.
You loved him, he loved you, for whatever reason he had chosen to do so. You knew it hadn't really been by choice.
How come?
Well, you had started working on the T'Kumbra during the Dominion War due to a lack of personnel. At first, Solok was not at all enthusiastic about this and would probably have done anything to get you off his ship. However, even he had had to see the logic in having enough personnel, even if they were human.
Over time, he had taken the time to almost befriend you, and even you had to admit that the grumpy captain had grown on you.
And when the war had ended and your position on the ship was no longer necessary, he had asked you to stay. He had tried to reason it out logically, had avoided your gaze and even turned green in the face until he had exhaled deeply, looked you in the eye, the icy blue had sent a shiver down your spine with the warmth it radiated. And you had agreed.
From then on, however, it had still taken a few weeks for the two of you to pull yourselves together and, admittedly under the intoxicating influence of Romulan ale and chocolate ice cream, to speak openly.
You had tried to keep it under wraps, but that was quite difficult on a ship full of Vulcans who easily recognised the change in their captain's demeanour as that of a mate's protector.
The good thing, though, was that they were Vulcans, which was why they had been able to keep their mouths shut, even if you had sometimes been met with the odd raised eyebrow. Granted, if you found out that your Cardassian-hating, Bajoran captain was suddenly dating one, you probably would have raised eyebrows too. If not more than that.
It only came out two years later, when you had to make a stop on Deep Space Nine and, due to damage from an asteroid shower, a plasma conduit had exploded near you and you had been taken to the infirmary. Although the injuries were not life-threatening, they still hurt incredibly and Solok did not make the situation any better by rushing into sickbay and demanding, almost emotionally, to see you.
Unfortunately for you, Doctor Julian Bashir had been on duty at the time, which is why the whole station knew two days later and almost the entire fleet a month later.
Which is why you were now getting wry looks from everywhere and worried messages from your friends. Not that it affected your opinion in any way. It was just annoying.
At the moment you were on Deep Space Five because the T'Kumbra had been badly damaged due to a space anomaly and had to be repaired. Unfortunately, the quarters of you and your fiancé had also been hit, which was why you now had to quarter on the station.
Your gaze fell on your hand and you had to smile as it was caught by the plain silver band that now adorned your ring finger.
Xenophobic your ass.
Maybe he had been, but Solok had truly improved. Granted, the proposal had been a bit messy and not really romantic (he truly could have found a better time than when you were led to your execution on an alien planet), but he had put a lot of research into it. Solok had chosen the ring personally and, although it was frowned upon in Vulcan society, had chosen a ring for himself, which he wore proudly day and night and even on duty.
When planning the wedding, you took your time, after all you couldn't get away from her at the moment anyway, as the T'Kumbra was not operational, you had suggested a Vulcan ceremony, but Solok had insisted on two ceremonies. One Vulcan and one human. Although he had given a logical reason (" a Vulcan, traditional ceremony will be necessary, but only in a few years, as my time is not yet, however, it is illogical to wait so long. I therefore propose a compromise with a human and Vulcan wedding so that the consummation of our marriage can be performed as soon as possible") however you knew only too well that your fiancé was trying to make up for his previous "illogical" thinking, as he called it. Even if he still didn't like Sisko.
You sighed and walked down the corridor to your quarters. Admittedly, you didn't normally care much for the hateful comments of the people around you, but today you had met your best friend, or at least you had thought they were, for the first time in ages, and instead of enjoying the time together, you had listened to one hateful comment after another until you couldn't take it anymore.
You had given them a choice, either accept Solok or leave. Five minutes later you were standing outside your door, making the outcome of the situation pretty clear.
"How can you stand this?! He's Vulcan. They don't have feelings! Can you really spend the rest of your life with a man you know is cold and heartless!!!? And then him!! The most xenophobic Vulcan of all Vulcans. He doesn't care about you and he's just taking advantage of you!!! Are you that deluded!!!?"
It had not been the first time you had heard such words and it would not be the last.
The doors opened and closed behind you and the sight made you melt inside. The table was set, the napkins folded as if with a ruler, they probably were, and wine glasses were placed at an exact, equal distance from the plates. The smell of your favourite dish drifted through the room and you could see, as you glanced around the corner, Solok in civilian clothes and with a black apron around his neck, standing in the small kitchen.
A smile crept onto your lips as you approached.
Cold and emotionless. Of course. If only they could all see him now. How he read the recipe with a concentrated expression on his face, looked to the ingredients in front of him and then worked on them carefully and precisely. You knew he didn't really need the recipe, but the very fact that he did it to be one hundred percent sure he wasn't ruining your favourite dish made your heart beat faster and a feeling of warmth and love rise inside you.
He was so focused on his task that he only noticed you when you wrapped your arms around him. "I didn't know you had one of those." Smiling, you propped your chin on his shoulder and ran your finger over the hem of the apron.
Solok looked down at you. "I have owned it for some time. It avoids unnecessary dirt stains on my clothes."
You chuckled lightly. "Solok, I know what an apron is and what it's good for."
With one last look, Solok ascertained that the food would not burn, before turning and wrapping his arms around you as well, raising an eyebrow. "You're home early. I thought you wanted to spend time with your friend." You bury your face in his neck. "We had... a disagreement."
Slowly, you felt Solok's mind ask entrance into yours and you granted it for a brief moment. This was all he needed before he withdrew and released you from his arms.
"Ah. I see. It was about your relationship with me."
You sighed. Of course, you knew that while Solok always brushed those comments aside and dismissed them as illogical, deep down, he felt guilt for somehow being the cause of those constant arguments.
"Forgive me, Ashayam."
You shook your head. "For what, Solok? It's not your fault that the people around us are idiotic, non-tolerant assholes."
For a moment he smirked slightly at your expression before turning to the food with a conflicted look on his face. "However, it is my fault that because of my illogical mistakes of my past, a bad light is now cast on you. If you weren't romantically involved with me, people wouldn't think worse of you and your friend wouldn't have left you."
You frowned and reached for his hand, causing him to dart around to you. "And I don't care, Solok. No, you know what? I'm grateful for it. Otherwise I wouldn't have found out what assholes they can be."
"But Ashayam, your position-"
"You're worth it," you interrupted him, whispering, and put your hand to his cheek, against which he instantly nuzzled, as if by reflex. "You are worth all these comments and looks and idiots, understand? I love you and those comments won't change that." You smirked slightly and felt for his fingertips.
"But if you have any doubts, feel free to take the ring back."
A growl escaped him and he wrapped his arms around you again and buried his face in your neck, eliciting a laugh.
"Don't even think about it, Ashayam."
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uptoolateart · 1 month
Voyage! Tales of the USS Miraculous
Star Trek crossover
Chapter 2 Preview:
As the image of the asteroid filled the bridge’s viewscreen, Marinette gripped the armrest of her Captain’s chair a little tighter. There it was – an enormous hunk of pock-marked rock and metal. Their destination, now close enough to risk transport.
Which meant….
‘We are now inside the Neutral Zone,’ Kagami announced from her station behind her. ‘We are now in violation of the Treaty.’
Marinette suppressed a shudder. The Romulan Neutral Zone – the agreed no-go zone between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire dating all the way back to 2160. And now they were tucked just within, far enough that a Romulan ship might see it as an act of war.
‘Initial observations, Lieutenant Lahiffe.’
‘Readings indicate that it’s an M Class asteroid with an equatorial radius of 490 km and a polar radius of 455 km – about a quarter of the size of Earth’s moon. Composition is approximately 60% clay and silicate, 40% nickel-iron. And there are hollow voids.’
‘You mean caves?’
‘Aye. The largest is approximately two hundred metres deep. That’s where the distress signal is coming from.’ He twisted round in his seat to meet her eyes. ‘Captain – I’m picking up a single life sign from within that cave.’
Read at Ao3
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discoonthegrass · 4 months
Ever wanted to know what happens after Jim orders Spock to escort the Romulan commander back to her quarters in “The Enterprise Incident”? How will Spock rectify his earlier behavior with her current expectations… and what about the truth of his feelings for Jim? Find out in this new fic, The Burden of Truth.
The air between Spock and the Romulan commander in the turbolift seemed abnormally thick. This was impossible. The air could not have been thicker than usual; the Enterprise’s computer would have certainly alerted him if it was. Thus, Spock was forced to concede that the air was thick not in the physical sense, but in the emotional one. 
A most illogical state indeed.
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electronickingdomfox · 6 months
"Black Fire" review
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Novel from 1983 by Sonni Cooper, and as far as I know, the only TOS novel from this author. This one was pretty fun, fast-paced, and a real page-turner. It's also notorious for being totally nuts, and having Spock going rogue and doing all sorts of crazy things. The intro was written by Theodore Sturgeon, no less. It's also very, veeeery spirk-heavy (and so far, the only K/S novel I've read that seems to get their relationship right, without going over-the-top).
Spock is the central character, and for the most part, the story follows his solo adventures, though Scotty shares some of these exploits in the early chapters. Amazingly, and despite all the unusual stuff that Spock gets involved with, he manages to stay believable. The other characters are all well-written too, even if they take a background place. And the same goes for the original ones, in particular Desus, the Romulan befriended by Spock.
The story takes place shortly before TMP. One thing that surprised me, is that this novel doesn't seem afraid to modify canon in substantial ways. Most of these books are more timid when playing with the characters, and focus on self-contained adventures that have little impact on the whole. Main characters are rarely put in real danger, or suffer grave injuries. Here, on the other hand, we have the entire primary hull of the Enterprise being destroyed and jettisoned in the very first chapter (a year before The Search for Spock blew the ship to pieces). The TMP uniforms are introduced already by the end of the five-year mission. Spock suffers a disabling injury, portrayed with realism, and not resolved immediately and easily with a magic pill. Also, this book gets pretty dark at times; Spock tries to kill himself not once, but twice... And a popular guest character from the series is also killed for real.
Some spoilers below the cut:
The Enterprise is in a routine mission, training cadets fresh from the Academy, when a massive explosion in the bridge leaves the primary hull destroyed, Kirk in critical condition, Spock with a splinter lodged near his spine, and many cadets dead. The primary hull has to be evacuated and separated, while the rest of the ship limps back to a starbase. In the following investigation, Starfleet declares that everything was a mere accident. But neither Spock nor Scotty are satisfied with this answer, since nothing on the bridge could cause an explosion of such magnitude. Therefore, they travel back to the jettisoned hull to find clues.
Spock is suspicious of some new yeoman, who entered and left the bridge shortly before the explosion. In her abandoned quarters they find two clues: a piece of paper with dots, which seems to be a star chart; and a ton of depilatory cream. However, Starfleet isn't convinced by this flimsy evidence. So Spock starts the first of a long series of reckless actions, and steals a small ship with Scotty, to travel to the star system depicted in the paper. Spock is in severe pain (and having suffered a similar injury in the past myself, I can testify: he IS in pain), but leaves nonetheless before undergoing the necessary surgery (I told you Spock is nuts in this novel). Meanwhile, Kirk's still recovering and has no clue of what's going on.
When Spock and Scotty arrive at the only habitable planet of the star map, they find out that a Romulan and Klingon ships have also been lured to that place by similar maps. Everything was a trap, and all of them are captured by the Tomariians, and brought to their home planet in an ancient rocket. The Tomariians are short, stocky and very hairy aliens, living in an extreme cold environment. Being poor and primitive, they've turned to scavenging, adapting the most disparate technologies to expand across their sector of the galaxy. Spock and the others meet the Tomariian leader, Ilsa. The one who disguised herself as a yeoman to plant the explosive in the Enterprise (hence all that depilatory cream). And she takes a liking to Spock, just as every other woman in this book.
The Tomariians plan to test their captives' strenght by sending them to different battlefields. This way they could determine the weaknesses of Federation members, Klingons and Romulans, in order to expand later through their territories. Spock's injury worsens, to the point that he's left immobile from waist down. But due to her attraction for him, Ilsa spares his life. Meanwhile, Kirk has found clues about Spock and Scotty's whereabouts, so finally, the Enterprise rescues them in the nick of time.
Back in the ship, Spock has to fulfill the promise he made to the Romulan woman captured with him: to warn the Empire of the Tomariian threat, should she not survive. After this, Spock has to face a court-martial for all his offenses: stealing a starship, and above all, establishing secret communications with the Romulan and Klingon empires. Charged with treason, he's sent to prison, where he meets and befriends the Romulan pirate Desus.
I won't spoil anything more (this is about halfway through the novel). Suffice to say that, after this, Spock gets involved in a prison break. He becomes a pirate by the name of "Black Fire", and gains a following of fangirls that write love poems about him (an amusing parody of real-world fandom). And finally defects to the Romulan Empire, creating massive drama with Kirk. Of course, there's a satisfactory explanation for Spock going amok, at the end.
Spirk Meter: 10/10*: Kirk and Spock are separated most of the time and have little physical contact, but the story truly reads as a break-up/reconciliation one. Specially with the introduction of Desus as a rival for Spock's affection. In the first chapter, Kirk is partially healed by a mind meld with Spock, and sighs his name upon waking up. Then Kirk anguishes over Spock's disappearance, and risks the entire ship to go rescue him (well... and Scotty). And there's a lot of commentary about how Kirk is Spock's only close relationship, and how his defection to the Romulans is a particularly painful blow for Kirk. The whole issue of Spock's treason has Kirk on edge and in a foul mood, to the point that other crewmembers are afraid of bringing the subject in his presence. As other books with a lot of spirk content, it's difficult to pinpoint single scenes, since it's a general theme all over the place. Add to this, Spock's absolute indiference towards all the women swooning around him.
Then there's, of course, Spock and Desus' extremely close friendship, said to rival that with Kirk. At one point, Desus reads aloud some of the love poems that Spock has inspired as "Black Fire". And one has to wonder if he isn't adressing the words to Spock himself.
McCoy doesn't appear much in the novel. But still gets some McKirk and Spones. In the beginning, he's devastated by Kirk's serious injuries and his inability to cure him, crying about the prospect of losing "the man he both admired and loved". Then, at the end, McCoy asks Spock to sign his book of love (and erotic) poems dedicated to him (!!!???), as an excited fangirl. "To belong to this man of fire, if only for a moment. - My flaming love." he reads aloud. And Spock even gives him his pirate earring as a gift. The novel closes with these lines: The black jewel gleamed its strange luminescence in McCoy's palm, but it was no match for the gleam in Spock's dark smiling eyes.
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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tues-dayy · 6 months
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The crew of the Harmony in: Shore Leave!☀️
Meanwhile on Groovatron V...
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here's the refs I used for inspiration on Captain Midnight and Jason's outfits:
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Their shore leave plans consist of exploring the more touristy destinations on the planet they're on, taking advantage of the good weather and just having some fun before they have to go back to being in charge of a whole crew! Midnight goes where she pleases and Jason tags along behind her, acting as her very own GPS whenever she inevitably gets lost.
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This one is completely new characters I haven't drawn before (very fun): Canelli and the unnamed Bridge/Security Officer that shows up in the first song and then never again.
refs for Canelli and the unnamed Officer's outfits:
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Canelli is Orion and the unnamed Officer is quarter Vulcan, three-quarters Romulan (so far, I have no name for them because I'm too scared of full committing to any of the ones I get from a name generator). They're spending the leave together with the very unspecific plan to do a cultural tour of the planet. Canelli is really the one who pulls the plan off and keeps it going, while the unnamed Officer allows themself to be dragged around.
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Duncan was put in charge of babysitting the Captain's favorite Ensigns, and this trio spends most of their leave at the planet's beaches. Claire and Oshar (context for that name here) are very used to the beaches, as they'd been in San Francisco for their education not too long ago, yet they're excited to just relax by/in the ocean for their first official shore leave as crewmembers of the Harmony!. Duncan, who hasn't been to a beach in years (considering that the last time the Harmony went on shore leave, it got cut short by an emergency), takes the opportunity to really indulge himself.
All specifics about the characters and (most of) their names come from this spreadsheet which keeps proving itself to be invaluable!
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professional-termite · 5 months
what alien species would the Musuem crew be in the NATM Star Trek AU? (If any)
i actually have some very strong opinions on this so buckle up. also i changed some of their jobs because i realized certain roles might actually fit them better (ive been rotating this au in my head for a while now)
Larry: obviously human, nicky is too. hes the Relatable Protag in natm and he will be in trek too. just your average first officer tbh
McPhee: also human. aggressively british captain who thinks his crew is insane.
Akh: i think hed be half vulcan half human, but unlike spock hes just a really chill dude who was raised only by his human parent. hes just a kid, probably a nurse
Kah: half romulan half vulcan captain, hes totally just out to get his younger half brother. takes great pride in his romulan heritage and constantly makes a big deal out of how his half brother is half human
Al: full romulan. id say hes probably kahs second in command
Ivan: also full romulan, likely a high ranking officer
Napoleon: also full romulan, id say security/weapons or the romulan equivalent of that role
Custer: human ensign, probably an engineer. he acts super confident all the time but really he is the embodiment of anxiety
Attilla: half klingon half human head of security. he likes ripping off peoples legs and by golly he has the clearance to do it in certain situations
Jed: definitely full human. probably one of the 2 guys steering the ship now that i think about it. he and oct are seated next to each other and always argue because of it
Octy: id say hes a vulcan. super serious and likes to act like hes above petty human bickering, but usually gets into dumb fights with jed anyways
Dexter: some kind of q-like entity who just floats around and causes chaos
Amelia: human space wanderer who just kinda shows up sometimes, almost like vash but minus the lawbreaking
Joan/Lance: i fully subscribe to the hc that lancelot and joan of arc are the same person pre and post transition. anyways shes a quarter vulcan and a security officer and super cocky about how it makes her smarter and more reasonable than everyone else (it absolutely does not)
Sacagawea: our beloved head surgeon!! id say shes half bajoran half human, and super proud of both halves of her heritage. also shes in a love triangle between joan/lance and teddy (they will end up in a throuple)
Teddy: chief engineer..the guy....totally just a regular human, but hes got a big heart and hes second officer. also hes just generally The Dad of the ship and everyone feels safe to go to him for advice
Rexy: cat. meow
also for the time frame of this crew id say they were serving sometime after tng, like maybe 5 or so years after
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