#quarantine recs
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This has most definitely been said before, but we were robbed of the core four quarantining on-screen together at Buck’s place. ROBBED I say
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queenofthekings · 4 months ago
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Horror movie meme: [4/5] remakes Quarantine (2008) dir. John Erick Dowdle They’re not gonna let us out of here alive, are they?
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erstwhilesparrow · 5 months ago
limited life fic recs
Not really more of theme to this one than "Hey, check out this good good writing!" Been meaning to do this one for. Um. A while. Did my best not to repeat authors. If you're on this and don't want to be, let me know and I'll remove yours!
Fics On AO3:
Sundown; astronomeridian - Nobody fucks on the page in this one but you know it's gonna happen. The various alliances of Limited Life settle down for the night and talk around or about having sex. Really incredible character voice the whole way through (made particularly impressive by the fact that Every Character Is In This).
Gallant; zornographic - Grian/Etho-centric Knight AU, in which Grian, badly injured and fleeing for his life, runs into Etho, a strange knight offering to help him, in order to pay back a favour Grian did for him long ago. Really gorgeous turns of phrase applied with perfect precision, and lovely glimpses of a much bigger world that is alive and specific, that the characters feel genuinely rooted in.
Close to Your Chest; foxgloveblue (cornflowerdye) - Canon divergence where Joel and Etho are the last two standing at the end of Limited Life. The visual details in this one make it downright cinematic -- you can see the wreckage of the Bread Bridge, the light falling on them both. Special commendation for the characterization here too: Joel and Etho both clearly know each other well enough that it give us access to both of them in fun and interesting ways.
everything anyone ever ignored; Sixteenthdays - AU where when you kill someone, you get some of their traits. Really really fun for (1) quick, sharp prose and (2) glimpses into each of the character's unique experiences with Being In Their Body. There's a relentlessness that matches the vibes of Limited Life itself really well.
the lamb & the knife; errorryx - Cleo tells Pearl they're going to summon a goddess of war, and Pearl thinks about summoning something for herself. It's good fun! Admittedly, my idea of 'good fun' is mild body horror and considerations of animal and human sacrifice, but also fun are Pearl and Cleo's usual contentious relationship, and Pearl's usual degree of getting herself into trouble.
tempering; farrondoc - Grian/Etho platonic kink around Etho being Grian's sword! Captures their characters really well in a very short space.
Cam-account Parenting; litbynosun - Bdubs and Scar have been mysteriously and abruptly turned into little kids. Cleo has to handle this while chat fervently discusses what's going on in the background. Banger fic, script format with some fun bonus touches, great character voices, excellent fandom commentary on the horrors of being a woman in MCYT spaces.
Poison; jabberwockysoda - Etho takes up smoking; he and Cleo argue about it. Vibes of "we know and dislike each other but there is an intimacy and comfort in the knowing and the disliking" -- a very particular, almost worn-down tone that is set immediately and then maintained the whole way through.
fulgurite; Thunderbirds_and_Lightning - The Bad Boys' deaths. One of my all-time favourite depictions of the Limlife timers and one of my favourite endings to a Limited Life fic too. Lots of wonderfully creative imagery that draws on popular fanon without directly copying it; very fun.
With Soul Intent; salemoleander (heartbeatsinreverse) - Canon divergence where everyone's clocks stop in the middle of the game. Hilarious. Pitch-perfect character voice. Every beat hits. salemoleander is also on Tumblr and has a few Tumblr-exclusive Limited Life ficlets that are awesome, but which I could not include on this list due to rules of my little game. Check 'em out!
the here and now; doctorletmebebrace - Joel wakes up at home, on Empires S2, after his final death. Jimmy's there, and they talk. Makes me really tender about them, for all that they spend most of it arguing. Full of grief and regret and so much love.
Fics On Tumblr:
(Note: In cases where a fic has been posted both on AO3 and on Tumblr, I've linked the version that's on AO3. These are the ones I couldn't find on there.)
[Knives and forks clink against the dinner plates]; wisepuma23 - Boogeyman Impulse tries to sit through a normal meal with the rest of TIES. Forever and always a big fan of the intermingling of domesticity and violence, and the visceral onomatopoeia makes this really fun background drumbeat to Impulse's narration.
["Do you have a clock yet?"]; dmwrites - Impulse gives Bdubs a clock, and Cleo makes an addition. It's sweet! It also makes me sad. Good thoughts re: Impulse's relationship to Bdubs over time, from both Cleo and Impulse's perspectives.
[What are you?]; the-amber-shadow - The Watchers hound Martyn for an answer to the question of what his symbol is going to be after he wins Limited Life. I think this one's fun both as a historical artifact (what did we as a fandom consider for symbols, and thus how did we interpret/emphasize different parts of Martyn's victory), and I'm a big fan of metafic. Martyn arguing with Watchers-as-audience is a great way to do it!
[Gem Cleo watches Scott leave]; jellieland - Gem in Cleo's body has a chat with Martyn, and Martyn tells her something about why he teamed with Scott this time around. jellieland is a fantastic writer whose fics are invariably fascinating, well-written, and insightful, and I do recommend you check them all out, but I had to pick this one because I read it and could almost physically feel something clicking into place in my head -- everything I have written about Martyn+Cleo since this has been influenced by this fic.
[Joel's gone soft on him]; zedif-y - Jimmy reflects on this new side of Joel he's started seeing this season, while petting Joel's hair. It's soft. It's nice. Joel gets to take a nice nap and cuddle with Jimmy and Jimmy gets to think about all the things he knows about Joel.
[Joel dies with blood in his mouth]; alittlebirb - Joel dies. He's furious about it, and then he's not. Love the wild, frenetic energy of this one trailing off into something quieter, something like resignation -- fantastically paced.
[Bigb watches Grian for a while]; theminecraftbee - Bigb watches Grian do something that definitely isn't mourning, and definitely doesn't understand it. You don't know what an agony it was to have to narrow this down to Just One Theminecraftbee Fic. But I'm sure you could've guessed that. The thing that gets me about this one is Bigb and Grian have such history and see such interesting facets of each other, and their team-up in Limlife is this resigned kind of "Okay. This is what we're doing now." The melancholy is excellent.
Mean Gills Quarantine Zone:
(I like Mean Gills. A lot. So I have a lot of fic recs focused on them. So that's why this section. This should all be AO3 fics?)
Stop; KieIsWrite - After the end of Limited Life, Martyn tries to reckon with the aftermath of his actions. There are corpses. Things get grim. Scott's ghost is there, maybe. This one's horror, so mind the tags, but the horror comes in slow and quiet, and very interesting things are happening with the blurring of bodies-as-death and bodies-as-erotic.
hold the night; solarcafe - Scott and Martyn cuddle. That's it, that's the whole fic. Sweet, charming fluff!
Hush hush; WhyB - After moving the beds down into their secret base, Scott gets a little comfort and Martyn gets a little absolution. The Scott and Martyn hurt/comfort fic of your dreams! Hits every beat perfectly, and really, this author just does good hurt/comfort in general for every fandom they're in. Check 'em out!
I want to say I'm sorry for stuff I haven't done yet; the_hypercube - Scott and Martyn have a tense conversation over breakfast, while the ghosts of the Third Life alliances haunt them (figuratively). I love the thread of uneasiness running through this whole thing, pulling tighter and tighter but never getting to a breaking point. I love all the little domestic gestures against the backdrop of [This Is A Death Game And Things Are Getting Bad].
Requiescat; enemyofrome - Martyn walks out of the end of Limited Life and finds Ren, building the ice boat course on Hermitcraft. Martyn's not entirely free of the Watchers, of Scott, of his time in the games, but he and Ren will work it out. This is in the quarantine zone because I have to confess a disproportionate amount of my adoration for this fic is because of the excellent codependent Mean Gills, but the rest of it is because it is tender and well-characterized and beautifully written.
ears pressed to the floor; GoodTimesWithScar - Scott catches Martyn sewing the Dogwarts banner for his red life skin. Wonderfully melancholy, even as Scott and Martyn fall into their usual banter. I like how lonely it feels, even when they're standing right in front of each other -- they've got separate histories to contend with.
the cut of your love; soapflowers - Selkie AU! Martyn has Scott's pelt locked in a chest in his basement, and this is Fine. Really really good at maintaining a tenuous balance where nothing drastic has happened, but they both keep flirting with the precipice. The tags on this include Implied/Referenced Kidnapping, Abuse, Non-Sexual Intimacy, and Gaslighting, and that is enticing to me, but I know it isn't to everyone, so mind the tags!
Call Me What You Like; orphan_account - A study of Scott's perspective on his relationship to Martyn, with some (a lot of) pining. Everyone's having a miserable time, except me; I'm pointing at this and going, "Ough!! A Mean Gills dynamic of all time in this one for sure!!" Delightful juxtaposition of physical closeness with emotional distance.
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winonaryder4life · 1 year ago
save me Michael Schur tv shows that now give me immense quarantine nostalgia.. save me… save me Michael Schur tv shows that now give me immense quarantine nostalgia..
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deluludiaz · 2 years ago
me anytime i find a politically charged 300k+ historical fiction fic of one of my ships
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ittakestwopod · 1 year ago
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booksandicedmatcha · 2 years ago
i love watching sitcoms i haven’t watched before because every two seconds i can go OH IT’S THE MEME
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bkdk-fan4ever · 2 years ago
Quarantine AU | BkDk | Fluff | Shenanigans | Bakugou and Izuku are Neighbors
Romeo And Romeo by supercrunch
There’s a nasally howl from the neighbour’s place. Izuku looks up – it’s the very loud, very blond guy living in the unit opposite. They’re technically in separate blocks but their balconies are close enough they can see into each other’s living rooms. He’s dancing around in his pyjamas. Yodelling at the top of his lungs off-key, swinging his Pomeranian around by the armpits like a furry ragdoll. “You’re a dog! You’re a fluffy little yellow dog and you’re a pain in the ass but you’re still my favourite shit-stain, yeah!”
Izuku bursts out laughing. The neighbour’s head whips around. He yelps when he sees him, tossing the dog on the couch and scrambling out of view to hide in the hall.
Izuku drops the watering can and runs back inside to find his phone.Small Might: Guys. I've decided i have a crush on my neighbour.
(quarantine baking: a balcony romance)
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knowyourbmovieactors · 2 years ago
This movie unflinchingly explores a horror that I have not experienced in a long time: being on a plane. Watching all these poor dopes squeeze into an airplane with a group of people almost perfectly calculated to get on each other's nerves while one or two of them cough and sneeze in the recycled air and don't even try to cover their faces. Just horrifying. Oh, yeah, and then I guess there's the face-eating zombie people. They're pretty bad, too.
The original Quarantine was a remake of the Spanish film REC, wherein a bunch of people are locked up inside their apartment building after a new "super rabies" begins infecting people inside, and the government shoots anyone who tries to step outside. REC is one of the true masterpieces of the found footage horror genre. It's like you took 28 Days Later, stuffed it in a bottle and shook it up. It's great. You should watch it. Quarantine is the lesser English-language alternative that was made because most Americans can't be bothered to read subtitles. It's pretty good. You should consider watching it. Quarantine 2 is the even lesser version of that lesser version. It's fine. You can watch it if you want, I guess.
The filmmakers dropped the found footage aspect of the original, shooting instead with a sort of cinéma vérité style (otherwise known as our old friend, the shaky handheld camera). We barely have time to get to know any characters before the shit hits the fan, so almost everyone is hastily sketched in between all the biting and bleeding and screaming. We meet such bold characters as "moody 13-year-old boy", "foreign couple", "aggressive asshole with gun", "old lady with cat", "guy whose entire motivation is getting his laptop back", and "other flight attendant lady who is basically indistinguishable from our main character except she's not our main character." I really can't remember any of the characters' names. That's not to say that the movie isn't competently done. It keeps its pace moving swiftly; it's appropriately claustrophobic; and it doesn't lazily reach for jump scares all the time. (Also, Bear McCreary's music is not too shabby) It's just that anything you might like in this sequel was already in the films that preceded it, and the only difference is a change of setting, which really adds nothing.
REC went on to have its own series of sequels in Spanish, while Quarantine got this sequel that is in no way related to the Spanish sequels, probably because the guys who made REC were pissed that Quarantine was mostly a shot-for-shot remake of their film with a lot of the subtlety removed. Instead, this sequel takes place at literally the same time as the first movie. They even watch news footage of the apartment building being locked down, right before the outbreak begins on their plane. Since the super rabies can be transmitted in minutes between any mammals and not just humans, it's pretty clear that humanity is fucked in this universe, as are pretty much all land-dwelling mammals. Quarantine 2 is just here to assure you that the future will be ruled by birds.
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a9saga · 9 months ago
rae sremmurd - no flex zone // fuck it
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angryqueercrypted · 10 months ago
love watching scary movies while crocheting because I can have the big light on and not look directly at the screen
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freakrenaissance · 1 year ago
Spent the last 2 days devouring this, & I'm going beech to do it again 😌 every chapter, pure gold. I adore this entire series! I looooove Marcus in this! Sexy domestic dad superhero... omg, I'd quarantine with him in a heartbeat
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Quarantine AU - Marcus Moreno
**I have been asked about revamping the Quarantine AU that I had done when I first joined the fandom to reflect a Pedro character and I decided that I will do it! I chose Marcus Moreno because I felt like he would be the best for the series. It will updated at random but I will put all the chapters here. Obviously some will not be included from the original series. This is a female reader. 
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1.Quarantine || 2.Lasagna || 3.Sleeping || 4.The Bath || 5.The Massage || 6.Your Dirty Dream  || 7.His Dirty Dream || 8.Laundry || 9.Breakfast || 10.The Phone Call || 11.The Night || 12.The Next Day || 13.The Talk || 14.Good Morning || 15.Waking Up || 16.The Morning After || 17.Routine || 18.Your Place || 19.Sick || 20.Solitary Fun || 21.Reciprocation || 22.Nap || 23.Going Out || 24.Yoga or ? || 25.Bad Day || 26.Making Up || 27.Playlist || 28.The Ex || 29.Dancing || 30.Insomnia || 31.Netflix and Chill || 32.Song || 33.First Impressions || 34.Favorite View || 35.Real Life || 36.Baking || 37.Tik Tok || 38.That One Time || 39.Green Eyes || 40.Smooth Moves || 41.Ticklish || 42.Tease || 43.Payback || 44.The Back Massage || 45.Come Home || 46.Hide and Seek || 47.Cards || 48.Birdwatching || 49.Haircut || 50.Nightmare || 51.Video || 52.Three Little Words || 53.Permission || 54.Dangerous || 55.Marathon || 56.Admiring || 57.Meeting Dad || 58.Those Things || 59.Swimming || 60.Short Stuff || 61.Spice It Up || 62.Best Served Cold || 63.Once More || 64.Good Enough || 65.Snoring || 66.Anniversary || 67.Helping || 68.Meet Cute || 69.Gorgeously Undone || 70.What Comes Next ||
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lycanfyr · 2 years ago
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One of my new BDFBs, Sonic the Hedgehog, is doing Spiderman stunts.
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becauseheartsgetbroken-hs · 7 months ago
im ovulating soooo i need some good smut recs bestieee to get me through 🙏 pls 🫶
Bestie I will try my best to help you! I don't know if you prefer one shots/ blurbs or series so I will include both in this list (also some of them will be new ones and some will be classics) So let's not waste time 🫡
- Insatiable by @harrysonlylover
- No Loss by @adorebeaa
- Answer The Phone and
- this one by @jarofstyles
- You Again,
- Overdrive,
- Pillow Talk and
- Teenage Dirtbag by @freedomfireflies
- A Good Boy,
- Sex Tutor and
- The Handyman by @gurugirl
- Daddy Issues and
- Recordstore Romance by @fkinavocado
- Brother's Best Friend by @helladirections
- Bad Idea by @lemoncrushh
- Quarantine!Harry by @harrys-titties
- The Rich Series,
- Best Friend's Brother and
- Painted On Your Back by @lukesaprince
Happy Reading! 🫶
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weiweific · 3 months ago
jaemin fic recs .₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
ok hello hello this is just a list of my fave jaemin fics in no particular order!
(m) smut | (f) fluff
one shot
i love hot nerds by @domjaehyun | m | 8.7k college au, perverted and nerdy shy boys jaemin & haechan author summary: when your professor pairs you with the two smartest students in your class for a group project, you find yourself making an interesting deal with them. or, alternatively: the one where you have to help two nerds learn to get girls so you can pass your class.
just so you know by @sluttyten | m | 20.9k friends to lovers, poly mmf with jeno and jaemin author summary: you’re kinda with jeno, but when you realize his best friend jaemin is in love with you too, well it complicates things
angel baby by @neopuppy | m | 8k alpha/omega dynamics, pregnant y/n, neighbour jaemin cookie jar by @neopuppy | m | 7k dubcon, stuck in dryer au, jeno & jaemin stepbrothers stepcest
this untitled jaemin oneshot by @haetrack | m | 6.4k pwp, inexperienced y/n
diet pepsi by @mochidoie | f | 10k flirty jaemin, the tensionnnn author summary: Accidentally walking in on your best friend’s hot housemate half naked with a towel around his waist in the bathroom was never in your plans. But maybe, it was in his?
persimmon problems by @starsstuddedsky | f | 18.3k uni/college au author summary: fantasy crushes are all fun and games until it stops being a fantasy and he’s really talking to you. but what are you supposed to do when he invades every part of your life?
hush, hush by @domjaehyun | m | 19.5k foursome ft. jeno, haechan & jaemin
besties (gone sexual) by @tyonfs | m | 43.4k college au, best friends to fwb to lovers author summary: na jaemin, resident playboy and serial heartbreaker on campus, thinks he might have a crush on you. this is concerning because he’s slept with your roommate before, who called him something along the lines of “a waste of a human.” another reason why this is concerning is because you happen to be jaemin’s best friend of seven years, and you know far too much about him to ever consider dating him.
stargirl interlude by @tyonfs | m | 5.9k influencer y/n, strangers to lovers author summary: and i shouldn’t cry, but I love it, starboy / i just wanna see you shine ‘cause i know you are a stargirl
j.crew by @sluttyten | m | 11.4k gangbang ft. johnny, jaehyun, jungwoo, jeno & jaemin
sniff by @guanana | m | 7k sniffing kink, pwp poly!nomin one shot by @jenosbigtoe | m lots of drabbles as well!!! linking their masterlist here
f4 by @starryhyuck | m | 4k+ slight dubcon, featuring mark, jeno, haechan and jaemin as f4 author summary: the most popular guys at school are wanted by everyone and anyone. the problem is… they only want you.
Drippin’ [Dream ‘00 line] by @ncteez '00 line x reader, mild dubcon, birthday sex author summary: “It’s too late to run away, you started this game first.”It was a joke, you swear. Sharing something like that with your group of horny man-friends was definitely a recipe for disaster. That one little tweet sets off a string of events that prevents you from pretending that you wouldn’t fuck your friends. Because you would, and they know it.  or the one where you’re considered a tease with the shit you share privately online, and they’re just about fed up with the way you act innocent and uninterested in what they’re packing. 
talk to my skin by @fadedncity | m | 13.8k college au, friends to lovers, fwb + pt. 2 if you let me (18.6k)
strawberry cough by @hazyhae | m | 9.1k plug!jaemin, friends/plug to lovers ahh, weed use author summary: when your longtime bestie and plug moves out of town, he recommends one of his buddies to fill your weed needs. jaemin is glad to deliver that and maybe even more. + pt. 2 sour tangie (6.3k)
quarantine chronicles by @domjaehyun | m | 3 parts | 126.7k featuring jaehyun, johnny, jungwoo, mark, haechan & jeno author summary: fourteen days, five roommates, and five remarkably high sex drives. what could go wrong?
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onelittlespiral · 5 months ago
Attention: Health and Safety Alert
Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,
It has come to our attention that a serious outbreak of a virus illness has been seriously harming our campus community. We take this public health threat very seriously and want you all to be aware and alert so that you can stay safe.
As a matter of transparency, we want to be clear on the origin of this virus. The Frontal Recognizance Transmutation Arenavirus 24 (often called just arena or FRT-24) has been a known threat for some time, with clear symptoms from infected individuals. A research lab on campus was known to have been studying its effects. This particular strain, the alpha variant, was of particular interest, so when a sample went missing, we exhausted campus resources to locate it. We were unable to and are now deeply sorry to our campus community. We take full responsibility for the current outbreak.
FRT-24 is highly contagious, so it is important to know the immediate signs. Look for:
Sudden headaches or migraines
Dizziness or loss of vision
Fevers and chills, especially paired with heavy perspiration
Loss of cognitive functions
Rapid muscle swelling
If you are infected, symptoms may take up to three days to develop, and you may still be a vector in this time. As the disease takes hold, you may notice a change in mood, as a lack of interest in usual activities. Instead, the disease drives the infected towards spreading. Common hubs seem to be gyms, parties, and social gatherings. We have also noticed an uptick in fraternity membership this year, a possible sign of disease spread.
Know the signs in yourself or others, as often the infected will not show traditional signs of ailment. This student has given us permission to share his story:
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This young man was a healthy Junior just a few weeks ago. He was a promising young academic in biochemistry, hoping to one day do research on emergent diseases. Since his experience with FRT-24, his life is forever changed.
The changes are alarming. He has gained over 100 lbs and been unable to focus on his studies. Instead, he was spending hours in the student rec center, consumed by his illness as he worked his body to exhaustion. Since his quarantining, he has been unable to answer any basic questions about his academic career or research project. Instead, he has shown a hallucinated knowledge of a personal training and fitness program. As an early vector, we are aware of at least 10 other students who were infected before his quarantine, and he is being held for further observations on disease progression.
Thankfully we have been able to identify the method of transmission. At this time, it seems bodily fluids are most transmissible method. It seems that this virus enhances the body in this respect. Those infected will often try to spread by any means necessary. They are very good at finding susceptible men, isolating them, and finding ways to expose them directly to their sweat, saliva, and in some cases semen. They will be desperate for any chance to get you alone with them, to join their ranks. Do no be drawn in by promises of muscle, of status, or ease of life. Their brains are no longer their own. They only seek to make you a drone for FRT-24.
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While we are still in the early stages of understanding the virus, we would like to acknowledge the valiant work done by Dr. Pulaski and his team of researchers. They have lead the way in this fight, throwing themselves at this dangerous line of work. Without their noble sacrifice, we would be still months from understanding the origins of this outbreak. We have narrowed down the point of origin to a party held a few weeks ago in the PKE frat house. At this time, it is unknown if frat leadership was in any way involved with this outbreak.
Sadly, Dr. Pulaski was found earlier this week a few days after conducting interviews and performing sample retrieval from the PKE house believed to be the epicenter. He was found shirtless, flexing his newly formed muscles in the mirror at the student rec center.
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When reached for comment, he only smirked and reported “feeling great, bruh,” a clear sign of decline. We are still uncertain if he has exposed any of his other researchers to the disease.
Remember, you are responsible for yourself and out campus community. If you suspect you or someone you know has been exposed, please report to the Student Health Center immediately for examination. In the mean time, please stay safe everyone. We will continue to keep you updated as we know more
Dr. Brendan Host, President
Congrats @occamstfs on 2k followers. I hope you all enjoy a late entry to the party. Go out and check out the other writers under the #occam2000 tag, some great stuff in there. And don't worry, FML: Initiate is coming soon.
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