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annemarieyeretzian · 2 months ago
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BAROQUE ART 🎭 love, ur local art mom 🩵
disclaimers and more information under the cut ✂️
hi I’m annemarie and I’m an art historian! not adjuncting for the first time in five years was rly hard for me so I threw some slides together so I could still (sort of) teach the same material as my language of art class but a) I threw these slides together for instagram so space was/is limited and b) language of art is a ten week run through art history so I’m presenting only the most accessible information here – there’s so much more to this art period and to this artist! – please don’t expect it to be comprehensive and please do ask if you have any questions!
oh p.s. my first ever class of art history students came up with the name ‘art mom’ for me at the end of the quarter and yes it does make me cry if I think about it too long thanks so much for asking
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apobezinsky · 2 years ago
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my digital picture "Quadrature of the Buddha circle"
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vintageerieteacup · 2 months ago
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The haircut reminds me of Herman Einstein from "Arsenic and Old Lace".
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maybefrench · 1 year ago
As-tu un compte aux Impôts / CAF / Améli / Pôle Emploi / Ursaff ? Ceci est pour toi :)
So, La Quadrature du Net a réussi à mettre la main sur 2 versions de l'algorithme de la CAF et c'est effarant. Et oui, ça te concerne quand même tu n'y es pas. Parce qu'ils utilisent tous des altos. Lit la suite vite fait ( ou passe direct à : Lutter contre les algos de contrôle )
La version longue mais très intéressante :
Notation des allocataires : l'indécence des pratiques de la CAF désormais indéniable
Mon résumé perso :
En gros, la CAF ne cherche pas à prévenir la fraude, elle cherche les indus. Pour ça, elle te score selon que t'es supposé être un profil de fraudeur ou pas. T'es AAH ? T'as le gros lot. T'es une mère célibataire ? T'as aussi un score élevé. T'es un couple qui gagne bien sa vie ? Même pas t'es inquiété.
So, selon ton score, l'algo décide de check ton dossier ou pas. Il flag ton dossier, un petit monsieur/madame regarde ton dossier en partant du principe que si l'algol t'a flag, c'est qu'il y a bien une raison non ? Et ils vont chercher la merde.
Là dessus. Ils vont cross tes données avec les impôts, l'assurance maladie, même tes comptes bancaires ( illégal ça non ? bah comme de te filer un score parce que t'habites le quartier pérave de ta ville et pourtant ! )
La CAF déconne grave. Et comme son algo "il fonctionne", Pôle Emploi s'est dit qu'il allait aussi le test depuis le début de l'année. Et comme ça marche bien, l'assurance maladie s'y est mis aussi. On rappel que l'assurance maladie a genre des tas d'infos sur toi que tu voudrais pas que le type de la CAF ou de Pôle Emploi puisse voir ?
Si tu veux lire la version courte et te dire qu'on a bien dépassé le stade de la dystopie ordinaire, c'est ici ( CAF, Assurance Maladie, URSAFF, Pôle Emploi, Assurance Vieillesse, Impôts, etc... ) :
Lutter contre les algos de contrôle
Tu as envie de ne pas trop te laisser ? Ca te branche un peu d'emmerder légalement les institutions ? Tu aimerais connaître le score de ton trimestriel salto ? Good ! La Quadrature te fourni les outils : 2 gabarits pour envoyer aux institutions afin d'avoir ces infos. Et si tu te sens d'aider, forward tes infos à la Quadrature pour qu'ils puissent saisir l'étendu des données ( okak'on aurait pas tous les même critères de sélection ) Vazy c'est par ici :
Demande ton score ( mais t'as pas de médaille à la fin )
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magnificent-buckless-butt · 1 month ago
And this is not the time to start doxxing yourself. Scrape your real name from your social medias or keep only one "burner" account, wear a mask when you go out, turn off location on your phone, stop using GApps, write stuff on papers and not on your phone and definitely not online (this includes your calendar or your docs being in a cloud), use fake names when you have to create an account to buy stuff and so on.
Some of you are going to have to realize really fast that posting on social media about your acts of resistance, or the acts of resistance of your workplace/student group, or things you're planning, or even about charitable actions like volunteering, is a stupid idea in the kind of climate where such acts are increasingly incredibly necessary. And that therefore you cannot and should not assume that someone is apathetic or not doing anything important based on their social media activity. And that some acts require secrecy to be effective and people might only be able to safely talk about them years later, if ever.
And then get off your high fucking horse about how people aren't doing anything, how no one is currently firebombing a Walmart, how "white women who say things like 'joy is an act of resistance' take no other acts of resistance" etc. I promise that right now many ordinary people you will never know about are taking actions that seem small on their own but will lessen harm in significant and tangible ways, and that those people are doing more good than anyone whose main revolutionary actions are snarkily complaining online. This is not the time to be tallying social media points and using them to judge each other.
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asterasteraceae · 16 days ago
CONTRE la loi surveillance et narcotraficotage ! Une nouvelle loi pour laisser la police nous surveiller en ligne en attaquant nos messageries chiffrées (Signal, Whatsapp), en attaquant notre droit de défense (en cachant l'étendue de la surveillance policière), en autorisant l'espionnage à distance des appareils connectés par la police, en donnant encore plus d'outils de censure de contenus en ligne pour la police (porte ouverte aux abus).... sous couvert de lutte contre le crime organisé. Pas un mot des usagers de drogue en termes de santé publique.
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satyam-mathematics · 5 months ago
1.गाॅस क्षेत्रकलन सूत्र (Gauss Quadrature Rule),गाॅस क्षेत्रकलन सूत्र (Gauss Quadrature Formulae):
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गाॅस क्षेत्रकलन सूत्र (Gauss Quadrature Rule) के इस आर्टिकल में एकबिन्दु,दो बिन्दु,तीन बिन्दु,पंचम बिन्दु वाले गाॅस क्षेत्रकलन सूत्र का उपयोग करके समाकलन ज्ञात करने से सम्बन्धित सवालों को हल करेंगे।
Read More:Gauss Quadrature Rule
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craft2eu · 10 months ago
Die Quadratur des Kreises: Hochheim vom 02. bis 16. 06. 2024
Eine Ausstellung mit aktuellen Werken von Giampaolo Babetto und Johannes Nagel. Die Aufgabe scheint recht übersichtlich: ein Kreis, ein Zirkel, ein Lineal, ein flächengleiches Quadrat. Die Formulierung des Problems ist noch einfach, doch der Versuch der Lösung wächst in Untiefen. Der Nachweis der Unmöglichkeit hat das Problem zum Synonym für unlösbare Wiedersprüche gemacht. Doch es liegt…
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arte-e-homoerotismo · 1 year ago
Jovem Siciliano com Grade de Quadratura, Taormina | Barão Wilhelm von Gloeden | c. 1890
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Sicilian Youth with Quadrature Grid, Taormina | Baron Wilhelm von Gloeden | c. 1890
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bauerntanz · 11 months ago
EuGH lässt Massenüberwachung des Internets zu
#EuGH lässt Massenüberwachung des Internets zu und ändert seine Rechtsprechung
Der EuGH hat gerade den massenhaften und automatisierten Zugriff auf IP-Adressen genehmigt. Mit dem heutigen Urteil räumt das Gericht ein, dass es seine Rechtsprechung ändern wird, wenn seine Urteile nicht umgesetzt werden. Ein Gastkommentar auf Netzpolitik.org In seinem Urteil vom 30. April 2024 teilte der Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union (EuGH) seine Einschätzung der Rechtmäßigkeit des…
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rommaru · 6 months ago
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Fenro Week Day 1 : Nerd flirting @fenroweek2024
Translation: With very little words, Gyro can say a lot, Fenton has no trouble understanding him.
Full nerdy explanation under the cut for anyone who is curious.
Baud: unit of measurement of symbol rate. This is, how many symbols are transmitted per second in a communication system.
Symbol: a word composed by a given number of bits. Remember bytes? Those are symbols of 8 bits, however symbols can have any lenght.
128-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation: a type of digital modulation process capable to use 128 wave shapes to represent data. 128-QAM uses symbols of 7 bits length.
Bit Error Rate: number of wrong bits in a symbol reconstructed by the receiver device.
A lot of feelings (1000 Bauds) within a few words but with deep meanings (128-QAM) and because Fenton knows Gyro so well there's no place for misunderstandings (BER close to 0). Get it? Please tell me you do 😭
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lalalaugenbrot · 9 months ago
spannend!! 👀👀 aber meiner Meinung nach spricht doch nichts dafür, dass der Vaterschaftstest an Tag 4 stattfinden muss... wie kommst du denn darauf, dass FdG an einem Mittwoch beginnen muss? weil Taleb das gesagt hat? Diese dahin geworfene Aussage würde ich ehrlich gesagt eher niedriger einstufen als Leos Uhr... zumal ansonsten eigentlich ja alles hinkommen würde, insbesondere auch das mit dem Fußballspiel...
würde zum Abgleich nochmal ganz unauffällig auf meinen (nicht ganz so übersichtlich gestalteten) Zeitablaufsversuch hinweisen, insbesondere hierauf:
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wie gesagt, für meine Theorie wäre es notwendig Talebs "gestern war Mittwoch" zu ignorieren bzw. als Insider oder was auch immer abzutun, aber ich finde es sprechen mehr Indizien (Jay, die Rückspielogik, Leos Uhr, die Tatsache, dass die Casinotruppe Zeit hat den ganzen Tag abzuhängen vielleicht auch) dafür, das FdG samstags beginnt
Weil ich echt zu viel Zeit habe und mich das schon seit einer Weile wurmt, hab ich mal die genauen Timelines von KdE und FdG zusammengebastelt, inklusive Uhrzeiten, wo wir sie kriegen (in Saarbrücken geht die Sonne wirklich spät unter...)
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asssiya · 2 years ago
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· The absence of quadratures in the natal chart makes a person weaker. The difficulties that appear in life should motivate them to solve them, but people without quadratures seem to blame everyone around them and life itself for such a difficult fate. Although, most likely, it's some little thing. A person needs not to fall into the role of a victim and begin to discipline himself to solve his problems!
· The undeveloped stellium 4 houses such dependence on nostalgia. My dad has it, and he talks about his past all the time, as if he was stuck in that time and can't get out of this state and live in the present.
· The moon in the 6th house, their love for cats is boundless.
· Cancer in the 8th house and stellium in the sign gives a diagnosed mental illness associated with the stellium zodiac sign. For example, I knew one guy with Cancer in the 8 house and stellium Aries, and he was diagnosed with anger problems. The guy's friend had Cancer 8 house and stellium of Pisces and Aquarius, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia.
· Venus in the 11th house a social butterfly can meet a partner via the Internet or from friends to lovers. They can definitely become famous through social media in some way.
· The ascendant in Libra, the same guy/girl that most often everyone falls in love with.
· The Stellium in Pisces are so cute and shy, and they also adore music and may have artistic abilities. But the unprocessed clearly hide something like sacrifice, a manipulator, a liar and a person dependent on bad habits.
· Earth signs in the 5th house do not go on dates, considering it a waste of time. They are very focused on their career growth.
· If you have an ascendant in Leo in a composite card with someone, it means that you are both connected with some kind of creative activity. For example, I used to go to art school, and most of the people I communicated to had this position.
· I had Mars and Venus in Leo in 1 house in a composite map with a guy from high school. And literally everyone knew that we had feelings for each other, both romantic and physical. In a way, we were the main "couple" of our class. As well we were touching and teasing each other all the time.
· With my friends, I have always had positions in Aquarius, in a composite map. Especially the Moon!
· I have the Moon in Sagittarius and all the guys with Mars in the same the sign all the time were kind of pestering me, trying to find an excuse to touch me. This also applies to the opposite Mars in Gemini, but they teased and flirted with me more...
That is all.❣
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cendres-et-volcans · 4 months ago
La quadrature du sein
L'enfer du désir, c'est les autres
Ou l'impossible union.
La volonté ne se substitue
En aucun cas,
Au solide projectile entrevu ou fantasmé.
Grandiose, peut être,
Dans d'autres circonstances
Les étreintes puis les deceptions
L'enfer c'est les autres désirs.
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kuliak · 4 months ago
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The aforementioned slower, textural ends.
Inspired by the show I went to last night, I wanted to make some more honest, "proper" ambient drone. Here it is, drenched with fx and pulsating. There are three sound sources/chains here: the more rhythmic part is Three Body through Waver, Erbe-Verb, and Magneto; the hammered-piano-like sound is Piston Honda through Rainmaker and Bib; the lo-fi toy-piano-like sound is Spectravox through Ikarie as a twin peak filter and Data Bender.
Interesting sequencing on here: the first is enveloped by Just Friends, receiving a trigger/clock from Quadrax - I switch modes a couple of times to change that up. The longest envelope controls volume into the fx chain, and "friends" modulating various timbral qualities. The second is surprisingly just Marbles, but I figured an interesting way for a quadrature or Tides style modulation sequence by feeding an envelope into Vice Virga and using EoC to change where it's being sent - modulating rainmaker to pretty significant effect. The third is again the Planar/Bard Quartet "glissando" style patch, but I used AND logic with that trigger and a clock from Pam's (can you believe this is all clocked?) to keep it loosely in time, since sometimes it would fire awkwardly in earlier recordings.
Really happy with this, and proud of my resisting the temptation to strip away the beat from this and let it speak for itself.
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andmaybegayer · 1 year ago
had the same very interesting experience twice today which was seeing a good explanation of a thing I mostly understand already that is aimed at an absolute beginner, bringing them up to a high level of conceptual understanding in one long continuous delivery. Those two things are 1) this Matt Parker video on Quadrature Amplitude Modulation and 2) This Bartosz Ciechanowski article on how aerofoils work.
These both start off at a very fundamental level - "Do you know how a sine wave looks", and "You know about wind" - and build up to a fairly good explanation of the thing they want to talk about.
Ciechanowski's article is astoundingly detailed, beginning with ideas of what air movement means, detouring through the fundamental origins of air pressure and a very convincing series of arguments about how air pressure is realized as a force applied to an object, into fluid flow and viscosity, and finally using all this to describe the function of an aerofoil.
Parker's video is not as thorough, but still starts off from a more conventional time domain representation of waves before switching fairly smoothly into the more engineering-y representation as a point in complex space (albeit without calling it that) to show how QAM encodings are distributed for efficiency.
Now my question is basically, how good are these. I will always fill in the bits I know when I read these, so I might miss holes. I feel like Parker is definitely the one that could lose you more easily, it's a short video so it maybe doesn't cleanly explain how a sine wave maps onto an XY plot, although the visualizations probably help you get it even if you don't get it at first. Ciechanowski's article is very, very detailed, full of interactive simulations and widgets to help you get everything, building from almost nothing, but I will be honest I skipped a lot of it when it was clear I got the point, I've already got the link between brownian motion and pressure down, you don't have to reiterate.
If you aren't familiar with either of these I'd be interested to hear your opinion.
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