omarfor-orchestra · 7 months
Già sta perso questo
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personal-reporter · 1 year
Festa del Vino 2023 ad Alba
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Domenica 21 maggio per il quinto anno ad Alba sarà il momento della Festa del Vino che Go Wine dedica ai Vini Autoctoni del Piemonte, nel segno della biodiversità e per la valorizzazione del grande patrimonio di vitigni autoctoni della regione, alla presenza diretta dei produttori. Sarà una degustazione esclusiva nel cuore del centro storico di Alba, fra via Cavour, Piazza del Duomo, con un percorso che conduce sino al Cortile della Maddalena dalle 15 alle 20 dove i vini di tutto il Piemonte raccontano oltre 40 differenti vitigni, rappresentati dai viticoltori. L’evento permette al pubblico di apprezzare un panorama di vini unico che rende ricca e preziosa la viticoltura piemontese, fra le più importanti d’Italia affiancando varietà di grande diffusione , come il nebbiolo, a varietà oggetto di recupero nel corso degli ultimi anni come il Baratuciat, il Bian Ver o l’Uvalino. Il panorama di vini sarà di conseguenza importante e di molti vitigni saranno presentate in degustazione anche più etichette, mentre i più rari, legati al lavoro di ricerca e valorizzazione di una o due cantine, saranno radunati in una speciale enoteca. I protagonisti di questo speciale evento Go Wine saranno Albarossa, Arneis, Avanà, Baratuciat, Barbera, Becuet, Bian Ver, Bonarda, Brachetto, Bussanello, Cari, Caricalasino, Cortese, Croatina, Dolcetto, Erbaluce, Favorita, Freisa, Gamba di pernice, Grignolino, Malvasia, Malvasia di Schierano, Malvasia moscata, Montanera, Moretto, Moscato, Nascetta, Nebbiolo, Nebbiolo di Dronero, Neretto di San Giorgio, Pelaverga, Pelaverga Piccolo, Quagliano, Rossese bianco, Ruchè, Slarina, Timorasso, Uva rara, Uvalino e Vespolina. L’evento propone alcuni ospiti speciali, che arricchiscono l’offerta delle degustazioni in un’ottica di confronto e accrescendo l’importanza dell’evento. Infatti la Sardegna, ricca di vitigni autoctoni con una storia di viticoltura importante per la posizione strategica nel Mediterraneo, sarà ospite di questa edizione. Grazie alla collaborazione con le cantine della regione, verrà allestita nel Cortile della Maddalena una speciale enoteca che darà conto della ricchezza di varietà del’isola, con un parterre di vitigni unici come Cannonau e Vermentino, ma anche Carignano, Nuragus, Bovale, Monica, Nasco. Vernaccia di Oristano, Nieddera e altri ancora. Ci sarà un tuffo in Sudamerica per conoscere l’Argentina che, come dicono alcune statistiche, è il quinto produttore al mondo di vino. Grazie al fatto che la maggior parte dei vigneti è  posizionate a ridosso delle Ande, verso il confine con il Cile e con un patrimonio di varietà che risente delle contaminazione avvenute nei secoli nella sua terra. Malbec, Torrontes sono alcuni dei vitigni  argentini da conoscere e che saranno ad Alba in uno spazio espositivo nel Cortile della Maddalena. Oltre alle degustazioni ci sarà uno spazio anche per i prodotti tipici, con la presenza di alcuni espositori, perfetti per  assaporare il fascino delle tipicità che firmano la viticoltura piemontese e che  saranno, per un giorno, nel centro storico di Alba. Read the full article
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Mercato auto Europa +12,2% a febbraio, Stellantis +2%
Quagliano, lento recupero ma livelli pre-crisi lontani (ANSA) – TORINO, 21 MAR – Nel mese di febbraio in Europa Occidentale più Paesi Efta e Regno Unito sono state immatricolate 902.775 auto, il 12,2% in più dello stesso mese del 2022. Nei primi due mesi le immatricolazioni sono state 1.814.048, pari a una crescita dell’11,5%. I dati sono dell’Acea, l’associazione dei costruttori europei. Il…
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🍇🥧Crostata all'uva Quagliano senza glutine in #friggitriceadaria🥧🍇 Avevo comprato della bellissima uva #quagliano ma ero rimasta senza farina bianca. Ormai avevo in testa questo dolce ispirato alla #applepie, così ho scavato nella dispensa creando una #piecrust di farine alternative, avena, riso e maizena. Ero un po' preoccupata della sua riuscita, così ho chiesto consiglio alla mia esperta di fiducia di dolci senza glutine @monica_bellin_ Mi ha tranquillizzato, dicendomi che l'impasto una volta cotto sarebbe rimasto più friabile ma comunque ottimo. Abbiamo così intrapreso una piacevole chiacchierata sulle farine senza glutine, io sono proprio ignorante in materia, mi ha detto di consigliarvi di controllare sempre che sulla confezioni delle farine ci sia il marchio gluten free della spiga barrata, per non rischiare spiacevoli conseguenze se servite il dolce ad un celiaco. Visto l'ottimo risultato, ho deciso di partecipare al #mercoledisenzaglutine di Monica portando questa crostata che sono anche riuscita a cuocere nella mia #airfryer #princessxxl. #mangiaconpizzakaiju #dolcisenzaglutine #glutenfree #grapepie #airfyerrecipe #ricetteperfriggitriceadaria #lericettedivalentina #merenda #dessert #_vrusca_fgnam #ricetteautunnali #autunno #uva #piemonteintavola #collinesaluzzesi (presso Venasca) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3H5mHLHit5/?igshid=1or2e6xqhb63u
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globalhappenings · 3 years
Auto: European sales -2.4% in January
Auto: European sales -2.4% in January
In January, 822,423 cars were registered in Western Europe (EU + EFTA + UK), with a 2.4% decline on the same month of 2021. the Aceathe association of European car manufacturers. The Stellantis group registered 156,673 cars in Western Europe (EU, EFTA countries and the United Kingdom) in January, 12.4% less than in the same month of 2021. The market share fell from 21.2% to 19.1%. Registrations…
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uncgarchives · 3 years
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New Acquisition: The Brooklyn Art Press Records
The Martha Blakeney Hodges Special Collections & University Archives is pleased to announce the acquisition of the records and publications of the Brooklyn Arts Press. Brooklyn Arts Press (BAP) is devoted to publishing new works by emerging artists. The purpose of the press is to serve the community by publishing great works of varying aesthetics side by side, subverting the notion that writers and artists exist in vacuums, apart from the culture in which they reside and outside the realm and understanding of other camps and aesthetics. The press believes experimentation and innovation, arriving by way of given forms or new ones, make our culture greater through diversity of perspective, opinion, expression, and spirit. The collection also includes material relating to Augury Books, an imprint of BAP since its incorporation in 2017. Augury Books authors have received awards such as the O. Henry prize for short fiction, the Great Lakes Colleges Association’s “Discover” Award for creative nonfiction, and the Tony Quagliano International Poetry Award. Authors have also been nominated for the CLMP Firecracker award, the Lambda Literary Arts award, and have been featured on the Poetry Society of America’s and the Academy of American Poets website.
The Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the Brooklyn Arts Press, Joe Pan, is a graduate of UNC Greensboro’s Department of English, having studied with Fred Chappell, Stuart Dischell, and Lee Zacharias. He also worked as an intern on the Greensboro Review with Jim Clark.
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chez-mimich · 4 years
Essendo un amatore del design di stretta osservanza “munariana” non ho mai amato troppo i designer-fighetti da “Design-Week” (anche se mi divertono molto): in loro c’è troppo poco pensiero e troppa attenzione alle mode. Ma suppongo di avere ragione, perché in questi ultimi decenni, il design e la sua intrinseca razionalità sembra aver abdicato nei confronti di quello che Bruno Munari appunto definiva (con un bel po’ di disprezzo), come “styling”. Oggi è comunemente accettata l’idea che un oggetto di design debba essere “stiloso”. Per esemplificare il concetto potrei prendere ad esempio uno dei più noti oggetti di quello che si potrebbe definire come “post-design” l’inquietante aracnoide spremi agrumi di Philippe Starck. Avete mai provato a spremere un’arancia con quel bizzarro oggetto? Immagino di no: chi lo possiede ne riconosce lo status di soprammobile, ma poi per spremere un’aranci usa un oggettino acquistato all’Ikea (questi sì che con il design quagliano bene). L’oggetto di Starck si muove mentre state spremono l’arancia, gli spruzzi della spremitura finiscono ovunque anziché nel bicchiere tranne che nel bicchiere che tra l’altro deve essere della grandezza ed altezza adeguata altrimenti sono guai. Certo alcuni oggetti del “post-design” sono particolari, curiosi, magari anche belli. Ne posseggo alcuni, come per esempio il bollitore Alessi di Michael Graves, ma parliamoci chiaro: per mettere in infusione una bustina o un filtro contenente qualche fogliolina sminuzzata di té, è proprio indispensabile quel bellissimo cono di acciaio con tanto di uccellino canterino sulla punta? No, è solo bello e basta. Ma il design, secondo l’accezione di Munari avrebbe dovuto essere un’altra cosa. La “bellezza” di un oggetto, secondo le sue note teorie, avrebbe dovuto seguire e non precedere la sua funzione. Ma tutti questi bei ragionamenti, ahimè, attengono al passato. Chi sarà allora il designer del futuro (o del presente)? Quello che disegnerà una bottiglia di acqua minerale senza tappo o magari quello che inventerà una confezione di biscotti che aprendola non ci faccia restare in mano una linguetta di plastica che potrebbe poi finire nell’ambiente contribuendo a far crescere la gigantesca mole delle microplastiche. Il designer dovrà al fianco dello scienziato, così magari la confezione di plastica non sarà nemmeno necessaria. Altro che fighetti di Brera…
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Una bozza dell’ultimo libro di Chiara Alessi.
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chrisdanforth-blog · 4 years
Deadbird: The Underground Cool (and Racking) of Arc’teryx
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Canadian brand Arc’teryx has endeavoured to excel in one area: outdoor apparel.
Despite its association with the best-of-the-best, industry-leading (and expensive compared to competitors) outdoor gear, the brand has been embraced, adopted, and re-contextualized by groups that Arc’teryx never ever considered designing for, namely graffiti writers, rackers, the occasional skateboarder, and lately the capital “F” fashion crowd.
Because of its logo, Arc’teryx product is often colloquially referred to as “deadbird” by some aficionados. So what has Arc’teryx done to deserve this street-level credibility?
The following is a series of interviews conducted over email, Instagram DM, Reddit, and Google Forms. Some quotes have been condensed for brevity. Arc’teryx declined to answer questions for this article.
  Graffiti artist Victor Ving highlights Arc’teryx products for their utility and hardiness, telling me, “I was put on to Arc’teryx from some Pacific-Northwest friends. It’s lightweight and good for the constant rain up there. Personally, I’m a fan of the Beta/Theta AR shells. Similar to The North Face Mountain Light Jackets, they have chest pockets. It’s a good place to put your cans of spray paint.” Ving notes that he observed Arc’teryx jackets becoming a choice look for sprayers, explaining, “You do see a graffiti subculture of people that wear Arc’teryx. I don’t think it’s so much of a functional thing, but it just became a trend. In NYC, I feel like it was about The North Face jackets in the ’90s and then it evolved into Arc’teryx.”
Milan-based Gianluca Quagliano operates a radio show called Skate Muzik, and produces apparel under the same name. He has issued a number of homage, Arc’teryx-inspired T-shirt designs, re-imagining the Arc’teryx Archaeopteryx logo as a a Japan-air grab. Quagliano has been wearing Arc’teryx for some time, despite having to search and travel for certain items. “I’ve been wearing their products for years, it was quite hard to find in Milan for some time though, I remember going to Tokyo, seeing an Arc’teryx store there, and I went crazy.”
A graffiti writer who chose to remain anonymous told me, “Racking has been part of graffiti since the ’70s. Arc’teryx is part of the graffiti subculture, strictly because of racking. No other reason at all. Kids would rack jackets because of their high price-point and ease of selling them.” Adding additional background, they note, “The top tier at the time was The North Face Summit Series, and if you could find it, Steep Tech gear. I found a store that had these [Arc’teryx] jackets, with this sick bright blue color that no one else offered at the time. I checked the tag and it was $500. I couldn’t believe it. Even two Summit Series [jackets] weren’t close to that. I took an Alpha shell and two Gamma soft shells and that was it. It started an addiction, an appreciation and a brand loyalty that has been a part of my life ever since. Racking happens for several reasons, firstly to make money, and secondly to have the best jacket money can buy on your back, while not paying a thing for it.”
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Nick Kusto is an artist who spends his time between Dublin and Berlin. Kusto mentions he is fond of products like the Sinsolo and Motus hats, as well as vintage jackets. He continues, “GORE-TEX has always been popular amongst writers, a friend of mine has it [GORE-TEX] tattooed in massive block letters across his stomach.” Kusto mentions the planning that can go into Arc’teryx heists, noting, “People travel all over Europe and Scandinavia looking for the easiest shops to steal it, renting out cars and hitting all the stores on the way. It’s easier in small towns.”
In Melbourne, Australia, Lloyd Wellington’s understanding of the Arc’teryx brand could not be further from any mountaineer or climber: “To me, it’s a brand that I have always associated with crime. I have never paid for an Arc’teryx jacket, period. I feel as though people who wear Arc’teryx are almost in a secret club together. When I see another person wearing it, I always give them a head-nod and acknowledge them.” Wellington also draws comparisons between the cult appeal of Arc’teryx and the Ralph Lauren-obsessed Lo-Life crew, noting, “To me, Arc’teryx is the modern day POLO for a certain level of people. People trade loot photos among eachother, and show off their rarest pieces, always bragging about the missions that scored them the most.”
Toronto-based graphic designer Brendan G explains the practice of stealing Arc’teryx by noting, “The [GORE-TEX] Pro shells are worth up to a rack in CAD, and it’s easy money if you know what’s up. I rate it, the world is burning and we’re in a late enough stage of capitalism that I don’t give two shits if somebody steals from a large company.” Brendan also touches on the brand’s appeal off the mountain, “It’s also a high-key flex to be wearing a thousand-dollar technical jacket meant for belaying in the Himalayas on your run to the bar. Too bad it’s become mainstream enough that it’s low-key corny now, thanks Virgil and all the fakers paying retail!”
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London-based Bennett gave me his first name, but preferred to remain otherwise anonymous when speaking about Arc’teryx, telling me, “Graffiti is a largely outdoor hobby, so you want good clothing to help with the elements.” Bennet also highlights the price point of Arc’teryx as a factor that sets it apart from other brands. “The gear is well made and looks good, and isn’t generally affordable to everyone. This makes it stand out against The North Face. Always GORE-TEX models, they tend to be the most expensive and therefore desirable to me.” On the topic of racking, Bennett responds, “Love it. If the clothes are there, and can be got for free, then fuck it. Take them. Save yourself some money.”
An anonymous responder from Denmark told me, “Arc’teryx is hard to steal and expensive, which makes it more popular. Also Arc’teryx is good quality. When I started racking, it was The North Face that was the top brand in the graffiti world.” They went on to note, “The best story I can share is about a shop in the city center of Copenhagen. It’s a two-floor store and it had a scaffolding on the outside. So a group of four guys went up, opened a window and took all the Arc’teryx that the shop had to offer!” Images via Lloyd Wellington.
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chromet · 7 months
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By Gianluca Quagliano
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
Magari è la volta buona che Paola e Massimo quagliano sul serio
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annesemaurizio · 4 years
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Auto: Quagliano, poco richiesti incentivi per elettriche
Esauriti il 7 febbraio per benzina e diesel poco inquinanti (ANSA) – TORINO, 21 FEB – “In Italia le previsioni per le auto elettriche restano improntate al pessimismo anche perché gli incentivi prenotabili dal 10 gennaio sulla piattaforma del Ministero dei Trasporti sono molto poco richiesti”. Lo sottolinea il presidente del Centro Studi Promotor, Gian Primo Quagliano. “Alla data di ieri –…
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unisvers · 2 years
#Monica Fadda.mov from vittorio e.pisu on Vimeo.
Conversazione con Monica Fadda Vocal Coach della pièce Paese d’ombre di Giuseppe Dessì drammaturgia e regia di Gianluca Medas con Marta Proietti Orzella, Alessio Arippa, Valentino Pili, Sofia Quagliano, Alessandro Redegoso Musiche di Nicola Agus Disegni in movimento di Fabio Coronas Disegno luci di Andrea Piras
All'occasione della rappresentazione presso CASA DESSÌ Domenica 18 settembre 2022 h. 21:30 Fondazione Giuseppe Dessì Via Roma, 63, 09039 Villacidro SU fondazionedessi.it/
Una trasmissione S'Arti Nostra Un film di Vittorio E. Pisu
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imoviez · 3 years
  Per la realizzazione del cortometraggio La lite, di Matteo Quagliano, Kamel film, si effettua casting finalizzato alla selezione di attori e attrici     Nello specifico si cercano : – Madre: origini italiane, di età compresa tra i 55 e i 65 anni – Ragazza delle pulizie: di età compresa tra i 25 e i 60 anni     MODALITA’ DI PARTECIPAZIONE Vi preghiamo di candidarvi solo ed esclusivamente se…
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zensit · 3 years
Feiten over azijn en je gezondheid
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Wat weinig mensen weten dat de toepassing van azijn als geneesmiddel een lange traditie heeft. Wist je ook dat azijn anti oxidatief, bloedsuiker regulerend, cholesterolverlagend, bloeddrukverlagend en antimicrobieel werkend is?(1) In dit artikel ga je meer weten over deze toepassing en wat azijn voor je gezondheid kan betekenen. Denk aan wat azijn voor je  bloedsuiker kan betekenen, hoeveel azijn heb je nu écht nodig, over de niet bewezen effecten van azijn en voor welke azijn je het beste kunt kiezen. Vanwege de bloedsuiker regulerende effecten van azijn werd azijn al lang vóórdat er medicijnen waren, ingezet bij diabetes. Azijn reguleert de bloedsuikerspiegel na hoog glycemische maaltijden (zoals witmeel en suiker)(2), doordat azijn de cellen helpt beter en effectiever de suiker uit het bloed op te nemen.(3)   Azijn en de bloedsuikerspiegel Dit effect is vooral bij personen met een voorstadium diabetes type 2 interessant, omdat bij deze ziekte de insulinesensitiviteit van de cellen aangedaan is en door gelijktijdige toevoer van azijn bij de maaltijden deze verbeterd kon worden.(4)   Afbeelding 1 laat zien wat het effect is van azijn op de bloedsuiker- en de insulinespiegel na het eten van een maaltijd (bagel of sinaasappelsap).(5) Wat is het effect van azijn op de bloedsuiker De piek is duidelijk minder hoog bij het nemen van 20 ml azijn (1,3 eetlepel) dan bij dezelfde maaltijd zonder azijn. Misschien is het ook geen toeval dat sommige traditionele gerechten, die een sterke bloedsuikerpiek zouden veroorzaken, vaak met azijn worden bereid. Bijvoorbeeld wordt de witte rijst in sushi steeds met rijstazijn klaargemaakt, welke de bloedsuikerpiek na het eten daarvan met ongeveer een 1/3 reduceert. (6) Ook kon het eten van augurken in plaats van verse komkommer de bloedsuikerpiek na het eten van wit brood met 1/3 reduceren.(7) Daarom is het ook slim om hoogglycemische voedingsmiddelen zoals rijst, witbrood en aardappelen samen met azijn te eten. Een ander goed voorbeeld is aardappelsalade. Door het afkoelen van de aardappelen daalt de glycemische index, omdat een deel van het zetmeel in de aardappelen een resistent (onverteerbaar) zetmeel wordt. Door de toevoeging van azijn kan de bloedsuikerpiek nog meer worden gereguleerd.   Misschien is het ook geen toeval dat sommige traditionele gerechten vaak met azijn worden bereid   Hoeveel azijn heb ik nodig? Het toevoegen van een eetlepel azijn bij twee maaltijden per dag (in totaal 2 EL) verbeterde in een studie niet alleen de bloedsuikerpiek na het eten van een maaltijd, maar ook de nuchter bloedsuikerpiek van personen met een hoog risico op diabetes type 2. En dat effect was zelfs sterker dan van de alom bekende medicatie metformine!(8) Ook de zogenaamde laagtermijn bloedsuiker (HbA1c) kon door het nemen van 2 EL per dag aardig gereduceerd worden. Bovendien zorgt azijn voor een beter verzadigingsgevoel en werkt daarom ondersteunend bij het afvallen.(9) Binnen 8 weken konden de bloedvetwaardes (cholesterol en triglycerides) worden verbeterd door azijn.(10) Reeds 2 EL azijn per dag zijn voldoende voor de positieve effecten op de bloedsuiker na hoogglycemische maaltijden.(11) Twee eetlepels azijn per dag (30 ml) bij een maaltijd, zo blijkt uit studies, is zonder bijwerkingen en onschadelijk.(12) Zelfs 3 EL per dag, dus bij iedere maaltijd, blijkt ook nog onschadelijk en vrij van bijwerkingen te zijn.(13) Meer dan 3 EL per dag zou je op lange termijn niet moeten nemen.   2 EL azijn per dag zijn voldoende   Niet bewezen effecten van azijn Het bloedsuikerregulerende effect van azijn is goed onderzocht, maar over andere toepassingen / wondereffecten van azijn, waarover vaak wordt gesproken, is nog onvoldoende onderzoek beschikbaar om te zeggen dat deze nuttig zijn. Bijvoorbeeld, het gebruik van azijn bij hoofdluizen op de hoofdhuid is ongevaarlijk (zolang het niet in de ogen komt) maar het werkt niet. Ook is het gebruik van azijn om verkleuringen van tanden tegen te gaan af te raden. Het is weliswaar een effectieve methode om verkleuringen weg te halen(14), alleen kan azijn ook voor demineraliseren van de tanden zorgen en is daarom ook niet aan te raden. De nadelen overtreffen hier de voordelen.(15), (16) Dus appelazijn absoluut niet puur drinken. Altijd met een rietje en verdund in water. Trouwens, dat appelazijn het bloed reinigt, wanneer je het op nuchtere maag drinkt, is ook onzin.       Weliswaar een effectieve methode alleen kan azijn ook voor demineraliseren van de tanden zorgen   Welke soort azijn kan ik uit kiezen De keuze uit verschillende soorten azijn is heel groot en iedere hoogwaardige azijn soort kan gebruikt worden. In het bijzonder moet aandacht worden besteed aan de kwaliteit, omdat alleen echte wijnazijn uit 100% wijn bestaat. Deze moet niet worden verwisseld met een goedkope wijnazijn die uit 80% alcoholazijn en 20% echte wijnazijn bestaat. Appelazijn ontstaat door appelsap te laten fermenteren. Appelazijn en wijnazijn worden meestal 1 jaar lang gefermenteerd. Gourmet-azijn, zoals balsamico azijn uit druivenmost wordt tenminste 4 of zelfs 40 jaar gefermenteerd. Door deze lange tijd van opslag krijgen de soorten azijn uitzonderlijke aroma's en zijn daarom een groot culinair highlight.   Conclusie over azijn Overdrijf het niet met azijn. 2-3 eetlepels per dag (1 EL bij iedere maaltijd) is meer dan genoeg voor het regulerende effect op de bloedsuiker. Combineer altijd een hoogglycemische maaltijd met wat appelazijn, zodat je de bloedsuiker- en insulinepiek na de maaltijd binnen de perken kunt houden. De overige wondereffecten, die vaak aan azijn worden toegeschreven, zijn (nog) niet wetenschappelijk bewezen en kunnen soms meer kwaad dan goed doen. Tot slot, azijn kan een hulpmiddel zijn bij het afvallen.   1) Budak, N.H., Aykin, E., Seydim, A.C., Greene, A.K. and Guzel‐Seydim, Z.B., 2014. Functional properties of vinegar. Journal of food science, 79(5), pp.R757-R764. 2) Liatis, S., Grammatikou, S., Poulia, K.A., Perrea, D., Makrilakis, K., Diakoumopoulou, E. and Katsilambros, N., 2010. Vinegar reduces postprandial hyperglycaemia in patients with type II diabetes when added to a high, but not to a low, glycaemic index meal. European journal of clinical nutrition, 64(7), pp.727-732. 3) Mitrou, P., Petsiou, E., Papakonstantinou, E., Maratou, E., Lambadiari, V., Dimitriadis, P., Spanoudi, F., Raptis, S.A. and Dimitriadis, G., 2015. The role of acetic acid on glucose uptake and blood flow rates in the skeletal muscle in humans with impaired glucose tolerance. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 69(6), pp.734-739. (4) Mitrou, P., Petsiou, E., Papakonstantinou, E., Maratou, E., Lambadiari, V., Dimitriadis, P., Spanoudi, F., Raptis, S.A. and Dimitriadis, G., 2015. Vinegar consumption increases insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by the forearm muscle in humans with type 2 diabetes. Journal of diabetes research, 2015. (5) Johnston, C.S. and Buller, A.J., 2005. Vinegar and peanut products as complementary foods to reduce postprandial glycemia. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 105(12), pp.1939-1942. (6) Sugiyama, M., Tang, A.C., Wakaki, Y. and Koyama, W., 2003. Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European journal of clinical nutrition, 57(6), pp.743-752. (7) Östman, E.M., Liljeberg Elmståhl, H.G. and Björck, I.M., 2001. Inconsistency between glycemic and insulinemic responses to regular and fermented milk products. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 74(1), pp.96-100. (8) Johnston, C.S., Quagliano, S. and White, S., 2013. Vinegar ingestion at mealtime reduced fasting blood glucose concentrations in healthy adults at risk for type 2 diabetes. Journal of Functional Foods, 5(4), pp.2007-2011. (9) Östman, E., Granfeldt, Y., Persson, L. and Björck, I., 2005. Vinegar supplementation lowers glucose and insulin responses and increases satiety after a bread meal in healthy subjects. European journal of clinical nutrition, 59(9), pp.983-988. (10) Beheshti, Z., Chan, Y.H., Nia, H.S., Hajihosseini, F., Nazari, R. and Shaabani, M., 2012. Influence of apple cider vinegar on blood lipids. Life Sci J, 9(4), pp.2431-40. (11) Johnston, C.S., Steplewska, I., Long, C.A., Harris, L.N. and Ryals, R.H., 2010. Examination of the antiglycemic properties of vinegar in healthy adults. Annals of nutrition and metabolism, 56(1), pp.74-79. (12) Kondo, T., Kishi, M., Fushimi, T., Ugajin, S. and Kaga, T., 2009. 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alfonsoselva · 4 years
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NIO COCKTAILS: il suo fondatore Luca Quagliano mi ha rilasciato una bellissima intervista sul mio podcast Finanza Semplice. .. Ascoltala e saprai anche come, in modo rocambolesco, ha trovato i soldi per lanciarla 😉. .. Come si dice “La fortuna aiuta gli audaci “. .. https://apple.co/3mbK50v .. #alfonsoselva #niococktails #lucaquagliano #podcast #podcastfinanzasemplice #consulentefinanziario #impresa #startup https://www.instagram.com/p/CIFm1Xnlu3h/?igshid=cc71fv6qi06z
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