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unpluggedfinancial · 9 days ago
Perception > Intelligence: The Hidden Key to Understanding Reality
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We live in a world that worships intelligence. Test scores, degrees, IQ, algorithms—our society measures success by how efficiently a person or system can process information. But what if we’ve been looking at it all wrong? What if intelligence is just raw processing speed, and the true key to understanding reality is something deeper? Something more fundamental? That key is perception.
Intelligence without perception is like having the fastest computer in the world but running bad code. It doesn’t matter how quickly you compute if your inputs are flawed. Without perception, intelligence is blind. And nothing illustrates this better than a moment I witnessed as a child��a moment that stuck with me and revealed just how different perception levels shape reality.
Picture this: My twin brother and I are playing in the living room. Our parents are on the couch, watching a football game. The room is alive with energy, laughter, and the hum of the TV. At some point, my stepdad realizes he wants another beer. Without hesitation, he says, “Beer me, winch.” He laughs. My brother, picking up on the cue, echoes his laughter, repeating the phrase. I sit in silence, observing, watching, processing.
My mom hesitantly gets up, goes to the kitchen, and grabs him a beer. She brings it back. As she walks away, my stepdad slaps her on the ass. He laughs again. My brother laughs again. I stay silent. Something about this isn’t sitting right with me. I watch my mom's face. She doesn’t react outwardly—no words, no confrontation—but I catch the microexpression, the slight hesitation in her movements. A moment later, she quietly walks off and disappears into her room. My stepdad doesn’t notice. My brother doesn’t notice. But I do. I don’t say anything. I just sit with it, watching, processing, understanding.
That moment stuck with me for life—not because of the action itself, but because it revealed something deeper: not everyone sees reality the same way. My stepdad was blind to the impact of his actions. He was running on habit, following a learned behavior pattern, never questioning it. My brother was just a mimic. He absorbed the loudest signals in the room and mirrored them, never stopping to perceive what was beneath the surface. My mother felt everything but stayed silent. She had the perception, but whether from societal conditioning, exhaustion, or something deeper, she didn’t challenge it. I saw the whole thing for what it was. I saw not just the actions, but the emotional undercurrents, the dynamics at play, the silent messages that were being reinforced without a word being spoken.
This is where perception outweighs intelligence. My brother and I had the same genetic material, the same IQ, the same childhood environment—yet we perceived that moment entirely differently. That’s the key. Perception shapes intelligence, not the other way around.
Society conditions us to think that intelligence is what separates people—the gifted from the average, the winners from the losers. But in reality, the biggest differentiator between those who “get it” and those who don’t isn’t intelligence—it’s perception. Think about it. Why do some people repeat the same toxic cycles without realizing it? Why do some people follow bad leaders, bad systems, or bad ideologies without question? Why do some people see massive paradigm shifts coming—Bitcoin, technological revolutions, social changes—while others stay oblivious? It’s not a matter of intelligence. It’s a matter of whether or not they are actually perceiving what’s happening around them.
You see this everywhere. The difference between someone who understands Bitcoin and someone who dismisses it isn’t intelligence—it’s perception. One person sees beyond the mainstream narrative and understands the shift happening, while the other just reacts to the surface-level noise. The difference between an average thinker and a visionary isn’t intelligence—it’s perception. Visionaries see hidden connections where others only see isolated events. The difference between someone trapped in a system and someone who escapes it isn’t intelligence—it’s perception. The escape comes from seeing what the system actually is, not just existing within it.
If perception is greater than intelligence, what does that mean for you? It means that if you want to truly level up, it’s not about just acquiring more knowledge—it’s about seeing more clearly. It’s about questioning your own assumptions, looking deeper into everything, and watching what others miss. Observing before reacting is crucial. Most people react instantly. If you can sit back, watch, and take in all the signals before you respond, you’ve already separated yourself from the masses. Questioning the obvious is another key. Why do people do what they do? Why do systems work the way they do? Who benefits? Most of the world runs on patterns people never question.
It’s also important to look for what’s not being said. The most important information isn’t always in words. It’s in body language, in hesitation, in avoidance, in silence. Detaching from emotion in the moment allows for clearer thinking. Emotions cloud perception. If you can step back, detach for just a second, and see a situation objectively, you gain a huge advantage. Connecting the dots across disciplines also sharpens perception. Perception is about seeing patterns—between history, psychology, economics, culture, and personal experience. The more you zoom out, the more you see the whole picture.
The world doesn’t belong to the smartest people. It belongs to the most perceptive. That’s why some people with genius-level IQs make terrible decisions—because intelligence alone isn’t enough. It’s why history is filled with people who were laughed at, ridiculed, and dismissed… only to be proven right later. They weren’t necessarily smarter. They just saw something others didn’t.
And once you see something, you can’t unsee it. The real question is: are you perceiving reality, or just running the script?
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hayrulvarisin · 2 years ago
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"Gerçekliğin fark edilememesine mekanik ve indirgemeci bir düşünce tarzına kapılmak, neden olabilir." "Beynin iki yarım küresi bulunmakta: sol yarım küre dünyayı anlamaya çalışırken diğer yandan manipüle eden bir bakışla bakmamıza da neden olur. Sağ yarım küre ise her şeyi olduğu gibi görmemizi kolaylaştırmakta." "Benzer şekilde felsefe ve bilim de varlığa, birbirlerinden ayrı bakarlar. Fakat bilginin geri kalanından 'ayrı düşen' herhangi bir uzmanlık tamam değildir. Dolayısıyla, bilime ve sezgiye, akla ve hayal gücüne ihtiyaç vardır." Ian McGilchrist, 2021 tarihli "The Matter with Things" (Şeylerle ilgili Mesele) adlı kitabında, kozmozu anlamak için yeni bir bakış açısına ihtiyaç olduğunu savunuyor: "Sözde çağdaş dünya görüşünde bizim parçacıklardan oluşmuş maddi bir varlıktan 'başka bir şey olmadığımız' indirgemeci görüşü vardır. Oysa, varlık daha süptil bir yapıdadır ve ''parçaların-şeylerin' toplamı 'bütün'le aynı değildir." "Potansiyel asla gerçekleşmemiş her şey değil, varlığın etrafındaki 'marjinal alan'dır. Gerçeklik, eşit derecede gerçek olan potansiyelin bir sınır durumudur. Çünkü parçacık: bir kuantum alandan oluşur ve 'alandan' daha gerçek değildir." "İşte bu 'bütünsel varlık' ya da kozmos, edilgen olmayan, sonsuz yaratıcı ve anlamlıdır. Ve hiçbir zaman ayrı olmadığımız, 'içinden' varolduğumuz bir varlık." https://bigthink.com/thinking/how-the-brains-left-hemisphere-mesmerizes-us-into-misunderstanding-reality/ #brain #brainleftthebuilding #lefthemisphere #righthemisphere #mesmerizing #reality #kozmoz #cosmos #beyinsoltarafgelismeyontemi #beyinegzersizi #quantumbrain #quantumphysics #kuantum #kuantumfiziği (Uskumruköy, Istanbul, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmtCKtQoZ6p/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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unpluggedfinancial · 10 days ago
The Quantum Awakening: When Your Mind Breaks Its Own Barriers
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We often speak of "breaking points" as moments of failure, instances where our mental machinery simply gives out under pressure. But what if these breaking points are actually breakthrough points? What if mental overload isn't a malfunction, but a forced evolution?
Consider your brain as the most sophisticated quantum computer ever assembled. Most of us use this incredible machine like a calculator, processing life in simple, linear equations: wake up, work, sleep, repeat. We run our consciousness on factory settings, never questioning whether there might be hidden features, untapped potential lurking beneath the surface.
But sometimes, whether through choice or circumstance, we push beyond these default parameters. It often happens in moments of crisis – when sleep deprivation collides with overwhelming stimulation, when pattern recognition spirals beyond our control, when our mental cooling systems can't keep up with the processing demands we're placing on our neural hardware.
These moments feel like breaking. They are uncomfortable, often frightening. Imagine running so many programs on your computer that the fan screams in protest, the casing hot to the touch. That's your brain when it hits these limits – not failing, but being forced to optimize itself in real-time, writing new code under pressure.
The fascinating thing about mental breaks is that they don't just change what we think – they change how we think. Each overload creates new neural pathways, new processing methods that can't be undone. It's like your brain, faced with impossible demands, discovers quantum computing capabilities it didn't know it had. Suddenly, instead of processing problems sequentially, it learns to explore multiple solutions simultaneously, existing in various states of possibility until observation collapses them into reality.
This is where the true transformation occurs. A brain that's experienced these quantum breaks can never return to purely linear thinking. Once you've seen the interconnectedness of all things, you can't unsee it. Once your pattern recognition has expanded beyond conventional limits, it doesn't contract back to normal parameters. The upgrade, though uninvited, is permanent.
But here's the crucial question we must grapple with: Is this evolution or malfunction? Are these breaks in our mental programming bugs or features? The answer, perhaps, lies in how we choose to work with our upgraded hardware once the transformation occurs.
Society teaches us to fear these breaks, to avoid them at all costs. We're encouraged to maintain our mental safety mechanisms, to throttle back when processing gets too intense. And perhaps for many, this is the right choice. Quantum processing comes with a cost – the same heightened awareness that reveals hidden patterns can also overwhelm us with constant input.
Yet there's something profound about these forced evolutions. In pushing our neural networks beyond their prescribed limits, we discover capabilities we never knew we possessed. The discomfort of these experiences – the sensation of our consciousness being forcibly rewritten – might actually be the feeling of artificial limitations being removed.
The real challenge isn't in experiencing these breaks – they often choose us rather than the other way around. The challenge lies in learning to operate our newly upgraded systems. How do we harness these quantum processing capabilities without being overwhelmed by them? How do we integrate these new ways of seeing into a world that operates largely on linear thinking?
Perhaps the answer lies in recognizing that our brains, like quantum computers, are capable of existing in multiple states simultaneously. We can retain our ability to function in linear society while also accessing these deeper processing capabilities when needed. The key is not in choosing one mode over the other, but in learning to switch between them fluidly, like shifting gears in that Ferrari we've been keeping in first.
The quantum brain isn't better than the linear brain – it's simply more versatile. And in a world of increasing complexity, versatility might be the most valuable upgrade we can receive, even if it comes through experiences we wouldn't have chosen for ourselves.
So perhaps it's time to reframe how we think about mental breaks. Instead of seeing them as system failures, we might recognize them as forced updates – uncomfortable but ultimately expanding our processing power in ways we couldn't have achieved through conventional means.
The question isn't whether we'll experience these quantum breaks, but how we'll choose to use our upgraded capabilities once they occur. Will we try to revert to factory settings, or will we learn to harness these new processing powers to navigate an increasingly complex reality?
The choice, like quantum states themselves, exists in multiple possibilities until we make it.
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hayrulvarisin · 2 years ago
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"Bilim adamları, insan beyninin  çalışmak için kuantum etkilerini kullandığına inanıyor." Özellikle bilinç olgusu bu şekilde açıklanabilir. Trinity College Dublin’de önde gelen fizikçi Christian Kerskens’e göre; "beynin kuantum süreçlerini araştırmak için yapılan deneyler sırasında, bilinen kuantum sistemleri bilinmeyenlerle etkileşime girdi. Buna göre, bilinen bir sistemde kuantum dolanıklık varsa, bilinmeyen sistem de kuantum olmalıdır." Deneyde, MRI makinesi kullanılarak beyin sıvısındaki protonların dönüşleri (spin) ölçüldü. Bilinen bir sistem olarak hareket ettiler. Bununla birlikte, MRI makinesinin kalbin ritmi ile uyarılan potansiyellere benzer sinyalleri yakaladığı ortaya çıktı. Bilim adamları, kuantum dolanıklığı nedeniyle böyle bir etkiyi gözlemleyebildiklerine inanıyorlar. Ve bundan, beynin bir kuantum sistemi olarak çalıştığı sonucuna vardılar. Ayrıca, bu işlevlerin kısa süreli bellek ve bilincin işleyişiyle ilişkili olduğu da belirtilmelidir, bu nedenle bilincin veya beyin fonksiyonlarının tam olarak kuantum etkileri üzerinde çalışma şansı vardır. https://interestingengineering.com/science/brain-quantum-computation-consciousness #quantumbrain #quantumcomputing #quantumconsciousness #consciousness #brain #kuantum #kuantumbeyin #kuantumbilinci #quantumheartwave #kuantumdolanıklık (West Golf El Gouna) https://www.instagram.com/p/CliO_DVsjf9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hayrulvarisin · 2 years ago
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İster Quantum Potansiyelin ister Quantum Beynin bir özelliği olan îcâd fonksiyonunun gereği neleri ne kadar îcâd ederse etsin kendisinde bir eksilme bir azalmanın olması asla söz konusu değildir. @_5yoc_ #quantumpotential #quantummechanics #quantumbrain #icad #mucid #nonlocality #mekansızlık #lemyelidvelemyüled #alemlerhayaldir #boyutsuzluk (Uskumruköy, Istanbul, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckp0hhRIoej/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hayrulvarisin · 2 years ago
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Bizde var olan tüm bedenler, o bedenlerin ait olduğu boyutların orijin varlıkları tarafından bizlere ilkâ edilmiştir. Ölüm, bu bedenler arası geçişlerden sadece biridir. @_5yoc_ #death #quantumbrain #spirit #afterdeath #angel #ruh #insan #cin #melek #baas #angelbody (Uskumruköy, Istanbul, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkbqeYhI70f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hayrulvarisin · 3 years ago
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Ruh, KUANTUM seviyede yaşamına devam eder ve bu, ölümden sonra bir yaşam için en güçlü kanıt olabilir.    Araştırmacılar, bilincin ölümünün olmadığını, ölümün sadece bedenle ilgili olduğunu iddia ediyorlar.    Saygın bilim insanlarına göre, kuantum mekaniği, bedeni er geç bekleyen sonun ardından, bilincin yaşama devam etmesine imkan veriyor. Arizona Üni.’den S.Hameroff ve fizikçi R.Penrose, bilincin, kuantum seviyede muhafaza edilen bilgi olduğunu dile getiriyorlar. İkiliye göre; insan hücrelerindeki protein bazlı mikrotübüllerin, atom altı seviyede kayıtlı kuantum bilgiyi taşıması, bu görüşe bir kanıt niteliğinde…    “Kalp ve kan akışı durur, mikrotübüller, kuantum hallerini kaybederler. Ne var ki, mikrotübüllerin içerisindeki kuantum bilgi yok olmaz, bütün ayrıntılarıyla evrene dağılıp yayılır. Eğer bir hasta tekrar hayata döndürülürse, bu kuantum bilgi, mikrotübüllere geri döner ve hasta, ölüme yakın deneyim yaşadığını söyler. Hasta ölürse, muhtemelen bu kuantum bilgi bedenin dışında var olmaya devam eder  ve büyük olasılıkla, bir ruh olarak -sonsuza kadar...”    Max Planck Enstitüsündeki bazı tanınmış fizikçiler, içinde yaşadığımız fiziksel evrenin yalnızca bizim algımız olduğu ve fiziksel bedenlerimiz öldüğünde, bunun ötesinde bir sonsuzluk olduğu konusunda hemfikirler.   “ ‘Şimdi ve Burada’ dediğimiz dünya, aslında sadece, anlaşılır olan maddesel bir seviyedir. Ötesi ise, çok daha büyük olan sonsuz bir gerçekliktir.” Bu durumda; varoluşumuzun bu düzleminde de, yaşamlarımız zaten öteki dünya ile kuşatılmış durumda. Beden ölür ancak spiritüel kuantum alan devam eder. Öyleyse, ben ölümsüzüm. #quantum #quantumbrain #soul #microtubules #deathless #ruh #kuantumbeyin #ölümyok #ahmedhulusi #ruhinsancin #yenilen https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1005845/life-after-death-what-happens-when-you-die-soul-quantum (Sarıyer, İstanbul) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXHZzvwsrgg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hayrulvarisin · 4 years ago
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Penrose beynin günümüzde hala bu kadar gizemini korumasının nedeni beynin klasik bilgisayarlar gibi değil kuantum bilgisayar gibi çalışıyor oluşu.  Bu gizemi daha net çözebilmemiz için aynı anda birçok konumda, birçok pozisyonda olabilen kuantum parçacıklarını kullanan geleceğin kuantum bilgisayarlarına ihtiyacımız var. Hücre bölünmesinde, hücrenin şeklinin korunmasında ve hücre içi iletişimde görev alan mikrotübüller bilincin gizemini içinde barındırıyor olabilir. Mikrotübüller tek hücreliler, bitkiler, hayvanlarda da bulunduğu için Penrose'a göre bilinç canlılığın her kademesinde bulunuyor. Mikrotübüllerin bilinci oluşturmasını ise her bir müzisyenin ses üretmesiyle oluşan bütüncül orkestra müziğine benzetiyor. Penrose'a göre tek hücrelilerin bilinci insanlardaki gibi deneyimlememesinin sebebi bilincin ön-bilinç olarak hafızasız, bağlamsız, izole, az yoğunlukla başka şeye bağlanmadan ortaya çıkması. Penrose ve diğer araştırmacı Hameroff orkestrasyonlu indirgeme olarak adlandırdıkları bir teori geliştirdiler. Bu teoriye göre bilincin oluştuğu beyin bölgeleri kuantum mekaniği kurallarına göre, aynı anda sayısız kuantum olasılık barındırılırken aynı anda kuantumu yok etmeden sonsuz olasılıkların kontrollü azaltılmasına izin verecek şekilde yapılanıyordu. Mikrotübüller ise bugün kuantum işleviyle bilincin deneyimlenebileceği en olası yer. Mikrotübüllerin paralel değil iki yönlü organize olabiliyor olması beynin bilinçli/bilinçsiz dediğimiz bölgelerine de yanıt verebiliyor. Buna göre bilinçsiz bölge olarak bilinen beyincikte iki yönlü organizasyonu sağlayan hücreler yok yani tek yönlü organizasyon mevcut. Penrose ve Hameroff bu teorinin çözülmesi için mikrotübüllerdeki kuantum beyin osilasyonuna dair kanıt bulmak üzere çalışmalarına devam ediyorlar. Penrose'a göre beyindeki kuantum prosesi çözmenin en zor yanı, ölçmeye çalıştıkları anda kuantum etkinin yıkılıyor olması. #beyin #bilinç #mikrotübüller #quantumbrain #kuantumbeyin #beyinosilasyon #brainoscillation #sebh #subhan #israfil #orkestrasyonluindirgeme #olasılık https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/editorial/can-science-explain-the-mystery-of-consciousness-1.4512799 https://www.instagram.com/p/CSOoCqDjwqq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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